Health 4

Relieving Your Ache Joints and Arthritis — are there Options?

Can New Joint Treatments Like MSM and Phosoplex Help Relieve Joint, Back and Knee Pain? The Baby Boomer generation or those approaching fifty to sixty-five years of age is the fastest growing segment of the US population. Although these maturing adults are expected to live longer than their predecessors, many complain of joint, back, and knee pain as eroding their quality of life.
One of the most common conditions of these types of pain is Osteoarthritis according to Dr. Jonathan Cluett, M.D. Cluett explains “osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint. As the protective cartilage is worn away by knee arthritis, bare bone is exposed within the joint.”
Back and joint pain are also big problems for many mature adults, but there may be relief for those suffering with these ailments with treatments like MSM and Phosoplex.
Is MSM a breakthrough treatment for Joint Pain?
MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is derived from natural organic sulfur and is a nutritional supplement with tremendous success in helping to alleviate joint pain. Highly regarded Dr. Earl Mindel is a proponent of MSM and has written a book on its advantages. In Dr. Mindel’s book he stresses the benefits of MSM:
“Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) has an amazing ability to assist and cure myriad health problems. Neither a medicine nor a drug, MSM is a safe and natural source of sulfur that has been used to successfully treat asthma, allergies, skin problems, yeast infections, muscle cramps, arthritis, stress, diabetes, fatigue, and much more. MSM also supports the effectiveness of conventional medical treatments and may even reduce the need for painkillers, antihistamines, and other medications.”
Mindel also states that MSM has little problem with toxicity levels ” MSM exhibits very low toxicity–in fact, its toxicity profile is similar to water. And within limits, you cannot overdose on MSM because the body will take and use whatever it needs and naturally flush any excess from the body.”
Many doctors and health professionals agree MSM definitively holds tremendous promise with treating pain associated with aging or sports injuries. MSM however is just the beginning of promising treatments for ailing mature adults.
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairPhosoplex is an advanced nutritional supplement that combines the essential ingredients of MSM with other beneficial supplements like glucosamine sulfate. The other active ingredient in Phosoplex “glucosamine” is advocated by well respected Dr. Andrew Weil MD. He states “Supplements such as glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate may actually help restore damaged tissue structure in joints, perhaps because these two substances are natural constituents of healthy cartilage.”
Phosoplex also contains other premium nutritional supplements like Biocell Collagen ll and Nextrutine in a time released formula to support healthy joints and ease pain associated with osteoarthritis.
This nutritional mix of high quality ingredients has given real positive life style and health benefits to Ricky Smith of New York City. Smith once was sidelined from sports activity because of a torn meniscus in both knees playing basketball.
According to Mr. Smith, quickly approaching fifty, “he was gaining a lot of weight because he couldn’t exercise due to knee pain”. Even after his knee healed Ricky experienced stiffness and discomfort with strenuous running exercises. Smith tried Phosoplex and confides “my knees and back have a lot less stiffness and pain while using Phosoplex — even in strenuous activities like jogging and weight training.”
Todd from Dublin Ireland has a similar story ” I’ve had back pain for years. I always use herbal supplements, because I believe in them and they work for me. I tried all sorts of herbal pain relief products, but none of them could control my back pain until I started using Phosoplex. This is the product I was looking for! Now I can live with my back, and I know that Phosoplex is safe, because it’s all natural.
Phosoplex probably works so well because it has the best of today’s leading ingredients used to alleviate back and joint pain. Given its ingredients and track record Phosoplex is something you should seriously consider to help you if you experience joint pain or need support in these areas.
Phosoplex is developed by Optimal Therapeutics and can be obtained at or at .

Health 4

Quit Smoking: Why People Do Bad Things (Even When They Know They Shouldn’t)

