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Child Safety Tips for Playing Outdoors

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One summer day, Jack and Janet, brother and sister, were happily playing soccer in their front yard. Then Jack accidentally kicked the ball wide. It shot past Janet, into the street. Janet ran through the yard and across the sidewalk, to retrieve the ball that bounced towards the opposite sidewalk. Then Janet remembered to look left and right before crossing the street. She stopped at the curb when suddenly…ZOOM! For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. A car bolted by, missing her by inches. Jack’s and Janet’s parents soon petitioned the local government to post children at play signs in the area. They were installed within a month, to help protect children at play.

children at play, children at play signs, child safety signs

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What makes the “great outdoors” so great? The fresh air is great. The plants and animals are great. The sense of freedom is great. Even children at play can enjoy the great outdoors, but several measures, such as children at play signs can help to guarantee their safety.

Dangers to children at play outdoors can exist right outside a home’s front or back door. On porches, balconies and decks, railings should be close enough to prevent children from getting their head caught, or from them sliding through. Exits and stairs should be blocked off, to prevent falls. Next, when children play in the front or back yards, limit their play regions outdoors, and fence it in, if possible. Additionally, children should only ride toys in safe areas such as sidewalks, and under no circumstances in the street. Children at play signs can further protect kid drivers from adult drivers.

In addition to areas directly around the house, child safety should also be maintained in other locations. Inspect your child’s playground equipment, to ensure that repairs are not required. Furthermore, place woodchips, mulch, or sand underneath swing sets. Next, when at the pool, never leave a child unattended nearby water. Keep toys, chairs and tables far from the pool. Also, permanent pools can be fenced in, and gates with automatic locks and high latches, can be installed to protect children at play. Mastering CPR could also be useful, to prepare for any emergencies at the pool. Lastly, outside the pool near the street, children at play signs could be posted as well.
While we might expect manmade objects and places to present dangers to children at play, ironically plants and plant-related materials can also create safety hazards for kids. Read literature to learn about which plants are poisonous. In the case that your child eats a poisonous plant, remove the bits from his mouth and then contact a poison control center, to get additional guidance. Next, keep pesticides and fertilizers stored in safe locations, and keep children away when these products are being used. Furthermore, keep lawnmowers and other garden and lawn equipment locked away in a shed. Finally, keep children at play at a distance when using these tools.
Children at play, like adults, enjoy all the benefits that the great outdoors has to offer. However, taking particular safety precautions, such as installing children at play signs, will ensure that the area remains great for them.

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title:Children Can’t Be Socialized Without S
chool – FALSE
author:Reverend Brenda Hoffman
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Children are born as social beings. Therefore, schooling is not necessary to “make” someone social. Truth be told, whenever you think about it, you cannot “make” a child do anything. Furthermore, what do you call interaction with parents, siblings and family? This is also social when you think about it.
There are many great joys to homeschooling. One of these is that children tend to make friends with a diverse group of people from all age groups and with a variety of interests. This is because these children spend much of their time interacting within the community.
Schools force children to be segregated by age group. Where else in life are people segragated in this manner? For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. No where. In fact, such segragation creates the generation gaps that cause adults to misunderstand children, and children to know nothing about adults.
So, stop and take a moment to think about the “socialization” of school…
Contrary to “socializing” children, schools create a breeding ground for isolated cliques to form, segregated by clothing style, music style, popularity, money and status of personal interests. This creates a hostage-like environment in which children have little power. This then tends to breed a cruel peer culture in which children vie for dominance and territory. Children who are marked as being even slightly “uncool” (having the wrong hair cut, the wrong clothes, unique characteristics, etc) by the dominant peer groups are referred to as losers, and the harassment these rejected children endure can be socially and psychologically devastating.
The Columbine School Massacre exposed the sobering truth about the devastating affects of children who are rejected by their peers. This doesn’t mean that all children will turn to such drastic “measures,” but public school children WILL attempt to clone themselves according to the peer culture. In contrast, homeschool children tend to make friends with people based on internal qualities and genuine shared interests rather than on outward appearances and social group membership – something that is much more important than the trivialities of clothing and music.

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Charlotte Mecklenburg School District’s

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The Charlotte Mecklenburg School District is the main school district for the city of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. The Charlotte Mecklenburg For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. School District is composed of one hundred fifty schools: ninety one elementary schools, thirty two middle schools, seventeen high schools and ten alternative programs. There are one hundred twenty six thousand nine hundred three students enrolled in the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District.

