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The Double “O” Of Poor Health



The article is about the issues of being overweight and obesity, which are considered as the two “O’s” of poor health. Millions of people are prone to heart disease, kidney problems, and other health problems due to being overweight. Regular exercise, a low-fat diet, and if necessary, the use of weight loss pills are presented as the effective means of weight reduction and health management.

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weight loss pill, weight loss diet pill, best weight loss pill, rapid weight loss pill

For many people around the world, the struggle with being overweight is more than just an issue of aesthetics or physical appearance. It is a very real health concern for almost 300 million people around the world. What is even more alarming is that 22 million of the world’s children below five years old are classified as obese or overweight. Based on a 2000 study released by Media Awareness Network, eight out of 10 Americans above 25 years of age are overweight. The actual figures show that 58 million Americans are overweight and 40 million are obese.

To the average person, being overweight is visually judged and not measured accurately based on medical or scientific parameters. Having the so-called love handles, beer belly, and other bulges around the body are often the obvious signs of being overweight. Being overweight generally indicates that a person has more body fat than what is considered useful for the body’s functions. Obesity, on the other hand, is defined as a condition in which the stored fatty tissues in a person’s body are increased to a point where it is already a health risk.

There are actual standards set by nutritionist-dietitians using the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is a statistical measure of the weight and body fat of a person scaled according to height. BMI is used by health professionals to discuss a patient’s “thinness” or “fatness.” However, there are limits to the use of BMI as a health assessment tool since it may overestimate body fat in athletes and other individuals who are well-built; and it may underestimate body fat in the elderly or those who have lost muscle mass. Another method used to as a health assessment tool is called Waist Circumference Factor, which is simply the measurement of the distance around a person’s abdomen. Based on an advisory released by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, those who are at risk of developing heart problems and other chronic diseases are women with a waist circumference of over 35 inches; and men with a waist circumference of more than 40 inches. For Asian populations, the World Health Organization has recommended that women maintain a waist circumference of not over 31 inches; and not more that 35 inches for men.

But what does waist line circumference or body mass index all add up to? Why do we need to know our weight or the measurement of our waistline? Researches and studies all point out that overweight or obese individuals are more prone to heart disease, diabetes, kidney problems, and a host of other serious illnesses.
The good news is that many people are now more conscious about their weight and health in general. The remarkable growth of the sports and fitness industries point out that more and more people are taking their physical health more seriously. Enrollment in gyms and other health clubs have risen over the years. The popularity of the fitness franchises like Gold’s Gym and Fitness First not only in America but in other parts of the world have made weight lifting and aerobics household words. Even in places where gym memberships are considered as luxuries, minds are being changed as awareness about the need for regular physical exercise is made more widespread and in-depth. In fact, a number of fitness programs have sprung up and have become the latest fads followed by fitness buffs and regular people alike. Pilates, boxing, tae-bo, yoga, and even belly dancing are among the most popular routines utilized by professional fitness experts to teach people who want to lose weight or those who want to improve their physical appearance.

Still, doing physical exercise may no longer be an option for certain people. Those who are extremely overweight or obese need more help in losing unwanted pounds. The use of a weight loss pill is one of the options that can be taken to shed the extra weight. If properly used under the supervision of a health care professional, a weight loss pill can work like a miracle drug. It is important to know that not every
weight loss pill works the same. There are as much number of unfounded claims as there are brands of herbal or dietary pills in the market. These claims can range from the decreasing a person’s appetite to ensuring the increase of calorie and fat metabolism. Quite curiously, almost all of these products claim to be the “best weight loss pill.” Some of these products contain herbs, botanicals, laxatives and even caffeine. The safety or efficacy of these ingredients when taken together has not yet been properly established. Therefore, it is important to be fully informed about the weight loss products they purchase.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a weight loss diet pill called Orlistat (commonly marketed under the brand name Xenical) that is used in conjunction with a reduced-calorie or low-fat diet and regular exercise. This product works by blocking fat absorption in the intestine. In capsule form, this rapid weight loss pill is taken three times a day with meals.

