Health 4

Tips on Health

What if I told you that our health is the most important asset we have. Would you believe me? Why is it today that everybody seems to be plagued with bad health.
You can make a stand and try incorporating these health tips into your everyday life and see if they make a difference to your total health.
Lets have a look:
Don’t Smoke – One of the main reasons why people decide not to give up smoking, and sadly, the reason why some people take it up is the effect smoking supposedly has on you weigh gain or loss. It is true that smoking has been associated with an increase in metabolism it is a drug!!
However it is a dangerous, addictive drug and surely the tiny effect it has on your metabolism is outweighed by the huge risk of dying from lung cancer.
Interestingly in regards to weight gain and loss, although smoking over 25 cigarettes a day can increase your metabolism by up to 10% overall, smokers have been found to be fatter than non – smokers!!
Take In More Water – You can live three weeks without food, However you can only live for three days without fluid, just think 3 days and its all over, one could suggest that fluid is fairly important!
Your body is anywhere between 60 and 70 percent fluid. The fluid in your body is responsible for helping to keep every system of your body in good working order, including all of your metabolic processes.
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Eat A Variety Of Foods – For protection from the majority of illnesses such as heart disease and cancer you need a variety of foods that deliver that mix of nutrients and minerals.
Aim to eat different coloured fruits and vegetables. Try to eat a different food each month. Eat an apple a day as the apple pectin cleanses the body’s digestive system by removing toxins and therefore preventing degenerative health problems such as cancer.
Relax For 20 Minutes a Day – Relaxing for at least 20 minutes a day will go a long way to reduce blood pressure and your reactions to stress. Sit or lie somewhere comfortable, Breathe slowly in and out of the nostrils breathing deeply into your abdomen. Say HAM as you inhale and SA as you exhale.
These suggestions are charged with positive energy and will help you control your emotions. Try once a day for fantastic results.
Floss Every Day – Flossing your teeth every day is the best way to prevent gum disease and protect your heart. Gum disease, which is left untreated, can lead to inflammatory reactions in the body that can trigger heart disease and stroke.
Drink More Tea – Try drinking more tea instead of coffee to help protect your body from damaging effects of free radicals. Tea is a rich source of antioxidants that play a big role in protecting against some cancers and cardiovascular disease.
Get Active – Aerobic activity not only burns calories but also increases your metabolism and can keep it elevated for several hours after a workout. You don’t need to spend hours each day on the treadmill or bike to reap the benefits.
Exercising aerobically for as little as 20 minutes, three to five days a week will make a big difference. Extra movement throughout the day is also essential, take the stairs instead of the lift, lose the remote and move at every opportunity you can.
Get More Sleep – Lack of sleep changes your hormone levels and capacity to metabolise carbohydrates so less sleep = slower metabolism.
Studies have revealed that deep sleep causes cell repair and cell growth, which will speed up the metabolism and burn calories. So aim to get at least eight hours sleep a night.
Eat More Protein And Boost Your Energy Levels – Protein stimulates the major brain chemical dopamine which keeps us alert, try chicken or tuna salads for lunch. Go for complex carbohydrates rather than white flour and sugar, as they will provide a sustained energy source as opposed to a quick hit.
Another reason to leave simple carbohydrates out of the diet is that they have a negative effect on your skin and how it ages. The more sugar that is in the body the more you force a chemical reaction causing sugars to attach to proteins and this is very detrimental to your skin.
So go ahead and introduce these tips into your everyday life, I am sure you will reap the benefits as you go forward.


