Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why you should fuel your generator with natural gas

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For people with power generators or thinking about purchasing one, consider natural gas as the fuel source because it is very efficient in both energy production and cost. Natural gas has many advantages over other generator fuel types.

generator,generators,natural gas generator,natural gas,natural gas generators

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For those people who have invested or thinking about investing in a power generator for back-up power needs, extra electrical needs, or portable electrical needs, a big consideration should be the type of fuel that is used. There are many sources of fuel for providing electrical energy from the generator including gasoline, natural gas, diesel, solar, wind, and a few other fuel sources as well. The type of fuel selected for a generator can have big impacts on everything from the environment, cost, and electrical output. Sources like gasoline and natural gas are non-renewable where as solar and wind come free and are renewable. For continuous, high energy output, gasoline and natural gas are better fuel sources. These are just a few of the considerations. Natural gas, however has some major points over the other fuel sources and is recommended in this article.

Why is natural gas a good fuel source for generators? Well first of all, a lot of homes use natural gas to fuel stoves, ovens, and even fireplaces. Those who have paid the gas bill will often find it is much cheaper than the electrical bill. For those unlucky people with electric ranges, electric water heating, and other electricity dependent heating, the high price of electricity is a big cash vacuum. The price of natural gas is very good compared to other fuel sources as well. The energy output provided verses the cost is better than that of diesel and gasoline.

When it comes to generators, most backup generators work better with natural gas because the supply is already coming to the location. Most homes have a pipeline for their natural gas that can be harnessed by backup generators to supply electricity when other sources are not working. Automatic transfer switches can determine when there are blackouts or other electrical problems and supply electrical power produced from the location’s natural gas source. This means that there is no need to purchase any additional fuel for the generator as it is already pulling from a decent costing fuel source in natural gas. This can not be achieved with some of the other fuel sources as well.

Another reason natural gas should be used in power generators is it’s energy production which is comparable to that of gasoline and diesel. For people who have natural gas products, the energy output is not even noticeable but the cost is. Natural gas makes the energy to cost ratio efficient. For portable generators, the same output can also be achieved as natural gas can be supplied to the generator much like how a barbecue grill is supplied. This makes supplying fuel to portable units easy as all that is needed is a canister of natural gas that just needs to be plugged in to the fuel line.

Natural gas is also cleaner than both diesel and gasoline. Natural gas will cause less engine buildup and lead to longer lifetime of a costly generator. There are also natural gas conversion kits for many types of generators that allow changing the fuel type. These conversion kits can help extend the usefulness of old generators by using natural gas as the fuel type instead.

Natural gas is not only a good energy source for homes but also a good one for portable or emergency power generators as well. They provide high, continuous amounts of energy at a very efficient cost to both residential and business users.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why You Should Consider Staining Your Concrete Floor

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If you re not familiar with it, concrete stain isn t a paint or finish coat. It involves a chemical reaction on cement materials.

stained concrete, flooring, home improvement, refinishing basement

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Acid staining can make a common concrete floor into look like expensive natural stone flooring. Not only is it a fraction of the price, but for people allergic to carpeting materials it s a godsend. Another great application is in houses with radiant floor heating. Radiant heating is at its most efficient when insulating floor coverings like tile or carpet are minimized.

The process of staining a concrete floor, while not overly complex, can be tough to get the results you want from. Most folks are probably better off hiring a professional contractor. It s a risky project for the do-it-yourselfer.

If you re not familiar with it, concrete stain isn t a paint or finish coat. It involves a chemical reaction on cement materials. Typically a water-based solution of hydrochloric acid and inorganic salts, the stain reacts with minerals and lime in the concrete aggregate, and the result of the reaction is coloring. It works on new or old concrete, and is fairly durable if you maintain it with sealer or wax, since it won t stain or chip. It can also be applied to both interiors and exterior floors. Walkways, bathrooms, entrances, driveways, living rooms and patios are all fair game.

