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The Fallacy Of High-Protein Diets



The article talks about the ill-effects of consuming too much protein. Right amounts of protein is essential to the body because it contains amino acids. Amino acids according to health experts is considered as the body’s building block. Too much of protein on the other hand may lead to kidney failure, colon and prostate cancer, and osteoporosis.

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This article deals with
weight loss pills, muscle pains

You see them gripping on their respective exercise machines…all gritty with determination to lose those extra pounds and build muscles. Instead of taking weight-loss pills they have decided to improve their physique by getting that expensive gym membership where they can workout their way to optimum health. Aside from lifting weights, these “gym rats” also religiously follow a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet prepared by their personal trainers and sports nutritionists. Each fitness gym promotes various fitness fads and routines from yoga, pilates, core fitness ball method, tae-bo, pole and belly dancing, and a host of other exercises. Still, the gym members are carefully taught that these exercises can only fully benefit them if they also follow a well-prepared diet. Workouts, they are told, will not work if the “weight watcher” refuses to limit food intake.

It is along those lines that diet formulas have gained popularity in the fitness world. One such diet formula is the Atkin’s Diet, undeniably among the most well-known diets that had already gained a strong following. Developed by Dr. Robert Atkins, the diet was first promoted in the 1960s as a solution to the emerging weight problems among many Americans. Considered a high-protein diet, the Atkins’ formula spawned other methods or plans to control food intake. The diet craze gave birth to the “Stillman” diet in the 1970’s, and the “Scarsdale” diet in the 1980’s — both of which promised leaner bodies and smaller waistlines.

Atkins, Stillman, and Scarsdale made similar claims about the benefits of high-protein diets. They said that eliminating or taking minimal amounts of carbohydrates will lead to controlled weight and increased muscle size.

According to physiologists and diet specialists, muscles literally break down when one works out or exerts physical action. Protein, as a muscle-building substance, is needed to build and re-build the muscles that are in constant daily use. People, especially athletes, who regularly expend large amounts of energy and utilize different muscle groups need regular supply of protein to build or retain muscle mass. Without enough protein in the body, the goal to increase muscle mass cannot be achieved. Additional protein is also needed to develop hard and ripped muscles. Weightlifters, all of whom aim to gain muscle mass, are the foremost followers of these high-protein diets. They are often found gulping protein shakes and consuming lean meat and tuna.

High protein diets are popular because they initially cause one’s weight to drop. Protein promotes the metabolism of body fat without reducing one’s calorie intake. But doctors also warn that this drop is a reflection of fluid loss and not fat. Recent researches indicate these restrictions on carbohydrate intake coupled with fluid loss may cause an unusual metabolic state called ketosis. In ketosis, the body burns fat for fuel. During ketosis, a person may even feel less hungry and eat less. Still, ketosis has ben associated with health problems such as kidney failure, colon and prostate cancer, and osteoporosis. Ketosis may also cause less serious health problems such as weakness of breath, headaches. diarrhea, sleep difficulties, bone loss, and fatigue. Additionally, some studies claim that high-protein diets may lead to increased lactic acid in the body. Muscle pains according to studies may be experienced due to the increased lactic acid levels in the body.

However, it is important to point out the importance of protein as part of a healthy diet. Amino acids found in protein are actually the body’s building blocks. These type of acids are responsible for the repair of muscles, red blood cells, and several kinds of tissues. Protein’s primary function is to provide amino acids to maintain an anabolic state. Some health experts believe that the consumption of 20 to 30 percent of calories containing protein per day us the ideal amount. The general rule is for inactive people to consume 0.4 grams grams of protein per one pound of body weight. Active people or those who engage in regular exercise need 0.5 to 0.75 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Athletes, on the other hand, need as much as 0.90 grams.

A lot of popular low-carb diet books give people the impression that carbohydrates are bad for health. Many researchers claim that high-carbohydrate foods trigger the body to stock excess fat. In reality, carbohydrates must be consumed as fuel for the body. Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for the human brain, heart, and several organs. Nutritionists believe that carbohydrates should compose 50 to 70 percent of one’s calorie intake. Complex carbohydrates, natural sugars and a fair amount of protein are all necessary to have a health diet. It is also important to avoid the use of over processed sugars. Most complex carbs are low in calories and low in fat and are usually found in beans, whole-wheat pasta, and vegetables.

