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Don’t Let Gas Prices Keep You From Get
ting Ahead

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Distance education enables you to pursue your real estate education without having to drive to a different location. You can attend an online real estate school from home.

real estate license,real estate education,online real estate course,online real estate school

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You want to get your real estate license, but with rising gas prices you don’t want to travel back and forth to school everyday. What do you do? You can get your real estate license online by enrolling in a distance education course.

High gas prices are affecting everyone around the nation. When it costs the majority of Americans more than $50 to fill up their cars (For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. MSNBC online survey), they are going to opt for cheaper alternatives. With telecommuting, home-based businesses and home schooling, there are many opportunities to conduct daily activities from home. Why not get an education from home?

Distance education enables you to pursue your real estate education without having to drive to a different location. You can attend an online real estate school from home. With online or traditional home study courses, you can advance your career through the use of your computer or textbooks, CDs, study guides, and more. Get ahead while you save money!

According to MSNBC, many people have changed their driving habits to cut down on gas costs, oftentimes staying home instead of using their car. With today’s educational alternatives, you can do it all from home. Don’t make your real estate education an exception.

Get your real estate license today by enrolling in an online real estate course. You can advance your career without cutting into your wallet.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Don’t Let Distance Hold You Back Fr
om An Online Degree
author:John Sanderson
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

For many young Americans the possibility of getting a higher education is really not a feasible option. They may not have the family resources to pay for the costs, they may not have the marks or academic ability to get a scholarship, or they just might live in a rural or remote area that is simply not close enough for them to attend and afford to go to college.
You may have to accept your family’s financial situation and it is a little late to develop an athletic prowess, but you should never let distance hold you back from learning. And now you don’t have to. Distance learning can bridge that physical gap and let students of all ages from even the most remote or isolated communities fully participate in furthering their educational goals.
Many colleges, universities, and technical institutes now offer distance learning programs that allow everyone who has the ability complete online training programs that can even grant degrees and technical certifications. To find out what programs are offered in your state simply search the World Wide Web to see what is available and what criteria you have to meet. Usually if you graduated from high school you can apply for a myriad of distance learning programs that offer you the opportunity to pursue the education that will allow you to enter your dream career field.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Some distance learning schools will even offer subsidies and support to low income students and there are special programs for veterans of the military. Many offer pay as you go, or half now and the rest later payment plans so that you don’t have to fork out all of the money upfront. They also make textbooks and course materials available online so that you don’t have the expense of purchasing books that you know you will only use once. In addition they make their vast libraries available to distance learning students to enable them to browse and read reference material at their convenience.
Best of all you don’t have to relocate to go school. That means that you can continue to live at home while you are going to school and if you want to keep your part-time job it won’t be a problem.
Distance learning removes the final barrier to many students getting a higher education. There’s no longer any good excuse for not realizing another of America’s dream, the opportunity for every child to attend university or college and distance learning makes that possible.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Don’t Junk Up Your Resume!
author:Vikas Agarwal
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

This is to catch attention of all the professionals around, regarding their attempts to career advances. I felt the need for writing such an article because:
Yesterday, I sent a mail seeking resumes of all of interested guys for a technical job opening at the organization, where I am working. I received responses from 4-5 people by the time of writing this article and was really disappointed to see the resumes attached therein. In my view, your resume is your first impression upon your employer, and I am sure, no one intends to spoil his/her first impression. I saw a number of blunders in those resume, which could be sufficient reasons for an employer to reject your profile into the trash. I am trying to articulate them, and requesting you all to first look at the body of anything you write before you send it to anyone else, be it your resume.
* Run a thorough spell-check on your resume. [very important, and I found many mistakes]
* Read it completely and let any one else with good semantic knowledge of English read it, to check the flow in it. [I found titles of projects and trainings, not matching the description.]
* Don’t write much (don’t create fuss over) about the small and irrelevant details, because you need to be packed with the explanation for those things at the time of personal or technical discussion.
* Elaborate on the projects, which seem relevant to the particular opening. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. They increase chances of your profile selection.
* Don’t repeat) the description of the projects with each project being added in your profile. They have to different somehow! I saw this peculiar thing is the resume, I am attaching herewith.
* Highlight those skills, which you really have!) Otherwise, interviewer having better knowledge on the subject may screw you anytime during your interview. For example, writing, Reading, as your hobby may attract a good discussion between you and interview. That may end up exasperating you if you don’t have guts or wits to justify all that.
* Have a specific career objective, which really shows your interest in joining that particular company and highlight your some particular skills matching their requirements, if possible.
* Write a cover letter, especially for a particular opening, if possible. More importantly, don’t let your friend copy your cover letter, if he is going to apply for the same post in same company.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Domus Academy launches new de
sign master courses for 2007

