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Dragons Through History

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The Dr
agon has played an important part in myths and religions since pre-historic times. The history of dragons goes back at least six thousand years, and there are dragon tales and legends from every continent except Antarctica.

dragon, dragons, chinese dragons, symbolism, symbolic, symbol, history, stories, tales, legends

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The Dragon has played an important part in myths and religions since pre-historic times. The history of dragons goes back at least six thousand years, and there are dragon tales and legends from every continent except Antarctica. In almost every culture, and all throughout history, there are stories of these mythical and magical creatures called dragons. Different people have various theories of why so many cultures developed such a long lasting belief in dragons; however, none can actually be proven.

Many believe that dragons were what we now call dinausaurs. It may be that dragon stories partly grew out of people finding dinosaur bones. The thought is that when dragon bones were dug up later, they were given the new classification of dinosaur. Many evolutionists believe that dinosaurs became extinct millions of years before man walked the planet, while others claims dispute this. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. It is said that dinosaur fossils, which have been discovered along with human footprints and remains, add proof to the ancient people’s history of dragons. Others feel that people forgot that dragons were ever real, and quickly faded into mythology.

In almost every culture and all throughout history there are stories of these magical creatures called dragons. Later, in Europe these dragons in art forms were thought to be real life animals rather than symbols of evil.

Throughout many cultures, dragons may have appeared different, but they have always retained the same basic core elements. When most people think of dragons they generally think of fire breathing monsters, but originally dragons were usually connected with water. To the ancient Chinese, dragons were not creatures of fire, as so many would think, but rather creatures of water. The dragon of the Chinese resided in rivers, lakes, pools and rose in great clouds of mist to promote rainfall. In earlier Mideast stories, the dragons are most often associated with water and wisdom. Historians use this conection with water to distinguish dragons from other mythical animals.

While the east feels that the dragon is a divine, mythical creature that brings good fortune, prosperity and bounty, western dragons are viewed differently. They are connected to the element fire, and they fling their colossal tails about, and viciously create destruction. The contrary views of the east and the west indicate opposing views where humans viewed dragons as a symbols of wisdom and peace, or symbols of chaos and evil. Neither would disagree that dragons were viewed as powerful creatures. This, along with the wide variance in the physical description of dragons, contributes to confusion in the definition of a dragon.

The humans revered the dragons, some clans even calling them gods. Hence, dragons were held in high regard, and their images kept and worn, to win their approval. Originally, it was believed that dragons were the ones who talked directory to the Gods. It was also thought at this time that earthquakes were caused by battles between dragons and gods. In history, many different cultures began to adopt the idea of gods fighting with dragons to restore order.

The dragon may be ancient, but it remains as influential today as it did four thousand years ago. Today, the popularity of fantasy, and such role-playing games as Dungeons and Dragons, means that dragon figurines are a hot commodity.

Online stores promoting dragon items have popped up including

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Do You Know Yourself? Test

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We all claim to know many things. We analyze our friends, our colleagues and other people. We try to find out how others act and behave.


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We all claim to know many things. We analyze our friends, our colleagues and other people. We try to find out how others act and behave. We act like a know all about others. How about ourselves? Do we know ourselves?

We react to many stimuli – both from outside and our mind. We go into different moods and act differently at different times. We can not predict our own behavior many times. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. We know something about our likes and dislikes about food, clothing, home and such thins. But what about our emotions? What of our mind? Do we know? Can we predict our own reaction at a given situation? It may be different at different times, depending on our own mood. We are not machines and therefore highly unpredictable.

How about knowing about our emotions and our mind better? How about analyzing our self? How about finding out more about ourselves? That would surely help us in improving our life. It may not give us more money, but certainly more peace and a sense of control on ourselves.

you will find tests and quizzes on Internet to test various traits of your personality.These fun tests are devised to make you think about yourself. Try these tests to find out about yourself in a fun way

