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title:Choosing Your Homeschool Curriculum
author:L. D. Maire
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Choosing your homeschool curriculum is by far the most important foundation of homeschooling. I strongly suggest buying a prepackaged curriculum for your base curriculum. A prepackaged curriculum will give you lesson by lesson, step by step, strategies and resources for your lesson plans. Let’s face it, we’re not super heroes. We can’t possibly know everything in every grade level and every subject area. A prepackaged curriculum will give you a great ‘core’ foundation on which to teach your child.
Make sure to get a curriculum that encompasses all core subject areas for your child/ren. Core subject areas include math, science, social studies, language arts and reading. A bonus would be to find a program that includes music, art, and P.E. as well.
Make sure that all lesson plans are included in your prepackaged curriculum. Some curriculum even includes workbooks, testing, and select materials. Many companies will even allow you to view samples of their curriculum prior to purchase.
Know what you are getting into upfront. Will there be extra curriculum or materials to purchase? What about workbooks? For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Are they included? Ask the company to provide you a complete list of what is included in the curriculum or kit that you are buying.
Keep in mind that curriculum will be your biggest expense in your homeschool budget and sometimes cheaper is not always better. Research the value that you will be getting for your money with all curriculums you are interested in.
People ask me if they can homeschool their child without buying prepackaged curriculum. The answer is “YES”. However, I would highly advise against it. As a former teacher in the public school district, I realize that having a strong curriuclum foundation base is key to your child’s education.
Supplemental curriculum or lesson plan swapping and sharing, is excellent to add to your child/rens curriculum. Use your core prepackaged curriculum and then add your own ideas or other lesson plans to help reinforce the learning process. For example, your curriculum has you do a lesson plan with your child on graphing. You research other graphing ideas and find a lesson plan on graphing M&M’s. This sounds like fun and now you can do both graphing projects with your child to reinforce the learning process.
Remember that the curriculum that you choose is just a foundation or building block to help guide you through the teaching process with your child/ren. You know your child the best. Adapt lesson plans to their interests for a more enjoyable learning experience.

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Choosing The Right College
; Getting The Information You Need

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The most important part of the college selection process is the initial identification of colleges and universities which are most appropriate for you. Soliciting recommendations from your school counselor is a good starting point, but there are many other valuable resources you should utilize.

Most guidance offices and public libraries have a collection of “generic” college guides with general information about individual colleges and helpful indexes enabling readers to q…


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The most important part of the college selection process is the initial identification of colleges and universities which are most appropriate for you. Soliciting recommendations from your school counselor is a good starting point, but there are many other valuable resources you should utilize.

Most guidance offices and public libraries have a collection of “generic” college guides with general information about individual colleges and helpful indexes enabling readers to quickly locate colleges offering particular majors, programs, and/or activities of interest. In addition, guidance offices and libraries are frequently well stocked with college catalogues, college viewbooks, and videos. Spend some time reviewing them.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. There is even more, easier to access information on the internet. One of my websites (, for instance, includes a list of colleges by state with links to their websites and online applications, their toll free telephone numbers and email addresses, and more than thirty free online scholarship searches. Other sites let you search for colleges by major, location, and other criteria.

There are a number of magazines and college guides which “rank” colleges. Check them out, but do so with a grain of salt, as most knowledgeable educators consider their rankings and or evaluative methodology to be suspect.

In addition, there are at least a half dozen free publications which are mailed directly to students or distributed to guidance offices. While such magazines may be helpful in introducing you to colleges, bear in mind that they are supported by the colleges described therein, and even those that appear to “articles” about colleges are generally, in reality, advertisements written by the colleges or agencies compensated by them.

When you take the SAT or ACT – and I suggest you take them both as a high school junior – you will be asked questions about your high school grades and academic interests. If you indicate your willingness to allow the testing agency to release your name and address to colleges interested in students with your profile, you will probably receive a good deal of mail from colleges. Although there are no guarantees, particularly from the most highly select colleges, your chances of being admitted to the colleges which initiate contact with you tend to range from good to excellent. Students who review only the information sent to them by colleges with which they are already familiar miss an excellent potential opportunity to learn about institutions which may be a good “fit” for them.

Similarly, if you meet only with college admissions counselors (at your high school and at college fairs) from colleges and universities already on your list, you might miss out on some great colleges.

