Health Goals

The Health Benefits of Fish Oil Explained

This article was originally written by Shwn Paeltzer

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Fish oil is a proven food product for fighting disease and maintaining general good health. Fish oil is obtained from various species of fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, lake trout, etc. Fish oil is safe for consumption by all age-groups; unlike dietary fish, which may be contaminated by metals such as mercury.
Fish oil is an important source of Omega 3 fatty acids; eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The Omega 3 found in fish oil is more beneficial than other forms of Omega 3 that are found in walnuts, flaxseeds, etc.
Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil have numerous clinically proven health benefits. Fish oil has long been considered as brain food and its regular consumption enhances memory and develops concentration. Studies carried out in different countries such as the U.K and Australia have shown the positive effects of fish oil on the learning skills of toddlers. Children affected by ADD/ADHD and dyslexia benefit from fish oil, their learning, grasping, and reading skills improve appreciably. In fact, if expecting mothers partake of fish oil, the children born have an edge over their compatriots in kindergarten. DHA in fish oil boosts visual acuity in children.
Fish oil is also considered to be beneficial in treating and preventing various forms of cancer. Studies with volunteer groups show that those who consumed fish oil were less susceptible to sunburn and the harmful effects of UV rays. This could have implications in the prevention of skin cancer. Research also shows that the combination of propofil, which is an anesthetic, with fish oil can lead to the destruction of cancer cells. This opens up the possibility of developing either an ointment or a patch for treating tumors. Fish oil has also been found to be useful in the treatment of the Human Papilloma Virus, which is a common STD that leads to cervical cancer in women.
Fish oil has always been considered good for the eyes; recent studies have shown that the Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil offer protection against age-related macular degeneration, which is one of the foremost causes of age-related blindness, and dry-eye syndrome in which the lachrymal glands do not function properly and the cornea can get scarred.
A recent study conducted in Denmark has found that fish oil consumption by diabetics lowered the content of triacylglycerol, (TAG) in the blood. TAG is a fatty substance linked to heart disease. Obese individuals who suffer from hypertension, insulin resistance, and high blood triglycerides can lose weight more effectively if they follow a regimen of exercise combined with regular intake of fish oil. This is because the Omega 3 fatty acids enhance the fuel-burning capacities of the cells. A study conducted in Japan found that Statins, which is drug used to lower cholesterol levels, was more useful when used in conjunction with fish oil.
Fish oil serves as a remedy for ulcerative colitis, which is an ailment of the digestive tract, characterized inflammatory pseudopolyps. Fish oil taken in conjunction with antioxidants and fiber-rich foods, helps control this ailment.

Health Goals

The Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolates



It is rare that eating chocolate is recommended for health reasons. However, quite surprisingly, dark chocolate is said to contain antioxidants that benefit your body when eaten properly.

People often refer to dark chocolate as “bittersweet” chocolate. It contains roughly 70% cocoa solids and has less or no sugar added.

Since it has less or no sugar, dark chocolate is far less susceptible to heat than milk chocolate.

Some recent studies suggest that eating dark choco…

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chocolate,dark chocolate

It is rare that eating chocolate is recommended for health reasons. However, quite surprisingly, dark chocolate is said to contain antioxidants that benefit your body when eaten properly.

People often refer to dark chocolate as “bittersweet” chocolate. It contains roughly 70% cocoa solids and has less or no sugar added.

Since it has less or no sugar, dark chocolate is far less susceptible to heat than milk chocolate.

Some recent studies suggest that eating dark chocolate provides your body with essential antioxidants that could help with getting rid of free radicals that cause premature aging.

Other studies indicate that another benefit of dark chocolates is it could help with lowering bad cholesterol oxidation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

The primary reason why dark chocolate have these benefits is the flavonoids it contains. A flavonoid is a ketone that one can also find in the stems, seeds, and leaves of several plants. These flavonoids are members of a class of antioxidants called polyphenols, which are also found in red wine, tea, and certain fruits and vegetables.

It is estimated that dark chocolate contains eight times the levels of polyphenol antioxidants when compared with strawberries.

More studies have indicated that there are reduced benefits eating dark chocolate antioxidants if it were taken with milk or if milk were part of the dark chocolate mixture. It is believed that the molecules of milk adhere themselves to the epicatechins and prevent the proper assimilation of the flavonoids by the body.

