Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roomba Vacuum Collection: The Next Generation Of Vacuum Cleaner

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iRobot Corporation is the brain behind the Roomba Vacuum Cleaners. Robotics enthusiasts from MIT founded the company in the early 90’s. The company first introduced Roomba in 2002 as an intelligent fully automatic robotic vacuum cleaner.

The first generation of Roomba is called the Intelligent Floorvac. The introduction took the nation by storm as expected by IRobot Corporation. It was deemed to be the very first successful commercial domestic robot to hit the U.S market. …

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iRobot Corporation is the brain behind the Roomba Vacuum Cleaners. Robotics enthusiasts from MIT founded the company in the early 90’s. The company first introduced Roomba in 2002 as an intelligent fully automatic robotic vacuum cleaner.

The first generation of Roomba is called the Intelligent Floorvac. The introduction took the nation by storm as expected by IRobot Corporation. It was deemed to be the very first successful commercial domestic robot to hit the U.S market. The basic features of the Roomba are launched and the era of automated cleaning begins. This first generation also included the Roomba Pro and the Roomba Pro Elite.

Then, the Roomba gets better with a second generation of domestic robots. The Roomba Red is metallic red giving you of an automobile-like finish. The notable difference is the Intelligent Cleaning feature. The Roomba Vacuum is now able to automatically estimate the time needed for the device to clean the entire floor it will cover. In contrast to the previous generation that has a three-button room size selector.

Also included in the second generation of Roomba Vacuums are the Discovery, Discovery SE and Roomba Scheduler. Now with the Discovery Series, Roomba Vacuums have docking stations. The IRobot Roomba can be kept on the docking station to have it charged while not in use. The Roomba can also automatically returns to it’s docking station to recharge itself.

The Roomba 2.1 is generally an update to the Roomba Discovery Series. Major differences are seen in this model. And it actually became the platform for the latest model in the Roomba Vacuum family, the Roomba Scheduler. Roomba 2.1 boasts better brushes, filters, improved charge circuitry for better battery life and new Software that improves Roomba’s cleaning efficiency. Overall 20 enhancements to both hardware and software have been incorporated by IRobot Corporation in the Roomba 2.1.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roomba Vacuum Cleaner The Fun Way to Clean

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The Roomba vacuum cleaner has a cult following. Why? Find out.

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It seems that the Roomba vacuum cleaner has gathered something of a cult following! The tiny cleaner, robotic Roomba vacuum, has the power to clean your home all by itself, helping you say goodbye to a much-hated household chore. But not only is the Roomba vacuum cleaner supremely practical, it looks good too, and with a recent Roomba development, it can look even better than before, helping turn housework into a fun activity for the whole family.

What homemaker hasn t lamented the pile of chores that lies ahead of him or her on a daily basis? It s always been nigh on impossible to get the family to help. But the simple trick to making a chore like vacuum cleaning more appealing is to make it enjoyable, so if you are looking for a practical but fun cleaner, discover Roomba vacuum.

While it s true that the simple joy of a Roomba vacuum cleaner is that its robotic mechanism means that it can clean your floors without your intervention, this cleaner, robotic Roomba vacuum, can still act as a great teaching tool for your family. Shaped like a flying saucer, the kids will be excited by the Roomba vacuum cleaner as soon as it is taken out of its box, but with specially made covers to adorn the cleaner, discover Roomba vacuum it gets even better!

These special Roomba covers, called RoomBuds, teach your child early on that a chore like vacuum cleaning can be fun. With a Roomba vacuum cleaner the kids can become involved in household chores early on, as the robotic cleaner shows that cleaning and fun can go hand-in-hand.

