Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Snazz Up Your Home With Some Hot Candle Holders

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One of the easiest ways to perk up your house is to add some amazing candle holders to your room d cor. These candle holders are inexpensive and they look great in any room of the house. And lets face it, if you love candles you need to have some good candle holders or you could be facing quite a problem.

You see, candle holders are not just for looks but for safety as well. Good candle holders can mean the difference between a candle simply going out or burning down your …

candles, home remodeling, arts, crafts

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One of the easiest ways to perk up your house is to add some amazing candle holders to your room d cor. These candle holders are inexpensive and they look great in any room of the house. And lets face it, if you love candles you need to have some good candle holders or you could be facing quite a problem.

You see, candle holders are not just for looks but for safety as well. Good candle holders can mean the difference between a candle simply going out or burning down your home. If you forget about a candle, which we all do sometimes, it will be much less likely to start a fire if you have it in one of the many fantastic candle holders on the market today. When the candles are in candle holders they will simply sputter out when they get down low and burn themselves out harmlessly. Of course you still need to make ever effort to make sure you put out the candles before you leave the room or the house but if you do happen to forget one day, you will at least still have a home to come home to!

Anyone, no matter what their taste in home d cor can find some fabulous candle holders. Candle holders come in all different colors and shapes and sizes. You can get cut glass or cut crystal candle holders, Venetian glass candle holders or even ceramic candle holders. You can get candle holders that are in the shape of animals or people, flowers or just simple random geometric shapes. There are literally millions of different candle holders for you to choose from. You will never have more fun than shopping for candle holders, the selection can keep you busy for years!

The best place to look for candle holders is online. When you start shopping for some new candle holders on the internet you are gong to have so many more choices at your disposal. And finding just what you are looking for has never been easier than it is today. The search engines o the internet are so powerful that all you have to do is type in just what you are looking for and you will get tons of results. Each of the websites that get show on your results page will take you to just what you have been looking for. You will never have to struggle to find the perfect candle holders again, ever.

And the price of the candle holders online is another fantastic part of shopping for them this way. You will be able to purchase the perfect candle holders online for a fraction of what you would pay in stores. Take a look around the stores and malls in your local area and then look at the prices of the candle holders online. The savings that you will find online will blow you away. So the next time that you are in the market for new candle holders check the internet first.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Smart Cleaning With A Roomba Vacuum

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

By the turn of the 21st century, everything became fast-paced and every individual considers time as the most important commodity. This is the main reason why fast food came to be so popular, along with mobile phones and computers. In this quest to stretch or time budget, the term multi-tasking comes into picture.

When we hear the word multi-tasking , what comes to mind? It could be imagined as being able to stare at your crush while listening to your boring professor o…

robots, roomba , irobot, scooba, robot toy, robot parts, robot kits, lego mindstorms,robot vacuum

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
By the turn of the 21st century, everything became fast-paced and every individual considers time as the most important commodity. This is the main reason why fast food came to be so popular, along with mobile phones and computers. In this quest to stretch or time budget, the term multi-tasking comes into picture.

When we hear the word multi-tasking , what comes to mind? It could be imagined as being able to stare at your crush while listening to your boring professor or as complex as a secretary entertaining calls while finishing her paperwork. But more often than not, I am reminded of my mother who aimlessly tries to finish the household chores while being bale to spend time with us. This need was addressed by an evolved variety of household appliances, specifically called Roomba Vacuum.

What makes it stand-out from other models and companies manufacturing robotic vacuum systems? It features iRobot s one-of-a-kind AWARE Robot Intelligence systems. It uses dozens of sensors that monitor Roomba s environment. Not only that, it also adjusts Roomba s behavior up to 67 times per second. The end result is a vacuum that cleans intelligently, effectively and safely.

Another common inquiry is what can you gain from a robotic vacuum which makes it better than the regular vacuum cleaners? This is more easily explained by picturing a scenario. Let s say after a long, hard day at work, the children arrived home with dirt-covered shoes tracking it all over the clean carpets, started having snacks shredding food crumbs all over while your cuddly pet Pug adds to the mess by playing with the kids. This will definitely drive most parents crazy, a great thanks to the Roomba vacuum because with its help, you can just relax, play with your kids and let the robot do all the work for you. Somewhat like a pool cleaner, this smart robot moves in split seconds to vacuum and sweep up dirt, dust, food crumbs and spilled cereal from hardwood floors, carpets and kitchen tile.

