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The Fundamentals of Choosing The Right Diet

This article was originally written by Gregory Boileau

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There are so many diets on the market today it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine which one will do the trick. Well, it’s not a trick you need to be looking for. What you need from any good diet is one that is flexible, sustainable, and workable. Without these you’ll fail. Let’s examine why these fundamentals must be adhered to if you are going to succeed at losing weight.
Imagine getting a craving for a piece of cake or pizza or a doughnut, whatever your trigger food may be, what will you do? If you’re following a rigid diet you’ll most likely forego even the tiniest taste. In fact, you may even deprive yourself of looking at your trigger food. This will cause you to create negative energy within your body. An energy you’ll most likely try to control, beat down, and distract. Imagine the energy you’ll be wasting by not listening to your cravings.
How long can one actually deprive themself of the foods they love? How long can one control every variable of some made up diet before crashing? We all know the answers to these questions if we’ve tried a certain diet and ‘it’ failed. By depriving our self from the food we love we create negative energy. And, by continually trying to control this negative energy we become tired and fatigued. It isn’t long until we give up. The diet has failed us.
Imagine your work day and how stressful it is. Imagine dieting and having cravings. Imagine a mind and body that is being stressed and having to deal with regular everyday tasks as well as negative energy. Do you think this body is following an appropriate diet? Is the diet plan workable?
To ensure that you succeed on your next diet plan you have to understand the fundamentals of a good diet. Most of the top diets today do not offer enough flexibility and therefore are not sustainable. Furthermore, their rigidness increases the chance that you’ll fail. They are in essence, unworkable. If you do not choose a diet that encompasses these elemental notions reviewed you’ll find yourself enmeshed with negative energy. An energy that will defeat you.

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The Fundamentals of Buying Cheap Contact Lenses on the Net



Without a doubt, the times we live in are more hectic (not to mention more expensive) than ever before. Our highways and byways are packed with all types of vehicles that are seemingly in a constant rush.

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This article deals with
discount contact lenses, contact lenses

Without a doubt, the times we live in are more hectic (not to mention more expensive) than ever before. Our highways and byways are packed with all types of vehicles that are seemingly in a constant rush, and the fuel costs that accompany such autos are rising right before our eyes. It’s no wonder why so many have chosen to keep their car parked in the garage and shop for many items online from the comfort of their own home, with contact lenses being one purchase that’s growing in popularity. Besides the convenience, the ability to shop at several locations with the just a few clicks within seconds creates competition, which in turn ensures you the lowest possible prices.

Buying contact lenses online is really quite a simple process once you have found a reputable store to purchase them from. A bit of common sense combined with some insight into the niche will yield both a quality product and a positive online shopping experience.

First of all, you need to make sure that the site at hand is a reputable one, not a “fly-by-night” operation that will just take your money and skip town. Fortunately, the internet (although the cause of many such scams) can help to detect a phony operation, you just need to know what to look for. First, be sure that the Verisign logo is present, meaning that your information (including credit card and other forms of payment) cannot be intercepted by an uninvolved third party. Another observation necessary would be the contact information for the company itself. Is it easy to find? Is the phone number easy to remember? Is it a 1-800 number? Are there “help” options on the site? Contact us? You need to be sure that this company is willing to allow you to contact them when you want (or need) to, as this will ensure that they’re a “customer friendly” company.

If you’ve checked all of the above but still don’t feel quite right about the situation, you may want to check with the attorney general’s office or Better Business Bureau to see if there are any outstanding complaints against the company in question.

Brand recognition is another key element for a reputable contact lens website, and most such brands will allow their logo to be displayed on reputable reseller’s sites.

Finally, don’t be afraid to check personal reviews of the site, as well as the generic options available in your contact lens prescription. Generic doesn’t mean “cheap”, it means “a less costly alternative, for there’s no corporate logo on the item at hand”.

