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The Cause Of Cancer

This article was originally written by Canro Dicausa

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Cancer is the disease of the cells. It is an abnormal growth of cells, which tend to reproduce in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases, spread or metastasize. A cancerous growth or tumor is also known as a malignant growth or tumor. A growth or tumor, which is non-malignant is called benign. Such tumors are not cancer.
Cancer is not a single disease. It is a group of more than hundred different and distinctive diseases. It is not contagious. Cancer can involve any tissue of the body and have many different forms in each body area. Most cancers are named for the type of cell or organ in which they start. If a cancer spreads (metastasizes), the new tumor bears the same name as the original(primary) tumor.
Cancer is the Latin word for crab. The ancients used the word to mean a malignancy, doubtless because of the crab-like tenacity a malignant tumor sometimes seems to show in grasping the tissues it invades. Cancer may also be called malignancy, a malignant tumor, or a neoplasm (literally, a new growth).
In medicine, common term for neoplasms, or tumors, that are malignant is known as Cancer. Like benign tumors, malignant tumors do not respond to body mechanisms that limit cell growth. Unlike benign tumors, malignant tumors consist of undifferentiated, or unspecialized, cells that show an atypical cell structure and do not function like the normal cells from the organ from which they derive. Cancer cells, unlike normal cells, lack contact inhibition; cancer cells growing in laboratory tissue culture do not stop growing when they touch each other on a glass or other solid surface but grow in masses several layers deep.
Cancer results from mutations of certain genes that allow the cells to begin their uncontrolled growth. These mutations are either inherited or acquired. Acquired mutations are caused by repeated insults from triggers (e.g., cigarette smoke or ultraviolet rays) referred to as carcinogens. There is usually a latency period of years or decades between exposure to a carcinogen and the appearance of cancer. This, combined with the individual nature of susceptibility to cancer, makes it very difficult to establish a cause for many cancers.
The most significant avoidable carcinogens are the chemical components of tobacco smoke. Dietary components, like excessive consumption of alcohol or of foods high in fat and low in fiber rather than fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants and necessary micronutrients, have also been linked with various cancers. Some cancers may be triggered by hormone imbalances. For example, some daughters of mothers who had been given DES (diethylstilbestrol) during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage developed vaginal adenocarcinomas as young women. Aflatoxins are natural mold byproducts that can cause cancer of the liver.
Certain carcinogens present occupational hazards. For example, in the asbestos industry, workers have a high probability of developing lung and colon cancer or a particularly virulent cancer of the mesothelium (the lining of the chest and abdomen). Benzene and vinyl chloride are other known industrial carcinogens.
Risk to humans from carcinogens depends upon the dose and a person’s biologic susceptibility. Factors influencing a person’s biological susceptibility to cancer include age, sex, immune status, nutritional status, genetics, and ethnicity.

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The Cause of Back Pain



While there are many factors that can contribute to back pain, one of the most common problems is poor posture. Some people get into the habit of sitting or standing improperly, and over time this contributes to pain in their backs.

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While there are many factors that can contribute to back pain, one of the most common problems is poor posture. Some people get into the habit of sitting or standing improperly, and over time this contributes to pain in their backs. Understanding the causes of back pain will allow you to avoid it, and will lead to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

When someone first begins feeling pain in their back, they can easily correct it by improving their posture. However, if you don’t correct your posture your joints will eventually begin to wear out over time. Studies have shown that in the long term, the ageing of joints in your back can be just as extreme as the effects of suffering a back injury.

People who continue to have poor posture will eventually feel the effects of ageing. Their poor joints will force them to stoop over, and their mobility will be greatly decreased. With the rising costs of healthcare, it will be expensive to correct such problems, if it is even possible to correct them at all. Is it not better to correct your posture while you still have the chance?

The vast majority of the deformities seen in the elderly are a result of poor posture. Often, other parts of the body are affected such as the lungs, which will not be able to get a proper amount of oxygen due to the upper body being bent over. This may also eventually cause problems with your stomach and other organs.

While many people consider weak back joints to be just a normal part of ageing, by taking a few simple steps everyday people can avoid back problems in the long term. By standing up at least once a day and bending backward, people can avoid back pain.

Doing this simple routine on a daily basis can keep your from being impaired when you get older. Walking or running can help people to relieve pain in their lower backs. Because most people drive or work in an office, they have less time for running or walking. Exercising is an important part of keeping both your back and the rest of your body healthy.

Back pain is something that millions of people suffer from, and there is not reason for them to continue. By exercising and sitting correctly, many of these problems can be avoided. Getting treatment for the problem once it has become out of control will be costly. It is much less expensive to just practice good posture and exercise on a regular basis.

