Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Steam Carpet Cleaning Equipment

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Ever wonder what kind of equipment your carpet cleaner will use. This article will explain the various kinds of equipment that steam cleaners use.

carpet cleaning, cleaners, flooring, carpeting, floors, home improvement, home repair. clean floor

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Carpet steam cleaners use a variety of different carpet cleaning equipment. There are gas powered truck mounted machines, electric truck mounted machines and electric portable machines. This article will provide you with the basic differences between these machines.
The first machine is a gas truck mount carpet cleaner. This is one of the most common machines used in the carpet cleaning industry. This machine uses either the trucks engine or a separate gas engine to drive a vacuum blower and water pump. These machines have the capacity to provide the greatest amount of vacuum and the highest heat. They are the preferred piece of steam cleaning equipment because of their power, speed and efficiency. With this machine, the cleaner only needs to bring 2 hoses into your home. This eliminates the need to bring bulky equipment into your hose and decreases noise in your home.
Electric truck mounted cleaners are another type of carpet cleaning machine. They are similar to gas truck mounts but they use an electric motor to drive a vacuum blower and water pump. They are nice because they are a little more environmentally friendly and they are much quieter to run. They do not provide as much vacuum power as gas powered machines but do an adequate job. With this machine a cleaner also only needs to bring 2 hoses into your home.
The last machine I will discuss is a portable carpet cleaning machine. This machine uses electricity to power a vacuum motor and water pump. All of the equipment is located in a portable assembly that the cleaner will bring into your home. This machine is great for areas not serviceable by truck mounted machines like apartments and high rises. It does not provide as much power as the the truck mount machines but it has enough power to get the job done. The drawback of this machine is that the cleaner must bring it into your home and it can be loud and cumbersome to use.
While there are other carpet cleaning machines, these are the 3 most common steam cleaners. Remember, carpet cleaning machines are just tools. Even the best machine will not get the job done with a bad operator. You should choose your carpet cleaning service based on the skill, ethics and motivation of your carpet cleaner.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Start your Home improvement project

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Home improvement can be defined as modifying the existing structure of one s home by making additions and making changes

Home, improvement, professional

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Home improvement can be defined as modifying the existing structure of one s home by making additions and making changes. Mostly a professional technician is recruited however, sometimes; the home improvements is done on a non-professional and an amateur basis by the homeowner.

As mentioned above, there are two ways of going about the process of home improvement. The first id the professional and the second is the do it your self (DIY) method. In the professional method you could hire a general contractor to be in charge of the whole home improvement project. On the other hand you could do away with the contractor and do it yourself (DIY). You will need to hire the plumbers, electricians, roofers etc yourself.

There are endless types of works in that you could do. To begin with the walls could be wall papered, or painted. Wood paneling can also be installed on it. New flooring, such as linoleum, hardwood flooring, and tiling can be installed. The kitchen and bathroom sink, cabinets, and pipes can be replaced with new ones. The electrical and plumbing systems could be upgraded. As also the heating and the air conditioning systems.

Similarly other home improvements projects that t could be undertaken are the tearing and replacement of the roof, repairing the foundation and the chimney if required, waterproofing the basements etc. these are only a few of the home improvements projects mentioned here.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Standard Coverage for a Home Warranty-What to Expect

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Home warranties have been around for years. However, until recently, home warranties were a well kept secret. Today, home warranties are much more common and are steadily rising in popularity. Although now, many people just don’t know much about home warranties including what ‘standard coverage’ is for a home warranty and what they can expect for coverage from a home warranty.

Home Owner Warranty, Home Buyer Warranty, Home Seller Warranty, Homeowner Program, Air conditioner Repair, Furnace Repair, Appliance Repair

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Home warranties have been around for years. However, until recently, home warranties were a well kept secret. Today, home warranties are much more common and are steadily rising in popularity. Although now, many people just don’t know much about home warranties including what ‘standard coverage’ is for a home warranty and what they can expect for coverage from a home warranty.

A home warranty is exactly like the warranty you have on your appliances for the most part. It works similarly, some things are covered and some things are not. When you buy a new dishwasher, you check out the warranty before you purchase it to see what is covered by the warranty and what isn’t. You wouldn’t purchase a dishwasher without a decent warranty – so why would you purchase a home without one?

A home warranty can be purchased by either the buyer or the seller of a property. For the seller, a home warranty is used as a sales feature that will help secure a higher price for the home. For the buyer, a home warranty is used as a safety net for older homes so that any major repairs are covered.

