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The Cholesterol Solution

This article was originally written by Barrett Niehus

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Is there an alternative to statin drugs such as Lipitor and Pravachol? If yes, does it have any side effects? Physicians are facing these questions each day however, most have bought into the drug companies marketing, and have not done the research for themselves. The truth is that there a number of naturally-occurring compounds that will work as well as, or better than, these multi-million dollar drugs. These compounds are found naturally in our bodies, or are found in nature. They don’t cause the side effects commonly found with statins, and are much safer to use. These compounds have been clinically shown to improve cholesterol levels without the heart damaging side effects found with statin drugs.
So what are these compounds, and why hasn’t the doctor told me about them? Well, there are a couple of them. The first is Pantethine. Pantethine is a compound in your body that is created from vitamin B-5. Although your body produces it through enzyme metabolism, supplementation of Pantethine has been shown to significantly improve your cholesterol levels. As your body uses Pantethine, it slows down cholesterol production in your liver. It also increases the rate at which your metabolism uses fats. Because of this effect, Pantethine has been clinically demonstrated to increase your level of good cholesterol (HDL) while lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body.
Where is the proof? Japan has actually been using Pantethine for over 30 years. There are a number of clinical trials that demonstrate its effectiveness on cholesterol levels, as well as improved liver function.
In addition to Pantethine, the mineral Niacin has been shown to greatly decrease the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood stream. Our Niacin intake is typically pretty low in western diets because of the number and type of processed foods that we eat. Subsequently, supplementation has been shown to significantly improve our cholesterol profile. In fact, the combination of Niacin and Pantethine can be more effective than statins in improving overall cholesterol levels.
The impact of this is significant, especially when you consider that side of effects of Pantethine and Niacin are non-existent when compared to the effects of statin drugs on you heart, liver, and short term memory. In fact, there are no documented short or long-term side effects with Pantethine,. The only side effect with Niacin is a short term hot flash that is harmless, and can be avoided by taking time-release Niacin or taking an aspirin fifteen minutes before taking the Niacin.
Why hasn’t the doctor told me about Pantethine? Well, the answer is, he may just not know about it. Unlike drugs companies that spend millions of dollars on advertising and have sales reps whose only job is to push their statin drug, Pantethine and Niacin are naturally occurring compounds. Because they are natural and common compounds, nobody can patent them. Because a drug companies cannot patent and therefore have exclusive right to sell the compounds, no significant investment in marketing or education for Pantethine and Niacin has been made. Subsequently, your doctor may just not know.
The final compound that has been demonstrated to have a dramatic effect on cholesterol levels is Policosanol. This compound is a waxy substance taken from sugar cane or beeswax. It has been demonstrated to significantly reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol and to raise good (HDL) cholesterol levels in the blood stream. The specific mechanism that Policosanol uses to improve cholesterol levels is not as understood as that of Niacin and Pantethine. However, it is believed to both increase the elimination of LDL cholesterol in the blood stream and aid the liver in creating good (HDL) cholesterol in a manner similar to Pantethine.
What does all of this mean? Well, if you have high cholesterol, it means you have choices. Statin drugs are highly effective. However, side effects for statins range from muscle atrophy to loss of short term memory to significant heart damage. Because statin drugs block your body from producing an enzyme that makes an essential heart health vitamin as well as cholesterol, the potential for negative side effects can be significant. Alternatively, supplementation with Pantethine, Niacin, Policosanol, or all three simultaneously has been shown to have no damaging side effects and can be just as effective as statin drugs.