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The Functional Training Craze

This article was originally written by Jesse Cannone

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In the past few years I’ve seen a huge transition in the fitness industry. More and more people are using functional training, and some argue it’s the only way to train. The purpose of this article is to give people an understanding of what functional training is, and what it does and does not do.
First, lets look at what functional actually means. 1. capable of operating or functioning, 2. capable of serving the purpose for which it was intended (Webster’s Encyclopedia 2nd Edition, 1996)
Based on that definition, you can draw many conclusions as to what is functional. Depending upon who you ask, you will most likely get a diverse variety of responses as to what is functional. All human movement is a combination of various functions. Human movement cannot take place without muscular function. According to the functional training “experts”, functional training uses bands, balls, free-weights, and plyometric exercises in an attempt to condition the body in an un-stable environment. Many of the experts feel that performing exercises that mimic activities or specific skills is the most effective way to train, regardless of ones goal.
What is the safest, most efficient and effective way to optimize human performance?
Factors Affecting Human Performance
In order to maximize human performance, you must have a good understanding of what affects performance. The factors that play the greatest role in performance are: Power (Strength and Speed), Agility (Flexibility/Mobility/Stability), Cardiovascular and Respiratory Conditioning, Sport Skill (Neuromuscular Coordination and Efficiency), and Genetic Potential.
Let’s take a look at each factor and determine which training methods are going to deliver optimal results. By optimal results, I mean the greatest amount of improvement, with the least amount of risk, and in the shortest amount of time.
Power= Force x Distance
Power can be increased three ways.
1. Increase Force (Strength)
What is the most effective method of increasing strength and/or muscle tissue? In my opinion, High Intensity Strength Training is the most productive, safe, and time efficient approach available. I am not stating that one set of each exercise is the best choice. My definition of High Intensity Training is: training to momentary muscular failure, with brief and infrequent workouts in which all variables are prescribed based on the individuals: goals, age, current fitness level, fiber types, personal preference, and past experience.
The purpose of strength training is to increase strength and lean body mass, NOT for training a specific skill or movement-that’s called practice! People strength train for many reasons and there are many methods that work. For years, many trainers and coaches have had their clients and athletes perform Olympic lifts because they feel it will transfer over into the performance of their skill. Numerous studies have shown that the neurological transfer of skills is not optimal unless the skill is practiced EXACTLY as it is performed in competition. Therefore, performing power cleans because you play football is NOT optimal. Performing power-cleans will only get you better at performing power-cleans! Focus on increasing strength and lean body mass, and practice your skill exactly as it is performed during competition.
2. Increase Speed
Increasing the speed at which a skill is performed is another great way to improve power. Speed is primarily predetermined by the individual’s genetic make up. However, that does not mean that you cannot improve speed by practicing the skill EXACTLY as it is performed in competition. A great deal of focus should be placed on perfecting the technique. By practicing the skill in this manner, you will improve neuromuscular efficiency, which will result in faster and more accurate performance.
3. Increase Distance (flexibility/range of motion)
Increasing flexibility is another way to improve power. By increasing flexibility, you increase the distance that force is applied which results in an increase in power.
The safest and most effective method to increase flexibility is by performing full range of motion exercises and incorporating a sound stretching routine.
Improving ones agility is another way of optimizing performance. Agility drills should be SPECIFIC to the activity or event. For example, having someone do Plyometric jumps off of boxes is NOT specific to someone who plays basketball! Yes, a basketball player jumps, but not off of boxes. Having the athlete practice jumping from the floor would be much more specific to their sport. Always ask yourself, “What is the goal?” “Is what I’m doing going to give me the outcome I desire?” “Is it optimal?”
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Conditioning