Charlotte Schools

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The Charlotte Mecklenburg School District

The Charlotte Mecklenburg School District is the main school district for the city of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. The Charlotte Mecklenburg School District is composed of one hundred fifty schools: ninety one elementary schools, thirty two middle schools, seventeen high schools and ten alternative programs. There are one hundred twenty six thousand nine hundred three students enrolled in the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District. The District has the top 10% students in the state of North Carolina and in the nation. The ethnic distribution of the school district is nearly 45% African-American.

Charlotte Mecklenburg School District’s CMS-TV3

In order to better serve the students and parents of the Charlotte Schools the school district has created its own television channel. CMS-TV3 is designed to support the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District by broadcasting professional looking programming that can inform, educate, and entertain the parents, students and teachers of the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District. CMS-TV3 meets this goal by providing a variety of programming.

Current programs that address the needs of the students are the telecasts of the Board of Education meetings, Math Extra and Diversity Matters. The Board of Education Meetings are live broadcasts of the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District’s twice monthly meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. This allows parents and teachers to know what is going on in the District. The meetings are rebroadcast on Wednesday nights. Math Extra is a live call in mathematics help show that allows students to get math help from math teachers throughout the school district. The show airs Monday through Thursday in the evening. The show aims to provide homework help to the middle school math students in the school district. Diversity Matters is a character education program aimed at high school students and their parents. This show examines different topics related to the issues about diversity within the Charlotte Mecklenburg School community. These are only a few of the many regular and special programs that aim to educate and connect all the members of the school district.

New Programs on CMS-TV3 for the Next School Year

There are a host of new programs that are being added to the line-up of programs already on CMS-TV3. The first special event to air on CMS-TV3 is the graduation ceremonies for the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District’s 6,500 graduating seniors for 2006. Then starting with the new school year, there are a number of new programs. These programs, like those currently running, aim to help and enlighten the Charlotte Mecklenburg community. Financial Fitness is a new program aimed at teaching students the value of money and how to practice financial responsibility. This is an important show that illustrates the perils of credit and interest. Hands On Crafts For Kids is a new program that is created to teach elementary school students how to make easy and fun projects. It also gives advice on room decorations and party planning. Stuff is a cross-subject program that involves the use of sciences, arts, and athletics to teach about health and character. The program uses a variety of subjects in order to better relate to the students’ personal interests. Stuff is geared toward middle school students.

Working in Broadcasting

CMS-TV3 gives high school students in Charlotte Mecklenburg School District the chance to intern in television production. The internships give selected students the chance to gain practical experience in radio and television production. Interns have the opportunity to apply for several positions like studio floor directors, camera operators, sound assistants, lighting technicians, phone call screeners, writers, and assistant producers.

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title:Characteristic Of A Gifted Child
author:Mary Joyce
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Since it is widely agreed upon in the educational and child development communities that early recognition of the characteristics of a gifted child, is a key factory in successfully developing the child, it is important for the parent to have at least a general understanding of these gifted characteristics.
First of all in order to be classified as a gifted child, the child must have the ability to perform at a level that is significantly beyond other children of like age. O.K. So, for a parent, what might this look like or what should I look for in my child?
The following are some guidelines to help your awareness when it comes to recognizing the characteristics of a gifted child. Keep in mind that there are varying levels of giftedness, as you view the guidelines.

Cognitive Skills (thinking or though processing)
Ability to master new skills with extraordinary speed.
A deeper knowledge than other children the same age.
Extraordinary memory and recall of events, facts, and/or figures.
Advanced creativity and ability to improvise.
Acute alertness to their surroundings.
Advanced or more complex sense of humor.

Learning For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Patterns
Great and constant curiosity along with high level of motivation to learn.
As a result of the previous, being bored easily if not challenged
Advanced ability to stay focused or lengthy attention span. Even with more difficult topics.
Advance organizational or planning skills.
Advance logic and problem solving skills.

Speech and Language
Well developed word vocabulary and language compared to children of the same age.
Creative uses of words and sentence structure and again, sense of humor.
Ability to adapt their use of the language to a given level to fit the situation.
Ability to understand and carry out complex instructions.
General advanced ability in reading, writing, and working with numbers.

