Health 4

Understand the Science of Obesity And You’re On Your Way To Conquer It

Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that’s not exactly true. An overweight person has a surplus amount of weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. An obese person has a surplus of body fat. Body Mass Index (BMI) is commonly used to determine if a person is obese or not. A person with a BMI over 30 is considered to be obese, and a BMI over 40 is considered to be severely obese.
Factors such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, genetics and certain medical disorders cause obesity, but it can be conquered.
Eating Disorder
Obesity itself is not an eating disorder, but people who are obese or who fear becoming obese may develop one. There are three type of eating disorder:-
Binge eating – binge eaters eat uncontrollably and quickly eating an unusually large amount of food at one sitting. They eat mostly sugar and fat. As a result, they may lack certain vitamins and nutrients.
Bulimia nervosa – bulimics binge eat, usually in secret, then purge to get rid of the calories just eaten. They may also exercise intensely for long periods of time to burn off the extra calories, or they may go for long periods of time without eating.
Anorexia nervosa – anorexics literally starve themselves due to an intense fear of being fat. Their bodies are severely depleted of nutrients. As a result, they develop muscular atrophy, dehydration, low blood pressure and organ damage to name a few. Because anorexia is so life threatening, the first stage of treatment is getting body weight back to normal. Treatments for eating disorder include therapy and medications.
Fat & Cholesterol
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Dietary Treatments
Americans spends millions of dollars each year on diet books, products, and weight-loss plans. But, why aren’t they working? Because people are doing the wrong things! These popular diets often offer promises of quick weight-loss with no hunger, and the majority of those dieters who do succeed end up gaining the weight back within a year.
It’s important to remember that your weight should be lost gradually. When you first start dieting, you will probably lose more water weight, therefore you may be losing more pounds initially. But, if you’re doing it right, your weight loss will slow down to an average of one to two pounds per week. You can only lose three pounds of fat per week, anything over that is water loss or muscle loss.
Medical Treatments
In some instances health professionals will perform weight-loss surgery. As with any surgery, it comes with many risks, and it’s not a solution for everyone. In order to qualify for surgery, most people must be severely obese or obese with serious medical conditions.
Drug therapy is available for people with a BMI 30 or over with no medical conditions or for people with a BMI of over 27 with two or more obesity-related conditions.
Natural Alternatives
Many prefer to utilize natural alternatives rather than resorting to appetite suppressants and surgical procedures, it’s often more healthy. The alternatives include detoxification and live-food diet, low-carb high protein diet and ayurveda. All natural alternatives require some form of exercise.
Exercise is vital to shedding excess weight and keeping it off. Any regular exercise that raise the heart rate for at least a half hour straight, will do wonders for your body. Simply taking a walk, starting slow, then working your way up to power walking, is an excellent method of exercise.
Behavioral Changes
Changing your behavior is a key component to conquering obesity. Crash diets that cause people to lose weight drastically almost always backfire because there is no change in behavior and habits. Obesity is a lifestyle, and conquering obesity is a lifestyle also. Losing focus is a common problem with those who are trying to lose weight and keep it off.
For more details visit

