Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Some Important Things About Carpet Cleaning

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This article is going to tell you what you need to do when you get a stain on you’re carpet or rug.

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Folks who have carpets and area rugs know that cleaning is crucial to enjoy you’re rug for a long time . It also guards the visual aspect of the carpet looking new and unstained. There are a lot of ways used to clean carpet and rugs specified steam cleaning or the dry method. Steam cleaning is the most general method since it extracts the liquid shampoo which is employed for cleaning.

Almost all carpet stains are really not that hard to get out, and a carpet fixing liquid will do the job easily and rapidly. Be aware to follow the directions of the product cautiously, and try it out on a piece of fabric or small area to assure that it will not harm the color of the carpet. Also keep in mind, not all carpeting repair liquids do the job well with particular carpets such as Persian or other sorts of costly kinds. If you purchase a really expensive, scarce, carpet, make certain you know how to maintain it to keep off any stress. Other, rug cleaner liquids reverse the spilling/staining process easy and brings back the color to the carpet. A dust sucker after using the liquid will eliminate whatever lose dirt there is on the carpet. A few carpet cleaning liquids can still repair color to a carpet if it’s been tarnished by exposure to sunlight!

For smutty spills or smears, you need to have the next on hand : an absorptive sponge, paper towels, rubbing alcohol, ammonia water, a dull knife, ace tum and peroxide. Use the towels promptly when a spill occurs, to soak up the stain and preclude further damage. Use the dull knife and the alcohol to eliminate any hardheaded stain left (blot it, don’t scrub it) or use ace tum and ammonia mixed with a lot of water.

Occasionally pieces of furniture can leave dents on the rug, which Is not that hard to prepare. Just loosen the tufts with a hard bristly brush, while steam ironing the area (,make sure you do not touch the rug with the steam iron, only use it to help weaken the tufts.) After a bit of work, you’ll see the dents come out easy.
Candle wax can be attended of in a identical way. Warm the wax up with a steam iron ( again, do not make contact the rug) then get rid of as much wax as possible. When you are done doing that, lay a paper towel over the surface area and iron on the paper. The wax is melting and binds the paper, and the wax will be gone after a few more applications.

Finally, frequently the edges, corners or hard-to-reach pieces of a carpet get less vacuum-cleaning. This can make shading in these areas. Prevention of this is the best restore : make sure the entire rug is always evenly vacuum-cleaned.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Some Great Tips To Help You Before You Hire A Mason

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A mason is a skilled craftsman who works with brick, concrete and stone. These are necessary for all types of new construction and repairs from building a fireplace to erecting a wall or laying flooring. Anywhere you will use brick, stone, or concrete, a mason can help. They will ensure the project is completed properly; the structure is sound; and that it is visually pleasing. Before hiring a mason, consider the project and ask questions.

Know what you want to accomplish …

mason, masonry

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A mason is a skilled craftsman who works with brick, concrete and stone. These are necessary for all types of new construction and repairs from building a fireplace to erecting a wall or laying flooring. Anywhere you will use brick, stone, or concrete, a mason can help. They will ensure the project is completed properly; the structure is sound; and that it is visually pleasing. Before hiring a mason, consider the project and ask questions.

Know what you want to accomplish before requesting bids from masons. A mason can help with design and layout but you should have a general idea of what you want done before requesting bids. The mason will ask specific questions and inspect the area where the work will be done to give you a better idea of the needs and scope of work.

Always get multiple quotes when hiring any contractor. Get referrals from friends or check the local directories to find several masons to quote on your project. Get references and review pictures of past projects to determine the skill level of the mason. Masonry can truly be an art form that takes time, skill, and patience. When I had stone put on the front of my new home, I was amazed at the amount of skill it took to make the wall look good. It took a lot of time to fit the stones properly so that there weren t all big stones in one area and all little stones in another. The project took time but turned out gorgeous.

When looking for a mason ask questions about how long they have been in business and the types of projects they specialize in. Make sure they are fully insured and get proof. There is potential for damage to your property and you want to ensure it will be covered.