Health 4

Tips for Reducing Stress

With the hectic life that most people lead in today’s world, reducing stress has become a vital skill. With work stress, school stress, family stress, teen stress, parent stress, and a whole host of other kinds of stress continually knocking on the door, it has become vital to manage stress in order to keep up with everything needs to be done. Though reducing stress is difficult, it can be done with a little effort and a little dedication to improving yourself.
The first thing to do when reducing stress is to get enough sleep at night. Yes, there is always something that needs to be done and there are projects that need to be taken care of and there is always something that should get done before you go to bed and there is still one more television show to watch, but that is exactly the problem. By spending too much of the evening worrying about everything that needs doing and trying too hard to get it all done right now, you are not helping yourself. Rather, you are increasing your stress to an alarming level. If you need to get things done, then do yourself a favor and just get them out of the way before you sit down in front of the television. When they are done, then you can relax and not worry about everything that needs to get done after the show is over.
The next things you need to do are to eat right and exercise. No, it doesn’t seem like taking care of physical needs with help with a mental issue such as reducing stress, but there is a connection. After all, the brain is part of the body and when the body is working right, the brain will be more effective. By putting the right nutrients into your body, you will be feeding the brain as well as the muscles and you will be able to think clearly and concentrate more effectively. As well, when you are getting all your fruits and vegetables and whole grains, you will have more energy and be less susceptible to fatigue. After all, fatigue clouds the mind and a cloudy mind is a mind that tends to wander. And, when you mind wanders, you will not be getting things done. Thus, projects and tasks will pile up, giving you even more to be stressed about.
Additionally, exercising routinely will help you keep stress at bay. When you exercise routinely, you are more aware when you are awake and you sleep better at night, both of which are very good for reducing stress. This is because exercise helps you release hormones into your body that make you feel better, both mentally and physically. And this effect is not limited to the time when you are exercising. In fact, these hormones stay in your body even after you are done exercising, so that you will feel better all day. If you can, try to work out in the morning to get that hormonal burst before you begin your day. Or, if you cannot work out in the morning, at least exercise in the early evening so that you will at least have a body that will be ready for a good night’s sleep and ready for the following day.
Another great technique for reducing stress is through proper time management. Let’s face it, most people spend most of their day spinning their wheels as they move from one project or task to another, making them incapable of focusing on what they are doing. However, with a time management system in place, your day can be mapped out in the morning so that you are able to complete tasks one at a time. Then, with each little success, you will be able to feel the relief of knowing that there is one less thing to worry about.
Finally, you can help lower your stress levels by taking regular vacations. The best advice is to take one week off every year so that you can recharge your batteries and face the world again. By getting away and traveling, you can feel the relief of simply leaving it all behind. Getting out of the house, the city, or even the country is an excellent way of reducing stress and, when you get back, you will come back refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to get back to the tasks of daily life.
By reducing stress, you can feel better, work better, be more sociable, and improve your health. Stress is very hard on the body and the mind, so managing it should be a priority. Thus, with a little effort, a little time, and the dedication to do the right things for yourself, you can keep your mind clear and keep yourself moving forward. Then, once you have mastered the art of reducing stress, you will also have the pleasure of not having to worry about stress.
Copyright 2005 Trevor Dumbleton
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Health 4

Three Natural Cures Your Kids Want You To Know!