The Roomba vacuum s cleaning system is made up of a spinning side brush, two counter-rotating brushes and an extremely efficient vacuum. The side brush is in charge of cleaning along walls. On the other hand, the rotating brushes capture large debris. Lastly, the vacuum picks up dust and small particles. This system allows it to clean better in a single pass compared to regular vacuums thereby reducing costs and energy expense at the same time.

A Roomba vacuum literally cleans your entire floor by cleaning hard-to-reach places which are usually the dirtiest ones. Its compact shape is the reason why it was able to clean completely under furniture and unrecognized areas in the house. It is estimated that on average, it actually covers an area four times per cleaning cycle in a typical size room. This is made possible by its intelligent navigation of the room and its ability to adjust cleaning time in order to achieve complete coverage. How can you measure the effectiveness of such product? The secret behind a Roomba vacuum is its great output is the application of a patented three stage cleaning system. It is designed to clean not only the floor but the edge of your walls as well, pass through underneath all kinds of furniture and detects dirt like a professional detective.

Try a Roomba vacuum for yourself and start cleaning smartly from this day forth. The latest addition to collection is the Roomba Scheduler. Aside from the rich features of the Roomba vacuum collection, this one is intelligent enough to work without your administration. Just set the timer to when it will start cleaning and it will do so. You can choose for it to start cleaning while the kids are at school. After cleaning, it will gladly return to the docking station, charge itself, and get itself ready for the next scheduled time.

iRobot is committed to better the Roomba Vacuum product line with the various upgrades made on the device. Each upgrade is lined with technology to outperform its predecessor. Roomba Vacuums are worth trying. If you don t own a Roomba vacuum cleaner yet, today is the right time to check it out.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Small Bathroom? Great Remodeling Ideas to Try

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Many people have a small bathroom, and if you have one, it can be hard to come up with great idea for remodeling. Many times these bathroom looks very cramped up; however, if you use the right ideas for remodeling, you can make your small bathroom turn into a beautiful area. You need to come up with some ideas that will result in a bathroom that looks a lot bigger. If you want a few ideas to try, here are a few to try out to make your small bathroom look much better and bigger.

Bathroom remodeling,Home improvement,Bathroom remodel,Fixing bathrooms,Bathroom Remodeling, Remodel Bathroom, bathroom fix, bathroom ideas, renovations, repair, ideas, sinks, sink, bathrooms,

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Idea 1 Go with a Small Vanity and Sink It can be difficult to work around a large vanity and sink in your small bathroom, so you’ll want to avoid them. Go with a small vanity that won’t take up too much space, since the space in your bathroom is going to be very limited. Often one of the best choices is going to be a vanity that fits in the corner, or you may even want to go with a freestanding pedestal sink for the bathroom. The right sink can really open up your bathroom, so don’t go with one and a vanity that takes up too much space within your small bathroom.

Idea 2 Go with a Circle Shower or a Corner Shower If you have a small bathroom, you’ll want to save space, even when it comes to installing the shower. You’ll find that many of the standing showers out there can take up a great deal of room. So, you may want to go with either a circle shower or a corner shower in the bathroom to help save on space. When you decide on a corner shower, you should avoid going with one that is opaque. Instead, go with one that is made of a clear material. This will give the bathroom an illusion of being bigger than it really is.

Idea 3 Choose the Right Styles and Colors Of course the colors and styles that you pick for a small bathroom are going to be very important as well. The colors that you choose should be light, although dark colors are great for accents throughout the bathroom. Any fixtures or bathroom furniture that you need to have should be streamlined and modern looking. Too many frills can clutter up the bathroom and make it look smaller, so you’ll want to avoid them. Be sure to add some mirrors as well, since they can give a room more depth and appear to have more space in them. So, use the styles, colors, and decorations wisely.

