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Copyright In The Classroom

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Fact #1- The “Fair Use” part of the US Copyright Law says that in most cases you can allow your students to use copyrighted material such as songs, photos, and other media as long as the finished product is not going to be reproduced and distributed.

Fact #2- In real life (outside the classroom) doing the same thing is illegal and a violation of copyright law punishable by fines and/or jail time.

Because of the latter I always recommend that teachers give their students…

fair use, copyright, classroom, legal, royalty, public domain, educational, class,

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Fact #1- For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The “Fair Use” part of the US Copyright Law says that in most cases you can allow your students to use copyrighted material such as songs, photos, and other media as long as the finished product is not going to be reproduced and distributed.

Fact #2- In real life (outside the classroom) doing the same thing is illegal and a violation of copyright law punishable by fines and/or jail time.

Because of the latter I always recommend that teachers give their students the tools and information to complete projects using free, public domain alternatives. Say for example you assign your students to create a Power Point presentation on a specific topic. In the assignment you mandate that the presentation must include at least one graphic on each slide relevant to this topic. Rather than allowing the students to go out on the web and “steal” images from other sites, demonstrate how to find legal content during your initial presentation. Such photos and other content are easy to find, just do a Google search for “public domain photos,” or “royalty free photos,” for example. One of my personal favorites is the Stock XChange but there are many others.

Another good alternative that some schools possess is a site license subscription to a clip art service. For a flat fee schools and local area education agencies can purchase annual subscriptions to various sites which allow their students and faculty with free, legal access to thousands of copyrighted photos that can be used in most kinds of presentations without restriction. The site offers this type of service.

Remember, while some sites openly allow you to use their images in any publication you choose, others will restrict what you can use it for and how it can be reproduced. Always check the usage policy or copyright policy on the site before using any images or other content in a presentation. By insisting that your students follow these rules you are helping to instill a definite sense of right and wrong in regard to this very “grey” issue.

