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Comparing Online LPN Nursing Schools

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This article discusses how to compare LPN nursing schools in order to make the best choice.

online, nursing, search, university, nurse, RN, LPN, degree, education

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Once you have made the decision to pursue an For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. LPN degree online, it’s time for comparing online LPN nursing schools. A few factors should go into your decision, such as your needs and career goals. The following information will help you in the process.


One primary factor when comparing online LPN nursing schools is accreditation. Any school you choose should be accredited by one of the primary nursing professional organizations. These are The National League of Nursing Accreditation Commission and The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Because an LPN program prepares you for state certification, this accreditation is essential. Your state may not accept an LPN degree from a non-accredited organization. Many schools post accreditation information on their websites. You can also contact these organizations directly. Before enrolling, be sure that your state will accept the program for preparation to take the NCLEX licensing examination.

Rankings and Reports

Another way for comparing online LPN nursing schools is by finding out how other organizations rank the school as well as the school’s information on graduates. The U.S. News and World Report ranks many colleges including online nursing programs. This one place to look for information. However, keep in mind that rankings are only one way to determine a school’s worth. Additional information you should try to obtain from the school is about its graduates. For example, you may be able to find out how many students pass the NCLEX examination on the first attempt and how many are employed. This information can give you a good idea of how well prepared you will be following graduation.

Word of Mouth

Comparing online nursing LPN schools by talking to those who have attended these programs is another way to learn more about each. If you are a member of a professional nursing organization, you can inquire about online programs. Other tools on the Internet, such as newsgroups, can also provide additional information on the best online LPN programs. One of the best ways to learn about a school is by talking to those who have been there.

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title:Comparing Educational, Academic and Life
author:Reg Adkins
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

When examining instructional models we are offered a multitude of models focusing on the curriculum and the best instructional approach for the teacher based upon his or her particular style. Less often we find materials which target the learning style of the student. A recent “google” search on instructional models yielded no less than 7.5 million hits.
When examining counseling techniques the number of models from a search result is slightly less plentiful 5.5 million, but hardly less varied.
Many of these models and techniques are considered key to achieving educational success. I have taken the long way round to bring you to this elemental question: If all these models are important to educational success and many of them seem unrelated, then what is “educational success”? Is educational success the equivalent of “academic success”?
Because academic success is more definable, for the purpose of this examination we will postulate that educational success and academic success are interchangeable.
How educationally/academically successful one is may be measured by how well one is able to perform in the following proficiencies.
1. The ability to gather, interpret and usefully apply information.
2. The ability to effectively communicate both verbally and in written form.
3. The extent of knowledge in geography, history, mathematics, science and technical skills.
4. The ability to work effectively with others.
5. The ability to complete multi-phase projects.
6. The ability to make competent decisions.
7. The ability to “read” the current social and political environment.
8. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The ability to incorporate personal ethics and values with those of society.
Here again, we face the question, why do these criteria indicate success?
We prove these are characteristics of success by the impact they have on other realms. For example, the National Alliance of Business, Inc provided a study which stated individuals who demonstrated the above characteristics were:
a) more stable in their employment;
b) more likely to have health insurance;
c) less dependent on public assistance;
d) less likely to engage in criminal activity;
e) more active as citizens and charitable volunteers; and
f) more healthy.
Indications are, as these are surface evidences we must look more closely into the temperament of those perceived as successful. Do the external trappings of success contribute significantly to how successful one considers themselves to be.
Such will be the topic of the next article.

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title:Comparing Costs: eLearning vs Traditional
:Michele Webb
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

It is important for managers and organizations to consider a number of different factors when determing the best training delivery approach for their staff or organization. Factors include: efficiency, timeliness, consistency and appropriateness of the delivery method. The key factor for most organizations, however, is program cost. Program cost may be comprised of a number of related sub-factors, too, which may include: development costs, instructor time, materials, travel, and opportunity costs for the students and participants. All these factors can have a wide variance, even in similar programs, due to the delivery method used.
Managers may want to develop their own mathematical model to better understand the relationship between costs and delivery of their training programs. Many managers have found a common key element when they have analyzed the costs of their learning programs. Their key finding: e-learning is less expensive to deliver almost regardless of the participant population. For example: in populations where the participants number 100 or more, e-learning had clear cost advantages and as the population number increases, so does the cost advantage. Cost advantages were still measureable in groups of 100 or less and even with classes as short as one hour in length. In a corporate study conducted by Catepillar, they determined that e-learning was 40% less expensive than the tradiational classroom models.
When preparing to conduct a cost analysis study, managers should be prepared to understand all the different factors involved with the development and delivery of training programs and then develop a customized list of factors that are applicable to the organization’s training needs and environment. For example, the costs associated with a physical classroom can widely vary depending on the geographic and physical plant characteristics of the company. For some organizations, it may not be relevant to conduct any sort of market analysis if their niche market is highly specialized or small. On the other hand, factors such as timeliness, travel costs or development costs may be very relevant for the organization to consider say, for example, if they are outsourcing their training programs.
After the manager has created their unique “model” or list of factors or variables for analysis, they are ready to begin the comparison process. Gather data from comoparable organizations or training delivery programs, preferably from those using like and differening models. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. This will help in benchmarking the organization’s costs to that of comparable companies. If the organization or department has specific regulatory or quality assurance standards, such as Cancer Registry departments as part of a healthcare organization, the costs associated with training (or not providing training) for compliance may also need to included in the analysis process.
e-Learning may not be the best delivery method for all training. For example, programs that require role-playing, individual or group interaction or observation of the participants are not conducive to online learning. On the other hand, the total cost of delivering instructor-led classes to many students must be taken into consideration whenever the organization begins planning a large training program. Cost analysis may reveal that a combination of both e-learning and tradiational classroom can deliver the optimal training delivery needs of the organization. Once the manager has completed the cost comparison process results should be documented carefully and used for future comparative studies or even for training program justification and strategic planning purposes.
Copyright 2005, M. A. Webb. All Rights Reserved
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your e-book or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author’s information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