Indeed, one need not become part of the statistics. Weight loss is not an impossible goal especially if one gets adequate advice from a health professional. The combination of regular exercise, low-fat diet and, if necessary, the use of weight reduction medications can put an overweight or obese individual on the road back to health.

Health Goals

The Dot Com Era is Back



In a recent article titled “Internet use threatens to overtake TV in Canada” it discusses the threat of online marketing to traditional media sources in Canada. This isn’t a a threat anymore in the US. It is a fact.

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Home Business Internet Media

In a recent article titled “Internet use threatens to overtake TV in Canada” it discusses the threat of online marketing to traditional media sources in Canada. This isn’t a a threat anymore in the US. It is a fact.

An article written by Thomas Mucha from Business 2.0 says:

People are spending more time online than watching TV, which gives marketers a better chance to reach consumers in a place where they are just one click away from making a purchase. “More than 75 percent of companies using the Internet to advertise report confidence in their return on investment,” writes the study’s lead author, Jupiter Research senior analyst Gary Stein. This confidence, Stein argues, will sustain spending momentum across all the key online ad areas: paid search, display ads, classified ads, and rich media.

Interesting to note that two studies are similar. Although The Ipsos Reid study of Canada claims radio is losing more interest than TV in Canada, it may soon lose to the Internet as well.

Mr. Mucha claims 40 percent of total spending by 2010 will be paid advertisements on Google, Yahoo and MSN to an estimate of $19 billion per year. Not much wonder why the search engines are trying to dominate each other and the marketplace. The one that becomes the most popular will also make the most money.

What will become of the little guy? Will it put an end to buying keywords for ad placement on search engines? Will the small business owner get shoved out of the picture? Maybe not altogether… but let’s face it. If GM decides they want to use the keywords you are using, can you afford to compete? The search engines will be laughing “all the way to the bank” and the cost per clicks will just keeping going up… (he-he) similar to the price of gasoline at the pumps these days.

Even though the cost of clicks may get pricey, the major search engines will always have to index relevant websites and include these results and return them on any keyword search. Professional sites (versus linkfarm, affiliate, spam sites) will always be in favour, and the sooner business can get their company sites built, if they haven’t already; the better. Google seems to be the top search engine right now, and new sites often get sandboxed. If they hold on to their dominant position, new websites want to make sure this doesn’t happen to them.

I’ve always felt that there was something Google was doing that gave some sites more relevance than others in its index, but wasn’t sure how it was applied. At the Search Engine Strategies conference last week in San Jose, California, Rand Fishkin learned that Google places some new Web sites, “regardless of their merit, or lack thereof, in a sort of probationary category” for six months to a year to “allow time to determine how users react to a new site, who links to it, etc.”

On a final piece of advice he suggests:

“Several people have also predicted that Yahoo! or MSN may take up similar techniques to help stop spam. This phenomenon could seriously undermine new SEO/Ms and new campaigns, but it is a possibility. My recommendation is not to discount this possibility and launch projects or at least holding sites and their promotional efforts ASAP. The web environment right now is still relatively friendly to new sites, but will certainly become more competitive and unforgiving with time, no matter what search engine filters exist.”

Although it is starting to sound a little like the “Dot Com era is back” it will be a little different this time around. In 2000 when it went bust, it is partly because the percentage of consumers purchasing online didn’t justify the amount of spending. There was a lack of confidence. It is different now. Jupiter’s study shows that “73 percent of Americans who use the Internet have made a purchase online and four out of five of these potential shoppers have responded to an online ad.”

Health Goals

The Disturbing Trend Of Bulimia



With so many girls striving to have the perfect figure, bulimia has become a trend with deadly consequences. Is there an answer to this epidemic?

You leaf through the pages of glossy magazines, and you’re treated to images of women who are just plain thin. The latest trends in fashion revolve around ladies with what we describe to have the “perfect figure”. Teenagers, still developing and growing, pore over these magazines, wanting to emulate the celebrities. For a young g…

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This article deals with
fast weight loss, rapid weight loss, hoodia gordonii, lose weight, weight loss

With so many girls striving to have the perfect figure, bulimia has become a trend with deadly consequences. Is there an answer to this epidemic?