Do you do Bad Things? Even though you know you shouldn’t?
It’s not your fault. It really isn’t. You know you should stop doing it, but no matter how much you know that, and how much you try, you just can’t stop!
Everyone knows how to lose weight. Don’t eat fattening foods. Exercise. Everyone knows how to give up smoking. Don’t light the cigarette. Yet having this knowledge just isn’t enough. Sometimes even having the desire isn’t enough! Time and again I hear about people who get really close to quitting smoking. They can get all the way down to one or two cigarettes a day, but just can’t give up those last two. Many even make it all the way down to zero, but the cravings, oh the cravings! They are wretched, those cravings. Most will go back to smoking within the first few days. They can cut away most of the “stuff” that keeps them glued to the cigarettes, even not be addicted to nicotine anymore(!), but there is just something deep in their core that magnetically pulls them back in, like two lovers who know they are bad for each other but just can’t help themselves.
What is this thing? What is at this core?
Let me take a step back for a moment. How many adults do you know who are happy? I mean really, truly happy? Think that question is foolishness? Let me ask you this. How many people do you know who love their work? I’m talkin’ jump out of bed in the morning, can’t wait to start. Sadly, the percentage is very small. Why is this?
We live in an interesting quick-fix culture. People don’t really have to deal with their issues. We’ve got:

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and hitting the gym

to distract us and make us feel better. Even more than that, many people’s issues are quite buried. Think of dreams that were squashed when we were young. “An artist? You could never make a living at that! You should be a doctor!” People often forget what their dreams once were.
As a result, I see an awful lot of unhappy, unfulfilled people walking around. They don’t know what is bothering them, they just have that gnawing feeling that there must be more. Advertisers pray on this, selling us more and more bottles and gizmos to give us that ever elusive Happiness.
True inner needs? People either:

think they’re impossible to fulfill
are too scared and resigned to fulfill them
or are so disassociated from those needs that they don’t even know what they would be even if they had to guess!

All those “bad” things — smoking, overeating, gambling, alcohol, the list goes on and on — are easy ways to fill the void. Smokers will be able to relate to this one — if you’ve just had a fight with your family, what do you do? You go for a smoke. Smoking makes it feel like the problem goes away. (I call this the “smokescreen.” Har har!)
I’ll let you in on a little secret–the real reason it’s so hard to quit is not the nicotine. It’s this void-filling. When you quit smoking (or any bad habit), you’re suddenly faced with real life. All those stresses and needs that you’ve been avoiding? There they are, pulling at your coat tails, yelling, “Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!” If you got in touch with your real inner needs and took baby steps to start fulfilling them, you would actually have little desire for cigarettes. It’s true! I see it happen time and again in my Stop Smoking Coaching practice.
How do you do that, you ask? Here are some baby steps that you can start trying out now:

Next time, instead of taking that quick fix–stop.
Have a little quiet time and listen to what your insides have been trying to tell you.
Try journaling — don’t edit your thoughts, just write.
Some people find meditation and yoga to be great accesses.
Try deep breathing.
Go for a quiet, leisurely walk by yourself.
Personally, I find it easiest to just start noticing where in life I seem to be avoiding things the most, or if I want something more immediate and active, doing a mindmap (a word drawing) to figure out what I’m really thinking.

For each person, the key to figuring out your needs is different. Play around with it, don’t give up! You’ll be glad you did!
Jill Binder is a Stop Smoking Coach with a 90 day program to show people how to quit smoking forever, with a 100% success rate. She is the author of “What’s Your Smoking Type?” and has appeared on the radio on “Radioactive Women” and the newspaper Metro Toronto Today.
You can sign up for her newsletter, “YourTurn – Turn Your Weaknesses Into Your Perfect Life” at

