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title:Distance Learning: How To Work A
nd Study At The Same Time
author:Rose Musyoka
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Distance learning students seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes, and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheck. In fact, this is one of the more prominent distance learning benefits that attract many students to make this their choice of education. In addition to that, distance learning students also gain the advantage of flexibility where they are able to study at their own pace without adhering to class schedules.
However, amidst these perks, distance learning requires a lot of discipline and motivation from students. When we are juggling between a job and studies, it is very easy to lose track of our priorities and fail to keep up to mark. Moreover, distance learning students do not have the advantage of getting their learning drive renewed whenever they interact with lecturers or peers in classes.
Therefore, how can distance learning students then overcome this challenge? The first thing that a student must have is good time management. Everyone has 24 hours and it is up to us to utilize our time in the best way possible. Set up a daily or weekly plan for yourself and ensure that you set aside time for your studies daily. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. If you have a family, let them know about your schedule so that they know when you should not be disturbed. Divide your time appropriately between your work, your family and your studies. Of course, discipline is important here as any schedule will not do any good if it is not followed.
Getting yourself motivated is also essential towards distance learning success. One of the ways to do this is to stay in contact with your classmates. With the internet today, it is often easy to stay in touch through email, instant messenger as well as internet phone. Discussing projects or assignments with your teammates will help you stay on track and keeps you and your teammates accountable for one another.
Setting goals and rewarding yourself when you attain them are great self-motivating habits. Start by drawing a chart on the milestones that you need to reach in order to complete your course. Strike out each goal as you complete them and reward yourself accordingly. There is a certain satisfaction whenever we see ourselves progressing and this becomes a motivating force for us to face the next hurdle.
Additionally, it is ever essential for a distance learning student to set up a quiet place for study away from home life distractions, such as the television, phone calls or other family members. Organize an off-limits study area or lock yourself in a quiet room to ensure optimum focus. Apart from that, a good chair, a strong table and adequate space are also essential elements in creating a conducive environment.
Finally, although distance learning is a great and effective learning concept, much of its effectiveness is dependent on the habits and determination of the individual. The full advantages of distance learning can only be gained through hard work, discipline and determination for success.

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Distance Learning Technologies Comparisons

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If you are considering a distance learning program, read this article to read more about the technology considerations.

distance learning technologies comparisons, long distance learning, tutoring

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There are many ways to take part of distance learning these days, and even more technologies to choose from. How can you compare the different companies offering distance learning technology? Be sure to comparison shop before you put any money down. This will save you a lot of time and hassle. This article covers a few considerations when making distance learning technologies comparisons for your needs.
When comparing distance learning programs, you should consider your capabilities. Are you using high speed internet? If not, many of the functions and tools of the latest technologies will not be available to you. Therefore, they may not be worth paying for. However, if you have a high speed connection from which you can do your learning, you can take advantage of the great new tools available. Also, computer hardware is a consideration. If you’re running an older computer, you may not be able to get streaming video to work efficiently, even with a high speed connection. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Some of the material may come on DVD’s, so you would need to have a DVD player as well (regular CD players cannot play DVD’s). Check with different services and find out which is right for your hardware setup.
Another point to consider when making distance learning technologies comparisons is the time you’re willing to commit. Distance learning programs are under the assumption that you can and will keep up with the program. Without working on your own and without have a teacher to direct your learning, you will be responsible for taking the initiative on the work and keeping up with the class. Though this gives you flexibility, it also requires a bit more discipline than a conventional classroom.
So, be sure to take the time to figure out if you will be able to fully utilize the distance learning program you’re looking to buy. If you find the wrong program, you won’t get the full benefit and will likely feel like you’ve wasted your money. But, if you find the right program for you, you’ll have found a great way to learn something new with the flexibility of learning and working from home.