You leaf through the pages of glossy magazines, and you’re treated to images of women who are just plain thin. The latest trends in fashion revolve around ladies with what we describe to have the “perfect figure”. Teenagers, still developing and growing, pore over these magazines, wanting to emulate the celebrities. For a young girl with a less than ideal figure, the quest for fast weight loss is a one that sometimes takes a dangerous turn.

In a world where fad diets are abundant, the idea of fast weight loss isn’t a novel one. Lately, more and more people are turning to more drastic measures to accomplish their fast weight loss goals. Bulimia is one example of this, a tragic disorder that doesn’t affect just teenagers. It affects men, women, and young people from all walks of life.

Bulimia is the common name for bulimia nervosa, an eating disorder suffered primarily by those on a quest for rapid weight loss. It is characterized by overindulgence in food called “binge eating” followed by some sort of “purging” to get rid of the unwanted food. The most common means is by vomiting. Other methods include exercising to the point of exhaustion, abuse of laxatives, or fasting.

People who haven’t suffered from this disorder may have trouble understanding how someone could overeat then induce vomiting. It is a disorder that is looked down upon, and most bulimia sufferers are ashamed and embarrassed to seek help. They often wish they could just “stop” purging, but the fast weight loss they’re experiencing is something they just can’t let go of.

What makes things worse is that they are usually praised for this fast weight loss. Since
most of their loved ones are unaware of their problem, friends and family members compliment them on how great they look. This response makes it harder to stop. Once a person has developed bulimia, the problem is as much psychological as physical. In fact, in many cases it’s about loss of control.

It’s important to remember that fast weight loss isn’t usually the safest route to lose weight. Sure, we all want immediate results, but disorders like bulimia can have devastating effects. In your quest for fast weight loss, you could destroy your teeth, become unfertile, suffer heart problems, and even lose your life.

If you suffer from bulimia, it’s important to seek help. Simply vowing to “stop” is not always something that you can follow through with. A trained professional can help you make lifestyle choices that allow you to conquer this disease.

If you’ve recovered from bulimia and feel frustrated by the fact that you no longer experience fast weight loss, your primary problem is probably your lack of willpower. While you’re used to being able to overeat, now you feel deprived. The good news is now you can feel full and satisfied. You can have that willpower to say “no” to extra servings, and you can still achieve fast weight loss in a healthy, natural way.

If you haven’t heard of Hoodia Gordonii, this could be an answer to prayer. This product is not a drug, so there are no dangerous side effects. Classified as a vegetable, this cactus-like plant has been used for centuries by Bushmen who used it to ward off hunger while on long journeys through the desert. It curbs the appetite by up to 2000 calories per day. The fact that you feel full and satisfied will give you the willpower to cut calories and achieve the rapid weight loss you desire. You owe it to yourself to lose weight the safe and healthy way.

Health Goals

The Disabled Can Now Go Biking!

