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title:College Scholarships
author:David Chandler
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Due to ever-increasing costs of going to college, it is a good idea to search out available scholarships and apply for them. Scholarships are one of the most enticing forms of financial aid available today. This is because they are available to anyone without any repayment requirements! Many scholarships are overlooked and therefore are a missed opportunity for many students.
If students know about scholarships, they can apply for them, but many students do not know that college scholarships exist. Most students do not understand that there are scholarships obtainable to them, which could pay a major part of their education. In fact, the college scholarship can be used for any educational opportunity. This is includes private or public college, junior college or four-year universities, graduate or certificate programs.
What are college scholarships?
College Scholarships programs come in a variety of forms, which are normally considered free college money. College scholarships, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid. Scholarships can be awarded directly to students in a form of a check or to the school itself. You can receive a scholarship from any of the following types of organizations: charitable foundations, businesses, schools, universities, government agencies, and sometimes-even clubs or groups within the school.
Who can get college scholarships?
Although many scholarships are granted based on grades, this is a misconception. There are scholarships for less than perfect academics as long as you meet the other requirements. They range from athletic scholarships, to community service scholarships.
Many scholarship providers want to reward students for choosing a particular school or state. It is believed by older students that only college-bound high school seniors can apply for scholarship awards, this is not true. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Scholarships are accessible for all levels of college study, from freshman undergrads to graduate students. You will need to make sure that you check the requirements for each scholarship for which you apply.
How do students find college scholarships?
It takes some time and energy to find and apply for scholarships, but the hard work will most likely pay off. You can sometimes find them by asking department heads if there are available scholarships, in the department you will major in.
Some student’s use highly regarded and accurate scholarship search services on the Internet to save time in the searching process. This is highly recommended. Online resources are a good idea as long as the website offers updated, current data and a way to match the student with the scholarship.
High school students can ask their guidance counselors about their eligibility for local or state scholarship awards. You should also make sure that you contact the financial aid office at the school you plan to attend, to see if they qualify for awards issued by the school. Finally yet importantly, students should ask their parents and friends to be on the lookout for scholarships, while always checking local bulletin boards and newspapers for additional scholarship listings.


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College Review Articles by Students

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[email protected]

The college reviews at were started as a forum to discuss what current and prospective students really needed from a site. While reviewing

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The response to this alone has made it all worth while. So come check it out and make some comments in the forums. It might prevent the next person from making the same mistakes as you.

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College Reviews by Students

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[email protected]

While researching colleges and universities recently, I noticed a troubling pattern. All of the sites I found were either completely biased towards a particular school, or so horribly designed and dif

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I started a folding team to give people a chance to do what they can to help cure Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Cystic Fibrosis, Parkinson’s etc., without having to give money, and the response to this alone has made it all worth while. So come check us out and make a comment or two in the forums. It might prevent the next person from making the same mistakes you did.

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title:College Planning Starts Early
author:Sonja Montiel
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