Health 4

Putting Your Best Face Forward: Help for Men’s Skin Care Problems

Unique merits define individuals. The merits of unique botanicals define Bullie, a revolutionary men’s skin care method. With specialized cleansers, after-shaves, balms and scrubs, Bullie products are customized to meet the needs of three distinctive skin types: all skin/combination, normal/oily and sensitive/dry.
Combination Skin
Combination skin is medially diagnosed as higher level of oils on the T-Zone (forehead and nose) and a degree of dryness on the rest of the face, cheeks, and jaw line. To help keep the face healthy without causing added dryness or oiliness, certain steps should be taken.
There is a long list of enemies that, over time, can damage the face and aggravate combination skin. Exposure to wind and sun are primary but stress, pollutants, petroleum-derived products (mineral oil, etc.), and the natural aging process all contribute.
Most of the time men tend to assume any product will help alleviate the problem. In actuality, using a specially formulated men’s moisturizer is best for several reasons.
The pH level of men’s skin and women’s skin is different. Bullie men’s moisturizer was developed with the proper ingredients to effectively hold moisture in the skin without adding to oiliness. Bullie’s men’s moisturizer contains effective levels of vitamins such as A, B, C, E, iron, and copper that can help contribute to a great complexion. Chamomile, wheat germ, and other natural elements help to add moisture back into your skin, too.
It’s best to apply lotion within a few minutes after showering when skin is more accepting of moisturizers. A consistent routine of applying a men’s moisturizer daily can have a dramatic impact on the skin’s overall look and feel.
Bullie also offers men’s cleanser and men’s post shave lotions especially developed to promote overall skin health without the normally-associated drying effects.
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There’s really no wonder that so many men have dry or sensitive skin. Showering with deodorant soap and daily shaving can easily cause stinging, blotching, and redness of the face.
Again, look for and use products developed just for men when possible. Men’s cleansers will have the correct pH level for skin (just like men’s moisturizers). So will men’s post shave lotions. But that alone won’t guarantee help for dry or sensitive skin.
Based on the Bullie philosophy, products are primarily free from dyes, alcohol, and fragrances. Other men’s cleansers will sometimes include alcohol as a main ingredient. Men’s post shave and toner is also likely to have irritating dyes and fragrances. The carefully chosen, natural ingredients in Bullie men’s skin care products work better and are much easier on skin.
Bullie men’s cleanser is uniquely designed to revive collagen production and rid free radicals without exacerbating the problems men with dry or sensitive skin face. Bullie men’s moisturizer offers a combination of aloe, sandalwood and other exceptional agents to restore moisture without adding shine. Bullie men’s post shave for dry/sensitive skin gives the advantage of reduce free radicals and bacteria while actually healing and replenishing the skin instead of drying it.
Normal/Oily Skin
Perhaps the number one problem in men’s skin care is that of excess oil. This can lead to acne breakouts and, in some cases, acne scarring. Keeping skin clean and moisturized is a primary way to prevent breakouts in any skin type. By using men’s skin care products made for normal or oily skin, the prevention of acne, blackheads, or other blemishes (and the scars they may leave) is more likely.
Men’s cleanser for normal/oily skin by Bullie contains papaya enzymes and silk amino acids to gently exfoliate skin and wash away impurities and excess oil. The men’s moisturizer contains lecithin and Vitamin E along with other natural ingredients to further help with the exfoliation process while restoring balanced moisture to the face. Bullie’s men’s post shave prevents the advancement of free radicals and acne causing bacteria with powerful alpha hydroxyl acids.
Overcoming the three biggest men’s skin care problems can be a simplified process if you take a new approach. Focus on what your skin needs instead of what’s the most convenient product to grab from the shelf.
Want help with overcoming the three biggest men’s skin care problems? Bullie offers quality products developed especially for men that cleanse, sooth, protect and polish. Made from natural ingredients, Bullie products for men are available at better retailers or online at

