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The Hazards of Over-Training



Physical training is to be taken seriously, but not so much that you cause more harm than good. Keep in mind that there are limits to what the body can handle.While it is good to exceed those limits a little, overdoing it can cause a lot of problems in the long-term.

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This article deals with
knee pain, lower back pain, fatigue, muscle spasms, muscle relaxants

Physical training is something that is integral to success in a vast majority of sports. Being at the ideal physical condition for a particular sport, or at least as close to it as possible, is something that athletes in a competitive environment want to be in. They can go to extreme levels, enduring the most insane training exercises and diet regimen just to hit that peak. However, there are times when the training goes beyond what can be considered healthy, even causing some damage to the internal workings of the body. Muscle spasms, lower back pain, fatigue, and knee pain are just a few of the many possible injuries one can get when the body is forced to work beyond its normal capacity.

The muscles are generally the first parts of the body that are damaged when people take their training way too seriously, with muscle spasms and excessive muscle tension being the initial symptoms. The use of muscle relaxants may sometimes be prescribed to combat these problems, though others may prefer to take an over-the-counter pain killer to just dull the pain. However, ignoring or misdiagnosing these muscle pains can result in aggravated problems. Muscle tissue can be torn and tendons as well as ligaments can be injured. No matter how toned and how strong you make your muscles by training them, there are limits to how much they can endure. The more strenuous a particular exercise or physical activity is — the greater the risk for injuries. When your quads get strained or you can’t flex your arms without screaming in pain, simple muscle spasms are going to be the least of your problems.

Fatigue is also a major concern. The state of fatigue can make additional training difficult and, much worse, it can even take a toll on one’s personal life. The natural response to the onset of fatigue is to find a comfortable place to just sit back and rest. However, there are times when taking a rest isn’t an option. A person might have an important appointment to attend to that would force him to stay awake for an extended period, aggravating the already weary state of his body. The consequences of this can also extend to the person’s mental state, with slower reactions times and incoherent thought processes being not that uncommon.

For other sports, more overt injuries like knee pain and torn muscles are real risks that make physical training a carefully navigated exercise. Any activity that involves lifting weights that exert a large amount of pressure on the muscles can result in injury. Too much weightlifting, for example, has sometimes been known to cause lower back pain. As the weight is lifted upwards by the arms, gravity is pulling the weight down and most of the pressure concentrates on the lifter’s lower back, with injury being a definite possibility if the weight is suspended for too long.

The easiest way to avoid the above problems is to have a training program designed specifically for your build, with the stress and weights calculated so that they challenge the muscles, but not overexert them. Feeling a little pain when in training is understandable at the start, but if the pain is chronic, it is best that you seek the advice of a medical professional. Don’t wait until you develop a tolerance for pain killers and muscle relaxants to have your body examined for possible injuries or problems.

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The hazards of making video games



Making video games is not an easy undertaking. Aside from the extensive process of development, testing, and improving, there are some conditions and disorders caused by the work.

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This article deals with
performance anxiety, migraine headaches, symptoms of arthritis

Despite some popular beliefs, the people who make video games are not working in a stress-free environment. Video game companies and their employees have to deal with a number of external and internal issues. These issues, inevitably, lead to various disorders and psychological issues. In rare cases, they may even develop early symptoms of arthritis.

For major video game companies, or those that already have strong footholds in the industry, the stress can come from performance anxiety. Pressure is exerted on these companies to “up the ante” since they already have a reputation for quality and fun in terms of video game design. Gamers have become accustomed to the high standards of previous game offerings and, naturally, they expect a higher level of quality from new versions or the latest games. This constant demand for something “new and better”, combined with the generally unstable nature of the modern business environment causes performance anxiety from the video game developers to the humble programmers, even up to the producers who call the shots in game development.

