Health Goals

The Computer And Your Heel, Can There Be A Connection?

This article was originally written by Hege Crowton

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When dealing with acute pain, like pain in the heel, people remedy it by taking pain relievers or analgesics for quick relief.
However, there can be a lot of causes of for heel pain that one may not be aware of so it is very important to find out where the pain really comes from.
Here are some possible causes and treatments for heel pain.
You may be suffering from plantar fasciitis. The tissue on the arch of the foot gets inflamed therefore giving heel pain. This condition is quite common.
This is due to standing and walking for long periods of time. You can also have heel spur. This is usually seen in patients who have plantar fasciitis.
Tarsal tunnel syndrome can also be a cause for heel pain. This is the counterpart of carpal tunnel syndrome which is associated with the hands.
Similar to that of a person with CTS, there is a nerve at the back of the foot that becomes entrapped. This is what gives the person pain.
Stress fractures can also cause heel pain although this is very uncommon. This is usually experienced by athletes like long distance runners. It affects the calcaneus located in the foot.
One treatment for heel pain can be shoe inserts. More often than not, it can totally eradicate heel pain. These inserts do not interfere with your daily routine thus are very comfortable to wear.
Since heel pain can also be unknowingly caused by one’s footwear, it is better and safe to wear shoe inserts.
You can also consider getting gel heel cups. This can be helpful for patients with plantar fasciitis and heel pain. What these heel cups do is that they provide a soft cushion or padding to the area of the foot that has the most pain.
It elevates the hindfoot slightly therefore reducing the pressure on the plantar fascia. Use them on all your shoes to provide you with more comfort.
Arch supports can also provide relief to patients with heel pain. These supports do not change the mechanics of the foot but it eradicates the symptoms in a number of patients. It can also be helpful to problems like flatfoot and overpronation.
Heel wedges can also be used for heel pain relief. These are placed at the back of the shoes. It takes the pressure off from the hind foot by elevating the heel a little bit.
It can be used to treat patients with Achilles tendonitis. Though people with plantar fasciitis can also use these wedges, the heel cups would be more appropriate for this.
You can start with a small one and then you can increase the wedge if necessary.
Metatarsalgia is a condition wherein pain is experienced underneath the ball of the foot. Metatarsal pads can help in this condition by relieving symptoms.
To decrease heel pain, it pays to take a rest. If you are an athlete, you can take a day or two off from prolonged jogging, running, or walking.
In case your foot or the structures within your foot might be inflamed, it can allow the inflammation to subside.
You can also apply ice packs. Ice packs are commonly used as first aid to pain because like analgesics, it is give quick relief to the person in acute pain.
There is a right way of applying ice packs. Only fifteen minutes is required to do this. Remember that you have to apply the ice immediately after an injury. After forty eight hours, the effect of the icing will subside.
You have to apply the ice directly to the affected part. Move the ice around. Do not let it stay on one spot only. Elevate the injured part. It should be higher than the heart.
This helps reduce the swelling. Do the icing for 15-20 minutes only because if you exceed this time limit, you can damage the tissues more. You may also get frostbite from icing too long.
You can repeat the process if you want but allow it to warm first for at least 45 minutes to an hour. The injured area has to have normal sensation and is warm before starting the procedure again.
Dealing with heel pain is not that complex. However, you have to consult the experts first before anything else since heel pain can be a result of certain factors that need immediate attention.
All efforts of relieving heel pain will render useless without knowing the real root of the discomfort.
There are other risks as you sit in front of that computer but it would be to much to write about in this article, so if you would like to learn more about other risks such as:

Eye strain
RSI (Repetitive Stress Syndrome)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Constant Head Aches
Breathing Problems
Difficulty Concentrating

You can learn all about this in the book: “The Painless PC”

Health Goals

The Complexity Of Drug Abuse



Most people have the wrong notion that those who engage in drug abuse are morally weak. That abusers can just stop and change depending on their attitude and willingness. Drug abuse is like a disease that affects the brain which stimulates addiction, making it difficult for the person to stop it by a mere will power.