When it s finished, stained concrete looks a little like marble, but more dappled and less uniform. The concrete will mostly be earthy brown tones, with hints of red and green. It s possible to make your own tint stain by mixing colors, or applying at dissimilar rates. When you stain a concrete floor, though, don t expect the stain to be uniform or have an even tone. Plan your room d cor and color scheme accordingly, because you’ll get dissimilar reactions from different areas of the concrete, and even a seasoned pro will be hard pressed to predict what the final result will be.

Surface prep for acid staining concrete depends on what condition your slab is in. Newly poured concrete only needs is be allowed time for curing- three weeks after pouring- then some rinsing and scrubbing. Older concrete is a different story. Thorough cleaning is required because any dirt, grease, paint, sealer or even curing agent will keep the stain from penetrating and reacting as it should. Do a little test area to make sure it s ready.

Newer poured concrete will require less stain than older floors, but in general, a gallon of water added to one gallon of stain will cover around 400 square feet. Apply the stain with a non-metallic brush or broom, working in the cooler morning or evening hours, rather than in the heat of the day. Be careful to protect yourself from spillage, drips and fumes from the acid stain, and follow the manufacturer s precautions.

After application, you need to cleanup by sweeping away any leftover stain and residue with a broom. When the floor is thoroughly dry, it is a good idea to apply a sealer agent and then wax it.

If you are in the market for natural stone flooring, a new look for your basement or patio, or just looking for new remodeling ideas, stained concrete is something you should look into.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why You Should Avoid Fiberglass Drywall Tape Like The Plague!

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Fiberglass drywall tape is popular for drywall work and plaster repair. But there are big problems with it. A professional’s opinion.

fiberglass tape, drywall tape, drywall seams

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The truth is, it has its place, but – please! not on your drywall

Yes, my view of this is controversial. And I have my (good) reasons.

Actually, people who use fiberglass tape instead of paper tape for drywall taping are helping me make a living.

As a drywall finisher and a plaster repair specialist, I have made thousands of dollars over the years repairing drywall seams taped with fiberglass. Thanks, folks.

What happens? Drywall seams need a RIGID tape to stay closed. Especially over butt joints, the fiberglass taped seam will wiggle ever so slightly some time down the road after finishing, and presto! a hairline crack develops right down the middle of the joint.

The tape isn’t broken. It’s just that the drywall mud overcoat is not rigid enough – tough enough – to add the strength necessary to permanently secure the joint.

How do I know this? Well, for one thing, I have noticed that the long, recessed drywall seams tend to stay taped better. With those seams, the mud overcoat is thicker because it is filling the valley where the tapered edges of the drywall come together. You get some extra toughness.

I understand the allure of fiberglass tape. Slap it down on that crack and mud ‘er up. No blisters, etc. So easy and comfortable, especially for the novice taper. And every do-it-yourself website and magazine article promotes it.

Yes, it is harder to learn to use paper tape properly. For the newcomer to drywall taping, there are issues of laying the mud on evenly, wiping the tape down properly, avoiding humps on the butt joints, and so on.

These are learnable skills, and they pay big dividends after the job is finished and painted. Nothing is more irritating to the customer or homeowner living in his new home/addition than to see cracks developing in his new walls or ceilings.

As I said in the beginning, there IS a place for fiberglass tape. First of all, it the tape of choice for plasterboard seams under veneer plaster. This is what it was developed for in the first place. It works very well in this setting, because veneer plaster is far harder and tougher than drywall compound.

But, there is a place where fiberglass tape can help in the drywall trade, and that is in the repair end of the business. Around doors and windows, cracks in the drywall are common. A little extra movement in the framing there and you get these unsightly defects.

When I repair such cracks, I want some extra insurance. What I will do is use short pieces of fiberglass tape – maybe three inches long or so – and place them in a bed of mud ACROSS the crack and parallel to each other. I wipe out the excess mud, just as I would with paper tape.

When this first layer of tape is hard, then I lay down a line of paper tape right across the fiberglass and centered on the underlying crack. Now I have double insurance: the glass for lateral strength and the paper to keep it tight to the surface. This usually takes care of such cracks, or any cracks you are particularly concerned about. (Don’t forget two or more topping coats.)