The advantages of the Roomba vacuum cleaner are multiple. Not only is the robotic cleaner a wonderful teaching tool, it is an efficient cleaning machine. Capable of vacuuming your floors with only minor intervention from you you will need to clear your floor of certain obstacles before you set the cleaner off, such as cable wires and other things in which the vacuum could get entangled the Roomba vacuum cleaner is the cleaner with the right priorities. Have fun with your kids as you watch the Roomba make its way around your home, and discover the way to get the chores done while you have fun.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roof Preparation before Installing Roof Shingles

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Installing roof shingles can be an arduous task and should not be attempted if you don t know what you are doing. It is vital to ensure that you complete adequate roof preparation before installing roof shingles otherwise you are risking the integrity of your new roof.

Roof Preparation before Installing Roof Shingles, roof shingles, Roof Preparation, Shingle Roof Preparation

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Installing roof shingles can be an arduous task and should not be attempted if you don t know what you are doing. It is vital to ensure that you complete adequate roof preparation before installing roof shingles otherwise you are risking the integrity of your new roof. A poorly prepared roof can quickly lead to holes and cracks that will in turn to lead to a leaking roof. Obviously the first part of your roof preparation before installing roof shingles is to rip off the hold or damaged shingles that you are replacing. While it is possible to leave these on if they are showing any signs of damage or wear you should replace them whenever possible.

Secure the roof boards

If you are using the same roof boards without replacing them you really should check each and every one to make sure none of them need replacing. Make sure they are all securely fastened down to prevent any damage to the lining or to the shingles. You also need to make sure there is no debris lying around because this too can cause damage to your new roof. Make sure no nails or other objects are protruding out of the roof.

Installing the drip edge.

Install the drip edge around the eave ends of the roof. Be sure to use galvanized nails so that they don t rust in the rain. When adding the drip edge to the top of the roof install in the same way but this must drape over the rest of the drip edge to be effective. If you need to make any joints because the length of drip edge is not long enough to fit down the whole length of the eave then simple overlap the two pieces and bend the aluminum into place.

Ice and water shield.

You should consider putting down a layer of ice and water shield. Some states require that you use this and have set distances that the shield must be from the wall. It is very good stuff and incredibly adhesive so place it down where you want it to go before removing the backing paper. Once it s stuck there is no way of removing it. Ice and water shield will cost you a fair amount at around $50 per square foot but the job it does is invaluable and a vital step when you are finishing your roof preparation before installing roof shingles. Cover any large knot holes with aluminum flashing or a similar material and hammer these down (you may want to use a hammer tacker or nail gun to make this step a little quicker and easier).

Adding the layer of felt.

Overlap your felt by a few inches and completely cover one side of the roof. To install a roof vent at this point you should cut a small part of the roof on either side of the peak virtually the whole length of the roof. Now cover the remaining side of the roof with felt and also cover over the roof vent hole you have created. This will be cut later. You have now finished the roof preparation before installing roof shingles and are ready to shingle your roof.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roofing Shingle Warranties – What You Don t Know Might Hurt You

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Roofing shingle warranties can be as varied as the styles of shingles they cover. The more you know about your warranty, the better you will be able to protect yourself and your new roof.

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The Basic Warranty

Regardless of which roofing shingles you choose, they should comply with government standards and have a minimum warranty that the shingle will perform as promised. Warranties usually range from 15 to 40 years, but there are an increasing number of shingles available with a lifetime warranty.

While roofing shingle warranties are often considered standard, there can be significant differences in warranty coverages between similar shingles. Perhaps most importantly, some warranties only cover the cost of the shingles, but not the labour needed to remove the old roof and install the new one.

It s important to note that most shingle manufacturers have specific installation instructions and improper installation of your roofing shingles can void your warranty.

Wind Warranty
High winds can be very damaging to shingles. Powerful gusts will rip the shingles from your roof, but even weaker winds can cause costly damage.

Shingles will lift, even if only for a second, in strong enough winds. This can be the start of two problems. First, when the shingle lifts, debris and moisture can blow in under the shingle. Once the shingle returns to its original position, it traps the debris and moisture. If there is too much moisture, it could leak through your roof and damage your home. The trapped debris also keeps the tile from lying perfectly flat, which lets in more moisture and debris.

