Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The 1 2 3’s Of Sound Proof Paint

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If you live in a noisy city or a loud environment, you may be interested in sound proofing your home or office. There are many different ways of sound proofing your home or office. One inexpensive method of sound proofing is through the use of sound proof paint. If you would like more information about sound proof paint, please read on.

An innovative sound proof paint you may be interested in is called acousti-coat. This sound proofing paint was created from technology dev…

sound proofing,sound proof,soundproof paint,acoustics,noisecontrol

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If you live in a noisy city or a loud environment, you may be interested in sound proofing your home or office. There are many different ways of sound proofing your home or office. One inexpensive method of sound proofing is through the use of sound proof paint. If you would like more information about sound proof paint, please read on.

An innovative sound proof paint you may be interested in is called acousti-coat. This sound proofing paint was created from technology developed by NASA. It is latex and water based. It contains within it hollow ceramic microspheres, resin, and sound absorbing fillers. The combination of ingredients allows this sound proofing paint to reduce noise by 30 percent.

Not only does acousti-coat provide excellent sound proofing, but it also acts as a heat insulator. There are many other benefits as well. For one, the paint has a small textured surface that can help hide any surface defects on your walls such as: dents, dings, abrasions, etc. It is also non toxic and friendly for the environment. If you are clumsy and you spill it, you can clean it up easily with soap and water!

Acousti-coat sound proofing paint can be applied directly over your existing paint. It can also be painted over or you can add light pastel colors to the paint. It is very fast drying and it can be applied with roll on brushes or spray guns. The price runs about $31.75 a gallon or $158.75 for a 5 gallon drum. Each gallon will cover about 100 to 150 square feet.

This is all of the important information you need to know about acousti-coat sound proofing paint. There are so many advantageous that are hard to ignore. Whatever your reasons may be for sound proofing, you are sure to be happy with the results. You can then be in a peaceful, quiet environment.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Thermostats and Your Safety Dryer Maintenance

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Have you ever thought about how hot your dryer gets? Thermostats and thermal fuses are put in dryers for your safety and if you don’t maintain them, you could be putting yourself, your house, and your family at risk.

appliance, repair, dryer, thermostat, fix, temperature, washing machine, maintenance, thermal fuse, replace

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Have you ever thought about how hot your dryer gets? Thermostats and thermal fuses are put in dryers for your safety and if you don’t maintain them, you could be putting yourself, your house, and your family at risk.

Your dryer uses of a combination of heat and airflow to dry your clothes. The heat generated in your dryer is produced by a heating element controlled by a series of thermostats. If any of your dryer’s thermostats are defective, the results can be disastrous.

Safety Warning: Before performing any tests or repairs on your dryer disconnect the power source to eliminate the risk of electric shock. You can do this by unplugging the dryer, removing the related fuse from the fuse box, or flipping the appropriate switch on the breaker panel.

A dryer thermostat is usually oval shaped and about an inch and a half in length. The thermostat contains a bimetal that opens and closes a pair of contacts depending on the temperature inside the dryer.

The bimetal inside the thermostat is designed to bend at specific temperatures. When the bimetal bends, it pushes an actuator. The actuator then pushes on a contact, opening the electrical circuit and breaking the electrical connection to the related component. When the thermostat cools, the bimetal returns to its original shape and the contacts close, allowing the current to flow through the circuit.

Here’s how it works: The dryer is turned on and heat begins to radiate from the heating element into the dryer’s drum. The air in the drum passes by a thermostat. As the thermostat reaches its maximum temperature, the bimetal bends, cutting the power to the heating element. The circuit stays open until the bimetal cools. Because the heating element isn’t providing additional heat, the dryer’s temperature gradually falls. The bimetal returns to its original shape and the electric current flows to start the heating element again. This process happens many times throughout your dryer’s cycle.

There are at least two thermostats in your dryer: cycling (operating)thermostat and hi-limit safety)thermostat. The difference between these two thermostats is their opening and closing temperatures.

The cycling thermostat is typically found in the path of the air leaving the drum. A cycling thermostat is usually found on the fan housing or just under the lint filter area, on the blower wheel housing or inside the venting/exhaust system.