Increasing cardio/respiratory output and endurance is another factor that has a major impact on performance. This topic is one of such importance that it is beyond the scope of this article. In general, if you increase the individual’s cardiovascular and respiratory output and endurance, there will be a corresponding increase in performance. Cardiovascular training should also be specifically geared towards improving the individuals conditioning in the metabolic pathway in which they compete or perform. For example, someone who plays tennis should primarily train at a slow to moderate pace and incorporate bursts of high intensity effort. Interval training would be a good choice for this individual. Keep the training specific to the individual.
Sport Skill
This is an area in which there is a lot of confusion among many athletes, coaches, and trainers. Skill acquisition and strength levels are two completely different things. Therefore, they should be trained separately, and with different methods. In order to optimize the performance of a specific skill or movement, it needs to be practiced EXACTLY as it is performed in competition. It has been shown that each activity or movement has it’s own neuromuscular pathway, and that just because a movement is similar does NOT mean there will be a positive transfer or carryover of skill. In order to maximize performance the individual should attempt to perfect their movement or skill with endless hours of practice. The goal of practice should be to improve the technique, accuracy, and increase the speed at which the skill can be performed. This topic was addressed earlier in the section titled “Increase Force.”
Genetic Potential
This is the factor that I have found to have the greatest impact on human performance. Genetic potential is something many people overlook. Regardless of what methods of training I use, I will never be a world-class marathoner. I can train twice a week or I can train 5 hours a day, it still won’t change the fact that my body wasn’t designed to excel at endurance activities. I hear of too many coaches and trainers having people follow dangerous training programs in an attempt to drastically improve their performance. This is not to say that you cannot improve performance. When training yourself or a competitive athlete, always set realistic goals. As stated earlier, the best thing to do is utilize the most effective methods available and work hard!
Differences between Functional Training and Machine Based Training
Most, if not all of the so-called functional exercises, fail to supply constant and variable resistance. Most quality machines supply constant tension and variable resistance based on the strength curve of the particular muscle, and track proper joint function.
For example, compare dumbbell bicep curls on a Swiss ball to a bicep curl on a quality machine (such as Hammer Strength.) While performing the dumbbell curl, there is no tension on the biceps in the bottom or top positions. The resistance is greatest when the dumbbell is perpendicular to the floor. The amount of stimulus is also decreased due to the fact that the individual must balance his/her self on the ball. While using a machine, there is constant tension on the biceps and the amount of tension varies during the exercise based on the strength curve of the biceps muscle. Which is going to make the individual stronger? Which is going to stimulate more muscle fibers in the biceps?
In my opinion, machine based training is by far superior if the goal is to increase strength, and/or muscle tissue. Keep in mind that more muscle equates to a faster, stronger, and better athlete, providing they practice their specific skill or movement.
This is not to say that functional exercises serve no purpose. There are benefits to functional exercise; just not as many as some people are lead to believe. Exercise selection and the training methods used should be based on the individual’s goals. Instances where functional training may be effective would be in individuals who need to improve balance, stability, and neuromuscular coordination. Below is a chart that shows the differences between Functional Training and Machine Based Training.
Machine-Based Training
Functional Training
Provides constant and variable resistance
Movement tracks proper joint function
Effectively overloads musculature (if used properly)
Safer to perform
Many machines available to work every muscle in the body
Very effective at improving balance, stability, and coordination
Does NOT effectively overload musculature
Does NOT provide optimal transfer of skill performance
Very difficult to measure and monitor progress
Higher chance of injury
Functional training obviously has some benefit, and can be a great addition to a well-designed strength program. However, I personally feel it should never take the place of a structured strength training routine. I recommend using a combination approach, which utilizes machines, free-weights, bodyweight, balls, bands, and anything that is going to deliver the desired results. Always remember that training for strength and/or increases in muscle tissue and training for skill are two completely different things. When designing or assessing a training program the following questions should be asked. What is the goal? Is it time efficient? Is it safe? Is it delivering the desired results? Is it optimal?

