Health Goals

The Great Influence Of Vitamin B to the Nervous System

This article was originally written by Charlene J. Nuble

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In order for a person to actually have a healthy well-being, one must always remember to have an adequate daily intake of the prescribed vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your body needs in order for it to stay healthy and fit.
Unfortunately, due to stress and the increasingly fast-paced environment that we’re often subjected to, it’s quite easy to neglect one’s body, most importantly one’s health. It is actually alarming how a lot of people just seem to not actually mind the damage that they’re bringing to their bodies. However, obesity and heart failure is starting to cause a big dent on the American population. It’s high time that we act on this problem right now.
Starting with the various vitamins and minerals that directly influence the nervous system’s proper functioning and health as well as to keep note of the importance of just taking it on moderate levels.
The Vitamin B complex is one of the most important vitamins that can have a great influence on a person’s health as well as on one’s physical and mental performance concerning the nervous system. It is a part of the group of nutrients which are responsible for the creation of some of the most basic structures in the nervous system. Vitamin B12, also referred to as cobalamin due to its cobalt content, has a highly significant role in both the formation of the nervous system as well as in the maintenance of its proper functions. It also helps in the formation of the nerve cells themselves, the most basic of the nervous system structures.
A person lacking in vitamin B12 can actually suffer from irreversible spinal cord degeneration when things get out of hand. Adults need 2.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12 daily – while pregnant and breastfeeding women should increase their intake to between 2.6 and 2.8 micrograms daily. Children, depending on their age and physical size, should have between .9 micrograms and 2.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12 per day.
The other B complex vitamins important to the nervous system include B9 also referred to as folate or folic acid which in addition to its role in the upkeep of the adult nervous system is also involved in the production of neurotransmitters. Adults are actually required to have 400 micrograms of folic acid daily while pregnant women should increase their daily intake to 600 micrograms however, breastfeeding women should only increase their daily intake to 500 micrograms. Depending on size and weight, children should take in between 150 micrograms and 300 micrograms of folic acid each day.
Among the minerals that serve to help enhance the functioning of the nervous system is calcium. In addition to its other equally important health benefits, calcium also has a role in keeping the nerves healthy as well as to ensure their ability to communicate effectively. While magnesium is the mineral which can help the body make use of calcium most efficiently, it has a very important role in the upkeep of the nervous system. The lack of magnesium in the body can actually contribute to nervousness and confusion, while a lack of potassium can lead to nervous disorders.
Proper nourishment greatly affects every aspect of the body’s efficiency and function and in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of one’s life. The body functions based on a delicate balance of system from chemical reactions. The nutrients that you put in your body actually make up a large part of these essential chemicals and it is highly important to have a conscious effort in trying to trying to maintain the proper amount of certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients in one’s body. Nutritional supplements are a good way to help ensure one’s healthy well being, however, one must never rely on these supplements to actually give you all the nutrients that your body needs.
A conscious effort to stay healthy is also being able to keep a healthy, well-balanced diet, a happy disposition and regular exercise. However, if unsure of the best dietary supplements for you or if you are somewhat overwhelmed by the countless dietary supplements that are available in the market today, a consultation with a licensed nutritionist can actually help you devise a personalized nutritional supplement plan that is best suited to your individual dietary needs and health goals.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR’S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Health Goals

The Great Emotional Gender Divide



There are several things that men and women don’t agree on, with emotions and how important they are being among them. However, a recently concluded study shows that the divide between male and female, while being present, may not reflect the stereotypical bias that society believes in.

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mental health, emotional health, stress, depression

Men and women have and maintain two separate, distinct schools of thought. This comes down to more than biology and physiology, naturally. For example, men and women feel, register, and acknowledge pain differently. The two are further separated by factors such as mental health and emotional health, along with the cultural roles typically attributed to them. Gender, along with culture and environment, can also determine how a person deals with stress, depression, and a variety of other emotionally-connected problems and disorders. However, according to some recent studies, even the importance of emotional bonds over financial gain are processed differently by the two sides.

In a recent study, it was found that most people believe that women are more likely to choose family and sentimentality over professional ties and high-power positions. The study, conducted among a variety of college students, with an equal mix of male and female test subjects, showed otherwise. According to the study, most of the male students said that they preferred the emotional security of settling down with a family than the financial independence of having a high-powered job. This basically throws the old stereotype out the window, if the results are an accurate indication of how both genders really feel about the choice.