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title:Community College Tuition is Affordable
hael Carter
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Community colleges are local colleges that offer two year degrees and certifications. Students can take classes at community college and earn credits toward a two year or four year degree program.
Community college tuition rates can be quite affordable for anyone wishing to persue a college degree. On average community college tuition is lower than four year universities.
The national average college tuition cost for public universities is $4,694 per year for in state residents. This figure includes both tuition rates and fees for a full time student. The average college tuition cost at private colleges and universities is around $20,000 per year in tuition and fees.
Now compare this to the average community college tuition rate. The average cost of community college tuition is only $2,076 per year. This is less than half than a traditional four year public university and much less than a private college.
Attending a community college will also help offset the costs if a student decides to continue his or her education toward a bachelor’s degree. Since community college tuition rates are lower, students are not as likely to be accumulating student loans which will help their financial state in long term future.
Another factor to consider is that each year tuition rates rise. In fact college tuition costs increase at about twice the general inflation rate, about 8% per year. The future and long term costs are something that all college students, current and future, should consider when choosing a college.
Even though community college tuition rates and four year college costs increase, many students benefit from financial aid programs. Government grants such as the Pell grant provide funding for many college students. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. In fact students who attend community colleges may qualify for grants that would cover most or all of their community college tuition costs.
Scholarship programs awarded by colleges, businesses and non profit organizations are also available to help students defray the cost of community college tuition. With a combination of savings, financial aid, and scholarships many students today are able to afford community college tuition and further their education.


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title:Common Sense Test Taking Tips for Students
or:Roger Seip
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Many students claim to be just bad test takers. No matter how much they study or how well they understand the information, when it comes to taking the test, they can’t perform. Well, rest-assure that the problem probably isn’t that the student is a “bad” test taker, but that they let stress get the better of them. In 9 out of 10 students, inability to perform on tests is caused by stress and tension. Luckily, there are some test taking tips that will help any student conquer test apprehension.
The first tip seems like common sense, but is oddly enough ignored by most students. Take care of yourself physically. You’ve grown-up hearing reasons why consuming fatty or “heavy” foods, as well as overeating, is bad for you. Well here’s why it’s really bad before you take a test. When you eat, in order to digest it, an increase of blood is redirected to the stomach. It is taken from other places in your body, like your brain. Proper blood circulation in the brain is what enables us to think quickly and be more alert. When you eat a large heavy breakfast or lunch before a test, you are telling a portion of your blood supply to leave your brain and go to your stomach.
Another often-neglected tip is getting adequate rest. Whether a student stays awake worrying about the test or talking on the phone to their latest crush, it puts them at an immediate disadvantage the next day. It has been said that “fatigue makes cowards of us all” (For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Vince Lombardi) And how true that is. When we’re tired, our whole body is tired, including our mind. We’ve all entered a test where you just stare blankly at an essay question you may or may not know the answer to for 10 minutes doing nothing because you just don’t have to energy to start writing. Being tired can prohibit a student from correctly reading directions or missing a trick question. Fatigue caused by a long night of cramming can also do more damage than good. Even if you’re lucky enough to remember the information the next day, you won’t the day after that. And it can even reduce the retention and confuse the information you learned while studying properly.
Once a student gets to the test, well rested with a light meal in their stomach, it’s still easy to get nervous. It’s important to remember to relax and give yourself positive affirmations. Reassure the mind that there is nothing else you can do. If you studied… good, and if you didn’t study there is nothing you can do about it at this point. If you’re well prepared give yourself positive affirmations that you know the material. When you come to the first question you don’t know, skip it. Laboring over a question you can’t answer or you can’t remember disengages you from the rest of the test and often causes panic. Always skip it and go back later. Moving on to questions you know will help calm nerves, build momentum and clarity, and build confidence. It is also fairly common for another question within the test to answer or give clues back to skipped questions. So when you read a question that might as well have been in a foreign language, don’t throw the test in the air and declare that you’ve failed. Just leave it blank and go on to the next question.
All the test taking tips in the world won’t help if the student doesn’t study. But the reward of seeing “A’s” and “B’s” on tests shouldn’t only go to students who are “good” at taking tests. It’s normal to get nervous, but as long as you’re prepared, rested, full on a healthy breakfast (but not too full) and confident, the stress will disappear with each answered question.


