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title:Distance Learning and Elearning for Com
puter Techs
author:John Tipton
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Just a few decades ago, distance learning existed only in the imaginations of science fiction writers. Of course, computers were as big as a house and only those same science fiction writers wove stories of a world in which computers were commonplace.
While technology has not taken the strides some predicted and we Earthlings didn’t colonize the moon by the year 2000, there are many who probably never expected that most people log onto the Internet on a regular basis.
The great advances in technology have created a couple of new situations. As with any new gadget, there has to be someone who can work on it. When cars first hit the scene, those who could understand the workings of a gas engine were in great demand.
Even more demanding was the need for training to stay abreast of the development of the automobile. The same is true today of the computer technology.
But the techs of today have a great advantage that wasn’t available when auto mechanics were trying to learn. They have computers and access to instant communication through computer networks.
That means that the very subject they need to learn more about is instrumental in keeping them up-to-date in their field. Like those who are already busy with adult responsibilities, computer techs have limited time for training, classes and certifications.
But they have a definite need for those things, many on a continuous basis. Distance learning and elearning can be the answer.
While it’s always been possible to learn without being in a classroom, the opportunities to do so were limited by a number of factors. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. One of the biggest problems with learning outside the classroom has always been the fact that students didn’t have an opportunity to actively participate.
If a student simply reads text and takes a test to discover whether he retained the knowledge, he’s likely to get something from the course. A student who is allowed to talk to others, ask questions and observe the questions of other students is much more likely to gain the knowledge.
Even elearning (typically in the form of online courses) offers the opportunity to do interactive activities and students usually get feedback along the way to help them stay on track.
Distance learning and elearning are no longer fictional ideas, but have become a reality that is opening doors to many who would otherwise have missed an opportunity. And by offering technical training to those who work closely with computers, the distance learning and elearning options will likely continue to grow.

Find out why distance learning lets anyone go back to school. Discover what you need to look for in a distance learning program, and what you should avoid. Click

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Distance Education Tips

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With t
he advent of information technology, more and more people are getting the full benefits from distance learning. In fact, people who were not able to finish their college courses due to some unavoidable circumstances can now get their college degree without having to resign or give up their current job. Distance learning is a new way of acquiring college and even doctorate degrees without having to attend formal schooling. People can get through the subjects needed to ge…

distance education program,distance learning education,online distance education,education distance online learning,mba distance education

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With the advent of information technology, more and more people are getting the full benefits from distance learning. In fact, people who were not able to finish their college courses due to some unavoidable circumstances can now get their college degree without having to resign or give up their current job. Distance learning is a new way of acquiring college and even doctorate degrees without having to attend formal schooling. People can get through the subjects needed to get the degree that they want just by getting brochures and learning materials through mail or through electronic methods. Fully completing a distance learning program, however, is not that easy and requires the same dogged determination and persistence, as with any schooling program. Therefore, for people who would like to earn their degree through distance learning easily and without too much hassle, here are some tips to guide you through:

1. Decide And Assess Yourself

– For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Distance learning is not for everyone who wishes to avail of its services
– In many cases, it can provide flexibility and ease of obtaining the much-needed degree
– But for some, it could mean boring methods and procedures and wearisome learning
– Ideal for those who can study independently in a self-directed manner
– Good for those who do not like interacting with a professor

2. Check Your Mailbox Daily, Electronic Or Otherwise

Distance learning is a continuous learning process. This means that the learning materials that you will need and your assignments or projects will be sent through mails, electronically or through snail mail. So it is best if you always check your mailbox every single day or even multiple times per day. There may be instances where missing a single day of checking your mailbox could mean tons of missed projects or work.

3. Flexibility Should Never Be Equaled With Laxness

Getting flexible schedule does not mean that you have to be lax on your studies. Being flexible on your class schedule would mean that it is up to you how or when you will study. Therefore, in order to succeed and finish your degree as soon as possible, it is best that you organize your schedule, those that concern your work, your family (if any), and your class schedule. It is just a matter of time management. Keep in mind that it is best if you will always set a regular time for your study. In this way, you will never have to worry about getting all things mixed up.

4. Find A Quiet Place To Study

Because you will be entirely on your own when getting a degree through distance learning, it is best that you find a quiet place to do your homework or review your lessons. In this way, you will be able to ponder on things that needed more attention without having to worry about any distractions.