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Domus Academy features qualified Design Master Courses in Italy in: Design, Fashion Design, Urban Management & Architectural Design, Interactive Design, Interior and Living Design, For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Business Design, Accessories Design and Transportation Design.

design, master, courses, italy, milan, design master courses, design courses master desin

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The Design Master Courses in Italy are the basis of Domus Academy training activity. Structured as post-graduate courses, according to the traditional formula of DA training, they address young graduates and professionals coming from different disciplines. The admission process to Domus Academy Master courses depends on a selection made on the basis of the curriculum vitae and portfolio of projects. All through the academic year, each student will have the opportunity to get in touch with some of the most stimulating professional realities of the Italian and international landscape under the guidance of a staff of designers, consultants, visiting professors and tutors.

Beyond Master Courses, DA proposes a wide range of Summer Courses organized in two sessions. The first session is branded by DA and the second one is co-branded with Central Saint Martin’s School of London.
The first session (Industrial Design, Fashion Trends and Marketing Strategies, Accessories Design and Creative Management) lasts from the 3rd to the 14th of July, the second one from the 18th to the 28th of July (Fashion Design, Product Design, Interior design e Graphic design). These courses represent the opportunity to first approach the design world and then to evaluate the possibility to apply for a one year Master Course. Domus Academy also offers short courses in field of Interior Design and Art workshops.

Domus Academy was born in Milan in 1982 as an open project around the Italian design and fashion experience. During the years, DA also asserted its importance as a school, in the full meaning of the term: a place of post-graduate training and research laboratory on the processes of industrial creativity, on the aesthetic and consumption scenarios, on space and time relationship, on the form of public and private services and on the radical changes deriving from the diffusion of the “Web”. Strongly rooted in Italy, Domus Academy works in an international perspective, in order to enrich, spread and update the design culture, creating connections between advanced knowledge and visionary project.

Through Domus Academy Research and Consulting, DA develops also professional research and Consultancy activities.
DARC is a research and professional consulting center that since 1985 has been developing design researches and projects for companies, public and private associations and international research institutes.
The DARC’s original design approach is based on an updated vision of the Italian design culture, which considers design as an integrated activity able to perceive signals of the transformation of the society and of the markets, and translates them into new products and strategies of corporate innovation.
DARC explores and grows competences in new territories of design through activities of basic research and provides consultancy to the management of companies, to internal Design groups and to Research & Development groups in the following areas: advanced design and scenarios, soft architecture, brand culture and integrated communication, service design, identity of materials and interactive media.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Does Your Child Need A Math Tutor?

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Many students find math a challenging subject, and hiring math tutors can provide a great solution for trouble in the classroom. Difficulty with math is a widespread problem, particularly with the strong emphasis on testing for students in all grades. High stakes tests can create anxiety, especially for math students, and many students need outside help in order to gain confidence and adequately absorb the material. Tutors can access learning problems and devise a personalize…

math, math tutor, calculus

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Many students find math a challenging subject, and hiring math tutors can provide a great solution for trouble in the classroom. Difficulty with math is a widespread problem, particularly with the strong emphasis on testing for students in all grades. High stakes tests can create anxiety, especially for math students, and many students need outside help in order to gain confidence and adequately absorb the material. Tutors can access learning problems and devise a personalized instructional program.

Math tutors offer an opportunity for students to receive individualized instruction. Every student has different needs and no two pupils have the same learning style, but a large classroom setting can’t always accommodate the individual student. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Some otherwise strong students may need a tutor to get them over a difficult hump or to help them with a specific area, whereas other students can require on-going assistance with their math studies.

