Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Custom Flag Printing Is White A Color??
on Littlewood
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

This question I don’t really get asked its more I see when a person requests a quote and say’s “I would like a custom flag made using my logo the colors in my logo are navy blue, red, yellow and white”
After being a flag maker for many years I have found out that many flag manufacturers out there especially the one’s on the internet say that the custom flag above is 4 colors when they send the quote.
I would like to tell you right now!
This is not true!! The flag above is only 3 colors WHY?
White is not a color
When we screen print onto the flag material if there are 6 colors in your logo then we will use 6 colors e.g.: blue, red, yellow, green, black, and violet.
The color white is not used, the material is white so when we make the film to use to screen print your logo the part which is supposed to be white we don’t use any color.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. So next time you go to have a custom flag made be sure they don’t charge you for the color white. If you have white in your logo the flag makers will use white material, most flags are screen printed on white material anyway.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Custom Flag Printing – is White a Color?

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Should you be charged for the color white when having a custom flag made?

custom flags, car flags, flag printing

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This question I don’t really get asked its more I see when a person requests a quote and say’s “I would like a custom flag made using my logo the colors in my logo are navy blue, red, yellow and white”

After being a custom flag maker for many years I have found out that many flag manufacturers out there especially the one’s on the internet say that the custom flag above is 4 colors when they send the quote.

I would like to tell you right now! This is not true!! The flag above is only 3 colors WHFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Y? White is not a color !

When we screen print onto the flag material if there are 6 colors in your logo then we will use 6 colors eg: blue, red, yellow, green, black, violet.

The color white is not used, the material is white so when we make the film to use to screen print your logo the part which is supposed to be white we don’t use any color.

So next time you go to have a custom flag made be shore they don’t charge you for the color white. If you have white in your logo the flag makers will use white material, most flags are screen printed on white material anyway.

Jason Littlewood of Custom flag makers has been making flags for many years supplying every day people with decorative custom flags see his and the teams work at

Maths Tutor Ireland


Cure Your Back Pain Now

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Who wa
nts to see his chiropractor twice a week and pay hundreds of dollars to get his back adjusted? Waking up in the morning with a wrong movement and you start to feel that back pain. Everything from now on will be accompanied by sharp pain strikes. You will not be able to put your clothes and shoos on, every breath you take hearts up to a point where you so desperate you find your self scratching your back against the wall.

cure, back pain, pain, fix, understand, coming, pains, yourself, need, chiropractor, times, right, doing, own, treat,

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Who wants to see his chiropractor twice a week and pay hundreds of dollars to get his back adjusted? Waking up in the morning with a wrong movement and you start to feel that back pain. Everything from now on will be accompanied by sharp pain strikes. You will not be able to put your clothes and shoos on, every breath you take hearts up to a point where you so desperate you find your self scratching your back against the wall.
You have to cancel every thing and rush to your chiropractor with the urge to fix that sorrowing back.
I totally understand where you are coming from. I have been in your shoes and applaud you for doing the research in an attempt to treat your back pain yourself.
My back problems have been so severe at times that For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. I have been unable to tie my own shoes for weeks at a time. I know what it’s like to be in constant agony and how good it feels when the pain ends and you finally feel like yourself again.
People with pain back will simply do anything do relief that pain. They will naturally choose to fix it but the pain will come back again. What they need to do is to understand the cause of the pains fix them to loose the pain for good and not treat the symptoms which will keep coming back.
Truth is, the easiest and most effective methods can be done right in the comfort of your own home, often times in ten minutes or less.
I have spent the last years in a search to find what can be done to get rid of this pain once and for all. I have read books, traveled to doctors, interviewed people who suffered from back pains, etc. And finally I have understand the root to my problem and then I was ready to target it in order to end suffer.
The solution – If you are not doing the right things to loosen up the tight muscles in your lower back and legs you’re only addressing the symptoms of the problem. And that’s a fact. But you need to know exactly how to perform that task.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Cure Your Allergy

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You are in the mid
dle of some daily activation and suddenly it happens: allergy. Soon enough you will enjoy: sneezing, itching, teary eyes, running nose, red rash, needless to go further. Now, I have being in your place and gave a try to all temporary solutions which help for a while but failed to defeat my allergy. In the long run my allergy kept coming back. In this article I will try to help you cure your allergy and not only its symptoms.

