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The Expectations on the Children of Geniuses



Children of important figures will always have to live with the weight of the reputation their name brings. How they deal with it is up to them, but excessive pressure can lead to performance anxiety or status anxiety.

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status anxiety, performance anxiety

Hitler was once reported to have said that he was bound by duty never to father children, for “the children of a genius inevitably turn out to be fools.” While Adolf Hitler can be seen as being wrong in a number of things, there are several instances in history where the children of proclaimed geniuses did turn out to be disappointments. However, one should be careful to note that these “failures” may be a combination of their famed predecessor’s reputation causing performance anxiety or status anxiety to take root and not matters of true incompetence. In the end, Hitler may or may not have understood that the children of a person known to be a genius inevitably buckle under the strain of having to live up to their famed parent’s reputation.

A reputation can be a daunting thing to have to go up against, but some believe that it can be even worse to have to live up to. The children of a military genius will find themselves stereotyped and pressured into entering the military, as a means of preserving their parent’s “legacy.” However, performance anxiety can step in when the pressure is too great and the child begins to fear the idea of failing to live up to that formidable reputation, or if the child begins to believe that it is an obstacle he cannot overcome. Some studies and comments have shown that performance anxiety caused by being the child of a genius stems from the psychological perception that, no matter what the offspring has done, it will never really match up to the achievements of the parent.

Status anxiety, however, may have an opposite effect. Having the reputation of famous forebear might push the child to excel in a different field, both to prove that he is just as good as his parent, while ironically escaping the inevitable comparisons that will be made if he entered the same field. Status anxiety can also push a child in the same field as a famous parent to excel in their chosen field, taking the reputation of the parent and re-shaping it into a family reputation. This is quite rare, with several generations being able to do more than just live off a reputation being rarer still. Historically, this was seen in long dynasties, particularly ones with great figures at some point in the bloodline. An example of this would be the Bourbon line of France, with the “Sun King,” Louis XIV, as one of the lineages’ most prominent figures. His grandson, Louis XIV, inevitably failed to live up to his grandfather’s legacy, though he did inherit a kingdom on the verge of revolution.

Regardless of which route the child takes, the burden to perform will always be present. Comparisons will always be made by outsiders and, at times, even the child’s own family. However, how the descendant chooses to deal with the ancestor’s reputation remains the child’s choice, even if external factors may force him to choose one course of action or another. As already mentioned, the child can allow himself to buckle under the strain of the reputation, or he can work through it and form a reputation in his own right.

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The Exact Reason Why Cardio is Essential: Avoiding The Starvation Response