When Hippocrates said “the physician treats but nature heals,” he was describing the human body’s natural tendency toward minimizing illness and creating optimal health. As we know, however, the body needs a little help at times. Alternative health practices can support the physical body in its natural propensity toward healing by applying very effective remedies.
In this article we present powerful natural treatments for three health conditions that frequently affect children: asthma, head lice, and pink eye. Orthodox medical doctors and the drug conglomerates won’t be overly thrilled that you know these natural treatments; they have no way of patenting or monetizing these cures.
The Asthma Remedy
Asthma is a serious (if not frightening) disorder in which the airway becomes inflamed, resulting in wheezing, loss of breath, and tightness in the chest. About 15 million people in the U.S. suffer with asthma and there are more than half a million hospitalizations resulting from this disorder.
The prevalence of asthma has been increasing for every age group affected. Children have the highest increase; over the last ten years the rate of asthma in children has increased by over 90%. Parents with asthmatic children will know that the quickest remedy for an asthma attack comes from medication, but there are times when a child’s inhaler is not available.
There are two natural ways to treat an asthma attack which relate to the soothing effect that warm liquid has on bronchial tubes. First, try some hot soup which can soothe the bonchials. However, the second remedy can be more effective since it includes a warm liquid with an additional ingredient: caffeine. Coffee or tea, with caffeine, can open airways similar to the way inhalers do, so try this during an asthma episode if no medication is available.
The Pink Eye Cure
Before 1938, patentable antibacterial drugs had not been developed, so colloidal silver was the primary “medicine” for fighting infections in the U.S. It is quietly used today as a cleaning agent in water tanks, by airlines for in-flight water purification, and by NASA to sterilize water on the Space Shuttle. Why? Colloidal silver has been found to destroy about 650 viral, bacterial, and fungal “bugs.”
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairPink eye (pinkeye) or conjunctivitis is a highly contagious ailment in which the conjunctiva or membrane that covers the eye is infected by a virus or bacterial infection. Although harmless, the challenge is to keep infected family members from contaminating those around them. This challenge, however, has been met with colloidal silver.
Many people are successfully treating their pink eye by applying one or two drops of colloidal silver in their eyes, twice a day. In fact, Dr. Evan M. Kansas reported in Science Digest (1978) that he experienced “instant success” using colloidal silver with immune compromised patients. One example he gave was a patient’s pinkeye that was totally resolved in less than six hours after topical treatment!
The Head Lice Cure
Mom and dad, if you’re tired of “nit picking,” then pay attention. About ten million people in America are afflicted with head lice and their eggs, or “nits.” The head louse lives in human hair fairly close to the scalp where it feeds on human blood. Female lice lay about 10 eggs per day and the babies, or nits, hang-on to strands of hair with amazing tenacity.
Getting rid of head lice is a three-step process. You must kill all the live lice, check for and remove all the nits by combing and manual nit picking, and you must do a thorough job of cleaning the infested person’s belongings and home environment.
Doctor Lawrence Schachner of the University of Miami School of Medicine has found what he believes is the best, fastest natural remedy for head lice yet: petroleum jelly. This cure works not by poisoning the lice (like the prescription drugs available), but by smothering them.
Dr. Schachner recommends slathering petroleum jelly on your child’s scalp and hair in the evening before bed. Then put a shower cap on the child and let him sleep the night with the cap on. By morning, the lice and knits are smothered. The down side? Children must do repeated shampoos to remove the petroleum jelly, so their hair may look oily for a while.
Copyright 2005 Robert Fioravante


Health 4

The Best Free Weight Loss Program For Natural Weight Loss

The best things in life are free and that is truly the case when it comes to planning your weight loss program.
Whatever you do, don’t waste your money on diet patches, pills and potions – they may harm you and they will certainly harm your wallet. Stand well clear of anything which is supposed to help you lose weight that hasn’t been prescribed by your doctor.
After all you already own everything you need to lose weight. You don’t need the latest diet program. You don’t need more fitness equipment gathering dust in a corner. You don’t need a gym membership. You don’t need diet foods. How much have you paid in the past for all the diet books and paraphernalia that were meant to help you but had no lasting effect on your weight?
To start a successful natural weight loss program you just need the following basic plan:-
1. Eat good healthy home cooked food
Healthy in this case means low in fat, sugar and salt and with plenty of fruit and vegetables, natural whole grains and lean proteins. There are a ton of fantastic healthy and delicious recipes out there that you can use. You’ll find them on the internet, in your own cookbooks or you can borrow recipe books from the library. Select the best meals you can and create a weekly meal plan. Enjoy your food more on your weight loss program than ever before! Plan your meals on a weekly basis and keep to it. Your shopping list becomes your best ally in your weight loss plan.
Eating out is often the downfall in any weight loss program. If you can’t avoid it, and especially if you eat out a lot, choose your restaurants with care and select the healthiest dishes from the menu. You could also ask them to prepare something healthy – most good restaurants would be able to provide plain fish or chicken for you with a salad (dressing on the side!)
2. Don’t eat unless you are physically hungry and stop eating as soon as you are satisfied
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairIf you’ve forgotten what a normal portion is, it’s best to think of a meal as being about the size of your two clenched fists. Put that much on your plate to start with and see how it feels to eat that much. About right? Stop there. Too little? Have a spoonful more or fill up on salad or vegetables – you can’t do much harm with them!
3. Add as much movement into your day as you can
Most weight loss programs have an exercise element. Great though this is in theory, it’s where many people give up. It’s just too demoralizing when you go red in the face, sweating and heart pounding after a couple of minutes when you’re supposed to do twenty! Twenty minutes! You’re lucky if you can do five. Why put yourself through this when you’re clearly not ready?
The best way to add more movement into your day is by walking. Walk everywhere! It’s free! If you can afford it, get a pedometer and measure how much you’re doing each day. Aim for 10,000 steps every day when you’re trying to lose weight – it’s also great to stay at that level once you reach your target – it will help you stay slim.
If you’re not fit, check with your doctor and start with a few hundred steps, adding to your total every day. If you don’t have a pedometer, keep a note of your progress by counting the number of minutes you walk and get a rough idea of the distance you’ve covered (for example, one block and two lamp-posts), gradually increasing both as you get fitter.
You can walk whatever the weather if you have the right clothes and footwear or you can just walk around your home or the shops – it really doesn’t matter as long as you move!
Of course there are more things you can do to lose weight, but these three offer the best start to any weight loss plan. There would be far fewer overweight people in the world if everyone followed these simple and natural steps. Weight loss programs make things complicated because they need to differentiate themselves from each other. They are not just going to tell you the obvious – they have to wrap it up in ratios and percentages, points and calories, rules and regulations until you can’t live a normal life and follow them.
Free yourself from the latest diet fad and just start by following these steps. Weight loss, though still not as easy as falling off the proverbial log – we know that is just a fantasy – will happen more easily than ever before and in a completely natural way which gives lasting results.
Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small