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This article deals with
depression, anxiety, mental health, side effects, drug interactions

Many people, young and old alike, are hooked on the excitement and escape that drugs seem to offer. In spite of its obvious adverse effects, people continue to fall into the trappings of drug abuse and, in so doing, ruin not only their lives but their loved ones as well.
Curiosity have led most people to try and experiment with controlled substances. Some do it out of peer pressure. Others do it to attract attention, to overcome depression and anxiety problems. There are those who experiment with prescription drugs because they think these drugs can help them lose weight or fit in. But we know what happened to the story of the curious cat. It is important that people realize the great risks involved in drug abuse and its detrimental effects on the mental health and life of drug abusers.
Most people have the wrong notion that those who engage in drug abuse are morally weak. That abusers can just stop and change depending on their attitude and willingness. Drug abuse is like a disease that affects the brain which stimulates addiction, making it difficult for the person to stop it by a mere will power.
It’s a good thing that modern medical breakthroughs have now understood the complexity of drug abuse and have come up with treatments and preventions that can help people go back to normal healthy living.
Drugs or medicines are chemicals substances or compounds that are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases and its symptoms. When you swallow a pill or inject drugs into your body, they find their way into your bloodstream and are transported to different parts of your body including the brain. Once it gets to the brain, drugs may either intensify or dull the senses, alter the sense of alertness, and sometimes decrease physical pain.
We all know that drugs or medicines are developed to make us feel better when we are feeling sick. However, most people don’t realize that all drugs may have benefits as well as risks. Drugs may cause unwanted side effects and drug interactions which can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Side effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry.
Although most medicines can cure, slow, or prevent diseases that helps people to lead healthier and happier lives, there are also lots of illegal, harmful drugs that people may take to help them feel good or have a good time.
These drugs that can make you feel good at first, can also do a lot of harm to the body and brain the same way alcohol and tobacco cause serious damage to the human body. Prohibited drugs severely impair a person’s ability to make healthy choices and decisions. People who drink are more likely to get involved in dangerous situations, such as driving under the influence or having unprotected sex.
Some of the more common drugs are amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, nicotine, marijuana, inhalants, cough syrups and alcohol. These drugs are psychologically addictive. Users who try to stop report that they experience various mood problems such as aggression and anxiety and intense cravings for the drugs.
Most of these drugs, directly or indirectly, target the part of the brain that controls movement, emotion, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. Over stimulation produces euphoric effects in response to the drugs. Such reaction produces a pattern that “teaches” people to repeat the behavior of abusing drugs.
The reality is that drugs don’t solve any of your problems. They simply hide the feelings of depression and problems. As soon as the effects of the drug wears off, the problems are back again, some may have become worse due to the drug abuse.

Health Goals

The Complexity of Autism and Issues in Diagnosing the Syndrome Part II



Although some medical scientists agreed upon the new features discovered and explained by Kanner, others didn’t accept his ideas, claiming that autism couldn’t be separated from other neurological disorders. Many medical scientists disagreed with Kanner and completely refused to see autism as a distinctive syndrome. This was due to the fact that Kanner failed to clarify various aspects of autism, leaving serious gaps in his research.

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This article deals with
autism symptoms,autism symptoms checklist

Although some medical scientists agreed upon the new features discovered and explained by Kanner, others didn’t accept his ideas, claiming that autism couldn’t be separated from other neurological disorders. Many medical scientists disagreed with Kanner and completely refused to see autism as a distinctive syndrome. This was due to the fact that Kanner failed to clarify various aspects of autism, leaving serious gaps in his research.

By contrast, scientists who accepted Kanner’s ideas quickly began to apply his model of diagnosis in their psychiatric practice. However, considering the fact that Kanner’s concept of autism was confusing, most medical scientists who adopted his theories applied the model of diagnosis too widely. Due to misinterpretation of Kanner’s ideas, more and more people who suffered from neurological disorders were inappropriately diagnosed with autism.

The concept of autism was finally clarified by Rutter in the late 70’s. Rutter introduced new terminologies and developed new theories that would adjust the overall interpretation of autism. In an attempt to eliminate the confusion that surrounded the concept of autism, Rutter focused his work on improving Kanner’s model of diagnosis. Some of the new criteria introduced by Rutter in the process of diagnosing autism were:

– Onset of the syndrome in early childhood, by the age of 30 months;

– Abnormal social development (regarded separately from intellectual development);

– Slow and impaired development of speech (regarded separately from intellectual development);

– Poor adaptation skills, stereotype behaviors and insistence on routine.