This article was originally written by Johnny Lavot

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Cardio, Calories, and the Starvation Response
Most of the time, when someone decides that they want to lose fat, they inevitably head for the nearest fad diet. However, 95% (closer to 100%) of the time, these fad diets fail. The reason they fail is because exercise is rarely incorporated into the program. In order to lose fat, there must be a deficit of calories in the diet. In other words, your body must use more calories than you eat in order to use its fat stores for energy. This seems simple enough; however, it becomes a bit more complicated. There are two ways a calorie deficit can be accomplished. The first one is to eat fewer calories. The second one is to use more calories (exercise). The best way to accomplish fat loss without hitting a plateau and failing is a combination of both. You must eat less calories and burn more calories. If you try to accomplish a calorie deficit only by eating less calories, then you’re body thinks it’s starving, and will go into a “starvation mode” where it lowers its metabolism in order to prepare for a period of little food (this is more than likely a protective response from years ago when food actually did become scarce, unlike today). Another reason that the metabolism is lowered is because when there is a period of little food, your body tries its best to protect the brain. The brain always requires glucose (carbohydrates that are in the body) to run; however, glucose can not be stored in the body. Therefore, the only way for the body to get glucose is to eat its own muscle (muscle can be converted to glucose) – which lowers your metabolism and causes the starvation response. So, the body accomplishes two things by eating its own muscle: it provides glucose for the brain and causes your body to require less food, since less muscle equals a lower metabolism. When the starvation response is elicited, you smack into the fat loss plateau and the fad diet fails.
When you incorporate exercise into your routine, your body feels more comfortable with not lowering your metabolism. If you are exercising frequently, then your body thinks, “I’m actually doing something, so there is probably an abundance of food now, and I shouldn’t worry too much.” Therefore, the starvation response is mostly avoided. Two important forms of exercise to produce this affect are weight training and aerobic exercise (cardio). However, this article is mostly about cardio.
The goal of cardio is to burn calories while avoiding the starvation response. Many times when you mention “exercise” or “cardio”, people immediately get negative thoughts in their head about the extreme difficulty of doing such exercise, but these thoughts are misguided. Cardio gets easier as your body adapts, is very rewarding, and can even be fun.
How Cardio Becomes Easier While Still Burning the Same Amount of Calories
As you do cardio more and more, you body begins to adapt and become better at performing the same work, but with less perceived effort. The body becomes able to move nutrients and oxygen around faster because you build new capillaries, the cells produce more mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell), your heart becomes more powerful, your body produces more blood, and a host of other adaptations that would cover a whole textbook. The main thing to note here is that you still burn the same amount of calories, even after your body adapts and cardio becomes easier. However, with your new, more adapted body, you will be able to accomplish exercise that burns even more calories resulting in even more fat loss. For instance, in order to burn 300 calories, you would have to walk for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. In contrast, jogging for about 25-30 minutes (the amount of time will vary depending upon your speed) will burn 300 calories. Obviously, the last one is more practical unless you just have a huge amount of time on your hands. Walking also doesn’t elicit the endorphin high that running/jogging does either (discussed later).
The Overload Principle
When you begin a cardio program, your first goal should probably be to adapt to the point where you can burn a sufficient amount of calories. This involves the overload principle. The overload principle is simple: in order to initiate adaptations within your body you must exercise with either a greater intensity, duration, or frequency. Depending upon the type you decide to overload (intensity, duration, or frequency), you will adapt to that type. For instance, if you want to run faster in the same amount of distance, you should run faster, and your body will adapt to that. If you want to run farther, you should run farther, and your body will adapt to that. There is a high degree of specificy that goals along with this principle, but that is the topic for another article. Pretty much, the overload principle reveals that doing the same routine every time without trying to push yourself harder will result in no adaptations. For instance, if you do the same aerobics tape everyday, then your body will never adapt any further – since there is no need for it to. However, if you were to get a more advanced tape and do it, this would initiate an adaptation in your body, but then you would have to find an even harder tape to initiate any further adaptations. Keep in mind though, if you decide to stay at the same level of fitness and do the same routine, then you will still burn the same amount of calories, and if your goal is just fat loss this may be a potential option for you.
Just Get Started!
If you haven’t done any cardio for a while, you should obviously start out small. Start out with just a brisk walk, then intermittent jogs while you are jogging, then finally, you will be able to jog the whole time, and then increase your times/speed to the point where you are happy. The hardest part is really just to start doing something. Once you get your momentum going by exercising for the first time, even if you have to start out small, you have already accomplished the hardest part.
Your Body’s Reward to You: An Endorphin High
In addition to burning off unwanted fat, doing cardio gives you something called an “endorphin high”. This all natural high induces a feeling of well-being, relaxation, improvement in mood, and increase in your ability to think more clearly. It’s theorized that this is the reason why many long distance runners are “addicted” to running – they love the high they get afterwards! Once you’ve experienced one of these, you’re even more likely to continue your regime and therefore continue to burn off fat.
Cardio in the Morning?
Although calories are the most important thing when considering fat loss; you must also realize that not all calories are created equal. When you wake up in the morning, you body is low on something called glycogen. Glycogen is essentially another word for stored carbohydrates in the body. When exercising, glycogen is a more preferred fuel source to the body in comparison to fat. Your body always uses a mixture of glycogen and fat to run, but the ratio is many times dependant upon the availability of these fuel sources. So, when your body is low on glycogen in the morning, it is forced to burn fat at a higher ratio than if you had just eaten. Therefore, doing cardio in a fasted state will burn more fat than doing it in a non-fasted state. In one study, the researchers concluded that this method can burn 17% more fat in comparison to if you had just eaten (1). Another study agrees with this by stating, “our results support the hypothesis that endurance training enhances lipid oxidation (lipid oxidation means the burning of fat) in men after a 12-h fast at low relative exercise intensities” (2). If you decide to perform cardio in the morning, remember to drink lots of water before-hand (you’ll be dehydrated after waking up), and if you want the extra fat burning response, you’ll have to avoid breakfast until after you’re done.
Another reason to exercise in the morning is due to the fact that it will allow you to be in a better mood and to think more clearly for the rest of the day due to the endorphin high. You are also probably more likely to perform cardio in the morning in comparison to the afternoon when you could just blow it off because you are “too tired”.
Make Sure You’re Hydrated
Before starting on your new cardio regime, make sure you are properly hydrated. Water increases your capacity to think and exercise more efficiently. Water is required for nearly every reaction inside of your body. Most people walk around in a state of semi-dehydration. Exercising can cause you to get dizzy and pass-out (this author has experienced this), suffer a heat injury, or in severe cases, cause death. Ever had that thick, cotton-like feeling in your mouth while exercising? Cotton-mouth is an obvious sign that you are dehydrated; if you ever get cotton-mouth while performing aerobic exercise, please realize that you could be performing much better and reducing your risk of experiencing dehydration’s nasty side effects if you only had drank more water beforehand. It is best to drink water throughout the day rather than only around the time you exercise.
One sure fire way to get you pumped up and associate cardio with something positive is to listen to some music before and while doing it. You’ll be surprised at how much better you perform and how much more fun cardio seems.
As stated before, the hardest part about a cardio regime is starting. Remember to incorporate the overload principle when trying to cause an adaptative response, to stay hydrated, and to listen to music while performing your cardio regime. Also, you may even decide that you want to perform your cardio in the morning to feel good and be able to think more clearly for the rest of the day and to burn even more fat. Once you get passed that point and experience some of cardio’s effects such as fat loss without hitting a plateau, a feeling of accomplishment, and that awesome endorphin high, you’ll become addicted. However, no exercise routine is complete without the proper support from an intelligent nutritional program; for more information on this you can visit
1. Brehm, B.A., and Gutin, B. Recovery energy expenditure for steady state exercise in runners and non-exercisers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. (1986) 18: 205.
2. Bergman, BC, Brooks, GA. Respiratory gas-exchange ratios during graded exercise in fed and fasted trained and untrained men. Journal of Applied Physiology. (1999) 86: 2.