Health 4

The 8 Most Common Allergies

It seems that almost everyone we meet suffers from an allergy of some kind or knows of someone who does…perhaps it is because of the amount of chemicals we use in this modern era…perhaps it is that modern conveniences such as air conditioning or fans can more efficiently distribute the harmful allergens throughout our society.
It is possible for almost anything to cause an allergic reaction but there are some allergies that are more common than others. These are explained in more detail below.
1. Asthma
Asthma is a serious respiratory disease. This allergic inflammation of the lungs is characterized by wheezing, coughing and tightness around the chest, making it difficult to breathe. It can be brought about through environmental allergens, dust mites, pollen, animal dander, smoke and other pollutants.
2. Allergic Rhinitis (hay fever)
Like asthma, allergic rhinitis or hay fever is caused by airborne allergens such as dust or pollen. It is characterized by watery, itchy eyes and a runny nose. It also causes bouts of sneezing and coughing. This is caused by the person breathing in floating pollen which then sticks to the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. They can also land on the sensitive covering of the eyes.
3. Perennial Rhinitis (dust mite allergy)
Perennial rhinitis is a condition which affects the sufferer all of the time. It is usually caused by the microscopic droppings of the house dust mite which is breathed in, affecting the air spaces in the nose, thus producing excess mucous. It can also be caused by animal fur.
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairWith skin allergies such as eczema and dermatitis, the skin becomes red and itchy and can sometimes become ‘weepy’. Any part of the body can be affected. The cause of this type of allergy varies from dust to pollen to chemicals. It can also be triggered by heat, cold, humidity and bright sunlight.
5. Urticaria and Hives
Urticaria presents itself as raised lumps or as white patches with reddened skin surrounding them. They are extremely itchy and can come and go from all areas of the body. In most cases, urticaria will subside after a few hours but it can last for several days, causing extreme distress to the sufferer. This type of allergy is typically from a chemical substance such as cleaning products, hair dyes, and other chemical matter.
6. Food Allergies
A large number of people are allergic to certain foods, bringing on bouts of stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, wheezing, stuffy nose, and a rash. The foods responsible are mainly berries, shellfish, eggs, nuts, milk, corn, beans or wheat. For people who suffer food allergies, it is necessary to avoid not only these specific foods, but any other product made with these ingredients.
7. Poison or Venom Allergies (such as wasp or bee stings)
The allergic reaction to venom of insects usually presents itself in the form of hives or urticaria, tightness in the throat and chest, and itchy eyes. The person who suffers this type of allergy experiences more pain from a sting than someone without an allergy. Other creatures that can cause an allergy include ants, mosquitoes, jellyfish and scorpions.
8. Allergies to Drugs or Medications
Penicillin and Aspirin are the most common drugs to which some people have an allergic reaction and this generally causes a rash or hives.
In most cases, an allergic reaction is uncomfortable and can indeed be quite stressful. It is usually not fatal and will generally respond favourably to a treatment of antihistamines, corticosteroids or inhalants.
However, in some cases, the reaction is so severe, it can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition called anaphylactic shock. This is a condition in which a person is exposed to something to which he is extremely hypersensitive. This results in a release of histamine into the body tissues, sending the individual into anaphylactic shock.
Its onset is immediate and the symptoms include severe difficulty in breathing, swelling, a drop in blood pressure, and heart failure. The result will be fatal if the person is not treated urgently by the injection of adrenaline.
If the person has severe reactions, it is essential that they wear a medic alert bracelet so that those treating him are aware of the situation and can respond accordingly.
Most allergies can be controlled by avoiding the allergen if known. However, in some cases, it is unknown and this can be difficult. This can be overcome by always carrying antihistamines with you in case you have an allergic reaction to something.
If you manage your allergies sensibly, your discomfort should be minimized and you should be able to live a full and active lifestyle.
Copyright 2006 Anne Wolski