Constipation cure, cure your allergy, allergy, allergy symptoms, allergy medicine, allergy treatment, arthritis cure, diabetes cure, wheat allergy

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You are in the middle of some daily activation and suddenly it happens: allergy. Soon enough you will enjoy: sneezing, itching, teary eyes, running nose, red rash, needless to go further. Now, I have being in your place and gave a try to all temporary solutions which help for a while but failed to defeat my allergy. In the long run my allergy kept coming back. In this article For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. I will try to help you cure your allergy and not only its symptoms.

What is allergy? Well, allergy is an over reaction response of our immunity system to an innocent food, dust, and other causes. Normally, these things will end up with any reaction, but to some people it is the beginning of another very problematic day. Actually, allergy derives from our immunity system which attacks our body.

There are several types of allergies each one derives from a different source. The main known types of allergies are: hey fever, mite which is tiny insect located in the dust of our carpets and furniture, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, and all sorts of food allergies.
Most of them are related to the symptoms we have discussed earlier.

The symptoms are well taking care of by traditional medicine. Every time you suffer from an allergy you will take that medic, which will cure only the symptoms, creating a never ending story of you and your allergy. When ever you eat certain type of food or being exposed to dust or even cats, my wife suffered from that, the allergy is back. The solution is taking care of your body, regain its natural balance and avoid allergies for the rest of your life.

This is the real secret, your body natural balance. If your body was in a perfect physical condition you could have left your allergies behind you. The reason is that an unbalanced body might lead to an unbalanced reaction of the immunity system as we experience with allergies. The solution is balancing your body to gain extra strength.

How can one retain his body balance? It depends totally on you. You must be determined to heal the allergy attacks you suffer from. You must start balancing your diet with healthy food. Please do not try this at once but simply add some healthy supplements to your daily diet. This could be more vegetables seeds, almond, etc.
You should consult a dietitian for a complete new diet which will eventually balance your body and could heal you completely from your allergy.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Cure Knee Pain

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The snake crossed my hor
se path, next thing I was flying in the air heating the ground real bad. The first thing I felt was a sharp pain in my left knee. It felt like my knee had been torn apart. I could not walk let alone ride my horse. I was really terrified that I will not be able to ride again. Naturally I turned to classic medical treatment to cure my sour knee but they failed to fix it. But I have found a way.

cure knee pain, cure knee, knee pain, cure, knee, pain, heal my knee, medical, heal knee pain, heal knee

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The snake crossed my horse path, next thing I was flying in the air heating the ground real bad. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The first thing I felt was a sharp pain in my left knee. It felt like my knee had been torn apart. I could not walk let alone ride my horse. I was really terrified that I will not be able to ride again. Naturally I turned to classic medical treatment to cure my sour knee but they failed to fix it. To cut a long story short I have manage eventually to find the cure by my self and I want to share it with you.

The first thing I thought post the accident was: OK, I have a decent medical care insurance I will get my knee fixed in no time. I have scheduled a date for preliminary exploratory surgery. When I woke up my knee hearts even more, but the worst was still to come. My doctor told me that the damage to my knee is irreversible and that I will never be able to ride horses again. Moreover, I had to wear supporting device for the rest of my life.

For the first time in my life I felt defeated. If the best medical treatment could not cure my knee I will probably have to stay cripple for the rest of my life. These were the worst days of my life: I could hardly walk, and could not dance or ride my horse. Then one day we went to visit an old friend just to find that his wife happened to be physician therapist. Once I have told her my sad story she said that I will walk normally again and more important ride my horse again.

She has really inspired me not to give up and to try a different way then the classical medical way of thinking. In the next couple of weeks I have learned that by exercising correctly I could reverse my knee condition. This was holistic exercise technique called Pilates. An amazing program that I could easily squeeze into my tide daily scheduled. These are some basic exercise with two main aims: first to strengthen the mussels related to my knee movements and the second one is to make my knee more elastic.

That really helped my. Today, my knee is very strong and my supporting mussels are stronger and can naturally support it. I have got rid of the knee supporting device and went back to my normal life. With one exception: continue to exercise every day.