I do the same operation or a variant of it on bad plaster cracks.

One last point. I’ve emphasized toughness of the compound you use. For that reason, I like “hot mud”, a setting type joint compound more like plaster for strength. If you are unsure of yourself and your speed, it would be good to use hot mud with a longer setting time, like an hour or 90 minutes. Mix small batches and don’t forget to wash your tools and pans well between batches.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why you need to buy a rug

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A look at the reasons for buying a rug

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So, why buy a rug. Well there are many reasons why you should want to choose one and no matter how little you have to spend you should be able to pick something up from a store or carpet dealer and the variety is staggering although you will be limited with less expensive rugs.

So let s look at some of the reasons you may want a rug on your floor. Well my number one reason for using rugs is to hide the wear and tear that carpets get with everyday use. Just think about it, when you walk across a room you usually take the same path and this helps to wear out a carpet or leaves it dirtier than the surrounding carpet and cleaning all the carpet only highlights what bits of it were dirty in the first place, well at least I think so.

You may also have a damaged carpet or one that is likely to get damaged. The favorite here is log fires which are always spitting out hot embers. A rug in front of the fire helps protect it. Eventually you will have to throw out the rug but buying a new rug is a lot cheaper and easier than buying a new carpet.

One of the other reasons you may want a rug is to highlight a wooden floor. Having a wood covered floor is great but a rug can accentuate the wood and draws the eye to the floor so people can really see what your floor looks like. Another reason why you may want a rug on this type of floor is to cut down noise which a rug is great for.

A rug can also be a focal point in a room drawing the eye to the rug and making a statement about you or your tastes. On the other hand a tasteless rug can also make a statement about you and your fashion sense so always be careful when choosing a rug as a rug can often say a lot more about you than you may like.

A couple of other reasons for using a rug are its something great in an entrance to your house or apartment. Why, well rugs help to clean dirt off shoes and most rugs can be easily cleaned whereas cleaning a carpet is often much more difficult. Rugs are cheaper to replace as well.

Cost can be another factor in choosing to buy rugs especially if you are renting somewhere. Why pay to cover a whole floor with a fitted carpet which is not easy to take with you. Rugs can easily be taken with you when you move. Another point is that you will have chosen your rug to match your furniture so when you move to somewhere new your rug still matches your furniture.

Whatever the reason for wanting a rug, make your choice carefully and your rug will last a long time.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why You Need A Gutter

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If you re like most people, you don t give your home s gutter system much thought. And that s unfortunate because it s crucial to maintaining your home s integrity and value. The system serves no purpose until it rains, but when it does, a properly installed gutter system is the only way to ensure that the rain water won t collect on the roof or worse, run down alongside the walls of your home.

When rainwater is uncontrolled, it can get in between the vinyl siding, wood or…

gutter,gutter repair, copper gutter,raingutter

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If you re like most people, you don t give your home s gutter system much thought. And that s unfortunate because it s crucial to maintaining your home s integrity and value. The system serves no purpose until it rains, but when it does, a properly installed gutter system is the only way to ensure that the rain water won t collect on the roof or worse, run down alongside the walls of your home.

When rainwater is uncontrolled, it can get in between the vinyl siding, wood or other material that covers your home and protects it from the elements. Water running uncontrolled down the side of a house can also get behind window frames and other openings and cause further damage that s often expensive to repair.

In much the same way as it directs a bowling ball down the end of the lane a gutter system along the perimeter of your roof carries water away from your home. Water that is allowed to flow towards the home s foundation rather than away will slowly erode the foundation, which over time can impair its structural integrity. It can also cause a considerable amount of erosion.

Sections of gutter are attached to the roof using hangars. There are straight sections as well as inside and outside corner sections. In places where the gutter attaches to a downspout, a piece called the drop outlet connects the horizontal pieces to the vertical. Open ends are covered with end pieces. To ensure that water flows away from the house s foundation it s advisable to position a splash block at the bottom of the downspout. And finally, to keep the system maintenance-free, it s wise to invest in a leaf screen which will catch leaves and other debris before they clog up the gutter, which renders it useless.