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The Cholesterol Myth

This article was originally written by Ray Gebauer

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Cholesterol. What images come to mind when you see this word? Is it positive or negative? Is it health, or is it heart disease?
If what came to mind was negative, as something to avoid, and heart disease, then the pharmaceutical companies food industries have been successful in getting you to believe a fabricated myth!
According to George V. Mann, M.D., professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, “Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are not the cause of coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps of any century.”
Russell L. Smith, Ph.D. is the author of the book, The Cholesterol Conspiracy. Dr. Smith states that “Both the public and clinical physicians have simultaneously been swamped by an ever-growing tidal wave of exaggerations, distortions and even fabrications of the facts.”
Here’s the truth. Cholesterol is good! It is a necessary part of every cell in your body and is essential in virtually all aspects of metabolism. Without it, we would die. That’s not the impression you got from the advertisers, is it!
Cholesterol is necessary for the brain, nervous system, hormones, digestion, liver function, heart muscle contraction, calcium metabolism and bone structure and skin. Cholesterol forms 50 percent of the nervous system and serves as the conductor of nerve impulses. It is so important that your body produces four to seven times as much as you ingest and reduces its production to accommodate cholesterol intake from the food you eat.
A deficiency of Cholesterol results in obesity, emotional disturbances, fatigue, impotency, and many more imbalances.
How the Scam Begun
In the early 1900’s, experiments were done in which rabbits were given extremely high amounts of dietary cholesterol. Their blood cholesterol rose twenty fold and a soft plaque like disease formed on the coronary arteries. But the cholesterol levels returned to normal and the plaque disappeared when the feeding was stopped. This formed the basis of the theory that cholesterol caused coronary heart disease in humans.
Here are the flaws. The rabbits were given a synthetic form of cholesterol that easily oxidized when exposed to air (which made it toxic). Rabbits also do not metabolize cholesterol as do humans. Humans and other animals like dogs and rats do not develop atherosclerosis-like disease as do rabbits when given dietary cholesterol. And finally, humans do not develop soft plaque as did the rabbits; humans develop hard plaque which does not reverse, and it is not caused by dietary cholesterol.
Eggs and Cholesterol
One of the many foods we are warned about is eggs. In one study, seventy men were divided into three groups which ate either 3, 7, or 14 eggs a week for five months. They all had similar cholesterol levels in the beginning. The total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides did not change during the study for any of the groups.
An 88 year old man consumed 20-30 eggs a DAY for more than 15 years, yet maintained normal blood cholesterol levels of 150 to 200.
Cholesterol occurs only in animal foods. Yet the consumption of animal fat since 1909 actually decreased by 10 percent, whereas vegetable fat increased by over 200 percent. The increase of heart attacks has paralleled the increased use of margarine, homogenized milk and processed foods such as sugar.
According to Judith DeCava, in her book, Cholesterol, Facts and Fantasies, in one study, almost half of the patients had total cholesterol levels under 200, which is supposed to be safe. Yet half of this group had coronary heart disease. Of the almost 1200 who did have heart disease, one third had cholesterol levels under 200. Dr. Michael DeBakey, the famous heart surgeon, reports that 30 percent of patients who have a coronary bypass have “normal” cholesterol levels.”
The Real Culprit
Here’s what IS clearly linked to heart disease: sugar. Judith DeCava, in her excellent book, Cholesterol, Facts and Fantasies states,
“John Yukin analyzed the refined sugar consumed by men with atherosclerosis. The men who had heart attacks ate almost twice as much sugar as those who not having heart attacks. In fact, in persons with coronary heart disease, the degree of atherosclerosis was proportional to the amount of refined sugar consumed.” (The Lancet 1964); 2 (7349):6-8.
As further evidence of this is the fact that the consumption of fat in the Caribbean countries is very low, but the use of sugar is very high. Cuba has one of the highest levels of sugar use, and has a higher death rate from heart attacks in men between ages 55 and 64 than the U.S.!
The Fox Guarding the Hen House
So what’s perpetuating this campaign of misinformation? It’s the money from the drug companies who want you to buy their cholesterol reducing drugs (that have serious side affects) and from the food industries that benefit from this scam.
Here are some examples. The American Medical Association’s Executive Vice-President, Dr. James Sammons, promised physicians in 1988 of their financial rewards by stating, “the AMA’s campaign against cholesterol will bring both old and new patients to you for necessary testing, counseling and care.”
One researcher who later became a director of the National Institutes of Health bought stock in a pharmaceutical company just before announcing the results of a study favorable to the drug’s effects. The editor of the AMA’s publication, Circulation, also received stock options on the same drug company.
Jane Heimlich began doing extensive research on this cholesterol issue in 1989. In her book, What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You, she concludes,
“There is no question that the cholesterol program…benefits three powerful groups in our society to the tune of billions of dollars. These three are the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry, and the food companies.”

