Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Stock Home Plans Are Perfect For Your Dream Home

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Stock home plans are perfect for your dream home because they save you time and money. Also, you may prefer to look at homes while not under the watchful eyes of a real estate agent. Home plans are a great way to look at homes without any sales pressure. There are a lot of resources for home plans and a good place to start is on the Internet.

Stock home plans have a lot of advantages. They allow you to determine the price range. If you have been planning on building a hou…

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Stock home plans are perfect for your dream home because they save you time and money. Also, you may prefer to look at homes while not under the watchful eyes of a real estate agent. Home plans are a great way to look at homes without any sales pressure. There are a lot of resources for home plans and a good place to start is on the Internet.

Stock home plans have a lot of advantages. They allow you to determine the price range. If you have been planning on building a house for a long time, you probably already have a budget and now is the perfect time to research that budget to see what you can get for the money. Keeping within your budget is important at this stage. You don t want a large mortgage later.

You can look for the best locations in all 50 states. You can even make a specific research for the exact address and state of your choice. Your search can be by region, city, neighborhood, and ZIP code.
You can decide on the property category and the age of the home. For example, you will be asked what type of house you want. It could be a condominium, single-family, multi-family, or co-op. It s up to up to you to decide whether you want a new house or an older house.

You can decide on the size and number of rooms. The number of rooms will depend on the size of your family. If your family is big, you will need more rooms, and if your family is small, you can minimize it. You can also choose the area on a square-foot basis.

You can also determine additional features that you want in your dream home such as fireplaces, swimming pool, a second-story, or even a waterfront view. You can personalize your home the way you want.

Home plans are easy to find. You can visit Internet sites that offer listings like This is the site of the National Association of Realtors and it includes specific agents and brokerages in the area you are searching.

You can look at the expanded information and photographs to get a better perspective of the homes that you like. This will give you a brief introduction to the house so that you can decide whether you like it or not.

You can call the agent once you see the ideal home that suits your criteria. If you have further questions, you can ask for information such as the history and photographs of the home.

After you have decided that you want the home plan, you can set up an appointment with your agent and tell him that you are interested. These reasons are just perfect for you to choose a home plan for your dream home.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Should You Remodel Your Kitchen?

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Are you a homeowner? If so, have you ever thought about remodeling your kitchen before? While a fairly large number of homeowners think about remodeling their kitchen, not everyone makes the decision to do so.

kitchen, home, remodeling, remodel, remodel kitchen, reasons, decision, remodeling kitchen, money, easily, new, homeowners, new home, floor, change, repairs, chance, reason, reasons remodel kitchen, current kitchen,

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Are you a homeowner? If so, have you ever thought about remodeling your kitchen before? While a fairly large number of homeowners think about remodeling their kitchen, not everyone makes the decision to do so.

There are a number of reasons why a homeowner wishes to remodel their kitchen, but later decides not to. One of those reasons is the uncertainty. It is not uncommon for you and other homeowners to be wondering whether or not you really need to have your kitchen remodeled. While there is always a chance that you may not, there is also a chance that a kitchen remodeling project is just what you, your home, and your kitchen needs.

One of the most obvious reasons why you should remodel your kitchen is if you want to. While a large number of individuals wonder whether or not they should, the uncertainty most commonly has to do with spending the extra money. If you have the extra money and you want to remodel your kitchen, you should. If you are interested in remodeling your kitchen, there is a good chance that you may be unhappy with your current kitchen. Since your home, particularly your kitchen, is something that you spend the majority of your time in, you will want to make sure that it is warm, welcoming, and inviting. If your current kitchen scheme makes you feel uncomfortable or if you just want to change it, go right ahead, you could benefit from doing so, a number of different ways.

In addition to knowing for sure that a kitchen remodeling project is what is needed, there are other homeowners who want a change, but don t necessarily know what that change should be. When this feeling is present, many homeowners automatically assume that they should purchase a new home, because they are no longer satisfied with the one that they live in. If you want to purchase a new home, go right ahead, the decision is yours to make. However, before you start searching for a new home, one that actually peaks your interest, you may want to think about changing your home around a little bit. By remodeling your home, you could easily spice up your home or even make it feel like something new. As an experiment to see how to goes, you may want to first try remodeling your kitchen.