Finding a gutter system to complement your home is easy because they re available in a wide assortment of colors and materials. Next time you re outside, take a good look at the gutter. If it s in need of repair, don t delay!

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Would I Consider Installing Roofing Shingles in Cold Weather?

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Going up on your roof in cold weather, especially when there is ice or snow is potentially very dangerous indeed. Any traffic on your roof should be avoided wherever possible because a slippery roof is likely to result in a very serious fall.

Installing Roofing Shingles in Cold Weather, Roofing in Cold Weather

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Unfortunately, your roof won t usually pick warm and clear days to break, obviously it is much more common for your roof to develop leaks and problems when the rain is beating down and the wind is blowing a gale. Even if the roof does get damaged on a calm day it is really quite unlikely that you will notice until the weather changes. At least without regular maintenance it will be. If you find it absolutely essential when installing roofing shingles in cold weather there are certain things you need to be aware of, although it is always better to fix your roof on a calm day; it may not seem necessary at the time but it is safer for you and your roof.

Installing roofing shingles in cold weather is dangerous.

Going up on your roof in cold weather, especially when there is ice or snow is potentially very dangerous indeed. Any traffic on your roof should be avoided wherever possible because a slippery roof is likely to result in a very serious fall. If you do have to go on the roof to conduct repairs you should always ensure that the roof itself, ladders and any equipment you will be using is dry and safely secured.

You can damage material if installing roofing shingles in cold weather.

Removing ice or snow from the roof can cause serious and irreparable damage to the roof. Scarping away at anything on your roof can easily lead to you removing the protective surface on the shingles, and this surface is the best protection you can get against the elements. It prevents damage to the material itself and ensures that any water will run smoothly off your roof surface without collecting. Removing it means your roof is more prone to leakage. Also, the slightest knock to a freezing cold shingle is likely to break it very easily.

Things to consider when installing roofing shingles in cold weather.

The most important thing to remember in the event that you need to install roofing shingles in cold weather is your personal safety. Traversing a sloping roof in icy conditions is near suicidal and should be avoided at all costs. There is a reason that you can t get a roofing contractor to come out and fix your roof in these conditions and it isn t because it s too cold to work. Snow is no better and even early morning dew can create a very slippery surface that is potentially lethal to anyone trying to walk on the roof. However, if you do need to replace a shingle try to remain on the ladder and be sure to handle the shingles with as much care as possible so that you don t break them. You will have to manually seal the tabs of the shingles down yourself, because the warmth of the sun normally activates the adhesive strips, but this obviously will not be possible in cold weather.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Use Water Filters

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Are you a hundred percent sure that the water you drink is potable and safe and does not contain harmful substances? No one who uses water from the generally available water system can answer this question affirmatively except of course if he has devised a method to purify his water supply.

The United States Drinking Water Act provides for the issuance of reports on the quality of water in a certain area every year. The report must be provided to all consumers. These repor…

water filter, purifier,

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Are you a hundred percent sure that the water you drink is potable and safe and does not contain harmful substances? No one who uses water from the generally available water system can answer this question affirmatively except of course if he has devised a method to purify his water supply.

The United States Drinking Water Act provides for the issuance of reports on the quality of water in a certain area every year. The report must be provided to all consumers. These reports can be helpful in determining the current status of an area s water system. However, most cities actually comply with the federal rules on water safety so nothing much can be gleamed form that report. While there is a low level of carcinogen in drinking water, experts believe that there may be a link to the low carcinogen level in water to the increasing number of people getting cancer.

Fear of the quality and contents of water being distributed by their own water systems has led to the growth of businesses related to water treatment. While water companies used to get their bread and butter from selling water equipment that can get rid of mineral contents, their business has grown to great proportions in the last twenty five years. Most of these companies are now selling systems specifically targeted and used for treating water and improving water taste. The demand for water treatment and improvement is expected to grow even rapidly in the next few years with water treatment facilities becoming a common household item.