However, the researchers themselves point out a potential caveat to the results: the definition of a romantic relationship. That aspect of the study was not made clear, such that it is possible that the personal definitions swayed the results one way or another. There was a distinct possibility that, when asked the question, the male respondents simply considered sex without any commitments or emotional ties as being a “romantic relationship.” Other subjective definitions may have also affected the results, so the researchers are not entirely sure how to proceed. On one hand, the data is rather intriguing and puts a whole new light on gender views on emotional health versus financial security. On the other hand, the chance that this sort of study can never really be verified unless a definition for a “romantic relationship” is clearly and objectively defined is a problem.

The test was designed to measure certain reactions in the student body. It included goals such as physical fitness, financial stability, emotional fulfillment, and leisure time. These were ranked in importance before the subjects were asked whether or not they’d be willing to sacrifice any of them in favor of romance. Sixty-one percent of the male subjects and 51% of the female subjects answered in the affirmative, which contradicted the expectations of most of the people observing the study. According to the results, a number of men would be willing to take a “charming partner” over commonly held goals like having travel opportunities and job stability.

One thing that the researchers noted is that “romance” may not necessarily be defined in the same way by men and women. Just as some men may equate a sexual connection with “romance,” some of them might also see the word to mean the same thing that the average woman does. However, that does not automatically mean that everything a woman associates with “romance” is associated to it by men. Long-term commitment, family, and marriage were found to be outside the scope of the male definition of “romance,” according to the study.

Health Goals

The Gravity of Success

This article was originally written by Douglas Betts

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How important is your fitness/weight loss success? Can you attach a numeric value to being healthy, prolonging your life, and feeling great? Does achieving your fitness and weight loss goals rank among your top priorities? If not, this article is not for you. However, if you are one of the millions of people who are tired of not getting results, read on. Fitness success can be summed up with one word: consistency. If you know me, you know I’ve said this before. The truth is, too many people lose hope because they miss a workout there and eat a bad meal there. Before you know it, consistency is out the window along with any progress. My advice for you today is to be like gravity.
In his recent book, The Success Principles, Jack Cannfield talks about gravity, and how nobody really complains about it because it’s a constant influence in our lives. We cannot change it, so we accept it. If you think about it, it’s really true. If we slip, trip, or fall, we blame the ice, the toy left on the ground, or our balance; but we never even think to say, “That darn gravity … always making me fall down!”
Another way of looking at it, if you’ll allow me to personify gravity for a moment, is that gravity just does what it has to do. It never complains. It never misses a day. Sure, there are times that we can overcome gravity. We make aircraft, birds spread their wings and fly, and balloons filled with helium rise. Eventually, however, gravity finds a way to do its job. Birds and aircraft must land at some point, and balloons eventually burst and fall back to the earth. Gravity just says, “That’s okay, I’ll get you. I always get you.”
Gravity is just inevitable.
Indulge me for a moment and imagine that you’re like gravity, and things that fall can be likened to your workouts. You’re unstoppable. You cannot and will not be kept from your workouts. If you take this approach, you cannot and will not be kept from achieving your goals. Your success, like gravity, is inevitable!
When something comes up during the day that threatens to keep you from your workout (late meeting, headache, incarceration, etc.), think about gravity. Think about its overwhelming influence. Then imagine yourself as gravity, and think about your overwhelming influence. Cut yourself off from any excuses, get to the gym and the health food store, and like gravity, be consistent and inevitable.