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title:Distance Learning Online
author:Rod O
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

People are busier than ever, but still have the desire to improve their lifestyle with a better job. Many times the only way to get a better job is to begin or continue with education in order to learn essential skills and often a degree in order to be of value in a new position. Finding the time to attend classes at local schools or universities is almost impossible for most people. Not only that, but tuition fees can be incredibly expensive and not affordable for many. With such a huge market of individuals looking to complete higher education levels, a market has emerged offering busy people affordable classes that can be completed at home with distance learning online.
There are hundreds of schools that offer distance learning online options available to anyone interested in advancing in education. However, not all schools that offer distance learning online are accredited and will not be recognized when applying for a new job. It is important to verify that any schools that offer distance learning online can offer proof that they are accredited and are recognized by the appropriate educational institutions to make it a genuine educational institution.
Each individual considering completing school by distance learning online will need to assess their commitment and organizational skills in order to see if they can truly commit to a self-guided learning experience. Much of what is learned through distance learning online is done independently and discipline is an important part of successfully completing distance learning online.
People who commit to distance learning online find that they often do as well if not better than people who are attending a traditional classroom environment do. Motivation and setting personal goals is an essential part of their learning experience and that is all of the support that they need. Students who use distance learning online are so disciplined that they rarely find that they put off assignments. Completing an assignment without the pressure of attending a set class time as well as the motivation to complete their education as soon as possible tends to be a constructive learning environment for many.
Students of distance learning online tend to have one skill in particular in common and that is excellent reading and understanding skills. These students don’t need or often like to listen to lectures or even video. The written word is the best way that information is taken in by distance learners. With adequate reading comprehension skills, completing college level courses without the immediate guidance of an instructor is easily done.
Distance learners are unique in the fact that they are often not afraid to use the word ‘no’. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Distractions can become overwhelming with the telephone, television, spouses, children, pets and so many other things that attempt to draw attention away from learning. Students completing distance learning online know that they have to disconnect the phone, turn off the television, let the dog out, send the kids out to play or simply just tell everyone that there are to be no interruptions during specified times in order to complete school work.
When choosing distance learning online, a person recognizes that they are not focused on the support from other students or social interaction. They are focused on the completion of their education and make that their priority. Distance learning online is not the right choice for everyone, but those who have just a few of the conditioned qualities mentioned above might want to consider distance learning online as a realistic educational option.

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Distance Learning Makes Life Easier

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Do you have a desire to continue your education but are just not sure how to fit it into your busy schedule? Or perhaps you want to finish a degree but live too far from a college to make the drive for classes. Whatever your situation, do not be discouraged. Distance learning makes it possible for almost anyone to take a class or work toward a degree regardless of where they live.

Distance learning is becoming increasingly popular in higher education. Educators and adminis…

distance learning

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Do you have a desire to continue your education but are just not sure how to fit it into your busy schedule? Or perhaps you want to finish a degree but live too far from a college to make the drive for classes. Whatever your situation, do not be discouraged. Distance learning makes it possible for almost anyone to take a class or work toward a degree regardless of where they live.

Distance learning is becoming increasingly popular in higher education. Educators and administrators realize that people are busy and that gaining a traditional education is not realistic for everyone. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Distance learning makes it possible for people of all ages to complete a variety of classes toward degrees of many kinds.

Distance learning can take place over the internet through online courses or by correspondence through the mail. Having internet is definitely helpful for distance learning, but it is certainly not required. All you really need is an address and a mailbox and you can be well on your way to finishing a degree.

If learning from home sounds like it might work for you, begin to research different colleges and universities that offer distance learning as an option for students. A simple internet search or a search at your local library should be able to highlight appropriate schools for you in no time. You will have to consider too what kind of degree or program you hope to study in. Don’t rush into studying something until you have explored many options.

A great thing about distance learning is that you can continue with the rest of your life while taking classes. You do not have to stop working, change jobs, or stop spending time with your family and friends. With distance learning you can take as few or as many classes as you want to. Some times in your life may be too busy for more than one class but at other times you may be able to fit in two or three distance learning classes. Distance learning is flexible and it allows you to be in control of your schedule. You will have to look hard to find an option that is as flexible and accommodating as distance learning.