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The exact cure for Bad Breath



If you are looking for a cure for bad breath, you will need to inspect the reasons of the bad breath first to sort it out efficiently.

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bad breath,halitosis,norvasc bad breath,cure bad breath with zantac,bad breath in dogs,causes of bad breath,british columbia bad breath,bad breath rem

The precise cure for Bad Breath

If you are looking for a cure for bad breath, you will need to inspect the reasons of the bad breath first to sort it out efficiently. Bad breath is an ordinary state that has an effect on one in four people and it is important to recognize that there is a cure and bad breath could be treated successfully.

There are lots of causes of bad breath as well as oral bacteria, foods, smoking, dentures, and dry mouth. All of those diverse causes of bad breath will be related to either chronic or short-term bad breath. You will get a cure for bad breath for all of these circumstances.

Oral Microorganisms

Oral bacteria is one of the most common reasons of chronic bad breath and could be eliminated through normal brushing and flossing of your teeth and regular brushing or scraping of your tongue. Oral bacterial lives in your mouth and seems to favor the tongue as one of its preferred hiding spots. You should free your mouth from food particles and plaque in order that bacteria cannot prosper in your mouth. When you use a regular brushing and flossing routine, you can get rid of oral bacteria and bad breath from your life.

Food Related Bad Breath

Foods such as onions and garlic will be the source for temporary bad breath and it is suggested that you eat a sprig of parsley, cloves, fennel seeds or peppermint to cover the smell. The stink cannot be eliminated since it creates in your intestinal tract and you should wait a day for the smell to leave your body naturally.

Smoking Related Bad Breath

Smoking brings about chronic bad breath from the smell of the tobacco and as it leaves your gums and teeth prone to gum illness which causes bad breath. To prevent the hazard of mouth and gum disease and bad breath caused by smoking, it is suggested that you quit smoking.

Bad Breath and Dentures

Dentures can cause chronic bad breath when the dentures are not cleaned frequently and properly. Food particles will be caught in the appliances and if not the dentures are washed regularly, the food particles will facilitate oral bacteria thrive in your mouth.

Dry Mouth Related Bad Breath

Dry mouth is a state that will cause temporary or chronic bad breath as moisture assists to clean the tissues of the mouth. If the mouth is too dry, bacteria cannot be moved away from the mouth. You could drink the suggested daily amount of water and juices to replenish the moisture in your mouth tissues and this will help out to flush out oral bacteria. Brushing and flossing have to be often continued when a dry mouth state is current to prevent bad breath.

If you desire to find a cure for bad breath, you should match the remedy to the cause of the bad breath. When you have found a cure for bad breath that works for you, you will feel like it is a new beginning.

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The Evolution of the Birth Control Pill



This article discusses information about a new birth control pill that seemingly prevents monthly periods from happening to those women who takes the pill. Controversies and questions still linger this subject, and research together with other data should relate what women think about this.

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new birth control pill

For most women, the development of a new birth control pill that could also eliminate the discomforts of monthly menstruation would be a milestone in women’s health. But for others, they seem to view their monthly periods as a fundamental symbol for female health and fertility. It might sound puzzling but some women actually prefer to maintain their love-hate relationship with their monthly periods.