Yes, it can be hard to remodel a smaller bathroom, but with these ideas, it becomes much easier. Put these ideas into practice and you’ll love the way your new bathroom looks when you get done with it.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Sliding Glass Door Repair

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Learn how to replace defective rollers on your sliding glass door

Sliding glass doors, Sliding doors, sliding glass door repair, sliding door rollers, repairing sliding glass doors, replacing sliding door rollers

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If the sliding glass doors in your home are more than 10 years old, you might notice that they are becoming harder to slide open. This problem is even more common on aluminum frame dual pane doors. The reason is because the doors are heavier due to the dual pane glass, but many of the aluminum units did not use stainless steel rollers. So, in many cases, the rollers get rusty from moisture and they start to bind.

In order to replace the rollers, you have to remove the sliding panel from the opening. In most instances, the fixed panel must be removed in order for the sliding panel to come out. There is a simple way to determine whether or not your fixed panel has to come out as well. If the slider is on the inside track and the fixed panel is on the outside track, you have to remove both panels, because the slider will only come out from the outside. There is a lip on the bottom of the track inside your house. That lip keeps water from coming in. Unfortunately, that lip is also too high to lift the sliding panel up and over. So, you have to remove the fixed panel first, then lift and swing out the slider from outside. If you are one of the few people who have a slider on the outside track, then you can lift your slider out without removing the fixed panel.

But, let’s assume you need to remove the fixed panel first. Here is what you do: Remove your screen door if you have one. The screen door will have two rollers on the bottom. Lift one end of the door frame with one hand while using a flat screwdriver to lift the roller off the track. Do that on both sides, then take out the screen door and set it aside. Now, look for a metal piece on the bottom track that runs from the bottom corner of the fixed panel all the way across to the bottom of the side jamb that has the door lock hardware. If your door is really old that piece might be missing. If you have one, you can pry it up from the track. It is snapped in place even though it looks like it is a part of the track. Once you have that piece removed, you want to look inside the house where the fixed panel is against the wall jam. Look for screws holding the frame to the jam. They usually have one near the top and bottom corners, and one near the center. Remove these screws and put them where you won’t lose them. Now, you should be able to pull the fixed panel out of the side jam. There is a very good chance that it will be stuck. If it is, grab the center rail near the bottom and lift up as hard as you can. If you feel the panel go up, pull it back down. Do this a couple of times, then try to pull it out of the side jam again. This usually loosens it enough to pull it out. If it still won’t come out, you will have to put a thin screwdriver between the fixed panel frame and the side jam and pry while a helper pulls the panel away from the jam. Once you get it free of the side jam, grab the fixed panel side rail and have a helper grab the other rail. Lift the panel up into the top track and swing the bottom out of the bottom track. Remove the panel from the top track and set it aside with the screen door.

Now, you can try lifting the slider up and out, just like you did with the fixed panel. If the slider won’t clear the bottom track, you need to do a couple of things. First, look to see if it’s the old rollers protruding from the bottom that is preventing the door from coming out, or if the actual bottom of the door frame is hitting the track. In almost all cases, it will be the old rollers. But, if the opening is 8′ wide, sometimes the wood header that runs across the opening has sagged just enough to make it tight in the center of the opening. If it’s the rollers, you need to adjust them all the way up into the door. Look for a hole on the bottom side where you can put a phillips screwdriver and find the adjustment screw. Then turn that screw counterclockwise as far as you can. Do that to both sides, then try lifting out the door. If you are still getting stuck, have your helper lift one side and pull outward while you try to pry the frame and roller over the track. If you get one side out, have your helper hold that side with his or her foot to prevent it from going back in while he or she lifts the other side for you to pry free.

Once you get the slider out, almost all rollers are held in place by the same screw that holds the frame corners together. So, you need to set the panel on one side, remove the screw in the corner, flip the panel over, remove the screw on the other bottom corner. Now, you can take a rubber mallet or the wood handle of a hammer, and tap the bottom frame off the glass. This will give you access to your rollers. Take a close look at how they are inserted into the door frame. In fact, it’s a good idea to only remove one roller to bring with you to match for the new ones. Then, when you get back home, you can use the roller that is still in place as a guide to installing the new ones.