Water can give life but it can also taste bad. With this realization, people are becoming more concerned about ways and means to improve their water supply to improve taste. Proof of this is the massive growth of the bottled water industry.

Most water systems rely on chlorinated water for both drinking and bathing use. However, there are sectors who believe that the use of chlorinated water can cause itching and loss of natural oils in the skin. It can also rid the body of useful bacteria that can defend the skin against skin diseases. Most drinking water shows a chlorine residue level of more than 1.5 ppm, the recommended chlorine level for swimming pools.

To make sure that their water is safe, people opt for water filter devices. Water filters can be expensive at first glance but it is really cost effective in the long term depending on the kind of water filter that you purchase. There are water filters that can be used without using electricity and without much need for parts replacement. There are portable water filter systems that can be easily attached to your home faucets.

If you have a budget, then opt for a centralized water filter system for the entire home. This type of water filter system filters all water that is being used in your home, whether for drinking or bathing.

Price can be an issue when choosing the best water filter device for your home use. However, when you think of the possible benefits your family can get from filtered water, it makes the cost of installing one the best option.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Use Air Purifiers In Your Home?

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Living in the suburbs can be comfortable and classy for most people but it can never compare to country living where there is plenty of fresh air. Most people who are city bred are more exposed to airborne diseases compared to those who live in the country.

There are people who would rather breathe the clean country air, although their lifestyles and careers prevent them from doing so. There are however plenty of ways and means to remedy this and to create a semblance of c…

air purifiers

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Living in the suburbs can be comfortable and classy for most people but it can never compare to country living where there is plenty of fresh air. Most people who are city bred are more exposed to airborne diseases compared to those who live in the country.

There are people who would rather breathe the clean country air, although their lifestyles and careers prevent them from doing so. There are however plenty of ways and means to remedy this and to create a semblance of country living,

One such common remedy to imitate clean air is to use home purifiers and air cleaners in the comfort of one s home. Home air purifiers generally improve the quality of air you breathe as it removes substances like cigarette smoke, allergens, bacteria, chemical vapors and other irritants that can cause asthma and other chronic diseases.

People who can afford the cost of installing a central home purifier should do so because it can offer healthy living options for the family members wherever they are. Aside from protecting the entire household, a centralized air purifier is also less noisy compared to a room purifier. While it can be more expensive, centralized home purifiers are most cost effective as compared to installing one air purifier for each room.

Air purifier systems with more technologies to offer are better because it offers benefits to the user. Experts prefer the hepa air purifiers as they are proven to be 99.99 percent efficient in removing air contaminants. The hepa air filter removes pollen, bacteria and other allergens form the air and do not release them back into the air again. However, hepa air filters are not capable of removing smoke, or cigarette odors from the room as well as very small particles.

Most homeowners who use hepa air filters use other technologies like ionizers, activated carbon filter and ozone generators to maximize their air purifiers. Ionizers allow the smallest particles to attach, making them large enough to be captured by the air filter. Activated carbon filters help the hepa air purifier in capturing cigarette smokes and other fumes.

While it can cost more than a centralized home purifier, individual air purifiers are more effective in purifying a single room. You should not fall for claims that portable purifiers can purify the entire house because these purifiers are basically used for a single room only.

If you are concerned about costs, you should be wary on the wattage of the air purifiers you use because an air purifier with a wattage level of 100 or over can add as much as $100 to your annual electricity cost. Those with high wattages can also be noisier than air purifiers with small wattages.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why The Best Flooring Idea Is To Install Hardwood Floors

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Hardwood floors have been around for hundreds of years. Wood floors were probably the first type of floor covering besides dirt. Hardwood floors can be one of the essential elements in designing your home. They offer a level of value and comfort no other flooring choice can. There are a number of benefits to owning and installing a hardwood floor.