5. Reading Is Comprehension, Not Memorizing

When you read, it would be better to understand the text and subject matter thoroughly instead of memorizing them. In distance learning, memorization is a useless technique. What matters most in distance learning is that you understand the subject matter thoroughly and that you can easily grasp the meaning of the text given to you.

6. Improve Your Communication Skills

There are people who are having more difficulty in talking to other people through the microphone or the conference call than speaking in public. They contend that not seeing the other person is more difficult to deal with than talking to them face to face. These people insist that they could not see whether the other person is satisfied with the answers or not. In distance learning, corrections can be made for people who are having difficulty regarding this matter. Just keep in mind to pay attention to the instructions given and to listen attentively. Try to incorporate some, if not all, of these tips and you will surely finish your degree in a breeze. Just remember that distance learning is not an easy alternative of studying or getting a degree. It is just an option for those who do not have time to go to formal school.

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Discover The Ease Of Online Learning

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Many people in today’s world are wanting to go back to college to gain a degree or to increase their knowledge in a certain area. Unfortunately, the busyness of life doesn’t always provide the time (or the money) for desiring people to stop what they are doing and head back to school. It is not always realistic to lay aside a career for a few years simply to devote yourself to study. The good news for anyone desiring to learn more while keeping up with life can turn to online…

online learning

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Many people in today’s world are wanting to go back to college to gain a degree or to increase their knowledge in a certain area. Unfortunately, the busyness of life doesn’t always provide the time (or the money) for desiring people to stop what they are doing and head back to school. It is not always realistic to lay aside a career for a few years simply to devote yourself to study. The good news for anyone desiring to learn more while keeping up with life can turn to online learning as a great alternative.

Online learning is one of the best things that the internet has brought us. I am amazed that all people need to do is log on to the internet and they can sign up for a nearly endless amount of amazing classes. Whether people are hoping to finish their For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. GED or to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree or even a Master’s degree, online learning can be a great way to go.

Obviously, one of the biggest benefits of online learning is the convenience factor. You do not have to stop your career or move to another city that offers the program you desire. Instead, you simply need only to have internet access. Having internet access opens the door to endless possibilities that can be fulfilled within your home or at a local library if you do not own your own computer. There is perhaps no more convenient way to get an education than through online learning.

Online learning is also great because it is so flexible. It can work around your schedule rather than you having to submit yourself to the learning schedule. This is great for professinoal adults or for parents everywhere. Furthering your education does not become burdensome or impossible, but rather it becomes a pleasure. We could all use a few things that are flexible in our lives, and online learning is just that. You decide on the program you want to study, the classes you want to take at any certain time, and then you just sign up and begin.

Online learning is a great way to slowly work on a degree while keeping your current job and responsibilities. I am so thankful for online learning because it has allowed me to earn my Master’s degree while maintaining a full-time writing career. No other method of education worked for my time and my needs.

I’d encourage anyone serious about pursuing more education to look no further than online learning. It’s simply amazing.

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Different Types Of Statistical Analysis


A brief overview of the most relevant types of statistical analysis.

statistics help, statistics homework help

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The goal of this paper is to put some light on the difference between the types of statistical analysis. The two main basic branches in science known as statistics are Descriptive and Inferential statistics. These branches are tighly associated, but yet we can clearly establish a differentiation between them.

Descriptive statistics corresponds to essentially the act of defining characteristics of a statistical measurement. Descriptive statistics is based upon mechanisms and methods employed to organize and summarize raw data. In order to categorize the data from a random sample that is collected, the majority of statisticians use graphs, charts, tables and standard measurements such as averages, percentiles, and measures of variation.

Descriptive statistics are often employed during a baseball season. Baseball statisticians spend a great deal of time and effort examining the data they get from the games and summarizing, categorizing to discover regularities to enlighten the audience. There are many examples that would make this apparent. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. For example in 1948 there were over 600 games played in the American League. To determine who had the best batting average in that season, you would need a lot of effort. You would need to take the official scores for each game, make a list each batter, compute the results of each time at bat, add the total number of hits, and the total number of times at bat in order to calculate with a batting average. In 1948 the American League player with the top batting average was Ted Williams. But, if your objective is to know who the top 25 players for the year were, the statistical calculations would become increasingly complicated.

