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The Bliss of Martial Arts




Martial arts has the benefit of exercising both your mind and body and you get a complete workout that aerobics or weight lifting just can’t match. An individual’s total well being, both psychological and physical, can be improved simultaneously through martial arts. Its psychological benefits include increased self-esteem and self-confidence as well as decreased tension, stress, anxiety and depression.

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depression, stress, anxiety, meditation

If you want something unique to add to your exercise regimen, martial arts may be the very thing you are looking for. Martial arts has the benefit of exercising both your mind and body. Through martial arts training, you get a complete workout that aerobics or weight lifting just can’t match.

Martial arts have never been more popular as it is today. Recent Hollywood action blockbusters that feature acrobatic fight scenes like “The Matrix” and “Charlie’s Angels” have been hugely successful. But long before Keannu Reeves and Drew Barrymore sported their chops and kicks on the widescreen, the martial arts were already widely used in Asian movies. Chinese martial arts gave birth to a popular genre of cinema. The films of Bruce Lee were instrumental in popularizing the martial arts in feature films. Today, martial artists cum actors such as Jet Li and Jackie Chan have appeared in many Western films as direct beneficiaries of Bruce Lee’s pioneering work in movies.

While the closest that many martial arts enthusiasts can go to a dojo (a place where people practice martial arts) is playing Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter in front of a TV screen or their computer in their living room, others are keen to hit the mats and have a go at martial arts themselves. From the graceful, dance-like moves of tai chi and capoeira, to the explosive fighting styles of kung fu and karate, there is a martial art to suit just about every every individual taste, interest, or inclination. Businessmen to bus conductors, students to politicians, people of all ages and from all walks of life are discovering the physical and mental benefits of martial arts.

Rock stars have often used martial arts to spice up their live performances. No other than “The King”, Elvis Presley, a karate black belt, entertained his fans on stage with his karate kicks and antics. Madonna’s recent tour features dance routines heavily influenced by martial arts.
But more than just entertainment and exercise, the martial arts form part of an ancient philosophy or way of life. According to legend, the martial arts originated in Honan, a province in North Central China, where they were introduced by Bodhidharma, who was said to be a wandering monk who came over the mountains from India. He brought with him the fighting techniques and philosophy of his home land. As developed by the monks, martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They may be studied for various reasons including combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, self-cultivation, meditation, mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence, or any combination of the above.

Moreover, many doctors have realized that martial arts can replace drug therapy for patients suffering from psychological conditions such as depression. The use of meditative principles allows the participant to utilize self-evaluation and self-introspection as a means to practice martial arts. The more aggressive styles such as kendo and kick-boxing appear to help people with problems such as depression, while the softer disciplines of aikido and tai chi can help people who are anxious or under a lot of stress. The healing power of these martial arts may lie in the combination of movement, meditation, and breathing exercises.

An individual’s total well being, both psychological and physical, can be improved simultaneously through martial arts. Its psychological benefits include increased self-esteem and self-confidence as well as decreased tension, stress, anxiety and depression. While the physical aspects of exercise improve your general health, martial arts can likewise improves one’s emotional health.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to put on your “gi,” turn off the video, put down that mouse or your joystick, and head off to your local gym and think of Bruce, Jet, and Jackie who uncovered the joys of martial arts!

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The Black Hole of Postpartum Depression



Postpartum Depression is a serious condition that needs to be addressed as soon as symptoms are felt.

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depression, pregnancy

Sometime in mid-2005, a war of words was being waged in Hollywood between A-list actors Brooke Shields and Tom Cruise. It began when Cruise criticized Shields during an interview for Access Hollywood for the use of an antidepressant drug called Paxil (paroxetine hydrocholride) to help her recover from postpartum depression. Cruise, an avid Scientologist, believes that all forms of psychiatry and drug treatment for mental illness are wrong. Shields later hit back in an article published in the New York Times, calling Cruise’s comments “irresponsible and dangerous,” telling him to keep his opinions to himself. She points out that in her book, “Down Came The Rain,” a personal account of her struggle with postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter Rowan, she merely stressed that women should not be ashamed to get help for this distressing and possibly debilitating condition. She writes, “Don’t be ashamed, and don’t disregard what you are feeling…I recovered only because I got help.”