For other companies, it isn’t the company’s reputation that’s at stake. Their own “stressor” is the drive to to outdo their own previous offerings. Outdoing their own product is simply their obsession. A prominent example of this is Blizzard, the developer and publisher of the “Warcraft” and “Starcraft” games. Both games were known for making the most of technology existing at the time, as well as being some of the best games in the Real-Time Strategy (RTS) genre. In South Korea, “Starcraft” is still played heavily despite being having been released over half a decade ago. Buckling under the pressure, some anonymous employees have reported that if Blizzard management did not implement an open time frame for releasing sequels to the above games (theoretically, to ensure quality), most employees would have suffered from extreme cases of performance anxiety. This has resulted in Blizzard, as a company, gaining a reputation for taking almost a decade to produce a follow-up to one of their titles.

Of course, it isn’t simply the mind that is worked and drained by being in the video game industry. The body is just as big a target for a number of problems, as the mind is. After all, games still have to be designed, the concepts have to be developed, and the beta releases need to be driven through a rigorous quality testing process.

For the visual and auditory aspect of the games, the most likely problem would most likely be muscle pain and migraine headaches. Some have reported symptoms of arthritis. Artwork for video games goes through multiple processes, and it is not entirely unusual for artists to be asked to rush through the art concept for the game. For smaller companies, a few artists might be given strict deadlines for the concept art of more than one project. The rapid pace of drawing makes them prone to muscle pain, while the constant thinking and visual analysis can cause migraine headaches.

Another section of the company that may suffer from muscle pain would be the programming team. Games have to be coded, with every piece of art and every bit of storyline converted into a language that the computers and gaming consoles can understand. Most people are unaware of just how much goes into even a simple video game like “Tetris” much less some of the 80-hour long epics produced by SquareEnix, a major Japanese game developer. This is further complicated when there are countless possible interactions within the game’s context, ranging from character creation options to how specific in-game abilities interact with one another. Now, top that off with a deadline, and you’re all set to see programmers suffering from symptoms of arthritis, possibly with migraine headaches as the sarcastic cherry on top.

Migraine headaches are also far from alien when it comes to the quality assurance teams, who are tasked with playing the beta versions of the games. Beta versions are unreleased, incomplete versions of the game that require extensive testing to see if everything works. Apart from that, the quality team must also check on the other game elements, such as difficulty or the plot. Since the beta versions are incomplete, there are naturally a number of graphical flaws, some of which have been known to cause migraine headaches.

For millions of gamers around the world, they enjoy the virtual worlds without even knowing the enormous pressure and dozens of headaches that came in designing their favorite video games. For most kids, playing video games is pure fun. But for the game-makers, developing video games is not “play time” at all.

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The Hazards Of Extreme Sports



Like all other sports, extreme sports also pose a certain number of risks to its athletes. However, unlike other sports, the potential injuries that a single lapse in judgment or a moment of poor coordination can be fatal.

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This article deals with
knee pain, lower back pain, anxiety, muscle spasms, muscle relaxant, nausea, migraine

If you’re a true extreme sports fan, then you’ve seen the incredible stunts of the Yasutoko brothers… you’re aware of the legend of Tony Hawk… and you’ve seen more than one brave climber swing from ledge to ledge along a complex artificial cliff face. Extreme sports professionals make it look easy, but the reality is that it is not. In fact, extreme sports require an extraordinary degree of precision and coordination that borders on a need for perfection. In very few sports is one’s sense of timing critical not only to winning, but also to preventing serious, life-threatening injuries. Extreme sports are tagged such for a very good reason.

For casual fans of extreme sports such as skateboarding, aggressive in-line skating, and ice climbing, the slightest mistake or a sudden burst of muscle spasms during competition can do more than just cause them to lose the game. Forgetting to take a muscle relaxant at the right time or losing your timing to mae that critical grab could potentially lead to serious injuries or a fatal accident.

All the dangers involved in doing extreme sports make it even more unbelievable when people like Tony Hawk, Fabiola da Silva, and Matt Hoffman make it look so easy when they perform in their respective extreme sports. The slightest mistiming in getting one’s body back to a proper landing position could result in broken limbs, or worse. Muscle spasms can also be a problem for other sports. For sports that involve incredible feats of physical coordination and strength, such as ice climbing, any sort of muscle problem at the wrong time can result in a drop from a great height.