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The Chocolate Diagnosis



Chocolates are passion and addicting food, but a lot of research also shows that this pleasurable food can have health benefits. The potential health benefit of chocolate is a popular area of study. This article tackles the many benefits of chocolates.

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Eating chocolate is one of the world’s most popular passions. The typical Swiss eats more than 21 pounds of this chocolate each year. Even the average Belgian or Brit downs some 16 pounds annually. In the United States, consumption weighs in at roughly 11.5 pounds per year. The earliest record of chocolate was over fifteen hundred years ago in the Central American rain forests, where the tropical mix of high rainfall combined with high year round temperatures and humidity provide the ideal climate for cultivation of the plant from which chocolate is derived, the Cacao Tree.

The Cacao Tree was worshiped by the Mayan civilization of Central America and Southern Mexico, who believed it to be of divine origin, Cacao is actually a Mayan word meaning “God Food”, hence the tree’s modern generic Latin name “Theobrama Cacao” meaning ‘Food of the Gods’. Cacao was corrupted into the more familiar “Cocoa” by the early European explorers. The Maya brewed a spicy, bitter sweet drink by roasting and pounding the seeds of the Cacao tree (cocoa beans) with maize and Capsicum (Chilli) peppers and letting the mixture ferment. This drink was reserved for use in ceremonies as well as for drinking by the wealthy and religious elite, they also ate a Cacao porridge.

Chocolate is full of mood-enhancing chemicals. To start with, it is loaded with sugar, which is a carbohydrate and triggers the release of seratonin. Chocolate also contains fat, which in itself provides a feeling of satisfaction since it answers the urge for calories. Chocolate is also said to have the same mood-enhancing chemical that is found in marijuana, although in much smaller quantities. To test the theory that chocolate enhances mood, a study was conducted at the University of Pennsylvania. Students who felt the urge to eat chocolate were given either milk chocolate, white chocolate (which contains no cocoa, just cocoa butter and flavoring), and pills containing stimulants found in chocolate.

Researchers say the findings were predictable. The pill didn’t do the trick, but both the white and milk chocolates did satisfy the students. The results suggest that it is not some secret chemical ingredient in chocolate that provides the euphoria, but the sensory experience such as the taste, the smoothness and the aroma. While some may be using chocolate as an energy booster, a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry has found a link between chocolate cravings and personality. Results suggest certain personality types are not only more likely to crave chocolate, but it may also improve their mood.

Researchers from the Black Dog Institute correlated results from an online survey completed by nearly 3,000 people. Of the respondents, 54 percent reported food cravings during bouts with depression, of which 45 percent specifically wanted chocolate, and 61 percent of these said chocolate improved their mood and reduce stress. It’s believed substances in chocolate called endorphins and opioids, may be responsible for the mood enhancing effect. These compounds may make one feel more relaxed, thereby reducing stress and anxiety and improving mood.

Chocolates can also play a major role in a number of disorders, including bulimia, binge eating, and obesity. There’s some hints that chocolate may possess natural analgesic properties. Studies indicate that eating high-fat, chocolate foods can trigger the brain’s production of natural opiates. During the study, it showed that when a physician used a drug to block the brain’s opiate receptors, a binge-eater’s desire for sweet, fatty foods such as chocolate, dropped down. Still, there are questions left unanswered on the experiment, such as: Does the body simply desire anything sweet and fatty, or men naturally feel some special craving for chocolates?

The potential health benefit of chocolate is a popular area of study. Previous research has shown dark chocolate may be good for cardiovascular health and some scientists recommend them for reducing heart disease risk. The down-side is, of course, the calories. Chocolate is full of fat and sugar. While small amounts can be beneficial to your health, larger quantities are not so good. When using chocolate, even as medicine, moderation is the key.