A quote will generally be comprised of labor and materials. The labor costs will include preparation, the actual work to complete the project, and clean up. Material prices will vary depending on the materials desired for the structure. An experienced mason can give you suggestions on the best materials for your project and possible options for budget concerns.

Hire the mason who has the best mix of experience, quality past projects and price. Make sure you feel comfortable with the person as they will be working closely with you and have access to your home. If you are not comfortable with a mason, do not hire them. Execute a contract before work is started. This should include detailed specifications of the work including labor and materials. It should also include cleaning post project and a warranty of work. Read this carefully to ensure you have everything covered. The costs should be clearly outlined and include the payment terms. Never pay the total cost upfront but instead reserve some for completion of work.

An experienced mason will be able to make a sound, beautiful structure to your specifications. They will be able to complete the project in a timely manner and clean up all debris so your home is properly maintained and safe. Choose a mason you feel comfortable communicating with and who has a proven record of quality work.

And if you are having a difficult time choosing a mason, try your local stone/brick company. Many have showrooms that you ll want to visit anyway to pick out the stone or brick you want. They will often have business cards of masons that past customers have used and some showrooms will even have sample walls of work done by various area masons for you to look at.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Some Do-It-Yourself Tips For Your Air Conditioner Maintenance

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Who in this world wouldn t want his/her material assets to last long? Of course we all do. And if your air conditioner goes faulty, you may have to incur a high cost for its repair. So it s always better to maintain it to help it last longer. That way, you will be able to save up a lot of your finances throughout life.

To help you keep your air conditioner running smooth and trouble-free, here are some tips which you may follow:

1. Keep an eye on the hoses to check if t…

air central conditioner dealer, air central conditioner filter

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Who in this world wouldn t want his/her material assets to last long? Of course we all do. And if your air conditioner goes faulty, you may have to incur a high cost for its repair. So it s always better to maintain it to help it last longer. That way, you will be able to save up a lot of your finances throughout life.

To help you keep your air conditioner running smooth and trouble-free, here are some tips which you may follow:

1. Keep an eye on the hoses to check if there are any leaks on them. Do this at least twice a year once before you start using it for the summer months and another when you stop using it with the coming of winter. These are the best times to check leaks and in case you spot any, you can repair it right away before it gets worse.

2. Keep the compressor always clean. It is the most valuable part of the air conditioning unit and costs a lot to replace. And of course, it catches dirt in all the pollution around. So a little bit of spray cleaning of the compressor can ensure a longer life for it.

3. Every two years, call a professional to clean the ductworks for your air conditioner. This is not anything great or hard, nor a must. But keeping them clean assures better life for the whole machine.

4. The compressor should be kept covered when not in use, especially in the winter season. It must always be well-protected from harsh snows or sleet or rains. Some companies have their own compressor covers for the unit. So ask for one when you are buying your air conditioner. These covers are easy-to-fit and hassle-free. But if you don t get such covers, manage on your own. But protect the compressor always.

These simple do-it-yourself maintenance steps should ideally be followed by every owner of an air conditioner if he/she wants the machine to last longer and better.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Something about Home Decor

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The creative aspect involved in planning your own personal interior decorating of your home decor can be a personal and exciting adventure. There are many ideas content you can pick up all over the place, simply by reading magazines and books, or culling Internet sites for ideas.

home decor, decor

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The creative aspect involved in planning your own personal interior decorating of your home decor can be a personal and exciting adventure. There are many ideas content you can pick up all over the place, simply by reading magazines and books, or culling Internet sites for ideas. Some of the ones we found were simple, such as buying 100 yard rolls of artist canvas and having your children use finger paint to paint their own rooms on large swathes of canvas.

There are so many ideas and possibilities to render your home decor to be exactly what you want to be, all it takes is a little research and creativity, and an eye on your budget. Some of the best ideas cost little to do and are very classy or esoteric. One of the things you might want to do to make the most of your interior space while buying furniture for your new home decor is to measure the rooms involved. Draw to a scale on graph paper; used 1/4″ to 1 foot scale to represent the demarcations involved in this approach to fitting furniture into your remodeled spaces.