The various physical hazards involved in extreme sports require the same degree of dedicated practice and muscle training as other sports, if not more so. However, the mental conditioning is also an integral part of successfully training someone in the world of extreme sports.

Even if it doesn’t look like it, concentration plays a large part in extreme sports. The mind can’t afford distractions like nausea and migraine headaches when you’re several feet from the ground and you’re trying to figure out how many times you can spin your body before you have to get back into landing position. Besides that, your mind must also be attuned such that your coordination is perfect, allowing you to impress people by pulling off nearly impossible stunts and tricks.

Interestingly, unlike other sports, the only real way to practice for extreme sports is to basically do the same things, but without the competitive setting. Which means that a person has to expose himself to the same risks that he would while in an exhibition or competition. Practicing for an extreme sport means that you have to take the same measures to avoid muscle spasms, nausea, migraine headaches, knee pain, lower back pain, and whatnot that you would if there was a cash prize on the line.

However, in contrast to the increased risk to one’s person if one gets these sorts of problems in the middle of a “run,” there is a lessened risk of the typical extreme sports athlete to actually develop an obvious physical problem. Extreme sports athletes tend to be serious about their training, but somehow maintain a generally laid-back attitude. This may seem rather contradictory, but most athletes in this sport aren’t as obsessive as athletes in other sports are. There is a distinct lack of anxiety towards things like muscle structure and physical dominance, as the sports tend to put more emphasis on coordination and style.

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The Hallmark of Performance Anxiety



Performance anxiety affects even the most seasoned professional speaker or performer. While some people have the ability and presence of mind to remain cool and composed, most of us are geniuses as far as coming up with all the negative thoughts that may happen before and during a performance.

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performance anxiety

Not everyone can comfortably speak or perform in front of a lot of people. Some may find it quite a frightening experience that they want to avoid at all costs. Performance anxiety, also known as a stage fright, is characterized by an intense anxiety and paranoia that occurs before, during, and after a performance.
Performance anxiety affects even the most seasoned professional speaker or performer. You can just imagine what goes on inside a person’s head prior and during a job interview, a public speaking engagement, a class or job presentation, a musical performance, or any situation or activity that would put you in front of an audience.
While some people have the ability and presence of mind to remain cool and composed, most of us are geniuses as far as coming up with all the negative thoughts that may happen before and/or during a performance.
This debilitating fear may depend on the context of the performance. A presenter’s level of anxiety may vary with respect to the size and status of the audience, the novelty of the situation, whether it is an individual performance, or as part of the group, the cultural context of the situation, and on the importance of the evaluation. The larger the number of people watching you, the more nervous you may become. A person may be less nervous speaking or performing in front of a group of students than a gathering of important officials. In the same way, during interviews, the interviewee tend to get more nervous with the general manager than the secretary. Speaking in front of a small church congregation you belong may not elicit an intense anxiety as in a business conference presentation.
It is important to distinguish at least three major ways in which people can experience performance anxiety since each may actually require different types of “remedies.”
1monly experienced by most people is an intense, but transient anxious, fluttery sensations, that typically precede a performance, but disappear shortly after the performance begins. Indicates a readiness to perform; and becomes a source of energy that improves the performance.
2.”Reactive anxiety” occurs as a result of insufficient preparation, lack of performance skills or experience on the part of the presenter. Usually best resolved through practice, preparation, and the repeated exposure to the experience of public speaking/performance.
3.The hallmark of performance anxiety is usually associated with signs of physical and emotional discomfort such as sweating, shaking, voice quivering, rapid heart beating, feelings of fear, and panic. These intense sensations come in waves before and during a performance, subsiding, but reappearing again, being appraised as debilitating to the speaker or performer. A common thread that usually runs through these experiences is a fear of negative evaluation by the speaker. What causes the speaker’s anxiety is the belief that he or she is being negatively evaluated.
To help control the anxiety this belief must be altered. Typically this is done by asking the performer to:
Accept the fear
Focus and relate to the audience
Identify and challenge your fearful thoughts
Remember to breathe
Be passionate about your topic/performance and share it with others
Be clear that your talk/performance matters to you
You may discover that fear still remains, but you notice that you can handle it, as you are beginning to get the sense of enjoyment from your performance and from connecting with others.