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The Cheapest Way To Stop Eating Junk Food And Start Finding Your Ideal Weight Again

This article was originally written by Emmanuel SEGUI

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Your health is your responsability. As a human being, you have the choice to put in your stomach whatever you want. It is YOU and only you that can choose what you want or not to eat. In other words, it is YOU who chooses to be slim and fit or not. That is your choice. You need to take 100% responsability of the way you eat. That’s the beginning of your success.
Now, you’ll say: “I can’t, it is stronger than me” or “look at this cake, I can’t leave it alone. It needs to be eaten.” or “It is so good, another one please!”. The question is: “Why do you eat?” Is it for pleasure or for fuel? After all, food is just food, but the emotion we attach to food is so strong that we tend to eat for pleasure or for an emotional reward.
When you eat junk food, subconsciously you say YES! to it. Let’s learn another word: NO! Most of us said, “No!” quite well when we were two and we have grown up to be people pleasers and say “YES!” all the time. Most of us believe that saying “No” can cost us a lot in our adult life.
NO! is a powerful word when said at appropriate moments. One of the best moments to say that powerful NO is when you want to eat junk food. Dr. Bob Bodenhamer, co-developer of neuro-semantics said, “All change in essence boils down to saying ‘No’ to what you don’t want and ‘Yes’ to what you do want.”
If this statement is correct, each time that you say YES to junk food, you say, subconsciously of course “I want to be fat and don’t want to be slim and fit” even if consciously you really want to be healthy and full of energy.
Words are power and your language is a representation of your map. Let’s add some choice to your map. The more choices you have, the more success you will have.
Therefore, let’s learn or re-learn to say this powerful NO! The results of saying NO to certain foods are: you will have a sense of control over your own body (you don’t want to be controlled by it, don’t you?), you will feel more confident, more self-esteem and eventually you will feel at peace. It will reinforce your belief that you need to take 100% responsibility for your own health and nobody will do it for you
First, get a good strong representation of saying “No!” to something. It doesn’t need to be related to food. You will want to make sure that your No looks, sounds, and feels congruent and that it truly fits with your beliefs and values.
Second, to reinforce this powerful NO, find 4 other situations where you said NO!. It can be as simple “NO, it’s too late to go out now”. The most important is that it needs to be congruent. If you are a 100% people pleasers and can’t find any NO! situations, think of what it would be, how you would feel and what you would hear if you had the courage to say NO! to something or someone. This is this kind of NO! that you need.
Third, Say No! to the junk food. Re-access the “it’s stronger than me” feeling and once you have it, say No! Do it congruently, intensely, and repeatedly. And you can keep on saying No! until you begin to feel that it no longer has any power to run your programs. Notice how the feeling diminish and how the desire for the food is far and disappearing. To finish, picture yourself already slim and fit. You already know it’s not hard to do it. Now, say a big “YES! That’s what I want!”
As you know, you have the power of saying NO! Everybody does. But we are trapped with some limited old thinking that eating is for a reward or for pleasure. We are conditioned to eat for false reasons. When you keep repeating this pattern, you break some old belief and it comforts you: you can change, you can do it, can’t you?

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The Chase For Generic Cialis



William walked into work and saw his buddy Jim. “Did you use your Generic Viagra pill last night?” Jim asked. William whispered, “No, and it was Generic Cialis, by the way” and began to tell his friend that his girlfriend never showed up. “It’s over, buddy, I think she found someone else”. William threw the pill into the trash can and feeling sad about his girlfriend, he began his work day.

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William walked into work and saw his buddy Jim. “Did you use your Generic Viagra pill last night?” Jim asked. William whispered, “No, and it was Generic Cialis, by the way” and began to tell his friend that his girlfriend never showed up. “It’s over, buddy, I think she found someone else”. William threw the pill into the trash can and feeling sad about his girlfriend, he began his work day.