Health 4

Uncover The Pros and Cons Of Fad Dieting

When was the last time you were tempted to try that fad diet you have found in the latest magazine that promises the world with fantastic fat losses and without doing a thing. What was it again; just take a couple of fat burning pills follow the diet and then bang! A brand new you in a couple of weeks.
The sad fact is they do not work, they just provide more suffering in your efforts to lose weight, and the only thing that you are losing is your hard earned money.
Firstly lets look at the latest fad diets on the scene at the moment, their pros and cons and then you will be shown how to save your time, money and unnecessary suffering by pointing you in the right direction for permanent weight loss.
The latest studies show that 90 per cent of fad dieters regained everything they had lost and even gained more weight within eighteen months.
The Atkins Diet.
The body burns carbohydrates and then fat for energy. This diet recommends limiting the intake of starchy, high carb foods so that the fat is burned first. So by eating meat, cheese and eggs and keeping bread and potatoes to a minimum, fat is lost.
Pros: Steak with cheese topping, Chocolate mocha ice cream and pork scratchings.
Cons: Studies show high protein diets lead to increased risk of heart disease, colon cancer, bad breath (halitosis) and constipation. Consuming more carbohydrate that can be used by the body will store this excess in fat cells.
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Pros: Being a low calorie diet, you can’t help but lose weight.
Cons: Very difficult to adhere to the strict regime the diet requires. Will experience metabolism slow down because of low calories and will lead to starvation response, which will eat away at the muscle tissue while retaining the fat.
The Blood Group Diet.
By having a blood test and determining your blood group, this then tells you how you can absorb nutrients, thus you can plan your diet accordingly. Different blood groups can eat different food groups.
Pros: Another calorie restricting diet so weight will be lost.
Cons: There appears to be little clinical and scientific evidence behind this diet and by the elimination of whole food group’s important nutritional deficiencies are likely with long-term health problems encountered.
The Ashram Diet.
This diet is basically a very low calorie diet (near starvation), which is coupled with a very high intensity exercise regime. A sample of this diet would include: One boiled egg for breakfast, a green salad for lunch and a baked potato with salsa for dinner.
Pros: A very quick weight loss, 10 – 15 lbs in a week (Mostly muscle tissue and water).
Cons: Fast weight loss leads to many unpleasant side effects such as bad breath, bone loss, constipation, deprivation of nutrients (vitamins and minerals), muscle loss, metabolism slow down, headaches and poor sleep.
Who would want all these problems for the sake of quick weight loss where the weight will eventually be put back on and more in a couple of months?
The Hay Diet.
The main rule to follow for this diet is to not eat protein and carbohydrates together. Combination of these two foods together appears to prevent protein from being digested in the gut and can lead to an accumulation of toxins.
Vegetables and fruit form the bulk of the diet with very small portions of protein and carbs.
Pros: Plenty of fruit and veggies in the diet means plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Cons: There doesn’t appear to be too much scientific evidence about food combinations and by limiting yourself to certain food groups you will miss out on important nutrients.
All these diets work because of a drastic cut in calories, when this happens our metabolic rate can be brought down in a matter of 36 hours by as much as 50% which means your body is now burning only half of your calories.
To compound matters further, hunger kicks in after a period of inadequate eating setting you up for over eating and binging.
Everyone is an individual so you have to be careful of diets that require you to set out what types of foods and quantities you have to eat at every meal. Just because a movie star lost weight on a fad diet doesn’t mean that you will.
Before starting a weight loss program take into account your age, fitness levels, activity levels and medical history.
Do yourself a favour and follow a real weight loss program including all the food groups, strength training, low level aerobics, a slight decrease in your daily calorie levels and a program that can be followed for life.