Some dryers may have as many as five thermostats – one for each of the different heat cycles. The temperature setting or cycle selected determines which thermostat is used to control the heat. If your dryer is malfunctioning on the low heat setting, the thermostat for that particular setting is probably defective.

The thermostats for the high and medium temperature selections are not the problem. However, if the dryer isn’t working properly for most of the heat settings, it’s probably a problem with your vent rather than the thermostats.

The hi-limit thermostat protects your dryer from overheating. This thermostat is usually found on the heating element, housing, or cage assembly. If the airflow in the dryer becomes obstructed by a plugged or improperly installed vent, bad drum seals, or a defective blower, the high-limit thermostat cuts power to the heating element. This means there are other problems with your dryer.

In conjunction with thermostats, dryers use thermal fuses as a safety device. Some dryer models may have two thermal fuses to detect extreme heat. If the hi-limit thermostat fails to cut power to the heating element and the element gets too hot, the thermal fuse blows and cuts all power to the dryer. This could mean that a thermostat is defective or something is wrong with your venting duct, filters, seals, or blower. You cannot reset thermal fuses so once they blow they must be replaced. Get the proper replacement fuse for your model and replace the hi-limit thermostat as well. Never bypass a thermal fuse.

Have a look at your dryer’s manual for the locations of its thermostats. It’s unusual for a dryer’s thermostat to continue operating at a different temperature than originally intended and the only way to test for this would be by checking the temperature of the exhaust. You can do this by placing a pocket thermometer inside the exhaust vent. This test is done with the dryer running, so be extremely careful.

Checking continuity is another way to test your thermostat. There’s a wire leading to each of the thermostat’s terminals. The wires are connected by metal slip-on connectors. Label the wires before you remove them so that you’re able to correctly reconnect them later. To remove the wires use needle nose pliers to pull on the connectors – don’t pull on the wires themselves.

Set your multimeter to the RX1 setting. With the thermostat at room temperature, touch one meter probe to one terminal and touch the other meter probe to the other terminal. You should receive a reading of zero. If a thermostat is tested when it’s heated to its limit, a reading of infinity should be produced. You should replace your thermostat if it fails either of these tests.

The thermostat is attached to the dryer with two screws. Remove both screws and discard the faulty thermostat. Install a new thermostat, securing it in place with two screws. Reconnect the two wires, put your dryer back together, and restore power to the dryer. Run your dryer through a cycle to make sure it’s working properly.

Protect your family and protect yourself – maintain your dryer regularly. But if you can’t do it yourself, make sure you contact a service technician to do it for you.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Thermal curtains are conventional looking window coverings that save energy

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Thermal curtains are in the middle of the more useful tools for keeping a home warm. Additional five times as efficient at insulating compared to a traditional curtain, they use thermodynamics to keep heat in.

Thermal curtains, Thermal curtains

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If you are living in a colder climate, makes you recognize how important thermal curtains can be used for insulating a house. A cost efficient option, to most additional heating solutions, curtains are a fairly nominal one-time deal. They can keep your house comfortable and warm all through the cruel winter months without sending your heating bill through the top.

Thermal curtains are in the middle of the more useful tools for keeping a home warm. Additional five times as efficient at insulating compared to a traditional curtain, they use thermodynamics to keep heat in. Windows are a main source of heat loss, since the panes conduct high-energy heat away from the home and in the direction of the low energy area of the outside.

This difficulty is enhanced, by weakening frames and window casings that allow pockets of cold air to leak in. Thermal curtain uses insulating fabric to create a fence intended to block this procedure. They can be made from scratch, but these days, it is just as simple to buy them online. The simplicity of the Internet makes it useful to look for professional-grade goods that will actually do the trick throughout the most horrible months of winter.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL There’s More Types Of Furnaces Than The One In Your House

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A furnace is a mechanical device designed, constructed, and used to generate heat (i.e. a heater). Depending on what kind is being used, a furnace serves to either heat the interior of a structure to prevent unwanted cold from ensuing, or to burn materials for the purpose of molding or cremating. Different kinds of furnaces include household furnaces, metallurgical furnaces, industrial furnaces, and incinerators.