Is there a specific program or degree that you have always dreamed about studying? If so, now is the time. Let distance learning make your educational dreams come true while keeping your life simple and easy.

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title:Distance Learning for Your MBA
author:Jay Moncliff
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

In today’s job market, a bachelor’s degree often isn’t enough to give you the edge over other job applicants. However, getting your MBA at a local college or university may be just too much for a full-time breadwinner with a home and family to care for. There are still ways to advance your education, though, and one of the most popular is getting your MBA through distance learning.
Distance learning via internet is a relatively recent phenomenon. Usually, a student will enroll in an online university and take the all of the classes online. Sounds like a great deal, right? There are many pitfalls for the distance learner.
Be sure to choose the right school. As with every other category of business, there are good and there are not so good distance learning programs. Don’t waste your time and money on a school that is not accredited by a nationally recognized agency. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Your diploma needs to be from an accredited university or school to help you advance, so do some homework up front and check the credentials of the school. They should be accredited by one of the nationally recognized agencies (New England, Middle States, North Central, Northwest, Western and Southern). These are the valid accreditation agencies.
Verify that the classes are all online. Don’t enroll in a distance learning program across the country, only to realize later that you’ll need to attend one or two sessions in the classroom.
Check out the technical capabilities of the classes. Are the classes available through technology that you can access, like websites, email or bulletin boards? Will you have to use complicated, proprietary software? Steer clear of programs that are not simple and easy to use. After all, isn’t that why you want an online degree program. Just in case there are problems, make sure that technical help is available when you’ll be working.
Look for programs with a proven track record. Even though the idea of internet learning is new, you should look for a program with a good success rate an satisfied graduates. Ask if you can email or talk to some of the graduates, or read recommendations. Ask about the school’s completion rate.
Does the school offer adequate financing? If the school is accredited, they should be able to participate in the federal student loan programs and offer financing to distance learners.
Finally, investigate who is teaching the classes. Do they have experience in online teaching? Managing a virtual classroom is different that teaching the typical college course, so the teachers should be experienced in this type of learning.
Of course, distance learning is not for everyone. In order to succeed at this type of coursework, you will need to be self-motivated and dedicated to getting your MBA. You will need to be organized and disciplined. Procrastinators have a difficult time working at their own pace, because they can always finish an assignment “tomorrow”. Of course, this can turn a 2-3 year program into 6-8 years.
Investigate online distance learning to pursue you MBA, but first, make sure that you are ready to commit to self-directed learning.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Distance Learni
ng Doctorate Degrees – What To Do After Your Masters Degree
author:Gina Sarento
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Online education is becoming an increasingly popular method of earning a bachelor’s or associate’s degree. However, many schools are not also offering advanced degrees for master’s and doctoral degrees. A distance learning doctorate is an ideal solution for individuals who have a master’s degree already and do not have the time to go back to school full time. Most people with a higher education are already in the workforce and have stringent time commitments for personal and professional obligations. This can hamper someone from continuing their education but with the flexibility of online programs, this issue can be solved.
In order to attain a distance learning doctorate, you must have access to a computer and have an Internet connection. If you are not yet skilled in the basic functions of a computer and how to use the Internet, it is advisable to learn before starting classes. You will use this resource heavily, so you should have expert knowledge already. Most people already have sufficient knowledge of the For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Internet and computers since they are used so frequently in business today.
There are several methods for attaining a distance learning doctorate. Research various schools for their philosophies and curriculum before committing to a program. There are various approaches and one will likely suit you best. It is advisable to start a doctoral program at the same place you intend to complete it so there is no re working of existing work or credits that do not transfer. Take your time to research methods and choose one that will realistically suit your style of learning and time constraints.
One method to obtain a distance learning doctorate is a completely book free method that is custom made to your personal goals. This method brings you in contact with a professor who specializes in your field and will create a curriculum for those needs. The assignments are completely written and cover related topics in your field. You will need to research and write about a number of topics all relating to the industry in which you specialize. This is a viable option because you are learning practical applications for your business.
Another method is to utilize the distance learning doctorate curriculum to study and research with testing and thesis submissions. The majority of the work is done online but has a more structured course schedule. You will likely have detailed assignments and need to use books as well as do Internet research. Testing may be required at local affiliated testing centers that are located in your area. Some schools will even have a split curriculum where portions are on site and other portions are available online.
Traditional methods of learning are very sound; however, many people have too many responsibilities at work or in their personal lives to commit to the time involved in earning a doctorate degree. Colleges and universities have recognized this and have adapted distance learning doctorate programs to account for this. Accelerated and custom class curriculum account for work experience and knowledge to help speed the process. Utilizing technology, the schools offer comparable classes with the added convenience of working at your own pace from your own home.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Distance Lea
rning Doctorate Degrees – What To Do After Your Masters Degree