This confusing dilemma is also one of the reasons why the Food and Drug Administration is again embroiled in another controversy. The agency is expected to approve the first birth control pill that is specifically designed to eliminate periods for as long as a woman takes the pill. Doctors said that there are no known risks with using this new birth control pill. Still, some women are still uneasy about the whole idea. According to Christine Hitchcock, a researcher from the University of British Columbia, said that her concern is about changing or altering the normal menstrual cycle and hormonal processes inside a woman’s body. She also said that she is becoming worried about the idea that one can turn the body’s functions like ovulation on and off, much like tap.

This viewpoint seems to be one reason why birth control pills that can make women have only four periods in one year have not captured a larger scale of the birth control market. An analyst at Stanford C. Bernstein, Ronny Gal mentioned that this is not an easy decision for women to give up on their monthly period. But if the new birth control pill called Lybrel is approved, Mr. Gal can see an onslaught of marketing and advertising meant for persuading women to do just that. The company that makes Lybrel expects the FDA to approve this new birth control pill soon but has declined to discuss about their advertising and marketing plans.

Research shows that nearly two thirds of women surveyed have expressed an interest in taking medication to control the frequency of their periods. Studies have also found no extra health risks associated with the new birth control pill that stops menstruation, although some doctors caution that little research has been conducted on the long-term effects of these medications.

Whether women would still buy medications that promise better control over their monthly period still remains to be seen. What is sure is that women still need safer and more effective ways of contraception. The continuing evolution of the birth control pill might just make the availability of that product a distinct possibility in the near future.

Health Goals

The Evolution of Sexual Revolution



The promise of sexual revolution is maturity, happiness and fulfillment through sexual liberation. Sexual maturity is a stage when a person’s physical, emotional, and sexual health is ready for reproduction. However, the continued rise in sexual assaults has only placed women in more danger of being exploited, abused and mistreated.

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sexual health

As the world turns, so do our ever-changing cultures and mores. While today’s “Generation Z” is considered to be the most connected breed that ever walked this earth, thanks to the rapid mushrooming of electronic media devices, it does not discount the fact that today’s youth has been exposed to the sexual permissiveness of modern society, in a large measure, due to the influence of mass media and advertising.
Along with the simultaneous use of those electronic devices,this generation has become very liberated when it comes to sexual attitude and orientations. It has become a freedom of expression. But along with this freedom comes its great responsibility and possible unfavorable consequences on sexual health concerns.
The Beginning
In the 1960’s, changes in sexual attitude clamored for equality of the sexes. It may not be a complete separation from the western sexual morality but was considered to be a liberalization from the conservative outlook of the previous decades caused by the Cold War. Such conservative outlook bred puritanical culture which eventually sparked the so-called sexual revolution.
Many historians observed that changes may not be seen in actual sexual activities, such as those exhibited by people having more sex or engaging in different types of sex, but rather, more of a “coming out” period. Unlike the previous generations, people have become more open about discussing sexual health issues such as masturbation, premarital sex, erotic fantasies, pornography, and even homosexuality.
The introduction of the “Pill” is another reason for this break-away mindset, allowing women easy access to reliable contraception. This new-found freedom was fanned into flames by the increasing popularity of television with its ability to influence millions of viewers while spreading new ideas in such a short span of time.
The significant changes in sexual behavior was observed among women who, upon reaching the age of maturity, had exhibited sexual behaviors common to men. In the 1980’s, women would have more partners as compared to the women of the previous generations.
The Consequence
The sexual liberation has appealed to most women because it gave them empowerment and equality with the opposite sex. It liberated them from ultimate dependence on men. The contraceptive pill had given them a sort of an an upper hand against sexual prejudices and biases from the male department who allegedly impregnate them only to be tied to a life-long oppression called marriage.
This kind of reaction was brought upon by too much puritanism during those times where women were expected to be subservient to men’s whims and caprices. Indeed, the sexual revolution had liberated the women not only in sexual behavior but in all aspects of social life.
However, the continued rise in sexual assaults and battery of women afforded some believers that the sexual liberation has only placed women in more danger of being exploited, abused and mistreated. The pill that women consider as “liberating” had been used by the men in their favor to further their own sexual activities. It would mean a lesser chance of getting his girl pregnant, thus, lesser responsibility on him.
Sexual liberation also spouses acceptance of homosexuality and lesbianism. It has encouraged the new generation to bravely come out of their closets and demand fair treatment and equality. Some quarters view sexual liberation as the cause of breakdown in morality. Modesty has become synonymous with immaturity. Pornography becomes art. Still, everything depends on how a person would take liberalism and to what extent. It can either boost a woman’s self-esteem or it can stripped her of her own protection. Sexual maturity plays a very important role in understanding sexual liberation.
The Maturity
The promise of sexual revolution is maturity, happiness and fulfillment through sexual liberation. Maturity is the ability to respond to circumstances in a rational way. Not being impulsive or emotional, but being reasonable and appropriate. Sexual maturity is a stage when a person’s physical, emotional, and sexual health is ready for reproduction.
Most people nowadays have treated sex without regard to commitment as well as to its consequence. Statistics prove that more than 50% of the youth have engaged in premarital sex at least once. It has become devoid of the real reason why sex should occur: for married couples to procreate.
Modern lifestyle promotes individualism and being unconventional. This is why it is important that one must learn to practice a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships by respecting and protecting the sexual rights of every individual.