I will never forget the first time I have climbed on the back of my beloved horse. I was actually shivering from excitement. When I felt calm again I rode all the way to my friend’s house to let his wife be proud of what she has done for me.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:CSET Test Preparation Guides – Beware The H
author:Rick Hendershot
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

If you are aspiring to be a teacher in California you are probably aware that you must verify your teaching credentials for each subject you hope to teach. There are two ways you can do this. You can either complete an approved program at an accredited educational institution. Or you can pass one or more subject matter examinations – known as CSET, short for “California Subject Examinations for For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Teachers”.
If you choose the second option you will have traded a longer term course of study for what sounds like a fast track method of obtaining your credentials. This is a very attractive option for many people, but it places considerable emphasis on the aspiring teacher’s ability to perform well in the pressure-packed atmosphere that testing always involves.
As anyone who has taken standardized tests knows, these tests are almost always difficult, frustrating, and quite unpredictable. Many people discover they not only have to know the actual subject matter, but they also have to be proficient test takers. Each testing procedure has its unique approach, and the more familiar a person becomes with the techniques used in a particular test, the better he or she is likely to perform.
**CSET Preparation is very important**
The bottom line is that preparing for your CSET tests is very important. And since so much is riding on your test performance you will be tempted to look for preparation short cuts.
A quick Google search for “CSET Test Preparation” will bring up a number of products designed to help CSET candidates improve their test scores. But how do you decide between these products? With so much riding on your decision, it is important to know which ones will help, and which ones are hype?
Here are some suggestions for evaluating CSET Test Preparation programs:
1. Be wary of outrageous or overblown claims. – We all know the saying: “If it is too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” There is no better proof of this than in the field of internet marketing. This means you have good reason to be sceptical when a test guide company says “We maintain a full time research staff, all of whom…have actually scored in the 99th percentile of the toughest tests.” Ask yourself, “Why would these people be working for an internet marketing company if they are such cracker jack teachers?” Or, “Is there really enough money made by selling these products to afford a ‘full time research staff’ of highly skilled people?”. Do you know that most internet marketing companies do not have ANY full time staff!
Another CSET Test guide company claims “Our CSET test takers have a 87% pass rate which is substantially higher than other CSET test preparation programs.” But comparative statistics of this kind are simply not available. So it is impossible to make such a claim without just fabricating the numbers!
2. Stay away from programs that rely on a “secret approach” – Any program that suggests you can replace concentration on the subject matter by focusing on the testing procedure is misleading you. At least one program of this sort suggests it will teach you the “secret keys that ‘gives away’ [sic] the right answer a lot of the time.” Do you really think the people who created these tests are not bright enough to hide these secret keys? And if they really were that incompetent, wouldn’t they just buy this guide, discover the “secret keys”, and change them?
3. Don’t settle for an “ebook” – A company that publishes an ebook and pretends it is serious training software is probably misleading you. Virtually anybody can produce an ebook filled with 30 or 40 pages of recycled “advice”, and then hype it as though it was a “revolutionary breakthrough”. If something as important as a study guide for a career-determining test is not worth more than a cheap ebook, then you would be best to ignore the product. Look for a guide that is an actual software program that includes time-tested study techniques and memory-enhancement aids and exercises.
4. If a training product downplays the importance of CONTENT, then you should be suspicious of it – The best training guides will have thousands of sample questions. And in order to give the most comprehensive review of the subject matter, the software should have a method of randomizing both the sequence of questions and the possible answers. Without this randomizing it is inevitable that the user of the guide will start to identify a particular question with a specific sequence of answers. It is impossible to do this kind of randomizing in an ebook.
5. Do not deal with a company without a history – Avoid outfits that are vague on details about location or staff. Websites make it very easy to pretend to be something you are not, so be suspicious of companies that do not publish their address and phone number. If you call the phone number and cannot talk to a real person, chances are the company has no real staff and may be nothing more than a front for a downloadable product. If the product is credible it will probably have been around for a few years and it will have gone through several versions and revisions. Almost nobody gets it right the first time (consider Microsoft, Apple, Sun, etc.) so if the product has not gone through a few different versions it is probably not much of a product.
6. If a website uses a bunch of gimmicks it is probably substituting hype for substance – Here are some of the more popular gimmicks used by online marketers. The presence of any of these should set off alarm bells:
— A “Money Back Guarantee” accompanied by some “guaranteed” increase in test performance. Internet marketers know that customers rarely pursue these guarantees, so they throw them around with reckless abandon. A friend of mine recently bought a golf club “guaranteed to add 30 yards to the average drive”. When it actually resulted in a LOSS of yardage…guess what…he bought another club from the same company! On his third day out with the new club THE HEAD FLEW OFF and ended up the lake. Is he considering buying another club from the same people? Of course!
— A very long pitch that spells out the “The 5 (or 6) Things that a Study Guide Must Have”. Of course all but one or two of these are exclusive to the product being sold on that site. And then the long pitch climaxes in…
— Free Bonus Offers “worth hundreds of dollars”. This is a standard technique used by every graduate of “Internet Marketing 101”. These free bonuses are usually worthless. They are often outdated ebooks readily available from a hundred other online sources. And even if you take the trouble to download them chances are you will never look at them.
When choosing CSET test preparation software be careful to avoid the hype and go with the product that delivers content, does not use gimmicks, and is backed by a company that is committed to long term service and product development.

