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title:Calendar Teaching Tips
author:Freda J. Glatt, MS
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Stop! Don’t throw away those old calendars! There is so much you can do with a calendar to reinforce academic skills. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Writing – Use the pictures as story starters by having children write an original story, poem, or song centered around them.
2. Art – Cut out the pictures and use them to make your own greeting cards. Write original sayings to go inside.
3. Classification – Have a selection of different kinds of pictures available so your children can sort them according to general similarities…all pets, all cars, all buildings, etc. Older children can sort them into more specific categories such as sports cars, SUV’s, etc.
4. Flash For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Cards – Make your own by putting a picture on one side and writing the word on the other. For older children, write a sentence including the word. Have children make their own flash cards! (NOTE: Cut out the numbers to make math flash cards.)
5. Left-to-Right Progression – As you teach young children the days of the week, always point out that you are starting from the left and going to the right.
6. Days and Dates – Ask questions that review days, dates, and ordinal numbers. For instance, which day of the week is the third? What is the date of the fourth Wednesday? When does Autumn begin (day and date)? Which holiday is on September 5?
7. Math – Ask questions to review before and after. For instance, what will the date be five days after Labor Day? What will that day be? If National Farm Animals Awareness Week is September 18, what was the date nine days earlier? Which day of the week was it? What would the sum be if you add the dates of all Tuesdays in the month? For older children, make it a 2-part problem and have them subtract from, multiply, or divide the answer. Using the dates of the calendar, what is the difference of the last Friday and the second Friday? Are you multiplying, yet? Skip color all the boxes in multiples of 8, for instance. You would then have boxes numbered 8, 16, and 24 filled in. Since you will have several days left over, children can learn the term ‘remainders’ and get ready for division!
8. Reading – Alphabetize all the holidays and special days. How many syllables are in each name? List the holidays, then the special days. Which countries are represented? Do some research and find out more about unfamiliar days.
I hope these ideas have been useful and have ignited your own creativity.
And remember…Reading is FUNdamental!


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Calculus: The Science of Fluxions

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I go over a brief overview of the origins and main objectives of Calculus as a math science

math help

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The science of fluxions was Sir Isaac Newton’s terminology for the new field of science known today as calculus. Newton and German mathematician Leibnitz appear to have discovered the principles of calculus in about the same time; but Leibnitz published his work first. For years, there was friction between the two countries, England and Germany regarding which country was to take credit for the discovery of calculus. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. In the final analysis, it appears that both men arrived at their findings at about the same time and independently of each other. Both men appear to have learned from Egyptian, Indian and ancient Greece sources.

The name calculus is derived from the Latin or Roman term meaning pebbles which were a type of counting stone. The term fluxion was Sir Isaac Newton’s term for the science of calculus. His book “Method of Fluxions was published in posthumously in 1736, although it was completed much earlier in 1671. Whether Leibnitz’s or Newton’s authorship of the science is accepted as being primary, the fact remains that the subject of calculus is the most powerful mathematical invention of modern times.

There are two major types of calculus, known as Infinitesimal Calculus and that part of the total which is called Differential Calculus. Both types are built on a foundation on analytic geometry and are related by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. In simple terms, the theorem states that the sum of infinitesimal changes over time or some other quantity will add up to the net change.

To use a living plant as an example, as it grows, you can see the difference in size, or the increase over a period of several days and you could measure the growth, using conventional means. However, if you were to measure the difference in size after only ten seconds, it would be much more difficult to determine. If you then were to attempt to determine not the amount of growth over the time period, but the rate of growth over those seconds, you would not be able to do that using algebraic terms.

The science of calculus allows you to determine the rate of change for infinitesimally small amounts. There are a number of functions which impact the rate of change for the above example of a growing plant; things such as amount of sunlight, water, the temperature and others. However, if all other things remain equal, the variable for the rate of growth is time. By using calculus these variables can be determined. Most of the work in calculus is done by graphing formulas in order to determine the slope of the rate of change.