Health 4

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is sometimes referred to as mature onset diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is much more common than Type I. In Type 2 diabetes the pancreas either does not produce adequate levels of insulin or the body becomes resistant to its own insulin.
Type I diabetes, also known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2 in that the body stops producing insulin altogether. Type I diabetes is generally diagnosed in children or young adults. Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in older adults, however, it is becoming substantially more prevalent in the younger population.
With the onset of diabetes, whether it be Type I or Type 2, we lose our ability to adequately utilize sugar. When this occurs, blood sugar levels increase due to the body’s inability to transport sugar into the cells and out of the blood stream. Sugar is very important in that it is the basic fuel source for the cells in our bodies. Insulin is necessary for the transport of sugar from the blood and into the cells.
Diabetes is a serious condition and can lead to many other health problems. Some problems that diabetics commonly encounter are an increased risk for heart and circulatory problems, high blood pressure, visual problems and blindness, nerve damage, and kidney damage. With the diagnosis of diabetes, it becomes extremely important that blood sugar fluctuations are tightly controlled. With good control of blood sugar levels and the prevention of prolonged periods of elevated blood sugar, people with diabetes can live long and healthy lives.
Fortunately for the newly diagnosed diabetic, there are more and more tools available to help monitor and control the condition. Glucose meters are becoming smaller and easier to use. Blood samples necessary for glucose meter use are much smaller than in the past. Painful finger pricks can now be avoided with blood samples being able to be taken from alternate, less sensitive areas, such as the forearm. In the relatively near future, there will be non-invasive glucose monitoring devices not requiring a sample of blood at all.
A simple blood test, known as the A1c test, can measure the average blood glucose levels over the previous three months. This test is a very good way to monitor and critique how effective current treatments, diet, medications, etc. have been recently. This test is now available for home use and as such does not even require a visit to the doctor.
Type 2 diabetics have more options available to them for blood sugar control than do Type I diabetics. Not only are there oral medications, often eliminating the need for insulin injection treatment, but other methods that may eliminate the need for medications altogether.
Type 2 diabetics should look to multiple sources of information in order to determine the best methods available to deal with their condition. A good start is a physician specializing in the treatment of diabetes. Most physician specialists will have nutritional counseling available to help understand the relationship of various food items with blood sugar levels.
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Along with proper nutrition, appropriate supplements and vitamins, other important considerations are weight control and exercise. Excess weight tremendously increases the burden on the pancreas as fat requires much more insulin than lean tissue. Exercise not only helps control body fat and reduce weight, but additionally aids the transport of sugar from the blood and into the cells.
Diabetes is a very serious condition, but proper diet, glucose monitoring, and exercise can substantially improve our ability to control the condition. We should attempt to educate ourselves not only in the importance of tight blood sugar control, but also the various methods and options available to help in this regard. By utilizing good judgment in diet, weight control, exercise, and appropriate supplementation, diabetics can markedly reduce complications and lead long and healthy lives.
For further information about diabetes go to

Health 4

Truth about the infamous “Holiday 7” weight gain

The “Holiday 7,” the title given for the average amount of weight gain experienced during the winter holidays, keeps popping up in articles.
Is this statement true? Do people gain 7 pounds during the holiday season? Well, this isn’t true for everyone, but “Holiday 7” is very close to reality for many adults.
The Holiday 7
Most people gain less than one pound during the 6-week period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, report researchers. And this is much less than the suggested 7 pounds that’s being tossed around in fitness magazines. However, the research does show that overweight individuals typically gain 5 pounds during the holidays, (Holiday weight gain: fact or fiction?” 2000, Roberts).
This study should be a real concern for those who are overweight. While it’s not quite as bad as the “Holiday 7,” gaining 5 pounds every year during the holidays means 50 additional pounds over the next ten years unless a fitness improvement action plan is implemented.
The real culprit in holiday weight gain “Metabolic Syndrome X”
Researchers report that 40 million US adults suffer with “Metabolic Syndrome X.” This is the worst nightmare for someone overweight or obese, especially during the holiday season, (A major health hazard: the metabolic syndrome, 2003, Isomaa).
While the “Holiday 7” is not quite as bad for most people, small gains in bodyfat over time can contribute to the condition “Metabolic Syndrome.”
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The Best part … there may be a free cure for Metabolic Syndrome
The cure for Metabolic Syndrome is not a fad starvation diet, but rather a consistent, balanced diet in moderation, and a real commitment to exercise regularly.
Extra bodyfat is at the center of this disease, and this means that you should add exercise to build and tone muscle. Adding muscle will raise your resting metabolic rate so the muscle, in essence, eats away the bodyfat for you while you’re resting.
Men and women clearly need to exercise to add and tone muscle. Walking and increasing activity levels will not do what you need to get accomplished without adding some type of strength training to your fitness plan.
Personally, I’m partial to weight training at least three times a week along with an anaerobic exercise program (sprinting types of exercise) to make the body produce exercise-induced growth hormone, (Impact of acute exercise intensity on pulsatile growth hormone release in men, 1999, Pritzlaff). Growth hormone released from exercise will facilitate the bodyfat burning and muscle building and toning process.
The take home
Make the commitment today to add strength training and an anaerobic sprinting type program to your fitness plan and enjoy meals this holiday season … in moderation, of course.
Phil Campbell. M.S., M.A., FACHE is the author of Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness
“Everyone has a fitness plan. Whether the plan is to exercise regularly or not at all, everyone has a fitness plan. Youth alone takes care of many health issues, but there comes a time when every individual must make a lifestyle decision to exercise or not to exercise.” Phil Campbell
National Institutes of Health studies summaries cited:
Holiday weight gain
Freshman 15
University Women
Metabolic Syndrome
Exercise-induced growth hormone release

Health 4

True Culprits of High Cholesterol — Homogenized Milk and Tap Water?