Sitting improperly is one of the leading causes for back pain. Once you begin having problems in your lower back, sitting improperly will exacerbate the problem. It is also important to stand up and lay down properly also. You may find that you suffer pain in your lower back only at certain times, such as when you sleep or stand for extended periods of time. If this is the case, it can be easily corrected by practicing good posture.

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The Cause of Aids

This article was originally written by Padrone Desusid

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AIDS is acquired immuno deficiency syndrome. It is a fatal disease caused by a rapidly mutate retrovirus which attacks the immune system and leaves the patient susceptible to infections, malignancies, and neurological disorders. It was first recognized as a disease in 1981. The virus was isolated in 1983 and was ultimately named the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). There are two forms of the HIV virus, HIV-1 and HIV-2. The majority of cases worldwide are caused by HIV-1.
It is transmitted primarily by exposure to contaminated body fluids, especially blood and semen. In 1999 an international team of genetic scientists reported that HIV-1 can be traced to a closely related strain of virus, called simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), that infects a subspecies of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) in Africa. Chimpanzees are hunted for meat in this region, and it is believed the virus may have passed from the blood of chimpanzees into humans through superficial wounds, probably in the early 1930s.
In a process, HIV infects the CD4 cells of the body’s immune system, cells that are necessary to activate B- lymphocytes and induce the production of antibodies. This is still imperfectly understood. The body fights back producing billions of lymphocytes daily to fight the billions of copies of the virus. The immune system is eventually plagued and the body is left vulnerable to opportunistic infections and malignancy.
Some people develop flu like symptoms shortly after infection, but many have no symptoms. It may be a few months or many years before serious symptoms develop in adults; symptoms usually develop within the first two years of life in infants infected in the womb or at birth. Before serious symptoms occur, an infected person may experience fever, weight loss, diarrhea, fatigue, skin rashes, shingles thrush, or memory problems. Infants may fail to develop normally.
The definition of AIDS has been refined, as more knowledge has become available. In general it refers to that period in the infection when the CD4 count goes below 200 from a normal count of 1,000 or when the characteristic opportunistic infections and cancers appear. The conditions associated with AIDS include malignancies such as Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, primary lymphoma of the brain, and invasive carcinoma of the cervix.
Opportunistic infections characteristic of or more virulent in AIDS include Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, herpes simplex, cytomegalo virus, and diarrhea diseases caused by cryptosporidium or isospora. In addition, hepatitis C is prevalent in intravenous drug users and hemophiliacs with AIDS, and an estimated 4 to 5 million people who have tuberculosis are coinfected with HIV, each disease hastening the progression of the other.
Children may experience more serious forms of common childhood ailments such as tonsillitis and conjunctivitis. These infections conspire to cause a wide range of symptoms like coughing, diarrhea, fever and night sweats, and headaches and may lead to extreme weight loss, blindness, hallucinations, and dementia before death occurs.
HIV is not transmitted by casual contact. Transmission requires a direct exchange of body fluids, such as blood or blood products, breast milk, semen, or vaginal secretions, most commonly as a result of sexual activity or the sharing of needles among drug users. Such a transmission may also occur from mother to baby during pregnancy or at birth. Saliva, tears, urine, feces, and sweat do not appear to transmit the virus.

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The Cause and Symptoms of Narcolepsy



The main characteristic of narcolepsy is overwhelming excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), even after adequate nighttime sleep. A person with narcolepsy is likely to become drowsy or to fall asleep, often at inappropriate times and places. Daytime naps may occur with or without warning and may be irresistible.

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The main characteristic of narcolepsy is overwhelming excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), even after adequate nighttime sleep. A person with narcolepsy is likely to become drowsy or to fall asleep, often at inappropriate times and places. Daytime naps may occur with or without warning and may be irresistible. These naps can occur several times a day. They are typically refreshing, but only for up to a couple hours. Drowsiness may persist for prolonged periods of time. In addition, night-time sleep may be fragmented with frequent wakenings.

Daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations also occur in people who do not have narcolepsy, more frequently in people who are suffering from extreme lack of sleep. Cataplexy is generally considered to be unique to narcolepsy.

In most cases, the first symptom of narcolepsy to appear is excessive and overwhelming daytime sleepiness. The other symptoms may begin alone or in combination months or years after the onset of the daytime naps. There are wide variations in the development, severity, and order of appearance of cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations in individuals. Only about 20 to 25 percent of people with narcolepsy experience all four symptoms. The excessive daytime sleepiness generally persists throughout life, but sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations may not.