Postpartum depression is a serious condition afflicting mothers who have just had a baby, regardless of whether it’s their first, second or eleventh child. It is also referred to as postpartum non-psychotic depression, and may affect as many as ten to twenty percent of women within the first year after childbirth. The symptoms may include depressed mood, tearfulness, inability to enjoy pleasurable activities, trouble sleeping, fatigue, appetite problems, suicidal thoughts, feelings of inadequacy as a parent, and impaired concentration. Some women with postpartum depression may feel that they cannot cope with the baby for fear of harming him or her, worrying about the baby’s health and well being while having negative thoughts about him or her. The condition will interfere with a woman’s ability to care for the baby, and the sufferer will adopt several coping methods such as avoidance coping, problem focused coping, support seeking coping and venting coping. Avoidance coping involves denial and behavioral disengagement from the baby. Problem focused coping refers to the sufferer’s use of strategies such as active coping, planning, and positive reframing to deal with the problem. Support seeking coping is when the sufferer actively seeks emotional and instrumental support from those around her. Venting and self-blame is another coping strategy that the sufferer might employ to deal with postpartum depression.

Many researchers believe that this condition is caused by the fluctuation of hormones during pregnancy and after childbirth. While it is natural to feel stressed out, tired and anxious about childcare, such feelings should disappear quickly after childbirth. This is referred to as the “baby blues,” a passing state of heightened emotions peaking around three to five days after giving birth and may last from several days up to two weeks. The symptoms of the baby blues are similar to that of postpartum depression, so many frequently dismiss their feelings as the former. Unfortunately, while women can recover naturally from the baby blues, postpartum depression needs medical attention.

Severe postpartum depression is called postpartum (puerperal) psychosis, although this extreme form is rare and may be related to other mood disorders. However it does require immediate medical attention. In some cases, a woman with severe postpartum depression may become suicidal and consider killing her infant and young children not from anger, but from a desire not to abandon them.

Postpartum depression can affect the whole family. Because people are raised to believe that pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes that run smoothly without effort, many parents are taken aback when they are hit by this condition. It puts undue stress on the couple’s relationship with each other as well as to the baby and other family members. The condition is not as uncommon as many believe. However, lack of education about postpartum depression and the stigma and shame that comes with having such a condition may hinder them from seeking help. Brooke Shields’ public battle with Tom Cruise may have been annoying to some, but it actually shed light on a potentially harmful condition. Today, more women are empowered to seek help from their family, doctors and their community.

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The Black Cloud Of Depression