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The Hair Loss Stress Response

This article was originally written by Bob Lawrence

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Hair loss caused by excessive amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can affect men at practically any age due to a wide range of factors. But, how long your hair loss will last largely depends on your mindset, how you mentally cope with the trauma and the hair loss treatment you choose. This is extremely important as the wrong treatment could cost you valuable time, money and hair!
In the first early stages of hair loss, there is one immediate course of action which will greatly improve the hair loss recovery process. Fortunately, it doesn’t involve expensive drugs or chemicals, just a level of emotional self control. This can sometimes be quite difficult to achieve and maintain but when you first notice any excessive amounts of hair in the sink or shower, do not panic, stay calm and relax. A calm, relaxed attitude to the hair loss process is essential if you wish to succeed in turning things around.
Initially, when the signs of hair loss are noticed, the first reaction is usually panic, followed closely by worry and stress. Unfortunately, these emotions will actually accelerate the hair loss process rather than help control it effectively. In most cases, if the initial stress response isn’t recognised and eliminated, a vicious circle will develop and before you know it, those thinning areas willgradually spread across the scalp.
Unfortunately, a typical ‘stressed’ hair loss sufferer will probably proceed to spending half their lives desperately searching for a miracle cure and spending half their salaries each month paying for it. Their life will become totally dedicated to hair loss with daily inspections, counting lost hair, application of chemicals, taking before and after photos and searching hair loss forums late at night. It’s an extremely unhealthy approach to hair loss which often ends in failure.
To permanently stop hair loss and encourage new hair growth, a calm, natural, proactive approach is required. Some positive lifestyle and dietary changes may be necessary but this will only improve the health and well being of the hair loss sufferer.
Anyone who seriously wishes to stop their hair loss must first investigate what caused their DHT levels to rise to such a damaging level. Was it due to genetics, stress, inadequate nutrition, lack of exercise, chemical food additives or other negative and unhealthy lifestyle habits? Every hair loss sufferer must be aware that nature gave us the tools to prevent hair loss; all we have to do is learn how to use them!

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The Gym Can Be A Scary Place

This article was originally written by Paul Hegarty

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If you go to the gym a lot you get to see all sorts of people. You get to see those you are fitness enthusiasts; you see those who are confident and motivated. The gym at first sight can be intimidating and more so if you are out of shape. If you go to the gym frequently enough, you get used to seeing certain types: and what’s important to remember is that the majority are there for the same reason and that is to improve there physical well being.
Then as you start to work out and look around you see those who can’t look you in the eye. Their demeanor suggests they’re embarrassed. They look down move awkwardly, and are intimidated by the machines. This is a tough environment for these folks. I myself have been in situations where I could not use a machine and was too shy to ask anybody.
Like anything else nobody wants to admit that they do not know. I am sure you were there once. I am a male of the species so you could imagine what happens when I get lost out driving in a new city. Yes I fit the male stereotype.
Don’t delay about giving them encouragement. A simple, sincere smile would go a long way. Don’t give advice; don’t offer to show them how a particular machine can be adjusted. If you smile at them everyday, chances are by next week, they shall have mustered enough courage to ask you to help them figure out their fitness routine. It works

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The Grumbling Gut



There are a large number of bowl diseases that have different causes and aliments. Inflammation is the one thing they all have in common. These are very humbling diseases, but there is hope for those who want to help themselves.