Schmidt, R. A : Motor Learning and Performance -From Principles to Practice. Human Kinetics Books; Champaign , IL 1991
Bryzcki, Matt : A Practical Approach to Strength Training, Masters Press; Indianapolis , IN 1995
Magil, R : Motor Learning -Concepts and Application, 4th Edition, C. Brown Publishing, Madison , Wisconsin 1993
Chek, Paul : What is Functional Exercise? (Article), C.H.E.K Institute
Calais-Germaine, Blandine : Anatomy of Movement, Easterland Press, Seattle , WA 1993
Tortora, Gerard, J : Principles of Human Anatomy, 5th Edition, Harper Collins Publishers, New York , NY 1989
Stein, Alan : Improving Athletic Power (Article), Hard Training Newsletter
Manny, Ken : Skill Development : An Open and Closed Case (Article)
Kielbaso, Jim : Plyos – My Story (Article)


Health Goals

The Frustration Of Having A Stutter



Are you one of the many people who suffer with the speech impediment known as stuttering or stammering? Does your stutter/stammer cause you to become very frustrated at times? Have you attended speech therapy in the past in the hope that it would help improve your speech? I am a person who has overcome a stutter and I now help other people to achieve fluency. In this article, I write about the frustrations and emotions that people who stutter have to deal with.

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This article deals with
stutter, stuttering, stammer, stammering, speech impediment, speech therapy, frustration, person

Are you one of the many people who suffer with the speech impediment known as stuttering or stammering? Does your stutter/stammer cause you to become very frustrated at times? Have you attended speech therapy in the past in the hope that it would help improve your speech? I am a person who has overcome a stutter and I now help other people to achieve fluency. In this article, I write about the frustrations and emotions that people who stutter have to deal with.

When I had a stutter, it created many different forms of emotions within me. I was actually ashamed of having this speech impediment and did not want to discuss the problem with anybody. My family, especially my parents, even to this day are unaware of most of the difficulties that stuttering caused me, during my time at school and in my late teens. Even when I had a really bad day at school, I would not talk about what had happened with my parents. I would instead just go to my bedroom and attempt to forget it.

I also felt quite sorry for myself. I always believed that I was a decent person and did not think that I deserved to have this horrible stutter. There were many people in my class who in my opinion deserved to have the stutter much more than I did, however in truth I would not wish a stutter on anybody.

Having a stutter made me feel less of a person than that of what I considered to be normal people. I was not able to socialise with the ease as what everybody else seemed to, and had many traumatic experiences in the classroom when attempting to read out of a book for example.

Even though I had a stuttering problem, I could at times talk quite well. I could not understand why I was able to talk to person A but not person B. This caused me many frustrations.

When I was about sixteen, I started to drink alcohol. This had a major impact on my speech as I could talk perfectly well when I was drunk. This proved to me that there must be a chance of me being able to overcome the stutter.

Speech therapists and negative national associations, have for years attempted to convince me to accept my stutter and have told me that there is no cure for stuttering. How can this be right, if I was permanently drunk, I would be fluent, there is a cure in itself. Of course it is not right or healthy to be permanently drunk but I am sure you know what I mean.

I found certain tasks very hard to accomplish when I had the stutter. Making and answering telephone calls was especially hard for me. I look back now and can not believe that I coped with working in an office environment for six years, at a time when I had the stutter. I remember travelling to work feeling sick in my stomach through the stress and fear.

Ordering drinks and food at the bar, introducing people to each other, attending meetings and job interviews were other aspects of my life which were made all that more harder by my inability to talk fluently.

My advice to people who have a stuttering problem is to not give up, believe in yourself and your own ability to one day achieve fluency. Do not listen to negative people who try to convince you that there is no cure for stuttering. Most of the people who say this to you will have never had a stutter and will have no idea how our brains work.