Maths Tutor Ireland


CSET Test Preparation Guides – Beware Th
e Hype

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If you are aspiring to be a teacher in California you are probably aware that you must verify your teaching credentials for each subject you hope to teach. There are two ways you can do this. You can either complete an approved program at an accredited educational institution. Or you can pass one or more subject matter examinations – known as CSET, short for “California For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Subject Examinations for Teachers”.

If you choose the second option you will have traded a longer term c…

CSET, CSET guide, CSET preparation, CSET test guide, California CSET preparation

Article Body:
If you are aspiring to be a teacher in California you are probably aware that you must verify your teaching credentials for each subject you hope to teach. There are two ways you can do this. You can either complete an approved program at an accredited educational institution. Or you can pass one or more subject matter examinations – known as CSET, short for “California Subject Examinations for Teachers”.

If you choose the second option you will have traded a longer term course of study for what sounds like a fast track method of obtaining your credentials. This is a very attractive option for many people, but it places considerable emphasis on the aspiring teacher’s ability to perform well in the pressure-packed atmosphere that testing always involves.

As anyone who has taken standardized tests knows, these tests are almost always difficult, frustrating, and quite unpredictable. Many people discover they not only have to know the actual subject matter, but they also have to be proficient test takers. Each testing procedure has its unique approach, and the more familiar a person becomes with the techniques used in a particular test, the better he or she is likely to perform.

**CSET Preparation is very important**

The bottom line is that preparing for your CSET tests is very important. And since so much is riding on your test performance you will be tempted to look for preparation short cuts.

A quick Google search for “CSET Test Preparation” will bring up a number of products designed to help CSET candidates improve their test scores. But how do you decide between these products? With so much riding on your decision, it is important to know which ones will help, and which ones are hype?

Here are some suggestions for evaluating CSET Test Preparation programs:

1. Be wary of outrageous or overblown claims. – We all know the saying: “If it is too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” There is no better proof of this than in the field of internet marketing. This means you have good reason to be sceptical when a test guide company says “We maintain a full time research staff, all of whom…have actually scored in the 99th percentile of the toughest tests.” Ask yourself, “Why would these people be working for an internet marketing company if they are such cracker jack teachers?” Or, “Is there really enough money made by selling these products to afford a ‘full time research staff’ of highly skilled people?”. Do you know that most internet marketing companies do not have ANY full time staff!

Another CSET Test guide company claims “Our CSET test takers have a 87% pass rate which is substantially higher than other CSET test preparation programs.” But comparative statistics of this kind are simply not available. So it is impossible to make such a claim without just fabricating the numbers!

2. Stay away from programs that rely on a “secret approach” – Any program that suggests you can replace concentration on the subject matter by focusing on the testing procedure is misleading you. At least one program of this sort suggests it will teach you the “secret keys that ‘gives away’ [sic] the right answer a lot of the time.” Do you really think the people who created these tests are not bright enough to hide these secret keys? And if they really were that incompetent, wouldn’t they just buy this guide, discover the “secret keys”, and change them?

3. Don’t settle for an “ebook” – A company that publishes an ebook and pretends it is serious training software is probably misleading you. Virtually anybody can produce an ebook filled with 30 or 40 pages of recycled “advice”, and then hype it as though it was a “revolutionary breakthrough”. If something as important as a study guide for a career-determining test is not worth more than a cheap ebook, then you would be best to ignore the product. Look for a guide that is an actual software program that includes time-tested study techniques and memory-enhancement aids and exercises.