This article was originally written by Lala C. Ballatan

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For us who are still young enough, we really haven’t discover yet how frustrating it is to become paralyzed/disabled or impaired after leading an active and normal life. Or for those of us who haven’t gotten into serious injury that impaired our motor skills, we really have no knowledge how devastating it could be to lie helpless and immobile. Sometimes, for those who have experienced this kind of physical pain and anguish over being paralyzed, the frustration is doubled when paralysis prevents them from ever doing their favorite sport or activity.
I do love biking. As a child I would go on late night biking around our village just to feel the exhilaration of experiencing a different kind of freedom. Biking gives me a sense of awareness over every part of my body being alive and active. I dread the day that I’ll grow old enough or be paralyzed and unable to ride a bike anymore! Oh, but it is dreadful to be deprived of the pleasure of riding a bike, again!
It’s quite good to note then that some people are appreciative of the bike for the paralyzed, reported on the BBC news on November 15, 2004, like Eleanor Freewheeling has expressed at ewheeling.over-blog/article-17631.html on November 23, 2004.
According to the BBC news, people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries could soon be able to go out biking.
The ‘bike’ is a sort of tricycle which scientists say, works by stimulating the legs electrically. This bike will not only provide a means of transport and recreation, but should also stop muscle wastage and could provide more mobility for the disabled user.
This technique considered as FES (functional electrical stimulation) tricycling has been developed by teams from University College London (UCL) and the University of Glasgow. FES involves stimulating paralyzed muscles by passing short pulses of current through electrodes on the skin. A stimulator synchronizes the stimulation with the pedal position while the person has a ‘throttle’ to control how much stimulation is applied – rather like a motor bike with the legs as the engine.
Within a year, we should be expecting the availability of this device, dubbed as the ‘recumbent tricycle’. Professor Nick Donaldson, one of the members of the team said that this device will help get the impaired people back into exercising safely. This will do them a lot of good since these disabled persons may not be open to the option of exercising, yet. The only current way being applied to wheelchair-bound persons’ in order to exercise the paralyzed muscles is by electrical stimulation. But it was not much fun to just stimulate the muscles during special sessions.
Thus in developing the bike, the team was to create a system where wheelchair athletes can use from home and will be fun to use. The new tricycle can be used at home to train the muscles while stationary, or for recreation outdoors.

Health Goals

The Different Types of Treadmills

This article was originally written by Paul Johnson

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When we usually think of treadmills, we tend to think that there is only one type on the market. However, this is very far from the truth as there are a couple of different types of treadmills.
There is, of course, the home treadmill that most are familiar with. However, the other type of treadmill is the commercial treadmill, which are the ones that are usually seen in the gym.
Most exercise gurus will pursue getting home treadmill. They range from cheap, manual treadmills up to the higher quality ones that are designed for those with extensive running and cross training in their workouts.
Competition in the treadmill industry is extremely high. There are hundreds of brands and types of treadmills that are all competing for your money.
There are folding home treadmill varieties which are great space savers as they can fold up and be put in a closet or under a bed. However this type of treadmill lacks an extremely sold form that most home treadmills possess.
The other variety of treadmill is known as the commercial treadmill. This type of treadmill is used in a gym or other type of commercial setting such as a doctor’s office.
A commercial treadmill tends to have a higher powered motor with more horsepower than a home machine. It also has more a bulky and rugged look to it and feels extremely stable, which does eliminate finding folding varieties of commercial treadmills.
Due to the intended extreme usage there is less of a warranty, roughly 3-4 years, that is included with the purchase of a commercial treadmill.
When a treadmill is intended to be used as one within a commercial type of environment, then it may be only logical for you to get a commercial treadmill.
However, there might be a few treadmills that are categorized as home treadmills, that might be used in other light commercial settings such as in small hotel gyms but in this case, as in all, be sure that you go over the warranty several times.
There are many decent options for those needing a home treadmill. If your workout is only going to include walking for the life of your machine then a smaller, less expensive variety will do as more than capable.
Avid runners and exercisers are encouraged to get a higher priced ranged home machine that will have more features and include higher length warranties.
The only real difference in the two types of treadmills is that of the warranty length and the type of usage.

Find out why treadmills can burn fat more efficiently than almost any other exercise. See reviews and useful information. Click ==>

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The Different Sexual Health Disorders



This article is about the different kinds of sexual health disorders. It briefly discusses the different factors that may cause the different sexual dysfunctions. It enumerates and briefly discusses the different general classes of sexual disorders. In the article, a general treatment scope was enumerated.

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sexual health

When you have sex with someone, things don’t always go as you planned it. There may be a little problem here and there. It may be your partner, it may be you. It may be temporary, or it may be repetitive and long term. Sexual health disorders are long lasting and are often related to sexual contact. These problems often impact a person’s life and his relationships in a negative way.

In different parts of the globe, an estimated two percent of the population each year approach general practitioners with questions and complaints regarding their sexual health. Half of those people report having sexual problems. Even mental health experts are approached regarding concerns and problems in the sexual field. What causes sexual disorders?

There is no single specific reason for people experiencing sexual problems, it is often a combination of many. It may fall under physical, psychological, or social causes.