This article was originally written by Jane Kriese

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Depression is defined as “low spirits, gloominess, dejection and sadness.”
Depression affects your whole body, physically and mentally. It affects the way you eat, sleep, feel about yourself and your actions towards yourself and others.
There are many types and degrees of depression, all with different symptoms. The symptoms include; chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, change in appetite, backache, digestive disorder, restlessness, irritability, quick to anger, loss of interest or pleasure in your favorite pastimes, feelings of worthlessness and some people even think of death and consider suicide.
The causes of depression are not fully understood but it can be triggered by tension, stress, trauma in your life, chemical imbalance, thyroid disorder, burn out, hypoglycemia, nutritional deficiencies, poor diet, high consumption of sugar, mononucleosis, endometriosis, allergies (especially food allergies), lack of exercise and negative thinking.
Have you noticed that many of the causes of depression are the same as other lifestyle diseases? This information tells you that depression is curable. It also means that you have to change your lifestyle. You need to re-evaluate your life and make the necessary changes. Be gentle with yourself; start slowly. My first suggestion is to visit and print off the free E-Book “9 Steps To A Healthy, Vibrant Body”. Pay close attention to Step One and Step Two.
Find out the condition of your body and this way you will know what health problems you are facing. Test your Thyroid, if you have hypothyroidism you can usually stimulate the thyroid by taking a herbal remedy containing kelp. A body that is deficient of vitamins and minerals will feel very tired and sluggish. Start taking calcium/magnesium and a vitamin/mineral combination on a daily basis. The herb St. John’s Wort has been very helpful in treating people who have suffered from depression.
Be sure these products are liquid, plant extract. Liquid extracts will assimilate in your body in a few minutes. This way your body receives good nutrients and will no longer suffer from nutritional deficiencies.
Examine your life style: Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy foods? Are you living a fairly stress free life? Are you getting enough exercise? If you have answered ‘no’… to any of these questions, that is O.K.. You know this now and you can start to make changes slowly. You did not get sick overnight, give your self time to heal your body. To start your get well program make one small change at a time, try giving up sugar or caffeine. You choose the change but remember you need to start somewhere, just one small step at a time.
Examine the emotional issues in your life. Are you angry about issues from your childhood or family? Do you have other problem relationships in your life? Do you have problems with your career? Are there other parts of your life that aren’t working for you? Do you concentrate on what is wrong in your life? If you have answered ‘yes’ … to any of these questions that is O.K. There is help.
At this time you are probably feeling overwhelmed…. don’t! think of this as a small step program. One of the first steps you can take for emotional issues is to start a gratitude journal. Each day write down things you are grateful to have in your life. Maybe it was only the blue sky today, but tomorrow your list could grow to five things and soon you will fill a page.
Don’t try to do this by yourself – if you have been depressed for more than a couple months this could be bigger than you are able to handle by yourself. Seek professional help. You can also join a 12 Step program – there is a great program called “Emotions Anonymous” and this program is available in many communities in Canada and the U.S.A. Check your yellow pages for a program near you.
Do you have issues with alcohol or drugs? If you said ‘yes’… seek professional help.(Most people who are struggling with addictions are also depressed) You can not cure yourself.
Are you contemplating your death? If you said ‘yes’… put this paper down immediately, phone a person you trust and ask for their assistance. Seek professional help immediately.
At this point I have to confess, I have suffered from depression, it was not a fun time in my life but with counseling, changes in my life style and herbal products, I was able to rebuild my body, my mind and my spirit. Today I am happier and healthier than I have ever been in my whole life. You too can over come this disease and live a healthy, vibrant life.
© 2005 Jane Kriese [email protected]
Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body? To learn more, sign up for Jane Kriese’s Herbs For Health Newsletter and receive you free (life changing ) “Alkalinity Testing Kit”. visit:

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The Birth Control Working Process



Most women who use birth control pills generally have no idea how the pills work, even if the process might have some effects on their health. While side effects of taking birth control pills are not all that widespread, they are a potential problem. Understanding how birth control pills work may help people better evaluate the risks involved in the use of such methods.

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birth control

The wonder that is birth control, specifically the pill, is something that usually ends up being taken for granted. While most would simply choose to ignore the science behind it rather than understand how it works, every woman who takes a birth control pill should understand that there could be consequences to using the drug. These consequences often lie deep in the heart of how the medication functions, in how your typical birth control medication actually achieves its stated goal of preventing pregnancy. Having an idea of how the typical birth control pill works can go a long way to helping a person understand the risks involved in the use of such drugs.

The story behind how birth control medication works starts in the 1930s, when it was discovered that injecting progesterone was effective in preventing the onset of pregnancy. Progesterone, a hormone naturally produced by the body, is generally more prevalent in females than in males. Synthesizing the hormone was conducted, with the synthetic version of the chemical proving to be just as effective as the real thing. Research was later conducted into finding out whether or not the body can be induced to produce more of the hormone via introducing external chemicals. Estrogen was later found to have similar effects to progesterone, leading to tests that mirrored the ones conducted for progesterone. Both hormones, and their effect on ovulation, formed the basis of the modern contraceptive pill.