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title:Coping with Test and Academic Anxiety
author:Debra T
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Today is the day for an important examination. Your skills at taking this test will help determine how well you do. Academic anxiety can be a significant problem affecting many dissertation students. Many students may have physiological responses such as a rapid heartbeat, elevated blood pressure and shallow breathing. The body prepares itself to deal with stress by reacting in predictable ways. Behavioral patterns may affect your performance as well so you can focus on the task at hand. If so, there are effective techniques that can help you.
First, it is important not to underestimate your coping skills. Developing a calming self dialogue is helpful. Watching your self talk is critical. The next time you find yourself listening to that discouraging voice that is blinking like a neon sign in your head stand up to it! Think of yourself as a close friend. The more you imagine the best the better your life will be. Having determined your ultimate mission of having academic success is non-negotiable. This means that in spite of difficult times you remain committed to obtaining your advanced degree. Be ready to adapt. The negative thoughts may be habitual and it is important that you develop strategic coping thoughts to keep firmly in your mind. An example could be, “For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. I can do this, I have done well before on other tests”. Remember to relax by seeing yourself truthfully and that includes acknowledging and affirming your strong qualities. Rejoice in your academic gifts and your uniqueness. You are in control and need to trust in your talent and your experiences. Remember what your personal motives are for getting your degree.
Identifying the behavior that you want to change is critical. Describe on paper the behavior you want to change. Develop specific separate steps that can be taken to ease your anxiety. You have the power to control your stress responses. How you feel about yourself going into a test situation can affect your future!
It now becomes important to visualize your desired results. Do not let the face of fear define you. It is important to remember that fear is irrational. It is not based on reality. It becomes crucial to trust yourself and have courage. Do not let the fears keep you from doing your best and be there for yourself when the times are difficult. The what-ifs are the children of fear. They almost always never come true. They are a way of trying to control an unknown future. Focusing on what is rather than what if will keep you focused on the here and how.
Make a true commitment to change the way you react to performance anxiety and test taking. You have within you enormous untapped resources of talent and ability. Illuminate the road of your personal journey toward obtaining your advanced degree.
Coping With Test and Academic Anxiety
Today is the day for an important examination. Your skills at taking this test will help determine how well you do. Academic anxiety can be a significant problem affecting many dissertation students. Many students may have physiological responses such as a rapid heartbeat, elevated blood pressure and shallow breathing. The body prepares itself to deal with stress by reacting in predictable ways. Behavioral patterns may affect your performance as well so you can focus on the task at hand. If so, there are effective techniques that can help you.
First, it is important not to underestimate your coping skills. Developing a calming self dialogue is helpful. Watching your self talk is critical. The next time you find yourself listening to that discouraging voice that is blinking like a neon sign in your head stand up to it! Think of yourself as a close friend. The more you imagine the best the better your life will be. Having determined your ultimate mission of having academic success is non-negotiable. This means that in spite of difficult times you remain committed to obtaining your advanced degree. Be ready to adapt. The negative thoughts may be habitual and it is important that you develop strategic coping thoughts to keep firmly in your mind. An example could be, “I can do this, I have done well before on other tests”. Remember to relax by seeing yourself truthfully and that includes acknowledging and affirming your strong qualities. Rejoice in your academic gifts and your uniqueness. You are in control and need to trust in your talent and your experiences. Remember what your personal motives are for getting your degree.
Identifying the behavior that you want to change is critical. Describe on paper the behavior you want to change. Develop specific separate steps that can be taken to ease your anxiety. You have the power to control your stress responses. How you feel about yourself going into a test situation can affect your future!
It now becomes important to visualize your desired results. Do not let the face of fear define you. It is important to remember that fear is irrational. It is not based on reality. It becomes crucial to trust yourself and have courage. Do not let the fears keep you from doing your best and be there for yourself when the times are difficult. The what-ifs are the children of fear. They almost always never come true. They are a way of trying to control an unknown future. Focusing on what is rather than what if will keep you focused on the here and how.
Make a true commitment to change the way you react to performance anxiety and test taking. You have within you enormous untapped resources of talent and ability. Illuminate the road of your personal journey toward obtaining your advanced degree.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Cool Tips for Thesis Writing
author:Tamara Johns
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

A thesis is a research report similar to essays and term papers, but it goes into much more detail. A thesis is usually a scientific report. A thesis is a great way for them to see how well a student can do. Many instructors consider a thesis a major part of the student’s grade. Learning how to write a thesis is important especially if the student is considering graduate school. Graduate schools usually require a PhD thesis.
The first part of writing a thesis should begin with the outline including chapter headings, sub-headings, and charts/graphs. Let this outline be a guide to writing the thesis. Once it is broken down into different headings and sub-headings it will not seem such a massive job. The outline also helps in organization. A word to the wise is to have the outline and all work on the thesis to be on back-up files. If for some reason the original disk malfunctioned, all of the work would not be lost.
Set goals and deadlines. Use the outline to set these goals and deadlines. Reward yourself when you accomplish these goals. The sections of a thesis are:
– For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Title page (This includes the author’s name, title, and name of university
– Abstract (A concise summary of the research topic. This should include methods and final results of the research paper)
– Table of Contents
– Introduction (This includes why the topic is important and why you have chosen the topic. State the problem in simple terms. It should include background information about the topic. Never overestimate the reader’s familiarity with the topic. Define any terms necessary. This section should be written several times because it is one of the most important parts of the thesis. It needs to be interesting enough to catch the reader’s attention and keep them reading)
– Literature Review (This should include an annotated bibliography of sources showing what research has been done on the topic)
– Methods (What are your methods of research? Do you plan on questionnaires? Observation? What is your specific method of determining whether your thesis is correct?)
– Results and discussion (This discusses what you found during your research process. Different graphs and charts should be used to display the results you found. Carefully describe the conditions that led to the results of your research)
– References (Be sure to cite every source used in proper style such as APA or MLA)
– Appendices (This should include any materials that you consider important but not in the actual thesis)
Different instructors may have different parts of a dissertation or PhD thesis. These were examples of the common subtopics in a thesis. If in doubt about any section, do not be afraid to ask your professor questions. Different instructors may put more emphasis on different sections so knowing for sure what the professor wants is important.
Set goals for each section of the thesis so it does not seem so overwhelming. Once you complete each section, proofread it. Remember to make back-ups of each of these sections. Do at least three rewrites of each section. It is easier to correct mistakes one section at a time than trying to correct mistakes as a complete thesis. Have someone proofread each section. Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Revisions are an important part of any writing assignments, but it is especially important to correct any errors in a thesis. Take pride in your work because it may be something that you will show future employers.