You can turn many pieces of furniture into new creations with such things as slipcovers for your headboard and foot or on your bed. Wood appliqu s on the backs of furniture are another way to do such craft ornamentation and improvement of existing pieces in your home decor. Giving your home decor its own personality that goes with yours is the ultimate goal.

What are you one of the rustic or modern, classic or folksy, the endless choices present themselves in many different ways, but you have to find and look in order to get what you want, and the whole thing is a process of discovery. It goes without saying that you want your home to reflect how you feel and your lifestyle, and be livable for you on an everyday basis, with an emphasis on comfort and beauty.

The best things you can do for yourself is to educate yourself in interior design basics, getting a few books out of the library on the subject, or hunting down information and articles and websites online will allow you to be the consumer that you need to be why you went down the different objects of your desire for your home decor. An educated consumer has the best results, unless you want to hire someone to do so for you, finding out all about the subject and educating yourself somewhat is indispensable.

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Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Solid Wood Furnitures Buying Guide

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The Luana Modern Bureau is an exquisite, charming piece of furniture. With an absolutely fantastic decorative look, the Luana Modern Bureau is appreciable for its beauty as well as charm.

Solid Wood Furniture, Traditional Furniture, Traditional Bedroom Furniture.

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This solid wood furniture buying guide looks into facts about purchasing traditional furniture in solid wood. To begin with, if you really like preserving furniture, you ought to ask yourself a few questions before you start the hunt.

1. What is the particular styling you are looking for?
2. How long do you wish to keep the furniture?
3. Does it require regular maintenance?
4. Is it too outdated to be out of vogue say ten years from now?
5. Would you get bored looking at it some years from now?

Most of us like to preserve furniture for the value it holds. The style and theme, or something from the era that makes all the spending worthwhile!

Solid wood or Hardwood furniture: It is important to know the difference between hardwoods and softwood. Hardwood is sourced from non-needled tree like maple, cherry or mahogany. The wood is reputed for its robustness and durability, but is difficult for any carving and detailed form of wood work. Make sure solid wood furniture actually has solid wood on all furniture parts and pieces. Also, solid wood expands and contracts as per temperature and humidity changes, so furniture done in plywood and framed in veneered solid wood may be a good idea to purchase.

Solid woods are dried slowly in kilns till it retains about six percent moisture content. Then it is cut and shaped into pieces that provide the structural integrity of the furniture. Such solid wood pieces may include legs, casing and details that support the furniture. The joints are often given additional strength with bonding glues. To ensure a good job and whether furniture is properly joined, you can lift it by one corner and see. On lifting, the furniture should stay firm and retain its shape without racking or twisting.

Softwoods: Derived from needle-bearing trees such as pine or cedar, softwood is great for carving and their surface can be carved, but the wood may look weathered due to its soft surface that can easily be marked and blemished

Plywood and Particle Board : Use of non-solid wood to construct furniture has been the most misunderstood concept. As solid wood can expand and contract as per humidity changes in the weather, it is important to use plywood or ground wood to help with achieving a stable and user-friendly product. Especially in door and table construction, solid wood needs to have a flat base to reinforce the required stability. Plywood products manufactured of ground up wood are robust and less prone to warp or split. These large flat panels are usually framed in solid wood and covered by veneers to recreate the look of one large piece of wood. Veneering is a process by itself, and is explained in the next point.

Veneers : Veneering is a process that allows the natural grain to emerge beautifully on the surface. Traditional bedroom furniture and dining tabletops and dressers used veneering with a thin slice of wood selected for its outstanding character. Veneering has been used traditionally, dating back to ancient Egypt and Rome in the 17th Century. We find wood veneers in different types of furniture and pricing today. The advantages of veneering are many. In covering the core panels, veneers are often applied fashioning patterns that actually enhance the beauty of any furniture piece by many folds. Usually, more expensive woods which would be too costly or fragile to use as structural parts are used as veneers.