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This article deals with
inflammation, digestive, gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, crohn’s disease, colitis, irritable bowl, bowl disease, mangosteen, intestines, stomach, gas

There are a large number of diseases of the bowl and they all have different symptoms, but there is one constant with all of these diseases and that is INFLAMMATION of the bowl. The digestive system is actually a very complex organ that has a finely tuned team of mechanical reactions mixed with chemicals. The team goes into action once food enters the mouth where it mixes with saliva, the food then moves to the stomach where it meets with digesting enzymes and other chemicals. The food mixes with the stomach secretions that are released; the mixture now moves into the small intestine, this is where new team members enter into the game. The liver and pancreas are now in action releasing digestive enzymes that break down the complex carbohydrates, fats and protein into sugars, simple fats and amino acids; these are now absorbed by the small intestine. The next team member is the large intestine or colon, the responsibility of this team player is to break down undigested food, fiber and water, as this mixture moves through the colon it is dehydrated by the colon cells becoming solid as it moves and turning into stool.

These diseases, such as inflammatory bowl disease (IBD), crohn’s, colitis, etc., have inflammation at the source of their problems. Inflammation is the bodies’ response to injury or illness, in the case of these diseases the inflammatory response turns on the bodies’ digestive track and actually attacks it. This means it is an auto-immune disease. There are only two areas where your intestinal system can go astray, either your bacteria or your chemistry or it could be both. Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) is a general term used for all the conditions in this class. IBS has no one cause and no one cure.

Let’s take a look at the intestinal areas that can go wrong. The gastrointestinal system needs an optimum level of good bacteria or your chemistry will change. The main reason you lose your bacterial balance is the use of antibiotics, unfortunately we sometimes need these drugs in order to get infections under control, but the side effect of this type of medication alters the bacterial balance in the intestines. Once the body has lost its bacterial balance it takes some time for the disease to set in. The inflammatory response that the body sends to the intestines is designed to heal what ever damage it encounters. It can not heal a lack of beneficial bacteria so the inflammatory response can not do what it is designed for and instead begins to attack the intestines. Now that the damage is getting worse and the beneficial bacterial level is low, your chemistry begins to change and the foods you were able to eat before become your worst nightmare. You are now developing intolerance’s or an allergic reaction to certain foods and symptoms begin appearing at an alarming rate. This is the most humbling and humiliating disease ever, because in many cases having to run to the rest room 10 to 25 times per day is common. 1 in ever 5 people have this disease and the majority are women. Stress is also a major player in all the IBS diseases and the more stress you feel during the day the worse your disease will get. Finding a way to control your level of stress is absolutely essential for your recovery; maintaining a low level of stress will help keep the disease from re-occurring later because once you have IBS you are always at high risk of it coming back to haunt you; your intestines will always be very sensitive to any unhealthy level of stress. Quite a few people find that Yoga is very calming and relaxing; yoga is designed to relieve stress, and calm the body and mind. There is more than likely a yoga class in your area.

There are ways in which to help yourself and believe it or not traditional treatments help this disease the most, the medications your physicians give to you all have different side effects that may cause you more complications. People must try a number of different things in order to find some relief from this horrible condition. Medication can work for a short time but offers little help for the long term due to the side effects; IBS can be with you for years and once you have it, even if you get better, your chances of reoccurrence are high. Your body has become allergic to some foods or types of foods, or it can be a large number of foods, it is extremely hard to know what to do or how to find the foods causing this condition. There is hope in using traditional herbs and fruits, many people have been turning to these because they have been effective in their long term recovery. A lot of these can be found in your local health food store. The first thing that needs to be done is to increase the level of your good bacteria, acidophilus supplements can aid in the re-introduction of beneficial bacteria. Cat’s claw is used to correct problems of imbalance in the small intestine, it helps to normalize beneficial microbes and reverse intestinal dysbiosis. A probiotic is an organism that is referred to as good or friendly bacteria. When they are ingested they help to maintain a healthy intestinal tract. Methylsufonylmethane or MSM is a naturally occurring sulfur used to control infections of the intestinal tract. You can also try, Green food plus w/MSM-Supreme greens, this formulated product is packed full of antioxidants and gives the nutritional equivalent of 2 lbs of fresh vegetables. There are a number of other items such as colustrum, bee propolis, sea silver, chlorophyl, and juicing.