Health 4


Now, there are men so constituted that they are able, for a long series of years, or even for a whole lifetime, to hold this appetite within a certain limit of indulgence. To say “So far, and no farther.” They suffer ultimately from physical ailments, which surely follow the prolonged contact of alcoholic poison with the delicate structures of the body, many of a painful character, and shorten the term of their natural lives; but still they are able to drink without an increase of appetite so great as to reach an overmastering degree. They do not become abandoned drunkards.

No man safe who drinks. ———————-

But no man who begins the use of alcohol in any form can tell what, in the end, is going to be its effect on his body or mind. Thousands and tens of thousands, once wholly unconscious of danger from this source, go down yearly into drunkards’ graves. There is no standard by which any one can measure the latent evil forces in his inherited nature. He may have from ancestors, near or remote, an unhealthy moral tendency, or physical diathesis, to which the peculiarly disturbing influence of alcohol will give the morbid condition in which it will find its disastrous life. That such results follow the use of alcohol in a large number of cases, is now a well-known fact in the history of inebriation. The subject of alcoholism, with the mental and moral causes leading thereto, have attracted a great deal of earnest attention. Physicians, superintendents of inebriate and lunatic asylums, prison-keepers, legislators and philanthropists have been observing and studying its many sad and terrible phases, and recording results and opinions. While differences are held on some points, as, for instance, whether drunkenness is a disease for which, after it has been established, the individual ceases to be responsible, and should be subject to restraint and treatment, as for lunacy or fever; a crime to be punished; or a sin to be repented of and healed by the Physician of souls, all agree that there is an inherited or acquired mental and nervous condition with many, which renders any use of alcohol exceedingly dangerous.

The point we wish to make with you is, that no man can possibly know, until he has used alcoholic drinks for a certain period of time, whether he has or has not this hereditary or acquired physical or mental condition; and that, if it should exist, a discovery of the fact may come too late.

Dr. D.G. Dodge, late Superintendent of the New York State Inebriate Asylum, speaking of the causes leading to intemperance, after stating his belief that it is a transmissible disease, like “scrofula, gout or consumption,” says:
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and Hair“There are men who have an organization, which may be termed an alcoholic idiosyncrasy; with them the latent desire for stimulants, if indulged, soon leads to habits of intemperance, and eventually to a morbid appetite, which has all the characteristics of a diseased condition of the system, which the patient, unassisted, is powerless to relieve since the weakness of the will that led to the disease obstructs its removal.

“Again, we find in another class of persons, those who have had healthy parents, and have been educated and accustomed to good social influences, moral and social, but whose temperament and physical constitution are such, that, when they once indulge in the use of stimulants, which they find pleasurable, they continue to habitually indulge till they cease to be moderate, and become excessive drinkers. A depraved appetite is established, that leads them on slowly, but surely, to destruction.”