Understanding proper nutritional intake can make a difference in people’s health and in the overall quality of their lives. Indeed, good food is the key to a good life!

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The Fairy godmother grants a wish and makes a couple very happy



Simon was peering through the window, feeling depressed. He had undergone an accident at work a few months ago and despite it not being too severe, there had been side effects and he and his wife were undergoing the symptoms.They had usually had a marvellous life together, full of romance and lots of bedroom activity but now things had been altered.

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This article deals with
Generic Viagra, Generic Cialis, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Generic Levitra

Simon was peering through the window, feeling depressed. He had undergone an accident at work a few months ago and despite it not being too severe, there had been side effects and he and his wife were undergoing the symptoms.
They had usually had a marvellous life together, full of romance and lots of bedroom activity but now things had been altered. He had erectile dysfunction and his GP couldn’t corroborate how long it would be until they could enjoy sex again. As a result the emotional side of his marriage was in trouble as well. Although, Louise, his wife, understood that he had a physical condition, she couldn’t accept he didn’t enjoy her company. And she was feeling so sorry for herself that she had overlooked how disconsolate and emasculated Simon was feeling. Overall both were feeling discarded and low in spirit and the passionate side of their life had disappeared as there was no chance of romance, Simon couldn’t face the fact of sending little messages to Louis and bringing her flowers. They were in a rut.
Simon closed his eyes and wished that he knew what to do to resolve their crisis. A loud crash and a blinding flash amazed him from daydreaming any more. He looked up. There before him stood a large pink elf with silvery wings and a smiling face.
“What can I do to assist you?” she asked. Simon distrusted the creature and seeing none, shook his head – perhaps he was hallucinating?
“I think I have guess,” she said, “I get a lot of men looking as miserable as you and it’s always one thing – sex!”
He felt a little insulted but she shrugged him off. “Generic Viagra, that’s the best pill to change your condition. It will get you back in the sack in no time at all. And the wife will be satisfied no doubt,” She looked with concern at Simon and he nodded unhappily. Disappear
“Generic Viagra?” he asked. “Yes or generic Cialis. Both are incredible at rejuvenating a wilting sex life – I am not joking,” she grinned, “Sorry I can’t have them available now, but unless you have a pocketful of mice for me to change you’ll just have to buy them on the Internet like persons!” And with an ray of light she disappeared with the proverbial puff of smoke.
Simon had no idea if he was confused or if he had actually gone mad but he went to the laptop and typed in generic Cialis and there it was!
He was very excited and purchased some immediately; after all, it is not often that one is visited by an elf, who solves all your sexual problems in one swish of a wand.
Two weeks later Louise and Simon had recovered their sexual energy, but not admitting to anyone that he believed in fairies!

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The Failure of the Wonder Drugs



Sexual impotence is a condition that commonly affects men especially when they reach middle age. It can be caused by an underlying medical condition or psychological issue. Today, there are many treatments available to help men achieve or maintain an erection. Unfortunately, many men who do not get the desired results after taking one of these drugs for the first time are more likely to just give up on sex altogether instead of looking for other treatment options.

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This article deals with
sexual impotence, psychological impotence, side effects, treatment

According to a study presented recently at the European Society of Sexual Medicine, about one third of the 631 impotent participants who did not get the desired result after taking prescription medication such as Viagra for the first time gave up sex altogether. When the pills did not work the first time, 68 percent of men reported a loss of self-esteem, 32 percent felt depressed and 24 percent said they believed their condition could never be treated. One third simply did not return to their doctor to try an alternative treatment after a failed attempt, something the researchers said highlighted the fact many men delay or ignore treating their problem. Doctors say that this is unfortunate because there may be other treatment options that a patient can explore with their doctor’s guidance. Patients can have the option to take either testosterone injections, other oral prescriptions, direct injections to the shaft, vacuum pumps, surgery, or in cases of psychological issues, counseling. Apart from those there are other, more unconventional treatments available, like herbal medicine, acupuncture, or experimental medicine. But what exactly is sexual impotence and how is it treated?