The symptoms of narcolepsy, especially the excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy, often become severe enough to cause serious problems in a person’s social, personal, and professional lives and severely limit activities.

While the cause of narcolepsy has not yet been determined, scientists have discovered conditions that may increase an individual’s risk of having the disorder. Specifically, there appears to be a strong link between narcoleptic individuals and certain genetic conditions. One factor that may predispose an individual to narcolepsy involves an area of Chromosome 6 known as the HLA complex. There appears to be a correlation between narcoleptic individuals and certain variations in HLA genes, although it is not required for the condition to occur.

Learning as much about narcolepsy as possible and finding a support system can help patients and families deal with the practical and emotional effects of the disease, possible occupational limitations, and situations that might cause injury. A variety of educational and other materials are available from sleep medicine or narcolepsy organizations. Support groups exist to help persons with narcolepsy and their families.

Disclaimer – The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice. Please talk to your doctor for more information about Narcolepsy.

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The Cancer Research Industry

This article was originally written by Simon Mitchell

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Many volunteers world-wide commit themselves to raising funds for cancer research and cancer charities. Many hundreds of thousands more work in the industry as carers, or researching, prescribing, diagnosing and manufacturing drugs. Huge companies spend fortunes on cancer research. After so long and so many billions spent what exactly has cancer research revealed?
There have been regular breakthroughs in our understanding of cancer, but little progress in its treatment. Modern research into cancer began in the 1940’s and 50’s when scientists isolated substances that killed cancer cells growing in a petri dish, or leukaemia cells in laboratory mice. Early successes in chemotherapy set the pace and received much media exposure, even though they only applied to 5% of cancer treatments at most.
Serving humanity by solving its major diseases has a celebrity status, there is a lot of kudos and an air of Hollywood involved in such things. Cancer research is high profile activity and every now and then a scientific treatment is discovered that gains wide recognition, such as the HPV-16 trial, but it only applies itself to the treatment of a small percentage of cancers. Mass-media hype is part of the problem of how we see cancer. Early discoveries set up an expectation that there was a cure-all treatment, a ‘magic bullet’ that would make its discoverer famous by curing cancer across the world. The idea stems in part from aspirin, the original bullet that magically finds its way to the pain and diminishes it.
In the 1950’s and 60’s huge and expensive research projects were set up to test every known substance to see if it effected cancer cells. You might remember the discovery of the Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharansus Roseus), which revealed alkaloids (vinblastine and vincristine) that are still used in chemotherapy today. Taxol, a treatment for ovarian and breast cancer originally came from the Pacific Yew tree. A treatment for testicular cancer and small-cell lung cancer called ‘Etoposide’ was derived from the May apple. In ‘Plants Used Against Cancer’ by Jonathan Hartwell over 3,000 plants are identified from medical and folklore sources for treating cancer, about half of which have been shown to have some effect on cancer cells in a test tube.
When these plants are made into synthetic drugs, single chemicals are isolated and the rest of the plant is usually thrown away. The medicinally active molecules are extracted from the plant and modified until they are chemically unique. Then the compound is patented, given a brand name and tested.
In the first phase it will generally be tested on animals, the second phase will decide dosage levels and in phase 3 it is tested on people. By the time it is approved by the Federal Drugs Authority (in U.S.A.) or the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulation Agency (M.H.R.A.) in Britain, the development costs for a new drug can reach five hundred million dollars, which eventually has to be recouped from the consumer.
In addition to ‘treatment directed’ research such as finding chemicals that effect cancer cells, basic research continues apace, into differences between normal and cancerous cells. In the last 30 years this research has revealed much about our nature, but still no cure. Below are some current strands of scientific research into cancer.
antibody-guided therapy: this is the original ‘magic bullet’. Cancer researchers use monoclonal antibodies to carry poisons directly to the cancer cells without harming others.
chronobiology: much of what happens in our bodies is governed by cycles, from the female monthly cycle to the cycles of brainwaves. Human health depends on interacting cycles geared to acts of perception, breathing, reproduction and renewal. Chronobiology analyses these cycles in relation to different times, such as day and night. Hormones, including stress and growth hormones, have their own cycles. For example they may be at their highest activity in the morning and quieter at night. Cancer cells seem to no longer obey the same cycle rates as normal cells.
Anti-telomerase: one part of a cell, called the telomerase, governs the life cycle of a cell and how many times it may multiply. Some cancer cells escape this control and can increase the number of times they divide, becoming ‘immortal’. Researchers hope to gain control over cancer cells by stopping the action of telomerase.
Anti-angiogenesis: secondary tumours (metastasis) can persuade the cells around them to grow new blood vessels to feed the tumours, supplying oxygen and nutrients for the growing cancer. This process is called angiogenesis and research here is finding ways to stop the signals to normal cells that start the process.
Anti-adhesion molecules: Cancer cells form into clumps, unlike those in a petri dish which form into a flatter arrangement. When there are clumps of cells they seem to possess a quality that resists treatment. This strand of research looks at ways that can stop the cells clumping together, by dissolving the clumps for more effective treatment.
Anti-oncogene products: specific portions of D.N.A., called oncogenes, that have an important role in promoting cancer growth. Drugs that interfere with the production of oncogenes may be useful for the future treatment of cancer.
Gene therapy: research into the use of tumour suppressant genes is highlighted in the British National Cancer Plan as an important element. Essentially, bits of DNA are inserted to replace missing or damaged genes, possibly preventing the development of cancer in someone who might be ‘high risk’.
Vaccines: very quietly the search for a general cure for cancer is being put aside in preference to finding a vaccine. The whole idea of a cure or treatment that is ‘the same for everybody’ breaks down in the case of the specific, chaotic conditions that cause cancer in an individual person. After billions spent on research for the holy grail of a cancer cure, the search is now on to find a vaccine.
At a recent cancer immunology conference in the US top immunologists from 21 nations attended lectures on the latest immunology topics such as:

cancer immunosurveillance
cancer antigen discovery
monitoring and analysing the immunological response to human cancer
cancer vaccine development

The Cancer Vaccine Collaborative (CVC) was launched to much excitement. It is a unique research program that should improve how cancer vaccines are developed, based on a collaboration of six New York medical centres and one in Minnesota. The aim of their research is to find out how to effectively immunise against cancer using a vaccine, using ‘action research’.
Vaccines made from donor blood are proving to work for some cancers. Experiments with bone marrow transplants show there are about 40,000 different tissue types making it hard to find a match. Usually a perfect match can only be found within the patient’s direct family. Incorrect matches can create a host of secondary dis-eases. Scientist are finding ways to train Killer T cells taken either from the host or a donor, to more effectively attack cancer cells. They have noticed that donor Killer T cells that are already ‘primed’ for a particular cancer (e.g. the donor body cells ‘remember’ the disease) can be highly effective. It may take many years to prove validity, reliability, safety and efficacy for this treatment. Harvesting the natural immunity of our own, or donor cells with the aid of genetic engineering may well become a big player against modern immune attacking dis-eases.
Increased screening: this type of research looks at genetically identifying individuals who might be at high risk of certain types of cancer and is partly a preparation for possible vaccines. Genetic counselling is set to become a 21st century contributor to health care based on prevention of disease as much as cure.
Combinations: research from West Germany (Grossart-Maticek) argues that there is no single cause for cancer, similar to the pattern in most chronic illness. It shows there are environmental, psychological and spiritual dimensions to disease. The implication is that treatment should be on the same levels, and that no single treatment is likely to be effective because there is no single cause. This observation links with the position of many Holistic practitioners who often have a wider view of health than orthodox medical practitioners.
Dr. Robert Buckman is an experienced cancer researcher, and author of the informative book: ‘What You Really Need to Know About Cancer’. He summarises what he sees as the present position of scientific cancer research:
“We now have a very large number of ways of looking at cancer cells in the laboratory. We have thousands of different types of cancer cells growing in dishes, many of which can be grown and then cured in laboratory bred mice. We also have thousands of different ways of looking at and testing those cells. We can look at the cells’ growth, their abilities to produce different substances, their sensitivity to some chemotherapy drugs and their resistance to others, the way they respond to growth factors, their genetic material including oncogenes and substances controlled by oncogenes, their ability to effect other cells (of the immune system, for example), their ability to damage membranes and invade, their structure under the electron microscope and whether or not the cell surface has any of hundreds of different marker molecules on it. These are just a few examples of what can be done nowadays: the complete list of ways in which cancer cells can be tested would probably be longer than this entire book. But here is the snag: although this accumulation of experience is wonderful and commendable, cancer in human beings is far more complicated then any laboratory system can ever be (at least in the light of current knowledge)”.

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The Burning Sensation that is Chlamydia



It is about Chlamydia, how it affects men, women & even newborn. enumerated symptoms and complications of the said disease. explained the importance of treatment.

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According to a recent poll carried out by Durex, 47% of all adults worldwide have had sex with someone without checking on their partner’s sexual history – 48% of men and 45% of women. 65% of 45-55 year olds have had unprotected sex, compared to 33% of 16-20 year olds.