Another fairly oblivious reason, why it may be a good idea to remodel your kitchen, is if your kitchen needs repairs. Although it is possible to fix a broken cupboard or replace a few kitchen floor tiles, you may want to do more than that. The perfect time to remodel your kitchen is when you have work in your kitchen that you need to do anyways. Even if you do not decide to remodel your whole kitchen, you can focus on a particular part of it, such as your countertops or floor, if you wish. If your kitchen has missing floor tiles or broken cupboards, you are still advised to do those repairs, especially if they may be putting you or your family in danger, safety wise.

If all of the above mentioned reasons weren t enough, there is one more reason why you should remodel your kitchen. That reason is one that could bring you money, sometime in the future. One of the greatest reasons why you should remodel your kitchen is because it is likely to increase the overall value of your home. Any time that a home is remodeled, as long as the remodeling job was successful, the home s value increases. This means that if you make the decision to sell your home in the future, you could easily get more money for your home than you paid for it. Depending on how long it has been since your repairs were done and how they were paid for, you could easily get a full return on your investment, which was your decision to remodel your kitchen.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different reasons why you should want to or at least want consider remodeling your kitchen. Of course, the decision is yours to make, but it is a good idea to keep the above mentioned points in mind.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Should You Go For House Air Conditioning?

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

The busy schedule of almost everyone in a certain household has made family gatherings an occasion to look forward to. These are the moments that are considered priceless and should thus be planned ahead making sure that everyone is comfortable to exchange pleasantries with the family.

A house that provides comfort to its members will be blessed by being the favorite hang out of the family members. Parents who have children and who want to gather them inside the house as m…

air conditioning, home improvement

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The busy schedule of almost everyone in a certain household has made family gatherings an occasion to look forward to. These are the moments that are considered priceless and should thus be planned ahead making sure that everyone is comfortable to exchange pleasantries with the family.

A house that provides comfort to its members will be blessed by being the favorite hang out of the family members. Parents who have children and who want to gather them inside the house as much as possible should make sure they make their surroundings comfortable and cool.

One way of ensuring your family s comfort is through the installation of proper air ventilation and air conditioning systems inside the house. This will enable family members to relax in the comfort of their rooms especially during summer. Staying in a cool house will be a much relaxing and pleasant experience which will encourage family members to stay indoors more often.

There are various kinds of air conditioning systems depending on your needs, your home size and your budget. There are individual air conditioners for each room and these can be easily purchase from a local store and it is also easy to install. Large houses usually require a centralized air conditioning system and its installation is more complicated and labor intensive. This type of air conditioning system requires condensing units to maximize its benefits.

There are reputable contractors specializing in the installation of air conditioning systems for both small and large homes. Before choosing is best to get referrals for such contractors to ensure quality work.

You will only appreciate the value of home air conditioning during the hot months if you have to sweat it out even during early mornings. Nothing beats the comfort of staying inside a well ventilated home during this season.

However, you have to be very careful when buying home air conditioners. While price is a consideration, you should also see to it that the air conditioner you are buying is energy efficient. You may be able to save hundred of dollars when buying the air conditioner but you would not want to feel doubly hot when you get your energy bill.

Once installed, you also have to teach family members the proper way of using your air conditioning system to cut down on energy costs. There are simple ways to make your air conditioning system more cost efficient like turning it off when the family is not home or when the weather is cool enough.

Proper care of your air conditioning system like scheduled cleaning will also make it more efficient for a long time.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Should You Change Your Refrigerator Water Filter Every Six Months?

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The life of refrigerator water filters is dependent upon the volume of contaminants in the water as well as the amount of use of the filter. Well water is more likely to contain contaminants not found in publicly treated water and may need more frequent filter changes. As a rule of thumb, the filter should be changed as specified by the manufacturer or at least every six months.


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The life of refrigerator water filters is dependent upon the volume of contaminants in the water as well as the amount of use of the filter. Well water is more likely to contain contaminants not found in publicly treated water and may need more frequent filter changes. As a rule of thumb, the filter should be changed as specified by the manufacturer or at least every six months.