Sexual impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is a condition characterized by a man’s repeated inability to achieve or maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. It commonly affects sexually mature males, usually due to underlying medical or psychological conditions. It can be caused by alcohol abuse, smoking, hormonal deficiency, or diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Psychological impotence can be caused by depression; feelings of anxiety or nervousness; stress from work, family or financial problems; unresolved issues between sexual partners; feelings of self-consciousness; and fearing a partner’s reaction or rejection.

One of the most popular treatments for sexual impotence are prescription oral phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors such as Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil) which are reliable, non-invasive and conveniently packaged in pill form. These drugs work by blocking the enzyme known as PDE5, which breaks down the chemicals that cause the erectile response. PDE5 inhibitors work by relaxing smooth muscle tissue in the blood vessels of the penis enabling their dilation and increasing blood supply to the corpus cavernosum, thus allowing the penile shaft to engorge and stay firm for a longer period of time. But contrary to popular opinion, these drugs do not directly create an erection in the penis, instead requiring sexual stimulation in order to work. However, it does increase the sensitivity of the male sexual organ.

Although these medications have been hailed as a wonder drug by impotent men worldwide, PDE5 inhibitors are not without its complications. Numerous side effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, muscle pains, flushing of the face and body, runny nose, palpitations, and vision disturbances have been observed in some patients. However, there has been some evidence that these side effects diminish with prolonged use. It is also not recommended for patients taking nitrate-based drugs or alpha-blockers, because interaction between those prescriptions with PDE5 inhibitors can be fatal in some cases.

As with any medication, PDE5 inhibitors have both positive and negative effects on the body. If you are suffering from sexual impotence and did not achieve an erection upon taking Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra for the first time, please consult your doctor. He can give you a different prescription medication that is more suited to your physiology. Don’t just give up.

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The Facts on the Healing Effects of Touch and Massage



Touch and massage therapy are techniques that has proven to be beneficial for people especially among infants or babies. Touch and massage therapy have a lot in common because they have a lot to do with motion of the hands over various parts of the infant’s or baby’s body and it promotes interaction, bonding and healing.

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This article deals with
infections, headaches, relaxation techniques, stress

Almost all human beings are born with a sense of touch, a basic human instinct that allows us to reach out and feel another person. Touching is a universal action that conveys love and caring. Communicating with hands comes second nature to speaking with the use of our voice. Through certain gestures we can convey affirmative and healing messages. These simple hand gestures are blowing kisses, clapping our hands to show appreciation, giving someone a thumbs up, and so on.

However, there are more to grasp about our hands. “Touch” is the primary means of learning about the world throughout infancy. Research shows that touch is critical in a baby’s growth and development. Previous study showed that premature infants who received a series of 15-minute massage gained 47% more weight, and became more socially responsive than non-massaged premature infants. They were discharged from the hospital an average of six days earlier than other premature babies.

Supporters of touch therapy claim it can treat and cure a wide variety of illnesses, including heart failure, diabetes and infections. According to the theory, people who are ill have disturbed “energy fields,” and that by moving trained hands over the patient’s body, a touch therapist can detect misalignments and re-pattern energy fields to create “energy balance.”

Aside from touch, scientists have also recognized the benefits of massage in caring for infants and in promoting the unique bond between parent and child. There are innumerable medical facts that support the importance of touch and massage. Touch and massage therapy have a lot in common because they have a lot to do with motion of the hands over various parts of the infant’s or baby’s body. The technique involves a lot of touching, stroking, and massaging of body parts.
Massage therapy has been around for many centuries. Today it is known mostly for types of relaxation and comfort. Many years ago it was used as a cure for many ailments. Most people looked to massage for comfort rather than medicine alone. Doctors incorporated many forms of manipulation of the body to help comfort the body through disease and pain.
For an infant or baby, massage therapy has a lot to do with skin-to-skin contact. This could be something as simple as holding a baby to a naked chest, or holding an infant’s or baby’s hand when the baby is in a cubicle. Some massage therapists offer services of providing massage therapy to infants or babies in a critical or unstable condition.
The most wonderful thing about massage therapy is that it not only benefits the infant or baby, it also benefits the parents or caregivers. The baby sleeps better, grows faster, while the parents will get an extra few hours sleep each night. Not only will the baby or infant sleep better, massage therapy could eliminate colic, tummy aches, headaches, and even a stressful day at school or even fever. Seeing the benefits of massage therapy, it is no wonder that there are so many more parents who are open to the idea of using massage therapy for their infant or baby today, as compared to a decade ago.