Sensitivity to other’s feelings
Use of their advance language skills to resolve conflict or debate.
Organize and direct behavior of other children (may seem bossy to other children).
Many times will feel more ‘at home’ with older children.
May have high expectations of themselves (and others) that can lead to frustration and even anger.

A generally high aptitude for logical problems, games, puzzles, or any type of problem solving or activity that requires creative thinking and reaction.

Final Note: Although these characteristics of a gifted child may provide you with some initial insight and understanding, it is important to seek a formal assessment of your child in this area if you feel that your child exhibits several of these characteristics.

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title:Cell Phone IQ Tests
author:Michael Rad
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

IQ tests provide us with a fascinating view of ourselves and are frequently used to determine the potential of children and adults in various environments.
Most IQ (or Intelligence Quotient) tests are used in schools, corporations and professional applications in order to assess intelligence. Nowadays however, cell phone IQ tests and online tests are also available, so virtually anyone with an Internet connection or mobile phone that supports such an application can test, and actually improve, their IQ score. Such tests are usually centered on 13 different areas of human intelligence and their results reveal your strong and weak points. Taking an IQ test on your cell phone is a unique and interesting experience and such practices are becoming very popular with all age categories. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Many people take such tests just for fun, while still considering them a useful tool in getting to know oneself better. Others are required to take IQ tests in a strict environment, as part of a job interview, for example, and taking practice IQ tests has proven to improve scores.
How do IQ tests work?
Although initially used to test a child’s mental development in relation to what the child “should know” at a certain age, today we use IQ tests mostly with adults and in a wide area of topics Find out more here: Modern IQ tests try to compare an adult’s intelligence potential while staying objective and remaining unbiased by different cultural or social interferences. The IQ test offers us results that we can then compare with other IQ test results from different subjects, thus reaching a middle point where a common level of intelligence is determined. Modern IQ tests also tend to compare results with other similar results from different subjects rather than comparing them to an age related standard. Recent technological advances allow intelligence tests to become cell phone IQ tests, allowing you to be more versatile and flexible while assessing your IQ level, or practicing to improve your IQ score. In the table presented below you will find the most common areas targeted by the cell phone IQ tests:
– Visual
– Vocabulary
– Spatial
– Arithmetic
– Logical
– General Knowledge
– Spelling
– Rote Utilization
– Intuition
– Short Term Memory
– Geometric
– Algebraic
– Computational Speed
For updated information on cell phone IQ testing please visit:

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CCNA 640-801 Certification Primer (New

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The CCNA certification is the most popular certification of the IT industry’s Network segment. It assesses the foundation concepts of networking that a technician or engineer may require while configuring small, medium and large sized LANs and For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. WANs. Individuals who are beginning their career and want to move towards LAN/WAN management may also pursue the certification, as it is a basic level certification and there are no prerequisites.


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Details about CCNA Certification
The certification path for CCNA is split into two. You may possess this certification by going in for the:

CCNA 640-801 Certification
INTRO 640-821 and ICND 640-811

The details about the above exams is avaialable at

Cisco CCNA Certification has gradually evolved through several revisions to encompass the changing trends of the networking scenarios in the IT world. To know more about Cisco certifications, check out

Details about the Exam
The CCNA 640-801 was launched on the 30th of June 2003 and allows the flexibility of achieving certification through one track the CCNA 640-801 or through two tracks the INTRO 640-821 and ICND 640-811.

The most popular or sought after track is the CCNA 640-801 as it obviously has just one exam that you need to get through.

Although Cisco claims this to be an entry level or a foundation certification, it pays to have an experience of at least 1 year in implementing at least a small sized or medium sized LAN and having a basic idea about OSI layers.

The objectives are still divided into 4 sections as mentioned below:

Planning & Designing
– Design a simple LAN using Cisco Technology
– Design an IP addressing scheme to meet design requirements
– Choose an appropriate routing protocol based on user requirements
– Design a simple internetwork using Cisco technology
– Choose WAN services to meet customer requirements

Implementation & Operation
– Configure routing protocols and router administrative functions
– Configure IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses on routers and hosts
– Configure a switch with VLANS and inter-switch communication for specified network requirements
– Implement a LAN
– IOS and Configuration files management
– Router and Switch configuration and factory default settings
– Implement access lists
– Implement simple WAN protocols

– Using OSI model for troubleshooting LAN and WAN
– Troubleshoot routing protocols
– Troubleshoot IP addressing and host configuration
– Troubleshoot a live network device
– Troubleshoot an access list

– Describe network communications using layered models
– STP and VTP
– Evaluate routing protocols for a given scenario
– TCP/IP suite and comparison with ISO model
– Describe the components of network devices
– Evaluate rules for packet control
– Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

Exam Pattern
– Number of Questions: 55 to 65

– Question types:
– Single choice
– Multiple choices
– Drag and Drop
– Simulation based

– Passing Score: must be 850 and above
– Time given: 90 minutes

The Simulator based questions will have a button on the exam screen, which when pressed will take you to an interface that looks exactly like the hyper terminal screen of a router or a switch.