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title:Comic Book Art
author:David Chandler
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

With the variety of comic books on the market today no wonder so many young people have decided to enter the comic book art market. There are never ending opportunities in this field and you do not have to be a natural to make it happen.
Artist’s workshops
Comic Book artist workshops are designed for anyone that would like to get into the market for comic book art. They will have the chance to learn the secret language of chronological story telling in comics. While having the opportunity to create characters and tell stories through pictures, they can grow in a direction that will teach them about the many forms of communication. Learning to draw from imagination or from real life experiences, you can turn these experiences into comic book stories and learn to express those ideas in the very best ways.
Online comic book art workshops
The best way to attend a workshop is online, as the workshop is completed in the comfort of your home and you will be able to find one that suits your needs. Workshops can be found by searching keywords, such as online comic workshops, workshops for artists, etc.
Offline comic book art workshops
There are also many offline workshops, offered through local universities and art schools. The best ways to locate these are to contact those places and ask when the next comic book art workshop is available.
Teach yourself comic book art
There are also pdf courses you can download to teach yourself how to create comic books and art. The six-lesson course is a great way to start if you do not have the funds to go take a comic book art class or workshop. This can be downloaded at
By starting to learn comic book art at an earlier age you will be a pro by the time you finish high school. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Comic Book writers are always a growing market and your drawing skills can take you far.

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bus Schools Create SuccessWorks Academy to Combat Poor Conduct and Academics

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Columbus Schools’ SuccessWorks Academy will be an alternative education program that aims to provide quality education to those students with continual and often severe behavioral issues. The Columbus Schools’ SuccessWorks For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Academy plans to admit students beginning in January of 2007.

columbus, schools, schools, columbus schools

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Columbus Schools’ SuccessWorks Academy will be an alternative education program that aims to provide quality education to those students with continual and often severe behavioral issues. The Columbus Schools’ SuccessWorks Academy plans to admit students beginning in January of 2007. The SuccessWorks Academy will provide education to approximately 150 students in third to seventh grades. The school will not only follow a strong academic curriculum but offer services and trained counselors to address the social, emotional and physical health needs of students. The overall goal of the SuccessWorks Academy is to transition the students back into a regular school environment and give them the skills to participate fully and effectively in a normal school.

The Staff and Curriculum of Columbus Schools’ SuccessWorks Academy

The SuccessWorks Academy will have two teachers for each grade level and support staff that includes a principal, a counselor; a behavior specialist; instructional assistants; a nurse; art, music, and physical education teachers; and a psychologist. Prior to hiring, the staff will have to show that they know how to work successfully with at-risk students, have experience in how ability to apply effective research based instructional practices, have the necessary communication skills needed to work with parents and the skill to document student development on a regular basis. This is in order to ensure that the most cable teachers are placed in the SuccessWorks Academy. The teachers will have to teach a curriculum tailored to the needs of the student population. Not only the core subject areas of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies, as well as health/physical education and the unified arts but the curriculum will reflect the weakness and strengths of the students determined by pre-entrance examines. This may include the use of individualized, small group and class instruction to better handle the students learning or socialization needs.

Student Selection

As the aim of the SuccessWorks Academy is to have the students return to a regular school environment the student population will be continually changing. The Columbus Schools admissions committee will admit students into the SuccessWorks Academy based on the referrals from schools and the students’ records. Referrals can be based on severe misbehavior as well as documented frequent poor attendance, low academic performance, and lack of social skills. The placement period will be initially set for one semester and the students will be monitored and considered on an individual basis to determine after the first semester if the student is prepared to return to a regular school environment. This will include serious collaboration with parents and counselors. When the student returns to the regular school environment, the student will receive support for the transition from the school counselor to help assure a successful transition. The support services of the SuccessWorks Academy will follow and maintain a close connection to the student as the student returns to his or her regular school. The school that receives the transitioning student from SuccessWorks Academy will get an all-inclusive report about the student’s growth and future needs. This is a highly innovative program that will improve the Columbus Schools.