Health 4

Support Cancer Research, Wear Cancer Wristbands

Cancer is a very serious illness. This dreaded disease has caused many deaths; cancer is a disease that’s characterized by uncontrollable cell division and the danger of these mutant cells to invade the neighboring healthy cells and infect them. There are many types of cancer and most of them are deadly which can cause death, while there are some treatments available; there has been no known cure that’s potently effective just yet. Some treatments can kill the cancerous cells while some control the symptoms such as pain. Millions every year gets afflicted with different types of cancer and millions more die every year all over the world. Cancer has been a serious predicament in the medical world and there are concerns on the probability of finding a cure soon.
There are some major efforts being done to correct this but funds have been dwindling making these researches an effort that needs the aid of many people. Many foundations, colleges and other medical groups are doing intensive scientific endeavors to understand fully the development of cancer and what possible treatments, therapies and cure could be done to prevent cancer and its growth. They are called cancer research. In cancer research they discover new methods of treating cancer with the development of new technology and new discoveries about the disease. With proper funding, cancer researches would be able to flourish and hopefully find the perfect cure.
Many organizations have been doing their best to help fund this research facilities, doing fund raising projects and programs for public awareness. It is essential for the public to take notice of this programs because anyone from anywhere can be afflicted with cancer. Gradually, more and more people have found ways in doing both, raising funds for cancer and spreading awareness. When doing such, you hit the head of a nail twice making it more beneficial for cancer victims. Any method is appreciated as long as it spread awareness and help bring in money to aid cancer research. The current popular method is by selling cancer wristbands, which are inscribed with inspiring and informing statements.
Cancer wristbands have been the craze lately, many are wearing them because they are cool and fashionable and yet they help out in finding a cure for cancer. Remember the ribbons everybody used to wear for AIDS. Cancer Wristbands now are what the AIDS ribbons were then. This stretchy cancer wristbands, usually made from either from rubber or silicone, are a great way to do fundraising. They are one size fits all and don’t cost too much. There is a 100 percent profit in cancer wristbands, which may be donated to cancer researches and also boost cancer awareness. In doing so, you not only get a cool looking cancer wristband, you are also helping out the countless cancer victims all over the world.
Many say that this trend started out when Lance Armstrong came out yellow “LiveStrong” wristband to promote and fund cancer research. That promotion had all the right ingredients to capture the people’s interest. Present was the revered American icon asking the people for help, the item was very affordable, was a good conversation peace and it showed that if you were wearing it, you were concerned about other people and their needs. It was also for a cause everyone wanted to help in and deserved all the help t can get. Soon enough, everyone was wearing them, from high profile people, to entertainers with big names straight to the president.
After that, many cancer wristbands went into the market spreading the word, many organizations joined the bandwagon and produced their own cancer wristbands. It has come to be that the color of the cancer wristband represented which type of cancer was to be benefited; for example, pink bracelets were in aid for breast cancer. Messages and statements would be inscribed in the bracelets empowering the knowledge of the people about cancer and tugging their hearts and the hearts of others to help out for the worthy cause.
Cancer wristbands are not only cool, they also help out, many small organizations can help out by browsing the internet and order them from reputable manufacturers who pledge assistance for every cancer wristband you purchase. You may also do your own fundraising; some sites offer very low prices for wholesale purchases so that you can sell them at a markup price so you can have earnings to donate to research facilities. Be aware, support cancer wristbands to help cancer research.
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Health 4

Stretch Before Working On Your Computer

Did you know that spending long hours at your computer can put your health at serious risk? Most people does not even consider that possibility, but t does, Working at a desk is extremely hard on your body, and I would like to share this with you so maybe you can avoid some of the most common health risks.
What do we usually do before engaging on a workout at the gym? We stretch, right? But have you ever thought why we do this? Stretching is very important. It warms up the muscles by increasing its alertness and blood flow to avoid injury. There are different types of stretching that cater to different needs.
1. Ballistic stretching
This type of stretching forces a moving limb way beyond its normal range of movement. One example of ballistic stretching is touching your fingers to your toes. This type brings you to a suddenly stretched position instead of a gradual one. The muscles that are stretched serves as a spring that can get you out of the stretched position. This type of stretch is not that useful and can lead to injuries. It does not give your muscles enough time to relax and adjust in the stretched position.
2. Dynamic stretching
This is the opposite of ballistic stretching. In this type, you are not forced to stretch your muscles drastically. Examples of this type are torso twists and leg and arm swings. It involves gradual and slow movements of body parts. There is also a slow increase in reach and in the speed of movement. It is of big help to one’s warm up for martial arts and dancing classes.
3. Active stretching
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This is also called the relaxed stretching or static-passive stretching. This type is somewhat like the static-active stretch. However, with static-passive stretching, you need someone or an apparatus to hold the stretched out limb for you. An example of this is stretching up your leg while it is being held up in place by, say, your gym instructor. Splitting is also a perfect example of passive stretching. The floor serves as the apparatus to help support your stretched out position.
5. Static Stretching
Static stretching is usually confused with passive stretching. However, these stretches are two different things. In static stretching, you are brought to the farthest point of your stretch and holding it in place. On the other hand, passive stretching is a more relaxed form of stretching because you do not have to control the range of motion because it is created by an outside force either mechanically or manually.
6. sometric Stretching
Isometric stretching is a kind of static stretching that does not require movement. You just have to tense the stretched out muscles. This can be used to increase the static-passive flexibility and is more effective active or passive stretching alone. It can also enhance strength on tensed muscles that can help decrease pain due to stretching. An example this is when you push up on a wall. Asking someone to hold your leg up for you while you force your leg down is also an example of isometric stretching. This kind of stretch is not apt for growing children and adolescents because they are flexible enough that these strong stretches could just increase the risk of muscle injuries.
7. PNF Stretching
PNF means proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This is actually a technique and not a type of stretch. It combines passive and isometric stretching so you can reach your static flexibility maximum. As a matter of fact, this is used as a rehabilitation therapy for stroke victims. Similar to the isometric stretching, this type is not recommended for children and others who have growing bones.
There goes the different types of stretching. In order to avoid injuries, it is better to stretch before doing anything else. Be it just for some light activity or a heavy workload. Take stretching seriously and feel the benefits it can give your body.
There are other risks as you sit in front of that computer but it would be to much to write about in this article, so if you would like to learn more about other risks such as:

Eye strain
RSI (Repetitive Stress Syndrome)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Constant Head Aches
Breathing Problems
Difficulty Concentrating

You can learn all about this in the book: “The Painless PC”, which can be found at:


Health 4

Stress Management: A Self Help Guide

There have been many words written about stress management, though many people do not realize that it can be managed. In fact, stress is a scary thing but it is also a self-creating thing. The more stress you feel, the less able you are to deal with the things that are stressing you, causing the stress to increase. This is a vicious cycle and the key to stress management is to not get into it in the first place. How do you do that? Well, there are many ways.
One of the most effective methods for managing stress is through meditation. This is a simple method of simply focusing the mind on nothing instead of focusing on everything that is stressing you out. It is not some sort of mystic trance or mysterious method. In fact, it is a simple method to help you strengthen your mind and learn to focus on the task at hand. Though there are many deep levels of meditation, the best place to start is with simply closing your eyes and taking deep breaths while concentrating on your breathing. By paying attention to your breathing and really focusing on it, your mind will clear itself out and permit you to relax easily. This is best done every single day as a preventive measure rather than as a cure for stress. However, it can also be effective when you need to ditch some stress in a jiffy.
As well, stress management is possible through simple chores or hobbies. Either building a model airplane or organizing a coin collection or cleaning the kitchen will help you get your mind on a task rather than on everything that needs doing. The tasks will still be there later, but simply giving your mind something to focus on that is not stressful will help you cope with stress much better. This method of stress management is a sort of distraction for your mind. It moves your mind away from all the things that are cluttering it and organizes something in your life, even if it is just your CD collection. And organizing something is a nice way to get your mind off of everything in your life that is not organized.
Another way to manage stress in your mind is to take care of your body. Playing a sport, lifting weights or running is a good way to clear your mind and get healthy at the same time. Going out to the gym and, for instance, playing racquetball is a good way to get your mind away from things and change your focus for a little while. As well, by taking care of your body you are also cleansing toxins from your system, enabling you to clear your system of those pollutants that aren’t doing your mind any good. So take care of your brain by taking care of your body and give yourself a nice little mental break.
Stress management is also possible simply by owning a pet. People who have pets such as dogs or cats or even fish can simply watch their pet or even play with their pets, giving them a nice little break from the regular stresses and strains of life. It has been shown that pets are actually better than spouses for relieving stress, as spouses have expectations of you. A pet, however, is going to love you no matter what and that is a nice thing to think about after a hard day of work. And petting a dog or cat has been shown to be very therapeutic. So, if you are stressed out all the time, it may be time to get yourself a pet in order to have a friendly face waiting for you whenever you walk in the door.
The final stress management technique here is probably the most important. That is to get some sleep. Let’s face it, nobody gets enough sleep any more. People are usually getting at least two hours less than they need every night, putting them into serious sleep debt. This debt is going to have to be paid up sometime, but sleeping in on the weekends is not going to get it done. The adult body needs, on average, 8 hours of sleep every night, but most adults get about 6 hours. This does not do your body any good and it does not do your mind any good. In fact, it tends to weaken the mind and make it more susceptible to stress, which is exactly what you want to avoid. So get to bed early and make sure that you are getting the sleep you need every night.
Stress management is fairly easy once you get used to it. Unfortunately, most people do not create the proper stress management habits, causing them to spiral into stress constantly. By allowing yourself the breaks you need and by giving your mind the stress relief it demands, you can relax, stay focused, and keep stress away.
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Health 4