Not all studies favor dark chocolates. Concerns have been raised about the possibility of dark chocolate inducing migraine attacks. However, data to fully support those concerns is still insufficient.

In addition to being a pleasure on the palate, consuming fifty grams of dark chocolate made of at least 70 percent chocolate solids could provide health benefits and supplement your diet with additional iron, potassium, and calcium.

Health Goals

The Health Benefits of Acupuncture

This article was originally written by Trisha Agopu

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The Chinese Art of Acupuncture
The ancient Chinese medicinal art of Acupuncture has an important place in alternative healing even today. The proponents of acupuncture rave about the benefits and efficacy of receiving acupuncture treatment sessions. There are also many studies that have substantiated some of the positive effects of acupuncture treatments on patients.
Acupuncture involves positioning long, thin needles on various points on the body. There are different techniques to the insertion of the needles, including care for the angles at which they are inserted, different types of needles (there are nine, but most practitioners only use six types of the needles), and various ways to twirl or vibrate the needles. The needles are placed on the body depending upon the ailment of the patient. Acupuncturists believe that the body has different energy channels that help in the efficient and proper functioning of the body. Precise placement of the needles draws energy to the needed areas and makes way for positive energy flow. This is what adherents profess gives the health benefits.
Those who practice and those who receive acupuncture point to a variety of positive health benefits associated with the expert placement of the needles. When placed in the proper places, acupuncture needles are said to help cure nearly any ailment from chronic pain to diabetes to cellulite. Cancer patients report that acupuncture helps them deal with their disease by helping them achieve calm and by helping them feel more energetic after cancer treatments. Additionally, relief of the pain associated with the progression of the cancer is felt. Similar results are said to be felt by HIV/AIDS patients.
For people without specific diseases, however, there are other health benefits. Acupuncture adds energy to the day. It can also reduce anxiety and stress. People who use this treatment claim that they feel calmer, and that they feel happier. Additionally, many of them report less worry and anxiety. They feel more alert mentally and more stable emotionally. Acupuncture is also said to help prevent diseases. Because regular treatments keep the body in proper working order, and because the positive energy is uninhibited through its channels, the body is said to be less prone to sickness.
You can maintain your health and sense of well being by choosing acupuncture. There is researched evidence of the positive effects of acupuncture on the health of patients. However, most physicians and scientists recommend the use of more traditional methods of medicine for treating illnesses.

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The Health Benefits Natural Dietary Supplements



The Health Benefits Natural Dietary Supplements – Quickly and Easily!

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Natural Dietary Supplements

You should check with your health care professional before taking any thing, including natural dietary supplements. Some natural dietary supplements can cause health problems instead of improving your overall health. As with all health supplements, please consult your physician before taking any creatine dietary supplement or other natural supplement. Trinovin is a natural dietary supplement that contains isoflavones, known to contribute to the maintenance of prostate health. The health benefits of a natural dietary supplement can be great, when used correctly and in accordance with the recommended daily dosage. Finally, most health care practitioners are in a quandary regarding dietary supplements and natural products.

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The health benefits of a natural dietary supplement can be great, when used correctly and in accordance with the recommended daily dosage. Counsel patients about the use and recommended dietary intake of selected natural supplements. But it maybe wise to get a First Opinion, as to whether natural dietary supplements are right for you at this time. Trinovin is a natural dietary supplement that contains isoflavones, known to contribute to the maintenance of prostate health. Algo Dynamics’s Ocean Miracle an oral spray, algae based natural dietary supplement for weight loss, energy boost, well-being, and anti-aging. Some natural dietary supplements can cause health problems instead of improving your overall health. Some commercially available dietary supplements contain a complex mixture of lutein, natural tocopherols and other components.

The biggest problem with these so-called natural remedies is that they’ve been dubbed dietary supplements, not drugs. Three main groups of dietary supplements are:Nutritional supplements provide nutrients that are naturally present in food and have well-established health-related functions. However, the common perception that the so-called natural products used in dietary supplements are always safe, is completely unfounded and dangerously misguided. The use of L-Arginine in this form, combined with other natural supplements, can form a dietary supplement to promote healthy sexual activity.