While Kanner claimed that autism and intellectual retardation should be regarded as two separate, distinctive units, Rutter revealed that the concept of autism included some degree of intellectual retardation. Rutter refused to accept that autism should be diagnosed without measuring the levels of performance intelligence and proved that Kanner’s syndrome and impaired cognitive functions went hand in hand. While this fact may seem controversial and contradictory to Kanner’s findings, the truth is that the Austrian scientist failed to correctly measure the IQ levels of the subjects he studied. In fact, Kanner only discovered good memory and logical skills in his subjects, not accounting for other aspects of performance intelligence. Rutter explained that in spite of their good memory and good logical skills, most autistics present some degree of impaired mental judgment.

Rutter’s work had clarified many aspects of autism, enabling medical scientists to diagnose the syndrome in a more precise and approachable manner. Rutter’s improved model of diagnosis was a huge step forward in the practice of psychiatry, clarifying certain aspects omitted by his predecessors. Although there are still many uncertain aspects regarding the syndrome identified by Kanner, nowadays medical scientists are able to correctly diagnose children with autism.

Health Goals

The Complexity of Autism and Issues in Diagnosing the Syndrome Part I



Autism has drawn the attention of many medical scientists throughout the course of history. Fascinated by the various levels of impairment determined by this complex neurological disorder – behavioral, emotional, communicational and cognitive, scientists have tried to clarify the notion of autism and its revealing signs. The most exhaustive research conducted upon this type of disorder belongs to Leo Kanner, an Austrian psychiatrist that focused on the study of autism and other related disorders. Kanner was the first scientist to establish an elaborate description of the disorder which he referred to as a syndrome.

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This article deals with
autism causes, signs of autism

Autism has drawn the attention of many medical scientists throughout the course of history. Fascinated by the various levels of impairment determined by this complex neurological disorder – behavioral, emotional, communicational and cognitive, scientists have tried to clarify the notion of autism and its revealing signs. The most exhaustive research conducted upon this type of disorder belongs to Leo Kanner, an Austrian psychiatrist that focused on the study of autism and other related disorders. Kanner was the first scientist to establish an elaborate description of the disorder which he referred to as a syndrome.

In the 40’s, Kanner came up with a clear model of diagnosis for autism, based on various experiments and elaborate research. Although Kanner’s model of diagnosis is relevant and complete, nowadays it can also be confusing in the process of diagnosing autism. Therefore, various contemporary medical scientists had focused their careers on improving the model of diagnosis introduced by Leo Kanner, clarifying certain obscure aspects that he presented in the past.

It is very important to understand that people with autism don’t follow the same pattern of impairment, and in fact, the development of the syndrome can greatly vary from a person to another. The severity of autism can alternate from mild to very pronounced and the syndrome can affect people on multiple levels. It is very difficult to correctly diagnose people with autism, as the syndrome can generate a multitude of abnormalities that might point to other neurological disorders. For instance, while some people with autism may present a pronounced impairment of their social skills, they may have an average emotional IQ and a high performance IQ. Other people with the syndrome may have a low performance IQ, but they may present higher levels of emotional intelligence and better social skills.

When Kanner first established his model of diagnosis, he stated that the disorder is very complex and its margins are very difficult to identify. Hence, he invoked that autism can affect some levels more than others. Kanner’s model of diagnosis presented these following features:

– Impairment of social skills, from early childhood to maturity;

– Impairment of communication skills, which can vary anywhere from complete inability to develop speech to poor ability of initiating and maintaining a conversation. Kanner also noted echolalia and excessive questioning as autistic features;

– Very low responsiveness to external stimuli, exaggerated preoccupation with repetitive activities, stereotype behaviors;

– Good cognitive skills and memory;

– Good physical skills and muscle coordination.

Considering the fact that Kanner didn’t clarify many aspects of the syndrome, contemporary medical scientists have focused upon simplifying his model of diagnosis. Although the features and the patterns of autism described by Kanner have been preserved, modern science attempted to establish clear criteria of diagnosis. Furthermore, in the late 70’s, Rutter developed new controversial theories, claiming that autism shouldn’t be separated by performance intelligence in the process of diagnosing the disorder.

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The Complete Range Of Shaklee Vitamin Products



Vitamins are an important part to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes we need a little extra but which vitamin is best for us?