Carbon is the primary substance used in water filtration methods because carbon has the potential to absorb many of the chemicals found in water. Most refrigerator water filters, which meet NSF/ANSI 42 certification standards, use granular activated carbon (GAC) to attract chemicals and impurities responsible for bad taste and odor, such as those that are a by-product of chlorine. These filters are not capable, however, to rid water of more dangerous, health-threatening contaminants. The method by which water is channeled through GAC filters does not allow sufficient time to complete the absorption of such substances. Various bacteria are formed, trapped and allowed to multiply, which further contaminates water processed by the filters. Carbon is not capable to absorb heavy metals, such as lead. GAC filters may trap some heavy metals and sediments, but allow others to filter through to the output water. Failure to change the water filter, every six months, allows unabsorbed water contaminants and newly formed bacteria to saturate the filter, forcing the filter to leak contaminants back into processed water. The water output may contain more contaminants than the filter was intended to remove in the first place.

Technology has lead to the development of more absorbent carbon-based filters, solid carbon block filters. These filters include solid blocks of carbon to absorb contaminants from water. Water takes longer to strain through carbon blocks than it does carbon granules, so that carbon blocks provide sufficient time for the absorption of more health-threatening containments. While carbon block filters are capable to absorb toxics, pesticides, TTHM’s and other contaminants, they cannot absorb heavy metals or contaminants that are by-products of agricultural fertilization, such as nitrates or sulfides. The composition of carbon blocks allows them to restrain heavy metals and bacteria away from output water, however, nitrates and sulfides are not filtered. Even so, carbon block filters are sufficient to meet NSF/ANSI 53 certification standards. Failure to change carbon block filters, every six months, allows contaminants to saturate the filter, forcing the filter to leak contaminants into the processed water. When sediments are not removed from water, those sediments buildup and corrode filter fittings and water fixtures, causing them to leak. This type of damage to filters and fixtures may cause the output water to contain more contaminants than the water input to the filter. Failure to change the filters might also reduce the water pressure, within the filtering system, forcing it to be ineffective.

Some refrigerator water filters may include fiber water filters. These filters are made of tightly wrapped fibers of rayon or spun cellulose, which trap rust, lead and other sediments found in water. When used alone, these filters are ineffective in reducing any chemical or health-threatening contaminants. Fiber filters are best suited for use with other types of filters to reduce the concentration of sediments. They should be replaced, every six months, to avoid a build-up of sediments that would force the filter to leak the contaminants back into the processed water.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why should you buy an air purifier

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The great guide about the air purifiers.

air purifier, air purifiers

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Did you know that the indoor air is at least six times more contaminated than the outdoor air? Unfortunately, you cannot clean the outdoor air but what you can do is to improve the quality of the indoor air. The only device that could help you do this is an air purifier. It eliminates the indoor air from various contaminants, such as simple dust, volatile gases, pollen, pet dander and dust mites. More sophisticated air cleaning devices can even rid of dangerous bacteria and viruses leaving your house a healthy place to live at.

You might be asking yourself why you should waste your money on an air purifier. And you would be surprised what indoor air contaminants do to your health. They irritate your respiratory system and with time may cause a lot of disorders. So, buying an air purifier that would clean the indoor air of your house is not a waste of money. On the contrary, preventing serious health disorders from occurring can actually save your money and time.

Those, who suffer from allergies or asthma and other respiratory diseases, know how poor indoor air quality affects their health. Indoor air pollutants may aggravate the symptoms of these diseases. It is not true that closing all the windows and doors helps the indoor air keeping clean and healthy. All the contaminants from the outdoor are brought to your home by heating and cooling systems. All of these contaminants accumulate in your living environment putting you and your family in danger. The only way to change that is to buy a residential air purifier.

A lot of trials have been made in order to find out whether air purifiers can reduce health effects or not. The trials have showed that the use of air purifiers definitely reduces certain health effects. These include minor effects, such as eye and lung irritation. In addition, air cleaning devices may reduce the risk for some serious disorders, such as cancer and decreased lung function.
Those who cannot bear the tobacco smoke in their living environment should also consider buying an air purifier. Most air purifiers eliminate cigarette smoke from the indoor air, reducing not only disgusting smell but also serious health effects.

Children are extremely sensitive to airborne pollutants therefore those, who care about their children’s health, should seriously consider using an air purifier in their environment. Pet danders, pollen, volatile organic compounds, cigarette smoke are only few mentioned contaminants that may affect children’s health and cause serious illnesses. Since children are exposed to dangerous airborne compounds from the early childhood, they may get serious diseases, such as asthma, various allergies, lung irritation and even lung cancer in the end.