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Pueragold is a premuim grade Thai herbal product derived mainly from the White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains. Phytoestrogen (Natural Plant Estrogen). This all-natural herbal formula stimulates and rebalances older women and men hormones level.

Pueraria Mirifica CAPSULE Pueragold THAI FDA. G. 10/2003 (E)

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

High Phytoestrogens (especially isoflavones):

*Reduces Menopausal/Post-Menopausal symptoms

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Darken white hair & increases hair growth

*Alleviates sleep disorder & improves eyesight

*Enhances Breast and Skin Appearance

*Supports Healthy Prostate Function

*Supports Healthy Bone Structure

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs

Packaging: 60 capsules per box

Recommended Dosage:

Men/Post-Menopausal Women: Take 1 capsule after breakfast and dinner everyday

Precautions: *If should not be used in pregnant women,nursing cervix mothers, or women diagnosed with tumors in estrogen-sensitive organs, e.g., ovary, uterus and breast.

Health Goals

The Health Aspects Of Chocolate



Chocolate is relaxing. It’s calming. It soothes our nerves and makes us feel good. And we often think of it as a sinful indulgence. But it doesn’t have to be. If you choose your chocolate wisely, you can enjoy it without the guilty feelings we normally associate with it.

What Are the Healthy Aspects of Chocolate?

By eating small amounts of the right chocolate, you will enjoy the many health aspects of chocolate. Chocolate contains high levels of potassium and magnesiu…

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Chocolate is relaxing. It’s calming. It soothes our nerves and makes us feel good. And we often think of it as a sinful indulgence. But it doesn’t have to be. If you choose your chocolate wisely, you can enjoy it without the guilty feelings we normally associate with it.

What Are the Healthy Aspects of Chocolate?

By eating small amounts of the right chocolate, you will enjoy the many health aspects of chocolate. Chocolate contains high levels of potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, D and E. If that’s not reason enough to reach for a daily dose of chocolate, consider that it can also lower blood pressure and prevent arteries from hardening, therefore protecting the heart.

Has Chocolate Been Wrongly Accused?

For the most part, chocolate has been wrongly accused. New studies are finding that common beliefs about the effects of chocolate are not true after all. While we used to associate chocolate with acne, researchers have now dismissed a possible link between the two. While some people avoided chocolate because of the caffeine level associated with it, we now know that a small serving only contains as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee. Does chocolate really cause migraines? Well, only if consumed in large amounts. Again, moderation plays a big role here.

So before you reach for a Hershey bar of a Snicker’s, consider that the chocolate you eat should contain 70% cocoa. This can be found specifically in dark chocolates. You should invest in a quality dark chocolate and eat it in small amounts every day to see the health benefits. Make sure you enjoy each bite and let it melt in your mouth. It will have the same effect as the recommended single glass of wine per day.

What Kind of Chocolate Offers The Most Health Aspects?

True cocoa is the best chocolate to eat for health reasons. Not only will it satisfy your sweet tooth, but it will also provide health aspects beyond what many of us dreamed possible. The recommendation is to eat two small squares of chocolate per day. We’re not talking about a typical candy bar here. Dark chocolate contains higher levels of cocoa and lower level of milk and sugar.

Choosing Wisely

The best varieties of chocolate are more expensive and are dark or bittersweet. Good chocolate should only have a few ingredients on the contents label. In addition, you can buy organic chocolate or make your own homemade chocolate with a cocoa base.

Healthy Chocolate Snacks

There are some easy ways to get in your daily dose of heart-healthy chocolate. Try a steamy cup of hot cocoa, fruit dipped dark in chocolate, chocolate covered almonds or eat the squares of chocolate by themselves.

Chocolate in Moderation

Hearing that chocolate has health aspects does not mean we can load up our grocery carts with chocolate bars though. It is important to adhere to the daily-recommended dose since it is high in calories. Moderation is a key factor here. Balance your caloric intake with a variety of other heart-healthy foods and reach for the dark chocolate as a cure for your sweet tooth sparingly.