4. If a training product downplays the importance of CONTENT, then you should be suspicious of it – The best training guides will have thousands of sample questions. And in order to give the most comprehensive review of the subject matter, the software should have a method of randomizing both the sequence of questions and the possible answers. Without this randomizing it is inevitable that the user of the guide will start to identify a particular question with a specific sequence of answers. It is impossible to do this kind of randomizing in an ebook.

5. Do not deal with a company without a history – Avoid outfits that are vague on details about location or staff. Websites make it very easy to pretend to be something you are not, so be suspicious of companies that do not publish their address and phone number. If you call the phone number and cannot talk to a real person, chances are the company has no real staff and may be nothing more than a front for a downloadable product. If the product is credible it will probably have been around for a few years and it will have gone through several versions and revisions. Almost nobody gets it right the first time (consider Microsoft, Apple, Sun, etc.) so if the product has not gone through a few different versions it is probably not much of a product.

6. If a website uses a bunch of gimmicks it is probably substituting hype for substance – Here are some of the more popular gimmicks used by online marketers. The presence of any of these should set off alarm bells:

— A “Money Back Guarantee” accompanied by some “guaranteed” increase in test performance. Internet marketers know that customers rarely pursue these guarantees, so they throw them around with reckless abandon. A friend of mine recently bought a golf club “guaranteed to add 30 yards to the average drive”. When it actually resulted in a LOSS of yardage…guess what…he bought another club from the same company! On his third day out with the new club THE HEAD FLEW OFF and ended up the lake. Is he considering buying another club from the same people? Of course!

— A very long pitch that spells out the “The 5 (or 6) Things that a Study Guide Must Have”. Of course all but one or two of these are exclusive to the product being sold on that site. And then the long pitch climaxes in…

— Free Bonus Offers “worth hundreds of dollars”. This is a standard technique used by every graduate of “Internet Marketing 101”. These free bonuses are usually worthless. They are often outdated ebooks readily available from a hundred other online sources. And even if you take the trouble to download them chances are you will never look at them.

When choosing CSET test preparation software be careful to avoid the hype and go with the product that delivers content, does not use gimmicks, and is backed by a company that is committed to long term service and product development.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Criminal Defense Lawyers: Red
ucing Murder to Manslaughter

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This article explains how to reduce a murder to manslaughter in a criminal court case.

lawyer, law, legal, court, murder, manslaughter, defense

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Reducing murder to manslaughter is a task that presents itself in many murder cases. Depending on your state or jurisdiction you may be able to reduce murder to manslaughter by eliminating the element of “malice.” Classically, this is where the defendant acts by being provoked into a sudden quarrel or into a state of mind known as the “heat of passion.” The mental state of “heat of passion” is not just one emotion. It can be anger, jealously, or any other agitated state of mind in the normal range of human behavior.

If a person is intentionally killed but the defendant was provoked or was in the heat of passion due to some provocative circumstance of the alleged victim, the killing is said to be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter. The defendant cannot just set up his or her own standard of conduct. The situation causing the heat of passion must be such that a reasonable person under the circumstances would have been provoked to act out of passion rather than logic. The classic example given in law schools is where a person comes home unexpectedly and finds their spouse in bed with another person. This is the type of act that could cause any reasonable person to act out of passion and emotion rather than logic.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Usually these cases happen in times of great stress and emotion and a psychologist or psychiatrist should be employed to see if any factors of the mental state of the defendant or victim can be used to reduce the offense to manslaughter. How mental state factors can be used depend upon the laws of the jurisdiction in which the case is being tried.

If it can be shown that the killing was unintentional, but reckless, in some states the case can be reduced to involuntary manslaughter. Involuntary manslaughter carries a significantly lower penalty than voluntary manslaughter. Sometimes what looks like a murder, an intentional killing, is really an accident under extremely stressful circumstances. Note that in some states an unintentional killing, if extreme enough, can be murder. Generally that type of act must be more than recklessness. Typically, to make an unintentional act murder there must exist a callous disregard for human life. In some states those types of acts are called “depraved heart murders.”

As an example, a female was charged with murder when she stabbed her husband in the chest with a steak knife. They were in the kitchen making dinner and got into an argument. Because the knife hit a major artery near the heart, he died within minutes. The defendant told two different stories about what happened. She said it was an accident and she didn’t mean to kill him. She was prosecuted for murder and taken to trial.