No more than a few years ago, college planning started in 12th grade where it was the first time students learned about the SAT tests and build their list of colleges. Times have change with many students currently beginning their planning as early as 9th grade. While some may argue that beginning the college process this early is ridiculous, the truth is that it’s quite necessary. Keep in mind that asking young students in 9th grade what colleges they are applying to does not define good college preparation; however, asking them if they would like to keep the educational doors open after high school is a conversation that must happen early on. Before reviewing the aspects of good college advising, let’s look at three major influences that have impacted the way we plan for college.
Competitive Labor Market:
According to the Current Population Survey conducted by the U.S. Census For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Bureau in 2003, 77% of students who receive a high school diploma will enter the labor force compared to 85% who receive a bachelor’s degree and 91% who receive a doctorate’s degree. The same survey also revealed that the average earnings in 2002 increased with each education level with high school diploma workers earning an average of $27,280 annually, compared to the average annual income of $51,194 earned for the bachelor’s degree holder (Stoops, 2004). The pressure and expectation of students attending college is no longer a “dream” or family quest, but more a requirement in order to obtain a career that gives a decent paycheck.
Population and Demand:
With competition increasing due to the sheer numbers of high achieving students, students and parents applying to college are feeling the pressure to prepare early. The panic of becoming the “top student” or “winning the race” has evolved into an obsession that leads students and their parents to push the college planning envelope as early as possible. The good old American “competitive spirit” is out there, and although often having negative effects on student performance (if this competitive spirit is not nurtured appropriately), the desire to become number one demands early college planning. It also ensures successful results in getting students in the college of their choice.
Increase Colleges Choices
With over 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States and the bridging of a more global world, the encouragement of students to attend a college or university out of state has increased as well as the encouragement for students to consider applying to more colleges. At the same time, these colleges and universities have become aggressive in their recruitment and marketing techniques introducing more attractive opportunities that a student has to choose from. As a result, students must begin researching what colleges seem the “best fit” for them deciphering the difference between persuasive marketing messages. Just a reminder that finding the “best fit” does not mean finding out about the likelihood of being admitted. Instead, finding the “best fit” college means to conduct campus visits, research their personalities and atmosphere, and asked themselves “where do I really fit best?” All this requires more time for investigation and planning outside regular high school counseling hours.
It’s evident that the college going culture is growing by the minute, and in order for students to end up happy and successful (in that order), the college conversation needs to start early. Be aware, however, there is a damaging assumption that in order to help students prepare for college, we must use tactics that instill (intentional or unintentional) anxiety, fear, and uncertainty to the process such as national rankings and statistical GPA and SAT averages. On the contrary, students who are most successful in the college process are those who can reflect on their own needs and interests, and more importantly act on those needs and interests, as well as establish good study habits and time management skills.
Also, keep in mind college admissions review student’s academic and extracurricular activities for the entire 4 years; not only 11-12th grades. Many students who do not have a sense of what colleges expect of them risk the surprise of not meeting specific requirements or not having enough time to build on their interests in time. In order for students to reflect on what makes them tick, we must challenge our students to find their voice early in life, introduce the ideas of what a college education means in terms of opportunity, and prepare them to be advocates for themselves as they decide which high school courses to take and which activities to be involved in. This is the process of finding their voices, and it is their voices that will drive the college process as we as educators, counselors, and parents become their cheerleaders.


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Cleveland Schools Aim for Healt
hy Students and Teachers

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Eighty-three students and teachers from seven Cleveland Schools are participating in a program designed to increase health and self-confidence. The eleven week Motivating Movement Through Marathoning Challenge is a joint program between Cleveland Schools and the Cleveland YMFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. CA.

cleveland, school, schools, cleveland schools

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The Motivating Movement Through Marathoning Challenge

Eighty-three students and teachers from seven Cleveland Schools are participating in a program designed to increase health and self-confidence. The eleven week Motivating Movement Through Marathoning Challenge is a joint program between Cleveland Schools and the Cleveland YMCA. The Motivating Movement Through Marathoning Challenge was created out of the Cleveland Department of Public Health’s nationally-funded Steps to a Healthier Cleveland program and promotes exercising particularly running and walking for in youth and continued throughout life. This program is a response to the troubling national statistics about health and obesity in the nation’s schools. The students participating in the Motivating Movement Through Marathoning Challenge engaged in a series of conditioning exercises and running and walking a cumulative 26.2 miles which is equal in distance to the annual Cleveland/Rite Aid Marathon. One group of students from Denison School has formed an all girl-team. Other Cleveland Schools involved in the Motivating Movement Through Marathoning Challenge are Sunbeam School, Emile B. deSauze School, Orchard School, Buckeye-Woodland School, Tremont School and Willow School. Each student received help and assistants from YMCA mentors and trainers which included a free four-month membership to the YMCA branch in their area. All the participants engaged in exercises that equaled 2.5 miles per week. A special celebration was held at the 10-mile mark in preparation for last month’s 29th annual Rite Aid Marathon and 10K events, which attracted nearly 8,000 runners. The students from Cleveland Schools participating in the Motivating Movement Through Marathoning Challenge received several surprises which included a pre-race pep talk given by four-time Boston Marathon winner Bill Rodgers, a pair of Asic’s running shoes donated by the Second Sole in Mayfield Heights, T-shirts and an official Rite Aid Marathon medal.

