Health Goals

The Cost Of Health Insurance For America’s Society



It is no secret that the American society is advanced in many ways. As a whole, we are a wealthy country. We are a democratic country. We are a free country. The citizens of American society have rights that citizens of many other countries have never known. Yet, despite all our wealth and all our rights, many Americans are without proper health care coverage.

The people of American society have various reasons for not having health insurance, but the main reason from whic…

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It is no secret that the American society is advanced in many ways. As a whole, we are a wealthy country. We are a democratic country. We are a free country. The citizens of American society have rights that citizens of many other countries have never known. Yet, despite all our wealth and all our rights, many Americans are without proper health care coverage.

The people of American society have various reasons for not having health insurance, but the main reason from which all other reasons stem is money. Many people just do not have the money it takes to pay for a health insurance policy. People can generally get a good deal on health insurance if they purchase it through their employers, but not everyone is employed or works for a company that offers health benefits, and individual health insurance policies are much more expensive than the group insurance policy rates employers offer.

Health care is expensive, and health insurance is supposed to help cut the cost of health care; however, while health insurance does help us pay for health care, is heath insurance itself too expensive? For many, the answer is yes.

Regardless of how wealthy American society is as a whole, there are millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance. Maybe they work for an employer who doesn’t offer a health insurance package. Maybe they just have too many other bills and can’t afford the additional health insurance bill. Maybe they’re self-employed and just don’t bring in enough income to pay for individual health insurance.

If you work for an employer who doesn’t offer health insurance, are self-employed, or just otherwise can’t afford health insurance, don’t give up. Contact your state’s insurance bureau and seek advice. They may be able to point you in the direction of a health insurance company or program that specifically caters to people who can’t afford health insurance for whatever reason.

Health Goals

The Core of Sexual Health



The body’s core or the abdominal, lower back, pelvic, and hip area is a vital point of the body. The core is where the body’s center of gravity is located and this is where force production and movement begins. Core strength is important to ordinary people and athletes alike.

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sexual health, relaxation, stress and anxiety

The body’s core — which includes the abdominal, lower back, pelvis, and hip area — is considered the most vital part of the body. The core is where the body’s center of gravity is located and this is where force production and movement begins. The muscles in this area work in harmony to provide stability to the body to bring force, power, and stability from the legs to the upper and vice versa. Many of the body’s core muscles cannot be seen because they are hidden underneath the other muscles. According to health experts, a strong core makes it easier to do physical activities, even the most strenuous routines. They add that the core is very complicated and serves many important tasks that may lead to improved overall health and sexual health.

A developed core is essential to stability and sports performance. Martial artists need developed cores to execute difficult kicks and attacks properly. Basketball players need core strength to perform acrobatic dunks and layups. Golfers need core stability to swing properly. More importantly, core training is important because training the muscles in this area corrects postural imbalance that may lead to injuries. By strengthening the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the spine, core training may help reduce the risk of lower back pain. In addition, a developed and stable core may help prevent injuries because stronger muscles support the spine, pelvis, and shoulder joints. A well-developed core is essential to attain full range of body motion — an ability needed for both work and leisure. For these reasons, health and fitness experts recommend people to undergo core training.

Core Training, also called core muscle training, core stability, and core strengthening provides a protective defense to the spinal cord and several organs of the human body. This kind of training may involve proper hydration, nutrition, core exercises, and body relaxation. Many fitness experts believe that core training can be used as an alternative solution to stress and anxiety, bad posture, and weight control. Other activities that involve core training are yoga, Pilates, and martial arts. These types of training help practitioners develop a healthy body, increase lifespan, achieve a state of bliss, and have a better sex life. Studies show that performing these exercise routines help promote more body energy, self-esteem, and increased testosterone levels. Stretching exercises in yoga, Pilates, and martial arts act serve as “massage” for the internal organs of the body, enabling the body’s internal systems to function properly. Both Western and Chinese medicine support claims regarding the health benefits of having a well-developed core.