Health Goals

The Gov’t Wants You To Be Fat

This article was originally written by Maya Pinion

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(Los Angeles, CA) — The U.S. federal government may actually be encouraging Americans to be overweight, fat or even obese. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends an adult diet of 2,000 – 2,500 calories daily, with 30% derived from fat. That means, according to the FDA website:
if you eat 2,000 calories a day you can have up to 65 grams of fat per day.
if you eat 2,500 calories a day you can have up to 80 grams of fat per day.
And teenagers (3,000 calories a day) can have up to 100 grams of fat daily.
Thus, according to the federal government, the average person can eat between 65 and 80 grams of fat per day or, if you are a teenager, 100.
Now, if you go to the McDonalds website you will see that one Big Mac contains a total of 33 grams of fat. And 2 Big Macs would contain 66 grams of fat, an allowable amount of daily fat.
Therefore, in effect, the U.S. government is telling its citizens (depending on their caloric intake) that it’s perfectly OK to have the equivalent of 2 Big Macs or more every day. I don’t know about you but if I ate like that I’d gain weight. A lot of weight. I’d be looking in the mirror saying “Hello Chubby!” And then I’d have to force myself to run like 50 miles a day just to lose the extra weight and keep it off.
Based on the FDA guidelines the government must want us all to be fat. And, considering the already overweight population and the epidemic of obesity in America, regarding fat content in our diet it looks like the politicians and health officials in Washington are out to lunch. Perhaps at McDonald’s.

Health Goals

The Good And The Bad About The Carb



The obsession with health rages on in our country and around the world. People are consumed by counting their calories and by getting in an extra few minutes at the gym. We want the bodies that Hollywood tells us are not only possible but easy to have. Much of our pursuit of health is actually a pursuit of physical perfection and a level of beauty that we will probably never attain. We hear a lot lately about the carb and about how we should cut the carb out of our diet as mu…

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The obsession with health rages on in our country and around the world. People are consumed by counting their calories and by getting in an extra few minutes at the gym. We want the bodies that Hollywood tells us are not only possible but easy to have. Much of our pursuit of health is actually a pursuit of physical perfection and a level of beauty that we will probably never attain. We hear a lot lately about the carb and about how we should cut the carb out of our diet as much as possible.

The thing about the carb – or carbohydrate – is that there is a good side and a bad side to it. Let’s start with the good side of the carb. Anyone who has ever chased a toddler around for an afternoon knows that life takes energy to make it through each day. Especially as we get older, we need more energy to make it through the days. The carb is a great source of energy that can help us stay awake and maintain high energy levels throughout our days. All of these fad diets that teach us to cut out all of the carbs from our diets are seriously mistaken and they don’t take into account the fact that we need energy to live! So don’t be sucked into a fad diet that requires you to go no-carb. It just isn’t healthy.

On the other hand (there is always another hand in health), don’t allow yourself to go carb crazy either. You cannot live long or live well by consuming any kind of food you want whenever you want it. Anyone who is halfway interested in doing something good for their health should carefully watch the amount of carbs they consume. A short appointment with your physician or with a dietician can be a great way to get on the right path to health.

The carb is great because it gives us energy, but it can be bad when it is overconsumned because it turns into sugar and hence into fat if the energy is not burned off. So the key with the carb is balance. Don’t eat so few that you don’t have the strength or energy to make it through your day, but don’t eat so many that you have excess sugar that turns to fat.

Take your health seriously and make an appointment to talk with an expert before your health gets any further out of hand. Take control of your health by learning the truth about the carb.

Health Goals

The Good, The Bad And The Truth About Cholesterol



With all the talks of obesity and America’s race for thin bodies, cholesterol has suffered a beating. It is even one of the main figures in the development of hypertension, that contribute much to coronary heart disease. Often seen as the culprit in “fattening” America, cholesterol has become a food taboo, something that must be avoided at all costs.

What people do not know though is that there are two kinds of cholesterol and one kind is actually beneficial to the body. I…

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With all the talks of obesity and America’s race for thin bodies, cholesterol has suffered a beating. It is even one of the main figures in the development of hypertension, that contribute much to coronary heart disease. Often seen as the culprit in “fattening” America, cholesterol has become a food taboo, something that must be avoided at all costs.

What people do not know though is that there are two kinds of cholesterol and one kind is actually beneficial to the body. In fact, it is one of the essential substances that our bodies need to maintain balance.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance that can be found in fats or in lipids. Lipids are important because it is used to form cell membrane, used to balance hormones and help in other bodily functions. Too much cholesterol though tends to clog the bloodstream, eventually leading to heart disease. And because cholesterol cannot easily dissolved, only transported, the risk of build-up is great. As mentioned earlier, there two kinds of cholesterol, the LDL and the HDL cholesterol.

The bad cholesterol

The LDL cholesterol is frequently referred to as the “bad cholesterol” because too much of these can accumulate in the walls of the arteries and clog the blood stream that leads to the heart and the brain. This build up, called atherosclerosis, which can eventually lead to a heart attack or a stroke (brain attack) depending on where the arteries are leading to.