What if I told you tap water and homogenized milk may be two of the biggest culprits in skyrocketing rates of high cholesterol? Cholesterol is actually being produced by our own bodies all of the time as a natural mechanism to combat oxidation when our bodies are diseased. Therefore, if we are not well, our cholesterol levels are likely to be higher regardless of what we eat that contains cholesterol. Having too low of a cholesterol level is just as bad as having too high.
Avoiding eggs and other foods that naturally contain cholesterol may not be the best solution, nor taking cholesterol-lowering drugs with their plethora of harmful side effects. For example, eggs are actually extremely healthy in moderation, being that they contain nutrients present at the beginning of life. Fatty meats are often harmful simply because fats store toxins, and animals not raised naturally have often been injected with antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and graze on grounds containing pesticides and fertilizer residue.
Two of the most harmful, and most common, everyday products we are ingesting that contribute to high cholesterol, and thus plaque in the arteries, are homogenized milk and chemically-treated tap water.
The explanation is far more complicated than I will cover here, but basically homogenizing milk involves the breaking down of fat particles to such a small size that the milk looks nice and smooth with no chunks of cream, but these smaller fat particles can permeate the intestines and end up in your blood stream. On the other hand, fresh unhomogenized milk from the farm, assuming the cows have not been exposed to chemicals, with its cream floating to the top, is natural and not a harmful form of fat. The larger fat molecules pass through the digestive system and nutrients are properly absorbed without fat entering the bloodstream. This cream, of course, can also be skimmed off the top of the milk and used for other purposes.
Studies have shown that many of the chemicals present in tap water that were added to kill bacteria, such as chlorine, often react with and oxidize cholesterol already in the body, forming a gummy substance (plaque) that actually sticks to, and clogs, the arteries. And there are many more dangerous side effects of drinking chemically-treated water.
What can you do about it? If you want to lower your cholesterol, which is not an easy task once your body is not functioning properly regardless how much cholesterol you eliminate in your diet, first eliminate homogenized milk and stop drinking and cooking with tap water whenever possible. If you can’t always get unhomogenized milk, such as from a health store or organic farm, then fat-free regular organic milk is the next best choice so you’re not getting chemicals nor as much cholesterol. If you can afford it, put a good filter in your bathtub or shower and/or install a whole-house distillation system, as even bathing in chemically treated water is harmful because it absorbs through your pores, and chemicals in the steam are inhaled.
And don’t think you can turn to bottled waters — sometimes bottled waters are no better, as they can contain runoff from groundwater containing pesticides and fertilizers that are not removed and do not have to be reported. If the bottle says it has been purified by both reverse osmosis and carbon/charcoal treatments, it may be less contaminated. The healthiest water available today for purchase is probably distilled water, which most closely mimics the sun’s natural way of purifying water.
The best way to bind and pull cholesterol out of your body naturally and avoid chemicals is by eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables (preferably organic and chemical-free) that haven’t been processed or “enriched” by synthetic means such as bleached white breads, white rice, white pasta, etc. Since your body has been overoxidizing, antioxidants may help speed recovery, and hence indirectly lower cholesterol. There are natural and safe cholesterol-lowering supplements available at health stores, including plant-based polycosinol, but always check to make sure there are no supplement, herb, or drug interactions if you are, or plan to continue, taking medications concurrently. Never stop medications abruptly. And lastly, since much of our soil has been depleted of minerals from chemicals, and most processed foods lack sufficient vitamins, most people should always take a potent natural vitamin and mineral supplement to help speed healing and to maintain their health.
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Health 4