While the benefits on infant health brought by mother’s massage are already firmly established, new research shows that a father’s touch is equally essential to a baby’s health and well-being. Health benefits for infants include fewer sleep problems, as well as strengthening and regulating the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems. Fathers also gain from the experience in performing infant massage.

It is important to note that this is not the same as manipulative treatments such as relaxation techniques. Massage and touch can reduce stress in some people and loving and caring another individual, not only babies can definitely have a calming effect.

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The Facts About the “Spot Reducing” Myth



Are you concerned about that extra fat on your stomach or your hips and thighs? This article explains why you can’t lose the fat in those areas alone, but how you can get rid of the fat in those “trouble spots” none the less.

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This article deals with
weight loss, lose weight

There are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with one area or another of their body. You will often hear these people saying things like, “I need to get rid of this stomach” or “I need an exercise that will slim my thighs down”.

The premise behind these types of statements is that you can lose excess fat in any one given area on your body without affecting any other part of your body. Maybe if you just knew the right exercise to do, you could lose the fat in just the area you want to lose it in.

The plain and simple truth is; there is no such thing as localized fat loss. When you do a specific exercise for a specific part of your body, the muscles of that particular body part will develop and get stronger and grow bigger, but it will do nothing for getting rid of the fat in the area. Usually the reason people who do exercise get stronger but do not visually see the muscle development is because the excess fat is still covering the muscles.

Here are the facts about the spot reducing myth:

Physiologically speaking, muscle tissue is always firm. Muscle only feels like it not firm because of the presence of too much fat. Body parts that do not look toned simply have too much fat covering them. People are genetically predisposed to carry more fat in certain areas of their bodies, thus accounting for the extra buildup in these areas.

When you want to lose body fat, you must create a calorie deficit within your body. This means that you will have to consume less calories than you burn throughout the day. While you will typically seem to notice more rapid fat loss in your “trouble spots”, you will actually be losing fat from your whole body because when your body goes into fat burning mode, it can not select different areas to do it from.

When you start to lose body fat, it is genetically determined where the most rapid loss will occur first. Areas that do not store as much body fat will only have so much to lose, so you will see more fat loss in the harder spots as you go.

Despite the popular saying, it is impossible to turn fat into muscle. They are made up of completely different types of cells and one can not convert into the other. You can only lose fat and replace it with increased muscle size. Also, you can not firm up fat, nor can you firm up muscle. Fat and muscle cells are what they are, and you can’t change their composition. Simply put, softer muscle = more fat present and harder muscle = less fat present.

Muscle tone is simply the visual appearance of muscle in the absence of fat. Sensible eating coupled with moderate exercise will help take off any extra fat, even from trouble areas. Just because you can’t “spot reduce” doesn’t mean you can’t lose the fat in those areas. You just need to make the little changes in your eating habits and introduce a little exercise into your life that will make getting rid of that stubborn fat a reality.

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The Facts about Rosacea



Rosacea is a skin condition that is marked by red, broken capillaries, acne, and oily and inflamed skin. Rosacea is a chronic condition and unfortunately there have been no developments in determining its cause or its cure.

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rosacea, accutane rosacea, alternative rosacea treatment, best rosacea treatment, acne laser rosacea, acne cause rosacea, acne rosacea skin care

There are many types of skin conditions and Rosacea just happens to be one of them. It generally affects light skinned women anywhere between 30 and 50 years of age, however it can begin earlier or later in life as well. Many individuals are affected by Rosacea yet do not know much about it. Fortunately, the following information will help determine what Rosacea is, what causes it, its symptoms, as well as its treatments.