Wind also causes shingles to warp, which not only lets in more moisture and debris, but can also cause shingles to crack or break.

Algae Resistant Warranty
Algae growth is a common roofing problem that causes dark streaks on your roofing shingles. The algae can be cleaned away, but it will likely return, especially if you live in a humid climate. If you have had algae problems before, you should look for algae-resistant coverage on your shingle warranty.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roofing Q&A: New Roof And Re-Roofing Answers

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* How do I know if I need a new roof?

The roof should always be checked. You should keep tabs of its state. The following are signs that you may need a new roof.

Your roof is between twenty and twenty five years old.
The shingles are excessively cracking, curling, or they are blistering.
There are many shingles that are missing and/are torn or damaged.
The roof is leaking in many places.

* How much does a new roof cost?

There is no definitive answer a…


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* How do I know if I need a new roof?

The roof should always be checked. You should keep tabs of its state. The following are signs that you may need a new roof.

Your roof is between twenty and twenty five years old.
The shingles are excessively cracking, curling, or they are blistering.
There are many shingles that are missing and/are torn or damaged.
The roof is leaking in many places.

* How much does a new roof cost?

There is no definitive answer as to how much a new roof will cost. There are a variety of considerations needed before an estimate can be given. From that information, a price quotation or an estimate could be done.

Some of the considerations are:

Size of roof
Materials to be used
Location of house (this is needed to determine which materials would be best for that area’s weather)
Is it for a new house or a re roofing
State costs and taxes
Type of home

After that, you can have several contractors bid on the project to get the best price.

* When re-roofing, should I peel off old layers or simply add a new layer of shingles?

It is recommended that you add a new layer of shingles to your roof. Scrapping the old layers will just consume more time and energy, and at the same time by peeling off, the thickness of the shingles are decreasing, leading to possible leakages in the future. By adding new layers of shingles onto your roof, it protects the inner part of the roof and provides you relief against further leakages. Obviously, it would be a lot cheaper.

* What kinds of questions should I ask a roofing contractor?

Getting a roof contractor to do your roof needs a little certainty and guarantee. You can ask the following questions to the contractor to erase doubts regarding his/her services:

Ask your roofing contractor questions with regards to their standing in their field of expertise. It will give you a hint whether they are really offering quality service to their clients.

Ask questions with regards to their operation. This includes whether they have necessary permits and licenses to operate such business, and if they are carrying insurance in case there are unforeseen incidents that may happen during the construction.

And lastly, ask questions with regards to the actual roofing constructions and the post-construction services and warranty. Inquire if they can explain to you in layman s terms how they will construct your roofing, what materials are going to be used, and what services and warranties they offer in case leakages or damages happened to your roof within a time period after construction.

* What kinds of questions should I ask references of a roofing contractor?

Sometimes, you need referrals from people who know the roofing contractor’s work you are considering, especially when you are unfamiliar with that type of business. As the roofing contractor for references, especially from customers who have had work done by him. Questions like the following can be asked of your references of a roofing contractor:

Initially, ask questions with regards to their relationship with the contractor. Maybe the contractor is a friend or a relative of your reference. That will give you an idea how well that reference knows the contractor.

You can inquire if they have acquired the services of the roofing contractor. Ask them if they have personally witnessed the construction of their roof, and at the same time letting your reference talk about the quality of service.

Lastly, ask queries on the reliability of their service, if it withstands the different outside elements surrounding the roof. In this way, you will have no doubt of the integrity of the contractor because the reference himself will tell all.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roofing Nail Guns

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Roofing nail guns fire nails into wood or any other material they are specifically designed for meaning it takes a fraction of a second to hammer in one nail. This takes away the hard work and the time normally involved in hammering large mounts of nails. While they are extremely useful they can also be quite dangerous if not treated properly.