Physical factors may include abnormalities in the body that causes the sexual dysfunction. It may be a hormone regulation disorder caused by certain medications taken by the person which can in turn result in a decreased interest in sex, irritation in a woman’s vagina, or operations on the genitals that may cause discomfort during sex.

Psychological factors include the person’s feelings, thoughts, and perceptions that may result to sexual problems. It may be a negative emotion for his or her partner, a feeling of shame for his own body, unpleasant memories of event in the past, or it may be a person’s fears or restrictions regarding the sexual act.

Social factors may be the different values and standards inculcated to a person’s mind while growing up, traumatic events, or even the behavior of the partner during the sexual act itself. It may also be caused by external stress factors which may include unemployment, financial situations, domestic concerns.

Different kinds of sexual problems:
Sexual health disorders may be sub-divided into:
l Reduced sexual desire. This refers to sexual dysfunctions wherein a person feels a a lack of interest in having sexual intercourse, and a certain aversion to any form of sexual contact.
l Sexual arousal disorders. This refers to a condition wherein a man feels sexually excited but is unable to sustain an erection, or for a woman to muster sufficient lubrication for the intercourse.
l Orgasm disorders. This condition may entail early ejaculation or no ejaculation at all.
l Sexual pain disorders. This dysfunction causes a man or a woman to feel pain during the act of making love.

Each dysfunction has its own corresponding treatment. However, to generalize treatments, doctors use the following:
l Therapy. This entails identifying the root cause of the problem if it is indeed psychological. This means consulting to a sexologist or a psychologist who specializes in sexual dysfunctions.
l Physical checkup. A doctor runs a complete diagnostic to see if the problem lies with the body. This may require the need of a gynecologist or a urologist for treatment.
l Medications. Certain drugs may be prescribed to aid a person in achieving or sustaining an erection, or lubricant production.

Having sexual disorders is not a simple problem. If left untreated it may it may develop into a more serious problem that can affect even a person’s mental health aside from his sexual health. So don’t be afraid to step forward and seek help, your happiness and well-being may depend on it.

Health Goals

The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

This article was originally written by Dr Edward Steiner

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There are two main types of exercise. Aerobic and Anaeobic exercise. Let’s start with the first one. Aerobic literally means with oxygen. Aerobic exercise has an important distinction; it burns fat as its main fuel. Can anyone find a use for this? Anaerobic means without oxygen. Anaerobic burns sugar as its main fuel. Despite popular myth, exercise doesn’t have to be drastic to provide massive physiological benefits. Even light exercise will burn fat.
Light exercise clears out lactic acid (a waste product in the body) and stimulates cells to regenerate. To ensure you’re exercising aerobically (burning fat) rather than exercising anaerobically, it’s important to ensure you do several things as you exercise.
The most important is to breathe deep as you exercise. Breathe in deep into your stomach through your nose, hold it and then exhale hard through your mouth.
Secondly, make sure that you exercise at a level that’s comfortable. Exercise at a level of 7/10. You should still be able to carry on a conversation while you exercise. Do this for at least 45 minutes a day and notice your energy explode.
Do you think you don’t have time to do this? There is always time. Use the time you would have spent sleeping to replenish your body. I guarantee that you’ll need less sleep. Use the time in your lunch break to exercise. The increase in productivity will have you more on the ball, and save you time through the dramatic increase in productivity. See, with the increased oxygen from aerobic exercise your brain speed and efficiency increases.
Ride a bike, walk, swim or play sport. Rebounding (or cellularise as it’s now known) is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise around. If you have access to a rebounder, use it. Use any break you have whilst working to engage in some form of movement and deep breathing.
Exercise also strongly benefits the heart. It literally makes it a larger and stronger organ. Deep breathing makes the lungs stronger and larger. Research is now linking exercise to helping benefit and prevent almost every type of disease or ailment.
Movement of any joints promotes blood flow and creates energy. Sitting down all day actually robs the body of energy. If you sit down all day it’s absolutely vital that you promote blood flow, circulation, energy, brain flow and the strength of your heart.