High LDL increases the risk for heart disease so it important that it is kept at normal range, which is below 100 mg/dL.

The good cholesterol

The HDL cholesterol on the other hand is referred to as the good cholesterol as high levels seem to protect a person from heart disease and hear attacks. According to some experts, instead of staying at the arteries like the LDL, HDL leaves the arteries and instead goes to the liver. In contrast with LDL levels, a low HDL increases the risk for heart attack. Levels of HDL should not be below 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women. Regular exercise has been found to increase the levels of HDL.

Cholesterol in food

Foods that come from animals contain cholesterol levels. Just how much depends on the kind of animal food. vegetables however do not contain any cholesterol.

In addition to the cholesterol that we get from food, the body is also capable of producing its own cholesterol. This creates a problem in overproduction since we also take in cholesterol through the foods that we eat. Average individuals or those who do not have any heart problems should only take in about 300 milligrams.
For people who are already at risk for coronary heart disease and heart attack, physicians recommend the reduction in the intake of cholesterol. They should only take in less than 200 milligrams. Everyone is also advised to keep their consumption of saturated fats to a minimum, as these can significantly help in lowering the risk for heart disease.

People, who have severe high blood pressure, are however advised to take in no more than six ounces of lean meat and fish daily. They should also choose the products thatv they buy and ensure that they are fat free or low-fat.

Health Goals

The Ghost in Her Womb: The Phenomenon of False Pregnancy



The phenomenon of false pregnancy, also known as pseudocyesis, is currently at the center of a murder trial. Lisa Montgomery stands accused of murdering an expectant mother in order to get the baby in her womb. Her defense attorneys insist that the former is not guilty by reason of insanity, and say that she is suffering from pseudocyesis.

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Today in Kansas City, Missouri a woman is currently on trial for kidnapping resulting in death. At the center of this trial is a medical condition that the defense insists that Lisa Montgomery suffers from called pseudocyesis. They claim that she is mentally unbalanced, suffering from a variety of psychological problems stemming from her childhood, which was marked by sexual abuse and frequent moves. Pseudocyesis, also known as false pregnancy or pseudopregnancy, is a condition wherein a woman believes she is pregnant even though there is no actual fetus in her womb. Experts are unsure as to why women experiencing false pregnancy sometimes exhibit true physical signs of pregnancy. Women who have false pregnancies will claim to have, or actually exhibit true pregnancy symptoms such as amenorrhea (stoppage of menstruation), morning sickness, cravings, widening of the abdomen, enlargement of the breasts and quickening (sensation of a child moving in the womb).

False pregnancy is a rare condition that is nonetheless a serious emotional and psychological condition in women. No single cause for the condition has been universally accepted by mental health professionals, although there are three popular theories. The first theory attributes the false pregnancy to emotional conflict, wherein an intense desire to become pregnant, or an intense fear of becoming pregnant, can create internal conflicts and changes in the endocrine system, which may explain some of the symptoms of false pregnancy. The second theory concerns wish-fulfillment, and it holds that if a women desires pregnancy badly enough she may interpret minor changes in her body as signs of pregnancy. The third leading theory is the depression theory, which maintains that chemical changes in the nervous system associated with some depressive disorders could trigger the symptoms of false pregnancy. Research has also linked false pregnancy to the pituitary gland (the center of hormone production during pregnancy) and an unusually high level of hormones. There is a possibility that the emotional and psychological shifts that lead a woman to falsely believe she is expecting is due to hormone imbalance sparked by stress and anxiety.

According to police, Lisa Montgomery came to the victim’s house under the pretext of purchasing one of the rat terrier puppies that Bobbie Jo Stinnett put up for sale online. The accused allegedly then killed expectant mother Bobbie Jo Stinnett by strangulation and carved the eight month baby from the latter’s womb using a kitchen knife. She then proceeded to take the baby, asking her husband to pick them up at a local diner and drive them home and telling him that she had given birth at a nearby birthing center. The next day she tried to pass the baby off as her own, with the couple going out on the town, displaying the child to friends and acquaintances. Later that day, Lisa Montgomery was arrested following a massive manhunt for the suspect after the mutilated body of Bobbie Jo Stinnett was found in the kitchen of her home by her mother. Police tracked down Lisa Montgomery and the baby the next day through e-mails Montgomery had sent Stinnett about buying a dog. A search of her car yielded several pieces of evidence including a bloody rope used to strangle Stinnett and a knife used in removing the baby from her womb. The rope and knife are among more than 100 pieces of physical evidence prosecutors will present at Montgomery’s trial along with the testimonies of over 100 possible witnesses. Authorities believe that Lisa Montgomery wanted a baby so badly that she was willing to kill to get one.