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Convenience in our Training Program

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Perhaps when you envision something like construction equipment operation training, you think of a long, drawn-out process that is necessarily given in an inconvenient manner.

Heavy Equipment Training, Bulldozer, Jobs for G.I’s, Construction Jobs

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Perhaps when you envision something like construction equipment operation training, you think of a long, drawn-out process that is necessarily given in an inconvenient manner. After all, it’s not as if you can simply trek down to your local community college and take construction equipment training courses. With the full and active lives that Americans lead today, it is not feasible for them to sacrifice months and months of their time and income in order to receive training.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. This being said, one of the main drawing points of the National Heavy Equipment Operations School is the sheer convenience of our training program. National understands the needs and requirements that people have in life, and our training process is streamlined enough to fit into anyone’s schedule. The first half of the construction training program at National is performed at the student’s individual pace in the closest classroom available: home. When dealing with heavy equipment operation, after all, dedicated classroom time is not the best way to train students. Instead, our home-based informational classes give you all the background that you will need in order to move onto the next phase of the training program.

Obviously, on-site training is an absolute requirement when dealing with something as demanding as heavy equipment operation, and the complexity of National’s resources and requirements dictates that our main facility must be located in one place. However, even the time required to complete the second training stage is comparatively little. In slightly less than a month, you will receive all of the hands-on training necessary in order to operate a wide variety of machinery, including modern bulldozers, excavators, loader-backhoes, and articulating loaders. Since our facility is located in sunny North Florida, home to some of the nation’s most temperate weather, you can be assured that your time on-location will be well-spent on training rather than wasted by poor conditions.

There are several motels in close proximity to National’s facility that offer affordable, discounted rates to our students. Moreover, some of Florida’s best-known attractions are just a short drive away. Again, however, the best part of the training is how quickly it is completed. A month on-site represents an extended vacation from your current job, so you won’t have to worry about earning income while you are away. And, once you complete our nationally accredited training program, you will instantly be privy to the literally thousands of construction equipment operation jobs available nationwide.

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title:Continuing Education for Nurses
author:Hanif Khaki
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

The following article relates not only to nurses but also to those aspiring to enter the noble profession of nursing. We hope you will get some insight into this field.
Although we have used the female reference for nurses throughout this article (“she”, “her”), this is done purely for convenience and in no way reflects the gender status of nurses in today’s society.
Most people assume that once a nurse has completed her education and has become registered, that is the “end” and that no more learning or education is required. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s more to nursing then just tending and looking after patients.
It is highly critical that a nurse maintain and continue her ongoing education and is kept current on her profession. This is an integral part of maintaining her registration.
A nurse’s life in the 21st century is extremely fast paced. There are medical advances in precedures almost on a daily basis and it is essential that a nurse is kept abreast and is at the forefront of these improvements. This requires a high level of time management and dedication to improve oneself in addition to spending long hours in clinics and hospitals. Of course this is much easier said than done.
It is in the best interests of a good hospital to provide everything needed for nurses to continue their education. A good hospital will also more than likely pay for the education of their nurses. A lack of funds should not be a deterrent to a nurse continuing her education.
Many nurses regularly subscribe to nursing periodicals and magazines to keep up to date with their ongoing education.. Nurses are encouraged to go through the relavent published journals on a regular basis.
Of course let’s not forget that just as important to success is the keeping of portfolios and timely documentation detailing all the training and education received throughout the nursing carreer. This written journal also serves as a method of organizing in an orderly manner, all the continuing education undertaken.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Admittedly, there exists a challenge with regards to access to this education for nurses, namely the expense, since nursing is still not considered to be among the better paid professions. This challenge to accessibility can perhaps be met by employers coming forward and funding the continuing education of registered nurses.
Please be sure to check out the many additional resources available on this topic online.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Continuing Education