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This article deals with
vitamin supplement, vitamin and mineral, hair vitamin, liquid vitamin, natural vitamin supplement

The Shaklee Company has prided itself as being one of the first companies to have understood the importance of the environment in relation with our health. It is with this concept that the company founders produce Shaklee vitamin products. Today, the company has expanded from the initial Shaklee vitamin formulations to other aspects of health related products such as cleaning aids for the home and other products for your pets.

Shaklee Vitamins As Part Of MLM

Shaklee vitamin products are actually part of an MLM enterprise. For those who are not aware of what MLM means, it means multilevel marketing. This type of marketing ploy means that you would have to recruit people for monetary gain and to get a level up in your level of the MLM. Many multi level marketing schemes have turned out to have false promises or have collapsed due to misconceptions that the members have.

Range Of Shaklee Vitamin Products

The Shaklee vitamin products consist of the Vitalizer in several different potencies and formulations. There is the Vitalizer + Iron, Vitalizer Gold and just the standard Vitalizer. All of these Shaklee vitamin products have similar attributes that include having a positive effect on many different parts of our bodies, enhancing our immune system, prolonging our vitality, protecting our cells, promoting cell regeneration and many others.

The more common ingredients of the Shaklee vitamin products are phytochemicals, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, probiotics, vitamins and minerals. The formulation among the three Shaklee vitamin products has some levels of differences depending on which one you need most. Experts of the Shaklee vitamin range can recommend which product you might benefit the most from.

Although, some doubt has been cast on the veracity of the claims of some people who are promoting Shaklee products, many others also have faith in the company and its products. Due to the various products that the Shaklee Company have produced over th years, many members of the MLM enterprise believe that there still may be some profit to be made from it. Many people may have doubts regarding the efficacy of the products due to the shady reputation that MLM has.

Most likely, the Shaklee vitamin products do have a potential of aiding people maintain their healthy lifestyles as well as aid in preventing or slowing down the progress of diseases and many other health conditions. Most multivitamins products do have this potential and it is in the marketing strategy that most products differ.

Health Goals

The Common Treatments for Acne



Acne is among the most annoying problems that a person can develop. It can cause social anxiety and damage a person’s ego. There are numerous treatments available, including benzoyle peroxide and salicylic acid-based medications.

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This article deals with
skin infections, bacterial infections, social anxiety

The skin is often looked at by people as an outward sign of a person’s hygiene and health. Subconsciously, human beings tend to associate smooth, clear skin with being in good physical condition. Good skin is also perceived as one of the most obvious signs of physical beauty.

The preoccupation with skin care has led to a boom in the skin care product industry. These skin care products are marketed to cater to the large market that demands a variety of preparations to treat dry skin, control oily skin, and even to “reverse” the aging process. Today, manufacturers of beauty products have expanded their beauty line to include concoctions to cure skin infections. The products that are usually bought to control skin infections usually include those that are supposed to treat adult acne (acne rosacea) and teenage acne (acne vulgaris). Adult acne and teenage acne are two entirely different things, though most scientists believe the root causes are essentially the same. There are currently no concrete findings on what the ultimate cause of acne is, though most studies point to bacteria being the most prevalent factor in both rosacea and vulgaris problems. The single, definitive cause has yet to be found but the countless studies have shown the medical world that there are a number of possible solutions to both acne rosacea and acne vulgaris. These treatments promise to help alleviate the problem of acne, as well as alleviate the social anxiety that people with severe cases of acne experience.

Skin infections like acne rosacea and teenage acne are typically caused by bacterial infections in the skin. Among the many core ingredients of the medications used to treat acne and similar bacterial infections is benzoyl peroxide. In the case of acne, benzoyl peroxide works by attacking the bacteria, effectively attempting to cut off the acne at the source. However, benzoyl peroxide is a potent compound and people with sensitive skin can develop redness, rashes, and other side effects that can add to one’s social anxiety, rather than help relieve it. Medically speaking, adults often find it harder to tolerate benzoyl peroxide, as compared to teenagers. An alternative for acne medication (and the subsequent relief from social anxiety) can come in the form of treatments that make use of salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid works on acne in a different manner from benzoyl peroxide. While the peroxide compound works by targeting the bacterial infections behind acne, salicylic acid functions as an exfoliant. The acid works by peeling away layers of the skin, subsequently also peeling away the acne gradually. The acid is considered to be milder than the peroxide, though it can still have side effects. Additionally, salicylic acid is not as effective an acne treatment option as benzoyl peroxide, simply because it lacks the raw chemical potency of the peroxide.