One of the best things about hardwood floors is the lack of problem with regard to maintenance concerns. Because technology has…

home decorating, hardwood floors, interior design,install hardwood floors,decorating ideas, flooring

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Hardwood floors have been around for hundreds of years. Wood floors were probably the first type of floor covering besides dirt. Hardwood floors can be one of the essential elements in designing your home. They offer a level of value and comfort no other flooring choice can. There are a number of benefits to owning and installing a hardwood floor.

One of the best things about hardwood floors is the lack of problem with regard to maintenance concerns. Because technology has allowed for the finish or stain of hardwood floors to require only sweeping for typical cleaning purposes, your floor will stay beautiful without the backbreaking scrubbing hardwood floors used to require. While the use of an appropriately recommended professional cleaning product will be required sometimes, a simple broom will take care of most of your cleaning concerns. It is important to note, though, you should never use anything on your hardwood floors that has not been manufacturer recommended. This helps to ensure your flooring will last a lifetime.

Durability means hardwood floors.

Another great reason to invest in hardwood floors is that they are environmentally friendly. Wood can not only be recycled, it is also a renewable source of material. Many of the products of yesterday like barns and old homes are recycled as hardwood floors. Moreover, wood products are incapable of harboring or collecting dust and other allergy particles. This means your family will suffer less risk of allergies or allergy induced medical conditions. Several health organizations endorse wood floors for people with health risks.

Additionally, hardwood floors are an excellent financial option. While some of the flooring is a bit more costly than the cheap alternative, hardwood maintains its value over time. It does not show the wear and tear that synthetic products do. This will only serve to increase your home’s value in the long run.

There are many great reasons to invest in hardwood floors.

Finally, hardwood floors can come in a large range of shapes and sizes. In the past, there have been few choices in the hardwood floor market. Today’s market, though, offers styles, colors, and species that will fit any d cor. Hardwood floors make an excellent addition to any home.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Why Teak is the Best Wood for Outdoor Furniture

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Outdoor furniture supplement the beauty and elegance of your home garden. Being a natural product, wood is considered to be the best material for constructing garden furniture. Since most timbers are not resistant to adverse weather conditions and insects, utmost care should be taken to stretch their lastingness. Here comes the prominence of teak wood as the ideal wood for making patio furniture.

teak outdoor furniture,teak patio furniture,teak garden furniture,teak furniture,teak bench,teak chair

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Outdoor furniture supplement the beauty and elegance of your home garden. Being a natural product, wood is considered to be the best material for constructing garden furniture. Since most timbers are not resistant to adverse weather conditions and insects, utmost care should be taken to stretch their lastingness. Here comes the prominence of teak wood as the ideal wood for making patio furniture. Teak is one of the best, long-lasting and strong materials used for indoor and outdoor furniture. Some of the specialties of teak as the most suitable wood for outdoor furniture, are given below.

1) Teak wood is good-looking, smooth, sturdy and durable.

2) It is resistant to bad weather and insects. A garden bench made of teak is capable of withstanding rain and sunlight for several years even without periodic maintenance.

3) Unlike furniture made of other materials, teak furniture don’t require artificial polishing or oiling.

4) Teak wood is rich with silica and natural oil content that make it resistant to all kinds of insects.

5) Teak is very suitable for structural works and carved designs for its sturdiness, elasticity and ease of use.

6) Teak wood does not get rotted or splintered even if it remains in contact with metals like iron for years due to the presence of silica and oil content.

7) The denseness of teak, together with its other qualities, makes it the favorite wood of shipbuilders throughout the world.

8) Because of its stylish design with clean lines, teak wood stands out among all timbers.

9) Cleaning and maintaining teak furniture is pretty easy.

The Teak tree is classed as Tectona Grandis and it belongs to the family Verbenaceae. One of the reasons for the high cost of teak is that it takes approximately 50 to 60 years to complete its physical growth. Despite its high cost and difficulty to acquire, teak is still the preferred wood for making high quality furniture, doors, windows etc. Although teak wood is immune to heat and humidity and resistant to insects, timely cleaning and maintenance will definitely prolong its life. The high cost and scarcity of teak have slowly given rise to the use of other hardwoods like African oak and mahogany in its place. But none of them matches the quality of teak.