She was on his mind all day and he also thought about what a waste it was for him to obtain the Generic Cialis if she was gone now. At lunch, he checked his cell phone. It was a message from his girlfriend. Afraid to hear the message, but with his curiosity getting the better of him, he listened as she told him that her mother had called her for help and she had to drive far north to her mountain cabin. With no cell phone reception, she wasn’t able to call William and now she asking him to come over to her home right after work.

William smiled; he had rushed into thinking something was wrong, when everything was great! He thought about what an exciting night he would have with her. Then, he jumped up when he realized that he threw his Generic Cialis away. He screamed to his friend Jim, “That was my last pill!” Without either of them knowing what time the trash was picked up, they ran to grab the pill William had thrown away. They ran so fast, they almost collided into each other and they came to a stop right next to the can. They stood in silence as they looked inside. It was empty.

Jim asked William ten times if he was sure he didn’t have any more Generic Cialis or Generic Viagra pills. And ten times, William told him that it was his last pill until his shipment came the next day. As only best of friends would do for each other, Jim and William headed out to find the pill.

Racing to William’s car, the friends jumped inside and flew down the street. “They can’t be far”, Jim yelled. “There!” yelled William, as he spotted the trash truck rounding a corner. With determination to get his pill, William drove fast. He came to a red light and had to slam on his brakes. The driver next to him yelled, “Watch out buddy! Don’t you know how to drive?”. “My pill!” was all that William yelled, as the light turned green and he continued pursuit of the trash truck.

Catching up to the truck, William honked his horn to get the driver’s attention. The driver looked out the window and all he saw and heard was William pointing to the truck and yelling, “My pill, my pill, my pill!” With a shake of his head, the driver whispered, “Weirdo” and he continued toward the landfill to dump his load of trash. William began to beep his horn again. Now, the driver saw William pointing down to his lap, making kissing faces and screaming, “My pill!” I don’t think he understood, Jim told William, as they noticed the trash truck was picking up speed; the driver though William was insane!

“We’ll head him off and beat him to the landfill” William yelled as his car screeched around the corner. Both men stood outside their car, as the trash truck entered the lot. The friends ran over to the truck and both tried to explain at the same time. “My girl”, “empty trash can” “her mother” “She still loves me” “Generic Viagra” “I can’t let her down” “My buddy needs your trash!” The driver had no idea what was going on.

The truck dumped the trash into the large pile in the ground. Jim and William took one look at each other and both dove into the trash as if it were a swimming pool. It was one hour later, that William popped his head out of the trash: one hand holding the pill and a huge smile on his face.

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The Charcot Foot Condition – A Little Known Diabetes Complication

This article was originally written by Belver Ladson

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Charcot Foot disease is a little known complication that can affect anyone who has diabetes. This condition also occurs in non-diabetic patients too, but diabetics can be more prone to this disease due to a diabetic complication known as neuropathy (nerve damage) Nerve damage can stop someone from feeling pain, so the foot can get injured without the person being aware that something is wrong.
The Charcot Foot condition is a very serious condition. Joints and bones can literally be crushed without being known to the sufferer. Imagine breaking your foot and not knowing that it’s broken due to no pain being felt. As time wears on, those broken bones (and sometimes joints) can suffer irreparable damage, with the person walking on the foot normally instead of the foot being in a cast and trying to heal.
Once this damage happens the foot can become misshapen, become dislocated, warm to the touch, and the arch of the foot can literally collapse. The Charcot condition is often called a “silent” disease since a sufferer might not know there is a problem until massive damage has occurred.
Treatment for this condition, traditionally has been to apply a cast so the fractures and dislocations can heal. The foot would be immobilized for a long period of time (often a year or more). Surgery, although done in some cases is ruled out for many patients due to an increased risk of the foot not healing properly.
Some patients must wear a special brace on their foot/leg in order to be able to walk with the Charcot condition present. It’s extremely important for the foot to stay as stable as possible in order to avoid future additional damage such as ulcers, infection and amputation.
A Charcot Foot (also called a Charcot Fracture) can bring devastating changes to a person’s life. Day-to-day activities can be limited and the person might find themselves immobilized for long periods of time, sometimes having to use a wheelchair to get around. Often people can go back to work after treatment with limitations and/or corrective shoes/braces.