Anyone who cares to breathe the air that is clean, healthy, and free of various pollutants and allergens should buy an air purifier for their homes. It may be either portable or non-portable, depending on the area coverage. Especially those, who are extremely sensitive to the indoor air pollution, should consider having an air purification system. Such are asthma sufferers, people who have allergies, children, youth and the elderly people. Poor quality of the indoor air affects these people the most.
In the end, it is of course your individual decision you have to make on the use of air purifiers. Most health organizations recommend people to use air purification systems to improve their indoor air quality. There are various factors one should consider before making one’s decision on an air purifier. But what really matters the most is what you cannot see or feel – the indoor air quality. You shouldn’t take it for granted.

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Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Purchase A Shrink Wrap Machine?

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

The shrink wrap machine is a tool that can transform your business. In this simple, even manual process, the product that you are selling is carefully cared for. Yet, there are many more advantages to using these machines. In fact, shrink wrap is something that any business that provides products for sale should consider investing in. It is affordable and reliable as well as a great way to drum up its own business.

First, what in the world does this machine do? A shrink wr…

Shrink wrLL

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The shrink wrap machine is a tool that can transform your business. In this simple, even manual process, the product that you are selling is carefully cared for. Yet, there are many more advantages to using these machines. In fact, shrink wrap is something that any business that provides products for sale should consider investing in. It is affordable and reliable as well as a great way to drum up its own business.

First, what in the world does this machine do? A shrink wrap machine will place plastic around an object. Then, the machine will heat the plastic allowing it to get hot enough to melt together. It forms a protective covering for the object. This protective coating then acts as a barrier from outside forces. Water can not get in. Dirt can not get in. It keeps the object clean and shining until it is purchased. It is effective at its job but it also provides for easy removal in the customer s hands.

Besides protecting your object that you plan to sell, what can shrink wrap possibly do for you? This product can be used to help increase the image of your object as well. Let s say that you are selling CD s that you have recorded. If you just hand out a CD in a case, you are likely to have others thinking that you burned it yourself. If you add the shrink wrap to the outside, not only does you CD case stay nice and clean and crisp, but it also keeps your customer happy and thinking that they just purchased high quality merchandise.

You can purchase these machines in a number of sizes. There are those that run several thousand of dollars for home business use. Then, there are those that are for commercial use and will cost much, much more. In either case, you will want to choose quality and affordability in whatever you choose. Consider the shrink wrap machine for your product needs.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Pay For Home Improvement When You Can Do It Yourself? Doen’t It Make Sense?

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There has been a decline in consumer confidence in the building and construction industry. This may be the same reason why many are now doing home improvements by themselves.

Why not? A little knowledge of the technical aspects combined with the eye for creativity is enough to do the home improvement on your own.

Why are people turning to do-it-yourself home improvements?

Many construction workers who do not have a lot of experience or expertise in construction or ho…

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There has been a decline in consumer confidence in the building and construction industry. This may be the same reason why many are now doing home improvements by themselves.

Why not? A little knowledge of the technical aspects combined with the eye for creativity is enough to do the home improvement on your own.

Why are people turning to do-it-yourself home improvements?

Many construction workers who do not have a lot of experience or expertise in construction or home maintenance are out there right now trying to work on these homes across the country.

As a result, homeowners are finding that the jobs are not being completed to their satisfaction. Sometimes they are even prepaying for services that do not get done or are not part of the plan.

You do not have to rely and pay someone to improve your home. Why not try to do it yourself?

You can enhance your home s existing concrete surfaces using acid stains, acrylic stains, epoxy paints, and scoring techniques.

If you are tired of looking at dreary gray concrete, there are some easy projects for the serious home improvement do-it-yourselfer to give your patio, driveway, garage, etc. a refreshing new look.

Decorative concrete work costs double or even triple that of regular concrete. This is why many people cannot afford it.

There are inexpensive ways to decorate concrete after it has cured without having to pay skilled tradesmen.

Acid based concrete stains are becoming more and more popular for coloring concrete surfaces. They chemically react with the cementitious material to produce permanent color with variegated or mottled appearance like that of marble. This results in a natural, elegant looking surface.

Water based concrete stains are an alternative to acid stains and are much more user friendly because they re much less toxic. These stains do not chemically react with the concrete; they are absorbed into the surface pores and act like a dye. The big advantage of water based stains is the wide array of colors available.