The Finish : Finishing plays a vital role in the appearance of any furniture. The finest furniture sold these days usually involves an intricate finishing process to achieve the flawless look. Involving different steps, once a furniture piece is ready it is thoroughly sanded or wiped. To highlight the wood grain, sometimes steel wool is used. For traditional designs, fly specking or distressing is undertaken to bestow the piece with antique looks.

Later, a sanding sealer is applied during final finish. A final sanding is done prior to the application of the top coat. Also, lacquering is done; it is used during last step for the final look, giving the piece its finished appearance. Lacquering whether done in matt, flat or glossy finish can endow a piece with great beauty and also make it waterproof and durable for the long run.

Engraving or Printing : Veneering is a costly process and to cut the cost, there is a method that is used to reproduce the wood grain. The wooden image is applied on top of flat panels like a look alike. If you are looking for the original thing, try to check the surface closely, when engraved, the grain will look even and uniform, almost flawless with no texture variation which is a sign that it can t be done from a piece of wood. Engraving and printing is normally done on the insides of a furniture piece that makes the finish less expensive. However, one of the major drawbacks of such an alternative is that it is not resistant and the grains may easily come off when exposed to water or any solvent.

For solid wood furniture like cabinets and storage units, you may want to make sure that the drawers are jointly secure and dovetailed for easy gliding. Also, pay attention to the doors so that they swing open easily without squeaking or rubbing, and that long doors are attached with study hinges. Practical details should help you check out with the manufacturer before you make the move.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Solar Rebates

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American s love rebates. Whether rebates are offered on computers, software, cars or whatever, we snatch them up. If your considering going solar, you ll be happy to hear rebates are available.

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American s love rebates. Whether rebates are offered on computers, software, cars or whatever, we snatch them up. If your considering going solar, you ll be happy to hear rebates are available.

Solar Rebates

As most people know, a rebate is a give back by a company in exchange for the purchase of their product. Rebates usually come in the form of money if you send in a coupon, but can also come in the form of upgrades and add-ons.

The solar technology industry is so thick with rebate programs it is hard to see the forest for the trees. You can expect to find rebates being issued by the manufacturer of a product, the federal government, your state government and possibly even your country and town or city. In many locations, the local utility company may also give you a rebate on your bill for going solar. No other source or product line has as many rebates as the solar industry. Why? Because solar represents one of the cleanest and cheapest energy sources in our country. The powers that be want to promote it for monetary and environmental reasons, not to mention providing some relief to our overtaxed national electric grid system.

Buy down rebates are the most voluminous in the solar industry. With a buy down, a government agency will pay for a percentage of the solar platform you purchase. The specific amount of the buy down depends on factors such as what the platform is used for and the amount of electricity it produces. Trust me, your local solar vendor will be able to tell you in detail about the rebate since it is a good sales technique.

When investigating rebates for your solar purchase, it is important that you don t stop at the first program. If a state has one rebate program, it will often have as many as eight others. You can often qualify for three of four, which can cut your initial costs by as much as fifty percent.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Solar Projects Should You Do Them Yourself?

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With increasing fossil fuel prices, solar is becoming a popular option. If you have a solar project in mind, the first thing you have to determine is whether you should build it yourself.

home improvement, do it yourself, solar, panels, water, active, contractor, tax breaks, tax credits

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With increasing fossil fuel prices, solar is becoming a popular option. If you have a solar project in mind, the first thing you have to determine is whether you should build it yourself.

Solar Projects Should You Do Them Yourself?

In the late 70s, the world suffered through an oil crisis. Oil dependant countries reacted by investing in renewable energy strategies with the goal of reducing the impact of future problems. While the United States dropped this strategy after the end of the crisis, many other countries continued to pursue it. Germany, for instance, produces a sizeable amount of its electrical needs through wind and solar power. Norway produces all of its need through hydropower. As oil prices rise, we are paying for not continuing to pursue renewable energy. Fortunately, much of the technology developed in other countries is readily available in the United States.

Building and installing solar platforms, whether active panels or passive window systems, is a fairly uncomplicated task if you have basic construction knowledge. There are two distinct types of solar approaches, but only one should be pursued as a do it yourself project.