There are some dermatologists that suggest combination treatments as a way to relieve acne. The approach works by having people apply salicylic acid during the day time, as it is the compound that has a lower chance of inducing side effects. The benzoyl peroxide is then applied at night, before sleeping. This reduces the chances that the side effects would interfere with the patient’s daily life, as well as reduce the chances of the peroxide bleaching clothing.

In your typical pharmacy, there are various treatments for acne and other skin infections, and not all of them will contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. That doesn’t mean that they don’t work as well, it’s just that they probably work differently from the aforementioned types of treatments. Whether one decides to take an over-the-counter treatment or go for a prescription, the important thing to remember is that once the acne has been effectively removed, then working on relieving the social anxiety can begin.

Health Goals

The Common Cold: Can’t Live With It, Can’t Live Without It



The common cold is one of life’s little annoyances that people can’t stand but are highly unlikely to ever be able to get rid of. There are simply too many factors and complications involved in the common cold for there to ever really be a single cure for the malady. There are medications that can help alleviate the problem, but a cure is often written off by experts as being a scientific impossibility.

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This article deals with
stress, bacterial infections, infection, side effects. sinusitis

There is no cure for the common cold. This is an accepted fact. This is one of those little annoyances that people will stress over but can’t do anything about. People simply have come to accept that there is such thing as a way to cure the common cold. Of course, this could tie in to the little known scientific fact that there is no single cause for the common cold. In fact, when one bothers to break things down to the appropriate level, the “common cold” is named not because it is common, but because there is a wide range of things that can cause it.

The common cold can be the product of a large number of factors, but viral and bacterial infections tend to be the most common. It is also not unusual for certain pollens to generate allergic symptoms that can be associated with the common cold. For most people, the immune system is capable of handling and fighting off the bacterial infection that can cause the symptoms, but not the pollen. This is the reason for the cold seemingly having a seasonal appearance. In reality, the pollen is interacting with the nasal passages and irritating certain components of it, causing the cold symptoms. Among the symptoms that both the pollen and the infection can cause are runny noses, mild fevers, scratchy throat, and nasal congestion. Specific causes can also have specific symptoms, but never without the “universal” list of effects.

Whether caused by viral or bacterial infections, there are also a number of potential complications and side effects that the common cold can cause. Some of these problems are opportunistic coinfections, which means that they rarely strike on their own and require that a previous illness already compromise a person’s immune system. Others are superinfections, which are illnesses that attack areas of the body that have already been negatively affected by a previous infection or illness. The difference between the two is that opportunistic coinfections require that the body’s defenses already be compromised, even by something as mundane as the common cold. In contrast, superinfections can affect the body regardless of whether or not the person was in a state of good health. Some of these side effects include acute bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia, and sinusitis.

Logically, since there is not direct cause for the problem, there can be no cure. Medical systems around the world, whether traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, or Western medicine, need to know the cause of the problem before being able to treat it. In terms of Western medicine, there are simply too many viruses and bacteria that can cause the same symptoms and lead to the common cold. That is without taking into account the possibility of allergens such as pollen and dust. In TCM, there are also a number of possible elemental imbalances in the body that can lead to someone developing the common cold. Despite that, however, both conventional and “exotic” medical systems have various methods to help someone recover from the cold faster.

Based on the nature of the problem, as well as the rapid evolution that the cold-causing bacteria can undergo, there will likely never be a cure for the common cold. To develop a single cure for all of the possible causes of the common cold would be tantamount to making a drug that can treat virtually any sort of infection, which is a medical and chemical impossibility. Yes, treatments that help alleviate the symptoms exist and will continue to be improved upon, but a cure? Science would be more likely to discover the Holy Grail of Arthurian legend than a cure for the common cold.

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The Common Cold: Children’s Leading Source of Discomfort



This article talks about how people are prone to different infections, most especially children. This article focuses on the common cold, its signs and symptoms, its causes, and the ways to prevent viral contamination. As an illness, the common cold is one of the major reasons for feelings of discomfort not only among children but for adults as well.

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This article deals with
headache, common cold

Our body is always prone to different infections, sickness, and illnesses that may harm our health. It is necessary for each person to take enough vitamins and minerals to increase our body’s protection from harmful bacteria and viruses that cause illness. Vitamin supplements are usually given to children who need more protection against illnesses. A change in the weather, how they go about their outdoor playtime activities, and what they eat and drink affect chilren’s state of health.