Toxic Plastic Water Bottles

I recently received a question from one of my readers about the safety of drinking water from clear plastic water bottles. These bottles, made from Lexan polycarbonate resin (a plastic polymer), are widely used for single-serving sales to one-gallon of water in stores and home-delivery bottles.
Theee bottles appear to be safe because they do not impart any taste or odor to the water. Lexan polycarbonate is also used to make compact discs and DVDs, bulletproof windows, mobile phones, and computers.
The water delivery company sent my reader a notice saying that their Lexan polycarbonate bottles are perfectly safe to use. They suggested their customers visit a website that was designed to portray this plastic in a positive light.
But, actually, a toxic chemical is lurking in these bottles that does end up in the water you drink. Lexan used to be used to make baby bottles, but these are no longer sold. Hmmmmm…
In 1998, Dr. Patricia Hunt of Case Western University in Ohio discovered that one of the components of Lexan polycarbonate resin–bisphenol-A (BPA)–can leach into water from water bottles. BPA is a potent hormone disruptor. It can impair the reproductive organs and have adverse effects on breast tissue and prostate development.
Who do we believe? The water delivery company or Dr. Hunt?
I’m inclined to go with Dr. Hunt. I went to a website maintained by the authors of Our Stolen Future: How We Are Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival, who are continuously searching the scientific literature for information on endochrine disruptors. The Our Stolen Future ( page on bisphenol-a) gives a whole page of links to scientific studies that show that BPA damages the endocrine system in a variety of ways.
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Is there is a level of BPA that may be acceptable? To answer that question we have to ask: acceptable to who? A healthy male? A woman? A child? The elderly? And how would you know how much leaching has occurred in the water? It could easily vary from day to day depending on how long the water had been in the bottle, whether or not the sun was shining on the bottle in the delivery truck, and a variety of other factors.
I’m concerned enough about the possible danger of BPA that I am no longer purchasing bottled water in plastic bottles.
Health concerns aside, plastic is also not good for the environment. Americans use about 10 million tons of plastic every year, but recycle only about two percent of it. A plastic milk jug takes about one million years to biodegrade. And, getting back to health concerns, the manufacture of plastics produces toxic wastes that return to us indirectly through polluted air, water, and soil.
But we also have to use common sense and choose the greatest benefit at any given time. If your choice was to drink spring water in the polycarbonate bottle or drink tap water or drink no water at all on a hot summer day, I would say drink the purer spring water in the polycarbonate bottle. Once in a while, a single exposure will not do much harm. But you don’t want to be using water contained in a Lexan polycarbonate resin bottle as your everyday source of water supply, or drink from these bottles all day long, every day.
There are other options.
My best recommendation is to get a good water filter that is right for your water and filter your water at home. That way there is no questionable leaching at all. Even though this may be expensive, it is one of the best investments you can make in your health and will save thousands of dollars in medical expenses in the long run.
For those of you who carry or purchase water in the small, single-serving Lexan polycarbonate bottles, you can purchase plastic-free refillable bottles in various sizes to suit your needs. They are lightweight and much more attractive than the disposable plastic bottles.
It’s a good idea, particularly in the summertime, to carry clean water with you, as your body needs water throughout the day for good health. The Mayo Clinic suggests you divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water every day. So if you weigh 128 pounds, that would be 64 ounces or 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day. It’s better to carry your own clean water in a safe container than drink tap water or water in a plastic bottle.
For sources of water filters and reusable plastic-free refillable bottles, visit