Calculus can be used in any field of science where a mathematical model can be designed and an optimal solution is desired. This includes physical sciences, computer sciences, business, medicine, engineering, economics and statistics. Although in the past, calculus has been considered too complicated to study as an individual subject without the benefit of a teacher’s direction, internet courses are readily available and can be studied as a self-paced course of study.

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Calculus Help

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I go over a brief story of
the origins of calculus

calculus help, calculus homework help

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The very definition of the word calculus is derived from a mineral build-up and means “hard”. The Mathematical term of calculus describes a field that is a theoretical offshoot of algebra that attempts to define the way in which events will change over time. Calculus is used to determine the slope of a variable, or chosen identity, and how its rate of change may change over time. The calculations usually produce a curve or graphical presentation rather than a discreet sum and the information is read from points in the curve, which reflect the rates of change. There are relatively simply calculus theorems that will allow the calculation of how often the phone will ring over the next month, or a how a population of deer will grow in the upcoming years.

However, calculus is meant to be a theoretical tool that describes hypothetical situations thereby imparting clarity upon the unknown. Many would be happy to let the unknown remain that way, but if calculus is on your agenda, you may need calculus help in the near future, and you can figure on this without a formula.

The field of modern calculus was largely worked out by Leibnitz, a German Mathematician who lived in the 1600’s. He was a genius who conquered Latin and began study of the For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Greek language and many other fields of learning by the time he was twelve. Shortly thereafter, he began the study of Law, but more relevant was his travel to Paris later in his life. It is here that he met the famous mathematician Huygens who routed the genius of Leibnitz toward the study of mathematics in general and to geometry in particular. It was he that developed the theories of Integrated and Differential Calculus, which remained largely unused until the complexity of the twentieth century brought these disciplines to the forefront. Differential calculus was then used in determining the rates of velocity, mass and was useful in the trajectory of rockets. Fourier calculations are based upon integral calculus. Integral calculus was used to determine the rate at which the door on the space shuttle can close.

Although calculus was developed by Leibnitz and furthered by other great mathematicians who followed him, it is thought that some elements of the science existed as early as the time of the ancient Greeks. It is thought that at this time, Exodius developed the Method of Exhaustion that contains rudiments of modern calculus. When you find that the Methods of Exhaustion are directly applying to yourself, it is time to seek help with Calculus.

The Mathematics study lab at your school, if there is one, will be happy to set you up with a tutor. If this is not possible, ask your teacher if he or she can recommend a tutor or approach someone who seems to get “A’s” on their work and ask for help. Remember that calculus is a discipline that builds upon itself. Therefore, each stage must be clear in your mind or the subsequent steps will be out of reach. Try to get calculus help early in the game and stay with each topic as it is introduced.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Buying Peace of Mind

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With high-en
d technology and the latest “gotta-have-it” gadgets, life is becoming more complicated by the day.

Buying Peace of Mind

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With high-end technology and the latest “gotta-have-it” gadgets, life is becoming more complicated by the day.

Consider a typical college student’s list of necessities: computer, printer, USB drive, assorted hardware, flat-screen TV, video game console, MP3 player, digital camera and cell phone. So what happens when one of these items breaks down, your college student is hundreds of miles away, and you don’t know who to call for repairs?

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. For many parents, an extended service plan is the answer. Anyone who has ever purchased a big-ticket item has been asked the question of whether or not they want to protect their investment with an extended service plan. And for high-tech school supplies, this protection is worth considering.

While products should be able to take their share of bumps and bruises, having a service plan ensures that consumers will get their money’s worth by not having to pay out-of-pocket costs to repair or replace an expensive item should it become damaged or defective. And many parents find that investing in a plan, particularly when the product is high-tech and will be used by a student, saves them time, frustration and cost down the road.

“For parents whose kids are in or heading off to college, service plans offer peace of mind that all of the high-priced ‘school supplies’ they just bought are protected,” said Danny Hourigan, president of the Service Plan Division of NEW, a third-party administrator of extended service plans. “And if something goes wrong with their purchase, all it takes is one toll-free phone call and a customer service agent will troubleshoot their problem or arrange to get it repaired or replaced.”