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Choosing the Best Online High School

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Choosing the right online high school can be fraught with peril. While that sounds a little like a soap opera, if you choose the wrong one, you could end up with a worthless piece of paper. Choose right and you have a document that will be accepted by colleges around the world.

online high schools, homeschooling, distance learning

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What should you look for in choosing the right school? While there are certainly many items to check, the basics are:

1. Check accreditation. While a number of online high schools will claim accreditation, it is not the type that will be accepted by colleges and employers. An online high school should be accredited by DETC, For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. CITA, AALE, or one of the six regional accreditors (that can be found at

2. History. How long has the school been in existence? While new schools are formed all the time, having a longer tradition of offering courses, typically makes for better schools. Some of these schools have been open for decades as pre-Internet correspondence schools. This can be an advantage in producing quality programs.

3. Standard references. Is the school listed in one of the standard references like Complete Guide to Online High Schools: Distance Learning Options for Teens & Adults (Degree Press, 2007) or Bears' Guide to Earning High School Diplomas Nontraditionally (Ten Speed Press, 2003). Being listed is not necessarily a hallmark of legitimacy, but it helps.

4. Cost. Some of these online high schools are free public charter schools while others are quite expensive private high schools. The most expensive that I have come across is attached to a university in the south. Is there an advantage to paying more? Not really, but there may be an advantage with your program being attached to a university. However, being attached to a university most definitely does not mean that it must cost more.

5. Independent study or teacher-led. There are two basic types of programs. The first gives you the materials and you work through them on your own. The second provides you with a teacher, either one-to-one or similar to a classroom, and instruction is given. Neither is necessarily better than the other, but you should decide what sort of learning experience you need or want. There is a third option, more of a hybrid solution, and that is programs, like Laurel Springs School, that provides you with the amount of support that you, personally, need.

While this is only the beginning, it is a good place to start. You can also check out for listings of schools.

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title:Choosing The Best Accounting Schools
author:Robert Th
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Accounting is defined as the measurement of assurance about certain information in the aid of resource allocation for managers and other decision makers. The most popular and most commonly practiced branch of accounting is financial accounting. This branch of accounting involves processes where data is recorded, summarized, analyzed, organized, interpreted and communicated to others concerned. Many individuals are enticed to enter the accounting field because it can be a very lucrative job.
Accounting is a very exciting field. It presents many opportunities for growth and development. It is perfect for individuals who are fond of solving problems and who are comfortable with working with numbers.
So you wanted to learn accounting and become a professional accountant? Don’t know what accounting school is right for you? With the increasing number of schools and colleges offering accounting courses, the choice of accounting school can get really confusing.
The best thing you can do in choosing an accounting school is to first determine and preferably list down the things you are looking for in a school. After doing this, the next step is to weigh the pros and cons of each school to determine which one could meet your needs.
The next thing to do is to perform the actual search for the accounting school. You can start by asking people you know, particularly those who have taken up or who are currently taking up accounting. You can visit the schools, colleges or universities near your location. You should also make very good use of technology. The For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Internet is a very good place to search the best accounting schools. Not only will it save you time and energy, the Internet can also be a very convenient way to compare accounting schools. Most schools list down course requirements and curriculum on the Internet.
These may seem like very tedious tasks. Yes, it definitely would take some time, but you can never be too careful when it comes to your education. Below are other tips to find the best accounting school.
Be sure of the things you want to gain by enrolling in an accounting school. Do you want an accounting degree or do you just want to simply learn the fundamentals of accounting? If you want a degree in accounting then you must consider schools that offer accelerated levels of teaching. But if you simply want to learn accounting then this is not very important.
If you are busy or if you are already working, then it is highly advisable that you choose an accounting school that will give you the greatest flexibility. Do you want to learn from home? Then choose an accounting school that offers distant online learning and courses. Distant learning schools are excellent choices for busy individuals. If you do not want distant learning, then choose schools that offer night or weekend classes.. For sure there are many of those out there.
Choose the schools that offer the best financial plan. Most schools offer financial plans that will help you and other students afford the high cost of getting and education.
Getting the right accounting school is very important. It is the choice that will determine the learning that you will acquire and most probably your future in accounting. So weight your options very carefully. Perform a very good research before you enroll and take up an accounting course.

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Choosing A Degree?

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College, and the
pursuit of college degrees, has changed immensely in the last couple of decades. Just a few short years ago, on virtually every U.S. higher education campus a college freshman was generally 18 years old, a senior 21 and courses were all taught live and in groups in campus classrooms.