The defense noticed that the location and angle of the wound seemed odd for an intentional stabbing. The blade went in at an angle rather than vertical. This didn’t seem consistent with how a person intentionally stabbing another would have stabbed. Also, the blade went right between the ribs in a soft area of cartilage. It seemed unlikely that a non professional could have known this vulnerability and hit it so precisely.

The defense retained a well-known pathologist who totally agreed and testified that all of the circumstances were consistent with an accident and inconsistent with patterns of known stabbings. A psychiatrist also testified to the woman’s exaggerated startle response because of beatings from a prior relationship. The defense theory was that she accidentally stabbed her boyfriend when he quickly advanced towards her in the argument. She over-reacted and, without consciously knowing it, thrust her knife hand forward. The knife went through the butter-soft cartilage and pierced the artery. The jury found her not guilty of murder and found her guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Had she not been under the influence of drugs, the jury might have found the act to be a pure accident and totally excused her.

To show that a killing is either voluntary manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter, a thorough investigation, analysis, and reconstruction is mandated. Even if the act was not the type that would justify reducing a murder to manslaughter, the fact that the defendant was in the heat of passion could eliminate premeditation and deliberation and reduce the degree of the murder.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Creating, Maintaining and Pres
enting a Homeschool Portfolio
author:Reverend Brenda Hoffman
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Many school districts now require homeschoolers to present portfolios showing their student’s progress in an organized fashion. This is actually a very convenient method of recording whenever it is done properly. Here are some ideas on how to create, maintain, and present your homeschool portfolio for a successful assessment, evaluation and review.
First of all, it is important to have a firm grasp on precisely what a homeschool portfolio is. Basically, a homeschool portfolio is a collection of materials that are used in order to showcase what your child has learned over the course of the “school year.” This is important because numerous states require an annual assessment of homeschooled students either via testing or the presentation of a portfolio. While it may seem that keeping a portfolio is only good in so far as you need to comply with the law. This is not the case however. Portfolios can also help parents and their children to record their progress and achievements. This becomes even more important once a child has reached high school and needs a diploma.
Now that we understand the importance of a portfolio, it is also important to understand that there is no right or wrong way in which to create a portfolio. It is up to the parent and/or child what materials the portfolio will contain. However, it is a good idea to choose a variety of material in order to reflect what the child has learned, experienced and accomplished throughout the year. Some items that should be included in your portfolio are: Suggested items to include are:
(1.) A journal which contains notes about activities and the progress that has been made.
(2.) For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. A list of resources (ie books, computer software, games, toys and outside classes).
(3.) Samples of the child’s work (ie samples of creative writing and drawings, text book or workbook pages, and if possible you may include audio or video tapes of your child singing, playing a musical instrument, reading aloud, or taking part in a a dramatic performance – pictures will also sometimes work well in place of audio or video tapes).
(4.) Photos of field trips, artwork, projects and family life.
(5.) Brochures and booklets from field trips and other activities.
(6.) A list of books that the child has read including both the title and the author.
(7.) A list of your goals for the year.
While this may seem quite overwhelming, you’d honestly be surprised at how easily you can accomplish this when you start preparing your portfolio at the beginning of the year. Simply use a three ring binder and add paper for your journaling. Start off by listing a few of your goals for the year and what resources you’ll be using to achieve those goals (these can be modified throughout the year as needed). Then begin collecting samples of work, organizing them by subject, and punching holes in them to place them in your binder. Always have at least a throw away camera at hand so that you can take pictures of anything that you’d like that your child does (ie reading, playing, dancing). You’ll also want to take pictures at field trips as well as pictures of your child’s projects and creations. These pictures can either be placed in a photo album or if you’re feeling really craftsy you could organize them into a scrapbook. You’ll also want to make sure to hold onto any brochures or other paper items that you collect while on an educational outing. These can be easily placed in clear see-through sheet protectors. This is also a good time to begin accumulating a list of books that are being read.
Once you have put together the beginnings of your portfolio, don’t stop there. Regular maintenance (I suggest weekly as it will help you to write your lesson plans for the following week) should include regular journal entries and an ongoing collection of work samples, photos and whatever else you wish to include. Some school districts will require a quarterly assessment throughout your homeschool year. This is a time for parents and children to reflect upon their progress and accomplishments from the previous months. Yet, even if your school district doesn’t require a quarterly review, you won’t want to wait until the end of the year to scramble and race to put together a portfolio that your school district will approve of. Neither you nor your child deserve having to go through the unneeded stress of having to sort through all of the material that has been collected throughout the year.
When it is time for review you may choose to remove some of the materials from your portfolio. You will find that some of these things simply do not properly reflect what you’ve accomplished throughout the year. If/when you decide to weed through your portfolio, you need to remember that the purpose of the review is to provide a general overview of the homeschool year, demonstrate that the child is engaged in homeschooling and that progress is being made.
The portfolio review can be exciting since it provides both parents and children with a time to talk about what they’ve been doing at home. When discussing this with your child, you may find it helpful to write down a summary of the items that you wish to highlight during your year before the review. For instance, if your child learned to read or master a skill you may wish to point this out to the reviewer. Of course, you should never view your portfolio review as a time for you to be judged or ridiculed. It is a time to listen, learn and support from your reviewer. Your child does not need to be present during this time. However, if your child wants a chance to “brag” about their accomplishments and progress to other homeschoolers, then this review is a perfect opportunity for them to do so.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Corrosion in Metals – Principles and Pr