Different Kinds of Furnaces

Household Furnace



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A furnace is a mechanical device designed, constructed, and used to generate heat (i.e. a heater). Depending on what kind is being used, a furnace serves to either heat the interior of a structure to prevent unwanted cold from ensuing, or to burn materials for the purpose of molding or cremating. Different kinds of furnaces include household furnaces, metallurgical furnaces, industrial furnaces, and incinerators.

Different Kinds of Furnaces

Household Furnace

Household Furnaces, used to disperse cold from within a structure and provide hot water, have several different means of production and require any one of a variation of fuel sources: natural gas, fuel oil, coal, or wood.

The two most common household furnaces are combustion and condensation. The first kind requires an exhaust and relies on burning fuel to generate heat. The second recycles heat by extracting it from the exhaust gases. This kind, being acidic, is designed to prevent corrosion and has a condensate pump to remove any water buildup that will occur.

Heat distribution also has different means. If the means of heat distribution require water or steam, the mechanical device generating the heat is commonly referred to as a boiler. Many modern furnaces in the United Stated, however, use forced-air heat. Convection, or air distribution, directs cold air into a heating chamber and then blows it out through a system of ductwork into the structure.

Metallurgical Furnace

Metallurgical furnaces create heat for several purposes: smeltering, reducing iron ore to pig iron, steelmaking, and remelting and molding metal. Where blast furnaces are used to reduce iron ore into pig iron, various kinds of steelmaking furnaces are made for a multitude of other purposes: Puddling furnace, reverberatory furnace, Bessemer converter, open hearth furnace, basic oxygen furnace, electric arc furnace, electric induction furnace. Each of these treats metal in a different way based on its intended purpose. Needless to say, all metallurgical furnaces require extreme temperatures to successfully perform their respective functions.

Industrial Furnace

Industrial furnaces, usually immense, are also call direct fired heaters. These furnaces have a couple different purposes: providing heat for a production process or serving as a reactor. These furnaces are uniquely designed, depending on each furnace s intended function, heating manner, type of fuel, and method of air combustion, but they all have common features, namely mechanisms that, when working together, produce heat. Typically, fuel is fed into a burner and is converted into heat via blasts of air blown in by an air blower. Combustion takes place in a firebox, radiating heating fluid through a series of tubes where it achieves its desired temperature. Flue gas, generated through combustion, leaves the firebox, but the convection section recovers more heat from the exhaust before discharging through the smokestack.

Incinerating Furnaces

Incinerating furnaces, or incinerators, typically are used to burn, or cremate, waste. This kind of furnace can be categorized as an industrial furnace due to its size, productive function, and the fact that industrial plants use incinerators to minimize their waste. Where incinerators are different than other industrial furnaces, however, is that they don t assist in actual production; they only destroy waste. Their manner of fuel and performance, though, are the same as other industrial furnaces.

Furnaces are amazing devices, but they must be respected at all times. People who don t respect such power, or don t know how to properly use it, are liable to get burned!

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL There are so many builders there, but how to choose the right one?

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In this article we would like to discuss the most frequent questions asked by potential customers that often cause the conflict between a customer and a contractor.

decorations, painting, finish bedroom walls, linen

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In this article we would like to discuss the most frequent questions asked by potential customers that often cause the conflict between a customer and a contractor.

I. Cost of work:
Very often one might come across customers’ complaints about the total cost for the repair that appears to be pretty higher than originally expected. Is it possible? Yes. Why? Let us clarify this. We need to say that we would ignore the situation (that unfortunately occurs) when chasing customer, the contractor intentionally provides underestimated numbers and when the customer is on the hook anything can be done.

Let us view the standard situation. You decided to do repair, choose several companies and ask them to prepare a cost estimate. Immediately many questions arise: e.g. “Is it possible to prepare a cost estimate accurate to a gulden?” In general it is possible. But for this you would need a detailed design with the drawings, specifications, list of materials etc. It would take several months and more to do this kind of cost estimate and 2-3% of costs would be allocated for contingencies.

Let us be realistic. Over eight years experience in managing the enterprise we had a chance to deal with such projects several times. In the best case the design finishes at the stage of general drawings with further stage-by-stage delivery of detailed drawings.