What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a skin condition that is marked by red, broken capillaries, acne, and oily and inflamed skin. Rosacea is a chronic condition and unfortunately there have been no developments in determining its cause or its cure. This disease is not one that should cause serious concern medically, however it does cause significant cosmetic concern. Since Rosacea most often affects women it can cause self esteem problems. Simply knowing there is no cure makes women frustrated and dislike their reflection in the mirror.

Individuals who believe they may be affected by Rosacea won’t undergo any fancy tests to determine this. Instead, a physician will simply look at their face and ask them about their symptoms. If many of the symptoms are experienced by the patient and the evaluation shows physical signs of the disease then the physician will likely diagnose Rosacea.

The following symptoms are frequently experienced by Rosacea sufferers. They include burning or stinging of the face, rashes or the appearance of sunburn on the face, dry skin with hard pimple like bumps, broken capillaries, and blushing or flushing that occurs frequently. If you have any of these symptoms then you should consider visiting your physician or dermatologist.

The symptoms a Rosacea sufferer endures may be made worse in certain situations. For example, many Rosacea sufferers experience increased activity when they drink alcohol or caffeine or eat spicy foods. The climate can also have a negative affect on those with Rosacea. Wind, sun, and even dramatic changes in temperature may cause a flare up of Rosacea.

Another type of Rosacea is Ocular Rosacea and this has similar symptoms as outlined above in addition to symptoms that affect the eyes. For example, Ocular Rosacea sufferers might experience swollen eyelids with bumps, lose eyelashes, have red eyes and eyelids, as well as others.

Rosacea Stages
There are three stages of Rosacea that are experienced in the following pattern.

Stage 1
The first stage is typically noted by dry and sensitive skin. Other symptoms include red lines on the face and sore eyes. Erythema may show up and last for hours or even days.

Stage 2
In stage 2 of Rosacea a patient may notice that their face is not the only part of their body affected. This is because symptoms may spread to the neck and chest or even the scalp. Typically in Stage 2 nodules, pustules, or both appear on the skin and may last for days or even weeks.

Stage 3
If Rosacea is left untreated then the disease will reach stage 3, which is classified by a swollen nose and larger nodules on the cheeks. Fortunately, most individuals receive treatment prior to the disease reaching these lengths.

Once you have been diagnosed with Rosacea you will certainly be interested in treatment options. Unfortunately, there is no cure available for Rosacea because doctors and researchers are still unsure of what causes Rosacea in the first place. However, there are treatment options available that do a good job of controlling the disease and keeping it under control. Without treatment the disease will cause permanent damage to the face and possibly other parts of the body, so treatment is important. Currently, treatment of Rosacea focuses on keeping the disease from progressing, minimizing redness and inflammation, as well as reducing eruptions.

Frequently oral antibiotics and a topical antibiotic gel are prescribed to bring the disease under control. However, oral antibiotics cannot be taken for long periods of time so only topical treatments will be continued after the Rosacea is under control. Some lifestyle changes may also be in store for Rosacea sufferers to help control the disease.

If you feel you have similar symptoms as outlined above that are exacerbated by the sun or wind, alcohol, caffeine, or spicy foods, then you should see your dermatologist as soon as possible for a diagnosis. There are many skin conditions that have similar symptoms so only a physician may diagnose you. There is no cure available, but the variety of treatment options do help keep Rosacea under control for the majority of sufferers.