Roofing Nail Guns, Roofing Nail Gun, Pnuematic roofing nail gun

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Roofing nail guns are some of the more extreme of DIY tools and are often reserved only for the professional contractor. If you are putting together a small chest of draws or a book case you only really need the effective and affordable services of a standard hammer but if you are attaching a roof to a 2 story house it could take you weeks to put a few nails in. Roofing nail guns take the burden out of this chore and make your job much quicker and much simpler so whether you are an amateur or a professional you should bear in mind that you won t get far without using roofing nail guns.

Why bother with roofing nail guns?

Roofing nail guns fire nails into wood or any other material they are specifically designed for meaning it takes a fraction of a second to hammer in one nail. This takes away the hard work and the time normally involved in hammering large mounts of nails. While they are extremely useful they can also be quite dangerous if not treated properly.

Spring loaded roofing nail guns.

Spring loaded roofing nail guns are the simplest and most affordable nail guns that you can buy. They are really quite simple in their ingenuity and they use some very high tensile springs to fire the nails out of the chamber and into the wood. Crude maybe, but highly effective definitely! These roofing nail guns do still use a little electric power to pull back the springs to such an extent that means they will effectively fire with enough pace to lodge into the piece of wood.

Solenoid roofing nail guns.

Solenoid roofing nail guns are powered using electromagnetic polarization. When you pull the trigger the polarization in the gun reverses repelling the nail away from the mechanism and into the wood. This is a highly useful technique and is used in many different types of machinery and tools so are proven to work over long periods of time. There are very few pieces that are likely to break and leave you with powerless roofing nail guns, this durability is a distinct advantage over the relatively fast wearing spring loaded roofing nail guns.

Pneumatic roofing nail guns.

The most popular and widely used type of roofing nail guns are compressed or pneumatic nail guns. By compressing air in a standard air compressor it can gather huge amounts of power. In pneumatic roofing hammer drills the pressure is used to initially hold the hammer in place so that the nail is not fired but when you pull the trigger this opens a passageway that lets the compressed air out and dispels the nail at great speed. These are the most popular form of roofing nail guns because they only need an air compressor to run. Air compressors can be powered through a number of different means and you do not need to plug pneumatic roofing nail guns into the mains power. This cuts down and cost and makes it reliable and much more convenient, not to mention safe when it starts to drizzle.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roofing Insurance Considerations

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There are basically two types of article that you should consider using to cover yourself from any accidents or injuries. Workers compensation insurance protects against any injuries to workers whereas public liability insurance covers against similar accidents involving members of the public or property that belongs to someone else.

Roofing Insurance, insurance for roofing, Public liability insurance, Workers compensation insurance

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You should be under no illusions; roofing can be a dangerous job. Working at such heights and often in some fairly extreme conditions means that workers are put at risk on a fairly regular basis. If a company is held liable for any injuries or accidents to workers then without worker s compensation insurance they may be forced to pay out a large amount of money from their own pockets. For small roofing firms this can lead to financial ruin. Roofing insurance may cost money but it is a lot cheaper than not having it in the event that you need it.

Types of roofing insurance

There are basically two types of article that you should consider using to cover yourself from any accidents or injuries. Workers compensation insurance protects against any injuries to workers whereas public liability insurance covers against similar accidents involving members of the public or property that belongs to someone else.

Workers compensation insurance

Workers compensation insurance is one of the two types of roofing insurance that you should seriously consider taking out because without it you are in very great danger of being forced to pay large settlements from out of your own pocket. If the worst happens and one of your workers is killed through a work related accident this sum can equate to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The only way to avoid this is through having workers compensation insurance.

Public liability insurance

Public liability insurance is available to virtually anyone who needs it from cat minders to roofers. As far as roofing insurance goes this is another vital commodity to your business. If a member of the public walks into a piece of scaffolding or a shingle you have just fitted falls off the roof and hits a car you are responsible for paying damages and the cost of any required repairs. In some cases this can amount to very large amounts of money. Comparatively speaking the monthly premium you will be required to pay is virtually nothing.

Bring down the cost of your roofing insurance.