Although it is a simulator, you will feel like you are configuring or troubleshooting a live router or a switch. The IOS commands possible on the live devices will be possible here too.

The drag and drop question will be mainly the match the following type. You will be presented with 3 columns, the one on left will be static, the cells in the right most will be moveable and the middle column will be empty place holders. You will be required to drag a cell from the right column to these empty place holders to match the content in the left column.

The single choice and multiple choices will usually be accompanied with instructions such as ‘Choose the best’ or ‘Choose at least two’ respectively.

Why the two track path?
Although CCNA 640-801 is the most sought after rather than the two track path, it is easier for beginners when the content gets split into two levels of foundation. The Intro exam essentially serves this purpose.

Also another reason being, the CCNAs who have a certification in the previous version only need to take up the ICND exam to recertify in the newer version, that is the 640-801 CCNA.

While the exam pattern along with the technologies keep changing with the new additions, the basic concepts of network assessment still remains intact in the CCNA 640-801 track.

Useful Resources
Preparation Kit
Whizlabs CCNA 640-801 Preparation Kit
Besides identifying your weak areas, and giving you a feel of the exam environment, Whizlabs Preparation Kit nurtures your potential to acquire domain expertise so that you not only succeed in your certification exam but succeed in your career too. To know more about Whizlabs CCNA Preparation Kit and how it can contribute to your success, please visit

– CCNA Official Cisco Course Ware
– Cisco Press books
– Sybex Series

Well, with all this information you are well armed to take up the CCNA 640-801 exam and score well too! Best of Luck!

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Case Studies are Critical
for Succeeding in Business Studies

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Whether you’re delving into a broad topic like marketing theory or a highly specialised field like stock valuation and depreciation, it’s helpful to examine case studies.

Marketing Theory, free educational resource, business studies theory, case studies, business studies

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Business studies theory incorporates an incredible variety of topics. Broadly divided into marketing, finance, human relations, strategy, operations, and environment, business studies theory is often difficult to master. Whether you’re delving into a broad topic like marketing theory or a highly specialised field like stock valuation and depreciation, it’s helpful to examine case studies. In looking at how actual businesses tackled a problem, you can more quickly learn how business studies theory applies to the real world. This can help you enormously when you are sitting for your Business Studies GFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. CSEs, AS or A Levels.

Here are three examples of actual case studies that are available on the Web as a free educational resource:

1. Embracing Change

To illustrate the need for organisations to adapt to shifts in the business environment, one case study examines Aegon, a global insurance and pensions company. Aegon needed to combine its own strengths with those of its subsidiary brands in order to increase its visibility within the UK. By examining the external factors influencing change, the reasons for change, the process of creating a new organisational culture, and the steps needed to implement change, this case study illustrates the complete cycle involved in one company’s quest to achieve a greater market presence.

2. Corporate Social Responsibility

Consumers are increasingly choosing to patronize companies that demonstrate a high degree of social responsibility through improving the lives of their workers, their communities, and ultimately, the world. Among the case studies offered as a free educational resource is a case study on Amway, a worldwide direct sales organization, and the way the company partnered with UNICEF, the global advocate for children. The case study looks at the issue of corporate growth and responsibility, how Amway developed a strategy for implementing a programme, the process of identifying stakeholders, and the elements involved in ensuring that the corporate social responsibility strategy was in alignment with the company’s business objectives. In the process, the company was able to strengthen its already sterling reputation.

3. Flexible Working Patterns

The changing face of the workforce means that today’s organisations need to adapt to the needs of their employees. A case study of the Audit Commission illustrates how developing flexible work practices can both improve a company’s services and meet the needs of its staff. A review of it business activity identified three groups of jobs within the organisation, as well as the types of workers they employed. It then outlines the three types of flexibility needed to optimise the productivity of their workforce, and covers the benefits and challenges of managing a flexible workforce. The process of examining a workforce and workforce practices via a case study is an excellent way to understand business studies theory.