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The Diet / Cancer Link

This article was originally written by Simon Mitchell

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Attitudes to the link between diet and cancer are changing fast. The World Cancer Research Fund was founded specifically to fund and sponsor education and research into the diet-cancer link. There is mounting evidence that the high fat intake in a typical Western diet, along with the low intake of nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits and wholegrains, may be responsible for up to 35% of cancers.
The World Cancer Research Fund is the only major national charity concerned with the link between cancer and food, nutrition and lifestyle factors. Their report ‘Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: a global perspective’ gives guidelines consistent with those published by the World Health Organisation, the E.U. ‘Europe against Cancer’ initiative and other authoritative organisations. The idea of an ‘anti-cancer diet’ promotes prevention by strengthening the immune system directly and has partly led to the promotion of a ‘five a day’ campaign for fresh fruit and vegetables.
The intensification of agricultural practices has led to a decline of between 25% to 75% in the levels of key mineral nutrients in farmed vegetables over the last 60 years. There has also been a rise in farmed fruit sugar levels, so much so that some ‘natural’ fruit juices now contain as much sugar as a fizzy drink.
If we can source quality food, our cooking methods often destroy the nutritional content. Studies show that fresh, uncooked vegetables strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to many diseases. Cabbage placed in cold water and boiled loses about 75% of its vitamin C content. Similarly fresh peas cooked for only five minutes lose 20-40% of their Thiamine content and 30-40% of their vitamin C. About 50% of vitamin E is destroyed by frying or baking food.
Tests in Spain recently measured the levels of flavonoids (a kind of antioxidant) left in fresh broccoli after it was cooked. The results show large differences in flavonoid content according to how the broccoli was prepared. The cooking methods were:

boiling – 66% loss
pressure-cooking – 53% loss of major antioxidant
steaming – minimal loss of antioxidants
microwaving – 97% loss of flavonoids

Scientists in Finland found that blanching and deep-freezing vegetables destroyed beneficial compounds. Blanching prior to freezing destroyed up to one-third of the vitamin C content of vegetables and more was lost in storage. The healing properties of uncooked foods are being increasingly recognised in natural cancer therapies.
The more we let food industries create what we eat the more likely we are to be at risk from diet related problems. In effect the commercial interests of food manufacturers are systematically robbing unwary shoppers of health, and eventually life. The more control and information we have in sourcing pure foodstuffs, the less at risk we are from dis-ease for nutritional reasons. One of the first steps in finding a healthy diet is changing how and where we shop and sourcing foods we can trust. The supermarkets give us thousands of choices but few options. Try to find for example, one of the many varieties of biscuits available that do not contain ‘hydrogenated vegetable oil’.
Too much protein in a diet is also harmful to health and can promote cancer. Meat and sugar-rich diets are common in the West. These are often overcooked or over processed. When cooked or processed foods are eaten our white blood cells (leukocytes) rush to the intestine to help with digestion. As a result other parts of the body may be left undefended from attack by germs and viruses after a heavily synthetic meal.
Biological enhancement of crops, growth hormones in milk and meat, mercury in our mouths, colorants and carcinogens in food are commonplace. The foot and mouth epidemic, B.S.E. in sheep and cattle, nuclear radiation and the de-naturalisation of our food are examples of how common sense is abandoned to profit. The ‘Precautionary Principle’ is too often being overlooked in the rush of science.
The genetic modification of foodstuffs for example is still largely untested and many of its results are open to interpretation. Scientific knowledge of the processes involved is actually at an early stage. Little is known about side effects, how gene function is controlled, gene transfer into other organisms such as bacteria in the human gut. The British Medical Association (B.M.A.) has said that the potential adverse effects have not been sufficiently investigated and strongly recommend caution. The United Nations’ safety body, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, has warned that the failure to carry out full health checks on G.M. foods could lead to toxic reactions, allergies and increased resistance to antibiotics.
Experience has shown that genetically modified and organic foods cannot exist together because genetically modified crops will cross-pollinate with any others. Contamination of the whole food chain has already occurred within a couple of years. Biotechnology companies that are facing opposition in Europe are targeting less well resourced countries such as India in the hope that genetically modified organisms will spread irreversibly before public opinion has time to intervene.
In addition to avoiding the carcinogens that are increasing everywhere in our culture, we need a complex yet balanced mixture of specific minerals and nutrients to maintain ourselves in a healthy way. Recent government policy recommends we should eat a minimum of five or six fruit and vegetable types in any given day. The British Dietetic Association’s survey shows that the typical English diet includes only 3.3 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. The Scottish consume 2.7 portions a day while the Irish get only a measly 2.3. New research from Spain suggests that the quality of food and its method of preparation are as important as the quantity, since many of the nutrients in food are destroyed during industrial preparation and even in domestic cooking processes. In order to gain the breadth of specific minerals we need to maintain health using food, we need fresh, quality food types, cooked appropriately, or at least someone to sell us the right supplements!
The quick-fix mentality of Western culture has grown so used to pill-popping supplements that markets have responded to this. The American public uses increasing amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements. A survey conducted by the Federal Drugs Authority (F.D.A.) in America states that over 60 million Americans believe that vitamin supplements are essential for good health. The report also shows that about 20 million Americans believe that mineral deficiency is a primary cause of disease, including cancer, which shows what a good marketing job the supplements industry has done. Drug corporations are moving quickly into the supplements industry following market forces. Legislation in Europe is posed to ban many supplements (like herbs) that have a natural source, in preference to pharmaceutical alternatives. Even though appropriate dietary supplements are becoming recognised as a useful tool in maintaining health, legislation is fast catching up to regulate this field, showing a clear preference to synthetic chemicals.
In 1980 the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Dietary Allowances (who established R.D.A.’s or Recommended Daily Allowances) found no scientific evidence for nutritional benefits from vitamins, minerals or trace elements in dosages greater than those supplied by a balanced diet. Supplement industries with generous advertising budgets persuade many people that it is better to have ‘expensive urine’ than be at risk to disease through lacking the right vitamin or mineral in a diet.