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Online education is becoming an increasingly popular method of earning a bachelor’s or associate’s degree. However, many schools are not also offering advanced degrees for master’s and doctoral degrees. A distance learning doctorate is an ideal solution for individuals who have a master’s degree already and do not have the time to go back to school full time. Most people with a higher education are already in the workforce and have stringent time commitments for personal and …


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Online education is becoming an increasingly popular method of earning a bachelor’s or associate’s degree. However, many schools are not also offering advanced degrees for master’s and doctoral degrees. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. A distance learning doctorate is an ideal solution for individuals who have a master’s degree already and do not have the time to go back to school full time. Most people with a higher education are already in the workforce and have stringent time commitments for personal and professional obligations. This can hamper someone from continuing their education but with the flexibility of online programs, this issue can be solved.

In order to attain a distance learning doctorate, you must have access to a computer and have an Internet connection. If you are not yet skilled in the basic functions of a computer and how to use the Internet, it is advisable to learn before starting classes. You will use this resource heavily, so you should have expert knowledge already. Most people already have sufficient knowledge of the Internet and computers since they are used so frequently in business today.

There are several methods for attaining a distance learning doctorate. Research various schools for their philosophies and curriculum before committing to a program. There are various approaches and one will likely suit you best. It is advisable to start a doctoral program at the same place you intend to complete it so there is no re working of existing work or credits that do not transfer. Take your time to research methods and choose one that will realistically suit your style of learning and time constraints.

One method to obtain a distance learning doctorate is a completely book free method that is custom made to your personal goals. This method brings you in contact with a professor who specializes in your field and will create a curriculum for those needs. The assignments are completely written and cover related topics in your field. You will need to research and write about a number of topics all relating to the industry in which you specialize. This is a viable option because you are learning practical applications for your business.

Another method is to utilize the distance learning doctorate curriculum to study and research with testing and thesis submissions. The majority of the work is done online but has a more structured course schedule. You will likely have detailed assignments and need to use books as well as do Internet research. Testing may be required at local affiliated testing centers that are located in your area. Some schools will even have a split curriculum where portions are on site and other portions are available online.

Traditional methods of learning are very sound; however, many people have too many responsibilities at work or in their personal lives to commit to the time involved in earning a doctorate degree. Colleges and universities have recognized this and have adapted distance learning doctorate programs to account for this. Accelerated and custom class curriculum account for work experience and knowledge to help speed the process. Utilizing technology, the schools offer comparable classes with the added convenience of working at your own pace from your own home.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Distance Learning Degree Prog
rams & What You Need To Know

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In today’s busy environment, it is difficult for people to find the time to go back to school. Adults who are already working or who have families may not have the time to go to traditional schools with rigid class schedules. A distance learning degree program can solve this issue, giving adults the flexibility to earn a higher education in their own time.