It is important to choose the right math tutors. Like a personal trainer, the tutor needs to be matched to the individual. The idea is to increase the student’s confidence, reduce math anxiety and shore up skills. It is important to find a supportive tutor who can adjust his or her teaching style to the student.

Math tutors can be located by asking for personal recommendations from other families that have utilized tutors. The student’s school may also have a list of tutors that they recommend. Local colleges often have job boards and lists of available tutors. Often, a graduate student or college math major may be the perfect choice for a high school age student. Retired teachers or teachers working part time while raising children may offer tutoring. There are also local and national tutoring firms that will match your student with a staff tutor.

It is important that the math tutor has professional training and expertise in the specific subject matter and grade level that the student needs to master. The math tutor’s job is to teach key concepts and problem solving strategies. For young children simply helping with homework may be adequate, but in most cases you are looking for a tutor that can help the student approach problems in a new way so that they can master concepts they have been struggling with in the classroom. The tutor needs to construct a learning plan and adjust it as needed until the student can demonstrate mastery.

Math tutors need to help students with test taking, study skills and self-confidence. The tutor will provide a structure so the student gets the practice that math requires and develops a productive work routine. The tutor needs to bring math alive and make the experience as much fun as possible. Tutoring time should be viewed as positive and supportive. The tutor needs to be a good communicator that makes sure the student feels comfortable asking questions. The tutor needs to provide a balance between offering achievable goals that build confidence and challenging the student to take on increasing difficult material.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Does Homeschooling Create Narrow Minds?
erend Brenda Hoffman
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Some critics of homeschooling parents may suggest that they will be passing on narrow and bigoted ideas to their children. I would suggest that you do not have a right to try to prevent this from happening, nor can you prevent it even if you send your children to public schools. I would even go so far as to suggest that this is an issue of a free country vs a police state. What do I mean? Well, in a free country, as long as you obeyed the law, you can believe whatever you like. Your beliefs are none of the government’s business. They have no right to tell you which of your ideas and which of your ideas are bad. Therefore, I do not believe that it is the schools’ “job” to promote the good and stamp out the bad. It is a person’s individual right to believe what they want, and then to try to pass their beliefs along to their children.
What about people who are prejudiced, bigoted, superstitious, etc? Many people would say that people can tell their children anything they want, as long as it is true. This brings up the question of who decides what is true? Most people would agree that there is no one in government or anywhere else whom we would trust to decide that. Therefore, For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. I believe that we can’t give schools the right to tell all children that some ideas are true and others are not. While those who approve of the ideas being taught or promoted in government schools may be glad to send their children there, people who don’t approve of those ideas should have some other choice.
One of the many reasons why growing numbers of people are so passionately opposed to the public schools is that these schools are in fact acting as if someone had explicitly and legally given them the power to promote a specific set of ideas while stamping out another set of beliefs. These people believe that educational bureaucrats, at the state and federal level, largely control what schools say and do. These bureaucrats are increasingly using the schools to promote whatever ideas they happen to think will be good for the children, or the country. Yet, we’ve never formally decided, through any political process, to give the schools such power, nor have we ever agreed on what ideas we would like the schools to promote. In fact, there’s reason to believe that large majorities of people strongly dislike many or most of the ideas that most schools promote today.
Even if everyone agreed that the schools should try to stamp out narrow and bigoted ideas, we’d still have to ask ourselves if this actually works. Clearly it doesn’t. Think about it… Almost everyone in this country, except for a few rich kids, has been going to public schools for several generations now. If schools were as good as they claim to be at stamping out prejudice, then there shouldn’t be any prejudice left. By simply glancing at the news, you can clearly see that there is plenty of prejudice left in this country today. In fact, I would even go so far as to argue that there is less support today than ever before for the tolerance and open-mindedness that the schools supposedly promote. Therefore, I would argue that homeschooling does not create narrow minds. In fact, in most cases it promotes more open mindedness.