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The Facts About Rhinoplasty Nasal Surgery – Part I

This article was originally written by Wendy Butler

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Rhinoplasty is a surgery to reshape the nose. This is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of the nose, change the shape of the tip or bridge of the nose, narrow the span of the nostrils, change the angle between the nose and upper lip, or correct a birth defect or injury as well as relieve breathing problems. Rhinoplasty can change appearance and increase self-confidence but you will not necessarily end up with a “perfect” nose.
The best candidates for rhinoplasty are people looking for an improvement in their nose and not perfection. You also must be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and have realistic expectations of the future results of the surgery.
Are there any risks to rhinoplasty? Any surgery creates a possibility of complications, including infections, nosebleed, or reactions to anesthesia. Reduce your risks by carefully following your surgeon’s instructions before and after surgery. After the surgery, small burst blood vessels may appear on your nose as small red spots that are minor but may be permanent. There is not usually any scarring if the rhinoplasty incision is inside the nose. When an “open” technique is used there is a small scar on base of nose but it is usually invisible.
Some tricks for planning your rhinoplasty are having a high level of communication with your surgeon and his office. Discuss the rhinoplasty techniques that are to be performed, what kind of anesthesia will be used, and the risks associated with the surgery. You need to communicate to your Doctor about any previous surgery’s you might have had, especially nose surgeries. You also need to tell your Doctor about any allergies you have or breathing difficulties as well as any medications, vitamins, or recreational drugs you have taken. If you smoke, you need to tell your Doctor as he/she might have some advice for you concerning smoking. If you have any questions, let your Doctor know so that your nerves will not get irritated.
To prepare for your surgery your Doctor will give you guidelines on eating and drinking the day before, smoking, what medications you can and cannot take, and washing your face. Carefully follow the Doctor’s instructions to ensure your rhinoplasty goes smoothly and you heal quickly. Be sure you arrange for someone to drive you home after your rhinoplasty and help you out for a couple of days afterwards at home.
In part two of this article you will learn what to expect during your rhinoplasty and afterwards.

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The Facts About Glutathione and Parkinson’s Disease

This article was originally written by Priya Shah

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Parkinson’s Disease (PD), a devastating illness, occurs in one of every 100 people over 65.
It is a slowly progressing disease of the nervous system that results in progressive destruction of brain cells (neurons) in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra. Death occurs usually as a result of secondary complications such as infection.
One of the mechanisms known to destroy neurons is damage by free radicals or reactive oxygen species – destructive molecules produced by oxidation of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
The Role of Dopamine
The cells of the substantia nigra use dopamine – a chemical messenger between brain or nerve cells – to communicate with cells in another region of the brain called the striatum.
When nigral cells are lost, nigral dopamine levels fall, resulting in a decrease in striatal dopamine.
The typical symptoms of PD – motor function deficiencies characterized by muscle rigidity, jerky movements, rhythmic resting tremors – are the result of low levels of striatal dopamine.
Most dopaminergic drugs used to treat PD, are aimed at temporarily replenishing or mimicking dopamine. They improve some symptoms, but do not restore normal brain function nor halt brain cell destruction.
Dopaminergic drugs are generally effective at first in reducing many PD symptoms, but over time they lose their effect.
They also cause severe side effects because they overstimulate nerve cells elsewhere in the body and cause confusion, hallucinations, nausea and fluctuations in the movement of limbs.
The Role of Antioxidants
When dopaminergic neurons are lost in the course of Parkinson’s disease, the metabolism of dopamine is increased – which in turn increases the formation of highly neurotoxic hydroxyl radicals.
The most important free radical scavenger in the cells of the substantia nigra is the powerful brain antioxidant, glutathione. Glutathione levels in PD patients are low.
And as we age, levels of glutathione in the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra decreases. This appears to hasten cell death and advance the progression of PD.
At least 80 percent of the substantia nigra cells are lost before symptoms of Parkinson’s disease become apparent. This is why it becomes essential to protect or maintain these cells under oxidative stress.
How does Glutathione help in Parkinson’s Disease?
Several factors explain why glutathione is so beneficial in Parkinson’s disease.
1. Glutathione increases the sensitivity of the brain to dopamine. So although glutathione doesn’t raise dopamine levels, it allows the dopamine in the brain to be more effective.
2. Glutathione’s powerful antioxidant activity protects the brain from free radical damage.
3. An even more intriguing benefit of glutathione lies in its powerful detoxification ability.
Its a well known fact that most Parkinson’s patients are deficient in their ability to detoxify chemicals to which they are exposed.
The unfortunate few who harbor an inherited flaw in their detoxification pathways are at far greater risk to the brain damaging effects of a wide variety of toxins.
Glutathione is one of the most important components of the liver’s detoxification system. Glutathione therapy is one of the most effective techniques for enhancing liver and brain detoxification.
Glutathione treatments considerably improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease including difficulties with rigidity, walking, movement, coordination and speech. A marked reduction of tremor has been observed as well as a decrease in depression.
Glutathione and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (a glutathione precursor) have been shown to be very effective in protecting the nerves in the substantia nigra from being destroyed by oxidative stress.
Glutathione Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease
The practical problem in increasing glutathione levels is that taking glutathione itself as a supplement does not boost cellular glutathione levels, since glutathione breaks down in the digestive tract before it reaches the cells.
However, intravenous glutathione therapy and taking glutathione precursors are both effective in boosting intracellular levels of glutathione.
Intravenous Glutathione Therapy:
Intravenous glutathione injections have been shown to have amazing and quick results.
Dr. David Perlmutter, a pioneer in this therapy, has developed a protocol utilized at the Perlmutter Health Center for administering intravenous glutathione to Parkinson’s patients.
Following even a single dosage of intravenous glutathione – often in as little as 15 minutes – the ability to walk, turn around and move their arms is almost completely restored.
Glutathione Precursors:
Dietary antioxidants and supplements that increase cellular glutathione, such as alpha lipoic acid, NAC, pycnogenol, the herb silymarin (milk thistle), are effective in restoring normal function.
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and un-denatured, whey protein both supply glutathione precursors intracellularly, enhance the body’s production of glutathione and aid the detoxification process.
Other nutritional supplements which aid the detoxification process include selenium, vitamins E and C.
For a detailed report with references on Parkinson’s Disease and Glutathione visit:
Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah

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The Facts About Caring For The Fabulous Foot



If several hundred tons of pressure seems like a lot to bear, that sum may help you appreciate how hard your feet work.

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The Facts About Caring For The Fabulous Foot

If several hundred tons of pressure seems like a lot to bear, that sum may help you appreciate how hard your feet work.

An average day of walking brings a force equal to several tons of pressure to bear on your hardworking feet. That may explain why your feet are more subject to injury than other parts of the body.

The human foot is a biological masterpiece. It’s strong, flexible and functional design enables it to do its job well and without complaint-if you take care of it-yet foot ailments are among the most common health problems. Although some can be traced to heredity, many stem from the cumulative impact of a lifetime of abuse and neglect.

Studies show that 75 percent of Americans experience foot problems at some time in their lives, but few seek medical treatment because they mistakenly believe that discomfort and pain are normal and expectable.

A number of systemic diseases are sometimes first detected in the feet, such as diabetes, circulatory disorders, anemia and kidney problems. Arthritis, including gout, often attacks foot joints first.

Specialized Care

Your feet require specialized care and Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPMs) are the physicians and surgeons who practice on lower extremities, primarily on feet and ankles.

Most DPMs undergo four years of undergraduate work, followed by four years in an accredited podiatric medical school, followed by a hospital-based residency.

A doctor of podiatric medicine can make an important contribution to your total health, whether it is regular preventive care or surgery to correct a deformity.

Since self-treatment can turn a minor problem into a major one, you may want to learn about common ills that affect the feet and promptly see a podiatrist if these conditions occur or persist:

• Athlete’s foot is a skin disease, caused by a fungus, that commonly attacks the feet. Signs are dry scaly skin, itching, inflammation and blisters.

• Blisters are caused by skin friction. They should not be broken but bandaged.

• Bunions are misaligned toe joints that can become swollen and tender.

• Corns and calluses are protective layers of compacted dead skin cells caused by repeated frictions. Do not cut them off.

• Foot odor results from excessive perspiration.

• Hammertoe is a condition in which any of the toes are bent in a clawlike position. Surgery may be necessary to realign the toes.

• Heel pain is generally traced to faulty biomechanics that place too much stress on the heel bone, ligaments or nerves in the foot.

• Heel spurs are growths of bone on the underside of the heel bone. Both heel pain and spurs are often associated with plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of connective tissue.

• Ingrown nails are nails whose corners or sides dig painfully into the skin.