Health Goals

The Health Advantages of Permanent Makeup

This article was originally written by Dawn Willard

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The art and science of permanent makeup goes by many different names: micropigmentation, permanent cosmetics, derma pigmentation, intradermal cosmetics, dermagraphics and cosmetic tattoos. As the procedures associated with permanent makeup become more main stream the public becomes more aware of the benefits, especially for individuals that suffer from illness, disease, injury or scarring. In my recent article “Building a Bridge: Cosmetic Surgery and Micropigmentation” I explored the relationship between cosmetic surgery and permanent makeup. I would now like to discuss how permanent makeup can work as part of the solution for a variety of medical conditions.
Physicians as Partners
According to the Third Edition of “Medical Issues for Permanent Cosmetic Technicians” published by the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals “permanent cosmetic professionals are part of a new and exciting trend in the aesthetic medical arena”. It goes on to say that plastic surgery and dermatology centers are now offering permanent makeup procedures in order to attract new patients. At times physicians recommend permanent makeup to compliment other cosmetic procedures, such as Botox or a face lift, but it also helps the patient feel better about themselves and the way they look during or after a difficult illness or injury. The artistic eye of a trained permanent makeup practitioner can analyze color and form to achieve the best look when the doctor has exhausted medical and surgical options.
Know Your Medical History
It is important that the permanent cosmetic professional inquire into a client’s medical history. For specific medical related issues the physician should approve the procedure. Healing time and the strength of the immune system are incredibly important. Some of the most common medical conditions that warrant permanent makeup are cancer patients experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy and areola repigmentation after breast reconstruction. It is preferable to have permanent makeup applied before chemotherapy or in the early stages of treatment to reduce stress and promote healing. A Doctor’s release should be provided. Permanent makeup can also be used to assist patients that suffer from Vitiligo-the absence of pigmentation in the skin, Trichotillomania-a condition that causes compulsive plucking of hair or Alopecia-a condition that leads to complete or partial hair loss. Permanent makeup can also help Hypothyroid patients who have thinning eyebrows. Individuals who have recently had a facelift or plastic surgery should wait until their physician has determined they are healed, this can take six months or more, but patience will guard against infection. Anyone with medical issues that create a higher risk for infection, such as an artificial hip, mitral vale prolapse or autoimmune disorders should be on an antibiotic. If you are on medication consult your doctor, it is essential that you do your homework.
Toxicity Issues and Camouflaging Scars
Permanent makeup is also a viable alternative for individuals that suffer from allergies or toxicity issues. Patients should talk with their doctors about potential side effects related to pigments then consult a trained permanent makeup practitioner. In many situations the pigments are less toxic than applying conventional cosmetics every day. Individuals that suffer from arthritis, loss of vision or neurological problems that cause painful or unsteady movement of the hands can also enjoy the freedom achieved through permanent makeup. In her book “The Essence of Beauty” Dr. Adrianna Scheibner, M.D. says in Chapter 9 “the applications of the procedure [derma pigmentation] within the realm of medicine are numerous”. “In the past few years,” Scheibner continues, “corrective camouflaging has emerged as a useful service to dermatologists and plastic surgeons when they can no longer medically improve a patient’s appearance”. Camouflage, applied by an experienced permanent makeup professional, is a tricky procedure. In the “Procedures of Macro-Theory Dermagraphics” printed by the American Institute of Permanent Color Technology it states that “the application of camouflage is unlike any other procedure…when applying camouflage you actually are taking something away, or diminishing something that already exists, from the skin. Because of this, camouflaging is an imperfect procedure”. Camouflaging is difficult and the results never exact. Camouflaging strives to recreate the skin’s natural appearance; realistic expectations are essential with this type of procedure. Also, when seeking assistance with scar camouflage the procedure should be done when scars are a pale white color, not red or pink.
There are many potential issues when a candidate for permanent makeup suffers from illness or injury. The permanent makeup professional you choose should have experience and provide you with referrals from previous clients and a portfolio. An experienced permanent makeup professional will know the right questions to ask during your initial consultation and will guide you through the safest and healthiest way to looking your best. To learn more about permanent makeup visit my web site


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The Healing Wonders Of Meditation



Scientific studies continue to prove the healing wonders of meditation. Many health care professionals consider meditation a key element of an integrated health program.