Lets look at juicing; the body has trouble with the hard fibers in most fruits and vegetables due to the inflamed gastrointestinal tract that is no longer functioning properly, juicing actually removes the hard fibers in the necessary foods and still gives you the number two recovery need and that is antioxidants. You must take in a large number of antioxidants every day to fight free-radicals. Free-radicals are molecules or atoms that are missing an electron, antioxidants are either molecules or atoms that have an extra electron. You can not escape from free-radicals and the damage they do, they are in air and water pollution, in the junk foods we eat, and even in the medications we take hence the words “side effects”. Free-radicals go around attacking healthy cells in our bodies trying to steal the electron; anti-oxidants will give up their extra electron to a free-radical which in turn stops the attack on healthy cells. Now you can see the importance of taking in a large number of anti-oxidants every day. Most fruits and vegetable have anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 anti-oxidants each, which does not seem like a lot compared to the amount of free-radicals you are taking into your body every single day; about a billion. Vitamins and minerals also contain antioxidants so supplementation is important. You need to do some research and try to find fresh supplements; they tend to lose their potency the longer they sit on the self.

Lets talk about the third important step in your recovery; control of chronic inflammation. It has been proven that free-radicals are involved in every disease and illness out there but it has also been proven that chronic inflammation is also involved in the vast majority of diseases and illness. Scientist are calling chronic inflammation the silent killer. When there is any type of injury, trauma or disease, no matter what the action is, there is a reaction from our body to protect and heal itself – inflammation. We need inflammation in order to heal, its basic function is to make the tiny vessels in our tissue become larger so the white blood cells, that normally don’t fit, can now squeeze into these small spaces and begin the healing process. With IBS the inflammation response becomes angry, and instead of helping the body, it turns on itself creating chronic inflammation. Inflammation starts with the COX 2 enzyme. COX 1 preserves platelet function (needed for blood clotting) and protects the stomach lining. COX 2 causes inflammation and pain. COX 2 has been found in brain and spinal cord tumors as well as in the brains of Alzheimer’s patents causing degeneration of the brain tissue from the chronic inflammation.

The best solution is a natural food source that inhibits the inflammation and pain problems that are associated with COX 2 without disturbing the COX 1 that is critical in protecting the stomach lining and the bloods ability to clot.
The South East Asians have been eating and using a fruit called Mangosteen for centuries to treat all types of aliments. Scientists have been studying the mangosteen fruit for the last 20 years; they are in agreement with the South East Asian people that it heals without side effects. The mangosteen fruit decreases the level of COX 2 in your body. Mangosteen can aid in the healing process, it helps to ensure that inflammation doesn’t turn into chronic inflammation which then leads to chronic disease. How dose mangosteen do this? One word -Xanthones. Xanthones can only be found in nature. They have been widely studied for their medicinal properties. Xanthones support microbiological balance and sustain the immune system. Xanthones are stable, super charged anti-oxidants. Xanthones are diverse in their abilities to help heal the body; there is a natural anti-inflammatory xanthone within the mangosteen fruit juice. Xanthones can destroy more than one free-radical at a time, unlike normal antioxidants, due to carbon bonds that make them very stable. Each Xanthone performs a specific biological function inside the body unlike regular anti-oxidants. Two hundred xanthones have been identified in nature, 41 are in the mangosteen fruit alone and you can compare that to the Aloe Vera plant which contains only one xanthone. One thing about xanthones you need to know is they must be consumed in their natural form.

Scientists have also been in a buzz about the amount of antioxidants this fruit contains. The mangosteen fruit juice has an amazing 25,000 antioxidants. Science has proven that this fruit has the most powerful and the largest number of antioxidants in nature to date. You can read all the studies by going to (pub <> med at dot gov) and typing in mangosteen. The mangosteen fruit juice has been providing thousands of people with medicinal benefits.