According to eastern medicine, the core is the center of all human energy. These principles believe that the core is the source of the ‘chi,’ the power within. The ‘chi’ is responsible for self-healing, self-recovery, and self-realization. Chinese beliefs add that the this power is a life force and is present in every living thing. The ‘chi’ flows in the body thorough channels called meridians and give the body life nourishment and energy. The chi can be developed by meditation, visualization, and breathing. Activities that are done in yoga, Pilates, and the martial arts. The health benefits of having a developed core has been approved by science and eastern beliefs. Core strength is important to ordinary people and athletes alike. Incorporating them in a workout may reduce strength, avoid muscle injury, and improve posture and strength.

Health Goals

The Core Healthy Lives



Having a healthy core may bring many health benefits. People who have weak ###cores are prone to chronic back pain and posture problems. The core is important ##because it stabilizes balances the part of the body where the center of gravity is ###located and where every movement begins

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diet, back pain

Core training has become a hot topic in today’s fitness and health field. With advent of many activities that promote core strength and development like yoga and Pilates, the issue of core training has taken the limelight. The core is mistaken by many as the abdominal muscles. While this is not an entirely wrong statement, the term “core” is used to indicate a collection of muscles that are crucial in stabilizing the body and allow it to perform many movements. The core is composed of muscles in the hip, pelvis, abdominal, and low back area. The core is important because it stabilizes balances the part of the body where the center of gravity is located and where every movement begins. Because of its importance, a healthy core may lead to improvements in one’s overall health.

Having a healthy core may bring many health benefits. People who have weak cores are prone to chronic back pain and posture problems. A well-developed core on the other hand, may help prevent injuries and other ailments because of stronger muscles that may support the spine, pelvis and shoulder joints. Strong core muscles can handle certain joint tension that may lead to back and joint injuries. In addition, a healthy core may lead to improved posture strong because the abdominal muscles support the spine. Proper elimination of waste products is also a benefit of strong core muscles, because the pelvic floor muscles are part of it. If the pelvic muscles are weak, they cannot contract properly and result to improper bowel functioning.

Because of the health benefits of maintaining a fit core, many people are have been including core training in their lifestyles. The good news is fitness many tools for core training are widely available. One of the most popular choice for core training is the fitness ball. A fitness ball, also known as Pilates ball, stability ball, Swiss ball, and gym ball is made of elastic rubber which usually has a diameter of 14 to 34 inches. Instead of exercising directly on a flat surface, exercising with a fitness ball provides instability that create tension to the core muscles that aids its development.

Fitness ball exercises may aid in developing abdominal muscles by channeling the right amount of tension towards it. Studies show that doing core exercises on a fitness ball has been shown to improve balance in older individuals. Exercising with a fitness ball is a great core workout because of the instability of having to balance or center the body’s gravity while moving on the ball. In addition fitness ball abdominal exercises can promote weight loss by lowering the abdominal fats.

Regular core exercise coupled with nutritious diet are vital components of good health. Individuals who seek to improve their health should seek the advice of health professionals to maximize the effects of exercise and healthy food regimen. Obtaining the right information from experts is important in improving one’s health. Good health is a lifetime journey and is one of the components of a happy life.

Health Goals

The Controversy Surrounding Ephedra

This article was originally written by Al Alexander

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The Chinese discovered ephedra in the form of the Ma Huang plant more than 5,000 years ago and it is the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Chinese have long used ephedra to treat colds and flus, fever, and many other symptoms. Recent research has shown that ephedra increases metabolism, promotes weight loss and fat burning, curbs your appetite, relaxes the air passages in the lungs to help treat asthma and cough, and helps promote urination to relieve water retention.
Concerns about the cardiovascular effects of ephedra use, including increased blood pressure and irregular heart rhythm led the FDA to ban ephedra diet supplements in April 2004. The ban on ephedra did not pertain to traditional Chinese herbal remedies nor to products like herbal teas that are regulated as conventional foods. The ban also did not effect ephedrine or pseudo ephedrine supplements. This was the first time the FDA exercised its power to stop the sale of a dietary supplement ingredient and it prompted protest from the dietary supplement industry.
Consumer reaction to the ban was mixed. While the FDA’s alarm may have deterred some, many devoted ephedra users found ways to circumvent the ruling. A government survey following the ban found that many New Yorkers were using “copycat” products to achieve effects similar to ephedra’s. Government officials called for a ban on the copycat products as well, but their calls were silenced by the next judge’s ruling.
In April 2005 Judge Tena Campbell ruled in favor of a Utah supplement company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration’s ban. Nutraceutical Corporation claimed that ephedra has been safely consumed for hundreds of years and that ephedra was being wrongly regulated by the FDA as a drug and not a food. Judge Campbell agreed. And while federal law requires drug manufacturers to prove that drugs are safe before putting them on the market, dietary supplements (classified as a food) are allowed on the market unless the FDA proves that they are unsafe. Since the FDA failed to demonstrate to the judge that ephedra was unsafe in small doses, she lifted the ban on sales of 10 mg or less.
Dr. Cathy Wong, a naturopathic physician, was among those who welcomed the new ruling. She believed a ban on ephedra was harsh and unnecessary, and pointed out that the number of deaths attributed to ephedra is a small percentage of total users compared to the fatality rates of most major (and legal) pharmaceutical drugs.
The FDA, however, stands by its ban on ephedra and suggests that because the ruling allows only dosages of 10 mg or less, the judge has upheld the FDA’s claim that higher dosages are harmful. The FDA has not, as yet, taken further steps to reenact the complete ban, and as a result, many of the banned ephedra-based diet supplements are now available again. Supplements like Zenalean, Xenadrine, Ripped Fuel, and Metabolife can be sold legally.