• Neuromas are enlarged, benign growths of nerves, most commonly between the third and fourth toes, but removal is sometimes necessary.

• Warts are caused by a virus and can easily be removed.

The American Podiatric Medical Association recommends these tips to keep feet healthy:

1. Don’t ignore foot pain; it’s not normal.

2. Inspect your feet regularly for thick, discolored nails, cracks or cuts, peeling or scaling.

3. Wash feet regularly and dry completely.

4. Trim toenails straight across but not too short. Don’t cut nails in corners or on the side since this can lead to ingrown toenails.

5. Make sure shoes fit properly.

6. Select the right shoe for the activity you are engaged in.

7. Alternate shoes.

8. Avoid walking barefooted.

9. Be cautious about using home remedies.

10. If you are a person with diabetes, see a podiatric physician at least once a year for a checkup.

To learn more about treating foot problems, see the podiatrist.

The human foot is designed to do well if you take care of it and see a podiatrist when you experience pain or discomfort.

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The Faces Of Madness In Modern Society



Modern civilization, along with all the things that are part and parcel of it, can put an undue amount of stress on a person. Some people just go completely insane from all the expectations and demands. There are, however, some major factors that do more damage than others.

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stress and anxiety, anxiety disorders, anxiety and phobias, performance anxiety, status anxiety, separation anxiety, fear and anxiety

Anxiety disorders are a mental problem as old as civilization, though there are numerous unconfirmed reports that more people are having problems with anxiety and phobias now than ever. While these reports lack concrete evidence to back their claims up, there are several mental health issues that need to be considered here. Modern society, with all the concerns over ethics, morality, propriety, and social rules can have a rather unpleasant effect on the mind.

While not all minds fall apart from the pressures and demands placed by living in a “civilized” world, there are some scenarios and elements that make people feel as if they’re dangerously close to that precarious edge. Again, there is currently no real, hard evidence to back the following claims up, but the sheer amount of anecdotal evidence is able to spark more than just a passing concern. The fact is, a lot of people feel that modern civilization has produced more fear and anxiety in its own citizens than any civilization before it, and below are a few of the most commonly cited reasons for this view.

Reason #1: Bureaucracy

As things get larger and more complex, the more difficult it becomes to connect the dots between one part and another. This is true for the ecologies of large natural environments, where even the most hardened ecologists have difficulty putting together all the links in the chain. This is also true for the modern environment, where each department is set up to be an independent authority over its specific task, yet is inevitably linked to each other department in ways that nobody but the people in charge really seems to actually understand. People can sometimes develop massive amounts of stress and anxiety when dealing with bureaucracy, whether it is in the places where they work or in the institutions around them. With this sort of framework present in pretty much every company in some form, is it any wonder that employees tend to develop anxiety disorders over time?

Reason #2: Ignorance

This one requires a bit of explanation. There is a general tendency for citizens of one country to be completely and utterly ignorant of the culture, customs, and mores of another culture. This is true even if the other culture is basically the country next door. This inevitably leads to people feeling a collective fear and anxiety when exposed to those foreign cultures, all the while being completely unaware of how much fear and anxiety their own culture causes people in other countries. This ignorance, along with the fear and anxiety that follows, can result in any number of negative backlashes. Even ignorance of the quirks and habits of one’s neighbor can result in irreversible harm being done to one’s family, friends, or even one’s community. How do you think the Salem Witch Trials started in the first place? Anxiety and phobias directed towards the vulnerable and unwanted members of the community, mixed in with a healthy dose of good old-fashioned religious fascism.

Reason #3: The Media

The media, more than any other factor in the modern world, is the source of countless social problems. From telling people that “greed is good” back in the early 80s to pushing the idea that being bigger than a size zero means you’re fat, the media has long exerted a degree of control over people that is far from healthy. Several cases of performance anxiety, status anxiety, and even social anxiety can be traced back to a fictional character or the media portrayal of a famous personality. In a few rare cases, the media can even push a person to feel separation anxiety, generally in the form of an extreme unwillingness to let go of the “legacy” of some dead celebrity, such as Elvis or Princess Diana.