Health 4

Play Ball To Get Fit

Chances are if you’ve stepped foot in a gym or watched a television fitness program in the past year then you’ve seen the “big balls”. You’ve probably wondered what all the fuss is about. Well, they may look like something found on a children’s playground, but don’t be deceived. These balls offer one of the best methods for strengthening your abdominals and core.
That is why the fitness industry is jumping on the ball bandwagon. According to the 2003 Idea Fitness Programs and Equipment Survey, 89 percent of IDEA businesses were offering balls to their customers and 71 percent had added ball group fitness classes in 2003.
Find it hard to believe that simply sitting, rolling or bouncing on a big inflatable ball can make you more fit? Read on to learn just how effective ball fitness can be.
While they are somewhat of a new craze in the public domain, the ball (commonly known as stability ball, fitness ball, Swiss ball, physio ball, etc) was used as early as the 1960s. It originally was used by physical therapist to assist with rehabilitation.
But, the ball is far more versatile and valuable then simply for re-hab use. It is a very inexpensive piece of equipment that offers a total body workout while also improving your balance. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that can be used with the ball. And, both beginners and advanced exercises can benefit from it. Plus, children to seniors can use it.
What makes this piece of fitness equipment so uniquely effective? It works multiple muscles at one time while forcing your body to balance itself. This creates a very effective and challenging workout. For example, lying on a bench to perform tricep extensions is a good exercise but it’s limited to working primarily just the triceps. However, perform that same move on a stability ball and you have created an unstable environment. Additional muscles are activated that work to keep you balanced on the ball. That means you are now working harder and essentially getting more bang for your buck while not increasing your exercise time.
So, if you haven’t already gotten on the ball, it’s time to give it a try. You may think that your workout already provides everything you need but chances are you are focusing the majority of your exercise time on the lower body. It is essential to concentrate fitness time on your core, which is responsible for stabilizing the rest of your body. Having a strong core improves your performance in all activities, not just exercise but also daily activities like carrying groceries. The ball can help improve your posture, balance, and core strength. Virtually every exercise performed on the ball works your core area. And, yes, it can even help you get that sought-after six-pack!
Before you try out the ball be sure to choose the right size and firmness. The harder the ball is then the more difficult the exercise move will be. Therefore, beginners should probably choose a ball that is softer (e.g. not overly inflated). Also, it is important to choose the right size based on your height. The ball manufacturer or your fitness center can provide height guidelines.
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Begin lying with ball resting under your back. Place hands behind head for support. Using your abdominal muscles slowly raise up lifting your shoulder blades off of the ball and rotate left shoulder toward right hip. Do not strain neck by pulling on it with hands. Keep elbows out to your side. Return to starting position and repeat then switch sides.
Chest Fly:
Lie across the ball with your head and shoulders supported on the ball and your legs bent with heals about two feet from ball. Extend arms overhead with palms facing away from you. Slowly separate your arms in a circular motion and bend your elbows slightly as lower your arms down and rotate your palms to face each other. Return to start position and repeat.
Squat Against Wall:
Lean your back against a ball that is placed against a wall and stand with your feet hip-width apart and about a foot away from the wall. Keep your back in a straight position. Bend your knees and let the ball roll up your back until your knees bend to about a 90 degree angle. Keep your knees behind your toes as you bend. Return to start position and repeat.

Health 4

Pharmaceuticals: The Next Frontier in America’s War on Drugs

America’s war on drugs, which has been fought in the opium fields of Afghanistan and the cocaine plantations of Columbia, will have to reinvent itself to combat what is set to be America’s biggest drug abuse problem, pharmaceuticals. One in five American’s, nearly 48 million, have used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes at least once in their lives. The current past month misuse rate among Americans is 6.2 million. According to a recent white paper by Carnevale Associates, this rate of use is already higher than the historical highs of both cocaine and heroin epidemics.
For some, the road to illicit use of prescription medications starts innocently. After a car accident, back injury, or, even, a mental/emotional breakdown a physician prescribes medication for a legitimate use. Over time, tolerance builds up so that more and more of the drug is needed until a state of dependence is reached. At this point, there is no easy way to get off the drug, and stopping can involve painful withdrawal symptoms. Some doctors have been known to become afraid and cut their patients off at this point. Patients have been known to steal prescription pads, or visit numerous doctors to get the drugs they have become addicted to.
However, contrary to popular belief, it is not older adults or any adults who are most likely to abuse pharmaceuticals. In the past decade, abuse of prescription meds among youth has been growing at an alarming first-time use rate of more than fifty percent each year. In 2002, the latest year for which there are statistics, approximately 2.5 million American’s misused prescriptions for the first time and 44% of them were under the age of 18.
Unfortunately, as the media fixes its gaze on the methamphetamine problem; and the Office of National Drug Control Policy spends much of its time focusing on Marijuana the opportunity to address the pharmaceutical addiction and abuse is being missed. While certain steps have been taken they have been tentative. The ONDCP has drawn up a strategy for addressing synthetic drugs, but no serious media campaign to educate Americans about the problem has been undertaken. Nor has any pharmaceutical company been brought to heel for manufacturing drugs with high abuse potential even when alternatives may exist.
The next battle in America’s war on drugs must draw a bead on pharmaceuticals. The ONDCP must be willing to launch the same type of hard hitting ad campaigns against prescription drug abuse as it has against, marijuana, ecstasy and cocaine. The FDA must not be afraid to sanction drug manufacturers who continue to make unsafe drugs where safe alternatives exist. Pharmaceutical manufactures must become better citizens and spend the research and development dollars to make safe and effective drugs, rather than taking the easy way out.
This new phase of the war on drugs, without easily targeted foreigners to blame for America’s drug abuse problems, will take unwavering political resolve, corporate citizenship and ingenuity. Even then it is likely to take years before the trend of increases in prescription medicine abuse and addiction can be reversed.
Common Prescription Drugs of Abuse:
Opioids: these are synthetic versions of opium. Intended for pain management opioids are the most commonly abused prescription drugs. OxyContin (oxycodone), Vicodin (hydrocodone) and Demerol (meperidine) are the most popular for abuse. Short-term side effects can include pain relief, euphoria, and drowsiness. Overdose can lead to death. Long-term use can lead to dependence or addiction.
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© 2005, David Westbrook