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title:Do You Know These Reasons Why Di
stance Learning Is Fun ?”
author:John Tipton
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Distance learning and elearning are usually linked with furthering an education. The technology of distance learning, along with the opportunities provided by elearning and online courses, are making it easier for thousands of people to learn something new.
Busy adults can advance their careers by finishing a degree or gaining some special skills, and young students can earn college credit well before they graduate high school, often through distance learning or elearning opportunities.
But do you realize that distance learning and elearning can be just for fun? Maybe it’s always been a dream – to learn to paint with watercolors. But there’s no class offered nearby. Or maybe you’ve had a desire to learn to master a foreign language, not because of any requirements to do so, but simply because you want to know how.
Perhaps it’s even more basic than that – your lawnmower continually breaks down and you just want to be able to impress your friends by fixing it yourself.
Technology often advances in response to specific needs. People needed a way to finish a degree online so businesses, universities and colleges stepped in to create that opportunity.
But as is often the case, the technology exists in a basic format and users have some control over what happens next. That’s probably the reason that some very basic skills, trades and lessons can be learned online – “elearned.”
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The idea of lifelong learning is not new, though some of the terms generally associated with lifelong learning are constantly being updated. Distance learning, elearning and other such words signify the ability for a person to gain knowledge without sitting in a classroom.
Most adults continue to long for knowledge long after their days in a classroom are over. Different people set about gaining that knowledge in different ways. Some choose topics and just start reading, gathering whatever books and materials they can find.
Others seek out the professionals and sign up for lessons or classes. Many people are putting technology to work for them, seeking out online courses for elearning about a myriad of topics.
It’s easy to find colleges, universities and businesses that offer degrees or specific classes as either distance learning or online courses. Finding those “fun” things might be a little more difficult, but you can start by talking to family and friends.
You might find that some of them have even taken some online courses. Check with local schools, colleges, universities, community centers and libraries. While these aren’t clearing houses of information about online classes, there may be listings of specific classes available.

Find out why distance learning lets anyone go back to school. Discover what you need to look for in a distance learning program, and what you should avoid. Click

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Do You Know How Your Students Want To Lear

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Learner power is the topic of this article. I wonder how many school directors think about asking their students how they want to learn. The idea of conducting a needs analysis to find out what students want to learn is nothing new, but I’m not sure if we are quite so used to trying to find out their preferred learning styles. I mention this because it strikes me that so many teachers come from the same mould, having qualified through courses based very much on progressive we…

Teach English, Teaching English, Teaching For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. English Overseas, ESL Jobs, ESL, TEFL, TESOL

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Learner power is the topic of this article. I wonder how many school directors think about asking their students how they want to learn. The idea of conducting a needs analysis to find out what students want to learn is nothing new, but I’m not sure if we are quite so used to trying to find out their preferred learning styles. I mention this because it strikes me that so many teachers come from the same mould, having qualified through courses based very much on progressive western views of educational practice. Typically, these teachers want lots of classroom activity, learner participation and have a view of the teacher as a facilitator rather than pedagogue. On the other hand, the students will probably feel comfortable if the teaching style is in keeping with what they are used to.

I can remember my own astonishment when teaching a group of 30 students in a French university only to discover that they didn’t expect to be involved in activities that required them to actually speak.

They were used to being passive receptacles of information which they would record and then work on using reading and writing as the means of learning. Of course, I wanted to change all that but I realized that I could only introduce change by finding out what they expected, what they wanted and by negotiating with them possible better ways of effective language learning.

It seems to me that we should conduct regular surveys of students to find out their views about how they think the classroom should be managed, what types of materials should be used and how they should be used, how work should be organized, what activities should be done in class, how the teacher should interact with students. The information gathered can be useful to teachers whose own ideas might be quite different. Once they know students’ preferences they will be able to judge more clearly which aspects of their teaching style to modify and which aspects to try to introduce incrementally so as not to deter students.

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Do You Have What It Takes To Home
School Your Child?

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Are you and your children cut out for home school? Homeschooling your own child has its advantages and disadvantages, but with total control you have the flexibility to teach your child values that cannot be taught in a public classroom.

Your home school curriculum can also incorporate your own religious and moral beliefs, something that no one but you can teach your own child. By taking control of a child’s education a parent can shape that child’s value system better tha…

home, school, homeschool, schools, homeschooling, curriculum, accredited, christian, materials, program

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Are you and your children cut out for home school? Homeschooling your own child has its advantages and disadvantages, but with total control you have the flexibility to teach your child values that cannot be taught in a public classroom.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Your home school curriculum can also incorporate your own religious and moral beliefs, something that no one but you can teach your own child. By taking control of a child’s education a parent can shape that child’s value system better than any other way.

It is not necessary to have a teaching degree or to even be a college graduate for that matter. Although it is a tremendous responsibility to teach your own child the education they will receive from a concerned parent will be much greater than they can get in a public school system. And if you don’t feel comfortable with some of the harder subject materials it’s possible to hire a tutor for those classes.

If you want your child to excel in home school you need to possess two things. One, you must have the desire to teach your children and two, you must have the determination to succeed with home schooling. With home schools that’s all it takes, a desire and some effort. With those two things your child can realize an education that will far surpass a classroom environment. Any parent can be an effective teacher if they truly have the desire for their children to learn.