For the most part, you can expect some standard coverage from your home warranty. Be forewarned though – it’s important to read all the details of the home warranty before you sign up for it.

Most home warranties will cover:

  • The air conditioning system
  • Central heating unit
  • Duct work
  • Electrical systems
  • Ceiling fans
  • Plumbing systems
  • Water heater
  • Refrigerator
  • Built in dishwasher
  • Built in microwave
  • The oven or range
  • Garbage disposal unit
  • A built in trash compactor
  • The washer and dryer

This is based on ‘standard coverage’ for an average sized home, less than 5,000 square feet. However, when you are choosing a home warranty, it is important to discuss all the intricacies of the policy with the agent before you sign up. You need to know if anything is left out of the main list above and why. Quite often, you will find that the garbage disposal or trash compactor isn’t covered with the warranty.

Home warranties vary in price from state to state and from company to company. However, you have to weight the cost of the home warranty to that of any repairs that may need to be done after you’ve moved into your home. If the seller is offering a warranty, it’s usually a good deal. If the seller of the home you are purchasing isn’t offering a home warranty, then you may want to purchase one.

It can be quite costly to replace major appliances and in many cases, having a home warranty means that you don’t have to worry about those upfront costs. Let’s look at some examples of costs to replace major appliances in your home.

A furnace will cost between $1,250 and $3,500 to replace, plus any other work on the ducts and heating system that needs to be done at the same time. Air conditioning units run from $700 to $3,275 for replacement, and once again that number could be higher if there is any other work on the air conditioning system in your home that needs to be completed. An oven or a range costs anywhere from $700 to $2,000 to replace, and although you can install one on your own, or have the delivery guy install it for you, there may be electrical work that needs to be done when your stove or range breaks down. Refrigerators can start as low as $300 but rise up above $2,000, depending on the type of fridge you want. Built in dishwashers can run from $200 to $1,000, washer and dryer sets, from $200 to $2,000 each piece. A water heater can run you anywhere from $375 to $525, as well as any other work that needs to be done on the plumbing and water system in your home. One broken water pipe replacement and fix can cost $100 to $600, not to mention the damage that it can do to your home and your belongings.

When you compare those costs to that of a home warranty, you can easily see that a home warranty may be a great idea when you are purchasing an older home, especially one that you don’t really know that much about yet. Always be sure to look into all the nuances of your home warranty before signing on the dotted line so you can be sure you are getting what you are paying for.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Stains Will Run From You When You Do This…

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

No matter what type of carpet stain remover you are using, follow these instructions to prevent the unmentionable.

stain removal tips, carpet stain removal, blood stain removal

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No matter what type of carpet stain remover you are using, follow these instructions to prevent the unmentionable. First of all try scraping out the stain with a dull knife. Sometimes the stain only affects the surface of your carpet. By scraping it out you’re saving time and money. If the stain is too deep, then the risk of scraping might be too high. Next up, carefully read the instructions that came with the commercial remover. These substances are heavy duty stuff so it is highly recommended to follow their instructions to the letter. Be sure that there’s nothing inflammable near by.

Carpet stain removers must be handled with care. Since these products are chemical based you should protect your hands. A couple of dishwashing gloves are perfect for protection. Try to keep any pet away from the action zone. These creatures are curious and would eat about anything in sight. Inform everyone in the vicinity that a stain removal procedure is underway. This way you avoid any potential accidents. Many carpet stains won’t go off with the first pass. In that case keep repeating the process until satisfied.

No matter what type of carpet stain remover you are using, always finish with water. This benign liquid is a universal cleaner known for its unique properties. The trick is to stack up a series of towels and immerse them in water. Then take them and put them on top of the remaining stain. Apply some sort of weight to pressure downwards. Let it press for a few minutes. It should suck up the rest of the stain. If it doesn’t, then try to soak the towels in warm or hot water and repeat the process. An important thing to note: use white towels. Colored towels may discolor and make things worse.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Stainless Steel Cleaner And Stainless Steel Polish Information

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Stainless steel cleaners and polish are divided into three categories. These three categories are stainless steel cleaners, stainless steel polishes and stainless steel polish cleaners. Each type of stainless steel maintenance product is used for a specific stainless steel maintenance task.

stainless steel polish, stainless steel cleaner, stainless cleaner, stainless polish

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Stainless steel cleaners and polish are divided into three categories. These three categories are stainless steel cleaners, stainless steel polishes and stainless steel polish cleaners. Each type of stainless steel maintenance product is used for a specific stainless steel maintenance task. There are also different types of commercial and residential stainless steel types. The main two types of stainless steel are satin stainless steel and polished stainless steel. Satin stainless steel has a duller finish than polished stainless steel but resists oil markings such as fingerprints much better. Polished stainless steel has a mirror like metal gloss look.