Sometimes we receive general outlays, rough design outlines etc. But the most frequent situation is as follows: nothing is available or “please do for me what you see in this magazine”. Can you specify what exactly you want? Who knows? Can you propose something as a professional? Over several minutes of conversation with you the estimator has to guess what your taste is and propose to you some options as well as make your dreams, desires, unclear outlines and all that you thought during long evenings come true in the form of concrete numbers. Actually cost estimate is the plan for the repair of your apartment with connectivity to concrete materials (for example in the bedroom painted wallpaper and in the children’s room plain wallpaper will be used) with showing average prices for them.

In our opinion to make this cost estimate maximum close to actual cost you would need to do the following:
1). Work with the designers as possible. The costs you incur for the design work will be generously repaid. You will look at the repaired apartment beforehand, not when everything has been done. It may appear that what you have planned is not good for your apartment or the material that you like is too expensive and there is a better option for you. Cost of redesign on paper is not so high.

2). While preparing cost estimate it is necessary to make a list of work and take some decisions (e.g. here laminate and there glaze-tile will be installed etc). It is also necessary to discuss what quality and price of materials will be used in the cost estimate.

3). A customer should make sure that it is impossible to envision everything in this document.

Before work start one can not identify what area of the wall should be plastered and what area should be only aligned and what exact quantity of materials would be used for this. Even for the detailed cost estimate a customer should envision a reserve of minimum 0-15%. In this case it is better to include more in the document and get lower actual spending. Besides you pay for specific work and material at specific price. So, the higher amount and range of work as well as material prices, the higher cost of work.

II. Terms.
Obviously any repair is related to inconveniency and any customer would want to finish it as soon as possible. But let us not become heroes of popular TV shows that describe how brave contractors over one day glue the wall paper, put the glaze-tiles, install the wiring and even eventually clean everything with the vacuum cleaner.

One should realize that there are some activities that can not be done in rush. If it is required to dry the aligned wall before putting the glaze tiles, this should be done, no matter how long it would take. If it is required to glaze and clean the wall 2-3 times before putting high-quality paint, this should be done. Violation of the technology and required terms will lead to additional customer’s cost.

III. Quality of work.
All mentioned above is true for the quality of work. Besides, there are also two significant factors. To great extend the quality of work depends on the quality of materials. We all want to save the money but you should avoid absurd situation when you assign work with the high cost materials to people earning pences. A good master should be highly qualified, earn good money, use good tools and take responsibility for his work.

IV. “If I pay, do what I want”
Magic words ….. but let me notice that there are objective phenomena that can not be ignored. For example without special measures one can not make aperture work or remove load-bearing wall no matter whether someone wants it. And quality glaze-tiles can not be installed on the cement, only on the special glue. And for specific paint specific filler should be used, not the one that was found at low price. A good professional who value his work would explain why your desires sometimes cannot be satisfied and would rather refuse to do the job than do something wrong.

Hope that this article will help you to find a good contractor.
In all your undertakings follow the slogan: Entrust your work to professionals.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Ten Tips For Decorating A Christmas Tree

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Now that it s the holiday season everyone is busy thinking about his or her Christmas Trees. There are tricks and tips to help you create a unique look that fits in your home and adds sparkle to your holiday celebrations. Whether real or artificial, a little imagination can take that blank canvas and turn it into something really magical that will brighten your whole holiday season.

You can start by looking for ideas on the trees you see in public places like malls or hote…

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Now that it s the holiday season everyone is busy thinking about his or her Christmas Trees. There are tricks and tips to help you create a unique look that fits in your home and adds sparkle to your holiday celebrations. Whether real or artificial, a little imagination can take that blank canvas and turn it into something really magical that will brighten your whole holiday season.

You can start by looking for ideas on the trees you see in public places like malls or hotel lobbies. These are great places to get ideas that you can easily bring to your own tree.
Here are some great tips for creating a beautiful tree

1.Your tree will stand in you room till the holiday season ends so it should have a visual impact. The space in your room will determine the size of the tree you can have. This is important to consider especially if you want to enhance your ornaments.

2.Decide on the overall look you like. The more branch tips your tree has, the more ornaments and decorations are needed. If you want your tree to have an informal look, select a tree that has long needles and upswept branches. If you want something more formal, select a tree that has down swept branches and with short needles.