There is no one else that will want your child to succeed as much as you do. And to progress at a better-than-public-school pace a child must have a teacher who knows them and wants them to learn. Many public school teachers are only in it for the paycheck. And most others have so many kids in their classroom there is absolutely no way they can give them the individual time and attention that a parent can with homeschooling. This is why home schooled kids have the potential to far exceed public school children.

The biggest hurdle that most parents face is being unsure of their own ability to teach. School teachers must go through many years of education programs before they are qualified to teach others while many parents have no training at all. But should this be the deciding factor?

You may be surprised at how effective you can be as your child’s instructor. School teachers are face with many obstacles and regulations that you will never have. They must overcome many children’s learning styles and behaviors, children with disciplinary problems, school regulations and a host of other things that will not be required of you. As a homeschool parent you are in charge of only one child, not a room full of children who possess different personalities that learn in many different ways.

In the public classroom, when it comes to curriculum, school teachers are required to follow a program and use materials that the public system as approved. Plus, they are bound to get through the material no matter how slow some of the children may be. You, on the other hand, with a homeschool curriculum can proceed at the perfect speed with home schooling. You can make sure your child learns a specific subject before going forward. And possibly, you can proceed much faster because there are no less intelligent kids slowing things down for you. In the public system you can only go forward as fast as the slowest kid, otherwise they will be left behind.

Another positive aspect to homeschool is your individual time. A teacher must start school precisely at a predetermined time and finish at a predetermined time. A parent can adjust the schedule as their children’s learning abilities dictate. It is usually much easier to deliver the subject matter more quickly one-on-one which makes it possible to delve deeper into certain subjects. Deeper examination can help a child understand things greater. By getting through lessons quicker it also allows more time for other activities and field trips.

Take a little time to search the web for ideas and lesson plans. You will find many different topics such as accredited home school, home school materials, Christian home school programs and more. If you think you can’t do it think again. With all of the resources, online home education groups, forums and your desire and effort you can help your child achieve a brighter future that they can achieve in no other way.

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Do You Ever Wish You Could J
ust Keep Up With Your Reading?

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How many times have you looked at your stack of reading materials, and felt overwhelmed? Most of us are bombarded with more and more written information every day- magazines, reports, e-books, newspapers, professional studies- it seems to never stop.

All this information has made becoming a speed-reader a necessity for those who want to stay on top of their profession. Reading faster and increasing comprehension has become a mandatory time management technique.

Evelyn W…


Article For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Body:
How many times have you looked at your stack of reading materials, and felt overwhelmed? Most of us are bombarded with more and more written information every day- magazines, reports, e-books, newspapers, professional studies- it seems to never stop.

All this information has made becoming a speed-reader a necessity for those who want to stay on top of their profession. Reading faster and increasing comprehension has become a mandatory time management technique.

Evelyn Wood developed speed-reading, in 1959. Currently, there are a wide variety of classes and techniques available for anyone who wants to master this skill. There are classes, books, audio programs, and computer programs to suit any learning style.

Here are five quick steps you can use right now to increase your reading speed and comprehension:

1.Prepare to read- set aside some time in a distraction-free environment. Find a comfortable spot, and check your focus. If you find you are having a hard time concentrating on what you are reading, close your eyes, and take a couple of deep breaths. If that doesn’t work, and you are still distracted, put off your reading for another time.

2.Overview the material- look at the titles and subtitles. Ask yourself,” Why am I reading this book? What can I learn from it?”

3.Preview- read the introduction, and the first sentence of each paragraph. Determine what the focus of the piece is, and what the key points are.

4.Read Actively-Underline the main points, mark any areas that are significant to you. Take note of anything that you don’t understand, as well as any topics you find for discussion.

5.Finally, relate what you are reading to what you already know. This will put everything in context for you, and help you remember more of what you read.

Speed-reading is a skill that is built up over time. If you begin to practice it, even for 15 minutes each day, you’ll see results quickly.

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Do Thieves Use Generic Cialis

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The scientists conducting research on Generic Cialis rarely interacted with the men who were asked to sell that product. On one afternoon in 2006, however, the two groups did get together. The executives who arranged that meeting hoped to find a better way to prevent leakage of information about findings made in the company laboratories.

Generic Viagra, Generic Cialis, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Generic Levitra, For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Pharmacy, Online Pharmacy

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The scientists conducting research on Generic Cialis rarely interacted with the men who were asked to sell that product. On one afternoon in 2006, however, the two groups did get together. The executives who arranged that meeting hoped to find a better way to prevent leakage of information about findings made in the company laboratories.