Stress Elimination

Learning methods of stress elimination is a vital skill in the modern world. After all, there is no way to get away from stress these days, thanks to work, life, family, the economy, the state of the world, global warming, and an overabundance of people who are reminding you constantly about all of these. Not to mention the fact that you are stressed about everything and you know that stress can cause major health problems, so you are stressed about your own stress! Thus, you need some stress elimination strategies before you worry yourself silly.
The first stress elimination method is simply that of getting away. If you are feeling the heat from stress, you find yourself anxious, and you cannot concentrate, it is time for a break. That means that, if you are at work, get up from your desk and take a walk around. If you are at home, take a walk around the block. If homework is getting you stressed, go make a sandwich. Just walk away and take a break and come back in about five minutes.
As a matter of fact, when you are concentrating on something, you should breaks anyway in order to let your mind rest. After all, when you exercise your body, you take breaks to let it recover. Why should your mind be any different. By simply stretching in your seat every 15 minutes or so, then getting up and walking around for a couple of minutes every hour, you can ensure that your brain will stay sharp and stay focused. However, if you do not take these breaks, your mind will start wandering and you will find that you are stressed out because you cannot concentrate. Of course, you cannot concentrate because you are trying to force yourself to concentrate rather than giving yourself a quick break that would help you do that very thing.
However, sometimes it takes more than just a few minutes of walking to get rid of stress. After all, life is stressful in itself and you need to get away from it every once in a while. Thus, part of your stress elimination strategy should include some vacations. By getting away for a week or so every year, you can alleviate stress and prevent it from appearing very often. The simple act of being someplace else where you don’t have to worry about anything other than relaxing will help you immeasurably and it will allow you to keep stress away. Just leave it all behind for a while and you will be able to deal with it better when you get back.
Another good method for stress elimination is through exercise. It has been shown that people who are fit tend to deal with stress much more effectively than people who are not, so it is necessary to get out to the gym every so often. Or, if you don’t feel like going to the gym, you can do a few things from your home, such as running, walking or biking. Also, one very effective way to stay fit is to go out to your local swimming pool and get a few laps in. Swimming is not only a very good way to exercise your entire body, it is also a very low-impact method of exercise that does not strain the joints as much as something like running. Just remember to do something that will keep you in shape.
Also, yoga is a very popular way for people to stay fit when they do not enjoy exercising in such standard ways. In itself, yoga is a very effective method for relaxation and teachers often put a great deal of emphasis on relaxing while going through the various poses of yoga. Thus, you can learn methods of relaxation, stay fit, stay limber, and even have fun doing it. Likewise, studying martial arts such as karate, ju jitsu, judo, or even the relaxing forms of tai chi can provide substantial health benefits that will help you on the road toward stress elimination.
Finally, another good method for stress elimination is through meditation. Not only can you learn to eliminate stress generally, there are some methods of meditation that can be performed at a moment’s notice. Just by sitting down, closing your eyes, and concentrating on taking deep breaths, you can push all that stress out of your body and ease your mind of all its concerns. In fact, simply meditating in this manner for about a minute can ease your stress levels almost instantly by clearing your mind of all its concerns and allowing it to start out fresh. In fact, with a little practice, you can meditate for a short period of time and feel as refreshed as though you just took a nap.
Stress elimination is a vital skill for people who want to stay healthy, stay productive, and keep their minds sharp. Though some of the methods take some practice and take some time to master, a little effort and a little dedication can go a long way. So learn a few methods, figure out what is right for you, and stress elimination will be possible for you now and in the future.
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