The first type is active solar, which uses panels to create electricity for heating or to heat water. In general, you should consider having a contractor install these systems. Federal and state governments offer massive rebates and tax savings if you use active solar systems instead of drawing off the electrical grid. These rebates, however, usually require a licensed contractor do the installation. While there are exceptions, you don t want to miss out on $4,000 to $10,000 in potential savings. From a financial perspective, it simply isn t worth it.

The second type of solar platform is known as passive. The government doesn t kick you any rebates or tax incentives for this platform, so it makes a perfect project for those that like to get their hands dirty. These projects are all about orienting your home or structure to take advantage of the plentiful sunlight that hits it each day. The idea is to let the sunlight in on the south side of your home, let it heat up thermal mass materials such as masonry and then circulate the heat through the home. Yes, it works in the winter.

These projects rarely require you to have any special knowledge beyond that which you would get from basic home improvement construction experience. The trick is in the orientation of the home, the placement of windows and the materials used. It is fairly simple and can save you a ton of money on your utility bills.

In summary, you should almost always use a contractor if panels are part of your system. If you are going for a non-active system, break out the hammer and get after it.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Solar Power: Becoming Americas Choice

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Solar power is the power extracted from the sun s energy, which is the sunlight. As the sun provides us sunlight for free, solar power itself too is a renewable, clean and environment friendly source of energy. With rising concerns about depleting fossil fuels and rise in air pollution, the use of solar power as an alternative source of energy is fast gaining popularity

solar power, solar energy, source of energy, how does solar power work, problems with solar power, developments in solar power

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Solar power is the power extracted from the sun s energy, which is the sunlight. As the sun provides us sunlight for free, solar power itself too is a renewable, clean and environment friendly source of energy. With rising concerns about depleting fossil fuels and rise in air pollution, the use of solar power as an alternative source of energy is fast gaining popularity. By harnessing and using solar power at home, it is possible to cut down the cost of power bills and extensive use can even make one totally independent in terms of power requirement. This is mainly because sunlight is available for free almost round the year and the best part is that solar panels and other such solar equipments require little maintenance.

But now, one million dollar question arises- that is why, in spite of so many benefits, are people using solar power only sparingly? The answer to this question lies in the fact that the solar powers are largely inefficient. To counter this problem, bigger panels have to be installed and this makes using them cumbersome. Also, some people prefer not to mess with the aesthetic beauty of their houses. Also, the solar panels do not come very cheaply. Moreover, there is the inherent problem of unable to work at night and providing very little power during cloudy days.

With the depletion of fossil fuels, the scientific community has been urged to understand the urgent need to consider upgrading of existing solar panel technology. Now, with continued research and development in those areas, the solar power systems have undergone drastic changes. They have figured out how to make cheaper solar panels and also improve their efficiency.

One of the major milestones achieved in the solar power technology is the invention of photovoltaic cells. They have gone a long way to reducing the size and increasing the efficiency of the solar panels. In a solar panel, the photovoltaic cells are placed on a steel substrate. Each cell is capable of capturing various spectrums of sunlight. The solar photovoltaic panels have overlapped layering of the cells which makes them an efficient source of producing power. The new solar photovoltaic panels use amorphous silicon thin alloy technology.

This solar photovoltaic panel based on the new technology is not that bulky and can be easily placed on the roof of houses. It is many times more efficient than a regular solar panel. Moreover, they don t look that bad and can be easily implemented without affecting the overall looks of a building.

Another milestone in the road of solar technology is the invention of photovoltaic shingles. They are basically nothing but solar panels which are modified and made into shingles. Photovoltaic shingles can be used as a convenient and aesthetic substitute for large and bulky solar panels. They are implemented in the roofs of houses as normal shingles. They are usually black colored and have the appearance of normal shingles. And they serve the dual purposes of adoring your house as well as harnessing solar power and converting it into electricity for your use. Moreover, they save you the cost of buying extra shingles. In a nutshell, they are good looking solar panels.