Places like Home Depot, Lowes, and Ace Hardware carry about 80-90% of the rollers out there. So, you should be able to find them. However, let’s say this just isn’t your lucky day, and you can’t find your rollers anywhere. You are going to have to have them ordered. Bring the roller to your local glass shop. If you’re lucky, they will have them in stock. If not, they can order the rollers, but you won’t get them for about a week. Don’t panic. Just go home and tap the bottom frame back on the door panel, but leave the corner screws out. You can even leave the roller out that you removed. Lift the door back in place, install the fixed panel but don’t snap the bottom piece back in, and don’t install the inside screws. Then, from inside the house, lift the slider and pull it closed. You don’t want to drag it if you left the roller out. It will scrape the bottom track. Just lift it enough to take the pressure off, and close and lock it.

When Your new rollers come in, take everything back out and install the new rollers. Adjust the new rollers all the way up before putting the door back in. That way, the new rollers won’t interfere with you lifting it back in place. Adjust the new rollers down until the door slides good and locks. You want to be sure there is an equal gap at the top and bottom when the door is about an inch from closing into the side jam. You can adjust the rollers to make this dimension even. If you can get the job done by a professional for $50 or $60 including parts, it might be worth hiring someone to do it. But, in high population areas such as Los Angeles, it’s common to pay $100 in labor only. Then they mark up the cost of the rollers, and you could wind up spending $130 for a job that you can do yourself for about $20.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Slate Roof Tiles

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Slate roofing tile is a wonderful look for any home.

roofing, tile, slate, home repair

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Slate roofing tile is a wonderful look for any home. Slate is natural stone, and it is one of the best roofing tile mediums available. The look of Slate roofing tile is exceptional and some of the most famous houses in America are adorned with Slate roofing tile. Many historical homes have Slate roofing tiles, and this makes it even more alluring to homeowners. For those who are investing in an old home, and want to remodel but keep its original look, slate roofing tiles are a must.

Slate Roofing Tiles: The Look of Elegance

Slate roofing tiles will give any home a look of elegance and a touch of class. Slate roofing tiles come in a variety of colors, sizes, shapes, and details. Choosing to add Slate roofing tiles to your roof should be a matter of serious thought and decision. You will want to browse the various styles and choose the color and texture slate that feels best for you. You should do your homework before deciding upon Slate roofing tile.

If you aren t that experienced with roofing materials, you should find a contractor who has great references and is a licensed contractor. By working with a professional, you can have all of your questions answered ahead of time, and feel more competent that you are making the best tiling decision for your roof. Don t hesitate to look up information for yourself either.

Feel free to browse through the Internet or resources at your local library to help you decide which Slate roofing tile options are best for you. If you know someone who has had their roof redone, then ask them for recommendations. The colors of Slate roofing tiles vary and they can be spectacular.

The effect and enhancement that Slate roofing tiles will add to your house will not only make it more beautiful, but it will increase your home value as well. You should look for contractors who will offer you a free estimate before you make a final decision. Make sure that you verify with the contractor that the estimate will be free.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Sizing Up Siding: Recouping Remodeling Costs

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Some home improvement/repair projects are necessary regardless of cost, such as installing a new hot water heater when the old one stops working. Others, such as updating the kitchen or windows, are more a function of having the money to do so–and how much they add to a home’s value when it comes time to sell.

Sizing Up Siding: Recouping Remodeling Costs

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Some home improvement/repair projects are necessary regardless of cost, such as installing a new hot water heater when the old one stops working. Others, such as updating the kitchen or windows, are more a function of having the money to do so-and how much they add to a home’s value when it comes time to sell.

According to the most recent “Cost Vs. Value Report” published by Remodeling magazine, the most cost-effective remodeling job is redoing the bathroom, with an estimated 102.2 percent of costs recouped in the home sale. But the number-two project may surprise you: siding replacement.

The report found that, when mid-range siding products are used, homeowners can expect to get 95.5 percent of costs back when they sell. For upscale siding, the expected payback is even higher: 103.6 percent.

And while many indoor projects have fluctuated in their overall value-between 2002 and 2005, bathroom remodels have recouped as little as 79.1 percent of costs-siding has been a relatively steady earner, increasing in value each year over that period.

In addition, since the exterior of your home is the first thing people see, the charm and character that show through with quality siding speaks volumes about the pride you have in your home. The decision to re-side your home is, more than likely, one you’ll make once and live with for a long time. That’s why it’s so important to get all of the facts and make the right siding choice.