The executives had received information on a couple of ways to detect information thieves. The executives wanted to get input from the scientists and marketers on those potential detection methods. The executives hoped to receive feedback on the degree to which such detection methods might cut-off leakage of information to those making and selling Generic Viagra

First the two groups studied a method that involved use of electronic watermarks. Such watermarks could be put on documents that were passed through a special Xerox product. The Xerox product put an invisible serial number on each document. That invisible serial number does not show up on a copy of the original document.

The executives had considered purchasing that special Xerox product. It would allow them to mark papers with information on Generic Cialis. If any of those papers were stolen, it would be possible to trace them.

One scientist was familiar with the watermarks. He had also learned about one reason why the executives might not want to use them. The scientist admitted that a thief could get caught, if he provided valuable information to the makers of Generic Viagra. At the same time, however, use of the watermarks would anger the members of the ACLU. That would give the company bad PR.

The executives then asked those at the meeting to examine a second detection technique. It involved use of copyright traps. All company documents with valuable information would receive some faked information. The company executives could then watch for statements that included that faked information. The holder of that faked information could be charged with possession of leaked material.

One of the marketers had read about that detection method. The source available to the marketer (an issue of Wired Magazine) had said this: “Best for protecting that epic encyclopedia of sex positions you spent decades researching.” The same source had also provided the marketer with this advice: “Courts have ruled that just like real facts, fake facts can’t be copyrighted.”

Keeping that advice in mind, the marketer suggested to the company executives that they not plan to use copyright traps. The executives agreed. The head of the marketing department finally turned to the other marketers.

“It looks like we have no good way to identify how information on planned improvements in Generic Cialis might reach our competitors. For that reason, you will need to step up your efforts at selling our ED pills. You will have to work harder than the salespeople who want to market Generic Viagra.”

In order to add a lighter note to the meeting, the head marketer closed with these words: “Hey, Bud, you need to spend less time doing research on sex positions and more time selling our ED pills.”

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Do Strong Readers Need Speed Reading?

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If you’re a strong reader, do you really need speed reading? If you’re a student or professional, the answer should be obvious; it can only give you an edge. But more to the point, why keep your reading level at basic comprehension and average speed? If it’s obvious that making a small change in your life results in a big difference, it’s worth investigating. This is the case with speed reading.

When you are small you learn how to read by a method called letter-by-letter …

speed reading

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If you’re a strong reader, do you really need speed reading? If you’re a student or professional, the answer should be obvious; it can only give you an edge. But more to the point, why keep your reading level at basic comprehension and average speed? If it’s obvious that making a small change in your life results in a big difference, it’s worth investigating. This is the case with speed reading.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. When you are small you learn how to read by a method called letter-by-letter reading, which essentially is exactly what it sounds like. You sound out each letter and over time you can form them into entire words. Children learn this process very young when they are shown the letters of the alphabet and the sound associated with each letter.

You wouldn’t stop at letter-by-letter reading if you knew how much more you would get out of reading by moving on to word-by-word reading, which is the ability to recognize entire words. So why limit yourself to block-by-block reading that involves short blocks of words when you can increase that enjoyment and understanding even further by learning how to increase those blocks?

Speed reading is more than getting through a stack of words at high speed. It increases the text you take in at one time, which gives you a better grasp of what you’ve read which in turn increases your ability to understand what you’re reading in bigger, faster doses. We all shift gears when we read, depending on what we’re reading. We automatically read text containing familiar words and ideas fast and slow down when we come across text with new ideas. Speed reading gives you another gear to shift into, saves you time, increases your reading comprehension, and gives you an automatic edge.

Having the ability to speed read allows you to read as quickly through unfamiliar text as you do with text that you have seen before. For the professional or student who needs to get through large pieces of text quickly, this is incredibly valuable. They can pick up a book or document, spend no more than a few minutes going over it and have the same comprehension and absorption that someone reading at a regular speed would have after spending several hours reading it. The time saved is remarkable and for someone who is a busy professional or for a student who is faced with many classes as well as other responsibilities, the difference in their lives can be substantially better.

Although learning to speed read takes time and patience, it’s an investment that is well worth it. Having the ability to grasp and retain information that is read at a fast speed can make a significant difference in a person’s life. If your reading skills are strong now, you can quickly and easily adapt to speed reading. Take some time to learn the techniques, make a concerted effort to employ them, and then reap the many benefits of being able to speed read.