If you want to venture beyond the basic staining of concrete, consider using some scoring techniques to create patterns on the surface.

You can make your concrete look like a tile floor for example. It is up to your imagination. An angle grinder with a 4 inch grinding or cutting wheel is the ideal tool for this.

The important thing to remember when scoring is to draw the pattern on the concrete first and make sure you are satisfied with the way it looks because scoring is irreversible.

Epoxy paints make an excellent coating for garage floors and basement floors. Many commercial floors have epoxy coatings because of their durability and resistance to chemical spills as well as their appearance.

In recent years, however, it has become very popular for residential use with an increasing availability of different colors. This is not a difficult project, but the key to successful application is surface preparation.

Epoxy paints have also become available in a water based form making it safe for the do-it-yourselfer and ideal for indoor applications. They cost a little more than stains. For a 400 square foot garage, you ll spend about $200 for the materials needed for this project.

See? You do not have to spend money to have your home improved. You have the capability to do it yourself. With some instructions and a little bit of work, anyone can turn boring concrete into their own masterpiece.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Microfiber Sofas Are Becoming So Popular

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Microfiber sofas are becoming popular because they offer easy maintenance. Increasingly, homes are incorporating microfiber sofas into their decoration schemes. Microfiber is the tiniest man made fiber possible with today’s technology. It is one hundred times finer than a human hair. It is very popular because fabrics produced from microfiber are soft, lightweight, and easy to care for. Additionally, the fibers leave no lint or dust, so they are highly recommended for allergy…

home decorating, decorating, decorations, microfiber sofa, sofa, sofas, microfiber,

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Microfiber sofas are becoming popular because they offer easy maintenance. Increasingly, homes are incorporating microfiber sofas into their decoration schemes. Microfiber is the tiniest man made fiber possible with today’s technology. It is one hundred times finer than a human hair. It is very popular because fabrics produced from microfiber are soft, lightweight, and easy to care for. Additionally, the fibers leave no lint or dust, so they are highly recommended for allergy sufferers. These fibers are used to create clothing, cleaning cloths, polishing cloths, and all types of furniture including headboards, chairs, and sofas. Cleaning a microfiber sofa should not be a difficult process.

Microfiber, by its very nature, is stain resistant. As a result, stain products like Scotch Guard or other fabric protection materials are usually unnecessary with this type of sofa. Some furniture retail outlets offer protection plans that will help with stain resistance, so if that is one of your big concerns, contact your retailer to see if a protection plan is right for you. For general cleaning, though, a drop or two of mild detergent, like dish soap or laundry detergent, combined with a bit of water should clean your microfiber sofa in no time. Odors like urine can be easily eliminated by blotting the stain with white vinegar and distilled water, applying baking soda, then vacuuming. For the most part, cleaning will be an easy process if it is true microfiber. Imposter materials, though, may be more difficult to clean.

The majority of microfiber sofas use polyester as the base fabric because it has the ability to absorb color better than other materials. As a result of this chemical process, the color is forced to stay in the fiber, and no other treatments will ever be necessary. It may be necessary to occasionally have your microfiber sofa steam cleaned. It is fairly safe, but a professional cleaning service might not only do the best cleaning job, but also do the best job of protecting your microfiber sofa. Finally, to clean lint from your sofa, a simple lint roller (the kind that is sticky) should be the best option. Vacuuming might help in some cases as well.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why I want a Swimming Pool

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A look at what has made me decide I need to build a swimming pool.

swimming pool swim

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So you want a swimming pool. I know I do but that s because my body is getting flabbier as I get older and I want a pool for 2 reasons. I hope by exercising in a swimming pool it will tone my muscles, help me loose some of my flab and make me fitter and the other reason is I don t want to scare people when I use a shared pool. When I m in a public swimming pool people think there s a whale loose in it when it s only me. Oh dear, I think I need to diet as well.

I spent last summer vacationing in Europe. I started in London it rained, travelled through France and stayed in an old converted remote farmhouse with its own pool and then travelled down through Spain to the Costa del Sol where I then spent 3 weeks in a villa high in the Andalusian mountains with stunning sea and mountain views and of course its own swimming pool. Both pools were unique and were self-builds. The swimming pool in Spain had been built by the villa owner, a great guy called John, who was an ex pat builder from London. The swimming pool he had built was 25 ft by 32 ft. It wasn t square, the floor wasn t level, the tiling wasn t level, the slope of the floor wasn t even, and you know, it was the best swimming pool I ve ever been in. It was great.