Now the learning options, as well as the student demographics have changed considerably. Many baby boomers, and even seniors are returning to campus to retrain for a career ch…


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College, and the pursuit of college degrees, has changed immensely in the last couple of decades. Just a few short years ago, on virtually every U.S. higher education campus a college freshman was generally 18 years old, a senior 21 and courses were all taught live and in groups in campus classrooms.

Now the learning options, as well as the student demographics have changed considerably. Many baby boomers, and even seniors are returning to campus to retrain for a career change, to return to work after their children have left the nest, to complete an interrupted degree, or just to get out of the house and work those dormant cerebral muscles.

To accommodate these folks, especially those who still work a full time day job, colleges and universities started offering night and weekend courses, CFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. LEP testing, and course challenges. For someone who hadn’t completed their formal higher education training but had lots of real life work experience in her or his desired field of learning, this was a boon. Now he could test his way into credits for courses with which he’d gained familiarity just by working in the field. With the advent of online courses, an Internet savvy homebound student could pursue her degree from the comfort of her own home and often around her own busy schedule.

In the United States today, there are more than 1000 online degree programs available, with thousands more non-degreed courses as well. A business management student, for example, has a choice of 39 different fully accredited colleges and universities that offer a Bachelor’s degree without once setting foot on campus.

Champlain College in Burlington VT, for example, offers certificate as well as degree programs that can be taken online at any hour of any day. Students can earn Associates in Science degrees on the Web in accounting, business, forensics, telecommunications, e-commerce, software development, management, international business and others. Many of these same majors lead to an online BS degree as well.

Larry Bird’s old stomping grounds, the Terra Haute campus of Indiana State, offers an online Associates in aviation flight technology and several Bachelor’s degrees in business, criminology, human resource development, and even part of its nursing training. Here students have a variety of off-campus ways to graduate – not only via the Web but also through videotapes, live TV and the more traditional correspondence courses.

Regis University in Denver offers an incredible array of online courses, leading to certificates, two and four year degrees and even graduate programs. Here you can earn your BA in business administration and go on to earn your MBA; you can complete a computer networking certificate program and expand your education to a BS in computer information systems and then an MS in computer information technology. You can earn your undergraduate degree as well in education, international management, finance, marketing, public administration or non-profit management.

Choices now abound when you make the determination to get your degree. Neither your age, your stage in life, your schedule nor your inability to commute need be a factor in your securing your longed-for degree. If you want it, you can earn it.

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title:Choosing A College Major
author:Sintilia Miecevole
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Once you are accepted into a college and begin taking classes, the next step is to decide on a major. Most college graduates change their major several times before they finally pick one and stick to it, so it is important not to get discouraged if you have a hard time deciding right away. However, there are some factors to consider beyond your general interests when you decide the subject on which you will focus your studies. It will take a lot of research and soul-searching for you to find a good and somewhat practical match for your interests and lifelong goals.
The first thing to consider when choosing a college major is what interests you the most. Some subjects are more financially lucrative than others, but there is no sense in studying a subject that will make you miserable once you begin working in your field. It is obvious that business, sales and marketing degrees tend to put you on the path toward financial wellbeing, but if you are not interested in the business world you will find that you do not enjoy your chosen career path. Rather than choosing something simply because of future financial benefits, try exploring a variety of options before locking down on one. If financial status is major goal, take a variety of science classes to see if those suit your fancy.
However, practicality should be considered when you choose your major. You should evaluate that reasons you are in college, and plan your course of study accordingly. If you are attending strictly to gain general knowledge and experiences, then choosing something simply because you are interested in it might be an acceptable way to go. If you enjoy reading and writing, getting a degree in English might be beneficial to you. However, English degrees are not quite as marketable as business or science degrees.
If you are unclear about your interests when you first enter college, rest assured that you are not alone. Many people look at their undergraduate experience as a way to get acquainted with themselves in an intellectual and a personal way. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Take a wide variety of classes during your basic coursework, and you might find that your major finds you. If you tend to enjoy psychology classes more than anything else, you might consider majoring in the subject, especially if you plan to attend graduate school.
Keep in mind that you can always change your major. Granted, you may end up spending more time in college than you had originally planned, but if you look at it as a journey of exploration, you will find that you will learn more from your college years than you would if you had the get in and get out mindset. Once you finally decide on your major, you will feel confident that you will have made the right choice, and you will be able to learn more from your classes than you would if you were still unsure.
No matter what college major you choose, remember that you are not writing anything in stone. Once you graduate, you will have the freedom to choose whatever sort of profession that holds your interest. Recent graduates are all the same in that they have limited experience in any given field, even if they do have specialized degrees. If you are planning to attend graduate school, you will once again be able to choose another course of study. As an undergraduate, your main goal should be to learn as much as you can about everything that interests you, and to gain as much real life experience as possible. College is your last chance to explore the world without extreme financial responsibilities, so use your time wisely and learn as much as you can.

