Health Goals

The Best Way To Fight Poor Health Is To Make Home Cooking Fast And Easy!



Obesity and related health problems are epidemic in North America. Not only are most of us eating way too much and getting little exercise, but we’re also eating very fatty foods. Even if you shun fast food restaurants and buy your food at supermarkets, it’s still almost impossible to find quick-to-fix foods that aren’t high in fat content.

Experts say we were in far better health a few decades ago when just about everyone prepared their meals from scratch. Home cooking, e…

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Obesity and related health problems are epidemic in North America. Not only are most of us eating way too much and getting little exercise, but we’re also eating very fatty foods. Even if you shun fast food restaurants and buy your food at supermarkets, it’s still almost impossible to find quick-to-fix foods that aren’t high in fat content.

Experts say we were in far better health a few decades ago when just about everyone prepared their meals from scratch. Home cooking, even when elevated to the gourmet level, is far healthier than restaurants or instant dishes from the grocery store.

But these days when everyone is working one, two, even three jobs, who has the time to make a complete meal at home? It would seem there is simply no fast, easy way to eat healthy food.

Let me speak from experience: You CAN cook FAST at home and make EXCELLENT meals. Nick has been a gourmet chef for 25 years. During that time he developed more than 300 great, healthy recipes that can be prepared quickly.

As a general rule of thumb, you can be sitting down, eating a hot, fresh meal within 45 minutes to one hour after you come home.

Consider how much time and money you spend at fast food restaurants, and you’ll realize how much money–even time–you can save.

Not only does eating better help you stay trimmer, it also makes you feel better. People who eat better have more energy and quite often feel younger. Education specialists assure us kids develop normally and perform better in school when they eat right. And you can certainly head off a host of health problems that can plague you in middle and later life.

Do yourself and your family a huge favor. Start cooking your meals at home using fresh ingredients in recipes that help you cook fast and often from scratch. It’s cheaper and, goodness knows, it tastes a lot better!

Health Goals

The Best Treatment For Acne Vulgaris – TCA Skin Peels-Used By Plastic Surgeons Everywhere

This article was originally written by David Maillie

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Acne vulgaris (acne) is a condition, popular with teens and young adults, that is characterized by red, inflamed bumps and patches. These bumps and patches are formed by overactive sebacious glands (usually due to hormonal imbalances), high skin pH, oil, and basteria that thrive in these conditions. This acne can be worsened by summer heat, improper cleaning, itching and picking at the bumps (they are not pimples and will only get worse when picked at), pH imbalance, bad nutrition, etc…
By changing our habits we can improve this condition. Using mild soaps and cleansers will prove less irritating. Eating a well balanced diet will average out the condition and slowly improve it. And we all know not to pick at acne postules and bumps, but to stop it and possibly cure it we have to get to the source deep in the skin.
Surface treatments like benzoyl peroxide creams and solutions are at best minimally effective and can further irritate the condition. We need to get several layers down to the source, the bacteria, inflamation, and the sebacious glands where acne forms.
Plastic surgeons know that glycolic and salicylic peels are better than hydrogen peroxide treatments, but they will not reach the source. This is where plastic surceons and doctors use TCA peels (trichloroacetic acid) which is a deeper peel to reach the source, change the skin pH (which kills off the bacteria – they cannot survive in high acidity conditions), and increase skin regeneration by sloughing off several layers. TCA peels have been clinically prove to treat and cure acne better than any other treatment (including lasers and Accutane) without any of the horrible side effects).
TCA peels used to be something only the wealthy could afford, but not anymore. You can still go to your doctor and pay $500+ or you can do it yourself. TCA peels are the easiest, safest, and most effective of all the skin peels and are now easily available. For more details about TCA peels contact the author below or look it up on the internet. Get a TCA peel and start enjoying cleaner, more youthful skin and stop wasting your money on products that don’t work.

Health Goals

The Best Routine I’ve Ever Done…



Keep your routines interesting and you too can avoid the plateau that everybody else is going to be talking about!

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workout routine, best workout routine

Copyright 2006 Marc David

“The best routine I’ve ever done, is the one I haven’t done.”

Think about that for just a minute. Let it settle in.

If you’ve been doing the same routine day in and day out, year after year, wonder why you aren’t getting the gains you wanted… this statement should really hit home.

For starters, the more variety you can incorporate into your routines, even the smallest changes, will help:

* to prevent injury
* to avoid injury
* add to muscle confusion principles
* avoid boredom
* reduces overtraining

For all these reasons (and this list isn’t even near complete), doing something as simple as adding variety to your routine will help keep your workouts interesting and your body growing.

Imagine this for a second will you?

I’ve been working out for 16 years. I’ve tried many routines. Some I liked, others I hated. But I was searching for the perfect routine. One I liked that I could just keep doing over and over and progressing.

Then it hit me!

When I found a routine I liked and stuck with it for a long period of time (2 months or more) I noticed something:

* Boredom sets in
* Repetitive injuries would occur more frequently
* My progress slowed then stopped

There’s no golden routine! Too many people are set in their ways. The minute they find something they like, that’s it. Done deal. They don’t change. And after some months, they really don’t change.

Frustration sets in, they wonder why and they hit plateaus.

But let’s suppose you were like me and you just keep trying new programs and new routines.

Would it be possible not to ever hit a plateau again?

It just might be! And that should excite you. The more variety in exercises, tempos, repetition speeds you can create, the more challenging it is to you and the more progressive overload you can deliver to your body.

How does your body respond?

It grows. It cannot adapt because there’s nothing to adapt to.