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title:College, To Be or Not To Be
author:Frederic Madore
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Somewhere around the age of fifteen, someone will begin to ask you about your plans for college. Uh? At fifteen, your most important plans involve a corsage and the latest dance moves. But, somewhere between fifteen and high school graduation, you begin to discover this faraway land of “college”.
What does this opportunity “college” really mean for most of us? It is the difference between a life and an existence. You can stop today to look around, and take the time to notice the have’s and the have not’s. The people, who have, also have a college degree. College graduates work in jobs that bring them satisfaction, not just their next meal. They enjoy what they do each day and they look forward to innovation and progress. Most of the time, they are a part of those things, they actually help to bring about change and make progress.
If you’ve never taken the time to ask yourself (as I’m sure most teens have not), begin to ask yourself questions about your basic likes and dislikes. What things in your life bring interest to you? Even the smallest things can tell you something about yourself. College helps you to further define these basic interests and find the right niche for you. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The possibilities on the job market are endless and so are available College degrees. There are degrees out there in things you don’t even realize exist, until you enter the great gates of the “undergraduate” world.
What you also don’t know, (and won’t) unless you enter the realm of continued education, is that there are others just like you. The student population abounds with entering college freshmen who don’t have a clue as to what they want to do with their lives. The point is not necessarily knowing what you want to do, but having the initiative to seek out the answers. There are so many doctors, lawyers, teachers, and engineers that started out without any idea about their chosen path. They did, however, have the desire to get on the path.
Now, I realize the first, and most often used excuse, is a lack of money for college expenses. Bah humbug! I know at forty, what I did not at 18: there is money available, if you want to find money. The big hold up here is not the lack of availability it’s the lack of available guidance counselors and adults to help these young people find the funding. It would seem to me, that as a guidance counselor, you would make available all information about scholarships, grants, and student loans to any young person on campus. But this is not so. Visit any high school in this country, and for the majority of students, there is no help to be found.
College is the doorway to the imagined, but unproven. It is the bridge between what we are and what we can be. It is a testament to the age old adage, “If you can dream it, you can do it!”


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title:College Students Having Academic Difficultie
author:Robert Crawford III
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Students can sometime become overwhelmed with class work and assignments which could cause great deviancies in their grades. Students should know the avenues and routes that they can take to assist in addressing problems in academics before they become horrendous.
1. If you realize at some point that you may fail or are failing a class it is best to address this issue with the instructor or professor to determine what can be done at that point.
2. If a student is barely passing a class he or she may want to be withdrawn (WN) or (W) from the class by the professor and receive and (I) grade which indicates they are currently in good standing but are subject to receiving a failing grade.
3. If students choose to follow the information above (2) they can later complete the coursework and still get a good grade if they are at least passing the course at the time of the withdrawal, but subject to failing if they continue.
4. Students should realize that an “F” grade will cause substantial damage even to a GPA of 3.00 or better, so it is better to withdraw or drop the class than to receive a bad grade.
5. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. See an academic advisor to assist them in class selection to help insure student is not taking a heavy load of classes that may be detrimental to them during the semester.
6. Develop continuous contact with your instructor from beginning to end of the semester which provides a good relation with you and your instructor.


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title:College scholarships for adults
author:Kate Lindemann
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

If you are an adult returning to get your college degree, you know
that it can be expensive. Whether you are commuting to classes or doing an Online college degree, the tuition is about the same. Paying for college can be a problem.

But did you know that there are scholarships just for adult students?
Yes, and you could be the recepient of one of those scholarships.

First you need to get clear about how scholarship grants are designated so you do not waste time looking for money from programs for which you are not eligible.

There are some scholarships that are only for graduating high school
students. But there are many others that are ‘general’ ie., not restricted
by age or current attendace in high school and you as well as
a high school student could win one of these. And there are a
number of scholarships designated for adult or returning students

If you really want a scholarship, you will apply for both the
non-restricted grants as well as the programs restricted to adult,
returning students. “Casting a wide net is more likely to land
some fish!”

Here are some tips about finding scholarship money.
First, look locally. Go to your local library and explalin that you are about to return to college to get your degree. Ask what books or
references they have about college scholarships for adults.

Now, you will need to be prepared to stay for awhile and to take notes. It is likely that books about shcolarships will be in the reference section and you will not be able to take them out.

But copy down any leads. Write or call the organizations listed as potential sources of money. Ask what their requirements are, when their deadline are. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. If you call and get a secretary, you may be able to get some hints or tips about applying. Do not be afraid to ask. You can explain that you have been away from school for awhile and would be glad for any suggestions.

When you fill out applications, be sure to type or write neatly. If
you are asked to write a letter or essay, do a draft first. Read it
aloud to make sure it ‘flows’. Ask a professional, a librarian, a teacher, pastor or someone with a professional position to read your draft. If they make suggestions, pay attention.

Apply for as many scholarships as you can. There is money out there and you can obtain some for your college degree. they have about scholarships for adults.