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meditation, chronic pain, stress and anxiety, pregnancy, insomnia, relaxation, infertility, anxiety

The use of meditation for healing and spiritual enlightenment has been an ancient practice that is common among the world’s great religions and cultures. It is an accepted and proven alternative therapy that is classified under “mind-body medicine.”
Through the years, more and more people have found meditation as an effective way to ease chronic pain, improve heart health, relieve stress and anxiety, boost mood and immunity, and resolve pregnancy problems. Even doctors are already prescribing meditation as a way to lower blood pressure; improve exercise performance in people with angina; help people with asthma breathe easier; and to relieve insomnia. It is a safe and simple way to balance a person’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
According to cardiologist Herbert Benson, MD: “Any condition that’s caused or worsened by stress can be alleviated through meditation.” Benson is the founder of the Mind/Body Institute at Harvard Medical School’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He said that the relaxation induced by meditation can help decrease metabolism, lower blood pressure, and improve heart rate, breathing, and brain waves. When the body receives a quiet message to relax, tension and tightness begin to seep from muscles.
Brain scans (or Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI) of people who meditate have been used to show scientific evidence that meditation really works. It shows an increase in activity in areas that control metabolism and heart rate. Other studies on Buddhist monks have shown that meditation produces long-lasting changes in the brain activity in areas involving attention, working memory, learning, and conscious perception.
Meditation is not difficult to learn but it is a skill that needs to be practiced in order to develop the ability to focus on the breathing patterns and the need to ignore distracting thoughts. Meditation is usually accompanied by a mantra, a word or phrase that is repeatedly chanted to produce a biological response such as relaxation. The soothing power of repetition is at the heart of meditation. Constant practice of meditation allows people to learn anddevelop the ability to produce meditative and relaxed states without difficulty. Meditating several times during the day makes the practitioner feel relaxed throughout the entire day.
Benefits of Meditation
Heart Health: Countless studies have shown that regular practice has significantly helped reduce high blood pressure. A study conducted at the College of Maharishi Vedic Medicine in Fairfield, Iowa, showed significant lowering of blood pressure and heart rate in black adults. Another study conducted by the American Journal of Hypertension showed that teenagers who meditated for 15 minutes twice a day for four months were able to lower their blood pressure a few points.
Immune Booster: In a Psychosomatic Medicine study testing immune function, meditation has bben shown to be useful in warding off illness and infections. Flu shots were given to volunteers who had meditated for eight weeks and to people who didn’t meditate. The result of blood tests from the meditation group had produced higher levels of antibodies against the flu virus.
Women’s Health: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), infertility problems, and even breastfeeding can be improved when women meditate regularly. In one study, PMS symptoms subsided by 58% when women meditated. Another study found that hot flashes were less intense among women who practiced meditation. Women struggling with infertility had much less anxiety, depression and fatigue following a 10-week meditation program; 34 percent became pregnant within six months. Also, new mothers who meditated on images of milk flowing from their breasts were able to more than double their production of milk.
Meditation Enhances Brain Activity
Those who practice meditation regularly showed evidence of significantly higher brain activity, called gamma wave activity, in areas associated with learning and happiness compared with those who didn’t practice meditation. Gamma waves involve mental processes including attention, memory, learning and conscious perception.
Many health care providers consider meditation as a key element of an integrated health program. However, when you are having a hard time getting into that meditative state, try to enroll in a class. It will help and guide you with your progress. Any practice that can evoke the relaxation response can be beneficial, be it through meditation, yoga, breathing, or repetitive prayer. The growing body of research literature on meditation and other alternative therapies gives us no reason to believe that one is better than the other.

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The Healing Properties of a Good Fibromyalgia Diet



All people who suffer from fibromyalgia are overwhelmed by its variety of symptoms. Fibromyalgia is considered to be a serious neurological condition that in time can lead to many complications. Although millions of people worldwide are confronted with fibromyalgia, the exact causes of the disorder haven’t yet been clarified. Despite the fact that scientists have been able to establish a connection between abnormal brain activity and the symptoms of fibromyalgia, the factors responsible for causing the disorder are still unknown.

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fibromyalgia diet, fibromyalgia symptoms

All people who suffer from fibromyalgia are overwhelmed by its variety of symptoms. Fibromyalgia is considered to be a serious neurological condition that in time can lead to many complications. Although millions of people worldwide are confronted with fibromyalgia, the exact causes of the disorder haven’t yet been clarified. Despite the fact that scientists have been able to establish a connection between abnormal brain activity and the symptoms of fibromyalgia, the factors responsible for causing the disorder are still unknown.