Health Goals

The Construction Industry – Exactly How Healthy Is It?



If you are considering entering into the construction field, especially as an equipment operator, you’ll find the field is thriving and should continue to do so.

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Heavy Equipment Training, Bulldozer, Jobs for G.I’s, Construction Jobs

When one is considering entering a new line of work, the first thing they should do is research that given field. Certain things to consider include how that particular industry is currently doing and what are the predictions for that field. If you are considering entering into the construction field, especially as an equipment operator, you’ll find the field is thriving and should continue to do so.

First of all, there is always going to be a need for road repairs, bridge maintenance, and new constructions will continue to be needed. The government alone spends billions of dollars on construction projects each year and there does not seem to be any inclination that they will slow down. New housing developments are being created everyday in all areas of the country, as there is continually a housing shortage. The construction business is thriving.

The September 11th attacks of terrorism on the United States have had impacts on every industry in the United States and the construction industry is no exception. Due to Homeland Security, many such developments have been redesigned to further their safety in case of an act of terrorism and even moved to a different location if they are near an area that might be a target. However, the construction industry has not slowed down and it is as strong as ever.

The fact is the construction industry is the largest service industry in the United States. Due to the demand placed on the construction industry, most construction companies are constantly looking for individuals who are qualified to work in this field. Many individuals, however, are not qualified and they start on the bottom, hoping to get trained in areas where there is better pay.

Where do individuals wishing to get a heavy equipment operator’s education stand? With new developments and construction projects continuing to thrive, the heavy equipment operator will always have a job. In order to complete the new construction jobs, there must be someone to run the heavy equipment.

Unfortunately, with all of the natural disasters that have taken place in the United States alone, such as the flooding in California, the tornadoes in the mid-west and the hurricanes along the east coast, the construction business will continue to thrive. From road repairs and bridge reconstruction and new housing developments to commercial developments, construction companies will continually be looking for workers that are qualified.

Health Goals

The Consequence of Working Round-The-Clock



Job pressure may lead to stress and anxiety. It can weigh you down or make you feel frustrated and angry. Persistent and unrelenting stress and anxiety can lead to serious health and emotional problems. It is important that you recognize the cause in oder to find a cure.