Health 4

Pain Management

Even the word “pain” hurts to those of us who endure levels of pain each day. Pain management is what the doctors tell us to do. This sounds great in theory, but what does it mean, and how does one go about doing it? These are excellent questions. It probably sounds “logical”, but the better you are at describing your pain to others, the better you can get help in managing pain. And, pain management is the key!
The best way to document and comunicate pain is to use what I call a “pain” scale. I set this up in what I call a “matrix”, where I have a chart with four columns as follows: The left column is for pain “level”, from “0” being “NO PAIN” (right, like that’s gonna happen!) and “10” being so painful that NOTHING YOU DO seems to decrease the pain level.
In the next column, you describe the pain at different levels. I use the following: 0 = No pain; 02 = low levels of pain, an Over the Counter (OTC) remedy can get rid of it; 04 = moderate pain, need double the strength of the OTC remedy to dull the pain; 06 = heavy moderate pain, need double the strength of OTC remedy, but the pain isn’t dulled, and activities are curtailed (decreased); 08 = heavy pain, need something stronger than an OTC remedy, and one must sit/lie still; and, finally, level 10.
The next column is the most important one, where you describe specifically what the pain feels like, and use many VERY SPECIFIC examples of how this specific level of pain impacts your “normal daily living activities”. I cannot stress how important it is to be as specific, and as complete with your examples as you can be. Also, you need to “guesstimate” the % of time a day/week that you “routinely” have this pain.
Here are some examples that I use:
02 – The low levels of pain are primarily headaches and backaches. I can take an OTC remedy, and rest for about 30 minutes, and the pain goes away. This level of pain comes about 2X a week, and only lasts for the 30 minutes until the OTC remedy kicks in. This level of pain does not keep me from doing my daily activities. BUT, I need to get on this level of pain immediately, or it will increase in level if not addressed and removed.
04 – This level of pain occurs in my hands, arms, legs, feet, and head. It is like the muscles are hurting, and the joints hurt. This level gets my attention; I take double the advised level of OTC remedy, and get some hot tea, and rest lying down. This level usually takes about an hour to “manage”, and I have to stop whatever I am doing to lie down until I get it under control. This level occurs about 10% of the time, every other day, usually in the evening. This level makes me depressed, and when depressed, the level of pain often increases to the 08 level.
08 – I usually go straight from 04 to 08, skipping the 06 level. This level is incapacitating. It feels like the worst flu you have ever had, where EVERY muscle and joint in my body hurts! Even my teeth and scalp hurt. Light hurts my eyes; sound hurts my ears; movement makes me nauseous. I take triple the OTC remedy, and a hot shower. I have a stool in the shower where I can sit and let the hot water shower down on me until I run out of hot water (I do this after I take the meds, and try to stay in the shower until I feel the pain beginning to receed). When out of the shower, I have room temperature ginger ale (hot or cold liquids hurt my head), and lie down with soft music – no words; with a cool washcloth over my eyes in a darkened room. This level of pain occurs 2 or 3 times a week, and lasts for about 20 – 30% of the day. I cannot function in any activity at this level of pain. When the meds kick in, the pain is only reduced to the 04 or 02 level.
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For me, the doctor really noticed the comment about depression linked with pain, and the comments about taking “above recommended” levels of an OTC remedy. He prescribed for me an anti-depressant, and a pain medication in lieu of the OTC remedy. These meds, in conjunction with the meds for joint pain and for the tingling pains, allows for me to regain some of the normal daily living activities.
Good luck for you in documenting your pain levels!