The pills work by deceiving the body, forcing it to believe (thanks to hormonal signals induced by the pills) that the woman is already pregnant. Since the ovaries do not release egg cells if the female is already pregnant, this has the effect of preventing conception. Progesterone and estrogen levels are known to be at their highest during pregnancy, so an increase in one or the other would usually be enough to fool the body’s physiology into thinking it is pregnant. Other hormones may be substituted by some other medications, oestrogen is a prominent example, but the two aforementioned hormones are the most commonly cited ones.

Another effect produced by certain birth control pills is inhibiting Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteotrophic Hormone (LH). These two hormones are known to cause the ovaries to release the egg cell into the body and have a role in the ovulation cycle. By preventing the body from producing them, an effect similar to high levels of progesterone or estrogen is achieved. The effectiveness of the two tactics is essentially equivalent to one another, though there are some drawbacks to such tactics.

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The Biggest Loser 2: A Tale Of 2 Losers!

This article was originally written by Ray Kelly

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When it comes to losing weight, what do you think is the biggest contributing factor?
The food you eat?
The amount of exercise you do?
You just have to look at the latest series of The Biggest Loser to get your answer: It’s attitude!
I’ve worked with many ‘losers’ over the past 15 years and I can tell you from experience that if you don’t have the right attitude, you just won’t succeed. The way you think effects the way you feel, and the way you feel effects the amount of effort you put in.
So, back to The Biggest Loser. Remember Nick? He was the guy voted off in week 3. Boy, did he have an attitude! He’s got people around him, trying to push him, trying to get the best out of him so that he can succeed.
But what does he do? He fights them. The trainers are trying to help him but his ego won’t allow him to accept that help. He’s more concerned with ‘not getting pushed around’, than actually getting on with the job and losing weight. I mean, who are the experts here?
Compare this with Pete. A guy who, I’m sure doesn’t like being pushed around, but accepts that he’s there for a reason. He has a problem and there are people there willing to help him. All he has to do is listen to what they say, then do it!
Well, the results are there for all to see. As each contestant gets voted off, they show a ‘Where are they now’ clip. When Nick was shown, he had the same attitude and also looks like he may have put on more weight. Pete on the other hand looks fantastic.
So what has this got to do with every person on this planet that wants to lose weight? Change the way you think and you will succeed! Each day when you wake up, don’t think about the foods you’re going to miss out on or the exercise you have to do. Think about how good you’re going to feel, how great you’re going to look, and how better life will be!
There are many people out there that want you to succeed and are willing to help you. You just have to provide the right attitude!

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The Biggest Key to Rehabbing an Ankle Sprain Fast

This article was originally written by Bret Mundt

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There is normally only one thing that keeps an athlete from starting rehab and it is…swelling at the ankle joint.
So in order to start rehab right away (after the doctor has confirmed that you do not have any structural damage such as torn ligaments or broken bones) you must get the swelling down.
Most doctors push the RICE program – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
This method is fine if you are a couch potato, but most people who are active want to take action to get their ankle rehabilitated.
Ice is critical to reducing swelling and using an ice whirlpool definitely has advantages over just ice in a bucket because heat is taken away from the ankle so much faster.
But ice is not enough…you must use the muscles and a biomechanical movement to force the swelling out of the ankle joint.
The problem with moving your ankle to reduce swelling is the pain that you are experiencing as a result of your injury.
The “Accelerated Sprained Ankle Rehab Program” describes a unique method you can use to reduce the swelling in your ankle quickly and with minimal pain.
You can check out the sprained ankle rehab program by copying the following link and pasting it into the address bar on your browser.
Its amazing to me how many doctors take the conservative RICE route with no consideration for getting the patient back into life as fast as possible.
This rehab program will get you back to normal in as short a time as possible.
Good luck and fast rehabbing…

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The Best Weight Loss Program