Experts for the defense say that her tendency to escape into fantasy stemmed from her chaotic childhood, and that she will do anything to protect this fantasy world from collapsing. So despite the fact that she had consented to undergo a tubal ligation in 1990, she may choose not to acknowledge the fact that she can no longer carry a child, especially since she was pressured into the surgery by her mother and then-husband Carl Bowman. She insisted that she was pregnant at least five times since the surgery, refusing to listen to family members who constantly reminded her that it was not possible. This is apparently common in those suffering from pseudocyesis or false pregnancy, and doctors are now disputing their claims using technology such as ultrasound machines or other imaging techniques. Counseling may also be helpful for women who have this condition, because false pregnancy is often indicative of other psychological problems.

In the end, whether or not Lisa Montgomery is suffering from false pregnancy, the saddest part about this case is that a little girl is forced to grow up without her mother.

Health Goals

The Games Memories Play



Human memory, despite being among the most indispensable aspects of a person’s personality and perception, is a fragile thing. Up until recently, people had no understanding of the biological workings of memory. While South Korean researchers are slowly discovering how memory works, they have yet to understand how or why the mind creates false memories.

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This article deals with
counseling, treatment, trauma, mental health

People have been making stuff up for as long as anyone can imagine, perhaps even longer. The human mind is capable of incredible feats of creativity and artistic talent, though this is not usually applied to something as critical as a person’s memories. Yet, if you examine the witnesses, you’ll notice a few things that are amiss. Their sworn statements, their testimony while under cross-examination, and what they said years after the fact can all differ drastically, with details being altered, deleted, or added seemingly at random. Things can get even more confusing for people who have undergone counseling or treatment due to some form of psychological trauma, because there are usually even more alterations.

This is not because they’re making this up as they go, of course. At least, they may not be doing it consciously. The state of their mental health is not entirely fractured either, as even the sanest and most “normal” people can have memories that are altered drastically with each retelling of it. Certainly, people with certain mental health issues might have more “false” memories than others, but that doesn’t mean that their minds are the only ones capable of such things. The fact is, the human mind has a propensity to create false memories. That much has been known to medical science for decades now, though the reasons for this unusual trait have yet to be fully explored and, if possible, understood.

Human beings tend to have a lot of faith in memories that they can recall in detail, whether the one doing the recollecting is the type to note detail or not. This is a logical mechanism, after all. The more you remember about a certain event, the more likely it is that you were actually there and you didn’t dream the whole thing up. However, if fiction writers are any indication, the mind is capable of creating things with as much vivid detail as anything that can be conjured up from memory. There are also times when the foggiest, least detailed memories are the ones that actually occurred, despite the lack of details that a person can draw on as support. The mechanics of this unusual aspect of memory and the mind have recently been put under intensive study by South Korean researchers, under the leadership of Hongkeun Kim of Daegu University.

The study discovered that there were two sections of the brain devoted to memory, with one storing the specific details while another stored the basic gist. Using common memory tricks, the team managed to discover that most people called on the area that stored the gist more often than the area that stored the specifics. Additionally, the more confident the person was in his memories, the more likely that the “detail” area would light up on a scan of the brain while the memory was being recalled.

While this does explain how the brain works with regards to memory, it does not explain the phenomenon of false memories. The researchers assume that it somehow relates to the interaction between the two, along with areas that are more closely linked to the subconscious than memory. At the moment, though, this is still conjecture and further study is needed. The researchers believe that, once understood, the knowledge can help people with memory-impairing problems, such as Alzheimer’s. It may also improve our understanding of how certain disorders cause someone to lose recollection, but retain familiarity.

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The Future Is Here



This article discusses the importance of interconnectivity via the internet. It also talks about the lack of knowledge or awareness of some people of the technological advances and the benefits they can bring. Finally, it mentions some examples of the benefits that can be derived from using the internet in various industries.