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The entertainment industry, be it in the movies or just in television, is a conglomeration of performing arts and technical knowledge that works round-the-clock. From the executive producer down to the production assistant, from production designer to the prop man, from the make-up artist to the utility boy — one can always find people on-the-go. It can be said that living the Showbiz Lifestyle is fast-paced, with plenty of traveling from one place to another, always meeting a lot of different people. Most people in show business work day and night, usually, without getting enough sleep and rest. Most of the time, they miss being home and seeing family for a period of weeks or months. With all the pressure around the set during shootings or tapings, there is a great tendency to feel stressed after a day’s work.
Stress is anything that causes bodily and mental tension which may lead to anxiety. It can be a situation or a thought that can weigh you down or make you feel frustrated and angry. On the other hand, anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness and apprehension over something that is recognized or unknown.
Stress and anxiety are normal parts of everyday life. Both can motivate an individual to be productive and rise to the challenge of tough situations. However, too much stress and too much anxiety can be harmful and may cause physical, emotional, and psychological problems like infection, heart diseases, and depression. Moreover, what can be stressful to one person may not necessarily be true to the other. Good stress is something that helps a person during emergency situations such as suddenly stepping on the brakes to prevent a car accident. Cramming for exams and meticulously preparing for a wedding can also produce good forms of stress, if a person knows how to handle it well. Stress can help you keep a person up on his or her toes and rise to the occasion. However, when this persists on a long-term basis, it will cause emotional and health problems.
One type of stress is job stress. Occupational pressure and fear may lead to burn out and serious health and emotional problems. Some of the reasons why people get job stress are being overworked. Some people are required to work extended hours or overtime. In the case of those who work in TV and film productions, there are times when shootings and tapings would go on until past midnight and wrap up the next day. Some people even bring their work at home which can add more stress as it is already time to be spent for home and family matters.
Another cause of job stress is conflict with officemates or even with the boss. Situations like this can affect a worker’s performance as well as cause relationship problems at the workplace. Being in the wrong career can also cause stress and anxiety which leads to lack of enthusiasm, job dissatisfaction, and burn-out.
Persistent and unrelenting stress can lead to anxiety disorders and unhealthy behaviors. Watch out for the following symptoms of anxiety: twitching, trembling, muscle tension, sweating, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, over-eating, abuse of alcohol and drugs, dizziness, rapid or irregular heartbeat, rapid breathing, diarrhea, frequent need to urinate, fatigue, irritability, loss of temper, sleeping problems, lack of concentration, and sexual problems.
It is important that you recognize the cause of stress in order to find a cure. Find out what specific things, behaviors, or situations make you worried or anxious. Then, talk about it with a friend or someone whom you feel you can trust. Sometimes, this is all that is needed to relieve stress and anxiety. Get involved with support groups or get in touch with trained counselors via hotlines offering advice on how to deal with the problem of stress and anxiety. Always consult medical professionals and healthcare providers as to what kind of therapies and medications are available for helping deal with stress and anxiety.

Health Goals

The Connections Between Sleep And The Mind



The physical toll that insomnia has is a well-documented list of side effects and problems. While the mysteries related to what exactly happens to the brain during sleep are still being explored, it is generally accepted that a lack of sleep is related to a number of mental health problems. There is little evidence so far, there is adequate information to warrant full research into those matters.

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anxiety disorders, stress, stress and anxiety, side effects, insomnia, mental health, depression

Even in this fast-paced and hectic world, sleep is one of those things that are considered indispensable. Regardless of how much stress is placed on someone, a person’s body and mind simply will not allow one to go for an extended period without some sleep. There are numerous ways to keep a person awake despite the overwhelming desire to go to sleep, such as caffeine and work-related stress and anxiety. The toll that sleep deprivation and insomnia have on the body is well-documented, but there is less concrete evidence on the effects on mental health. It is generally assumed that the mind does not fully shut down during sleep, but that does not mean it does not require a period of rest. There are several potential side effects of insomnia upon one’s mental health, some of which can aggravate the problem itself.

Among the most well-documented side effects of a lack of sleep is instability of emotions. People who frequently lack sleep tend to be moody and irritable. In some cases, their emotions seem to be on hair-triggers, shifting from “normal” to “angry” with the slightest comment. There has yet to be any form of concrete information on why this is the cause, but it is a well-documented problem related to insomnia. It is theorized that sleep somehow replenishes certain chemical receptors related to emotions within the brain, such that a lack of sleep disrupts the normal production of these chemicals. It is currently unclear whether being asleep cuts off production or increases them, or if it affects these compounds in some other way. There are other theories as to why insomnia affects emotions, but those also lack concrete studies to back up their assumptions.

One of the more infamous side effects of insomnia is depression, though it is arguable whether one is really a product of the other. In the same way that emotions are affected by a lack of sleep, one’s overall mood can also be affected by prolonged insomnia. Since depression is closely tied to one’s emotional state, the disruption caused by a lack of sleep can be enough to push a person into clinical depression. However, there is some argument as to whether or not insomnia is truly a factor for depression. There are some that believe that while there is a connection, it is more viable to assume that depression leads to a lack of sleep, rather than the other way around. It should be noted that, despite the ramifications on mental health, neither theory has been put under serious academic scrutiny.