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Choose A Seminary Wisely

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is full of many important decisions, not the least of which is what kind of education you will receive and what kind of educational choices are best for you. If it is true that education in the means to freedom, which I believe that it is, then what kind of education you choose is extremely important in determining what kind of life you will have. The same is true when you are deciding about what seminary is right for you.

Having thoughts of going to seminary reflects…


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Life is full of many important decisions, not the least of which is what kind of education you will receive and what kind of educational choices are best for you. If it is true that education in the means to freedom, which I believe that it is, then what kind of education you choose is extremely important in determining what kind of life you will have. The same is true when you are deciding about what seminary is right for you.

Having thoughts of going to seminary reflects a lot of previous decisions that you have already made about the kind of person you want to be and the kind of life you want to lead. In fact, your desire for seminary means a lot of things about you, probably more than you even realize. But don’t let the fact that you’re on the right track hinder you from realizing the supreme importance of what seminary you choose for your next step of education.

Before you begin to research any particular seminary, it is a good idea to sit down and make a list of your priorities in the decision making process. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. For example, deciding whether location is more important to you than theological association is a very important decision to be made. If you want to stay within your home state or within your denomination for your seminary training than your options will be narrowed immediately and your choice will be much easier. So take a look at your priorities for your seminary education and let that lead you in the process.

Once you have learned what is most important to you, then don’t compromise when looking for those things. Continue searching with patience and preseverance until you find a seminary that matches the very things you want. Realize too, however, that you may have to compromise on some aspects of your choice. So be willing to be flexible on things that are not as important to you.

Choosing a seminary will likely influence the rest of your life. So take your time and make the decision with care. Know yourself and your educational and life goals before you jump into anything. A wise seminary choice will be reflected by great success once you arrive to begin taking classes. Talk with friends and professors for suggestions, but ultimately you must be ready to make the decision for yourself.

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Chinese Opera

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Among the hundreds of form
s of opera throughout China, Beijing Opera has the greatest influence and is therefore regarded as a national form. Since Liberation, much has been achieved in reforming this traditional beijing opera. Efforts have been made to eliminate the feudal aspects, to improve stagecraft, and to widen the subject matter. New generations of young actors and actresses have emerged and are making new achievements on the basis of the traditional schools in China.

Operas,Beijing Operas,Chinese Operas,concerts,chinese culture,beijing culture,traditions,instruments,acting,songs,china,music,singing, dialogue,pantomime,acrobatics,martial arts

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Among the hundreds of forms of opera throughout For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. China, Beijing Opera has the greatest influence and is therefore regarded as a national form.

Beijing Opera is a comprehensive performing art that combines music, singing, dialogue, pantomime, acrobatics and martial arts. Hence an actor or actress in Peking Opera has to meet more requirements than that in other forms of performing art. He or she has to be a performing artist, a singer, and a dancer at the same time. It usually takes the student more than ten years of training to learn singing and acrobatic skills. Thus, it is difficult to be a qualified performer in Peking Opera.

Symbolism prevails in Beijing Opera. The stage of Peking Opera knows no limit in space or time. It can be the setting for any action. The performer’s acting is mostly pantomime. Footwork, gestures, and various kinds of body movements can portray and symbolize the actions of opening a door, climbing a hill, going upstairs, or rowing a boat. When a girl is doing needlework, she has neither a needle nor thread in her hands. When a lady is riding in a carriage, the performer actually has to walk flanked on each side by a flag with colored tassels represents riding a horse. Four generals and four soldiers represent an army of thousands. In a word, each action of a performer of Peking Opera is highly symbolic.

Springing in Beijing Opera consists of a score of melodies based on “xi pi” and sorrowful feelings. Spoken dialogue is done in two forms: “yun bai”, which sounds like the Hubei and Anhui dialects, and “jing bai”, which sounds like the Beijing dialect. The former is used by main and serious characters and the latter for minor and frivolous roles.