Among the many illnesses contracted by children, perhaps there is none more common that the common cold. The common cold is a highly contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is one of the most common reasons why children visit doctors and become absent from school. From having headaches to sniffles and sneezes, to a sore throat and irritating cough, having this particular infection usually catches up with us or our children when our body’s immune system is no longer able to stave off viral attacks.

The first few symptoms of a common cold are often felt in the throat, a symptom that is characterized by a somewhat tickling sensation. A runny or stuffy nose can also occur when dealing with the common cold, which also includes the annoying sneeze. Children with colds may also experience sore throat, cough, headache, mild fever, muscle aches, fatigue, and loss of appetite. A child that is sick with the common cold is likely to have a watery to thick yellow or green discharge from their nose.

How do we get the cold virus? Rhino viruses are invisible droplets in the air we breathe or on things we touch. This specific virus is the main cause of a common cold, and can penetrate through the protective lining of a child’s nose and throat, provoking an immune system reaction which are really shown as cold symptoms. A common cold is most contagious during the first two to four days after symptoms appear, and can still be contagious for up to three weeks. Catching a cold is easy, since this can be done through contact with another person, or by breathing in virus particles that were spread in the air through sneezing or coughing. Touching the mouth or nose after touching another surface that is contaminated with the rhino virus can also spread the disease. The whole duration of this kind of infection depends on the treatment or the child himself. Common cold symptoms generally appear two or three days after exposure to the said infection. Most of the colds that we experience lasts for up to one week, but some clears up in as early as two weeks.

In order to prevent your children from getting this common infection, it is advisable to stay away from anyone who smokes or is currently having colds, since its virus particles can reach up to twelve feet when someones sneezes or coughs. After blowing their noses, it is good if children wash their hands thoroughly and frequently. It is also good to teach them how to cover their noses or mouths when coughing or sneezing to prevent the infection from spreading out. Since the virus from a common cold is contagious, it is better for people, especially the children, to not use or share towels, eating utensils, and drinking glass. As they always say, prevention is better than cure.

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The Code Of Life

This article was originally written by Jason Elkins

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What if there was a solution to protecting and restoring your health. What if you could turn back the clock and return to when you were healthy. You wonder why we have such horrific health problems, yet its right in front of your eyes. You all know that nutrition is important, but do you know why. What if given the right nutrition your body could heal itself of anything, and I mean anything. What if this was true and all you needed to do was give your body the right nutrition.
Over half the United States population is undernourished and overweight; these two problems contribute to most of the disease and death in this country. The 1 trillion dollar food industry is directly tied to our health problems. Processed foods are a big problem for people’s health today. Especially because processed foods are so hard to avoid. Many of these foods that we put into our bodies contain no essential nutrients that our bodies need. With these nutrients almost gone, our immune systems are breaking down and disease is taking over. Our bodies were not designed to be taking in these kinds of foods. Also, our fruits and vegetables don’t have the nutritional value they once had. The main reason for this is because of green harvesting and the depletion of minerals in our soil.
People are now supplementing vitamins and minerals, with the hope of improving their health. Yet this is not enough, a huge misconception is that by taking vitamins, you are giving your body what it needs to be healthy. Unfortunately not all supplements are equal. Most vitamins and minerals are synthetic, and not easily absorbed by the body. You can test to see if your vitamins are synthetic by taking them with a glass of water and not eating anything for a couple of hours. If you start feeling sick then you know that these are synthetic vitamins. If all you are essentially taking are nutrients which are supposed to be food, then why do you have to eat food with them?
Scientists have recently cracked the code to nutritional supplementation. Scientists have for some time tried to figure out how our cells communicate with each other. We all know that when you cut yourself that your body naturally heals itself. We just didn’t really know how it worked; we just knew that they did. Now Scientists have discovered how it works. It’s sort of like how a blind person uses brail bumps to read writing. Blind people know how to read brail and therefore they know what it says. What would happen if some of the brail were scratched off? They would go from a level of communication to miscommunication. Our cells work the same; each cell has thousands of protein molecules, and attached to these are glycoforms. The cell uses glycoforms to enable them to effectively communicate to each other. Of the some 200 monosaccharides that occur naturally in plants, eight are known to be components of these glycoforms, and are used in cell-to-cell communication. These eight sugars are glucose, fucose, mannose, galactose, xylose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylneuraminic acid. Of these sugars only two are commonly found in our diet. By supplementing these glyconutrients, your body can create these glycoform which make it possible to effectively fix anything that is wrong with your body. A company by the name of Mannatech owns the patent on the combination of these essential sugars. This means that you cannot get a combination of these sugars from anywhere else in the World. Glyconutritional products will play a huge role in the 21st century’s emerging wellness industry. You can learn more about this technology by clicking on the link below, which will take you directly to my site. If you would like to see for yourself what glyconutrients could do for you then you can order directly on my site. I will personally make sure that you have an amazing product experience by keeping a health journal to keep track of the benefits that you will have had. Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself about this amazing technology.