Some have also attributed some anxiety disorders to insomnia. There is some question as to whether or not this actually counts, however. While there is clear evidence that connects the two problems, most are inclined to believe anxiety disorders cause insomnia, rather than the reverse. However, there is some data showing people developing minor anxiety disorders during a period where they lack adequate sleep. As with the above, further study is required due to the lack of any concrete statistical data to back up the theories and observations.

Health Goals

The Connection Between Spiritual Health and Well-Being



Whenever life becomes a bore or seems meaningless, or when emotional hurts and pains become overwhelming, we tend to be confused or anxious. We feel dead in our spirits. But those who are spiritually nourished are strongly anchored in their faith and hope.

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mental health, meditation, anxiety, depression, panic attack, stress, counseling

Emotional health is as important as being physically fit and having a sound mind. Our emotional, physical, and mental health are connected with each other that each one affects the health of the other. However, there is another factor that can contribute to a healthy well-being: Spiritual health.

Being spiritual is not just being religious. It is being in touch with the spirit within you. It is finding meaning, hope, comfort, and inner peace in your life. Most people find spirituality through religion. Others find it through music, art or, a connection with nature. Still, others find it in their values and principles.

Spiritual activities such as prayer and meditation foster positive beliefs and comfort which bring healing and a sense of well-being. It may not necessarily cure the illness, but it can help you feel better, prevent some health problems, and help you cope with illness or death.

Whenever life becomes a bore or seems meaningless, or when emotional hurts and pains become overwhelming, we tend to be confused or anxious. We feel dead in our spirits. But those who are spiritually nourished are strongly anchored in their faith and hope. For Christians, boredom is a word that can never be used to describe a person who walks in the love of God. Firm believers have no room for anxiety and depression in their lives. The Christian faith surrenders all their worries and cares to a God who is almighty.

Most people usually associate manifestations of anxiety with a panic attack. This is about senselessly talking and worrying about the various details of our daily life or about sudden, unexpected situations. Stuff that makes your stomach go into knots and gives you a headache and a pain in the back of your neck.

In trying to improve your spiritual health, always remember that every individual is different. What works for you may not work for others. Do what is comfortable for you. Try to identify the things in your life that give you a sense of inner peace, comfort, strength, love, and connection. Set aside a specific time every day to do the things that help you spiritually. These may include doing community service or volunteer work, praying, meditating, singing devotional songs, reading inspirational books, taking nature walks, having quiet time for thinking, doing yoga, playing a sport or attending religious services.

It is important to some doctors who are treating you for an illness to know how your spirituality might be affecting your feelings and thoughts about your medical situation. Do not hesitate to tell your doctor if you think your spiritual beliefs are affecting your health care decisions or your ability to follow your doctor’s recommendations. A spiritual assessment as part of a medical encounter is a practical first step in incorporating consideration of a patient’s spirituality into medical practice. The relationship between spirituality and medicine has been the focus of considerable interest in recent years.

If there are spiritual beliefs, worries or concerns that are causing you stress, talk with your doctor or seek counseling from someone who can help you with these issues.

Health Goals

The Connection Between Fitness and Singles



What’s the connection between dating and singles? It seems like gyms are often popular places to meet people, and fitness singles sites are cropping up to satisfy the needs and wants of online daters looking for partners to workout with and romance at the same time.

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Online Dating, Dating Online