Health 4

Overweight – Answering Your Critics

There are those that walk amongst us who have followed all the advice, diligently dieted and exercised with genuine effort for long periods of time, yet still fail to lose their excess weight.
Even more heartbreaking for those of us who genuinely struggle with obesity are the accusations of sloth and laziness from those thin people who eat junk all day long and show no physical sign of their own gluttony. *Why can*t you just be like everyone else?*, they demand. *It must be all your own fault.*
*After all,* they say in derisory voice, *Losing weight is easy. Just eat less and exercise more. If you don*t lose weight, you are just weak willed.*
Every person who has never had a real problem thinks they know all the easy answers. All those underlying unwarranted generalisations we face from others just about every day of our lives is a little recognised yet very real and severe form of discrimination, based on the same types of wrong thinking as prejudice against race, skin color, creed, gender, and other well recognised forms of hatred.
In fact, life experience has taught me that the less a person *actually* knows about obesity and weight loss, the more they *think* they know.
I spent time a few years ago under the care of some of the most distinguished and knowledgable internationally renowned Professors researching weight loss and obesity from the University of Sydney and the Royal Prince Albert Hospital*s Obesity Clinic in Sydney, Australia. I will always remember what Professor Ian Caterson told me one day:

The more we learn about obesity, the more we realise how little we really understand and how much more there is to discover.*
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairWould any of those permanently thin critics care to explain a man with whom I shared many physiotherapy and hydrotherapy sessions during my time on the program at the Obesity Clinic? He was normal down the left side of his body, though obese down the right side of his body only.
Next time someone verbally berates you for carrying excess body weight and tries to tell you how easy it is to be lean & trim, try asking them what they would recommend to that man that some of the top obesity researchers in the world don*t yet know.
Then, while your critic is looking dumbfounded and fumbling for some feeble explanation, hit them with a few more questions, such as:

– Why do large birth weight babies have a dramatically higher rate of obesity than normal birth weight babies?
– And, given the above, just what control do you think I*ve got over my birth weight?
– Do you know what your metabolic rate is? If not, why do you presume to think you know mine?
– Do you think everyone has identical norepinephrine levels? Oh, you don*t even know what norepinephrine is, huh?
– Why do some people gain weight during stressful times while other people lose weight, irrespective of their eating patterns?
– How do you expect an overweight person to even be capable of greater physical activity than a normal weight person?
– Name me five minerals (not vitamins) that are vital for hormonal function, and explain which of these hormones has a different effect on brain signals related to appetite and metabolism.
– Tell me what you know about Insulin Resistance Syndrome, what causes it, what its symptoms are, and how to treat it.
– What has the least nutrient value to the human body – (a) 100 calories of pure fat, (b) 100 calories of pure protein, or (c) 100 calories of pure carbohydrate? (By the way – Your critic will probably answer Fat. The correct answer is C. The human body actually requires fats and proteins for various metabolic and physiological functions. Pure carbohydrate has no known unique use in the human body as the body can convert either fats or proteins as required into blood glucose, as it does with carbohydrate.)
– Some of the most successful business people, scientists, philosophers and artists in the course of human history have struggled with obesity. Why do you think such successful and influential people who have changed the course of the world as we know it today are *weak willed*?

When you see the jaw of your critic drop to the floor, as they turn pale and look like they*ve been hit by a runaway train, when their silence shows that their ignorance and prejudice has been thoroughly exposed, just calmly walk away.
At this point, both of you now know that, even though you may be carrying excessive body weight, it is your critic who has the bigger problem.