Clean and protected sex not only lessens risks of unwanted pregnancies, but also minimizes the odds of acquiring sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Circumcision, for one, has proven helpful to minimize HIV infection in men. The use of condoms prevent direct contact of the genitals, thereby eliminating contact with genital secretions which carry bacteria. Personal genital hygiene is also important as it lowers, if not prevent, the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI) from spreading. Something as simple as proper washing of the genitals before and after intercourse makes a big difference on the possibility of contracting STI.

Itchiness, soreness, and genital discharge can be signs of infection. However, it is quite normal and healthy for women of childbearing age to have vaginal discharge. The amount and color of this can change during menstruation, sexual excitement, and pregnancy. An abnormal discharge which is thick and white, green and foul-smelling, or blood stained suggests possible infection.

Among the many genital infections, chlamydia is the most commonly reported world wide. About four million reported cases of chlamydia infection occur in the United States each year. Chlamydia is caused by an intracellular parasite, Chlamydia trachomatis, and can affect both males and females. This disease is transmitted in body fluids and doesn’t survive outside the body, it can easily be acquired during vaginal, oral, or anal sexual contact with an infected partner; or passed on from mother to child during birth. Chlamydia is a curable infection, however it can last for a long period of time if not treated. Diagnosis requires a sample of the patient’s body fluid either through the urine or by directly collecting sample from the penis or the uterus. Chlamydia can be easily remedied through antibiotics.

Most people suffering from chlamydia are not aware of their infections and do not seek testing. This is because almost 80 percent of women and 50 percent of men don’t manifest symptoms. The most common symptoms of chlamydia for women include abnormal vaginal discharge, irritation, unusual vaginal bleeding , deep pain during intercourse, and painful urination. For males, they usually experience frequent urination with a burning sensation, watery discharge from the penis, and a burning or itching sensation around the opening of the penis.

If left untreated, Chlamydia may develop complications for women’s sexual health and also that of men. In rare cases, the effects may even reach to fatality. Forty percent of untreated chlamydia cases in women lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). One out of 5 women that go on to develop PID will become infertile as a result. Chlamydia may also cause ectopic or tubal pregnancies. this proves most fatal of all complications as the fertilized ovum (egg cell) is implanted outside the uterus, most often in the Fallopian tubes. Other effects include premature birth, miscarriage, and chronic pain in the pelvic region.
Men aren’t safe from the complications of prolonged untreated Chlamydia. They may develop epididymitis (swelling of the testicles.) Epididymitis is the inflammation of the epididymis, the tube that carries sperm from the testicle. Though complications in men are rare, infection could cause pain, fever, and sterility.

Babies who are exposed to chlamydia in the birth canal during delivery may develop an eye infection or pneumonia. Symptoms of an eye infection, called conjunctivitis or “pink eye,” include discharge in the eye and swollen eyelids that usually develop within the first 10 days of life. Symptoms of pneumonia includes coughing that gets steadily worse and nasal congestion. It often develops within 3 to 6 weeks of birth.

Patients who have contracted chlamydia should have their sexual partners evaluated, tested, and treated. Persons with chlamydia should cease from engaging in sexual intercourse until they and their sex partners have finished treatment, otherwise re-infection is possible. Women whose partners have not been properly treated are at high risk for infection to recur. Multiple infections puts a woman’s sexual health at serious risk. Retesting should be considered for women, three to four months after treatment. This is especially true if a woman does not know if her sex partner received treatment.

Prevention is always better than cure. Engaging in unprotected or unhygienic sex practices puts one in a position where he is vulnerable to diseases and infections. Use protection if you have no idea about your partner’s sexual history. In that case, not only do you protect yourself from STDs, you also preserve your reproductive health.

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The Burden of Arthritis



Although the clinical term literally means joint inflammation, “arthritis” actually refers to a group of more than 100 rheumatic conditions.

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis collectively affects nearly 43 million Americans–or about 1 in 5 adults. Another 23 million have chronic musculoskeletal symptoms that suggest they, too, may have arthritis. This makes arthritis one of the most common illnesses in the United States and a leading cause of disability. As the population ages, the CDC says that the number of Americans affected will increase dramatically.

“People ignore arthritis both as public and personal health problems because it doesn’t kill you,” says Capt. Charles G. Helmick, M.D., a medical epidemiologist at the CDC. “But what they don’t realize is that, as people work and live longer, arthritis can affect their quality of life and lead to limitations in activities and work and eventually disability.”

link to long descriptionArthritis limits everyday activities for 8 million Americans, according to statistics compiled by the CDC. Each year, arthritis results in 750,000 hospitalizations and 36 million outpatient visits. In 1997, medical care for arthritis cost over $51 billion. The disease affects people of all ages. Nearly two-thirds of those with arthritis are younger than 65. Arthritis may affect people of all racial and ethnic groups. It is more common among women and older Americans.