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Interesting article with the basics of metal corrosion and its preventive methods.

corrosion,metal corrosion,anticorrosive

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Corrosion is the tendency of metals to return to their natural condition, abandoning their current one, that is: the destruction or deterioration of a material because of chemical and/or electrochemical reactions.

A chemical reaction or dry environment reaction can occur by the contact with vapors or gases, without the presence of liquids. With frequency, the dry environment reaction is closely associated with high temperatures.

A electrochemical reaction or humid environment reaction, is present in liquid atmospheres, by sprayed or immersed means.

Corrosion processes tend to return materials back to a more thermodynamically stable state by their combination with substances in the environment, particularly with oxygen. It is from such a state that the materials were transformed through the metallurgic process of extraction and refinement, by the means of the supply of electric, chemical or heat work.

The most widely used metals for technology have a great affinity for oxygen and their corrosion process depends exclusively on the phenomenon denominated “oxidation”. Some metals are more prone to oxidation than others.

For example: metals like gold or platinum hardly oxidize because of their low affinity with oxygen. They are known as noble metals. Other metals as iron oxidize easily due to their high affinity with oxygen.


For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The electrochemical nature of corrosion leads to diverse forms of assault. These are determined by the succession of a series of environmental, mechanical and geometrical factors. The identification of the form of corrosion is of vital importance for the diagnosis of the cause that determines the corrosive process, as well as the prevention, control, and protection of the element.

According to this, the corrosion classification goes as follows:

– Generalized corrosion

– Localized corrosion

– Selective corrosion

Generalized corrosion affects the whole surface of the metal and translates into a more or less rapid slimming of the metallic wall in contact with the electrolyte. Depending on the uniformity of the superficial attack, it can be differentiated into generalized uniform and generalized not uniform corrosions.

Localized corrosion affects a limited part of the metallic surface and causes cavity formation. These cavities, depending on their external diameter vs. depth relation, are named ulcers, craters, pittings, or criccas. The pitting or punctures, can sometimes be penetrating. The cricca or fissure can be intergranular or transgranular, depending if it follows the edge of the grain or through it.

Selective corrosion produces the preferential dissolution of a certain part of the metal that, for chemical or metallographic reasons, proves to be more easily attackable.

We can speak of cristalographic, intergranular or interdendritic corrosion, if the corroded material results in certain crystalline species in the grain borders or the immediately adjacent zone.

Another form of selective corrosion, the dealloying, happens when the preferential dissolution of one of two components of an alloy is verified, leaving an inconsistent and frothy residue of the other metal in the alloy.

Methods of control and prevention:

The general methods for corrosion control more widely accepted on the industry are: the use of special construction materials resistant to corrosion, the application of inert barriers as paint, the use of methods of cathodic or anodic protection, the adjustments on the electrolyte or corrosive medium’s chemistry, the application of specific inhibitors to control corrosion, and the application of anticorrosive systems.

An anticorrosive system is made up of two components which form a set. This set works as a barrier that controls oxidation and prevents the attack of external factors.

The components of an anticorrosive system are:

– Firstly, the base or primer, whose function is to provide the system with the sufficient adherence to the substrate and to act as a cathodic corrosion inhibitor (because of its high proportion of zinc).

– The finishing, which consists of a film or layer that complements the system and provides a high resistance to the attack of the environment.