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The Evolution of Birth Control: Options



Evolution and competition are more than just forces in the natural world. They are very much part of the business world. Even something that seems as staple and unchanging as birth control pills can be altered by corporate or market necessity, which is why the pills are now more diverse and “customizable” than ever before.

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This article deals with
birth control

Things, by virtue of the competitive environments they are thrust into, have little recourse but to adapt and evolve over

time.This is true for everything from predatory animals to tobacco commercials, and everything else in between. At the same

time,anything that is being marketed to the average consumer is likely to be competing with other products that are probably

just as effective. The nature of the modern, global market is that a brand of clothing from Paris can be just as likely to

draw in high-class customers as that radical designer in Kyoto’s work. In essence, the consumer demand for more choices and

options for customizing their purchases to their specifications has forced companies to adapt, making their products open to

“acceptable alteration” more than ever before. Birth control methods, particularly for women, have also evolved along these


Originally, birth control of the pharmaceutical sort was limited. You had options on what brand to pick, but most of them

worked along similar lines anyway. They all worked by altering hormone levels, but had little room for things that women

might have had to consider, such as their cycle. Dosage was also generally universal, though this was clearly something that

needed to be fixed, since what is fine for one woman might be too strong a dose for another.

However, evolution is a powerful force, and it has managed to make even birth control adapt. Now, more than ever, women have

options on what pill to take, how big a dose that pill actually is, and curtail and limit other effects on the female

physiology that were ignored before. There are now pills that are designed to help fight the hormones that cause skin

problems such as acne, while others reduce the problem of withdrawal bleeding. As such, to compete in the current business

environment and grab a fair share of the market, pharmaceutical companies need to entice their female clients with more than

just a partial guarantee that pregnancy is not going to be a problem. Like the clothing and accessories that the stereotype

so often says women spend hours a day mixing and matching, “the pill” can now be suited for the individual woman.

There are, naturally, positive and negative effects to this sort of pharmaceutical phenomenon. The obvious positive is that

women can now pick a pill that is better suited for their particular situation and physiology. This means that factors that

cannot be accurately generalized, such as hormonal reactions, the ovulation cycle, and other physiological details can be

taken into consideration when taking birth control. This means that they no longer have to adhere to the original 21/7 scheme

that the older formulas followed, which is now being considered as an already outmoded attempt to echo the average natural

ovulation cycle.

However, there are some negative factors that need to be considered. This opens up a slightly larger risk of incorrect birth

control prescription. Since the pills can be chosen depending on a woman’s hormone levels or certain things she wants

eliminated, such as bleeding or hormone-related acne, there is a slight chance that the wrong pill might be given. There is

also the present risk of a woman switching medications in the middle of a regimen. Such a move can be a major problem if

things like what hormones the pills trigger and what effects they might have on physiology are not considered.

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The Evolution of Archery



The equipment used in archery has improved significantly since medieval times. While primitive bows were not very accurate, today’s bows can accurately launch arrows at speeds over 148 miles (240 kilometers) per hour. Today’s bows are a combination of wood, fiberglass, lightweight metals, and high-technology materials. Historically from early childhood children were provided with bows according to their height and are taught to shoot.

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archery, archer, bow, arrow, history, evolution, compound bow, arrows, shoot, target, sport, sports,

Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels

The equipment used in archery has improved significantly since medieval times. While primitive bows were not very accurate, today’s bows can accurately launch arrows at speeds over 148 miles (240 kilometers) per hour. Today’s bows are a combination of wood, fiberglass, lightweight metals, and high-technology materials. Historically from early childhood children were provided with bows according to their height and are taught to shoot.

Today archery thrives as a competitive sport. Competitive archers have abandoned wooden bows and arrows in favor of new high-performance materials like fiberglass and laminated carbon.