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Do Online MBAs Make the Grade

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The popularity of Online MBA is soaring but some are diploma mills, making recruiters wary of virtual degrees. This article will outlines some tips for picking up a good program.

online degree, online MBA, MBA, online education, distance learning, online universities

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Article Body:
The popularity of Online MBA is soaring but some are diploma mills, making recruiters wary of virtual degrees. This article will outlines some tips for picking up a good program. Many businessmen, entrepreneurs and those who work for international businesses today are on the frequent moves; they may attend a meeting in Tokyo, Japan yesterday, meet up their customer at Shanghai, China today and need to host an important conference tomorrow at Chicago, USA. While maintaining a hectic travel schedule but wishing to advance their career with an MBA, but they are tough to attend on-campus courses; hence, getting the degree online can be the only option.

“RIPE” for Fake Online Degree Courses Many online MBA programs are designed to suite for busy people to get the advanced education without the need to put aside their career for a year of two and attend the campus-based MBA. But, as in many growing fields, cautions abound. Concerns about fake Online MBA or “diploma mills” without proper accreditation are growing. With so many online MBA programs popping up, it is estimated that nearly a million people fall for fake programs every year. What are the criteria for choosing an online MBA? The criteria for choosing an online program differ from that of the more traditional full-time one. Here are some guidelines for selecting the cyber-course that's right for you:

  • Accreditation
    The mandatory first step in choosing an online MBA is to find out if it's accredited and by which organization. If it's not accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), the oldest and most well-known accrediting organization, then you should look for regional accreditation. This means that the organization examining the program is approved by the U.S. government.

  • Interaction
    It's the high level of interaction between students and faculty that separates a solid program from a poser. Good online programs are the ones that offer virtual classroom with guidance from lecturers. The professors must be available for online discussion and the students could also call them on the phone to discuss coursework. Some online MBAs do offer brief in-classroom periods where the students need to travel to a school's physical campus for a short period.

  • Resources and support
    It's especially important to have a large online library to conduct research for papers. The best programs will go beyond that and even have an online service to help students with their writing. To find out if such resources exist, call institutions to ask about the faculty's credentials, as well as the students. The qualities of both sets of people will help determine how much you're getting for your money.

  • Cost
    Just how much money you'll pay for an online MBA program can vary broadly, it may cost $5,000 to $10,000 for unaccredited programs to $45,000 for Kelley MBA. The best deals are often found at state universities.

In general, whether you choose to go for that top-tier Online MBA program or your neighborhood institution, seek the right fit. And always check the credentials of the online programs and confirm the accreditation before your register the Online MBA program.

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Do not miss you
r opportunity-learn it now to change your life tomorrow.

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Provides useful advices on the methods of designing and writing of thesis statements and thesis proposal. Examines the ways of completing these types of thesis.

thesis statements, thesis proposal

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Every article that we read comprises some vital sentence which describes the gist of it, its major points and arguments. The same pertains to all academic projects. Whatever project you are assigned with-either it is a one-page descriptive paper or 100 pages dissertation, whatever the topic of the project may be, whatever the scope of the research- it should contain one or two sentences which provide the reader with the most important points of the contention of the writer.

This contention- the essence of your argument is your thesis statement. It is almost indispensable to provide your reader with the thesis statement, which should reveal your main arguments in several sentences (preferable in one or two) and offer the reader the main points of your essay. In order to produce a thesis statement one should always bear in mind what questions, should be researched and answered in your paper. Undoubtedly it is one of the most difficult tasks that students face. The questions that are asked in the research are extremely valuable in the designing of the thesis statement. Once you have listed several questions that should be answered, you should start distinguishing the most important questions from subordinate ones. Once your have singled out the most important questions, you can start using them as your thesis statement.

However, in many departments it is necessary to develop and state your thesis proposal. One shouldn’t confuse these two processes; remember that your thesis statement is used in your writing assignment, whereas your thesis proposal thesis proposal is mostly used in the drafting of your paper. In writing of your thesis proposal one should reveal how this topic is important not only for your topic, but for the subject and even science in general. One should show the significance and importance of the problem, you have decided to research. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. In your thesis proposal, apart from purely theoretical part, there should be also some practical guide on how the date and information needed for the research can be collected. And one of the most important tasks of writing of the thesis proposal is to develop and improve of your proposal writing skills. Whatever your department is- either it is a law program or medicine school, engineering of economics, lucid, persuasive and convincing proposal writing skills are useful acquirements for your career.

Certainly it is not possible to reveal all methods and ways of completing of your thesis proposal and thesis writing within the scope of one article; here I have outlined just general purposes of these processes. That is why is imperative to use guides (there are plenty of them on the internet as well) before starting to develop your thesis statement or your thesis proposal.