For more information you can call toll free 1-888-374-4148 and listen to a message about the mangosteen fruit juice and its powerful medicinal abilities.
Let me summarize for you: reduce your stress level, improve your level of beneficial bacteria, consume large quantities of anti-oxidants, and take a natural anti-inflammatory. All of the above will help you to recover from these debilitating and humbling diseases.

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The Growing Nexus Of Steroid And Sports



The use of performance enhancing drugs in competitive sports is as old as the feeling of winning at any cost. The nexus of steroid and sports began developing in 1960s and 70s.

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steroid and sports

The use of performance enhancing drugs in competitive sports is as old as the feeling of winning at any cost. The nexus of steroid and sports began developing in 1960s and 70s.

In 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics, about a dozen of athletes were found using anabolic steroids. Most of the sports persons detected using anabolic steroids were weightlifters.

Steroid and sports became completely entwined in 1980s & 90s. In 1984 Los Angeles summer Olympics, Nandrolone (anabolic steroid), Methenolone (anabolic steroid), and Testosterone (steroid hormone), were widely used. This time anabolic steroids were used in weightlifting and athletics.

In 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul, the association of steroid and sports was widely revealed. Stanozolol was very popular anabolic steroid during this Olympics. Ben Johnson’s (Canada) case was one of the most famous instances of Stanozolol. Stanozolol was detected during 1996 (Atlanta), 2000 (Sydney), and 2004 (Athens) Olympics.

The nexus of steroid and sports is flourishing from the grass root levels to the professional international levels of sports. Steroids are being widely used by teenage sportspersons; both boys and girls for various purposes. The terms, such as roids, juice, hype, weight trainers, gym candy, arnolds, stackers, or pumpers, are pretty commonly used for anabolic steroids.

You see, the nexus of steroid and sports is no longer undercover. You can find lots of steroid pills, gels, creams, or injections that are widely used as performance enhancing drugs in professional sports, or often used to improve looks.

Power Jocks, such as bodybuilders, wrestlers, weightlifters, or boxers often use high doses of steroids to boost their power and performance. Bodybuilders and wrestlers often use anabolic steroids to build their muscle mass, strength, and stamina.

To break off the steroid and sports nexus, many international sports organizations have banned the use of steroids in sports. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Sports Medicine condemn the growing nexus between steroid and sports. Several organizations are in favor of disassociating steroid and sports by educating teens about the negative effects and serious consequences of using steroids.