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There are so
many things to be learned about the world. Take a library for example. Think about how many different subjects there are to be studied and learned through the books on the library shelves. You could start reading a book today and still be reading months or years from now. Or consider how much you could learn about something as simple as your favorite flower. Many books have been written and hundreds of websites have been created about that kind of flower alone. T…

continuing education

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There are so many things to be learned about the world. Take a library for example. Think about how many different subjects there are to be studied and learned through the books on the library shelves. You could start reading a book today and still be reading months or years from now. Or consider how much you could learn about something as simple as your favorite flower. Many books have been written and hundreds of websites have been created about that kind of flower alone. There is a complexity to your favorite flower that makes learning about it take longer than you’d first think. Whether you are eight or seventy-eight, continuing education is important for you.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Continuing education does not just mean that you move on to college after high school or that you pursue a graduate degree after completing college. Basically, continuing education means to continue learning. Continuing education happens as we become curious people who care about the ourselves, others, and the world. When we are curious about something it will inspire us to learn about it. Continuing education is simply about becoming a lifelong learner, it is about never being satisfied with the amount of knowledge we have but always pursuing something new.

Think about ways to make continuing education a consistent part of your life. What things are you curious about? Are there things you have always wondered about? Perhaps you would like to know more about the history of the automobile or about the person who invented blue jeans. Allow yourself to wonder things like this, but do not let yourself stop with just wondering. Continuing education means taking the time to study and learn about these and other things.

Continuing education can be as simple as committing to read one book per month for the rest of your life. Think about how much you could learn by reading books on different subjects for the rest of your life. Or, continuing education can be enrolling in a class at a local college just for fun. Have you always wanted to learn about European history? Enroll in a class about it just for your own benefit.

Whatever continuing education means for your life, just do it. You will be glad that you made it a priority to keep learning, and you will be surprised about how little you already know. Once you begin continuing education you will never be able to stop, and that is exactly the point.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Connect With Your Roots – Learn Your
Family Language
author:Ron Tichenor
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

There are lots of reasons why people learn a foreign language – love, business, travel, hobby, necesity etc., but one reason that seems to pop up more and more is to connect with their roots. Many learn in order to speak with or write to relatives still using the language, others learn just to make a connection with their ancestry, to immerse themselves in their own heritage.
How many people have a grandmother from ‘the old country’ who still speaks with a heavy accent, or an aunt who speaks more in her first language than English? Or how about some newly arrived cousins still struggling with English? Even if your family has been speaking English for generations, the vast majority of people whose native language is English have ancestors from other countries and communities whose native language was not English. Many of us still have a fascination and an affinity with things associated with that ‘old country.’ As an example, I see many people who have a Cead For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Mile Failte plaque outside their front door. It means “a hundred thousand welcomes” in Irish Gaelic, and is a proud declaration of their heritage, as well as a warm welcome into their home.
People of Irish ancestry living outside of Ireland (the U.S., Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia etc) often study Irish in order to make some connection with their ancestry, even if only to learn how to pronounce Cead Mile Failte or all those interesting looking place-names in Ireland. Celtic place-names have a peculiar tendency to last, even long after their original inhabitants have moved on and been replaced by people speaking different languages. Continental Europe has many such names, perhaps owing to the unique qualities of the Celtic people embodied in their languages. To quote John Millington Synge – “There is no language like the Irish for soothing and quieting.”
We often come to a time in our lives when we think about who we are and how we got here, and a lot of that was determined by our ancestors long before we were born. When combined with the needs and goals in our present lives such as business, travel and caring for our family this can become a powerful incentive to learn a second language, particularly a language which we already have a connection to.
The concept of family or community does not have to exist only in the present. There is a wonderful quote by Christopher Ricks which sums this up nicely – “When a language creates, as it does, a community within the present, it does so only by courtesy of a community between the present and the past.”
In some small way, learning our heritage languages can open the door to understanding what kind of people our ancestors were and ultimately gaining a better understanding of ourselves. What better way to define who we are in the present than by reaching back into the past and learning more about our ancestors that got us here.