Compound bows comprise the vast share of the archery market. The compound bow has a series of cables and pulleys, which reduces the amount of force needed to pull the bowstring back. Compound bows must be fitted first for draw weight and draw length, and then for bow length. Compound bows are also easier to hold cocked at full draw, which improves shooters’ accuracy because it makes aiming more comfortable. Many compound bows today allow an adjustment of approximately three inches in draw length with the same size pulley.

Compound bows also require less arm strength and make it easier for children to comfortably learn the sport of archery. The draw weight of the bow also determines the ideal weight and diameter of the arrow shaft. Early arrows were made of wood and were fletched primarily with the feathers of such birds as eagle, crow, goose, and turkey.

Today there are several kinds of arrows differing in weight, length, thickness and design available. Most of today’s arrows, are still made of wood, but some, are made from aluminum, fiberglass, and graphite. Most target shooters use the higher end carbon or aluminum arrows are very durable; they are made with an aluminum core and a carbon fiber coat. Aluminum shafted arrows are fast and accurate. Aluminum arrows with inserts allow more versatility by allowing different types of points to be easily interchanged for different hunting conditions.

Aluminum arrows are generally straighter than their carbon counterparts. Aluminum arrows are thicker than carbon/aluminum composite arrows. ess standing on the “Shooting Line” and the signal to start shooting has been given.

Wooden arrows are most used with traditional gear. A heavier arrow produces more energy, but if it is too heavy for a particular bow it will not perform well. The bowstrings are usually made of plastics or polyethylene cord and are flexible.

The bow and arrow is a complex technology. Potential energy, is transferred to the arrow, in the form of kinetic energy, when the arrow is released. The arrow’s weight affects the amount of kinetic energy delivered to the target. As arrow mass increases, so does its kinetic energy.

While archery is an ancient sport, learned by the young as a necessity it is a fun sport that teaches discipline and skill. Archery kits are a great way to introduce archers into the sport without a big expense.

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The Ever Growing World of Organic Skin Care Products



We have heard a lot of horrible stories about the effects of chemicals in our body most especially on our skin. There are more and more people that are developing allergic reactions to chemicals found in the mainstream beauty products. This article is about organic skin care products popularity and how it came about.

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organic skin care products

We all know that eating food products that contain synthetic additives is not good for our health, especially to our skin. It has been said that if you want to take good care of your well-being, then what you put on your skin can be just as important as what you eat or drink. According to reports, the chemicals we apply to our skin are absorbed directly into our bodies. It is estimated that an average woman absorbs as much as two kilograms a year per person from cosmetics and toiletries alone. Cosmetics are also becomingly madly high-tech, with NASA scientists developing creams and beauty labs dedicated to researching complex ingredients. These are all lovely for youth-seekers, but sometimes one longs for the simple life, and it’s high time to look for alternatives. And that’s probably the reason why there are a lot of people that are shifting to organic skin care products.

Organic skin care is an area of the organic movement which has made real progress in recent times, and where previously, there were few options. But now, there is a fairly wide range of grooming products available out there. Organic skin care products are becoming increasingly popular due to concerns about chemicals used in many products. Studies have found that up to 60 percent of creams or make-up applied can penetrate the skin and get into the blood stream. Whether or not this causes health issues, it has alarmed some people and unsurprisingly, the organic health and beauty market is growing rapidly, with sales increasing around 20 percent every year.

In the last few, years organic beauty products have seen a tremendous growth in popularity and demand, since organic skin care products are the ideal option for people who cannot apply chemically enhanced products.
One can find several standards of the word ‘organic’ as related to skin care and health products. There are accredited certifying organizations trying to set regulations for what constitutes a 100% organic product. How does the consumer know what organic really means? Because we buy organic-labeled skin care and health products, we automatically expects these goods to be 100% free of synthetic and artificial ingredients. But the tremendous growth witnessed by the organic sector in the recent years has also given enough chances to some traders to promote and sell non-organic products as organic. So, products marketed as “organic” can still consist of potentially hazardous artificial ingredients.

Products labeled as 100% organic should not include synthetic ingredients at all nor entail the use of artificial products during the manufacturing process. product. Thus, the amount of natural ingredients in cosmetics, and other organic skin care products should still be scrutinized.

So, before shopping for organic skin care products, do a bit of research work about the brand. Always go for brands that are committed to provide guaranteed and efficient skincare products so that your skin gets only the best. If we were shocked to discover the dangers of many substances used in our every day make-up, shampoos and bath and shower products, why shouldn’t we give ourselves and our Mother Earth a favor, let’s go organic!