Health Goals

The Friendly Bug You’ll Want To Get To Know

This article was originally written by Constance Weygandt

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There has been a lot of press on the dangers of twenty-first century diseases. Killer diseases which have been, in the past, effectively treated with antibiotics are showing resistance to these drugs. Probiotics or friendly bacteria are nature’s answer to the fight against an influx of harmful bacteria which lodges in our intestines. Here are some reasons to become familiar with probiotics.
Probiotics function as a second immune system. These are the friendly bacteria that turn milk into yogurt. Over three quarters of our immune cells reside in our intestines. Probiotics prevent pathogens from adhering to our intestinal walls. The first course of defense is to prevent harmful bacteria from taking hold in our bodies.
Probiotics are believed to produce natural antibodies. Beneficial bacteria, which naturally occurs in our bodies has been reduced , in this modern era, due to a host of factors. Antibiotics, while ridding the body of harmful bacteria, also reduces the beneficial bacteria in our bodies. Lately, there has been an overuse of antibiotics. Yeast infections, as Candida, also reduce the beneficial bacteria in our bodies. Excessive use of sugar, in our diets, is also a factor. Probiotics help to replace the natural occurring, beneficial bacteria in which we are deficient.
Probiotics aid in our digestion of food. Because of the chemical nature of our society, toxins found in our food and air need to removed from our bodies on a regular basis to insure good health. Studies have shown a link between toxicity and weight gain. Chemicals found in animals are absorbed into their body fat. Eating organic foods, as much as possible, helps to prevent toxins from entering our systems. It is not always practical to buy everything organic or to raise our own livestock and grow our own vegetables. Probiotics aid in removing toxins from our bodies.
In this twenty first century, where chemical additives have become the norm, it is a good idea to be educated on what this means for us. Eating yogurt or taking a supplement which contains probiotics is one way of removing toxins, which are a part of our environment. Probiotics help us to rebalance our bodies with naturally occurring friendly bacteria.

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The French Paradox

This article was originally written by Simon Mitchell

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The French, in terms of diet and disease, are a statistical enigma. They relish high fat food, consume alcohol regularly and often smoke – the very picture of the World Health Organisation’s ‘risk group’. High protein, meat based meals include duck, goose and pork – even cooked in fat as a preference! Butter, cream, pork fat and wine are regular ingredients.
Yet they have comparatively low rates of stomach and colon cancer and the second-lowest world incidence of heart disease after Japan. ‘The French Paradox’ is well known to nutritionists and reasons for this statistical enigma are emerging.
One of their pet names for the English is ‘Les Ros Bif’, in reference to the traditional overcooked Sunday roast dinner. French cooking is much lighter than British, leaving many of the valuable nutrients in the food, rather than throwing them out with the pan water. The French relish their food and eat widely, they often take the trouble to prepare meals from fresh, home-grown, organic produce, meaning they get more minerals and nutrients from food.
They also mix food elements to compliment each other, from a very wide base of ingredients that change with the seasons. High protein dishes are accompanied by generous salads and nutritious, easily assimilated soups are popular. Dried broad beans and chick peas are also part of winter staples, adding anti-oxidant beans and pulses to a wide diet. It is a well celebrated fact that the French eat everything!
Polyphenols in red wine and the intelligent French use of herbs in cooking help to break down fats in the food and aid digestion. Alcohol licensing laws in France also mean that they tend not to ‘binge drink’ as much as countries with more restrictive licensing laws. The anti-oxidant properties of red wine in its moderate but steady intake are a contributing factor to French health.
Research in McDonalds restaurants in France also reveals interesting evidence. It was found in America that the average time it took a person to consume a burger was 11 minutes. In France this doubled to 22 minutes. In France eating is often a cultural and family activity. They take their time eating and conversation is an important part of sharing food. They make eating into a quality time. The French diet is ‘Epicurean’ compared to the American ‘convenience’ diet, where cheap, snack food is widely available wherever you go. The car centred culture of America also means its inhabitants sometimes lack exercise.
The French have an attitude to eating that is not fixated on health or medicalising food, just simple enjoyment of wholesome and fresh ingredients prepared well. People in rural France often value the whole process of food from growing it right through to preparing and eating. It is no surprise that internationally known French phrases include such as ‘Bon appetit’ or ‘Joi de vivre’.

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The Fountain of Youth & Your Hormones

This article was originally written by Jay Chatterjee & Roshmi Raychaudhuri

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Everyone has heard of the mythical “Fountain of Youth”, but very few realize that it actually
does exist. And even fewer realize that it exists inside every one of us. Yes, it’s there right
within you, just waiting to be activated !!