This article was originally written by Donovan Baldwin

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The best weight loss program is NOT about diets, diet pills, fad diets, or even dieting. While it involves physical activity…we’re all adults here, I’ll use the word..exercise…it is NOT about pushing your physical limits, embarrassing yourself in front of the neighbors, joining an expensive gym, or hiring a personal trainer. It is NOT about joining a cult, avoiding friends, alienating your family, eating only disgusting, uappealing and unappetizing foods or feeling guilty and depressed. Most of all, it should NEVER be about BEING ALONE in your struggle.
In it’s simplest form, the best weight loss program is the one you will stick with. Let’s modify that a little and say that it is a healthy, doable, rational, flexible program you will stick with…that works!
Diets don’t work. Yep! That simple. Oh, if you want to drop 5 or 10 lbs to look good at your sister’s wedding, a quick diet might be okay. But if you truly have a weight problem, as over 50% of Americans do, it is a lifelong condition and requires lifelong measures. However, don’t consider yourself doomed to a life without pleasure or happiness, and don’t give up. Go back and read the first paragraph, and realize that there are things that CAN be done, and YOU CAN DO THEM. In the meantime however, let me just cover a few facts. Quick and dirty. You can scan through them and just get the basics. This article is not going to be big enough, nor intimidating enough, to include everything.
Diets don’t work for a lot of reasons, physical and mental, but I don’t have enough space here to cover all of them. If you would like to read more on this, I have a webpage at that gives 10 reasons why diets don’t work, and those aren’t the only reasons, either. The main reason a diet will not work is that your body has some really effective self-regulating mechanisms. If you deprive it of it’s expected calorie intake over a period of time, it will adjust itself to need less calories. Although you will be eating less (and definitely not enjoying it), your body will settle into a new pattern and your weight will level off with only a small weight loss. Even worse, when you stop dieting, as you know you will, the body will keep its new level of calorie need while you return to your old eating habits. This brings us to another point.
Everybody’s body works to it’s own rhythm and needs, but they all follow the same law. If you take in more calories than your body needs, it will store the excess as fat. Bottom line. Fact. End of discussion…almost. Using the information in the paragraph above, you can see that when you quit your diet and go back to eating the old way after your body has adjusted its needs downward, you now have MORE EXCESS CALORIES TO BE STORED AS FAT! This is why people often GAIN WEIGHT after a diet…or series of diets.
As you can see, you are back at the beginning of this discussion, but with a little more information. We can still say that the best weight loss program is the one you will stick with, and now you know a little more about why. Since we are all different, the obvious fact should be that what you need to find is not THE best weight loss program, but YOUR best weight loss program…the one YOU will stick with. The biq question in your mind is…
There are a lot of things you can do to improve your health, your life, and your personal weight situation, such as drink more water, get plenty of sleep, do things that you enjoy, for example. These can all contribute to weight loss, but let’s just look at two things for now.
1. Become more active: Notice, I avoided saying, “exercise”. Whoops! I said it. Look, exercise equals activity. If you want to do Richard Simmons’ tapes and “Sweat to the Oldies”, more power to you. If you choose to buy a Bowflex and in a few months look like the grandmother in their TV commercials, that’s great! Odds are however, you just need to make some lifestyle adjustments and become more aware of the opportunities that exist to “exercise” in daily life. Oh sure, a planned and scheduled exercise program is great, but so is a walk, or gardening, or swimming, or cleaning house, or…well, you get the idea. The only need is to make it regular,at least 4 or 5 times a week, and to make it challenging.
Only you can assess what is challenging. What is challenging today may simply be walking out to the mailbox and back. One lady started her “exercise program” with that simple step (no pun intended). Another gentleman started his program by walking to the end of his block. That first day, he thought he wouldn’t even be able to get back to his house. A few weeks later, he was walking over a mile. At one point in my life, I regularly ran over 6 miles at a time. However, the first time I ever tried to run, I didn’t make it half a block. The key is to get started, do it regularly, and challenge yourself.
Becoming more active not only burns calories during the activity (remember, the more calories burned the less fat stored), but continuing the activity over time (you were going to do it regularly) causes your body to shift to a new level where it automatically burns more calories than it used to. The facts behind this are not complicated but require a lot more space than we have here, and I did say I was going to keep to the basics.
People drop out of “exercise programs” for a lot of reasons. For your purposes, do the activity as it fits in your schedule, pick the activity that pleases you, and vary the activity…if you cleaned house yesterday, take a walk today. By the way, if I told you to exercise, to take a walk, you might begin that avoidance process that makes people drop out of formal, planned exercise programs. Why don’t you take the grandkids to the zoo instead? If that isn’t a workout, I don’t know what is. Be creative. It’s your “exercise program”, make it what you want it to be.
2. Eat sensibly: You know how you SHOULD be eating, right! Back to basics. Lots of vegetables, cut down on portion sizes, have an apple instead of pie or a candy bar. Take the sugar out of your life. There are all kinds of diet tips running around. Not a single one of them is worth a hill of beans…but a bunch of them add up to a lot more than a hill of beans. Changing only one thing is probably not going to make a big difference, but…IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! changing seventeen things might make quite a difference, but there’s a secret…
Don’t try to make all seventeen, or twelve, or thirty changes all at once. Start with one change, and once it is part of your life, make the next one. You might want to learn a little bit about Kaizen. Small steps in the nutrition area will help get you where you want to go eventually, just as taking that small walk out to the mailbox may someday lead to walking one or two miles at a time.
Well, for the rest of your life. That’s why it is important to choose activities you enjoy and learn to make better nutrition choices while still enjoying the pleasure of eating. Also, many people have weight loss problems because they have personal issues with life. Your personal weight loss program, regular activity plus nutritional common sense, equals a sense of control over a situation that produces many negative affects in your life. A sense of control over that situation allows you to remove many of those negative affects and move on to rearrange other parts of your life that may need attention.
One last point. I have kept this as simple as possible, but it is based on a large body of information. If you truly want to create the most effective weight loss program for you, you will have to learn a lot more than you probably know now. The public library is a good place to start, as is the internet.
Copyright 2006 Donovan Baldwin