3.Pay attention to lighting. There is a general rule in deciding the number of lights for a tree a one foot tree should have about 40-50 lights. The simplest thing to do is buy a pre-lit tree, no mess and easy storage. But if you do the lights yourself, hang them inside the tree, for a twinkling effect. Stringing the lights on the outer edges, over the tips of the branches won t look right. Remember to keep the amount of light uniform, without and unfilled spaces.

4.Add garland. Whether you choose traditional garland or beaded garland, you can get a great look. If you want traditional, swag your garland from the top to the bottom, and also around the back of the tree. The swag of your garland will depend on the width of your tree. Twist the garland at the tip and it should be smaller as it reaches the top of the tree. Another style is to double swag your garland and form it into a spiral garland. Some prefer using ribbon that falls from the top of the tree down along to the bottom.

5.Use fillers. You must use fillers in order to give the tree an enchanting look. Some people don t do this but it is a great way to give your tree a new look.

6.Choose a color scheme. Use a single color or two complimentary ones to give your tree a coordinated, decorator look. Try traditional choices such as red and gold, or something different like pink and white. Use ornaments of these colors and keep the garland in the same color family as well.

7.Dare to be different. Decorate according to what you like, even if it isn t the traditional way. Use your favorite hobby, ornaments collected on vacations, or old style bulbs to create a look that s truly your own. This will create a unique, personal holiday expression that is sure to be a conversation starter.

8.Don t forget the handmade ornaments. No matter what style you are trying to achieve, the hand made ornaments of your own childhood, or those of family members can be wonderful additions to any tree, and compliment any style.

9.Cover the base of your tree with a colorful tree skirt so that the gifts underneath will rest on a pretty background. This makes the packages look even more festive, and looks good after the presents are unwrapped too.

10.Top it off. Use a star, an angel or a large bow whatever suits your individual taste.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Ten Convenience Built-Ins That ll Save Your Busy Household Hundreds Of Hours Each Year

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Planning to remodel, repair or build a new home? Looking for some terrific features to include that can save you tons of time in shortcuts, efficiencies and saved steps? Here are some of our favorite ideas that ll change your life via the time they save you. Add any of these to your next project, and you ll be on your way toward creating a home that s truly beyond the ordinary!

home improvement ideas

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Planning to remodel, repair or build a new home? Looking for some terrific features to include that can save you tons of time in shortcuts, efficiencies and saved steps? We can help! We started collecting over 1,000 uncommon, affordable convenience built-ins in 1998, when we first began writing books and consulting to help people have truly extraordinary but affordable homes. Here are some of our favorite ideas that ll change your life via the time they save you. Add any of these to your next project, and you ll be on your way toward creating a home that s truly beyond the ordinary!

A shallow closet or weatherproof cabinet at every outdoor hose faucet, for storing a hose at an easy-to-reach height where it will stay relatively clean, out of sight and out of the way. No more risk of tripping over a hose left in a heap on the ground! (And even recoiling and flat hoses can be awkward and dirty to move from faucet to faucet, especially if they re stored outdoors.) This makes gardening a snap, as well as hosing down the deck, patio or outdoor furniture, or washing windows. You ll also want flooring inside that prevents the unavoidable drips from encouraging mold.

A non-porous, nonskid, self-leveling garage floor coating, so that soil and oil can easily be hosed away. (If you have a drain in the floor and flooring that slopes toward it, use a similar coating that s not self-leveling.)

A sewing machine permanently plugged in and set up on a desk or inside a well-lit closet or alcove. Be sure there s space behind the machine for the fabric from large projects to accumulate.

Remote-controlled window shades, especially on hard-to-reach windows or skylights. Choose among remote controls that can be operated manually; via a timer or photocell; or through any on-site or off-site computer, personal digital assistant or cell phone. Besides being safer than attempting to reach out-of-the-way shades by hand, easy-to-maneuver shades help control light and heat in a room, minimize fading of a room s or closet s contents, and the automatic or off-site controls can make an empty house appear occupied.

Dedicated space for wrapping gifts that s near where you store your wrapping supplies and tools. No more hauling stuff around!

A doorbell intercom outside the door that can be answered from every telephone in the house (also via your cell phone while you re out). No more dropping everything to run to answer the door!