Service plans typically cover 100 percent of the parts and labor costs or full replacement for failed products. In addition, most offer convenient 24-hour toll-free customer assistance, product support and troubleshooting; a nationwide network of repair technicians that provide on-site, carry-in or depot service; coverage against accidental damage from handling; and a no-lemon guarantee.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Building Better Citizens

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dren are never too young to learn how to be good citizens.

Building Better Citizens

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Children are never too young to learn how to be good citizens. “Explain to your children that they are citizens of many communities-their town, the country and the world,” says Sharon Bergen, senior vice president of education and training for Knowledge Learning Corporation, the nation’s leading provider of early childhood care and education. “Most important,” says Bergen, “is for parents to model good citizenship.”

Bergen suggests parents explain to their children that being good citizens means caring about others. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. She offers these tips:

Start by encouraging citizenship at the local level. Encourage your children to help elderly neighbors-without payment. At school, they can organize a recycling drive to benefit a local charity. Instill the habit of volunteerism by helping at a library or animal shelter.

Children can learn to appreciate their heritage. For example, parents can explain why Americans celebrate the Fourth of July and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.

To drive home the concept that we are all citizens of the world, teach respect for the environment and for other cultures. As a family, join a cleanup project on Earth Day or contribute time and money to assist victims of natural disasters worldwide.