If you are concerned about the cost of roofing insurance then you may want to consider joining a buying consortium of sort or another. If you are already a member of a trade organization you may find that they have negotiated excellent deals on all aspects of roofing insurance and taking advantage of these deals can save you a lot of time and quite a lot of money.

Buyers should find out what roofing insurance a firm has.

If you are a consumer looking at having a new roof fitted then you should always check any potential roofing company to see what forms of roofing insurance they have. You should know that because the price of roofing insurance can be quite high some roofing firms have now taken to using a general contractor s insurance policy. If the roofing firm you use cause any accidental damage to your house or anything in or around it then you can only be sure that you will be covered if they have roofing insurance. Roofing insurance firms will pay out quicker and easier than if you have to rely on the roofing firm themselves to compensate you

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roofing Insurance Claims for Storm Damage

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When purchasing insurance, it is always advisable to check with your insurance agent about your policy s coverage as it relates to roofing insurance claims storm damage.

Roofing Insurance, Claims,Storm Damage claims, Storm Damage, Roofing Insurance Claims

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As homeowners, we are vulnerable to mother nature every day. When misfortune lands at our doorstep or, in this case, our rooftop, we can be thankful for insurance coverage and the availability of roofing insurance claims for storm damage. When purchasing insurance, it is always advisable to check with your insurance agent about your policy s coverage as it relates to roofing insurance claims storm damage.

If you live in an area where storms, especially those known to create a lot of damage, occur frequently, ask your agent to explain exactly what is covered in the event of a loss. For instance, if you live in an area that is known for hurricanes, tornadoes or flooding, these are all factors that could cause major damage and the policy regarding roofing insurance claims for storm damage needs to be clearly defined. At times, there are reports of individuals who suffer extensive storm damage to their home only to learn that their policy did not cover roofing insurance claims for storm damage. There is no doubt that storm damage can cause a lot of problems with your roof in particular, so it s extremely important to make sure your insurance policy covers any problems that may arise in the event that the unexpected should occur.

When you think about it, our roof is the only thing that protects us from rain, snow, sleet or, in the worst case, a natural disaster. It is expected that, at some point, our roof will be in need of repair. Our roof is essential to a home because, without it, we would be left out in the rain – literally.

If your roof is damaged during a storm, the first thing to do is contact your insurance agent. You will need to ask about their policy regarding the filing of roofing insurance claims for storm damage. Your agent will then advise you in proper procedures and deadlines. Explain to your agent, in detail, exactly what damage was caused and the date of the occurrence. If your roof is leaking, it will need to be repaired or replaced immediately to avoid further damage to the interior of your home. It s important to inform your agent of any repairs that need to be made without delay. This information is crucial in the processing of roofing insurance claims for storm damage.

After the initial contact with your insurance agent, you should receive a letter or telephone call from their department, which handles roofing insurance claims for storm damage. Following that, an adjuster will likely contact you. In most instances, the adjuster will want to see the damage, take photographs of the loss and will provide the insurance company with an estimate on the cost of repair or replacement. It is not advisable to sign a contract or make any agreements until your hear from your insurance agent. The adjuster may, however, provide you with an estimate on the cost to repair any damage that your roof has sustained during a storm.

Once you receive an estimate from your insurance company, you may begin the process of contracting the work out to a professional. If you choose to hire a professional, ask them to provide you with a projected cost once they have reviewed the damage. During your initial conversation, explain that the funds will come from your insurance company s claims department, which handles the payment of roofing insurance claims for storm damage. Provide the projected cost information to your insurance company for processing. Depending on the company s policy, the funds may be paid upfront or after the job is complete. If the money is held until completion, have an invoice sent to the insurance agent for final payment.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roofing Disasters And How To Avoid Them

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Conducting a thorough home inspection–inside and out–can help prevent problems or keep them from becoming costly.