Health 4

Ovarian Wedge Resection for Polycystic Ovaries

Some women have a lot of trouble ovulating because they have a condition called polycystic ovaries. There are several variations on this condition, but mainly, when eggs are developing toward ovulation and subsequent release of the egg, they fail to complete their development, thus the “old eggs” remain in the ovary. When the old eggs remain in the ovary, they are no longer able to produce the female hormone estrogen, but sometimes they will produce male hormones, thereby suppressing future ovulations. As a result, the old eggs persist in the form of cysts, which result in a condition known as polycystic ovaries (PCOS).
This condition was first described many years ago by two doctors named Stein and Leventhal, and thus the condition was known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome. This condition can also be accompanied by excessive male hormones resulting in a more masculine appearance in a woman such as male hair patterns. One can also find obesity.
For decades now, beginning with the work of Stein and Leventhal, the standard of care in treatment of the syndrome was an ovarian wedge resection. It was found that removing a wedge of ovarian tissue and then sewing the ovary back together had a beneficial effect on ovulation. Later, with the advent of drugs to stimulate ovulation, this tried and true old procedure fell out of favor. The most commonly used drug to stimulate ovulation is probably Clomid. However, some ovaries are resistant to Clomid. Clomid has been linked by some to a risk for miscarriage or birth defects, and while it often causes ovulation, it does not always cause pregnancy. Clomid is anti-estrogenic, therefore, it tends to “dry up” the cervical mucus.
The reason why ovarian wedge resection fell out of favor was that while the ovaries ovulated well, there were a lot of adhesions and scarring that occurred after the surgery; thus, while the ovary ovulated better, scarring could prevent pregnancy. In modern times, many new surgical procedures have been developed to limit the formation of scarring and adhesions. These include methods that place a barrier around the ovary or fallopian tubes which will prevent scarring and adhesions in the near term, but will dissolve and disappear in the long term. There are also medical measures to prevent adhesions; these include drugs, nutrients and hormones. If the problem of adhesion formation could be suppressed, then perhaps the old operation could be revived. Some authors have recently called for a revival of ovarian wedge resection, but coupled with a program of adhesion prevention. This would take advantage of the beneficial effects of the surgery, while mitigating its harmful effects.
Recently, one of my patients had an ovarian wedge resection. She had previously had at least three different drugs to stimulate ovulation, and despite months of therapy, she still did not ovulate. She had an ovarian wedge resection coupled with numerous medical and surgical means of adhesion prevention, including anti-adhesion barriers, nutrients, and medication. Since this patient was charting by the Creighton model of the ovulation method (, the return of ovulation has clearly been demonstrated in her ovulation method chart. While she no ovulatory activity for months prior to the surgery, in less than a week after the surgery she began to notice fertile mucus which would be consistent with the restoration of her ovulatory function. Revival of this old operation is part of the new and growing armamentarium of a new specialty called NaProTechnology.
A recent article appeared in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Volume 107, pages 85-87 in the year 2003. In this study, 134 patients received newly modified operations for polycystic ovarian syndrome. Within two years, there were a total of 121 pregnancies (90% success rate). Seventy-eight percent (78%) of the patients achieved pregnancy within the first six months and 13% in the subsequent 18 months. Postoperatively, 24 patients had Cesarean delivery and 20 had diagnostic laparoscopy. Out of these 44 patients, only 5 were found to have minimal adhesions. Yil Dirim and colleagues concluded that the new technique offers high pregnancy rates and minimal adhesion formation. They concluded that ovarian wedge resection by mini laparotomy might be an alternative treatment approach in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome who did not conceive with standard ovulation induction protocols.
Copyright 2005 Paddy Jim Baggot

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Health 4

Orthodox Cancer Treatment

1. Diagnosis
Diagnosis is a strength of Western scientific medicine because of its dependence on analytical procedures and processes of elimination. Modern technology has given us many ways to see into the body for effective diagnosis of dis-ease. Nowhere is scientific Western medicine so advanced than in the fields of diagnosis. Although the philosophy of Western medicine often comes in for criticism, modern science has produced many ways in which we can examine and image organisms internally and take samples of tissue in hard to reach places.
A qualified doctor should always be the first point of contact for serious disease as they have a good chance of getting you a correct diagnosis. Self-diagnosis is not a good idea except for very minor ailments. If you can, always get a second opinion on any diagnosis. In the UK you are urged to start orthodox cancer treatments within a month of diagnosis.
Diagnosis for cancer uses careful clinical assessment and advanced investigative techniques such as:
endoscopy: an endoscope is a tube-like viewing instrument with lenses and lights or video cameras that is inserted into a body orifice for investigating and treating disorders. If gives doctors the ability to see inside the body and even remove small pieces of tissue for examination (biopsy).
imaging: This process allows doctors to produce images of structures within the body that are otherwise difficult to see. For example short-wave, electromagnetic waves such as X-rays are passed through the body. Some are absorbed and others pass through the tissues to produce a shadow image that is projected onto a film or screen. In x-ray images the bones show up clearly, making it an excellent tool for seeing problems associated with bones or hard objects within the body.
In the 1920’s radiologists discovered that certain substances are opaque to radiation and they began to use them as ‘contrast media’. When these media are introduced into the body they create an outline shape of the cavities they fill, which helps to identify problem areas.
Ultrasound scanning projects high-frequency sound waves through the body, using a transducer against the skin. The waves are reflected back and the pattern of echoes produces an image. Computers are used to create better images. C.T. scanning (Computed Tomography) takes x-rays from different angles and uses the computer to create cross sections or three-dimensional images.
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laboratory studies: Scientific methodology gives us many ways to analyse and examine bodily extracts.
2. Prognosis
What follows initial diagnosis means identifying appropriate treatments, forecasting the probable course and outcome of the disease (prognostication) and standardising the design of research and treatment protocols. You may be given the option to take part in a clinical study to help assess the effectiveness of a new treatment. Some health centres and surgeries are offered payoffs for enrolling patients in clinical trials which are often ongoing ‘action research’.
3. Treatment
There are four main types of treatment in conventional cancer treatment:
surgery: this offers the best chance when the cancer is contained to a single area and has a low tendency to spread
radiotherapy: invented over 100 years ago, this treatment bombards specific areas of the body with gamma rays.
chemotherapy: uses chemical cocktails that suppress the growth cycles of all cells in the body.
biological therapy: This treatment uses B.R.M.’s (Biological Response Modifiers) such as Interferon or Interleukin-2 to modify biological systems.
Taking these treatments is no guarantee that the cancer will not return. They do not involve looking for or eliminating any causes. To this extent orthodox Western medical approaches to cancer are only palliative.