The use of computer statistical programs and the capability to incorporate a lot of statistical functions on spreadsheet programs such as Excel implies that more and more complicated and detailed information can be collected, formatted and presented with only a a couple of keystrokes. All this have empowered the sport statisticians to a further degree and they are able to handle massive amounts of data and explore the data in a substantially more systematic way.

Inferential statistics is based upon choosing and measuring the trustworthiness of conclusions about a population parameter based on information from a reduced portion of that population, which is a random sample. Among the many uses of inferential statistics, political predictions ar one good example. In order to be able to attempt to predict who the winner of a presidential election is likely to be, in most of the cases a sample of a few thousand carefully chosen sample of Americans are asked which way they will be voting. From the answers given to this question, statisticians are able to predict, or infer who the general population will vote for with a surprinsingly high level of confidence. Clearly, the fundamental elements in inferential statistics are choosing which members of the general population will be polled and what questions will be asked. Imagine a situation where there is a choice of two candidates, and the polled population, or sample population is asked: Are you planning to vote for X in the upcoming election? the only alternatives for the answer will be either yes, no, or undecided. Based on the results you should be able to determine that 51% of the sample group will Give their vote to Candidate X.

Turning to inferential statistics, you can {predict with a certain degree of confidence that Candidate X will be the winner in the election. Nevertheless, in some cases, the sampling procedure may have given rise to incorrect inferences. A classic example is the 1948 Presidential election. Based on a poll obtained by the Gallup Organization, President Harry Truman believed he would only gain about 45% of the votes and would lose to Republican challenger Thomas Dewey. In fact, as history proves, Truman won more than 49% of the votes and of course, won the election. This incident changed the way samples were collected, and much more rigorous procedures were created to assure that more precise predictions are cast.

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Different Schools in t
he Seattle School District Honor Graduates

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On Monday, June 19th, Richard Coone received an honorary diploma from Garfield High School, a Seattle High School. He walked with the Garfield For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. High graduates at the graduating ceremonies held at Qwest Field. Mr. Coone has waited over sixty-five years to receive a diploma. In 1941, Mr. Coone was a senior at Garfield High School and was prepared to graduate with his friends but World War II got in the way. In his junior year, Mr. Coone had joined the National Guard by lying about his age.

Seattle, Schools, school, seattle schools

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Garfield High School Honors 84 Year-Old Graduate

On Monday, June 19th, Richard Coone received an honorary diploma from Garfield High School, a Seattle High School. He walked with the Garfield High graduates at the graduating ceremonies held at Qwest Field. Mr. Coone has waited over sixty-five years to receive a diploma. In 1941, Mr. Coone was a senior at Garfield High School and was prepared to graduate with his friends but World War II got in the way. In his junior year, Mr. Coone had joined the National Guard by lying about his age. He did this in order to be with his older brother. By joining the Battery 146 Field Artillery Battalion, he was to serve with several students from Garfield High School. But before graduation, he was called to Fort Lewis and did not return home until 1945. After returning home he worked for the Seattle times for over thirty years. Garfield High School and other Seattle Schools are honored to recognize Dick Coone for his service to the State of Washington and our country.

Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators Annual Recognition Dinner for
Retirees and Graduating Seniors

The Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators, the local affiliate of the National Alliance of Black Educators, will hold a dinner honoring selected graduating students and retiring faculty on June 21, 2006. The annual dinner is also used to recognize those students who have received Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators’ scholarships. The students are chosen from high schools throughout Seattle Schools. The criteria used to select the students includes examining the students’ academic record, their involvement in school activities, their participation in community service, the students’ financial need, and a required application essay. The scholarships will be used to further the students’ education. This year’s dinner will also honor five retiring faculty members from the Seattle Schools. These retirees are honored due to their outstanding service and commitment to their work in Seattle Schools.

The SABSE is part of the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE). The NABSE is a non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success for the nation’s children – particularly children of African descent. In 1970 the NABSE was founded to improve both the educational experiences and accomplishments of African American youth through the development and use of instructional and motivational methods that increase levels of inspiration, attendance and overall achievement. The NABSE aims to accomplish its goals by facilitating the education of all students, with a particular focus on African American students; establish a coalition of African American educators, administrators and other professionals directly and indirectly involved in the educational process; create a forum for the exchange of ideas and strategies to improve opportunities for African American educators and students; identify and develop African American professionals who will assume leadership positions in education and influence public policy concerning the education of African Americans. These groups hope to influence students in Seattle Schools to recognize the importance of African American contributions to the United States.