Shallow shelves with only one row deep of canned or dry goods, medicines, supplies, tools or equipment, for instant identification of and access to whatever s stored. These can often be tucked into a space that s otherwise unused.

At least one full bathroom on every level of the house.

A laundry chute from closets, cabinets or bathrooms to a laundry room on a lower level. No more hauling dirty laundry down stairs when gravity will do the job! And no more dropping items on the way to the laundry room that you might trip over!

A pot-filler faucet attached to a wall near your cooking burners, that swivels into various positions as well as out of the way. No more moving heavy pots of water from the sink to the stove!

Like this article? Then you ll love our books chock-full of uncommon, affordable convenience built-ins that increase your quality of life and your home s resale value! We also offer a free e-book at The 34 ExtraOrdinary Home Principles: Over 70 Fabulous, Affordable, Innovative Ideas That ll Improve Your Life and WOW You!

Copyright 2005 by Carol Abrahamson/ExtraOrdinary Homes. All rights reserved.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Teak Patio Furniture – Why is it the best choice?

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Learn why teak is the best solution for your patio furniture.

teak, patio furniture, outdoor furniture

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The patio, it is where most people prefer to spend time unwinding, sipping lemonade, when at home. For some, it is also an ideal place to catch a short sun bath, away from the beach. But, if your home does not have a patio awning to cover the patio from the vagaries of climate or unless you are used to shifting the furniture back into the rooms post use, it is likely that your patio furniture may be affected badly by the rain, sun, or even snow. To make matters worse further, most of the if not all – of the patio furniture available in the market are not designed to stand such grueling climatic tests. It ll work fine under normal conditions, but starts to give away beginning with its first contact with moisture/water. However, teak does not have any such weak qualities. It is strong, tough, and enduring.

This is also the reason why teak furniture is the best choice for your patio. It is dense, sturdy, and durable, and hence is not easily damaged. Further, natural oils make the wood impermeable to elements such as heat, snow, hail, moisture, and even incessant rains. Finally, it is quite pleasing to the eyes, the basic benchmark for any patio furniture. Further, as opposed to many other wood types, teak does not lose its sheen or splendor with age. Instead, it gets better with every passing year. Brand new teak furniture will be golden brown in color, usually complementing any surrounding setting, and as it ages, the wood turns ash gray in color, making it even more refined and dignified in appearance.

With periodical wash with soap and water once in a year preferably – the teak furniture could be preserved to look great forever. Those who prefer to retain the original golden brown color, some light sanding coupled with a light brush-on of teak oil would do. Some teak, however tough it is, may crack as it grows old. But this should not be an issue and selective application of teak oil would keep the wood moisturized and prevents it from cracking any further. Teak is resistant to termites, so no apprehension in that front.

If there is one aspect that could damage or spoil the beauty of teak furniture, it could be an inadvertent spill of juice or wine on it. Such things happen sometimes, but it is important that the spill be wiped off immediately before it creates any stain on the wood. Sand the part of the teak furniture lightly until the stain is no longer visible, and then using water and soap solution, clean up the part removing any loose dirt or sanding dust. Once this much is done, let it dry, and then apply a thin coat of teak oil or a couple of coats – on the cleansed part so as to make it look as good as new. If this creates a contrast in color with the surround wood, extend the oiling to cover the surrounding parts as well.

To conclude, teak furniture is just the right furniture for your patio and a long term investment, given its durability and austere look and feel. And with due diligence, but with minimal effort, it can be maintained to look anew for many years to come.

Brady Freeman is a regular contributor at Teak Patio Furniture. A consumer based site that offers Stained Glass, and Bar Stools.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Teak Patio Furniture Use And Care

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When the weather gets colder, many homeowners face a dilemma: to keep their patio furniture outside, with proper weatherproofing, or take it inside and try to accommodate in a basement or garage. But with teak patio furniture, you will no longer want to stash the patio set in the basement. Instead, you will want to flaunt it all year long.

Teak patio furniture is becoming more popular each day, with more designers exploring the timeless charm of teak wood. This wood, whic…

teak patio furniture,teak wood,teak furniture,teak furnishings

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
When the weather gets colder, many homeowners face a dilemma: to keep their patio furniture outside, with proper weatherproofing, or take it inside and try to accommodate in a basement or garage. But with teak patio furniture, you will no longer want to stash the patio set in the basement. Instead, you will want to flaunt it all year long.