The Prestigious Governor’s Gold Award

Several teachers and staff members at the Daniel E. Morgan School, a member of the Cleveland Schools, have been given the prestigious Governor’s Gold Award. They received this award as part of the Healthy Ohioans physical education initiative. The Daniel E. Morgan School has received particularly high scores in the areas of promoting healthy choices, physical education practices, nutrition education, and tobacco education. Teachers and other representatives from the Daniel E. Morgan School will receive the Governor’s Gold Award at an award ceremony and luncheon honoring the school in August.

Teachers Make Pact to Fight Being Overweight

A group of dedicated teachers at Cleveland School’s Emile B. deSauze School have decided to work towards losing weight. Over an eight-week period seventeen teachers challenged each other to a weight loss competition. As a motivation, each teacher contributed to a weekly pot. The teachers were judged and led by the school’s physical education teacher. Under the PE teachers guidance the group lost a combined one hundred eleven pounds. As an honor to their dedication and competition the American Heart Association treated the teacher’s group to a healthy breakfast and gave each teacher a “Go Red for Women” wrist bands.

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A College Level Examination Progra
m Test or CLEP Test is an educational test designed and fabricated by the College Board, a not-for-profit examination board in the United States. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. A CLEP test is also termed as ‘CLEP Exam’ or simple CLEP.

Clep Exam

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A College Level Examination Program Test or CLEP Test is an educational test designed and fabricated by the College Board, a not-for-profit examination board in the United States. A CLEP test is also termed as ‘CLEP Exam’ or simple CLEP. A CLEP test is instrumental in helping the US students in high schools or universities to achieve credits for the successful completion of each course for each academic term.

A CLEP Test is mostly 90 minutes long test that mostly includes multiple-choice questions or fill-ins, except for English Composition with Essay. The current fee for a CLEP test is $60 ($65, effective July 1, 2007), but a CLEP test is free for the members of military services. A CLEP test is based on the syllabus taught in courses that are taken by most students as requirements in the first two years of college. A CLEP test may be based on one-semester course or full-year or two-year course.

A CLEP test helps the students save time. They can get college credit for what they already know. They get rewarded for what they have learned through independent study advanced high school courses, noncredit adult courses, or professional development. A CLEP test helps the students save money. The cost of a CLEP exam is just $65, which is nothing as compared to hundreds, even thousands of dollars spent in tuitions. The test is free for military service members. A CLEP test helps making college more interesting; the students can move right into advanced courses. A CLEP test can help students to complete their graduation timely, if they are just a few credits away from graduating. A CLEP test helps the students demonstrate their knowledge and proficiency.

Over 2,900 colleges and universities accept CLEP General and Subject tests for credits. The American Council on Education (ACE) recommends minimum score for awarding credit. The institutions determine the standard of acceptable score and the amount of credit granted for each CLEP test.

Presently, CLEP test are available in Business, Composition and Literature, Foreign Languages, History and Social Sciences, and Science and Mathematics. A business CLEP test can help earning 3 to 6 credits; Composition and Literature CLEP test can help earning 6 credits; Foreign Languages CLEP test can help earning 6 to 18 credits; History and Social Sciences CLEP test can help earning 3 to 6 credits; and Science and Mathematics can help earning 3 to 6 credits

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title:Cisco CCNA Certification: Static Routi
ng Tutorial
author:Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