Health 4

Top Ten Reasons to Buy a Natural Latex Mattress

1. Latex mattresses are a natural, biodegradable renewable resource:
Beginning on plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, latex is sap milked from rubber trees in a manner not unlike collecting maple syrup. Local workers harvest the liquid latex and prepare it to be processed. The liquid latex is then shipped in drums to locations in Europe and the United States where it is manufactured into mattress cores and toppers, as well as pillows. Unlike Talalay processed latex foams, natural latex has no added petroleum or other chemical additives making it a truly all natural material. Being a 100% renewable resource, as well as biodegradable, natural latex does not have the taxing effect on the environment as other conventional bedding material.
2. In bedding, natural latex provides support where it is needed most by contouring to the body’s natural nuances:
It relieves pressure points, particularly at the shoulders and hips, and it allows for better circulation with less tossing and turning. The result is a deeper, more restful slumber.
3. Natural latex is remarkably conducive to situations that require custom mattresses:
Available in a wide range of firmness levels, it is simple to build a mattress that caters to an individual’s needs: his and her sided beds, toppers, and more. Because of the wide variety of firmness variations available, natural latex can help ensure you feel as comfortable as possible when it matters most. Integrating an open cell structure with a pin core design allows for maximum breathability essential for removing excess heat and moisture that can prevent a good night’s sleep.
4. For those who struggle with allergies natural latex provides a safe haven as it is naturally hypoallergenic, and anti-microbial:
This means that molds, mildew, and dust mites that may help trigger allergies will not be waiting for you in bed, where they can be the most frustrating.
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Unlike the plethora of new age sleep systems available today, latex mattresses have been tried and tested in Europe for over twenty years. Their ability to withstand the test of time as well as provide an all-natural sleep surface that conforms to the contours of the body is finally beginning to catch hold in the United States.
7. Other new age sleep systems cannot offer the same qualities as natural latex:
Viscoelastic (memory) foam offers good support and relieves pressure points, but comes up short in other areas. It is a chemical product that is not biodegradable and as such it is not environmentally friendly. It doesn’t breathe like natural latex, which translates to a more stuffy and sticky sleeping environment. Memory foam easily retains moisture and is an environment prone to dust mites and molds, leaving allergy sufferers sniffing and congested during what should be the most restful time of the day. Being far less resilient than natural latex, viscoelastic foam has a lifespan of only about 10 years, meaning it will need to be replaced twice as often:
8. Air beds, such as sleep number beds, offer much less support and pressure point relief than natural latex:
They are non-breathable bladders full of air so they offer no way to keep moisture and heat from building up during the night. The only advantage of this type of mattress is its adjustability, which is only an advantage to those who enjoy varying firmnesses.
9. Innerspring mattresses seem a thing of the past when compared to natural latex – they don’t provide nearly the amount of support and customization opportunities:
Frequent tossing and turning is the result of pressure points caused by a rigid spring system. The batting material in the cover cultivates any amount of dust mites, molds, and fungi giving them free range to reek havoc on allergies. Motion is easily transferred through the mattress decreasing the quality of sleep for couples. It is clear why the standard is changing.
10. The independent cell construction of natural latex is not prone to transfer movement allowing two people to comfortably share the same bed without disrupting each other with every motion.
Natural latex provides excellent support and effectively relieves pressure points. Couples can sleep soundly together without disruption. It is a natural product and is environmentally sound. Designed to be breathable it is effective in keeping heat and moisture build up to a minimum for more comfortable sleep. Finally, it is hypoallergenic and antimicrobial to keep allergy sufferers well rested. It is easy to see why natural latex is far and away the best natural sleeping surface available.