With a little effort, children will grow up to take seriously their citizenship in the many communities in which they live.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Brief History of Speed Reading
author:Dr Jay Polmar
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Speed Reading methods began with Evelyn Wood who invented it, while she was fishing, or rather feeding bait to the fish via hook. She was bored when they weren’t biting the hook, and she read. And accidentally she discovered that when put down the fishing rod, and held her hand a certain way, she could read faster. Evelyn was a teacher, and developed several speedreading methods. She coined the term speed reading.
As time went on, organizations called Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics were springing up all over the US, and throughout many of the English-speaking countries. Major corporations sent their executives to learn this new dynamic speed reading method which provided a valuable educational tool. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. President John F. Kennedy, and President Jimmy Carter had all White House staff members trained with the Evelyn Wood method. For about 25 hours students would study speedreading and practice the pacing, and scanning techniques of speed reading until proficient.
Then, after the death of John Kennedy and the death of Evelyn Wood, the organization slowly disappeared and students searched everywhere for classes to learn speed reading. From 1965 to 1981 speed reading courses had reached a lull with few teachers and no PR or advertising.
In 1979, after completing three months of travel in Latin America, Jay Polmar returned to Southern Texas and began his graduate degree ending in 1981 in Philosophy of Psychology, using a specialization in Education, and Hypnotherapy. Writing a paper on the Fine Tuning of the Human Instrument (the Human Body) and techniques of educational success, he developed courses to accelerate the learning process. This included methods of programming the brain and mind for success.
Dr Jay Polmar completed his studies for his doctorate and began teaching classes in accelerated learning, speed reading, and did private therapy in the reduction of psychologically developed disease using methods of therapies with several hundred patients in Texas and New Mexico. In 1980 his first class of Dynamic Speed Reading was given to series of volunteers in Texas and New Mexico. This course was abbreviated from the Evelyn Wood 25 hour version, down to a 7 hour intensive. He was asked to teach these methods in New Mexico, in Colleges, and New Mexico’s State Universities and in a New Mexico prison.
In 1985, the Dr Polmar was invited to teach these metods in Nevada and Hawaii, time and time again. Dr Polmar maintained a functional schedule of teaching through 1993. Although injured in 1991, he returned to teach only in 1992-1993. In 1994 he had multiple surgeries, although he requested the alternative of acupuncture for the injury, the State of Florida, which then forced treatment methods on injured people, pressured Jay to have surgeries. After catching Staph infections in septic hospitals, and requiring more than two dozens surgeries, many which were not successful, Dr. Polmar would never be able to teach classes.
Then he put his abilities of teaching online, addressing students worldwide of his easy to learn speed reading methods and speedreading courses that have bettered education for thousands.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Breaking Into The Heal
thcare Industry, The Quick And Affordable Way
author:Jim Christian
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Healthcare is a rapidly growing specialized field. There are numerous opportunities within this field including professional medical staff and administrative staff. The administrative staff deals with the business and financial end of physician groups, hospitals and insurance entities. Obtaining a healthcare administration online degree will give you a step up in advancing your career in this field.
Many adults who already have a hob in the healthcare industry are unable to take the time to devote to obtaining a higher degree without sacrificing time already accounted for in their jobs. However, in order to progress within their chosen field, a higher degree is often a requirement. A healthcare administration online degree is an ideal solution for this. It will allow adults to continue their education yet not sacrifice existing obligations.
A healthcare administration online degree will allow the student to immediately put into practice knowledge learned. This can help improve processes and efficiency in the workplace with your existing duties and give you an edge on the competition for advancement. A healthcare administration online degree will give all the necessary education to effectively function in that field. It will give valuable understanding of finance, organization, human resources, writing and public speaking. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. All the knowledge needed to work within this area is accessible via a healthcare administration online degree.
A healthcare administration online degree is available in an associates, bachelors, masters and doctorate. An associates degree will take less time to accomplish and can easily get you on the track to a career with basic knowledge. This is an ideal degree for administrative assistants, claims processors or accounting assistants in this industry. A bachelor’s degree is necessary for any type of managerial or supervisory position. Most executive level positions in health care require a post graduate degree with either a masters or doctorate degree.
The time and effort needed to complete a healthcare administration online degree varies depending on the type of degree. You should not only check requirements with the potential school where you will be learning but also check local job requirements. Many jobs will require a residency where you will receive on the job training while earning your degree in a variety of departments within the healthcare industry.
In order to obtain a healthcare administration online degree there are also some technical requirements that are necessary. Each student must have access to a computer and have an Internet connection. This will allow you to turn in and receive assignments, view course work and participate in discussions. Particular software programs may also be required such as document viewers, chat programs or word processing programs. There may be in person attendance requirements for post graduate degrees.
A healthcare administration online degree is a great way to further a career and your education. Healthcare is a rapidly growing field and the demand for qualified employees is increasing. A healthcare administration online degree will provide the convenience of learning at your own pace and at your own schedule and give you valuable experience in a highly lucrative field.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Branson Brains – But Parents Put Me Down
The Mine
author:Kacy Carr
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Lack of communication in the education system of yesterday deprived many a scholar of becoming the next Richard Branson, due to the fact the importance of having an education behind you was never first and foremost on our list of studies unlike it is today in 21st century schools.
Caring parents need to know where to draw the line and face up to reality that we are not in the position to help with our children’s education. Parents I agree know what’s best for their child when it comes to nurturing and preparing them for the future but when it comes to succeeding in life, then mum/dad you need to step down.
Educational instructors have trained/studied for years passing exams to take on the role of teacher/tutor passing on their knowledge to others. As caring parents it is in your child’s best interest to leave the task of furthering their education to the professionals.
With no educational background and being a 15 year old school leaver what right have I to destroy this generations chance of success by teaching them what I don’t know.
A career move in days gone by was to join the staff at Woolworth’s, a company that never asked for papers i.e. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. GCSE etc on how to fill shelves, but this is all changing.
How can we possibly believe that ours kids future will be bright and rosie without qualifications. Why live in hope that our children make the right decisions in life to fulfil their dreams.
Children are influenced by their parents, but if mum/dad decides to sit back and do nothing then you as a parent have failed by taking away a lifeline for their survival.
If you are concerned about securing your child’s future then do something about it now. Parents do not live forever and in some sad cases children have been orphaned from a young age with no one to point them in the right direction.
For success in days gone by we looked for support from our parents, but how could mum/dad help us to make the right decision where their lack of knowledge taught them that living a life was about trudging through the snow to work in the mill or mines.
Parents of the 21st century have come along way and understand the meaning of the word wisdom, learn by others mistakes. If it takes some ones downfall for you as a parent to come to your senses then so be it
Confront those fears of what will happen to your kids if something should happen to you by furthering their education.
If you want the initials RIP mean what they represent then make sure to do right by your kids, if you don’t then you will forever turn in your grave while your children struggle in this life to survive.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Branson Brains – But Parents Put Me D
own The Mine