What’s the connection between dating and singles? It seems like gyms are often popular places to meet people, and fitness singles sites are cropping up to satisfy the needs and wants of online daters looking for partners to workout with and romance at the same time. Is there a significant connection between the fitness industry and single life?
One possible explanation for the connections made between fellow gym-goers is the desire to find like minded people who enjoy active lifestyles and staying in shape. Certainly, a part of this is a greater appreciation in general for people who are physically fit. While this is a broad generalization, it may be safe to assume that most people who want to keep themselves in shape also want that from their partner. For this reason, gyms attract like minded people, with similar lifestyles. Also, as has been proven by several psychological studies, similarity and proximity increase the likelihood of attraction. Therefore, if two people run into each other on a regular basis, and see each other participating in activities they both enjoy, the chances of meeting and making a connection are more likely.
Another psychological explanation may come from biological and neurological studies. Chemicals released into the brain during exercise are often associated with feelings of euphoria. These feelings are commonly seen as responsible for a ‘runners high’ that many consistent exercisers experience. As these feelings of euphoria are experienced, people are conditioned to associate those positive feelings with other stimulus that surround them. Like Pavlov’s Classically conditioned dogs, a person who see something (like another attractive person) while experiencing a positive emotion (a runners high) begin associating these two things together. Eventually, people begin attributing their positive feelings to that person (he/she makes me feel good). As a result, many singles who are heavily into the fitness lifestyle, and regularly visit the gym, may begin to pair their positive feelings with other fit singles they see at their gym.
While these explanations may only be a part of the reason why singles and fitness are frequently paired together, ultimately, there is some sort of connection between the two. Whether these stem from psychological reasons or the desire to seek out other physically attractive or fit people, fitness and singles are frequently paired, and with good reason.

Health Goals

The Connection between Depression and Eating Disorders



There are certain studies that point out that depression always goes hand-in-hand with an eating disorder. Both of them rob a person of their happiness and self-worth. Research have shown that people with eating disorders and a history of depression may be at increased risk for suicide. This suggests the need to put more emphasis on regulating emotion and mood in treating these patients.

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This article deals with
bulimia, depression, suicide, anxiety, relationship

Most people will experience the feeling of depression at least once in life. Every one of us will have painful and unjust things occur in our lives. Each of us will lose people or things which are important to us and experience unpleasant events that are beyond our control. For some, these are just the natural ups and downs of life and are weathered with an understanding that the future will hold more promise. For others, these events will trigger overwhelming feelings of despair and anxiety, which make it practically impossible to imagine anything being any different or better.

Over 19 million of Americans over age 18 are considered to be clinically depressed. Depression is so common that it is second only to heart disease in causing lost work days. More alarming though, if left untreated, depression is the number one cause of suicide.

There are certain studies that point out that depression always goes hand-in-hand with an eating disorder. Both of them rob a person of their happiness and self-worth. More often than not, therapists tend to treat depression alone with drugs instead of with a more psychological basis and along with the eating disorder.

In turn, the psychological community has expanded it’s scope of research and study by focusing more attention on eating disorders and concentrating on other extended issues related to eating disorders. The desire to distinguish and understand a possible relationship between bulimia nervosa and depression has become a major focus within the field.

Presently, there are two predominant hypotheses on the relationship between eating disorders and depression. The first hypothesis states that bulimia nervosa is an affective variant of depression. This idea came about due to early reports of a high prevalence of clinical depression in bulimics and a high lifetime prevalence of depression in the families of these patients. Recent studies, however, provide evidence that this type of relationship between bulimia and depression is still unconfirmed. The second hypothesis constitutes that bulimia is a “distinctive diagnostic entity with a psychopathological process different from that of other mental disorders.”

Moreover, results of a small study suggests that women with eating disorders who have attempted suicide may have had a depressive disorder long before their problems with food began. Researchers also found that among 27 eating disorder patients with a history of suicide attempts, two thirds had major depression before the onset of the eating disorder. That compares with just one of 27 patients who had never attempted suicide. Women in the suicidal group also developed depression and anxiety disorders at a younger age than the other women did. A substantial number of people with eating disorders purposely injure themselves or attempt to take their lives, according to the study.

The findings suggest that for most people with eating disorders and no history of suicidal behavior, depression may be a consequence of the eating disorder. But for those who are suicidal, the first and perhaps most “central” psychological problem may often be major depression. Therefore, people with eating disorders and a history of depression may be at increased risk for suicide. This, they note, suggests the need to put more emphasis on regulating emotion and mood in treating these patients.

It is amazing to delve into the statistics and discover exactly how many people who suffer from depression and eating disorders, still appears to be a puzzle to understanding. To this day, scientists and researchers are still trying to determine the exact causes of these eating disorders and, specifically, if it was depression that triggered the disorder or the other way around. What’s more important is finding the main trigger to the depression. The helplessness and hopelessness that comes from eating disorders are plenty enough to aggravate someone’s moods. The person with the eating disorder feels helpless and they feel out of control, while desperately searching for control by starvation or purging.