Arthritis symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, inflammation, and limited movement of joints. When a joint is inflamed, it may be swollen, tender, red, or warm to the touch. In a healthy joint, the ends of the bones are covered by cartilage, a spongy material that allows almost frictionless motion between bones. In fact, Birbara says the amount of heat produced when bones normally meet is less than when two pieces of ice are rubbed together. The joints are enclosed in a capsule and lined with tissue called the synovium. This lining releases a slippery, lubricating fluid that helps the joint move smoothly and easily. Muscles and tendons support the joint and help it move. With arthritis, the cartilage may be damaged or worn away by degenerative processes or by inflammation, making movement painful and difficult. If left undiagnosed and untreated, arthritis may progress to cause irreversible damage to the joints.

Some rheumatic diseases are systemic, meaning they can affect the whole body. Diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can cause arthritis as well as damage to virtually any bodily organ or system, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, skin, and brain, and may result in debilitating, and often life-threatening, complications.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, the most common form of the disease–osteoarthritis (OA)–affects about 21 million people in the United States. Also called “degenerative joint disease,” OA is caused by the breakdown of cartilage and bones from the wear and tear of life, resulting in pain and stiffness. OA usually affects weight-bearing joints such as the knees and hips, but an inherited form commonly affects the hands and spine. Pain and stiffness are the earliest symptoms in OA, which affects both men and women and usually occurs after age 45. Other risk factors include joint trauma, obesity, and repetitive joint use. In most cases, OA can be detected by X-rays. Treatments include medications, education, physical activity or exercise, heat or cold, joint protection, pacing activities, weight loss if overweight, self-care skills, and sometimes surgery.

Shirley has the second most common type–rheumatoid arthritis (RA)–an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium and can lead to damage of both cartilage and the adjacent bone. RA may affect any joint but most commonly starts with inflammation in the hands and feet.

While the cause remains elusive, doctors suspect that genetic factors are important in RA. Recent studies have begun to tease out those specific genetic characteristics that make a person susceptible to developing RA. However, the inherited trait alone does not appear to fully account for the development of the illness. Researchers think this trait, along with some other unknown factor–probably in the environment–triggers the disease.

But RA can be difficult to diagnose early because it may begin gradually with subtle symptoms that usually wax and wane. According to the Arthritis Foundation, this form of arthritis affects more than 2 million people in the United States and is more common in women than men. Ironically, even when the disease appears to be relatively inactive–as measured by the patient’s pain, swelling, and stiffness–joint deterioration is likely to be progressing.

In early disease, most of the disability that patients experience is due to inflammation. In later disease, however, it is the loss of joint integrity that creates disability. This often necessitates surgical joint reconstruction or replacement procedures. Treatments for RA also include medications, exercise, rest, joint protection, and self-care skills.
Managing Arthritis and Rheumatic Conditions

For years, the pain and inflammation of arthritis have been treated using medications, local steroid injections, and joint replacement–all with varying success. Seldom did the therapies make the pain go away completely or for very long, nor did they affect the underlying joint damage.

Today’s researchers are working to improve diagnostic tools and develop treatments to forestall joint erosion. Even people whose joints are already damaged by arthritis can benefit from the knowledge generated by today’s research. Patients should consult with their doctors to determine which treatments are the most appropriate for their conditions.

Most arthritis medications fall into three categories: those that relieve pain; those that reduce inflammation or the body process that causes swelling, warmth, and redness; and those that slow the disease process and limit further damage to the joints–so-called disease-modifying agents.

Pain relievers such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) and NSAIDs such as Motrin (ibuprofen) are used to reduce the pain caused by many rheumatic conditions. NSAIDs have the added benefit of decreasing the inflammation associated with arthritis. But a common side effect of NSAIDs is stomach irritation, which can often be reduced by changing the dosage or medication. Even acetaminophen has risks when taken in large doses, Kweder says.

Before safety concerns about Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra emerged in December 2004, these newer COX-2 NSAIDs were used primarily to reduce gastrointestinal side effects and offered an additional option for treatment.

Depending on the type of arthritis, a person may use a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD). This category includes several unrelated medications that are intended to slow or stop disease progress and prevent disability and discomfort. DMARDs include Rheumatrex (methotrexate), Azulfidine (sulfasalazine), and Arava (leflunomide).

Someone diagnosed with RA today is likely to be prescribed a DMARD fairly early in the course of the disease, as doctors have found that starting these drugs early can help prevent irreparable joint damage that might otherwise occur.

Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, cortisone, methylprednisolone, and hydrocortisone, are used to treat many rheumatic conditions because they decrease inflammation and suppress the immune system. The dosage of these medications will vary depending on the diagnosis and the patient. Corticosteroids can be given by mouth or by direct injection into a joint or tendon sheath.

For Shirley, any minor relief he experienced over the 25 years was due to injections of corticosteroid preparations into his joints. The injections would relieve his pain, stiffness, and swelling temporarily. Unfortunately, corticosteroids given orally and for prolonged periods and at higher doses may carry side effects such as brittle bones, cataracts, elevated blood sugar, and an increased susceptibility to infections throughout the body.

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The Bullish Search For Generic Viagra



Chris Hart stood with the other runners. He was ready to show his bravery on the streets of Pamplona in Spain. He planned to participate in the 2007 running of the bulls.

Chris heard the hooves pounding on the pavement even before he could see the bulls rounding the corner. Chris ran as fast as he could. For a while Chris managed to stay ahead of the stampeding bulls. Then suddenly he had been pushed off to the side. A bull had come up to him and had started to ram its horns into Chris’ leg.

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Generic Viagra, Generic Cialis, Buy Viagra, Buy Cialis

Chris Hart stood with the other runners. He was ready to show his bravery on the streets of Pamplona in Spain. He planned to participate in the 2007 running of the bulls.

Chris heard the hooves pounding on the pavement even before he could see the bulls rounding the corner. Chris ran as fast as he could. For a while Chris managed to stay ahead of the stampeding bulls. Then suddenly he had been pushed off to the side. A bull had come up to him and had started to ram its horns into Chris’ leg.

For a while Chris thought that he might return to the United States in a casket. Then the bull noticed a passing runner, and set off after that more upright dasher. Chris watched to see what others were doing. He finally figured out how he could get to a hospital and have his leg examined.

On the way to the hospital, Chris felt anything but brave and courageous. He felt foolish. He had wanted to do something daring, so that he could brag about how brave he was. Chris felt compelled to show women his bravery, because he often disappointed women when in the bedroom. He would have trouble obtaining an erection.

What Chris really needed was a bottle of Generic Viagra or a container of Generic Cialis. Since Chris had not found a way to find low cost ED pills, he had decided to try disguising his problem. Chris had hoped that his ability to demonstrate his bravery could cover-up his need for ED pills, pills that he had not yet managed to buy.

In the hospital waiting room Chris sat in sullen silence. As Chris sat there steaming, feeling very mad at himself, he suddenly heard someone speaking English. Chris looked up to see who had chosen to speak a language that made Chris feel homesick.

Chris could see someone talking on a cell phone. Chris usually tried not to listen-in on cell phone conversations, but something this caller said caught Chris’ ear. The caller uttered these words: “Can you send me more of that generic Viagra?”

Chris quietly changed seats, moving over close to the man with the cell phone. While Chris struggled with arriving at a way to start a conversation, a voice said, “I see that a bull put his horns in your leg.”

Chris looked-up. The man with the cell phone had begun the conversation that Chris had wanted to have. Chris quickly responded to the man’s comments. “Yes, it really dug into me,” he said.

Then Chris leaned a bit closer to the man with the cell phone. “I heard you asking for generic Viagra,” Chris said. “Do you have a supplier here in Spain?”

The man offered Chris a business card. On it Chris could read the address for a web site. Seeing that information, Chris asked, “Can I to here for generic Cialis too?”

“Yes,” said the cell phone owner. “If you have a credit card, you can order generic Cialis and generic Viagra from this web site.”

“Thanks a lot,” said Chris. “Now my leg does not seem to hurt quit so much.”

Health Goals

The BOOZE SNOOZE (Alcohol Abuse)



Lose the BOOZE before a snooze, Death penalty comes with alcohol abuse.Dont be the next victim to be sentened, say no to last orders.

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This article deals with
drink,booze,death penalty,liver failure,kill or be killed,drink driving,no to last orders

Dangers of the booze snooze

Drink driving not a very good combination kill or be killed.
Think before you drink? You may be saving your own life by saying no to last orders or that of a friend who you feel may have had too much to drink.
You do not want to live the rest of your life with that terrible feeling of guilt if only.

Top of the guest list at any party is Booze. Happy events and occasions are celebrated with Booze, a sparkling glass of champagne to toast the happy couple on their wedding day. A farewell handshake and the finest bottle of malt whiskey presented to granddad on retirement a schooner of sherry at baby’s christening.
Booze gives merriment to all who consume but can also come with a lot of heartache in the form of alcohol abuse.