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The Green Tea Secret

This article was originally written by Kristy Haugen

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The chemical compound known as a phenol is characterized by an aromatic benzene ring with a hydroxyl group (OH) attached. This makes sense that poly-phenols refer to a chemical substance with more than one phenol group. Phenols function as potent antioxidants, reacting with free radicals. Phenols are responsible for the bright coloring in many fruits and vegetables. These fruit and vegetable phenols protect the plants from damage by disease and ultraviolet light.
Polyphenols are phytonutrients or phytochemicals. Phytonutrients are biologically active compounds in food. However, these phytonutrients are not classified as essential nutrients. This is because the body does not depend on these nutrients for proper bodily function. Phytonutrients do play a vital role in affecting our health just as significantly as vitamins and minerals do.
Polyphenols are classified as flavonoids, which is a class of phytonutrient. Polyphenols can form complexes with metal cations such as iron, zinc, and copper. This reduces the absorption of the mineral. This is beneficial because excess levels of these cations promotes the generation of free radicals. Polyphenols are potent free radical scavengers in the body. Polyphenols also protect and regenerate other dietary oxidants such as vitamin E.
Polyphenols are plentiful in green tea. Polyphenols have been found to be more powerful as an antioxidant than even vitamins C and E. In particular, EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate is the major polyphenolic constituent of green tea. EGCG is a potent antioxidant. A number of chronic diseases have been thought to be caused by free radical damage such as cancer, aging, and heart disease.
Antioxidants protect the body from free radical damage. What are free radicals? Free radicals are caused by cigarette smoking, radiation, pollution, and herbicides. Free radicals are atoms with unpaired electrons in the outer shell. The unpaired electrons make free radicals unstable. Free radicals want only to be stable. Free radical stability requires the electrons to be paired. Free radicals are extremely reactive and will oxidize the nearest molecule.
Oxidizing causes the free radical to gain an electron but also creates another free radical. This creates a chain reaction continuing until the disruption of a living cell. Free radicals can attack proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and DNA. However, DNA is usually preferred. DNA and free radical interactions usually result in mutations that adversely affect the cell cycle and potentially lead to malignancy. In fact, researchers believe this is how many forms of cancer arise.
Antioxidants protect the body from damaging oxidation reactions. Antioxidants safely interact with free radicals to prevent damage to vital molecules. Antioxidants donate an electron to the free radical, hence stabilizing the free radical and preventing damage. The antioxidant is stable with or without the electron, making this a win-win situation.
Polyphenols can be found in white, black, and green tea. Of course, the level of polyphenols along with other nutrients is based on how the tea is processed. Steamed white and green tea retains more polyphenols and nutrients than roasting and fermenting. Black teas and some green teas are fermented and roasted, damaging the bioactive substances in the tea leaf.
Why should you drink green tea? Many studies have been done on the health benefits of green tea. Dietary intake of green tea has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. Regular consumption of green tea shows no significant side effects. Green tea helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth, and is thought to kill oral bacteria that is responsible for bad breath. Green tea has been shown to protect the brain from oxidative stress and lower monoamine oxidase activity; preventing age related brain degeneration. Green tea studies suggest an increase in exercise endurance by improving the metabolism of fat.
Green tea offers many health benefits to those who drink green tea regularly. Besides offering antioxidant benefits, green tea is excellent as a weight loss supplement offering weight loss results and safety. Of course, green tea should be used in combination with a healthy diet and exercise program. If you take medications for a health condition, consult your doctor before adding green tea to your diet.
Copyright 2006 Kristy Haugen

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The Green Tea Diet Can Provide Vital Health Benefits



It appears that a green tea diet has some of the same properties that golden elixirs, fountains of youth and magic potions all have. If there is a risk for Alzheimer’s in your family, then a green tea diet may delay the onset of this disease.

This has been the conclusion of a recent study that was done in Britain. It discovered that a green tea diet will inhibit the 3 chemical culprits that are associated with breaking down chemical messengers and forming plaques and prote…

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It appears that a green tea diet has some of the same properties that golden elixirs, fountains of youth and magic potions all have. If there is a risk for Alzheimer’s in your family, then a green tea diet may delay the onset of this disease.

This has been the conclusion of a recent study that was done in Britain. It discovered that a green tea diet will inhibit the 3 chemical culprits that are associated with breaking down chemical messengers and forming plaques and protein deposits in your brain.

Who Could Benefit From a Green Tea Diet

During the flu season you should incorporate a green tea diet into your daily routine because it will help you to fight off the flu. This is because the substance in green tea that is known as L-theanine is able to increase your virus-battling cells by 10 times. This will also work if you gargle with green tea.

Another great benefit of the green tea diet is that it will increase your metabolism and oxidize any fat that you may have, without raising your heart rate. This has been proven in a recent scientific paper by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The reason why your heart rate is so important here is because an increased heart rate can lead to adverse cardiac effects.

However, there are only 2 ways in which you can actually get rid of fat: by dieting or by exercising. If you are unable to diet, then the green tea diet may be just what you have been looking for as it will allow you to expend energy without a lot of exercise. Combine that with the fact that it is all natural and you have got yourself a winner.

The Concluding Facts About a Green Tea Diet

If you love the idea of a green tea diet but simply cannot stand the taste of tea then you should know that there are green tea pills that you can take as a dietary supplement. These usually come in 500 mg. capsules that you should take 2 or 3 times a day. There is no bitter aftertaste with these capsules either.

So, regardless of how you take green tea, the benefits of a green tea diet simply cannot be ignored. Of course, it is possible to ignore these facts but why would you want to?