The factors of risk that are considered to facilitate the occurrence and the development of fibromyalgia are stress, depression, inadequate sleeping patterns, inappropriate diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Although many people who are exposed to all of these factors of risk don’t develop neurological conditions, statistics indicate that all patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia have suffered from depression at certain stages of their lives and many of them have developed the disorder on the premises of insomnia, unhealthy lifestyle and inappropriate diet.

An appropriate diet is vital for maintaining both physical and mental balance and it can strengthen the immune system of the organism. A good fibromyalgia diet can be a very effective way of overcoming the symptoms of the disorder, normalizing and stimulating the activity of the body. Unhealthy lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, smoking, the abuse of alcoholic beverages are all considered to be factors of risk in the development of fibromyalgia. By improving your lifestyle and by respecting an appropriate fibromyalgia diet, you will quickly feel improvements in your health. Also, an effective fibromyalgia diet can considerably ameliorate the symptoms of the disorder. Here are some tips in establishing an effective fibromyalgia diet:

– A good fibromyalgia diet should exclude alcoholic beverages and smoking; also, caffeine is known to have undesirable effects on the fragile nervous system of people with fibromyalgia and therefore, all products containing caffeine (coffee, tea, carbonated soda, cocoa and chocolate) should be excluded from the fibromyalgia diet.

– An appropriate fibromyalgia diet should contain less dairy products, especially those that contain high levels of fat; consider using soy replacements instead (soy milk, tofu).

– Consume less wheat products, as they are not well tolerated by people with fibromyalgia.

– Reduce the amount of sugar in your fibromyalgia diet.

– Stay away from food products that contain additives, colorants and preservatives.

– Avoid any kind of fried foods; consider eating more boiled and baked foods instead.

– Add more home-made meals in your fibromyalgia diet; consume more soups, as they are better tolerated by the stomach.

– Consume more liquids.

– Reduce the amount of salt and spices in your meals.

– Reduce the amount of meat in your fibromyalgia diet.

– Consume plenty of vegetables and fruits, as they are a vital source of vitamins and minerals.

– Consider taking mineral and vitamin supplements.

These are some basic tips in establishing a good, effective fibromyalgia diet. By respecting these suggestions in planning your fibromyalgia diet, you will soon begin to feel an amelioration of your symptoms. A good fibromyalgia diet can correct the sleeping problems that occur to most people with the disorder, also diminishing fatigue and the lack of energy characteristic to fibromyalgia.

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The Healing Potential of Art



Art therapy is the therapeutic use of art by people who experience a variety of challenges in life, such as stress and emotional problems, anxiety and depression, illnesses and other health conditions. It is also for people who seek personal development and fulfillment.

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anxiety and depression

It is often said that art is an imitation of life. Art is a form of expression and a channel through which we convey ideas and feelings. It is a medium of expression of one’s creativity. Art is a product of human activity that stimulates the senses and evokes different types of emotions. It is the mind’s interpretation of what it perceives, and expresses it in symbols, words, drawings, music, dance, plays, etc. It comes from the mind of its creator.
If art imitates life and is an expression of human activity, then art can help us understand an individual’s state of being through his works. Throughout the centuries, many artists have used their art form for aesthetic as well therapeutic purposes. Many artists who understood the connection between art and healing based their assumptions on principles of human development, psychological theories, clinical practice, spirituality, multicultural and artistic traditions.
Art therapy is the therapeutic use of art by people who experience a variety of challenges in life, such as stress and emotional problems, anxiety and depression, illnesses and other health conditions. It is also for people who seek personal development and fulfillment.
Artistic creation and its processes increase self-awareness and the ability to cope with struggles in living which include coping with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences. Art therapy helps to enhance cognitive abilities and provides life-affirming pleasures.
In art therapy, creation may start with an urge to make a doodle or sketch, or with a certain feeling, dreams, memories or just a plain idea. The next step is to give it a physical form with the use of a clay or paint or any tool one would like to use for his creation. This is a creative play that provides a means to express something that has no word, or is not yet understood.
There are a number of reasons why people come to art therapy. Most people who are grieving the loss of a loved one, undergoing anxiety and depression, trauma, sexual abuse, and drug or substance addiction find relief and courage through their creativity. Others who are mending broken relationships, exploring their dreams, or seeking for renewal and meaning in their lives have found the depth of art therapy to be very helpful and effective.
Art therapy can provide a deep sense of safety as it becomes a trusted place where one can show images or expressions that a person considers to be private. Paintings, sculptures, and other forms of art offer a kind of nourishment, healing insights, and a fresh respect for one’s creativity. There are people who prefer to work in silence. But there are also times when a unique dialogue between a client and a therapist takes place. The finished art work remains a source of further reflection after the session.
For art therapy, the creative process and experience are given more emphasis than coming up with a beautiful product. A drawing of an ugly picture can be an important expression of suppressed anger, anxiety and depression. Just the act of picking up a crayon and making a mark can be a powerful expression to some people who have not done any art since grade school. Engaging in artworks can evoke feelings and relive memories of those days.
Art therapists are trained professionals in the field of aesthetics and therapy. They are experts about the healing potential of art. They use art for treatment, assessment, and research into psychological and emotional disorders. They provide consultations to allied professionals and work with people of all ages: individuals, couples, families, groups and communities. Services are provided individually or as part of clinical teams in different locations and big settings that include mental health, rehabilitation, medical and forensic institutions; community outreach programs; wellness centers; schools; nursing homes; corporate structures; open studios and independent practices.
To experience and to regain creativity can be empowering, as well as pleasurable. Connecting creativity with therapy greatly helps in exploring the struggles and challenges of daily normal life.