Stainless steel cleaners are used to cut through oil marks and dry, streak and shine free. Stainless steel cleaners are sometimes referred to as stainless steel maintainers and are meant to clean your stainless steel before applying a polish. Maintainers are also perfect for removing grease buildup from stoves, and cooking ranges. Stainless steel cleaners are often used in residential and commercial kitchens. Types of products stainless steel cleaners can be used on are dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, escalators, tile and chrome. Some stainless steel cleaners come with scents built in to leave a long lasting, pleasant aroma.

Stainless steel polish is used to give your stainless steel a wet gloss look shine. Stainless steel polish also protects your stainless steal as well as making it look great. Fingerprints are usually the biggest headache when using stainless steel products, stainless steel polish creates a thin barrier between the stainless steel and fingertips preventing markings. If you are constantly having to dust off your stainless furniture or appliances stainless steel polish can actually help repel dust. If you are using polish in a food service are make sure to check that the stainless steel product you are using contains no chlorinated solvents which contaminate food.

Stainless steel polish and cleaner blended together is a quick way to clean your stainless steel products. Polish and cleaner combos will remove fingerprints and dust and leave a shine on any type of stainless steel. Stainless steel polish and cleaner does however require more elbow grease than using the separate cleaner polish method but it is usually quicker to use and is great for touch ups.

When purchasing stainless steel cleaners and polish be sure to find out the type of nozzle that is fitted to the can. The two main types of stainless cleaner can nozzles are oval and round hollow. An oval nozzle is generally better when you have smaller areas to clean and polish.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Staining Reveals Wood’s Personality-And Yours

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Natural wood is widely considered one of the most appealing looks for a home. The possibilities it offers to create individual expressions are nearly limitless.

Staining Reveals Wood’s Personality-And Yours

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Natural wood is widely considered one of the most appealing looks for a home. The possibilities it offers to create individual expressions are nearly limitless.

The personal satisfaction of interior staining is simple to understand. The process is also easy. It doesn’t take a lot of materials or technical expertise. It’s inexpensive and the rewards are great for a modest investment of time.

Today, the popularity of flea market bargain hunting amplifies the value of staining. When that perfect piece of furniture is found with an unsightly coat of chipped paint masking its beauty, an afternoon staining session can transform an ugly-duckling piece into a family treasure.

Often, the natural beauty of wood is hidden under paint or disguised by years of use. With just the right stain, you can turn a seemingly ordinary piece of furniture into a treasured possession. “Consumers can now choose a look that fits their personality, the room or both,” says Khristine Selelyo, marketing manager for Olympic Stains.

If the wood has been covered before, a stripper or wood refinisher may be necessary to remove old paint, varnish or unwanted stain. These products are readily available in the interior stain sections of hardware and home-improvement stores. You’ll also need:

• Natural bristle brushes

• Soft, lint-free cloth

• Sandpaper

• Stirring device

• Latex or vinyl gloves

• Mineral spirits/paint thinner

• Drop cloths

The process of applying stain is relatively unchanged from its historical beginnings. Work the stain into the wood using a brush, foam applicator or lint-free rag. The longer the stain is left on the wood, the deeper it will penetrate, and the darker the resulting color.

Once your exact color is achieved, it’s time to protect that beautiful finish with a covering of polyurethane. There are options in polyurethane, including an oil-based topcoat for a warm, golden tone or a water-based option for a clear, shiny finish. Either way, it’s always best to protect your interior staining projects with a polyurethane finish.

Stains today come in a wide variety of colors. Selecting just the right color used to be a process of trial and error for the do-it-yourselfer. Now, in addition to considering lighting and what the object will be seen with, you can try a color out before you make a commitment. Thanks to new convenient trial size samples of Olympic Interior Stains, you can test the various colors to select the exact finish you’re looking for without purchasing a stain that may not be right for your project. Keep in mind that it’s important to look at an object throughout the day, as different light conditions will give it a different look.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Spring Clean Your Kitchen Mess Without The Stress

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If there is just not enough space in your kitchen then it’s time to toss all unnecessary items.