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title:Condition Stimulus Training
author:Norm Bettencourt
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

You take with you in combat all the good and bad habits that you learned in your training routine. If your tactics in your training consist of high fancy kicks, wide movements, which require you to have a lot of room you will instinctively do the same when your adrenaline kicks in a street confrontation. That will seriously hinder you if you are fighting for survival in a confined area with furniture around such as a living room or bedroom. Your training should also focus on the mind/spirit as well. Self defense is 90% mental it does not matter how effective your tactics are, if you don’t train your mind for combat you will freeze.
Condition stimulus training is about making your training as real as possible so when your instincts take over in a high adrenaline stressed situation you are ready to use your environment to your advantage and not be hindered by it. Your mind will also be familiar with the stimulus and you will not freeze. Many martial artists and practitioners of self defense programs become overwhelmed when their environment changes from a dojo setting to a small confined area. Being in a room filled with furniture gives a martial artist the feeling of being closed in on and makes them feel that they can not move, so they stiffen. Being in this type of environment changes the way you are going to move or perform a tactic. It is completely different from movement in a dojo where you a vast amount of space.
When you are threatened and your adrenaline kicks in you now unknowingly give 100% faith and trust to your self defense system that it will get you out of harms way. Remember you fight like how you trained if you have trained in traditional systems you will most likely not use your environment to your advantage to defend yourself instead you will be hindered. You will focus on how you can not move and get tied up with objects in a room such as furniture because your training hasn’t prepared you for that type of stimulus. What you wear while training is also a big factor when it comes to be prepared to move in the streets. Many systems get practitioners to wear loose fitting clothing when they practice tactics for the obvious reason of being able to move freely. The downside of this is that when you move on the street wearing boots, jeans and form fitting clothing your range of motion is restricted. You will move much slower and if you are a female wearing heels will be off balance performing tactics because you have not trained yourself to move with heels on
The benefit with training this way is obvious, you give yourself more options, weapons and exits. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Your mind is prepared and conditioned for the stimulus that comes its way when violence is presented to it. The more the mind is shown a stimulus the more it is accustomed to it and unfazed it becomes “normal” just like any other everyday event it has experienced.