In studying for your CCNA exam and preparing to earn this valuable certification, you may be tempted to spend little time studying static routing and head right for the more exciting dynamic routing protocols like RIP, EFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. IGRP, and OSPF. This is an understandable mistake, but still a mistake. Static routing is not complicated, but it’s an important topic on the CCNA exam and a valuable skill for real-world networking.
To create static routes on a Cisco router, you use the ip route command followed by the destination network, network mask, and either the next-hop IP address or the local exit interface. It’s vital to keep that last part in mind – you’re either configuring the IP address of the downstream router, or the interface on the local router that will serve as the exit interface.
Let’s say your local router has a serial0 interface with an IP address of, and the downstream router that will be the next hop will receive packets on its serial1 interface with an IP address of The static route will be for packets destined for the network. Either of the following ip route statements would be correct.
R1(config)#ip route (next-hop IP address)
R1(config)#ip route serial0 ( local exit interface)
You can also write a static route that matches only one destination. This is a host route, and has for a mask. If the above static routes should only be used to send packets to, the following commands would do the job.
R1(config)#ip route (next-hop IP address)
R1(config)#ip route serial0 ( local exit interface)
Finally, a default static route serves as a gateway of last resort. If there are no matches for a destination in the routing table, the default route will be used. Default routes use all zeroes for both the destination and mask, and again a next-hop IP address or local exit interface can be used.
R1(config)#ip route (next-hop IP address)
R1(config)#ip route serial0 ( local exit interface)
IP route statements seem simple enough, but the details regarding the next-hop IP address, the local exit interface, default static routes, and the syntax of the command are vital for success on CCNA exam day and in the real world.


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title:Ciphering the Tagalog Language
author:Ted Wiersma
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Learning the Tagalog Language is essential if you plan to communicate in the Philippines. Tagalog is sometimes also called Filipino or the Pilipino Language. So as not to get confused, let me explain the difference between the terminologies. Tagalog is the national language of the Philippines. It is spoken by about 23% of the population. The remaining spoken languages, the remaining 77%, is divided among approximately 175 other dialects. Tagalog, being the Official National Language of the Philippines, is considered as the base language. If you look at the other dialects, you will see numerous For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Tagalog and Tagalog derivatives in them. And most who do speak these other dialects, understand some Tagalog.
So learning Tagalog is essential.
That being said, you may wonder what Filipino or Pilipino is. This is a combination of both Tagalog and other dialects and languages. Filipino or sometimes Pilipino (its older name) is an amalgamation of all the Philippines languages, English and Spanish combined together. Since English as well as Tagalog is taught in the schools in the Philippines, many people tend to speak Tagalog with English words mixed in the sentence. At that point they are talking Filipino.
So now you see how important it is to learn Tagalog. Once you take the time to learn some Tagalog, you will be able to communicate in Tagalog as well as Filipino.
I hope this information has given you insight into the differences of the terminology which sometimes becomes confusing.
Please feel free read my other articles which will help provide a crash course on the essential knowledge you need about the Philippines.
Salamat !