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The Chronic Search For Weight Loss And Exercise Equipment



In our society, thin and healthy people are considered to achieve more, be more social, and even provide better incomes. One recent study found that obese women made an average of two thousand dollars less every year than their skinny counterparts. This struggle to decide whether to accept oneself as she is or to move toward making different choices and hoping for a different outcome often lands women on the roller coaster search for bigger and better weight loss and health equipment.

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This article deals with
weight loss, exercise equipment, trade leads

In our society, thin and healthy people are considered to achieve more, be more social, and even provide better incomes. One recent study found that obese women made an average of two thousand dollars less every year than their skinny counterparts. This struggle to decide whether to accept oneself as she is or to move toward making different choices and hoping for a different outcome often lands women on the roller coaster search for bigger and better weight loss and health equipment.

Whether or not we agree with societys views, which are certainly slanted, many of us do have to take our health into consideration. Women who weight twenty pounds or more than their ideal weight are likely to start having associated health problems. This can include high cholesterol, blood sugar problems, circulations problems, and of course, social problems. Without giving into societys demand for a mother of five children to still be able to slip into a size four dress, we need to consider as women, what is best for our bodies and emotional health.

Despite the fact that women are reticent to admit it, the claims of loving their heavily overweight body is usually more of a indication that they resent societys desire to change them rather than the fact that they are truly happy in their body. This is more than reasonable. There is no one on this earth that can decide what is better for your body than you. There is no one on this earth that can claim your right to eat, to be healthy, or to be unhealthy, if you so choose. These decisions are your decisions.

When trying to determine better habits while resisting the over marketing of a womans body, many people feel that the best thing for them is an improved diet and regular exercise. When this attitude is tempered with what falls off during the process is good but theres no pressure to maintain a small little figure and a zero gravity weight.

Changing to healthy eating habits and purchasing some weight loss equipment is often done in the privacy of ones own home. This can be a good thing for those who feel by having at home, they will use it. Many women dont feel they have time to go to the gym and would rather exercise at home without eyes that feel rather judgmental peering in at them. Exercise equipment for the home can be expensive. Almost everyone finds it is more cost effective to simply join a gym.

If youre looking to purchase at home equipment, consider carefully what types of equipment youre more willing to stick with. This can be difficult for someone who was never interested in sports as a kid and never had a burning desire to sweat or to learn something new like kick boxing. Some people do better with a machine that is easy to use while others like the idea of a guided video. Video and DVD workout programs are one of the fastest selling items on the internet. This is because people do actually tend to use them and they also begin to outgrow them. Some people view outgrowing a fitness video as a negative, but I think its a positive. If you purchase a workout DVD and you find within two months you need to order something more demanding, this means that you have made good physical progress and that you should be proud of yourself. There is no one workout DVD on the market today that will allow you to work out continuously without ever stepping up to a new and more challenging DVD. Celebrate those moments rather than being discouraged by them.

Be wary of any workout equipment that claims you dont have to do anything. Suits that you wear, belts that you strap on, and the like are not really going to give you the benefits of a workout. Your heart and lungs need the exercise as much as your waistline. Its not about getting skinny, remember. Its about maintaining a better level of overall health.

Dont be too hard on yourself if you find that you need to switch athletic equipment, DVD styles, or even bring in something completely new from time to time. If working out and sweating isnt an enjoyable experience, youre not going to stick with it or youre going to learn to resent being physically active. Allow for change and allow for some experimentation. This will help lead you down the road to happy and healthy weight loss, a stronger heart, and most likely, fewer health problems than youve had in a long time.