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The Healing Effects of an Appropriate Acid Reflux Diet



Acid reflux can become very serious if it is not appropriately treated and can even lead to severe complications. The factors responsible for causing acid reflux are multiple: low pressure in the region of the esophagus, inappropriate activity of the lower esophageal sphincter (a muscular valve at the union between the esophagus and the stomach), excessive production of digestive acid or physiological abnormalities of the esophagus.

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natural cures for acid reflux, acid reflux diet

Acid reflux can become very serious if it is not appropriately treated and can even lead to severe complications. The factors responsible for causing acid reflux are multiple: low pressure in the region of the esophagus, inappropriate activity of the lower esophageal sphincter (a muscular valve at the union between the esophagus and the stomach), excessive production of digestive acid or physiological abnormalities of the esophagus.

Acid reflux may also occur due to inappropriate diet, stress and unhealthy lifestyle. The best way of controlling the condition is through the means of a good acid reflux diet. An appropriate acid reflux diet greatly contributes in preventing and controlling the condition. Due to the fact that excessive production of stomach digestive fluids aggravates the condition, an appropriate acid reflux diet should contain only foods that don’t add to the stomach’s acidity. A good acid reflux diet should exclude: foods that are rich in fat, citrus foods, tomato products, milk, caffeine-based products, spicy foods, fried foods, peppermint, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

First of all, avoid eating large amounts of foods that contain fat. By restricting the amount of fat in your acid reflux diet, you help normalize the activity of the stomach. When large amounts of fat-rich foods are ingested at once, the stomach can’t manage to digest it properly and attempts to dissolve it by secreting more digestive acids. Exclude spices and other irritants (preservatives, colorants) from your acid reflux diet and replace fast food with home-cooked meals. Although it is believed that dairy products have a calming effect on the stomach, milk can eventually increase the amount of gastric acid. Milk has a rebound action on the stomach, neutralizing the levels of digestive acid at first, only to increase the amount of digestive acid further on.

It is very important to avoid smoking and the consumption of alcohol. These factors are proved to increase the production of gastric acids inside the stomach and therefore can aggravate acid reflux. Also, try to reduce the consumption of foods and beverages that contain caffeine (coffee, cola, black tea, cocoa, chocolate). Although it is not exactly known how caffeine affects the normal activity of the stomach, it is best to exclude it from your acid reflux diet.

Foods considered to be appropriate for people who suffer from acid reflux are: apples, bananas, cabbage, carrots, beans, peas, potatoes, rice, low-fat meat, bread, pasta and cereals. Include more foods that are rich in carbohydrates in your acid reflux diet (price, pasta, bread, cereals, potatoes) and try to reduce the intake of protein. You may eat light meats such as chicken or fish, but try to place meat products on a secondary level in your acid reflux diet.

Follow a good acid reflux diet and you will quickly improve your condition. In some cases, an appropriate acid reflux diet can even be a substitute for medication.