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Here are the basic facts: 1) The internet is a very useful tool; 2) Human activities will eventually highly rely on the internet; 3) Only a few can highly maximize the functionality of the internet; and 4) A lot of people are still not knowledgeable or even aware about the use of the internet. Just to show a specific example of these ideas, here are some real, current situations.

Just recently, a high school institution in a rural area of the Philippines have requested some funding to buy some computer units to teach their students to use the internet. The vision of this project is to eventually conduct examinations between teachers and students as well as submissions of reports or any other form of written materials using the internet alone. This, they say, is one good way of supporting the environment as well since it will help lessen the use of paper which mainly come from trees. The amount of garbage will also decrease because 60% to 80% of the daily waste is actually composed of paper.

The industry of website making and every other necessary process involved in running a website is further developing and increasing in profitability. This is because most businesses already demand to have, not just one, but several websites to promote their commodities online. Most businessmen realize the greater benefit of being part of the global market and one excellent way of participating in this is by managing one’s own website/s.

Obviously, the trend and demand of the society is already moving toward interconnectivity using the internet. As already mentioned in the previous examples, this movement or development can actually be very beneficial to a lot of people. Going back to one of the basic facts, however, not everyone can maximize these benefits. Some may not even be aware and knowledgeable about this. It is like an unrefined diamond, a treasure only if it was developed well. Most people might not realize this, but it is really unfortunate not to be able to realize such an important and great potential.

Eventually, if the ideal vision of the future may be true, people will no longer need to unnecessarily go out of their houses just to go visit the doctor for a check-up or prescriptions or go to pharmacies to purchase medicines. As a matter of fact, it is already happening right now. However, most who have access to these services are those that reside in western countries. Hopefully, this development may spread throughout the globe the soonest possible time so that majority of the people, regardless of race, religion, and financial capability, can immediately enjoy its advantages and benefits.

Health Goals

The Fuss About Hair Washing!



Children are especially difficult when it comes to bathing, what more when you have to wash their hair! Once your child is more comfortable in the bath, then you can start to introduce hair washing. I have left off washing my daughter’s hair for a while, until necessary, but she still goes mad. Cleansing involves washing and rinsing the hair.

Avoid vigorous drying with a towel after washing your hair, as this will remove essential moisture. About 50 to 100 hairs fall out e…

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hair washing,hair,hair healthy,hair wash,wash hair,

Children are especially difficult when it comes to bathing, what more when you have to wash their hair! Once your child is more comfortable in the bath, then you can start to introduce hair washing. I have left off washing my daughter’s hair for a while, until necessary, but she still goes mad. Cleansing involves washing and rinsing the hair.

Avoid vigorous drying with a towel after washing your hair, as this will remove essential moisture. About 50 to 100 hairs fall out each day, while you’re washing your hair, brushing or combing it, or just sitting still. If any more than 100 hairs fall out a day, you may want to look into your diet, and reorganize the nutrients you take in. Black Soap helps oily skin, blemishes & more and has been used for centuries. Ghanaians have also used black soap for bathing and washing their hair.

Doctor Denis, the demon designer, is always ready to prescribe the Comfywash system to solve that portable hair washing problem! I have read that washing hair with warm/hot water can rob it of its nutrients. I have never read anything negative about washing hair with cold water. I’ve stopped washing my hair altogether. The rest of you I feel are simply intellectually curious enough to wonder what might happen when a man simply stops washing his hair. First I have to brush out my hair, tangled from three days of not washing. But do not attempt this unless you are used to dry cleaning your hair!

When you wash your hair with detergent or soap, the grease sticks to the detergent or soap and washes away with the water. If you do choose to wash your hair daily, make sure that you are using a pH-balanced shampoo and only wash it once. Also, the more frequently you can wash your hair in the first few weeks, the more quickly you’ll finish your “detox”. Standing upright reduces back strain while washing hair for the caregiver or hairdresser. Let your hair hang naturally while you wash it, either standing in the shower or with your head leaning over the bath. Preferably, the hair washing aid also includes a liquid supply container and a pump for delivery of liquid from the container to the nozzle. Magnesium content of hair was most affected by washing, containing less than half of the magnesium of the unwashed hair.