There are many other types of case studies that support business studies theory, such as those involving the creation of quality standards, the role of market research, how deregulation can support the growth of a company, and how business planning can support key performance indicators as measures of success. Best of all, they’re all available as a free educational resource.

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title:Career Choice: Automotive Systems Technology

author:Matthew C. Keegan
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Bobby Ventura, a lanky 6’2″ blonde-haired blue-eyed high school junior, is a self described home mechanic who enjoys tinkering with his screaming yellow ’97 Mustang at every opportunity he can get. Having an uncle who runs a garage helped him to land his first car several months before he obtained his driver’s license.
“I’m not much for studying, but auto shop has kept me focused. I plan on working for my uncle when I graduate from school and I’ll take night classes at Tech to get my AAS in Automotive Systems Technology. Cars have changed a lot over the years and my uncle wants someone who can not only turn a wrench, but be able to read a computer. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Today’s cars have much more diagnostic stuff to figure out and that is what I am going to learn at Tech,” Bobby quipped.
Cars have changed and the market for new mechanics has changed as well. As older mechanics retire, they will need to be replaced by professionals who not only know cars from bumper to bumper but can also understand computer software. Installing a K&N cold air intake [] is still a necessary skill, but many repair shops now want students who can understand and fix global positioning systems, such as OnStar, which are found on many vehicles today.
Indeed, new cars such as the BMW 7 Series come equipped with fiber optic cables which connect the navigation system, cellular service, radio, and CD player. Hybrid cars, too, have introduced a whole new area of specialty and with the hopeful introduction of hydrogen powered vehicles in a decade or two another area of expertise will also open up.
Bobby’s guidance counselor, Ted Winslow, is pleased with his career choice. “Bobby identifies with fixing things and he is quite good at what he does. I can’t see him sitting behind some desk when I know that he is much more interested in working underneath the hood of a car, installing a cold air intake [], replacing a radiator, or swapping out a heater core. Besides, if he does really well someone like BMW may hire and train him and their mechanics can make over 100K per year.”
If the student in your home is contemplating his or her career choices, exploring the automotive technology field is worth a look. A general shortage of highly skilled mechanics ensures that the brightest students will find work and be paid quite well. Bobby Ventura is starting his career off right by attending technical school where an AAS degree in Automotive Systems Technology is certain to point him in the right direction.

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Careers for Online Criminal Justi
ce Degree’s Graduate

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The legal field is growing at a rapid pass, one of the encouraging factor for this growth is the investment of government in homeland security. The investment in homeland security has also lead to the increase of demand in public and private safety. Explore your career opportunities in criminal justice here.

criminal justice,online degrees,online degree,degree programs,MBA,bachelors degree, accredited

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The legal field is growing at a rapid pass, one of the encouraging factor for this growth is the investment of government in homeland security. The investment in homeland security has also lead to the increase of demand in public and private safety. Many law enforcement departments now have increased the academic requirements for law enforcement officer, security personnel or other position that requires knowledge in criminal justice, most of them require at least an associate degree for the position or career promotion. This means that in the field of criminal justice, qualified and skilled professionals are always in demand.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Earn Your Criminal Justice Degree Online

To upgrade the skills & knowledge in criminal justice or to enter into this highly demand field without stopping your current work (or simply busy) isn't as hard as it used to be. The time, distance and financial constraints of higher education have all but disappeared with the arrival of distance learning and now everyone who are interested in this field can earn the criminal justice degree via online technology. Today, many traditional universities and online colleges offer Criminal Justice Degrees and the students can attend the courses online. Among the universities who offers Criminal Justice Degree Online are:

  • University of Phoenix Online
  • Kaplan University
  • Boston University
  • American InterContinental University Online
  • Colorado Technical University
  • Grantham University
  • Keiser College Online

Career Opportunities A criminal justice degree can put you on a career path in Law Enforcement, Investigations, Courts, Security, Corrections, Law, Forensic Science and Public Safety. Among these careers are:

  • Crime Scene Investigation Crime scene investigators are responsible for carrying out complex crime scene investigations. They are accountable for the initial evaluation of the scene, and use various types of equipment to cultivate, secure, and package any physical evidence found at the scene. Base on the degree level and experience, the annual salary range for this career may range from $35,000 to $55,000.
  • ATF Agent ATF Agent usually Work for the U.S. Treasury Department and they are responsible for the implementation and enforcement of U.S. laws concerning the possession and sale of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. Base on the degree level and job grade, base annual salary range for this job range from $30,000 to $130,000. (see example hiring ad for ATF agent at USAJobs – )
  • CIA Agent The CIA Agent roles include providing accurate, timely, comprehensive, evidence-based, foreign intelligence associated with national security; and conducting special activities, counterintelligence activities, and other functions related to national security, and foreign intelligence, as directed by the President. The annual salary for this job may vary by job functions but this is one of the high income categories in criminal justice field.
  • Criminologist Criminologist primarily involved in research and teaching, criminologists supply a great deal of knowledge to the study of policing, police administration and policy, juvenile justice and delinquency, corrections, correctional administration and policy & etc. According to a 2002-03 survey by the American Association of University Professors, salaries for full-time faculty averaged $64,455. By rank, the average was $86,437 for professors, $61,732 for associate professors, $51,545 for assistant professors, $37,737 for instructors, and $43,914 for lecturers.
  • FBI Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents are the Government’s primary researchers, accountable for investigating infringement of over 260 statutes and performing susceptible national security investigations. The average annual salary for a FBI Agent is in range of $40,000 to 100,000.
  • Forensic Psychology Forensic Psychologists apply psychology to criminal justice. They frequently deal with legal issues such as news law, and public policies, and are asked to determine the mental state and competency of the defendant at the time of the crime, and throughout the legal proceedings. Psychologists earned between $45,000 and $100,000 annually. (see example job ad at (see example hiring ad at USAJobs –
  • Forensic Science Forensic scientists help to solve crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence and other facts found at the scene. They specifically analyze fingerprints, blood, semen, firearms, saliva, and drugs, and may also reconstruct skeletal bones. Experienced forensic scientists earn an average salary of $55000 per year. Federal salaries are usually higher. (see example job ad at (see example hiring ad at USAJobs – )
  • Paralegal Paralegals are supervised by licensed attorneys. They offer assistance by completing legal research, preparing notebooks for trial, interviewing clients, helping write legal briefs, reviewing and updating files, and drafting documents. Salary and benefits for paralegals vary according to location, job responsibilities, and the type of law office they work for. Starting salaries usually range from $1,300 to $1,800 per month in smaller towns and law firms. Paralegals employed by the federal government earn an average annual salary of between $20,000 and $25,000, according to their experience and skills.


The career opportunities mentioned above are not the full job list, there are many jobs related to criminal justice field for you as a graduate major in this area. Please note that the salary figures stated for each job types are for your reference purpose, the figure may vary by hiring locations, degree types, job requirement & etc.

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Can I use a calculator

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The adva
nces in computer algebra systems are making the traditional methods for teaching college math look very obsolete.

math help, consulting

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Often times I hear my students asking: “Can I use a calculator?” My invariable answer is “No”, and now that I think about it, it is because the traditional teaching philosophy indicates that you don’t need a calculator when you have to compute an integral. Also, as teachers, we use to assume immediately that it’s all about “mental laziness”.

Well, I must admit that times have changed, and it seems it is now the right time to be in tune with the wonders that science and technology have to offer. The advent of immensely powerful Computer Algebra Systems (For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. CAS) is giving us more and more reasons to switch out teaching styles to a new paradigm, where the ideas are presented together with real visual computer-generated representations, and where the emphasis is put on the concepts rather than the symbolic manipulation.

For example, in a typical first year college Calculus class, it takes a great deal of effort to go over a series of techniques that help the students to understand integration. Those techniques are clearly mechanical and repetitive, but yet students have a hard time understanding the main ideas. Nowadays, software like Mathematica and others are capable to solve symbolically some very complicated integrals, which go way beyond what an accomplished first year calculus student can do.

Shouldn’t we make an emphasis on the concepts rather than on the calculations? In mathematics, it is hard to separate because the two go tightly together. But I certainly believe that we would benefit by introducing systematically the use of CAS in the classroom. There’s a trend in most of the colleges to introduce computer assignments, as a part of the curricula, but from my experience, students are not getting most of it. They still don’t see the computer as a friendly ally at the time of learning math. But yet, they would gladly settle for a calculator.

The future of CAS should also include a way to use all this “intelligence” used to solve complicated problems to also being able to “explain” how to arrive to the answer.