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tle:Difference Between Physical Therapy And Occupational Therapy As Related Services In Education
author:Christine Dugan
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

One common question asked by parents is what is the difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy services provided through schools as a related special education service? Both therapies are related services to special education and are provided only if the child needs therapy to function in the educational setting. The role of physical therapist and an occupational therapist is to facilitate a student’s independent functioning and decrease the effects of a disability on his/her ability to participate in the educational setting and process. The following is a general response to the difference between the two.
Physical Therapy (PT): emphasizes the acquisition of basic motor skills necessary for functional mobility about the school environment as well as the physical capability for participating with peers during education and recess. Areas of focus for the school physical therapist include:
– Gross motor skills: activities that use large muscles
– For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Mobility skills: moving safely throughout the school environment, including entering and exiting the school bus
– Postural control and alignment needed to perform school activities and for increasing independence in life skills
Occupational therapy (OT): emphasizes the acquisition of or compensation for functional performance skills needed by students during their educational experience:
– Fine motor skills: small, finely coordinated hand movements
– Visual perceptual skills: the ability to understand and interpret what is seen
– Visual motor skills: the ability to coordinate visual skills and motor skills
– Self care skills: feeding, dressing, hygiene, and toileting skills for increasing independence in necessary life skills
Both physical and occupational therapists may address the following areas:
– Strength and endurance
– Body awareness
– Classroom positioning and adaptations
– Sensory motor skills necessary for participation in an educational program
Physical therapists and occupational therapists have similar training. Occupational therapists receive more training in oral and hand skill interventions and physical therapists receive more training gross motor and postural development.

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Detroit School District Makes Co
nnection to Minorities

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The Detroit School District’s Department of Contracting and Procurement has created a special community outreach program which gives immediate notification to certified minority businesses when bids are posted. These bids are used to determine which businesses will provide construction or services for the Detroit School District.

Detroit Schools

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The Detroit School District is making an effort to connect to the minority students and minority businesses in the community.

Detroit School District Makes an Effort to Attract Minority Businesses

The Detroit School District’s Department of Contracting and Procurement has created a special community outreach program which gives immediate notification to certified minority businesses when bids are posted. These bids are used to determine which businesses will provide construction or services for the Detroit School District. This program, known as the Detroit Public Schools Small Contractor Development Initiative Program, provides businesses notification when the Detroit School District’s Department of Contracting and Procurement bids are solicited. The Detroit School District has created, bidding notification system. It informs businesses about, among other things, invitations to bid, Request for Proposal, Request for Qualification and Request for Information.

This could become a huge boon for minority businesses in the area because large some of money are spent each year by the Detroit School District’s Department of Contracting and Procurement. The District is reaching out to minority businesses in several other ways as well. It advertises regularly in the newspapers that target the minority communities including the Michigan Chronicle, El Central and the Arab-American News. The Detroit School District has fostered connections with various chambers of commerce or business groups that have large minority memberships, such as the Arab-American Chamber of Commerce, the Detroit Black Chamber and the Booker T. Washington Business Association. The Detroit School District’s Department of Contracting and Procurement also has plans to help minority own businesses make connections to major contractors and encourage them to use the minority businesses as sub-contractors.