Maths Tutor Ireland


DNA Testing has Changed Everything

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Since its discovery 20 years ago, the use of DNA for human identity and relationship testing has emerged as a powerful tool in both civil and criminal justice systems.

dna testing, dna test, paternity test, dna test for paternity, paternity, paternity testing, dna

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Since its discovery 20 years ago, the use of DNA for human identity and relationship testing has emerged as a powerful tool in both civil and criminal justice systems. DNA testing can reveal whether two or more individuals are related as well as determining the nature of their relationship. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Today, it is possible to identify people by a single hair, as well as obtain information about their gender and ethnic background, and, within the next couple of years, identify their age.

Before the advent of DNA testing, human identity testing was largely carried out through blood typing. DNA analysis has now superseded blood testing and is the most accurate method currently available for human identification.

The possibility that DNA could be used for human identity and relationship testing had been discussed from the time DNA was first revealed as the molecule which makes people unique. Yet, it was not until the discovery of DNA fingerprinting by Prof. Alec Jeffreys (now Sir Alec) of Leicester University in 1984 when the first practical testing system became available. As with conventional fingerprinting, where various loops and whorls are compared between two fingerprints, DNA testing relies on comparing certain DNA features called DNA markers between two individuals. If DNA patterns between the samples are identical, then they are likely to come from the same person. If the profiles are not identical but big similarities are observed, then the samples most probably come from related individuals. The degree of the similarity between DNA profiles is a representation of the degree of relatedness between people.

Currently, DNA testing is routinely used for both criminal and non-criminal applications. However there is a major difference between DNA testing for civil and for criminal cases. For civil cases, DNA testing is predominantly used to determine relationship between individuals while for criminal cases a crime scene stain has to be matched to the suspect.

In non-criminal legal practice, DNA testing is used primarily for immigration and child support cases. In 2004, more than 7,000 DNA tests were conducted for these purposes in the UK. Where no reliable documentary evidence is available, DNA testing can assist in determining varying degrees of relatedness between individuals concerned, as well as individual’s ethnic background.

The first time DNA testing was used for identity purposes was in the landmark immigration case Sarbah vs. Home Office (1985). In this case, DNA testing was used to prove the mother-son relationship between Christiana Sarbah and her son Andrew. Now, the Home Office accepts DNA testing as a virtually unquestionable proof of relatedness. The results will normally (although not invariably) provide conclusive evidence as to whether individuals in question are related as alleged.

UK Child Support Agency extensively uses DNA testing for establishing who the biological parent of the child is for purposes of providing child maintenance and support. Child support is one the main areas of non-criminal DNA testing.

Child adoption is another area where a DNA test for paternity is widely applied. Currently, UK adoption agencies adopt children into families which match their ethnic background. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine the ethical background of the child and here DNA testing can help. People of different races and ethnic groups have common facial and other features which are typical for this particular race or group. The same is also true for their genetic characteristics. Various racial and ethnic groups have genetic markers specific to these groups. When analysing these markers, it is possible to tell the proportion of individual’s ancestors who came from specific ethnic groups. It is, however, impossible to pinpoint at what stage the particular ancestors contributed their DNA and also their number. For example, the results of ethnicity DNA testing can show that an individual has 20% of markers specific to northern Europe, 50% to the Middle East, 10% to the Mediterranean and 20% to sub-Saharan Africa. Using this information the family with the closest ethnicity to the child can be chosen.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Diversity Education Program Address
es Teen Concerns

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With prejudice and violence continuing to cause problems in schools and communities nationwide, studies show many young people have hate-related words used against them at school and are often exposed to hate-related graffiti.

Diversity Education Program Addresses Teen Concerns

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With prejudice and violence continuing to cause problems in schools and communities nationwide, studies show many young people have hate-related words used against them at school and are often exposed to hate-related graffiti.

While parents play a critical role in helping their children develop positive attitudes about diversity, they cannot do it alone. Community programs can have a significant impact.

Recently, For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Boys & Girls Clubs of America announced its national rollout of “Youth for Unity,” an interactive program designed to build the ability of local Boys & Girls Clubs to help young people better understand diversity and combat prejudice, bigotry and discrimination.