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The Best way to quit smoking



If you want to find out the best way to quit smoking just pay attention to the following things

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best way to quit smoking

Firstly, you should stop radically or cold turkey. This works well for many heavy smokers and the results of it have been long term.

Second, think of a day you will stop, it can be tomorrow or a more favorable moment, but stop radically because you will have the best chance of success. Only a few smokers manage to quit smoking less each time to finally quit at all. It is unpleasant and not wise to stop slowly because you are actually teasing yourself and maintaining the desire to smoke.


Take away lighters, ash trays, cigarettes and everything that can be connected to smoking. Tell your friends and the people around you that you are quitting and if it is possible find somebody else who will quit with you.

The best way to quit smoking is to also change your drinking and eating habits. Try to eat a lot of fruits, drink a lot of water and stay away from ‘pleasure drinks’ like tea, alcohol and coffee. Physical relaxation is also very important; if you feel edgy go for a ride or a walk or go swimming. With the money you save reward yourself, give yourself something like a clothes or a CD, or do nice things.

Don’t give up!

The best way to quit smoking is not to give up if you fall back. Try to find out alternative behavior for the situation it happened so in the future you can react. You have become stronger if next time in the same situation you manage to come through.

Dealing with the Desire

When you quit smoking the first thing you notice is the desire to smoke, but this moment only lasts a few minutes. If you recently stopped smoking you will have these moments more often then if you have already stopped smoking for a few weeks (they subside as time goes by). The periods between the desires to smoke will get longer and longer after a while, and the desire will diminish. Your doctor, nicotine patches and self-help books can help you to quit smoking. Also you can find special “quit smoking” programs in health care centers.

So the best way to quit smoking is to stop radically, get rid of the things that reminds you of smoking, change your drinking and eating habits and the most important thing: don’t give up! Just try again because you will succeed.

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The best way to Increase your web traffic.



When you get involved in a professionally run affiliate marketing program you wind up with more web traffic for your site and a better public image for your website as well.