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title:Chronological vs. Functional Resum
es – Which To Choose?
author:Laura Adams
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Your resume is a marketing tool that should effectively sell your skills, experience, and educational qualifications to prospective employers. When developing your resume, there are two different types of resume formats you should consider: a chronological resume and a functional resume. Your decision to choose one format over another should be dependent on your career background and personal circumstances. The ultimate decision will be based on that format that allows you to most effectively present your qualifications.
Chronological Resumes
Q. What is a chronological resume?
A. In a chronological resume format, your employment experience history is organized in reverse chronological order so that your most recent job position is listed first. This type of format emphasizes your job titles and employers, as well as your dates of employment with each employer. Your responsibilities and accomplishments should be described in detail for each individual position.
Q. What are the advantages to using a chronological resume?
A. Chronological resumes are easy to read, use a logical flow, and can effectively highlight career growth. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Since this type of resume emphasizes the details of each position, using a chronological resume will draw attention to impressive titles and prestigious employers.
Q. What are the disadvantages to using a chronological resume?
A. Because of the format of a chronological resumes, this style easily undercover gaps in your employment history and frequent job changes. It also draws attention to the fact that you may be relative experienced in the workforce or in a particular career.
Q. What types of candidates should choose to use a chronological resume?
A. Chronological resumes are best suited for those individuals whose job history reflects steady career growth, those who are remaining in the same field, and those whose career goals are clearly defined and in alignment with their work history. This type of resume is also suitable for candidates who have prior employment with a prestigious employer that they want to highlight.
Functional Resumes
Q. What is a functional resume?
A. Functional resumes have often been referred to as problem solving resumes in that they allow you to organize your resume by functional skills as opposed to purely chronological order. This allows individuals to make sense of their work history by matching up skills and accomplishments from different jobs that might otherwise be overlooked by an employer in a more traditional chronological formatted resume. The goal is to highlight specific key qualifications which have been demonstrated through a variety of work-related achievements. As opposed to a chronological resume, skills do not have to be presented in the order of accomplished in a functional resume, but instead may be presented in order of importance and relevance to the job for which you are applying.
Q. What are the advantages to using a functional resume?
A. Using a functional resume keeps the emphasis on key relevant skills you possess that make you a good fit for a position. It allows candidates to align accomplishments from several different positions for a more powerful impact, since these skills might otherwise be lot in the shuffle in a traditional resume. Functional resumes also minimize the impact of inexperience in the workforce or field, frequent job changes, and any gaps in your employment history.
Q. What are the disadvantages to using a functional resume?
A. The presence of a clear career progression can easily be lost in a functional resume, as can extended experience in your targeted industry or field. Impressive employers or job titles are de-emphasized, which is a disadvantage if these are strong selling points in your experience. Additionally, some recruiters and managers dislike functional resumes due to their perceived lack of logical flow.
Q. What types of candidates should choose to use a functional resume?
A. A functional resume is a solid option for individuals who are looking to change careers, returning to the job market after a long absence, trying to minimize fair-to-average career growth. This format is also appropriate for new graduates, candidates with limited work experience, and individuals whose work history is a mixed bag of unrelated experience.

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Christian Education: An Alternative

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All children have to attend school. If the schools in your area are less than ideal it can seem like there are no options for your children. Consider the benefits of Christian education for your children. You might just want to consider this alternative to the public school system in your area. Choosing to enroll your children in Christian education can be a success. Christian schools often provide smaller class sizes so that children get more individual attention. And since …

christian education

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All children have to attend school. If the schools in your area are less than ideal it can seem like there are no options for your children. Consider the benefits of Christian education for your children. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. You might just want to consider this alternative to the public school system in your area. Choosing to enroll your children in Christian education can be a success. Christian schools often provide smaller class sizes so that children get more individual attention. And since getting a solid education is the main reason to go to school, having more individual attention and help is vital to a successful school career.

Along with providing small class sizes, the smaller student population found in most Christian education settings allows children the ability to interact with peers on a more personal level. Often children and students are able to get to know one another better and form lasting friendships in the smaller setting. Knowing that your children are growing up surrounded by other healthy and growing kids should be a relief and a comfort for parents.

Christian education provides children the ability to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities that they might not have the opportunity to participate in at larger public schools because of the competition. Students in Christian education have opportunities to become well rounded students that have explored sports, drama and other activities and who have learned what they do and do not enjoy. It is important during the childhood and teenage years that students are exposed to a wide range of activities. Often in public school settings students are only able to pick one sport or one activity to spend time on.

Parents whose children receive a Christian education can usually be sure that their students are being taught from a truthful and solid perspective. While taking into consideration every perspective, Christian education is able to teach students to think critically for themselves and to determine truths about the way life really is and about the best ways to live. What a comfort in our day to know that your children are being taught by people who care deeply about the development of their character, their morals and their hearts.

The teachers and educators of Christian education are perhaps the best benefit of choosing Christian education for your family. People who have chosen to work in Christian education have decided to do so because they believe in it. They believe that the training up of children is necessary and something to be done carefully and with love. They believe that educating children well is their calling and so they pour themselves into teaching with all their hearts. You can be sure that your childrens’ teachers want what is best for them and that they will push your children to do their very best in school. What more can a parent ask for?

So, consider the option of Christian education for your children. Consider the benefits of training your children in a smaller classroom setting with committed teachers and a variety of opportunities to gain friendships and to participate in a wide variety of experiences. See if Christian education just might be right for the needs of your family.