Juan Ponce de Leon, the Spanish explorer sailed around the Florida coast in search of the
legendary “Fountain of Youth”…..the secret to being young again forever. That was five
hundred years ago, more or less. Since then modern day ‘explorers’, in the form of researchers,
have been continuing the quest for the secrets to attain eternal youth
These researchers have discovered that at the core of the fountain of youth is the body’s
hormonal or neuro endocrine system, the collective name assigned to the glands and organs that
manufacture hormones within our bodies.

Aging is a process that happens to all of us. Usually around thirty to thirty-five years of age, we
begin to notice the first telltale signs of aging, the strands of gray hair, the deepening of
expression lines (the pre-cursor to wrinkles), the slight sagging of facial features, the gradual
loss of skin elasticity as collagen formation declines. As the years roll by, this aging process
continues inexorably – stiffer joints, dimmer vision, loss of taste buds, gray hair, less libido!
As we see the same thing happening to our friends and family we accept it as natural and
inevitable. We start to accept our declining faculties as being nature’s way, and start thinking of
ourselves as old.The change in mental perspective further accelerates the process. And, as we
look in the mirror, year after year, we gradually begin to look, feel and act progressively older,
our mindset reflecting our mirror image.

Today, technology and medical advances have made it possible to live much longer, leading to
an aging of the population – there are many more ‘seniors’ in our society than ever before. In
fact, average longevity has gone up all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
In the U.S longevity has increased by as much as 25 years,

However, regrettably, the factor that has not changed is the number of years one has to live
with age-related disability. It is still an average of ten years for most of us. Can we minimize, or
eliminate completely this period of decrepitude from our lives? There is no question that each
one of us, man and woman, would like to live our sixties, seventies and eighties with looks,
health and vitality intact. Nor do we like the idea of losing any of our faculties or senses.
The fountain of youth was seen to be the answer, making it a life or death (literally) quest since
time immemorial…..Juan Ponce de Leon et al….and it remains as important today. People stop
at nothing in their attempts to combat aging, and to drink from the fountain of youth. So much
so, that it has become somewhat of a chimera. There are diets designed to combat and reverse
aging, cardio-vascular exercises do the same, the brain is kept young by ‘challenging’ it, viagra
promises peak sexual performance, HRT promises relief from pre and post menopausal
problems, cosmetic companies produce moisturizers and creams to build collagen,….one can go
on and on!!!

In varying degrees, they all work! But think about HOW they work!
Diets and cardio-vascular exercises work by regulating the body’s consumption of energy.
Known as metabolism, it is a complex interaction of chemical conversions that take place
continually in order to generate energy and keep the body at optimum level. Control of the entire
process lies in the hormonal (neuroendocrine) system.

The challenge element perks up secretions of the hormone adrenaline…the body’s age-old
response to any form of stress or threat is production of higher doses. The skin is kept hydrated
by secretions of oil and sweat-producing hormones, and the entire process of sexuality and
reproduction is hormone-induced, and starts from the hormonal (neuroendocrine) system.
And so, through course of diets, exercises, creams and supplements you manage to keep your
body and mind in peak condition. What happens when you get a bout of the ‘flu’? Without the
help of the thymus and your immune system your body may just pack it in !!

The hormonal system has a finger in every pie! Does the concept seem rather esoteric? Do you
think I am overplaying the role of the endocrine glands?

Consider the facts. Sift through reports on the most current research going on in this field.
Much of the anti-aging experimentation being conducted in various laboratories around the
world, is connected with ingestion of hormonal supplements. HGH (human growth hormone)
and DHEA, both popular experimental therapies being used at present, are nothing but
hormones. And without a doubt they produce benefits, even though it is probably too early to
determine if they produce any their attendant side effects.

Then again there is much research connected to the use of release factors or ‘releasers’,
whereby, instead of ingesting supplements, one would ingest releasers, which would activate the
glands into releasing hormones. Such experiments are still at an early stage, and not much is
known about the attendant side effects, if any.