Health 4

Top Five Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Losing weight is not about achieving the hour glass figure or the perfectly sculpted and toned body. It is more about staying fit and remaining healthy to ensure a long, disease free life. Everybody knows that extra pounds increase the chances of a wide variety of illnesses, from heart disease to cancer to diabetes. This article shows you the top five ways you can lose weight, and fast.
1. Eat Less Junk
Cutting out the junk food that you eat on a daily basis is one of the best ways to not only lose weight, but put you on a path towards vastly increased health and vitality. That means cutting out highly-processed food stuffs like carbonated drinks, crisps, cakes, chocolates and other sweets – all these foods are not only full of sugars and/or fats that will pile on the pounds, they also have virtually no nutritional value whatsoever. They fill you up at the expense of your body and your long-term health.
If junk food forms a high proportion of your diet, cut it out gradually. Stop buying it at the supermarket, and practice walking straight past the aisles that sell this kind of rubbish.
2. Exercise Frequently
This does not mean that you have to become a workout wonder – it simply means incorporating exercise into your daily life. This can mean something as simple as walking for at least half an hour a day.
Think about how you can do this on a daily basis so that you actually enjoy it. Are you able to walk to work rather than say catching the bus? If so, you may enjoy the fact that you arrive at work with more vitality, and that you seem to have more energy to achieve more with your working day. You may simply enjoy the fresh air, and the sound of the birds in the trees. You may enjoy the fact it gives you some time to reflect, and some time to yourself. Most people also find walking highly therapeutic and a very effective stress reduction technique, all of which will help overcome any psychological reasons that may lie behind your weight gain.
Exercising, whether you walk, swim, run, or go to the gym, will make you feel better about your body, and encourage you further on your path to lose weight.
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairDrink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge.
The best thing about water is that is has no calories at all. Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It’s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.
Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself. Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster.
Water is such a remarkable thing, but seldom do we give it the credit that it deserves. Did you know that over 66% of your body weight is nothing but water? It’s amazing!
4. Eat More Vegetables and Fruit
Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has a terrific spread when it comes to choosing vegetables. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in you diet always.
If you have a sweet craving, do not reach for the biscuit tin, enjoy a piece of fruit instead – it’s full of nutritional value, and won’t pile on the pounds.
5. Increase Your Fiber Intake
Your body needs a lot of fiber, so increase your fiber intake. This will help your body process the food you eat a lot more efficiently, and give you more energy and vitality too.
Try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can. Avoid ‘white’ processed breads like the plague – instead eat wholemeal bread. Try wholemeal pasta too, it tastes little different to white pasta, and is a whole lot better for you.
Copyright 2005
Please note that the advice above does not substitute for advice from a qualified medical practitioner or dietician.

Health 4

Top 2 Ways To Lose Weight

If you Really, really want to lose weight, You’ll need to do these 2 steps. Most people only follow 1 of these. If you are frustrated with Your Weight loss efforts then I can Assure you, if You read this article, You’ll feel why results are not what you were expecting.
Lets start with overview of How you can lose weight. You should know the basic formula of losing weight. It’s Diet + Exercise. Right… But this is only Half of the story. I am also surprised how most experts forgets about the other half of this puzzle. I infact haven’t found anyone else preaching what I am about to tell you.
Diets and exercise is necessary to lose weight. You might have read lots of article how You need to boost your metabolism to lose weight. In fact It is the truth. You should always design the Routine format which elevates your Metabolism even when you are not working out.
So Lets get on with Top 2 Ways.
1. Exercise : With a Twist. This is a no brainer thing, you know it, right? It doesn’t matter what kind of diet you follow or How motivated are you, If you really want to put your weight loss efforts into overdrive. You need to Exercise. Exercise will elevate your metabolism and Help you lose weight faster.
But here is the kicker. You are still doing exercises the wrong way. Even I used to preach cardio + strength training methods to lose weight. And they Do work. But When I found much better methods I was astounded by the results I was getting with my clients. This method is very common in Martial arts circle.
It is like jacked up, High Power HIIT(high intensity Interval training). This method is very simple Yet difficult to do. Let me give you overview of this method. You’ll only workout 20 seconds and then 10 seconds rest. and Repeat this for eight times. You’ll be done within 5 minutes.
If you think this is easy, Please try it. I suggest you try it with Skipping. You’ll be amazed how this 4 minute routine can do for you. After just 6 weeks of testing, a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity along with a 14% increase in V02Max is found in trainees.
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairAnyways lets go over to Next Tip.
2. Cleanse : If your goal is to look young, feel vibrant and energetic, then this is the way to go. This is not exactly a secret for common man. If you are not following a cleanse method with Exercise and good nutrition, You are setting up yourself for bad results. Seriously whenever I have introduced Cleanse methods in my clients routine, Their results almost doubled with the same amount of efforts.
But the kind of cleanse methods which are popular, they expect you to follow certain plans for 28 or more days. These methods doesn’t gell with our exercise routines and Proper Diet. If you are active with my exercises methods, then You might feel lethargic and tired while following cleansing diets.
So I always advice to do cleanse on daily basis for the rest of your life. Can You guess how much time it takes? About 5 minutes… That’s it. Its not only easy to follow, but also result oriented. You’ll notice the difference by just following my cleanse method.
But the thing is Its so much hyped by experts that people try NOT to do. There are methods and diets which’ll help you cleanse in like 30 days or so… It’s All well and good but What will do after the cleanse?
Do you again let your body build up waste matter and toxins? That’s Why I am asking you to do cleaning on daily basis. There are 2 basic methods that I teach. One is 3 day cleanse which eliminates most of toxins from your body. Second is Everyday Cleanse, This method helps you get rid of all the waste matter on everyday basis.
Both of these methods have their roots in Yoga and Ayurveda. If you are not experienced in Yoga or Ayurveda You might have not heard about these powerful methods of cleaning your body.
How to do cleanse method on daily basis.. I am going to give you very simple method even simpler than I described in my report. Here’s What to do.
The moment You wake up in the morning, Drink 2 glasses of Luke warm water. Then walk for 500 steps while breathing deeply into your Diaphragm. That’s it. In less than 5 minutes You’ll feel bowel movements.
In my Free report I am expanding on both Cleansing methods.I suggest you to use these two tips from Today onwards and See the difference Yourself.