Roofing Disasters And How To Avoid Them

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The roof on your home is the first line of defense against the elements of nature, such as high winds, heavy rain, sleet and snow. Conducting a complete inspection-inside and out-each spring can help avoid costly problems later on. Look for these key danger signals that indicate your roof is not adequately protecting your home:

• Water, water, anywhere?-A home inspection should start with a check for leaks in the attic. This can occur and be most obvious after heavy, driving rains. Also walk through each room of the house and inspect walls and ceilings. Ceiling spots can be another warning sign your roof needs repairs. And peeling of interior or exterior paint or wallpaper, sometimes from excessive moisture or high humidity, can be a sign of possible inadequate attic ventilation. If more ventilation is needed, it can be relatively easy and inexpensive to install-even if you don’t need a new roof.

• Crack down on cracks-The most common leak sources on the outside include cracks in flashing around the chimney and vents, or worn-out, decayed or missing shingles. Check your gutters for debris, including granules in the gutter. If you find an excessive amount of granules, it may indicate aging shingles that should be replaced. While up there, check for any missing, cracked or curled shingles. These should be replaced quickly to avoid structural damage to your roof deck and the interior of your home. If any shingles are blistered, decayed or “dirty looking,” they need to be replaced, too.

If you find any of these potential problems and are in need of repairs, the first and most important step to take is to find a competent roofing contractor.

Poorly installed or constructed roofing systems waste American homeowners billions of dollars every year, according to GAF Materials Corporation, North America’s largest roofing manufacturer. Fortunately, most risks can be avoided with a professional roofing system that’s correctly installed, maintained and/or repaired.

GAF offers access to a database of factory-certified, prequalified roofing contractors. Every contractor is licensed and insured, and pledges to work on the homeowner’s roof as if it were its own.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Roofing Basics

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Roofing is something that every home owner needs to know something about, after all it is about the roof over your head and is directly linked to the quality of life in your house. Looking for anew roof for a house can be an exhausting work, the research for the materials and the negotiations with the professionals, even before any material has been purchased and any work begun you may find yourself giving up the idea, just for the sheer scale of the project and what it invol…

roof repair, roofing, roofs

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Roofing is something that every home owner needs to know something about, after all it is about the roof over your head and is directly linked to the quality of life in your house. Looking for anew roof for a house can be an exhausting work, the research for the materials and the negotiations with the professionals, even before any material has been purchased and any work begun you may find yourself giving up the idea, just for the sheer scale of the project and what it involves.

If you are looking to get a new roof on your house, you will have to think about the way you are going to get the work done, many people think that they can do the work themselves only to later discover that they cant, and than they are in a desperate situation that needs urgent help, which usually costs them much more than if they would have planed things right. When you are thinking of getting a new roof for your house, chances are that you will not want to go at it alone. Not only is the construction dangerous, but it is hard to select the correct roofing materials and to construct it in a structurally-reliable manner.

There are, of course, advantages to getting a professional to do the roofing for you. The number one advantage of hiring a roofing contractor is that you will be able to get expert feedback on what materials you need, for both aesthetic and practical reasons. If you have any questions about damage to your roof, or anything to do with style, you will be able to speak with your roofing contractor. Another advantage of using a roofing contractor is that you are ensured of having the job done right the first time, there should be maximal efficiency to the roofing contractor work, allowing you minimal time of work on your house and the absolute minimum discomfort for you and your family while the work is being done.

Not only can they do what you request of them, but your roofing contractor may also be able to locate any problem areas that may be arising. This is very important because if you can get these areas repaired early on, you may be able to avoid a lot of damage to your home down the road. It is very important to get a roofing job done as professionally and as thoroughly as possible, since most people do not go about changing their roof every few years you may want to think of all the aspects of this project before you sign any agreement or buy any material.

Naturally you should find out if the contractor you are going to hire is the right person for the work so you may want to ask them for some references. The best way that this can be done is asking what other houses in your neighborhood that they have worked on, look at the work, listen to other peoples experience and that would make your decision easier. This way you can go by and see what the roof looks like, and also ask these people what they thought of the level of service that they received. By checking out potential contractors up front, you will be able to avoid running into problems after they have already started the job.