Here’s a little test:

1- Go to your gym
2- Pick a person out you see often
3- Observe them for as long as possible
4- Do they look different? (Can you see changes)
5- Are they doing the same things over and over?

(I see people at my gym that I know their routine. They do the same things every time I see them without fail. They look the same since they joined over 5 years ago).

Do you qualify as one of these people?

Don’t worry, it’s easy to avoid this if you simply follow this single tip:

* Learn as many exercise variations as you possibly can *

Why is this so important? Because if you know 300 ways to workout your legs, you will never have to repeat a workout and you will never adapt. You will not get bored as you will have many ways to workout a muscle group. Your body will be challenged. Your mind will be challenged as well.

How can you do this?

Educate yourself with as many sources as you can.

Of course you can repeat exercises.

My point is…

“The best routine I’ve ever done, is the one I haven’t done.”

Keep your routines interesting and you too can avoid the plateau that everybody else is going to be talking about!

Health Goals

The Best Protein Supplement Usage



The question that usually follows ‘what is the best protein supplement’ is ‘when should I use protein supplements?’

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This article deals with
Best protein supplement, Protein supplement, Best protein supplement, Protein supplement, Best protein powder, Body building supplement, “Muscle building supplement”, “best muscle building supplement”, “body building gain mass muscle supplement”, “muscle building food”

The question that usually follows ‘what is the best protein supplement’ is ‘when should I use protein supplements?’ In reality, because you need so much protein, you should be using the best protein supplements every single day.

The average bodybuilder needs about 1 gram of protein for each pound of bodyweight. You can have slightly less than this as well, but not much less. If you weigh 180 pounds, you need about 180 grams of protein a day. It doesn’t sound like much, right? We aren’t talking about calories…we are talking about grams of protein. 180 grams of protein is more than you think!

What you must remember that protein isn’t the only thing that you will be taking in. If it were, 180 grams may not seem like such a big deal. But when you combine that 180 grams of protein, with all of the other nutrients that you need throughout the day, for a well balanced diet, it really is a lot.

So, how can you consume that much protein in a 24 hour period? You use the best protein supplements that you can find, and combine them with regular meals. The best protein supplements are protein shakes, protein bars, and protein powders.

The great thing about these types of protein supplements is that short of mixing a powder with a liquid, or opening a package, you can consume 25 to 30 grams of protein very quickly – no muss, no fuss. Furthermore, if you read labels, and learn to buy the protein supplements that contain more than protein, you can ingest many of the other nutrients and vitamins that you need for the day at the same time, with the same protein supplement.

Again, it is dangerous and unhealthy to only use protein supplements. You must also eat regular meals. An ideal schedule would be to have a protein shake first thing in the morning, followed by a solid food snack midmorning. Eat a solid food lunch, and have a protein bar before you workout. Have a protein shake immediately after working out (within an hour). Eat a solid food dinner, and make sure that you have a protein shake before bed.

This schedule gives you a nice rounded use of solid foods and the best protein supplements, ensuring that you get enough of everything that you need during the day, without being inconvenienced.

If you work or attend school, it isn’t easy to consume the amount of protein that you need each day, because work rules and school rules will not allow you to head over to your favorite restaurant or pull your packed foods out and start enjoying them. Therefore, the best protein supplements are designed for ease and convenience. Make sure that you take full advantage of them, but don’t overdo them to the point where you are forgoing solid foods.

Health Goals

The Best Protein Powder

This article was originally written by Hamoon Arbabi

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What is the best protein powder to buy? I get this question all the time, and really, there is no best protein – many are very good for different reasons! In my opinion, it is futile and possibly detrimental to stick to only one brand for the following reasons:
a) I always recommend that you cycle your supplements so that your body does not get used to them thereby decreasing their effect,
b) for variety sakes alone, it breaks the monotony and allows you to try different brands,
c) to take advantage of the unique qualities offered by various brands, and
d) it is a good idea to switch the powders you use on a frequent basis to not develop any food intolerances or even worse allergies (I have an article coming out on this subject in the near future.) A blend that combines various protein sources (i.e. casein, egg, whey, and even beef if you can find it) is your best bet. I highly recommend the following: MD+ Myosin Protein Complex, Beverly International Muscle Provider, Biotest Low-Carb GROW!, and Dorian Yates Approved ProPeptide.
High-quality whey protein powders are excellent choices for post- workout nutrition since they get into your system fast to feed those depleted muscles. Casein, on the other hand, is a slow releasing protein as it recurdles into a solid in your gut prolonging digestion – this would be an ideal choice prior to your workouts or before going to bed. Anyhow, as far as whey powders are concerned, amino acid complex profile determines quality. I have in my possession a list of protein powders that were analyzed for quality by an independent laboratory, but since I don’t want any of these companies breathing down my neck, I will only divulge that information to my clients. Remember one thing, you get what you pay for! Keep that in mind. Also, some people are quite sensitive to aspartame and lactose so you will have to find free versions of those. Taste will ultimately determine whether you purchase that powder again. Write in with some of your feedback on these products – I’d love to hear your comments.
One more thing, you could even mix protein powder into other foods to up the protein content and improve the flavor. Mixing protein powder in (slow-cooked) oatmeal is one option, but here’s another. I call it my “bedtime concoction.” Add a scoop of Xtreme Formulations Ultra Peptide (vanilla) to a mixture of ricotta (whey) and cottage (casein) cheese. Not only does this provide both an anabolic and anticatabolic effect during sleep, it also tastes amazing – it’s like eating the cream filling of a cannoli without the pastry shell! Try it.