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The Ethics Of A Life-Long Herpes Infection

This article was originally written by Christopher Scipio

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From day one my own personal life-long herpes infection has presented me with several ethical challenges. It has challenged me on the question of who to tell and when. It has challenged me on the issue of what to say and how to others with herpes. It has challenged me on the question of “Do I have any responsibilities towards trying to prevent the people in the community who do not herpes from getting it, and if so what are they”?
On how to tell and when:
When I was diagnosed with herpes the doctors told me that it was safe to have sex with others as long as I avoided having sex during outbreaks and that I would get warning signs of when an outbreak would be coming. Luckily, we are working with much better information these days. A person with herpes is potentially contagious every-single day of the year and safer sex including using a combination of a condom or dental dam and an anti-viral gel is the best way of ensuring that one isn’t inadvertently spreading the virus.
I was an irresponsible coward when I first got herpes. Because thedoctors told me that I wasn’t contagious without outbreaks and because I was in the habit of using condoms, I decided that I only had to tell someone that I had herpes if and when it seemed like the relationship was turning serious and there would be regular sexual contact. I had justified my cowardice by thinking that the risk to others was too small to stick my neck out and get the rejection due to a herpes leper. Please don’t be like me. Not telling someone before you have sex that you have herpes is absolutely the wrong thing to do. There’s no real way to justify it. I now tell potential lovers I have herpes even before the first date. It gets the weight of this guilt most herpes people have off my chest and to me it feels like the right thing to do.
Many people tell me that it’s okay if you’re not going to have sex with someone to wait and see if the relationship becomes serious before telling them about herpes. Sure this is much better than waiting until after sex, but to me it still isn’t good enough. If you care about someone, if you respect them , why not tell them as early as possible so they can decide if they want to invest the energy and time in getting to know you better? Isn’t it a bit manipulative to allow someone to develop feelings for you without warning them that they risk a life-long viral infection if they get involved with you? Think about it. If you wait until they are already emotionally attached to you, they may feel compelled to continue with the relationship when they may not have if you had told them up-front. It takes more courage and integrity to tell early but it feels better to have the weight off your chest and the person you tell will usually respect you for giving them the choice.
I am especially appealing to men since I believe that men are not as protective of their sex partners when it comes to telling about herpes as women are. Guys, please don’t have sex with anyone without telling them about your herpes. And if they don’t know the facts don’t understate the risks- herpes is a more physically and emotionally devastating disease for women than it is for men and it is much easier for a man to give a woman herpes than it is for a woman to give it to a man.
On how and what to say to others with herpes:
I am a holistic healer- a herbalist and homeopath. My family have been healers for many generations in my native country of Trinidad and Tobago and as far back as Africa. I had little to no interest in treating herpes as a healer until I got herpes myself. Wanting to change a negative to a positive, I decided to make the holistic treatment of herpes the cornerstone of my practice. The bible says “the stone that the builder refused, I will make my cornerstone. Bob Marley and the wailers sing about it too.
It didn’t take me long once I decided to become a holistic viral specialist to realize that I was confronted with a daunting challenge. Most professionals including all the herbalists and homeopaths I know rely heavily on referrals to build their client-base. Here I was now working with a client-base that I was never going to get a lot of referrals from. My patients with herpes don’t go around telling the world that I helped them with their outbreaks. Some of my patients have yet to tell their significant others that they have herpes, many have not told their closest friends and their family. I am not a company. I don’t have an advertising budget. The only way for me to reach out to others with herpes and encourage them to come for me for treatment was to speak out in public about my herpes work and about herpes in general. This forced me to be far more out of the closet than would have been my personal choice.
I seem to always create challenging situations for myself. Speaking to others with herpes is not a task for the faint of heart. Some people like to shoot the messenger- I have the bullet-wounds to prove it. But I can say that speaking to others with herpes has been and continues to be one of the most gratifying experiences in my life. I feel a deep bond with many of the people with herpes who interact with me. I felt this kind of bond when I played team sports. I’ve felt this kind of bond all my life with other black people. There’s something about “us against the world” that can make people tight with other. I love my herpes friends. I love my herpes patients- even the ones who misbehave. I am not grateful for getting herpes, but I don’t regret it either. Nevertheless, the truth hurts, and I have some bitter truth to tell others with herpes:
Having a lover who also has herpes isn’t a free ticket for unprotected sex. Even if you both have the same strain Even if one gave it to the other. Having unprotected sex with each other can and often will make one or both partner’s cases of herpes worse. It’s called re-inoculation and it’s a message many with herpes don’t want to hear.
If you have herpes or cold sores you are potentially contagious everyday and there is no sure way to tell if you are shedding virus. So do consider using a condom/dental dam combined with an anti-viral gel when having sex and do be careful about sharing wet towels or wash cloths with others.
No two people get herpes the same way so you are going to have your own individual experience with the virus and will have to find your own way of dealing with it on all the different levels you will have to deal with it.
A cure for herpes in our lifetime is unlikely and there are no quick-fix solutions for managing herpes. Herpes cannot be managed with a topical agent alone- whether it be creams, lotions, or essential oils. Managing herpes takes changing your diet, managing stress and other triggers, and may also require either taking herbal medicine or drug therapy.
You may not get fewer outbreaks as you get older. While this is often the case, since no two people get herpes the same way, other diseases, menopause, self-abuse, re-inoculation by unprotected sex and other factors can change the pattern of frequency and severity of outbreaks at any point during your life-long journey with herpes.
Cold-sores are just as contagious if not more contagious than genital herpes and you can infect others when there are no signs of sores present.
Having herpes does make you more vulnerable to other sexually transmitted infections including HIV, cervical dysplasia and genital warts.
Daily use of l-lysine is an ineffective strategy for treating herpes and can do more harm than good. There are more effective natural remedies such as garlic for treating herpes without side-effects.
On talking to those who don’t have herpes:
The reality check for me is that the mainstream and alternative media do not want talk about herpes. They would prefer to keep us in a ghetto. There is a lot of misinformation floating around and people without herpes have few places to turn to hear the facts about herpes. They don’t hear the facts in their churches, young people are not being educated enough about herpes in school. Most parents aren’t teaching their children about herpes, older siblings are not passing information down to the younger ones.
It’s really up to us who have herpes to try harder to dialogue with those who don’t. HIV won’t be the last word in human population control from the world of viruses. If we don’t learn how to better protect the population from getting herpes and other sexually transmitted infections we are going to be in a lot of trouble. Herpes is a gateway disease it provided easy access through your mucus membranes for any sexually transmitted virus.
It is my unshakeable conviction that those of us in the herpes community need to be more vocal in the media and to also reach out to those around us. Each one teach one. Each one reach one.
Christopher Scipio
Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist

Health Goals

The Eight Week Cholesterol Challenge

This article was originally written by Barrett Niehus

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When I first started down this path I was looking for something to reduce my cholesterol levels without giving me a heart attack. My doctor recommended Lipitor, but I had read an article in the American Heart Associations web site that indicated Lipitor and other statin drugs may possibly be worse for me than my high cholesterol. (The article that I read is here: )
Subsequent research led me to two compounds that have been clinically proven to improve cholesterol levels without side effects. Being a chemical engineer myself, I was skeptical about any claim that did not have sufficient research behind it. However, the two compounds that I found have been clinically verified to be effective in improving cholesterol levels. It was these two compounds that have dramatically changed my condition, and motivated me to solicit this challenge.
What are the two compounds? Well, the first is niacin. That’s right, the inexpensive mineral that is occasionally listed on the food label of our bread, breakfast cereal, sports drinks, or other enriched food. The other compound is pantethine. Strangely enough, pantethine is a compound that our body makes as it created Co-Enzyme A which eventually creates cholesterol.
Between these two chemicals, extensive research has demonstrated dramatic, statin-like, effects on cholesterol levels. In addition, because they are already needed by your body, the two compounds don’t create the dangerous side effects that have been demonstrated with statins.
The two compounds act together to balance out the levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and good (HDL) cholesterol in your blood stream. Clinical trials have demonstrated that niacin is effective in reducing the level of bad cholesterol in your blood stream. In addition, clinical trial on pantethine in Japan have demonstrated that the compound significantly improves the level of good (HDL) cholesterol in your blood stream. Subsequently, the combination of the two may have an amazing effect on your overall cholesterol level.
So what is the challenge? If your doctor have recommended that you lower your cholesterol level or worse, is threatening to put you on a statin drug. Try using these compounds instead. For eight weeks, on a daily basis take 500 mg of pantethine and 400 mg of niacin and see what effect it has on your cholesterol level. I know you will be as pleasantly surprised as I was
These compounds are effective, and there is data to back up that claim. However, a word of caution, with niacin. When you go to the drug store or natural foods market, make sure you buy niacin that is labeled time-release. Niacin is effective on cholesterol, but niacin supplements have a harmless side effect known as a niacin flush. This is the equivalent to a vitamin hot flash. Although harmless, a niacin flush can be uncomfortable for about a half hour. If the form of niacin that you take is not in a time-release dosage, a niacin flush may ensue. So be wary. Other than that, with any supplement do not exceed the recommended dosage.
If you have questions about the two compounds, do what I did. Start with research on the net, then move to reading clinical abstracts and reports. Just remember the challenge. I challenge you to lower your cholesterol to a healthy level without using a statin drug. Good health and good luck