Laughter turns to disaster

Unfortunately the dangers of this lethal concoction go unnoticed.
Read the label before attempting to drink sprits or beer that you are unsure about. If alcohols recommended dosage is adhered too, then it can prove to be the best party guest you could ever have.

Limit your alcohol in take on a night out on the town; follow the golden rules of our traffic light sequence in reverse order. Green go, amber slow red stop.
Sadly to say you always got the ambler gambler, who unfortunately never lived to tell the tale. This also applies to drinking, don’t chance it.

Alcohol abuse comes with a death penalty. Do not be the next victim to be sentenced One of the biggest causes of death with heavy drinkers is liver failure but not far behind is the booze snooze with a death rate very high on fatalities.
In an unconscious state of mind you get to sleep off the effects with no guarantees of ever waking up. Choking on your own vomit is very common for the drinker who has over indulged

Suffering is still on the cards in the form of a hangover should you be one of the lucky ones to survive.

Overtaking the once forever popular public house for number one drinking spot for fun, is now the street corner with kids who not long out of nappies drink to their hearts content. It is times like this that hopefully a hangover gives these youngsters the insight to say to themselves never again, but for the less unfortunate who become addicted at an early age and come to rely and depend on a bottle of cheap plonk is sad to say the least.

Laughter turns to disaster; let’s put the shoe on the other foot.
Disaster turns to laughter.
Help is out there, talk to your parents call the good Samaritans. Chat with alcoholics annonmous don’t be afraid to face up to the problem, problems are easily solved.

Before you snooze lose the Booze

Health Goals

The Bodybuilding Benefit of Whey Protein



Whey protein has an incredible number of benefits, and it seems that current research just keeps finding more and more benefits, but fails to find any negative aspect of whey protein, which was once a waste product in the production of cheese. But what is the bodybuilding benefit of whey protein?

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This article deals with
Benefit of whey protein, Whey protein concentrate, Protein supplement, Muscle building supplement, Muscle supplement, Bodybuilding gain mass muscle supplement, Best protein supplement, Protein supplement, Benefit of whey protein, Muscle building supplement, Body building gain mass muscle supplement, Best protein supplement, Protein supplement, Best protein powder, Whey protein powder

Whey protein has an incredible number of benefits, and it seems that current research just keeps finding more and more benefits, but fails to find any negative aspect of whey protein, which was once a waste product in the production of cheese. But what is the bodybuilding benefit of whey protein?

As you probably know, bodybuilders need a great deal of protein. In fact, bodybuilders generally take in twice the daily recommended allowance of protein. Most bodybuilders consume 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight, each and every day. But not just any protein will do when you are serious about bodybuilding.

Most serious bodybuilders will choose whey protein. Furthermore, they will choose the more expensive whey protein isolate, over the whey protein concentrate, to get a purer form of the whey protein, with less fat and lactose. There are scientific reasons why whey protein is preferred over all other protein sources for bodybuilders.

Whey protein is a complete protein, which means that it contains all of the essential and non-essential amino acids that the human body needs. It contains the right combination of amino acids that are needed by bodybuilders, which help the body composition, and serve to enhance physical performance. If that benefit of whey protein isn’t enough, it just gets better from there.

Whey protein also has branched chain amino acids, or BCAAs. In fact, it has the highest levels of BCAAs than any other food source. BCAAs are extremely important to bodybuilders, because they metabolize in the muscle tissue. In fact, when you are working out, these BCAAs are the first amino acids that your body will use – directly in the muscles. These BCAAs are essential in the repair of muscle tissue, and in rebuilding muscle tissue. But, the benefit of whey protein for bodybuilders continues from there.

Whey protein is considered to be a fast protein. It is easy to ingest and digest, and it is quickly absorbed by the body. In turn, it provides fast nourishment for the muscles. It is also a great source of leucine. Leucine is also essential for bodybuilders, because it plays a role in muscle protein synthesis and the growth of muscles.

If all of these benefits of whey protein weren’t enough, the list keeps growing. Whey protein boosts the immune system, by providing the body with higher levels of glutathione. This is a natural anti-oxidant which is present in the body; however exercise reduces the amount that is present. Whey protein serves to keep the level of glutathione, at the very least normal, if not higher than normal.

Then of course, there are the non-bodybuilding benefits of whey protein. These include easier weight management, diabetic control, nourishment for cancer patients, reduced chance of breast cancer, wound care, cardiovascular health, and a slow down of the aging process in muscles and bones. As you can see, the benefit of whey protein for bodybuilders is astounding. The benefit for everyone, however, is also astounding.