One of the most popular siding choices-both for mid-range and upscale projects-is fiber-cement siding from James Hardie. Whether you’re building a new home or remodeling, fiber-cement siding provides low maintenance yet doesn’t sacrifice the beauty and character of wood. The siding resists rotting or cracking and it resists damage from rain and hail.

In addition, James Hardie siding is available pre-finished with a 15-year finish warranty. Best of all, the siding is noncombustible, with a limited, transferable warranty for up to 50 years.

James Hardie is a worldwide leader in the manufacturing and development of technologies, materials and manufacturing processes of durable building materials. For over 20 years, the company has operated one of the largest research and development facilities devoted solely to fiber-cement technology.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Six Carpet Care Tips

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Six carpet care tips to keep your carpet cleaner, and make it last longer.

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Which is the most important of my carpet care tips? You’ll find it at the top of the list below. Use the five other tips as well, and you’ll get years more use from your carpet.

Top Carpet Care Tips

1. Keep your carpet clean. Sand and dirt act like thousands of little razor blades that cut carpet fibers. Damaged carpet stains more easily, and it’s harder to remove the stains from it as well. Vacuum often to remove dirt, and your carpet will last longer.

2. Use rugs. Put rugs outside and inside the front door, and any other entrances. They can catch much of the dirt that people bring in on their feet. That means less vacuuming and longer carpet life.

3. Remove shoes. This is a sure way to make carpet last longer. If you have a nice home with nice carpet, people usually aren’t offended by this policy.

4. Clean stains quickly and properly. If using a cleaning solvent other than water, apply it to a cloth first, and work it in from the outside of the stain to the center, so you don’t spread the spot. Apply the cleaner, extract (blot), rinse, extract, and repeat until you can’t get more of the stain out. Extract solvents completely, and dry the carpet quickly when you’re done. If there is any stain remaining deeper down in the carpet, quick drying prevents it from wicking up to the surface.

5. Use a shop-vac. It’s a great help when cleaning stains. You can’t just suck out the stain, but you can repeatedly wash and rinse the area, and suck the solution out each time. It’s more effective than blotting up the water with cloth, mostly because you won’t have the patience to wash, rinse and extract enough times if you’re using paper towels or cloth.

6. Vacuum before cleaning. If you use a portable machine, at least get the water as hot as you can, and dry the carpet quickly, using fans to move the air around. You won’t match the results of a good truck-mount hot water extraction unit. However, if you want to save money, doing your own cleaning can lengthen the time between expensive professional cleanings.

Want carpet clean enough for the kids to play on? Do you want it to last for years longer than normal? Just use these basic carpet care tips.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Simply Perfect Home Decor

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Home is the abode for the good hearted. For the rest it is just a house. And the difference can be shown clearly by the d cor used to decorate the home. Some like it rich and expensive, while for others it is just simply perfect home d cor.

home decor, decor

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Home is the abode for the good hearted. For the rest it is just a house. And the difference can be shown clearly by the d cor used to decorate the home. Some like it rich and expensive, while for others it is just simply perfect home decor.

Whatever may be your budget or taste, the home decorating market has the items for all. One can decorate every room of the house or just the single living room. The primary thing is to have an exquisitely decorated home at an economical rate.

A small room can be decorated in such a way, that it can appear pretty spacious. When you are planning to start the home decor project it is important to jot down the essential ideas and goals of decorating the home, along with the budget. Without such a blueprint it might become difficult and confusing. There are many details that need to be worked upon while decorating a home. This includes the theme, materials and intentions for the space being decorated. Previous planning is very necessary.

After creating the blueprint for your home decorating project, the next action is to check the budget. The decorating materials and accessories could be expensive depending on your idea. Once you start decorating the home decorating, even small expense jumps up keeping you flabbergasted. There are many ways to choose the d cor depending on your likes and interests. Ideas like country decorating, provides a sense of warmth and coziness. Again a theme like modern d cor can be loud and alive. Hence it is advisable to decide your own theme and style.

The imagination and creativity is the key for a simply perfect home d cor and it is most important part of decorating a home. There are many home decorating tips found in magazines books, on television programs and on the internet. Decorating your home is an exciting proposition and it can as exhilarating as you want it to be. Today’s retailers have plenty of wall items and wrought iron items, which can be great way of decorating the home. By just placing a new d cor item in your room a statement can be made about your taste. Moreover, adding a small item or items will not clash with your other home d cor and you will still have more things to add to your booty of d cor. A well designed style home has many dark, rich colors. There is a focus on angular and square shapes. There is a lot of taste and design that goes into a mission style design.