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The Diagnosis Myth

This article was originally written by Eric Shapiro

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Although I risk dissension by doing so, I must say something that I think many of us in the mental health community have acknowledged for quite some time: every single diagnosis of a mental disorder is fallible.
Before I proceed, I should note the value of diagnoses. They are immensely useful categorical tools. The human being cannot productively navigate the uncertain tides of reality without the use of symbols and structures. Symbols and structures allow us to determine where our glasses end and our tables begin. Accordingly, when Patient A is compulsively cleaning her apartment and Patient B is speaking to invisible demons, it is important to have the words “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” to describe the former and the word “Schizophrenia” to describe the latter. Categorizations such as these not only help us to distinguish between ailments, they also assist us in making reliable behavioral predictions and selecting appropriate modes of treatment. I have no intention of ignoring these facts.
However, two unsettling flaws consistently accompany diagnoses of mental disorders.
When one breaks an arm and is diagnosed with the linguistically sophisticated ailment known as a “broken arm,” there is finitude on display. Witnesses could line up from the patient’s bed to the hospital parking lot, and they would all agree that the patient was suffering from a broken arm. The Law of Averages insists that one or two jokers would, due to rebelliousness or sheer foolishness, concoct some other diagnosis, but I believe that my point is clear: physical diagnoses are better suited for objective consideration than are mental ones.
Despite the probable existence of Patient A and Patient B, the mind is a realm of liquidity and abstractions. Absent are any features remotely approaching the rigidity of a bone. Even for its most stubborn bearers, the mind is a place of motion. When it is possible for a Depressed patient to shift from numbness to panic to auditory hallucinations within the space of a single afternoon, of what ultimate use is the “Depression” label? To be sure, some symptoms achieve prominence within some minds, but all minds, we must acknowledge, never stop shifting, advancing, reversing, and flowing. Every mental disorder is therefore an abstraction at best.
I have been diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This seems about right, but what am I to make of my occasional bouts of Panic? Are they “part of” my O.C.D., or do I also have Panic Disorder? And, further, what am I to make of the one or two professionals who have said that I may have Attention-Deficit Disorder? Is my A.D.D. an offshoot of my O.C.D. or does my O.C.D. stem from my A.D.D.? Which of the two shares a stronger bond with my Panic? Even more confusing: as part of my O.C.D., I sometimes obsess about the possibility of becoming Manic. This obsession seems to tangibly alter my moods, but am I authentically Manic, or am I merely Obsessed? I feel like panicking.
We must admit that all mental disorders, however distinctive their given names, are members of one large dysfunctional family. This family is so huge that I question the merits of memorizing all its members’ names and faces.
The second inevitable defect of a mental illness diagnosis is the fact that Its Recipient Is Also Its Source. In other words, because the mind of a diagnosed patient is the seat of her affliction, knowledge of a diagnosis can provoke greater mental distress. Said distress can arrive in several forms. The patient’s symptoms may increase due to her renewed awareness. The patient may develop an Inferiority Complex (yet another disorder!) or drift into a state of panic. Most troubling, the patient may adhere so strongly to the notion of being SICK that her mind will never trust itself to part with its imbalance.
I can sense the naysayers closing in on me. You likely think, “The patient will surely never improve if she’s ignorant about the existence of her disorder!”
I agree wholeheartedly. Acknowledging the presence of a problem is the first step toward solving it. Nonetheless, our collective perception of mental diagnoses is ripe for a change. Not only do these labels fail to holistically summarize the people they’re attached to, they also tend to make said people feel stuck.
Upon being diagnosed with a mental disorder, a patient should regard her diagnosis as a handy signpost en route to treatment and recovery. Regarding such disorders as fixed, deep-rooted states is a terrific way to make them hang around longer and sink in even deeper.