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title:Concept of E-Learning Solutions: Better o
r Worse
author:James Marriot
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Increasing demand for corporate training as well as the logistical headaches associated with assembling instructors and students at a single location has been the main reason for the birth of E-learning services. In an attempt to avoid the logistical complications of on location training, many companies have opted for a virtual approach to training. Stand-alone CD-ROM modules, enterprise-wide, Web-based programs comprised of hundreds of courses custom-designed for thousands of users all fall under the concept of E-Learning. However, there’re many who’re skeptical of E-learning services and believes it to be just a lot of hype.
E-learning is basically a new or different form of learning. E-learning enables learners to combine traditional methods of learning with the internet facilities. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. In fact, some learners opt for a mix of face-to-face experiences with network-based education. However, like everything, E-Learning programs have its pros and cons. It has been found that often, E-learning provides a more individualized, self-paced, self-directed learning experience.
A main advantage of E-learning services is flexibility. With E-learning services there is no need to go to an institution in order to learn a subject or a skill. Also, you can work as well as study because E-Learning solutions don’t have fixed classroom timings and therefore you’ve the freedom to learn at your own pace and at your convenience. E-Learning solutions also have the flexibility of being CD-ROM-based, Network-based, Intranet-based or Internet-based.
It’s a hands-on learning experience without the disadvantages like crowded classrooms or a huge auditorium, where your questions and views might not get addressed. Another advantage is the amount of time you can save. With E-learning services you can save the time as well as costs that you’d otherwise spend commuting to your classes. But, you’ll however miss out on the experiences that come with campus life and the social interaction that are a part of traditional classrooms and institutions. And with E-learning solutions, you can learn as and when you need it and your learning options aren’t constrained or limited by your geographic location.
Another unique feature of E-learning services is that the instruction can be more personalized and flexible. Therefore it’s more effective for particular kinds of learners like, shy, reflective, language challenged or slow. Within E-learning the focus is on the students and not on the instructor.
However, like everything, it has its share of disadvantages as well. For example, E-learning services that have ineffective online instructors are not very useful. Also, many instructors find it difficult to use E-learning services for traditional content. And it’s at the same time more time consuming as instructors have to provide individualized feedback. Also, often there is the matter of equipment needs of students and learning providers as well as the technical training and support of learners and instructors.
Another issue that needs to be addressed is the academic honesty of online students, especially when it comes to testing and assessment. In this matter the absence of face-to-face interaction is a big set back. Another fact is that E-learning services are not available to all learners from all walks of life, because it needs special infrastructure to support it as well as new skills and responsibilities from the students.
However, E-learning services provided by offshore E-Learning solutions provider companies have now become more universal, and is now giving people and organizations the competitive edge that allows them to stay ahead of the quickly varying global information economy. In the long run, this will help the Indian economy grow, since many companies have now started to outsource their E-learning services to India.
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Computer Forensics Training

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Computer forensics is the investigation and analysis of a crime using a computer to help solve the case. Computer forensics is used to investigate crimes with high tech programs. Computer forensics can also be used to prepare digital data suitable for inclusion in a criminal investigation.

Computer Training, Computer Internet Training, Computer Graphic Training, Computer Forensics Training

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For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Computer forensics is the investigation and analysis of a crime using a computer to help solve the case. Computer forensics is used to investigate crimes with high tech programs. Computer forensics can also be used to prepare digital data suitable for inclusion in a criminal investigation.

A wide variety of methods are used to discover data hidden in a computer system. Specialists are sometimes used to help recover deleted, encrypted or damaged file information. Any or all evidence obtained can be used for discovery, depositions or actual litigation. People who are specialized in computer forensics are sometimes referred to as a CCE or a Certified Computer Examiner. Computer forensic training involves a training program with online exams.

Most computer forensic courses equip a student with a full range of computer forensics skills. Students learn to build digital forensics toolkits. They also develop skills to track an offender on the Internet, define proper evidence handling procedures and learn how to work with law enforcement agencies. The students learn to apply proven investigative strategies and are finally awarded their CCE certifications.

Computer forensic training programs cover issues like networks and protocols and the architecture of operating systems. They also include crime analysis and crime scene management and courtroom/expert witness skills.

Computer forensic training also educates cyber crime investigators in techniques of computer forensic investigations. Students are eligible for a Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Certification or CHFI.

Government agencies and private sector companies have seen an increased demand for computer forensics in the last decade. Computer based evidence is often used in cases where incriminating documents are likely to be found on a computer like financial fraud and child pornography. Civil cases make use of business and personal records found on computer systems for fraud, divorce, discrimination and harassment cases.

In order to keep pace with the ever-changing technology and advances, course materials for computer forensic training are constantly upgraded to keep candidates updated on the latest techniques and skills in the field of forensics.