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When you get involved in a professionally run affiliate marketing program you wind up with more web traffic for your site and a better public image for your website as well. When people know that they can click on our affiliate link on your website to get Generic Viagra along with out top notch customer service then that sort of customer praise gets around fast. When customers are looking to get Generic Cialis they are looking for a positive sales experience that not only gets then the product they need but also answers their questions and does all of that in a professional manner. When you join our affiliate marketing program you get all of that along with the reputation of being someplace that your web traffic can go to get generic Viagra.

Click on the link to check out the details of our affiliate marketing program and we know that you will be just as excited to join us as we will be to have you. We offer you quality affiliate marketing support and once you are one of our affiliates all you do is put our affiliate link on a prominent spot on your website and we do all of the rest. It is a great way to put your web traffic to work for you while you offer your traffic the opportunity to get generic Viagra from a professional organization like ours.

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The Best Way To Finally Quit Smoking



This article is about finding the best way to quit smoking. Like any other undertaking, it is best to know everything before going to battle. It is best to understand what causes the addiction, get a good grasp of your own reasons to quit, and the different options you have for quitting. The best way to quit smoking differs from person to person as we all react to things differently. It’s a matter of finding the one that works for you, and sticking to it.

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best way to quit smoking

Any doctor would agree that stopping smoking is the best way for any smoker to improve the quality and length of their lives. It may not be easy, but it can be done. And of course, like any other challenge you undertake, it is best to have complete information about the options you have for quitting smoking, what to expect while you’re quitting, and who to run to for help to be able to successfully achieve your goal.

So, why is it difficult to quit smoking? This is because of nicotine. Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco leaves. It is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Nicotine acts as a natural pesticide that wards insects away from munching on tobacco leaves. With this in mind, think of what nicotine can do to the human body in massive dosages.

Nicotine creates pleasant feelings that make a smoker crave for more nicotine. It also appears to act as a kind of depressant by deterring the information flow between nerve cells. The more a person’s tolerance to nicotine gets, the more cigarettes they feel they need to smoke.

The next thing to consider is a good reason to quit smoking. Why should a smoker quit? You should be doing it for your health and for those around you. Smoking increases the chances of developing diseases like cancer, heart problems, lung diseases, among other medical complications. Not only does it put your health on the line, the people around you are at risk from inhaling second hand smoke.

Quitting smoking will help smokers live longer and have more productive lives. It will lower your chances of developing heart and lung diseases. It will, also, gradually bring your body back to a better shape than when you were still smoking. Immediate results of quitting smoking include: a better smelling breath, whiter teeth, no more bad smelling hair and clothes, and being able to taste food better.

The best way to quit smoking may be different from person to person as it depends on which method worked for them. For some, it is just one specific method. For others, it may be a combination of two or more methods. But whatever the case may be, you are the only person that can decide which of the following treatments work best for you. Here are some of the most commonly used treatment for smoking cessation:
1. Medications. Sedatives and relaxants may help a smoker get by the effects of the withdrawal symptom during the first week of quitting. These are prescribed by doctors and may be habit forming on its own. So always follow your doctor’s prescribed dosing amount and schedule to avoid further complications.
2. Smoking aids. This may be in the form of nicotine patches or nicotine gum. The primary use of smoking aids is to prevent a person from relapsing due to nicotine cravings. And they help by supplying small amounts of nicotine into the bloodstream in another form instead of lighting a cigarette.
3. Relaxation exercises. A smoker may enroll himself in yoga classes or practice deep breathing exercises to calm the nerves and reduce restlessness and anxiety due to the withdrawal symptom.
4. Hypnotherapy. A smoker willingly submits himself to a licensed hypnotherapist where his mind will be opened to positive and suggestive ideas to help a smoker continue quitting.

Cigarette cravings will never completely go away. It’ll always come and go. So if you feel the urge to light a cigarette, wait it out and surely you’ll find that these cravings will go away. It also helps to think back at all the hardships you’ve gone through just to quit. Would you put all that effort to waste for just a stick of cigarette?