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Richard Branson scholars down the mines. Do parents RIP after they have gone.

education,kiddies,children,educational tutor,teacher,parents,mum dad,exams,online education,

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Lack of communication in the education system of yesterday deprived many a scholar of becoming the next Richard For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Branson, due to the fact the importance of having an education behind you was never first and foremost on our list of studies unlike it is today in 21st century schools.

Caring parents need to know where to draw the line and face up to reality that we are not in the position to help with our children’s education. Parents I agree know what’s best for their child when it comes to nurturing and preparing them for the future but when it comes to succeeding in life, then mum/dad you need to step down.

Educational instructors have trained/studied for years passing exams to take on the role of teacher/tutor passing on their knowledge to others. As caring parents it is in your child’s best interest to leave the task of furthering their education to the professionals.

With no educational background and being a 15 year old school leaver what right have I to destroy this generations chance of success by teaching them what I don’t know.

A career move in days gone by was to join the staff at Woolworth’s, a company that never asked for papers i.e. GCSE etc on how to fill shelves, but this is all changing.
How can we possibly believe that ours kids future will be bright and rosie without qualifications. Why live in hope that our children make the right decisions in life to fulfil their dreams.
Children are influenced by their parents, but if mum/dad decides to sit back and do nothing then you as a parent have failed by taking away a lifeline for their survival.

If you are concerned about securing your child’s future then do something about it now. Parents do not live forever and in some sad cases children have been orphaned from a young age with no one to point them in the right direction.

For success in days gone by we looked for support from our parents, but how could mum/dad help us to make the right decision where their lack of knowledge taught them that living a life was about trudging through the snow to work in the mill or mines.

Parents of the 21st century have come along way and understand the meaning of the word wisdom, learn by others mistakes. If it takes some ones downfall for you as a parent to come to your senses then so be it

Confront those fears of what will happen to your kids if something should happen to you by furthering their education.

If you want the initials RIP mean what they represent then make sure to do right by your kids, if you don’t then you will forever turn in your grave while your children struggle in this life to survive.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Boring Textbooks = Bored Kids + Bored Mom
:Reverend Brenda Hoffman
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Are your children growing bored with their textbooks? Are you growing tired of hearing them complain? Is it possible that your textbooks are the problem? If you’ve never thought about this, take a moment to think about it now. Think about how each child is unique. With this in mind, you’ll be able to set out to find new ways to work with your child.
One idea… Unit studies. Doing a unit study with your child is one way in which you can help your child(ren) discover their own gifts and talents, as they learn about the world at our side. Unit studies can provide you with some wonderful experiences. So, take time to use unit studies, to begin a trail of discovery for both you AND your child(ren). This truly can be a powerful journey of discovery, because when you give your child(ren) a chance to follow their interests, the outcome can be surprising. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Unit studies provide you with this opportunity. They also give your child(ren) a chance to obtain a better understanding of the way things work, the history of the world, their own abilities, and much more.
Some people seem to think that if you use unit studies that there will be holes in their child(ren)’s education. Truth be told though, no student ever completely finishes a textbook. The shame in this lies in the fact that the “good” stuff usually lies toward the end of the textbook. With a good education children are taught how to be able to think and how to build a sound foundation of learning. The whole point is to build a strong tree of knowledge for your child(ren) where upong they are able to place more information over the course of their lifetime.
As a mother, you’re never going to be able to teach your child(ren) about everything, but you can teach your child(ren) how to think, how to investigate, and how to research and dig for answers. This, in and of itself, will be a priceless education for those who will be successful in a rapidly changing world. Unit studies hold all of this power within their “papers.” When writing them, my intention is to provide this power for you to unpack for your child(ren). Enjoy!