Health 4

Too Stressed to Snooze?

Solutions for a More Peaceful Night’s Sleep
(ARA) – Most Americans do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep required for good health, safety and optimum performance. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recently reported that 63 percent of Americans are sleep deprived.
During stressful times — such as the loss of a loved one, a change in job status or a serious illness — the numbers of those who suffer from sleep deficiency can be even greater. Ironically, this is the time when a good night’s sleep is even more important to facilitate recovery and healing.
The following suggestions may ensure a more peaceful and restorative night’s sleep for the entire household.
Struggling for Much-Needed Rest
People who suffer from anxiety often have difficulty falling asleep, wake up frequently during the night, arise too early in the morning, or experience unrefreshing sleep. These symptoms of insomnia are fueled by stress, grief, worry and disrupted sleep schedules.
One solution to combating insomnia is to create a restful sleep environment in every bedroom in the house. This includes keeping the temperature cool, the light dim and the bed comfortable.
“Choosing a good mattress can make a difference in the quality of sleep you get at night and the way you feel during the day,” said Dr. Gary Zammit from the Sleep Disorders Institute at St. Luke’s – Roosevelt Medical Center in New York City. “Most people do not realize that their bed can be preventing them from sleeping well and, in some cases, keeping them awake.”
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and HairInsomnia can be a forerunner of depression and other health-related problems, so it is important to seek a doctor’s advice if symptoms persist.
Recognizing That Your Body Needs Sleep
For many involved in a crisis, daytime sleepiness is a frequent problem. Even if a person is getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night, stress and emotional fatigue can cause excessive sleepiness and frequent dozing off. This can be especially harmful for adults since daytime sleepiness can lead to health problems or dangerous situations when they drive.
The best solutions for overcoming daytime sleepiness are to stick to a normal sleep routine and get extra rest if your body needs it. When stressed, adults should pay careful attention to what their bodies are telling them, make good judgments about getting to bed earlier and take frequent naps.
Lack of concentration, nodding off during quiet activities or having trouble waking up in the morning are signs that a child is not getting enough sleep. Parents should remember that if the sleep schedule is disrupted even one night, a child may experience these symptoms.
“Children copy their parents’ sleep patterns, so it’s important for parents to maintain consistent sleep schedules and get enough sleep at night,” says Dr. Zammit. “Getting a good night’s sleep should be a family priority, and it starts with the adults in the household.”
Soothing Bad Dreams
Nightmares — vivid, long, scary dreams — are more frequent during times of stress, anxiety and helplessness. Children aged 3 to 6 are the most common sufferers of bad dreams, but traumatic events can increase the occurrence of nightmares in adults as well.
To avoid the anxiety nightmares can cause, it is important for adults to monitor the amount of television their family watches before bedtime and discuss any disturbing images with their kids. When children have nightmares, parents should comfort them by talking about the bad dream and offering reassurance that they are available whenever needed.
To reduce the chance of having nightmares, adults should avoid eating directly before bedtime and reduce their intake of caffeine and alcohol, as each will increase brain activity that can disrupt sleep.
For more information about sleeping better during stressful times, visit For details about the Sleep Number bed, call (800) 535-BEDS.