In Beijing Opera facial painting, which is applied to “jing” roles only, shows the character’s age, profession and personality by using different colors. Each color symbolizes a certain characteristic; red for loyalty and uprightness, black for a rough, stern or honest mature, yellow for rashness and fieriness, white for a cunning and deceitful character, gold and silver for gods and demons. In Peking Opera, over one thousand painted facial patterns are used. Each pattern lies in his ability to make subtle and interesting changes within the fixed facial pattern.

The costumes in Peking Opera impress the audience with their bright colors and magnificent embroidery. Some of the costumes used in the present performances have a resemblance to the fashion of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The use of colors indicates different social status -yellow for the imperial family, red for high nobility, red or blue for upright men, white for old officials and black for each role. A student usually wears blue gown, general wears padded armor; an emperor wears a dragon robe. Besides gorgeous clothes and headdresses, jewel girdles for men and hair ornaments for women are also used in Peking Opera.

Since Liberation, much has been achieved in reforming this traditional beijing opera. Efforts have been made to eliminate the feudal aspects, to improve stagecraft, and to widen the subject matter. New generations of young actors and actresses have emerged and are making new achievements on the basis of the traditional schools.

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Chinese Dragons

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The Chinese dragon is
rendered as a long and serpent-like creature without wings. The Chinese dragon is said to be a strange mixture of several animals.

dragon, dragons, mythical, mystical, mythical creatures, chinese dragon, legend, myths,

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The dragon was the sign of the Emperor, and was on the national flag of the late Qing dynasty. The Chinese dragon is rendered as a long and serpent-like creature without wings. The Chinese dragon is said to be a strange mixture of several animals.

According to legend Chinese dragons were supposed to be made of all the world’s spare parts. The Dragon in For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Chinese mythology was a creature of high mountains or underground caves, breathing flames and ready for combat.

The imperial throne was called the dragon throne. China was regarded as the land of the dragon and the Chinese people were viewed as the dragon’s descendants. Therefore, the dragon serves as a symbol of harmony, the fundamental spirit of Chinese culture. Depending on their mood, Chinese dragons could be either playful or frightening. Dragons can be seen in almost all Chinese cities. The dragons decorate ancient monuments and buildings, and are sometimes depicted playing with a pearl or thunder-ball. The dragon rain God is often depicted with a pearl or ball, to symbolize thunder.

The Chinese wrote of dragons in their ancient book, I Ching, associating the creatures with power, fertility, and well being. This is because the Chinese considered a dragon and phoenix as symbolic of the blissful relations between husband and wife. In ancient China, dragons could be found in decorations for weddings or royalty along with dragons.

The dragon is a symbol of deep desire, of wisdom and of luck, and has often been used to ward off evil spirits. Therefore, the dragon serves as a symbol of harmony, the fundamental spirit of Chinese culture.

The dragon was said to have acquired a wide range of supernatural powers. Taoists regarded the dragon as one of the most important deified forces of nature.

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Chinese Astrology Explained

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Chinese astrology is based on the lunar calendar. As with astrology from other cultures, a horoscope is created using the position of the stars and planets for each of the twelve signs of the zodiac based on the year of birth.

chinese astrology, what is chinese astrology, chinese horoscopes

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Are you confused about the meanings of Chinese astrology? Would you like to know more about this 5000 year old art?

Chinese astrology is based on the lunar calendar. As with astrology from other cultures, a horoscope is created using the position of the stars and planets for each of the twelve signs of the zodiac based on the year of birth.

The Twelve Chinese Signs


Rats are charming and attractive to the opposite sex. But despite outside appearances, they are restless and this sometimes comes across as aggressiveness. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Rats are great with money, and love to pounce on an opportunity. They are also very generous to their friends. They love people and large gatherings and always have others around. They also run in many intimate circles and like to be involved in everything they can, leading them to sometimes attempt to do too much. They are good writers and speakers, and success comes easily to them.


Oxen are calm on the surface, but have hidden tempers. They are hard workers and are determined to the point of stubbornness. However, this makes them one of the most dependable signs. They are trustworthy, and easily move up at the office. If they don’t watch out, they may not have much of a social life. They are not very adept at mind games, and can sometimes be led astray in romance. But once they find someone, they are steadfast and loyal.