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The Causes Of Obesity



With daily focus in America on weight, health and obesity, there is one question that gets ignored: what causes obesity?

There is no simple answer.

Basically, a person becomes obese when more calories are consumed than he or she can burn. This is called “calorie imbalance.” Beyond this simple definition, the factors that cause obesity are varied and many.

Calorie imbalance has many things that affect it. What causes this imbalance varies from one person to another. W…

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With daily focus in America on weight, health and obesity, there is one question that gets ignored: what causes obesity?

There is no simple answer.

Basically, a person becomes obese when more calories are consumed than he or she can burn. This is called “calorie imbalance.” Beyond this simple definition, the factors that cause obesity are varied and many.

Calorie imbalance has many things that affect it. What causes this imbalance varies from one person to another. We also know obesity is more than just over-eating. Genetic, environmental, psychological, and other factors seem to play big roles in causing obesity.

Here are some factors that have been attributed to obesity:

1. Weight Gain During Certain Periods
A person commonly gains more weight during the following periods of life: between 12 and 18 months of age, between 12 and 16 years of age, adulthood when a person gains in excess of 60% of their ideal body weight and women, during pregnancy.

2. Genetic Factors
Heredity is linked to obesity. Studies of adopted children show that adopted children tend to have weights closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents.

3. Environmental Factors
Environment also strongly influences obesity. This includes lifestyle behaviors such as what a person eats and level of physical activity. The tendency to eat high-fat foods, to use labor saving devices coupled with a sedentary lifestyle are causes behind obesity.

4. Psychological Factors
Many people eat when they are stressed, bored or angry. Over time, the association between an emotion and food can become firmly fixed.

Depression and stress can also lead to obesity and are leading causes of eating disorders. Studies show most overweight people have no more psychological problems than people of average weight.

Most eating disorders can also be traced to behavioral or psychological difficulties. Up to 10 percent of people who are mildly obese and who try to lose weight on their own or through commercial weight loss programs have binge eating disorder. This disorder is even more common in people who are severely obese.

5. Age
Metabolism slows down with advancing age. As you get older you do not require as many calories to maintain your weight as you did when you were younger.

If you know about these factors you are in a better position to cope with the life cycles and manage your weight without getting into the problems of obesity.

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The Causes Of Epilepsy

This article was originally written by Tyler Brooker

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Commonly known as a seizure disorder, epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition which causes seizures to arise often, and unprovoked. The word “Epilepsy” is named by the Greek. It means to “take hold of” or “to seize”. Surgical methods are sometimes used to treat this condition, but medication is the general and more common method.
Not every cause of epilepsy is known to humans, but many probable factors have been identified. These factors include brian damage, head trauma, high fever, bacterial encephalitis, intoxication, acute disturbances of metabolism, brain tumor, and other penetrating wounds to the head. The largest cause of epilepsy, however, is hereditary or genetic.
Any person can endure an epileptic seizure under certian circumstances. The seizures can be provoked by drug overdoses, or in some cases even acute illness. The condition epilepsy, however, does not apply to these people. Epilepsy is defined by recurring, unprovoked seizures, although there is controversy over symptoms required to be diagnosed with the disease.
Only 1 percent of the worlds population suffers from epilepsy according to its criteria, however, it is estimated that there is a slightly higher percentage of actual conditions. Most of this percentage is found in persons under the age of 19, or over the age of 65. The diagnosis criteria for epileptics is widely controversial in the field of medicine. Partial – complex seizures can arguably be considered epileptic, which is why the controversy continues.