In fact, this very principle of hormonal flow seems to have been known to the Himalayan people
in ancient times, and forms the basis of the Tibetan yoga rejuvenation and anti aging technique.
They seem to have way ahead of us in their knowledge. They knew, 4000 years ago, how to
push the button that would cause the body to produce its own natural releasers, rather than rely
on artificial synthetic ones. This, then, is the knowledge made public by the Tibetan rejuvenation
yoga technique.

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The Formula for Preventing Depression

This article was originally written by Paul M. Jerard Jr.

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While it is arguable that depression is not always preventable, there are many cases, when using the following ideas, will keep you in good spirits – most of the time. Unfortunately, we cannot be happy all of the time, but there is something we can do about it.
Working with a variety of clients over the years, I have seen how Yoga and exercise changed, and continue to change, them for the better. It is a well-known fact that endorphins are produced from a variety of exercise routines, including gentle Hatha Yoga.
Endorphins reduce stress and enhance good moods. Just that information alone is enough to start an exercise program, but weight control, muscle-tone, circulation, flexibility and a variety of other health benefits, should be an incentive to start a mild exercise program.
If you have been inactive, I suggest a beginner Yoga class with a very mild-mannered Yoga teacher. Without pushing this any further, let’s look at other options to start, and things to avoid.
Participate in social activities, support groups, senior centers, or local church activities. The activities could be in your local mosque, temple, or shrine, as well. There is always an activity that you can find around any religious center.
You could also join a league for golf, tennis, fishing, bowling, bocce, or any other activity where people gather to share a few laughs. Take competition in stride, and don’t take anything too serious.
Many social groups also function as support groups. The collective activity is good for all involved. Stay away from “alcohol drinking” clubs. This is not just bars, or nightclubs, but local clubs, who organize for the common good, and then, routinely get together to drink.
There is a conflict here, in that alcohol is a depressant, and if you are prone to depression, this is not a good combination. On top of that, there are plenty of health problems that accompany alcohol abuse.
Substance abuse is not a solution to depression, and you won’t find a purpose in life through it. So, let’s keep it simple and stay away from drinking alcohol – altogether.
If your friends and family abuse alcohol, they need counseling, and you will have to look outside your normal circles to get guidance. You need to surround yourself with positive and energetic people. Also, don’t hang around your house too much, especially in dark or unlit areas. Get outside, take a walk, go shopping, get a little sunlight, and if you are in the house all day, open the curtains during daylight hours. If you have a sunroom to relax in – that’s good, too. Lack of sunlight can cause elevated levels of melatonin, which is sometimes called the “sleep hormone.”
Lastly, visit the self-improvement section of your local bookstore. It is a hidden treasure within itself. This is a great reason to leave the house.
Audio books are also good for traveling in your car or listening to in your sunroom. Pick out books that really captivate your imagination. If your local bookstore has CD’s, you may want to pick up some relaxing music for your ride home.