The Detroit School District Encourages Minority Students

In 1980 the Detroit News and the Detroit School District created the Rosa Parks Scholarship Awards. These awards are given every year and all Detroit School District high school seniors are eligible but an emphasis is placed on minority students who want to pursue journalism in college. The awards are administered by the Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation. The winners are selected based on the community service, financial need and academic achievement of the students. While the Detroit News awards two additional scholarships to students who are aspiring journalists. The scholarship awards are worth two thousand dollars each. In 2006 Rosa Parks Scholarship Awards yielded a wide variety of students from different high schools across the Detroit School District. Some of the winners this year of the Rosa Parks Scholarship Awards were: Ronald Berry, Chadsey High School, Rebrika Blalock, Detroit Technology High School, Adrienne Carter, Northwestern High School, Ashley Carter, Northwestern High School, Danielle Clayton, Denby High School, Latisha Gladney-Taylor, Davis Aerospace Technical High School, Veronica Grandison, Communication and Media Arts High School, Anthony Head, Jr., Mumford High School, Dana Hill, Mumford High School, Delissa Jackson, Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School, Angelina Jordan, Renaissance High School, Daryel Peake, Mumford High School, Samuel Williams, Jr., Davis Aerospace Technical High School, Noelle Williams, Renaissance High School, Darryl Woods, Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School. One of the Detroit News Rosa Parks Scholarship Award winners was Redell Willis, Chadsey High School. Miss Willis plans to head to Wayne State University in the fall, where she will major in journalism.

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Detroit Schools Excel in National Compet

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Schulze Elementary, representing the Detroit Schools, has won several awards, in this year’s Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. The elementary school had several teams competing in the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Both team and individual awards were given for performance. The teams have won state awards at the Michigan League of Academic Games competition held in Grand Rapids and the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition held in Eatonton, Georgia.

detroit schools

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Detroit Schools Win Awards in the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition

Schulze Elementary, representing the Detroit Schools, has won several awards, in this year’s Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. The elementary school had several teams competing in the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. Both team and individual awards were given for performance. The teams have won state awards at the Michigan League of Academic Games competition held in Grand Rapids and the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition held in Eatonton, Georgia. Three teams received awards in the state level, Team Unbelievable, Team Unpredictable, and Team Small Wonders. Team Unpredictable members were Kiara Chatman, Tierra Holland, Toria Holland, Ahmed Patterson, and Chaves Wesley. Team Unbelievable members were D’Lante Boyce, Dantez Boykin, Anesha Hamlin, Royal Maxwell, and Bhe’Anna Thomas. Team Small Wonders’ team captain was Kambria Chatman.

Team Unpredictable is the State Champions in the Wff n’ Proof Game, First Place in the Elementary Division in the On-Words Game, Third Place in the Elementary Division in the On-Sets Game and Honorable Mention in Propaganda. Team Unbelievable won Second Place in Elementary Division for the On-Words Game and Team Small Wonders won First Place in Elementary Division for the Minor Equations Game. Team Unpredictable went on to compete and win several awards at the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. They won team awards in the following: Second Place in On-Sets Game and Wff n’ Proof Game, Third Place in Propaganda and Overall Math, and Second Place in Best Overall Team in the Elementary Division. Team Unpredictable’ team members also received some individual awards. In the Wff n’ Proof Game the First Place Individual winner was Tierra Holland and the Second Place Individual winner was Chaves Wesley. The Detroit Schools are proud at how well they were represented.

Academic Games Leagues of America

The Academic Games Leagues of America is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 to encourage and conduct academic games competition at the local and national level. There are currently state chapters in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Detroit Schools is an active member in both the state and national organizations. The academic games are designed to create situations where students must attempt to outthink each other in the fields of mathematics, language arts and social studies. Game types include games Equations On-Sets, and LinguiSHTIK require a kit in which cubes are rolled and played on a board and games Presidents, World Events and Propaganda involve students answering questions read by a central reader.

The Crocket Career Technical Center Competes at the Michigan State Health Occupations Students of America Conference

Twenty-one students from Detroit Schools participated in and competed in the Michigan State Health Occupations Students of America Conference held in Traverse City. The students represented Detroit Schools in competition involving various health related competitive games with students form other Michigan State Health Occupations Students of America groups. Health Occupations Students of America is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in HSTE programs. Awards won by Detroit Schools’ students include: Tellyah Kennedy in Category II Health Occupation Skills Events; Pricilla Hill, Devonte Glass, Deangalo Jones, Lisa Jenkins, Shellee Shepherd, Candace Johnson, and Kamesha Smith in Category II Individual Leadership Events. Detroit Schools proved to be quite strong at this year’s Michigan State Health Occupations Students of America Conference.

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Designing The Perfect School Science Lab

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School science laboratories seem to always be designed by accountants. They are generally poorly laid out and ill-equipped to serve their purpose.I have taught in many of these disasters and have designed other labs that have been a pleasure to teach in.