So go ahead and add the unique flavors and colors to your home with just a simply perfect home d cor.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Simplify With A Yard Sale

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

If your family is anything like mine, then you’ve probably gathered a few too many “treasures” over the years. It is so easy as your family expands and grows to gather all kinds of things that you probably will never need or use again. About once every other year I get overwhelmed with amount of stuff that my family owns yet doesn’t need. My solution? A huge yard sale that allows each member of our family to go through all (and I mean all) of their belongings and come up with…

yard sale

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
If your family is anything like mine, then you’ve probably gathered a few too many “treasures” over the years. It is so easy as your family expands and grows to gather all kinds of things that you probably will never need or use again. About once every other year I get overwhelmed with amount of stuff that my family owns yet doesn’t need. My solution? A huge yard sale that allows each member of our family to go through all (and I mean all) of their belongings and come up with items that they can sell.

Having a yard sale is a great way to simplify the belongings that have accumulated in your home. The first step that my family always takes in having a yard sale is sitting down for a family meeting. During this meeting we discuss the reasons why our life and home have gotten complicated again and we agree on having a yard sale. We discuss what kinds of items we might be able to sell and we choose a perfect weekend for the event. It is important to get everyone in the family in on the initial planning stages and also to see that each of your children understand the need and the reasons for having a yard sale. If you do not get your children on board with an understanding of why you’re having a yard sale they will probably not be very apt to participate fully in the event.

After our family meeting we begin going through our possessions. The children get to go through their room and their belongings on their own and set aside items and clothes that they think would be good to sell in the yard sale. My wife and I do the same and then we check over the things our kids have selected for sale just to be sure we do not see anything brand new or worth keeping. Once we have agreed upon all of the items that we will attempt to sell, we begin the process of pricing our items for the yard sale.

We are convinced that every part of the yard sale process must be done as a family. We do the pricing together, we set out all of the items for the yard sale together, and we run the yard sale together. We have learned that the yard sale goes better when everyone feels a sense of ownership about what is happening with the sale.

If you and your family are looking for a great way to simplify your home and to do a great activity together, look no further than doing a yard sale. It is a great way to build relationship and to teach your children and yourself important skills about living simply.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Simple, Organizational Tips For Cleaning Your House

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Cleaning your house can sometimes feel like a full time job. Once you finally finish the last room it seems like its time to start right back over again. To end this nerve-wracking cycle, it is important to have an organized plan.

Start with a system. The most effective system seems to be one that breaks down all of the cleaning jobs over a period of a week. With this system you can assign different jobs to different days and spend less time cleaning your house and more ti…

house cleaning, clean house, house cleaning tips

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Cleaning your house can sometimes feel like a full time job. Once you finally finish the last room it seems like its time to start right back over again. To end this nerve-wracking cycle, it is important to have an organized plan.

Start with a system. The most effective system seems to be one that breaks down all of the cleaning jobs over a period of a week. With this system you can assign different jobs to different days and spend less time cleaning your house and more time relaxing in it.

To use this system, you need to break down your cleaning jobs into three categories, light cleaning, daily cleaning and deep cleaning. Light cleaning jobs include dusting, sweeping, vacuuming and laundry. These jobs can be done just once each week and completed on different days of the week. Always schedule the dusting first so that any dirt that is knocked to the floor will be picked up on vacuuming day.

Daily cleaning jobs are the jobs that need to be done often when you are cleaning your house. These jobs include tidying up; doing the dishes and wiping down counters and other highly used surfaces. By spending at least fifteen minutes each day on these jobs, you will keep them from building up into a large mess and also enjoy the feeling of a clean house even when the other chores have not yet been done.

Deep cleaning jobs such as cleaning the bathroom, mopping and wiping down the walls and appliances, should be done once a week. Most people like to schedule these jobs for the weekend when they have more time to devote to cleaning the house. By spending an hour or two doing the big jobs on the weekend, you can enjoy a fresh clean week ahead.

After your system is in place, use the list to assign chores to all of the members of the family. If each person takes on just one or two jobs then cleaning your entire house can take no time at all.