Health Goals

The Formula for Complete Success

This article was originally written by Kerry Emrich

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The formula for complete success is to combine many different parts into one masterpiece.
Getting adequate rest each day, it is said that the man who can take rest is greater than the man who can take a city. Get the rest, meditation, relaxation that your body needs to function at its peak and further enhance your energy you can devote to your business, career, health, relationships, and love.
Get yourself a hobby anything that takes your mind off the world for a while will help increase your love of life and help you relax, eliminate stress, and enjoy peace. It can be something as simple as gardening, reading, cooking, or looking at the stars.
Stop using your cell phone, try to get out of the house, or the office more and actually visit your family, lover, or clients. This not only provides a change of scenery, but can be like a mini vacation or holiday in you hectic day. Your fears and phobia are less likely to popup when you are feeling relaxed.
Take up meditation, yoga, stretching, or other mind and spirit expanding mental exercise. Anything from Buddhism to simple prayer helps to remove the anxiety, and stress associated with daily life. Studies have shown that a person who meditates daily can lower the risk of ulcers, cancer, heart attacks, mental illness and more. This is in addition to increasing the function of the immune system which when strengthened can play a vital role in protecting the body from harmful things such as pollution, and may even play a role in protecting you from things like lung cancer, impotence, and lack of physical energy. For stress relief ideas I like to go to
Act happy, feel happy, be happy. When you try to focus on the positive things in life you start to see more positive things. Life is more like a cake than a bowl of cherries, each piece of it builds on each other to support you, but you need to choose the right ingredients to put in your body. When times get tough, it is this cake composed of all that is you that supports you throughout the day. The annoying parts of your day become less stressful, you know, demands from your boss, spam, family matters, car loans, credit cards, mortgage, taxes, car loans, and so on.
Avoid putting junk into your system. The body requires a constant supply of nutrition, but the quality of what goes in equals the quality of what comes out. Constantly drinking alcohol, or taking prescription drugs is a quick path to drug rehab, or an amazing Medicare funded stay at a residential drug treatment center. Tobacco, fatty foods, cocaine, donuts, you know what I am talking about. Stay away from this and your body will thank you.
Your mind is like a web site, choose the right keywords, the right colors, the right autoresponder, the right marketing, the right articles, the right diet of information, and you will be successful, but choose poorly and you will be stuck in the Google sandbox of life.


Health Goals

The formation of fat and the glycemic index



Obese people generally have higher insulin levels than people who are not obese, and any food they eat is more likely to proceed directly into storage as fat in the presence of this increased amount of insulin.

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This article deals with
formation of fat, glycemic index, insulin, obesity

The glycemic index helps explain the dynamics of weight gain and loss very well. Although it is not likely that this is the complete reason in all people why weight is gained in the face of substantial calorie restriction, it would appear to be a primary factor. But before going into what this index is and why it is vital in the management of one’s diet, let’s look first at how fat is formed, and how fat can later be broken down.
Insulin plays a major role in the storage of all the breakdown products of food that are absorbed into the bloodstream. Glucose (carbohydrates), triglycerides (fats), and amino acids (proteins) are all pushed into storage forms in the cells of the body by insulin. Obese people generally have higher insulin levels than people who are not obese, and any food they eat is more likely to proceed directly into storage as fat in the presence of this increased amount of insulin. This is one reason why obese people can eat very little and still not lose (or possibly even gain) weight.Since the level of circulating insulin in the body is so important in causing food to become fat rather than to be directly utilized for energy, it is vital to understand what directly stimulates or suppresses the amounts of insulin released from the pancreas (the organ that forms and stores insulin). When glucose is released into the bloodstream from the digestion of food, insulin is immediately released to help metabolize that sugar. However, and this is crucial, the faster glucose is dumped into the bloodstream, the more insulin is released. The SAME total amount of glucose released more slowly over a longer time will result in much LESS of a total insulin release from the pancreas. Therefore, a "spike" of glucose released into the bloodstream effectively overstimulates the pancreas, resulting in an over-release of insulin for the actual amount of glucose absorbed. This mismatch of too much insulin for too little glucose has predictable and consistent negative effects on the body.What does too rapid an insulin release do to the body? First, much of the rapidly released glucose that caused the increased insulin release will end up being directly stored as fat. And since this phenomenon is related more to the rate of glucose release than to the total amount of glucose being released, glucose can be stored as fat even when the total calorie count of the food is severely restricted! Any diet that restricts calories but still regularly allows for a sugary dessert as a portion of those calories totally misses this important point. If you want to lose weight, you must choose the right food and digest it properly. Delightfully, as we shall see, feeling hungry all of the time is not required in this weight loss process.Also important in understanding this interplay of glucose and insulin is the fact that glucose, and not other forms of sugar, is the major stimulus for insulin secretion. Fructose, the major sugar in most fruits, has much less of an effect on the release of insulin. Fructose will affect glucose levels only after it undergoes a transformation process in the liver. Therefore, fructose cannot directly cause a spiking of glucose into the bloodstream from the gut with a corresponding over-release of insulin. However, when the levels of glucose are already high, both fructose and amino acids can help to stimulate the further release of significant amounts of insulin.