Tigers are energetic and unpredictable. Their wild side leads them to be the center of attention. They speak their mind and are always looking for the new party or next great idea. They are also very involved in giving their time and money to the causes they are passionate about. They are generous and honest. However, they are also rebels. They seek ideals and will rebel against a society they perceive as being in the wrong. They are emotional and impulsive, prone to romance as well as jealousy.


Rabbits are gracious and gentle. They adore quiet and peacefulness, and prefer a good book to a night on the town. Their sensitivity can lead to moodiness, but normally rabbits are great at keeping the peace. While they are quiet on the surface, rabbits are good at finding deals. They are sweet and can talk people into being on their side of an issue without argument. While they are cautious, they can also be friendly and inviting once they feel safe.


Dragons have fire. They are full of life, and want to live life to the fullest. They are perfectionists and are extremely demanding of both themselves and others. They intimidate those who disagree with them, although they are very loyal to their friends. They can be stubborn, but they will let you know how they feel. They believe themselves to be strong and loveable, and they strive to motivate everyone to live up to their standards.


Snakes are mysterious, often charming the opposite sex. They are graceful, and tend towards all things grand and cultural. They are private tend to look inward for their self-esteem, and are superstitious about everything. They are not penny-pinchers, but always have money on hand. Snakes are jealous when they find a lover, and will turn cold almost on a whim.


Horses are generally friendly. They love being the center of attention, and will keep others enthralled by their quick wit. However, they have malleable alliances, and will have many short-lived romances and friendships. They enjoy the change, and lead lives full of adventure. They don’t like being tied down, and love working out and spending time outdoors. They don’t like sticking to a plan, and will often take on too much. They can be impatient with others whom they perceive as moving too slowly.


Sheep are peaceful people. They empathize with others’ pain, and are easy to talk to. They don’t like to rush, and will break if pressured. They do not like harsh words, and love to be led gently. While they are passive, they are also patient, and generally they eventually get their way. They always remember their friends and families and give thoughtful gifts. They often worry about what others think, and tend too spend too much.


Monkeys are intuitive and clever. They are hands-on problem solvers, and a great deal of self-confidence. They enjoy succeeding at difficult tasks, and don’t need to be talked into attempting one. The source of their success is their great memory. They are hard workers, and don’t care what others think of them. They don’t usually have many friends, although their success does attract people to them.


Roosters are romantics. They are perfectionists and dreamers at the same time. Quick to see detail, they always love a challenge, especially if at first glance it looks impossible. They take great pride in knowing all the details of a subject that interests them, and are thus great debaters. However, they will never admit to being wrong. They also tend to step in and try to solve others’ problems, whether or not they have been invited to do so. They like to always stay busy, and will work for whatever they have their eye on.


Dogs are friendly and are always up front about their feelings. They are very family-oriented and are extremely loyal to their friends. They will fight for a cause they feel is just. They are not comfortable around extravagant wealth, and prefer a loving home regardless of social status. Once you befriend a dog, they will be by your side for life. They are monogamous, and tend to choose their lovers wisely. They work hard and play hard, and know when it is appropriate to be doing one or the other. They are good providers to those they love.


Pigs love a social life. They have many friends, and tend to stay out of heated discussions and all kinds of debates. It’s not that they don’t have an opinion; they simply love to party and don’t want to risk ruining the fun. They are good listeners, but are sometimes gullible and can be taken advantage of easily. This can sometimes hurt them in relationships. They are trustworthy and dependable, and stick by their friends. They are generous to those they care about.

The Five Elements

There is another layer to Chinese astrology that is less well known than the Chinese signs. Chinese astrologers use a 60 year cycle, made up of five sets of the twelve signs. The five repetitions of the signs each correspond to a different element, adding more intricacy to the animal.

The five elements are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth.

In Chinese astrology, the elements are part of a cycle; one is not higher or better than another. In fact, they have a cyclical relationship, both in positive and negative ways, so that:

Water makes Wood
Wood makes Fire
Fire makes Earth
Earth makes Metal
Metal makes Water


Water destroys Fire
Fire destroys Metal
Metal destroys Wood
Wood destroys Earth
Earth destroys Water

In addition, they can be openly aggressive and hostile:

Water resists Fire
Fire resists Metal
Metal resists Wood
Wood resists Earth
Earth resists Water

So now you know the basics of Chinese Astrology. Enjoy exploring your Chinese sign!