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The Causes And Reasons Why People Stutter

This article was originally written by Steve Hill

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I have been asked many times, why certain people develop a stutter. I personally believe there are many reasons and this article describes some of them and gives examples of why certain people of whom I have met via my occupation, started to stutter.
I myself had the speech impediment, known as a stutter for eighteen years, it started to ruin my life from the age of four. After successfully overcoming the stutter at the age of twenty-two, I now as a career help other people to achieve fluency. As you can imagine, I have therefore met and helped many people who stutter, and always ask them, how and why in their opinion their stutter started.
Quite a few people are not sure, however other people state the following reasons:
It was triggered after a traumatic event
It runs in the family
They copied a friend at school who had a stutter and then it stuck with them
An over aggressive relative
Because they were left handed!
A couple of years ago, I had a female client who told me about how she had developed a stutter. She was able to talk fluently until the age of twenty-four. She then fell pregnant for the first time, and was very excited about the prospect of becoming a mum.
She was apprehensive about the birth and her friends had been winding her up by telling her how painful the experience is. She knew that they were only teasing and tried to ignore their comments.
The day of the birth arrived and unfortunately the delivery was particulary difficult and very painful. This really shocked and traumatised her, she had never imagined that it could have been that bad. After the birth of the baby, who was a healthy boy, she developed a stutter.
Not all people who stutter have it from an early age, another one of my clients was fluent until the age of nineteen. At this age he had a car crash and this was the trigger for him to start stuttering.

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The Cause of Infertility by Nguang Nguek Fluek!



The Cause of Infertility influence Sex Today, Or issit the other way around?

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cause of infertility

About 6. 1 million persons are affected by cause of infertility, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and of this symbol halfway 40% are due to problems which influence manhood and more 40% due to problems which consequence female. The remaining 20 % are related to alien causes.

The ones that influence female, ace is an ample skein of causes of infertility. Besides a general engender of infertility, possibly there are further other causes that agnate due to ovarian and ovulation problems, tube or peritoneal causes, hypothalamic-pituitary causes, cervical, vaginal and uterine problems, and genetic causes.

Internal Causes

General factors would accommodate diseases that agnate being diabetes, thyroid or part defects and disorders of the liver and kidneys. Other than that, psychological or mental problems answerability again appear as a create of infertility.

More have accepted cause of infertility that influence female is ovarian and ovulation disorder. Female hide an ovulation disorder are oral to not ovulate at all or they may ovulate irregularly, compared to the usual ovulation during the 28 – time orbit. Other ovarian causes would accommodate the poly cystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ), ovarian neoplasm, diminished ovarian reserve, luteal dysfunction, premature menopause, Turner syndrome, and consequently on. Most of these disorders prohibit the release of a mature egg from the ovaries, or posses hormone imbalances, or produce eggs that be reformed hurt or own chromosomal defects.

Besides that, pipe or peritoneal factors again albatross appear as a engender of infertility among male. This would allow for Endometriosis or the uterine lining ( the endometrial tissue ) growing frontage the uterus or real is uncooked for egg implantation, embargo of the fallopian tubes which prevents an egg from campaign to the uterus, and bountiful aggrandized.

The abutting create of infertility among men is Hypothalamic – pituitary factors, which would add the accepted hypopituitarism, hyperprolactinemia, kallmann syndrome and other hypothalamic dysfunctions.

More than that, cervical, vaginal and uterine problems could again act as a create of infertility. Uterine problems would accommodate problems with the structure of the uterus itself, uterine fibroids which causes congenital anomalies ( birth defects ) and repeated miscarriages, Asherman ‘ s syndrome, or any other uterine malformations. Vaginal Problems would include vaginal obstruction which prevents the sperms to travel to the tubes and vaginismus. Cervical problems would include the side effects of anti – sperm antibodies, insufficient cervical mucus which is needed for the sperm to travel and survive, and cervical stenosis.

Another cause of infertility, although not so significant is genetic causes. This would include androgen insensitivity syndrome, fibroid, and various other conditions.

External Causes
All these above are internal causes of infertility. Besides these, there are also external factors which can be a cause of infertility. This would include the effects of cosmetic chemicals, alcohol, marijuana, food additives such as Monosodium Glutamate, pesticides, other anti – conceiving human hormones, coffee, cigarette or tobacco smoke, and many more.

So don’t give up on your dreams of a loving family with wonderful children you can call your own. You deserve to be happy so don’t let any cause of infertility rob you of your happiness. Fight it and destroy it!