It would be nice if price was not a constraining factor in all school building design, but it is.The best way to approach the design of your lab is from the stand-point of what you need, then pare it down if the total cost…

lab design, school, lab, science teaching, school science

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School science laboratories seem to always be designed by accountants. They are generally poorly laid out and ill-equipped to serve their purpose.I have taught in many of these disasters and have designed other labs that have been a pleasure to teach in.

It would be nice if price was not a constraining factor in all school building design, but it is.The best way to approach the design of your lab is from the stand-point of what you need, then pare it down if the total cost is over-budget.

A school laboratory is usually larger than the average classroom. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. This is because it may have 35 students moving around it, flames from Bunsen burners, sinks, electrical equipment and glassware all at the same time, as well as writing materials, computers and boards. The whole setup sounds impossible.

Ideally you need to separate student writing areas from student experimental areas. The easiest way to do this is to have sinks, electrical outlets and workbenches around the three sides of the room. Cupboards for glassware and electrical equipment will slot underneath these workbenches. There needs to be a clear walkway all around the room in front of these workbenches, so that students can move about safely. The fouth side of the room will be where the board and teacher’s bench are.

You will need fume hoods, or fume cupboards, with extraction facilities to the outside. School fume hoods are not used very often, because the chemicals used in school labs are not aprticularly noxious. Fume hoods are best situated on the wall with the board and the teacher’s area. Using a fume hood with a class is largely impractical because of the logistics issues involved with 35 students wanting to use one or two small spaces at the same time. These areas will be used infrequently and only briefly.

You will also need desks or benches for students to sit at to write at and for non-practical lessons. These workbenches will are best situated about five feet away from the perimeter work benches. The exact arrangement of these workspaces will depend on the dimensions of your laboratory.

A fan arrangement works well, with the desks end on to where the taecher stands. Other possibilities include joined groups of desks and desks tee-ed off the teacher’s desk. Groups of desks make for more chatter amongst your students.

If you are installing an LCD projector, then consider mounting it from the ceiling where it projects to the board at the front.

That gives you your perfect school laboratory. You will almost certainly be overbudget at this point. How can you reduce the cost?

* Cut the number of sinks – A large cost saving, but disastrous in terms of increasing student movement during experimental work. Consider long sinks at the back of the worktop though.
* Cut the number of electrical outlets – Small savings
* Cut the number of cupboards – Large savings possible, but increases student movement around the laboratory, and where do you put all the equipment?
* Have just one fume-hood – Large savings, and you will rarely use it anyway.

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Delightful Ways To Help Kids Love To
Learn History

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Many parents and teachers have found six steps toward making education more fun.

Delightful Ways To Help Kids Love To Learn History

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Many parents and teachers have found six steps toward making education more fun. They bring history to life by:

1. Visiting an historic home, old churchyard or restored village.

2. Taking a look back at family history. You can let your youngsters interview grandparents and other relatives about their experiences.

3. Making a family expedition to the library to look up local history. You may care to try back copies of the newspaper.

4. Using picture books or an encyclopedia to help kids create costumes or imitation artifacts from olden times.

5. Reading an old book or at least one set in the past. Westerns or romance novels will do.

6. Having young people view videos about entertaining times past. For example, a video about the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893-also called the Columbian Exposition-reveals it was a showplace for startling new technologies, an exhibition of the best of 19th-century high culture and decidedly low-brow entertainment. It was an event historians say introduced America to the future and its story can introduce today’s students to the past as well.

Fair-goers marveled at electric lights, refrigeration, long-distance telephones and a primitive motion picture. They were in awe of the giant, 26-story high, first-ever Ferris wheel. They were impressed by the renowned classical exhibition halls-“The White City”-designed by more than a dozen of the country’s greatest architects. Visitors rode on an overhead electric railway and navigated the lakes in battery-powered boats-both novelties in those days. They relaxed by plazas and lakes planned by Frederick Law Olmsted, co-creator of New York’s Central Park. Seeing this can also nourish an interest in science and geography, while knowing that Frank Baum, the writer of the “Wizard of Oz” books, got his inspiration for the Emerald City there may encourage kids to read the classics.

Now the amazing Chicago World’s Fair can be enjoyed in a stunning documentary called “Expo-Magic of the White City,” narrated by actor Gene Wilder. It’s available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy and others, as well as online retailers.