Spring Clean Your Kitchen Mess Without The Stress

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
As a notorious family gathering place, kitchens often become cluttered with everything from bills and report cards to shopping lists and fridge magnets. With spring just around the corner, it’s time to say good-bye to all that clutter and Tupperware has some simple solutions to help you do it!

Compress the Mess: If there is just not enough space in your kitchen, then it’s time to toss all unnecessary items. Remove objects from kitchen counters that are not essential for everyday cooking (blenders, mixers, juicers, etc.). This will make the room look more spacious and clean and will give you extra room to prepare daily meals.

Pantry Antics: Before you take a trip to the grocery store, take a good look inside your food pantry-if in doubt, throw it out! It’s safe to assume that the expensive jar of Spanish olives sitting on the shelf for the last five years will never be used and the cans in the back are only useful for gathering dust. If food is stored for too long and in the wrong conditions, the freshness, quality and taste will suffer. Tupperware’s Modular Mates containers are ideal for organizing cabinets and offer the perfect solution for storing dry foods such as pasta, cereal, beans, rice and sugar.

Fridge Feng Shui: If items in the fridge are preventing the door from closing easily, it’s time to take notice. A bonus to cleaning out the fridge is that when racks are sparkling and items are organized, it’s much easier to find everything. Are you constantly throwing away spoiled food or leftovers? Avoid letting things get out of control in the future by placing food in Tupperware’s FridgeSmart or Fresh ‘N Cool containers, which maximize shelf life and minimize space.

Kitchen Crackdown: If you are prone to experiencing pangs of distress at the thought of decluttering your kitchen, stick to one simple rule: Clean as you go. Spending 15 minutes a day clearing countertops and discarding leftovers will create a stress-free environment and allow you to keep your kitchen running smoothly.

Tupperware has many useful products to help reorganize your kitchen.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Spring Cleaning Tips: Garage Flooring Ideas

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Many people fail to realize the number of garage flooring ideas available. In fact, most people mistakenly believe the only possibility for covering the bottom of their garage is plain concrete.

home improvement, spring cleaning, garage floor, garage mat

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Many people fail to realize the number of garage flooring ideas available. In fact, most people mistakenly believe the only possibility for covering the bottom of their garage is plain concrete. This simply is not true. In reality, there are a wide variety of garage flooring ideas available to meet anyone s needs.

Epoxy and Painting Garage Flooring Ideas

Even if you do want to keep your garage floor plain concrete, it is a good idea to cover it with an epoxy coat. Of the garage flooring ideas, this is the simplest to implement. It is important, however, to be sure to purchase epoxy coating that is created specifically for floors and that will adhere to the concrete. Otherwise, you risk the possibility of the coating peeling. Epoxy coating is inexpensive and helps protect the floor. It also makes it easier to clean the surface in the case of spills and even a clear coat of epoxy can make the garage more cheerful and bright.

Of course, the garage floor can also be painted to help protect the floor and add to the overall mood of the garage. This is one of the more difficult garage flooring ideas, however, because the floor must be thoroughly cleaned beforehand. In addition, painting the floor thoroughly can be quite an undertaking particularly in a large garage.

Other Garage Flooring Ideas

In addition to coating or painting the garage floor, there are many additional garage flooring ideas to choose from. For example, floor mats are a popular choice. Floor mats can be easily rolled out onto the floor surface and they protect the floor from grease and oil. In addition, they resist condensation. Floor mats also add an element of safety to the garage because they are non-conductive. Available in a wide variety of patterns and colors, floor mats a practical solution to garage flooring.

Garage flooring ideas do not, however, have to be limited to those that work well with dirt and grime. Not all garages are even used for parking cars. In fact, many people use their garages simply for storage. In this case, you may even want to consider installing carpeting or tiling in the garage in order to make it more comfortable and inviting. Implementing any one of these garage flooring ideas will certainly help you create a garage to be proud of.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Spring Cleaning Tips To Make The Job A Little Easier

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Spring-cleaning can seem like such a chore. You spend all day, or even a few days getting the entire house sparkly clean. As a busy mom, you will appreciate some of these cleaning tips that will make the job a little easier and faster. You ll have more time to enjoy the nice spring weather outside.