A distance learning degree program is available at a number of schools throughout the country. Check with schools in y…

college,student,education,university,school,adult education

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In today’s busy environment, it is difficult for people to find the time to go back to school. Adults who are already working or who have families may not have the time to go to traditional schools with rigid class schedules. A distance learning degree program can solve this issue, giving adults the flexibility to earn a higher education in their own time.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. A distance learning degree program is available at a number of schools throughout the country. Check with schools in your area to see if they offer such a program. Alternately, you may do an Internet search on distance learning degree programs which will result in several options for you to choose from.

A distance learning degree program provides a consistent education as a more traditional degree program. However, it allows the flexibility of using non traditional means to learn, enabling those who can not attend class to get a degree. These methods include online courses, televised courses, independent learning and assignments and testing. Each method enables the student to learn necessary information toward college credits resulting in a bachelor’s, master’s or even doctorate degree.

Many adults who have already been in the workforce for several years have already learned many of the basic skills needed for a degree. Relevant work experience plays a large part in many distance learning degree programs. Rather than forcing an adult who already has particular knowledge on a topic to sit through a class, testing is available. A person who can successfully demonstrate they have the knowledge can earn credits simply by the testing procedures. This method is more motivational to adults who have been in the workforce for several years and who may feel sitting through hours of classes in subjects they are familiar with is a waste of time.

This type of alternate learning has been around for several years in European countries but is a rather recent development in the United States. Colleges and universities are becoming aware of a section of the population who desire an advanced degree but no longer have the time to spend in a traditional classroom setting. Distance learning degree programs are not only beneficial to the student but to the schools and ultimately society.

Students benefit from a distance learning degree program by obtaining a higher education using a time schedule that is convenient for them. This will advance their career and expand their earning potential. Colleges and universities get additional students and funding from tuition without having to sacrifice class space or residency, keeping the student to teacher ratio high, yet still educating effectively. The more educated people we have, the more improvements we will have as a society. There are multiple benefits to ensuring a higher quality of life for people.

Distance learning degree programs, though relatively new, are an increasingly popular option for a large segment of the United States population. Working adults can continue their career without pause while also obtaining an advanced education. Adults who have families and time constraints can further their education at home without sacrificing their family responsibilities. It is a great way to earn a degree while maintaining all the responsibilities and commitments that are already at hand.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Distance Learning Degree
author:Mark Woodcock
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

You might be at a crossroads in your life. You might realize that you need your Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree to land that exciting and high-paying job you have always wanted. You might realize that you need your Master’s degree to rise higher in your current profession. You might realize that you are ready to return to work after taking a break to raise your family, and that getting a degree will help you achieve your professional goals. Simply the most convenient and flexible way to achieve any of these ambitions is by getting your degree from a college that offers a distance learning degree program. Distance learning is not “correspondence”. Rather, it utilizes today’s Web technologies to allow anyone from anywhere to attend college via the Internet, and receive a college education.
There are many advantages of choosing to receive your degree via a distance-learning program. Chief among them is convenience. Proximity is no longer a factor in determining where you attend college. Studying for a college education online allows you to achieve your educational and professional goals at your own pace, whether you want to get a 2-year Associate’s degree, a 4-year Bachelor’s degree, or take an accelerated course program to receive a professional certificate. There is no need to live near or commute to a college when all classes can be attended and all work submitted online. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Distance learning is a great option for you if you have uncertainties about going to college as an older student or returning after many years. Studying for a college education online can be an easy way to ease into the routine of class work and projects, and can reduce the stress of feeling the need to fit in with younger students. Further, course availability is often convenient for those who work full time or care for a family. Often, colleges offer evening and weekend classes.
There is a distance learning degree program available for just about every professional and academic discipline out there. Fields of study include Business, Social Sciences, Humanities, Library and Information Sciences, Education, Nursing, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and various Healthcare programs. These are but a few of the subjects in which you can earn a college education by choosing an online program. While many online programs are delivered through fully accredited online colleges and Universities, more and more traditional colleges and Universities are adding distance learning degree programs to their curricula, which gives you seemingly limitless options.
You might be concerned about affording to attend a distance learning degree program. Often, financial aid is available to students in the form of grants, loans, even scholarships. Also, many employers are willing to pay for part or all of an employee’s tuition and fees. Investing in an employee’s future reaps benefits for everyone involved.
The misconception of receiving your degree via a distance-learning program is that the experience might not be as enriching or legitimate as attending face-to-face classes at a traditional college or University. This just isn’t the case. Programs offered online present the same opportunities for group work, independent study, and interpersonal communications as their traditional counterparts. While it is true that being an online student requires a certain amount of self-discipline and organization, receiving your degree through distance learning will probably help to facilitate the learning process as well as develop your time management and self-motivation skills. With the prevalence of the Internet and advancements such as teleconferencing in both education and the business world today, it is possible to come away from the experience not only with a college education and your dream career, but also with greater knowledge and comfort with technology. Going the route of distance learning to get your degree is a valuable, convenient, and flexible way to broaden your career opportunities, and have the career you have always dreamt about.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Distance Learning College
author:Mark Woodcock
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