Health 4

Nursing Home Staffing Levels: How Much Is Enough?

During the week of February 17, 2002, headlines screamed the news – more than 92% of US nursing homes fail to have an adequate number of staff to provide quality care for elderly residents. Newspapers and radio programs based their stories on the new study the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) recently provided to the Senate’s Special Committee on Aging.
Interesting findings led us to reexamine our current data set of nursing home deficiencies. What we found may surprise you; there was no relationship between the level of staffing and the number of deficiencies reported for nursing homes. However, there was a relationship between level of staffing and percent of residents with pressure sores and physical restraints.
This article is provided to you so you’ll have a greater understanding of what these findings mean.
The HCFA Study
Purpose – HCFA’s study was performed at the request of the Senate’s Special Committee on Aging to determine what minimum level of nursing home staffing was required in order to provide quality care.
Findings – The study reported that a minimum level of staffing, determined to be 2.9 hours of Certified Nursing Aide (CAN) time per resident was required for quality care. A number of measures went into this finding. Among them, a time and motion study examined the time required for basic services such as dressing and toileting.
A correlational study that examined the relationship between pressure (bed) sores and staffing found that a higher level of staffing was related to lower levels of pressure sores. This study was somewhat limited by the fact that homes with very low levels of staffing refused to participate; it may be inferred that the correlational findings would have been stronger with the participation of these homes.
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When Should Staffing Concern You
When the best is began examining long-term care, we attempted to gather data on staffing and found that it was extremely difficult to acquire accurate information. Then a well-respected administrator advised us that while staffing was important, it was not as good as measure of quality as the level of care residents actually received. We have learned through experience how right his advice was.
So what should you look for when determining the quality of care residents receive?

Look for residents who are well groomed and not lethargic.
Look for residents actively engaged in activities; although each nursing home is required to have an activities director, this does not mean that scheduled activities actually occur.
Check the latest survey ratings for the percent of residents with pressure sores. Look for a rating close to zero. We also suggest that you examine the percent of residents with physical restraints because physical restraints may be used as a substitute for staff. Again, look for a rating close to zero.
Look for the quality of interactions between staff and residents. Even though a minimum level of staffing is required for quality care, merely having staff at that level does not guarantee quality care. Homes may have high numbers of staff that do not interact appropriately with residents.
Listen for reactions to resident complaints. Staff who ignore requests and complaints are not providing quality care.

What You Can Do to Find Good Care

Check nursing home ratings and visit only those with few or, still better, no deficiencies.
Call your state’s long-term care ombudsman to get information on resident/family complaints. Although these complaints are not standardized and may include wide variations in severity, a large number of complaints should warn you away from homes receiving them.
Consider non-profit care first. In general, non-profit homes have fewer reported deficiencies and higher levels of staffing than do for-profit homes.

What Else Can You Do?
The current growth in an aging population means that more and more people will require long-term care unless we do something about it now. That something becomes very personal for those of us in the Baby Boomer generation who will, within a few years, be part of the generation potentially needing nursing home care.
So, how’s your health? Do what you can to ensure that your later life will not be complicated by any of the three leading causes of nursing home stays: heart disease, stroke and cancer.