Experts have said that the technology of using photovoltaic cells and photovoltaic shingles is a major breakthrough in the harnessing of solar power. Research is going on for further development in the solar power technology and you can expect even smaller and more efficient solar power systems made available in the near future.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Solar power system

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Solar Power system – Energy from the Sun. A solar panel is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy by the photovoltaic effect. Learn about Solar Energy,Solar Power system and Solar Panel Installation from an Industry Expert.


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Energy from the Sun
Solar power system is the process of using the light from sun and turning it into an energy source.
It has become a reliable alternative to regular power sources in remote areas. It has even been used in outer space. Solar power system is used in homes, lighting, architectural projects, and cooking. It has become even more popular as the cost of fossil fuel continues to rise. Solar panels are designed to collect the power from the sun.
Once solar energy is collected by the solar panels it has to be converted into energy. This can be done by a process called solar thermal application. It involves using the energy from the sun to directly heat air or liquids. The process of photoelectric application involves the use of photovoltaic cells to change the energy into electricity.
Solar power poses no harm to the environment. However, other threats to the environment may affect the ability to use solar power system in the future. Global dimming is the result of pollution. It allows less sunlight to reach the surface of the Earth. A recent concern is global dimming, an effect of pollution that is allowing less sunlight to reach the Earth’s surface. Global dimming is caused by pollution particles and global warming.
The Solar Electric Power Association is an organization of electric utility companies and the solar industry. They joined together to find solutions to meet our energy needs. SEPA is a network of more than one hundred companies. Fifty are utility companies, twenty five are solar companies, and the rest are various types of businesses. They share experiences, knowledge,
and information about solar programs, They also discuss policies and technology relating to their field.
Is solar energy right for you? There are advantages to using this as a safe alternative to fossil fuel. Solar energy is free.
It can be used in areas where electricity can t be set up easily. The sun is not a resource that is going to be depleted.
Disadvantages are that it doesn t work at night. The cost of creating solar power stations to store such energy is very expensive. In some area of the world, solar energy just isn t an option because the climate does not receive enough sun light.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Solar Power for Post Lighting

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Solar energy is all around us, but most people don t notice it. For instance, the power source for many emergency phones on freeways is powered by it. This brings us the subject of solar post lights.

solar, solar energy, solar power, lights, lighting, post, fossil fuels, cell, sun

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Solar energy is all around us, but most people don t notice it. For instance, the power source for many emergency phones on freeways is powered by it. This brings us the subject of solar post lights.

Solar Power for Post Lighting

Solar energy started to come into popularity in the 1970s, when technology advances combined with massive oil price increases to make solar a popular alternative energy source. Back then, the world was just starting to become more aware about the risks of using so many non-renewable resources, and people wanted to decrease their dependence on fossil fuels. Now, solar power is being used by many different people all across the world, both in big and small ways. One of the small, but still important ways it is being used is in solar post lights.

Often, people want to light their driveways or backyards. Aside from running expensive extension cords to lamps, using battery after battery, or running lines in underground pipes, there really weren t many choices to power their lamps. Now, solar post lights are regularly used by those who want the convenience of not having to change batteries, and those who want to save money on their electric bill.

Solar post lights work by using very small solar panels, which are attached to an energy collector. These solar panels stay out in the sun all day, attached to your post, and they soak up all of the sun s solar energy. The energy collector in many of the solar post lights is a NiCad rechargeable battery, most of which can go up to 1000 charges! That is about three years. The light that is powered by the battery is an LED light, which takes very little power but emits a bright light. LEDs can last up to 25 years, making solar post lights a very economical investment. These lights will emit their soft glow for many hours during the night, depending on the amount of solar energy they received during the day.

Other advantages to solar lights are that there are no wires needed, so installation is very easy. Also, you can often buy the lights individually, so there is no need to buy a large package of the lights if you only need a few to illuminate your way. Each light runs independent of the others, so if one light malfunctions, the rest will still be there and glowing.

Whether you choose to buy a few or a lot of the solar post lights, they are still the most economical and ecology minded choice for your driveway and fence lighting needs. With a long lifespan and easy installation, these lamps are the perfect thing to shine through the dark of your front yard.