You might be at a crossroads in your life. You might realize that you need your Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree to land that exciting and high-paying job you have always wanted. You might realize that you need your Master’s degree to rise higher in your current profession. You might realize that you are ready to return to work after taking a break to raise your family, and that getting a degree will help you achieve your professional goals. Simply the most convenient and flexible way to achieve any of these ambitions is by getting your degree online at a college that offers distance learning. Distance learning is not “correspondence”. Rather, it utilizes today’s Web technologies to allow anyone from anywhere to attend college via the Internet, and receive a college education.
There are many advantages of choosing to receive your education online from a college that offers distance-learning programs. Proximity is no longer a factor in determining where you attend college. There is no need to live near or commute to a college when all classes can be attended and all work submitted online. Studying for a college education online allows you to achieve your educational and professional goals at your own pace, whether you want to get a 2-year Associate’s degree, a 4-year Bachelor’s degree, or take an accelerated course program to receive a professional certificate. Attending school online is a great option for those who might have uncertainties about going to college as an older student or returning after many years. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Taking advantage of a distance learning program can be an easy way to ease into the routine of class work and projects, and can reduce the stress of feeling the need to fit in with younger students. Further, course availability is often convenient for those who work full time or care for a family. Often, distance-learning programs offer evening and weekend classes.
There are distance-learning programs available for just about every professional and academic discipline out there. Fields of study include Business, Social Sciences, Humanities, Library and Information Sciences, Education, Nursing, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and various Healthcare programs. These are but a few of the subjects in which you can earn a college degree by choosing a distance-learning program. While there are many fully accredited online-only colleges and Universities that offer distance learning programs, there are also many traditional colleges and Universities that are adding distance learning to their curricula. Most of these colleges and Universities are accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation is an important credential to look for when choosing an online program if you have prior college credits you wish to transfer. Accredited institutions are also more readily recognized and accepted by employers and professional organizations.
You might be concerned about affording a degree through a college that offers distance-learning programs. Often, financial aid is available to students in the form of grants, loans, even scholarships. Also, many employers are willing to pay for part or all of an employee’s tuition and fees. Investing in an employee’s future reaps benefits for everyone involved.
The misconception of receiving your degree from a college that offers distance-learning programs is that the experience might not be as enriching or legitimate as attending campus-based classes at a traditional college or University. This just isn’t the case. Programs offered online present the same opportunities for group work, independent study, and interpersonal communications as their traditional counterparts. While it is true that being an online student requires a certain amount of self-discipline and organization, receiving your college degree online will probably help to facilitate the learning process as well as develop your time management and self-motivation skills. With the prevalence of the Internet and advancements such as teleconferencing in both education and the business world today, it is possible to come away from the experience not only with a college education and your dream career, but also with greater knowledge and comfort with technology. Receiving your college degree through a distance-learning program is a valuable, convenient, and flexible way to broaden your career opportunities, and have the career you have always dreamt about.