The program, available to some 4 million young people at more than 3,700 Boys & Girls Clubs locations, incorporates activities for youth, peer-leadership programs and resources for parents.

“Youth for Unity delivers perspectives and skills that will help youth adapt and thrive in a diverse society,” said Judith J. Pickens, senior vice president for program and youth development services for Boys & Girls Clubs of America. “The Youth for Unity program is one of many ways Boys & Girls Clubs of America continues to provide vital youth services in response to our nation’s shifting demographics.”

In a 2005 survey of Boys & Girls Clubs members, 50 percent of respondents said they believe their parents would not approve if they dated someone from another race, religion or ethnic group. Ten percent of students ages 12 to 18 reported that someone at school had used hate-related words against them, and 33 percent had seen hate-related graffiti.

The Youth for Unity program is part of a larger Boys & Girls Clubs of America diversity initiative funded by a $4.5 million commitment from The Allstate Foundation. – NU

Maths Tutor Ireland


Diversity Education Program

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With prejudice and violence continuing to cause problems in schools and communities nationwide, studies show many young people have hate-related words used against them at school and are often exposed to hate-related graffiti.

Diversity Education Program Addresses Teen Concerns

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With prejudice and violence continuing to cause problems in schools and communities nationwide, studies show many young people have hate-related words used against them at school and are often exposed to hate-related graffiti.

While parents play a critical role in helping their children develop positive attitudes about diversity, they cannot do it alone. Community programs can have a significant impact.

Recently, Boys & Girls Clubs of For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. America announced its national rollout of “Youth for Unity,” an interactive program designed to build the ability of local Boys & Girls Clubs to help young people better understand diversity and combat prejudice, bigotry and discrimination.

The program, available to some 4 million young people at more than 3,700 Boys & Girls Clubs locations, incorporates activities for youth, peer-leadership programs and resources for parents.

“Youth for Unity delivers perspectives and skills that will help youth adapt and thrive in a diverse society,” said Judith J. Pickens, senior vice president for program and youth development services for Boys & Girls Clubs of America. “The Youth for Unity program is one of many ways Boys & Girls Clubs of America continues to provide vital youth services in response to our nation’s shifting demographics.”

In a 2005 survey of Boys & Girls Clubs members, 50 percent of respondents said they believe their parents would not approve if they dated someone from another race, religion or ethnic group. Ten percent of students ages 12 to 18 reported that someone at school had used hate-related words against them, and 33 percent had seen hate-related graffiti.

The Youth for Unity program is part of a larger Boys & Girls Clubs of America diversity initiative funded by a $4.5 million commitment from The Allstate Foundation. – NU

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Distance Learning, The Future Of Teaching
:Juan Di Santo
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Distance Learning Online
Distance learning online has become the ultimate hi tech alternative to the old school classroom teaching.
What is distance learning?
Distance learning as a term is normally used when talking about teaching-learning where the student is located in one place in the world and the school/teacher in another place.
Why use it?
There are many good reasons why a school would choose to use distance learning or e-learning.
1. The school has students from a large geographical area. And to be able to increase this area (and the number of possible students), without the need for a bigger campus or more dorms, the online long distance study methods works very well.
2. The school has multiple campus areas, located at large distances. This is one of the newest ways of using distance learning. The student actually is located in a campus area, but as the school has several campuses and the student (and teachers) would have to travel for hours to reach each one of them, the classes have been altered into distance learning experiences.
3. Fewer teachers. This is possible as a teacher without travelling can teach in several places around the country (and the world) without leaving his or hers own room!
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Tools used
There are many different levels of technical tools as well as teaching methods applied when using distance learning.
Everything from email and a simple bbs , to streamed live video and advanced meeting areas where students and teachers can work together in an interactive way.
Tests and work papers can be mailed or fetched and re saved via filesharing directly from the schools servers.
And by combining things like high resolution webcams and skype, the cooperation can be taken to a completely new and never before seen level.
There will be a lot of advancements in the area of distance learning in the future. Who knows, your kids may even have the option to take some classes from home, using tools integrated in your tv in the future.