Health Goals

The Dental Infections,Root Canal Infections – Bacteria and Other Microorganisms are Involved

This article was originally written by George Meinig

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A crucial factor in root canal infections is the role of bacteria. Dr. Price and the Research Institute’s bacteriolotists and other key works isolated the same streptococcus, staphloccus, and spirochete families of organisms from the teeth and mouth as investigators find today.
This article is part of Dr. George Meinig’s, DDS, FACD, research information of the extensive and investigative research of Dr. Weston Price’s,DDS,FACD, research work.
Although any one of these organisms could be causative of oral infections people suffer, they found that over 90 percent of the time the bacteria involved were of the streptococcus species. It will surprise you to learn that when a dentist cuts only the enamel of a tooth, no pain is involved unless the tooth becomes overheated by a fast moving drill or diamond stone. Once the dentin just under the enamel is contacted, however, most people experience discomfort. While it was previously believed there are no nerve fibers in dentin, electron-microscope studies of the dentin tubules now show they do contain very fine nerve fibers. The dentin isn’t as hard as enamel because it is composed of tiny hollow tubules, so small they can be seen only through a microscope. These dentin tubules have a number of characteristics and functions which are very important to our understanding the process of tooth infection.
The tubules contain a fluid, and this fluid carries nutrients and other matter needed to keep teeth Healthy.
To accomplish its tasks, the fluid movement in the dentin flows through all of the dentin to, and even through, the enamel; the hard enamel substance is porous enough to permit such movement.
It is this fluid which nourishes all parts of teeth and is responsible for sustaining their life.
When a person eats SUGAR, the fluid flow in the dentin tubules from the pulp outward is actually reversed. By now many of scientists have documented this interesting phenomenon.
In recent years, Dr. Ralph R. Steinman, Professor Emeritus from the Loma Linda University Dental School, found in studies of rats that the flow reversed when injected glucose (sugar) under the skin of their abdomens.
He also introduced sugar directly into their stomachs through the use of a stomach tube and has the same result. This showed that, contrary to popular belief, sugar doesn’t have to touch teeth at all for its presence to result in a severe amount of tooth decay.
These investigations clearly demonstrate that the reversal of fluid flow in the dentin tubules could be created by DETRIMENTAL NUTRITIONAL CHANGES which in turn, would be responsible for servere systemic changes to the bodies of humans and animals.
Copyright 2006 SSLI Health Group