Start out by taking a quick look through your cleaning supplies a few days before the big spring clean. Make sure you have plenty of paper towels and cleaning rags. If your mo…

spring cleaning

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Spring-cleaning can seem like such a chore. You spend all day, or even a few days getting the entire house sparkly clean. As a busy mom, you will appreciate some of these cleaning tips that will make the job a little easier and faster. You ll have more time to enjoy the nice spring weather outside.

Start out by taking a quick look through your cleaning supplies a few days before the big spring clean. Make sure you have plenty of paper towels and cleaning rags. If your mop or broom is really worn out, this is a great time to invest in a new one. Check all bottles and containers of cleaning supplies that you like to use and see if you have plenty of them. There s nothing worse than having to clean yourself up during your big spring cleaning to run to the store for a new bottle of Windex.

Get everyone in the family to spend some time with you the day before the big spring cleaning to pick up around the house. You don t want to spend time picking up toys or washing dishes the next day.

Get up early and put on some comfortable clothes that you don t mind getting dirty. Dress all the way down to your shoes and put your hair up. Take a few minutes to gather all your cleaning supplies and get going.

Tackle one room at a time. This works much better than trying to do 10 things at once. It will also give you a great sense of accomplishment to see each clean room.

Start at the top and work your way down. Use a broom or a mop with a soft cloth wrapped around it to get any spider webs and dust out of the ceiling corners. Dust the light fixtures. Keep working your way down cleaning counters, windows and windowsills, furniture. Finish by dusting the baseboards and giving the carpets a good vacuuming. Take the time to vacuum under the bed and move furniture to clean the floor under it whenever possible.

When you get to the bathrooms, start by spraying some all purpose or bathroom cleaner on all the appliances, especially anything that may have some build up on it, like the soap dish in the shower. Pour some Clorox in the toilet. Allow the cleaner to soak in while you get started on the ceiling, windows and counters. By the time you get around to the sink, shower and toilet, all you need to do is wiping them down and give the inside of the toilet a quick scrub with the brush.

Make sure you take some breaks, and drink plenty of water. Cleaning is a touch job. When you are done, enjoy a long shower, put on some clean clothes and put up your feet. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done and get some rest. You deserve it.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Spring Cleaning Tips And Advice

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

It’s that time of year again! Time to break out the cleaning supplies and trash bags. That yearly spring ritual is upon us. You hate to think of the time it is going to take you. You wonder if wasting a whole Saturday or even the whole weekend is worth it. We want everything done instantly, that’s the fast paced world we are living in today.

We’ve got some spring cleaning tips and advice from the pros that will help you get done in record time. Professional home cleaners c…

spring,cleaning,tips,spring cleaning tips

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
It’s that time of year again! Time to break out the cleaning supplies and trash bags. That yearly spring ritual is upon us. You hate to think of the time it is going to take you. You wonder if wasting a whole Saturday or even the whole weekend is worth it. We want everything done instantly, that’s the fast paced world we are living in today.

We’ve got some spring cleaning tips and advice from the pros that will help you get done in record time. Professional home cleaners come prepared and they’re not going to waste any time. If you can afford it, hire them! If you can’t hire the professionals here’s how to get it done just like you did.

How To Do Spring Cleaning The Right Way

Motivation is key to getting things done and getting them done fast. Motivate yourself and the family with a special outing when the project is complete. The professionals don’t take TV or email breaks and you shouldn’t either. The ultimate goal for professionals is to get in and get out, for you it’s get done and move on!

Listen to some music that really gets you moving. You could even load an audio book onto your iPod and listen to that while you clean. That’s multitasking at its best!

Don’t forget that dirt and dust follow the laws of gravity. It falls just like everything else. So, start at the top and work your way down.

Spring Cleaning Safety Tips

Make sure you dress for the job. You want to be comfortable but functional. The clothes you wear should be loose but not so loose as to catch on corners, doorknobs, or anything that could spill.

If you’re going to be on your knees a lot, look at investing in some knee pads. The professionals use them, and for good reason. You’ll loose steam and motivation quickly if you start feeling uncomfortable.

Don’t forget the gloves! These can keep the germs and chemicals off your skin. The regular yellow cleaning gloves you see at any grocery store will work fine.

Have a Plan!

Probably the most important thing you’re going to want to do, before you even break out the mop, is have a plan! This alone can cut a major amount of time off your spring cleaning project. Instead of guessing what to do next, you’ll have your plan of action right in front of you.

Top of the list: pick up the clutter.

You don’t want to slide your junk from side to side or just clean under and around it. Doing this first will make your whole job easier.