I had travelled to Spain to see the area as its somewhere I had always wanted to visit on a vacation and do you know, I need to go back as I didn t see a great deal of it. I spent most of the 3 weeks I was there in the pool. The swimming pool had what they call in England, rustic charm. The sides were not straight, the floor tiles were slightly uneven and the floor sloped ever so slightly from side to side but taken with the converted stables, now a villa, and the country setting it worked and worked very well. It was the best swimming pool I ve ever been in. If I was building a swimming pool this is how I would build it. However, a swimming pool like this would not work with a new build house, it just wouldn t suit it.

Take the swimming pool in France. This was much more of a modern pool but again was in a countryside setting so a really formal new swimming pool wouldn t work and I m pleased to say that this wasn t a formal swimming pool although at least everything was straight like the sides of the pool. Again, the design was something I had never seen before. The swimming pool sloped down from the shallow end but at a certain point, the deep part fell away on all 4 sides to become 12 ft deep. However, it had an underwater ledge about 3 ft below the surface all the way round the pool. It was great for chasing the kids round the pool, or for them chasing me, and we had a fantastic holiday with 2 fantastic pools.

The trouble was though that although I had a very long vacation, I didn t see a great deal of France or Spain except when we were travelling. The reason, well I m sure you can guess. If not here s a clue. I had 2 fantastic swimming pools. I am sure I can describe the swimming pools better than the countryside local to where I stayed. I ll have to go back next year and try again but I know I ll be distracted by the swimming pools when choosing somewhere to stay. Then again I could try a mountain cabin with a lake to swim in. That s something I ve always thought would be fun. It s a tough choice, lake or swimming pool. Maybe I can try both or better still perhaps its time I built my own swimming pool at home.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Is Log Furniture So Popular?

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Can anyone explain what makes a simple log table more appealing to many of us than a finely carved mahogany table? Is it merely a matter of style or taste? To be certain, some log or rustic furniture pieces do not blend well with every decorating theme, and few of us would place an Adirondack chair with a Chippendale kneehole desk, but in many settings log furniture has no equal.

In the traditional sense, most furniture is made from wood (which is nothing more than logs th…

log furniture, log homes, rustic decor, decorating

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Can anyone explain what makes a simple log table more appealing to many of us than a finely carved mahogany table? Is it merely a matter of style or taste? To be certain, some log or rustic furniture pieces do not blend well with every decorating theme, and few of us would place an Adirondack chair with a Chippendale kneehole desk, but in many settings log furniture has no equal.

In the traditional sense, most furniture is made from wood (which is nothing more than logs that have been “tamed”). However, log furniture is the antithesis of most conventional furniture. Traditional furniture makers favor pristine wood planks without knots or blemishes, while log furniture builders emphasize knots, diseased patches and even tree bark.

Oftentimes conventional furniture will feature graceful lines and delicate legs, while log designs boast thick, powerful verticals and cross members. Log furniture makers often rely on hand tools more than machines. The drawknife and spokeshave are essential tools used to peel logs and make tenons. Handsaws, chisels, hatchets and other hand tools are found in every log furniture crafter’s workshop.

Log furniture is practical and it stirs our appreciation of human genius and resourcefulness. Unlike conventional mass-produced furniture, log furniture is particularly distinctive in that no two pieces look the same. The uniqueness of the logs and slabs ensure that every piece presents a singular appearance. Log furniture is a form of natural, hand-made freeform art.

It is this author’s opinion that it is the bold and unique character of log furniture that speaks to us so intimately. Log furniture has a soul that whispers to us about our past when people produced furniture from the raw materials nature provided. Early pioneers built log furniture out of necessity, and it retains a romantic charm that inspires thoughts as daring as that Westward expansion. Log furniture is bold and gutsy – yet warm and inviting. It can be massive, yet graceful and it offers us a way to introduce nature into our homes.

The numerous answers to “why log furniture is popular” are as varied as the craftsman who produce these works. Simplicity, elegance, boldness, history, natural beauty… there is a difference between style and character. And that’s the reason log furniture is so popular.