Teak patio furniture is becoming more popular each day, with more designers exploring the timeless charm of teak wood. This wood, which grows in Burma, Indonesia and other exotic locations, is extremely durable, light and convenient, and it ages with a stunning grace.

According to historians, woven wicker furniture was first used in ancient Egypt. But since that time teak has become a favorite of garden furniture manufacturers only in the beginning of the 20th century, when white garden furniture has been labeled as boring and the prominent garden decorator Gertrude Jekyll claimed that gray- or green-toned garden furniture is more attractive. Since teak weathers to a beautiful silvery gray, it has soon become a popular wood of choice for many garden and patio furniture manufacturers.

Teak is one of the most valuable woods today. Teak wood grows in severe climatic conditions in Burma and Indonesia. Teak is a very hard wood resistant to wind, pests, sun, and humidity. In addition, teak does not splinter. For centuries, teak was used in marine building, which means that teak patio furniture can be easily left outside even in harsh climate conditions.

One of the most remarkable features of teak wood is its ability to change color with age. When new, its color varies from light to dark brown and over years becomes a light silver gray. The first gray hair in teak furniture will be noticeable after three to four months of use, depending on how contrasting the climate conditions are in your area. For example, if you have cold nights and hot sunny days, teak patio furniture will turn to gray faster. Natural teak will become gray in about a year.

To preserve this beautiful taupe shade of gray, you can wash the teak patio furniture every spring with mild detergent and water. To prevent dust accumulation you may wash the furniture with your regular garden hose, keeping the water pressure at low.

Even though teak wood does not splinter, it may develop small cracks with time. Teak wood contains a high amount of natural wood oils, so it will not develop deep structural cracks. There is no need to treat teak wood with any kind of wood sprays or oils to protect it; however, the teak wood oil does create a pretty surface sheen. You may apply oil when you plan to leave the teak furniture outside for a long period of time, or when the wood starts to show gray.

Since in most cases teak wood is left untreated when used for teak patio furniture, you should avoid spilling food or drinks on the wood surface. If you do happen to leave your mark , don t use any harsh detergents to remove it. Any marks will eventually fade with time. When the stain is noticeable, you may scrub the area with mild sandpaper. Ultra-violet rays also damage the sheen of the teak furniture, and an annual treatment with properly labeled teak wood oil is recommended. Make sure that your teak wood furniture is clean and dry before treating, because you don t want to trap any water under the coat of oil.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Teak Outdoor Furniture Is Not A New Idea

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Ever since ancient times, civilization has been aware of the benefits of teak. The wood is easy to work with, and its resistance to decay has made it not only a popular timber tree, but also a valuable resource. The strong structural properties of teak made it the favorite choice for shipbuilders since the middle ages. The main advantage of teak is its unique ability to prevent rust and corrosion when in contact with metal. This makes it invaluable in the shipbuilding industr…

outdoor furniture, teak outdoor furniture, home decoration

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Ever since ancient times, civilization has been aware of the benefits of teak. The wood is easy to work with, and its resistance to decay has made it not only a popular timber tree, but also a valuable resource. The strong structural properties of teak made it the favorite choice for shipbuilders since the middle ages. The main advantage of teak is its unique ability to prevent rust and corrosion when in contact with metal. This makes it invaluable in the shipbuilding industry. It is said that the first outdoor teak benches were actually made of decking from old sailing ships. The decking on these ships was in such good condition when the ships were about to be scrapped, the wood was recycled and remade in teak outdoor furniture. In the late 1800s, teak began to be used seriously for outdoor furniture. Heavily admired in its native India , teak soon traveled to Victorian England. Teak benches and chairs became the perfect compliment to an English garden. Public parks all over England are furnished with teak outdoor furniture, some of which are nearly a century old. An outstanding material, teak continues to be a choice for boat materials even in this day and age. Elephants are still used to haul teak from inland jungles to the waterways. Transporting teak has always been a difficult problem because of the heavy weight of the wood. The logs are so heavy they will not float. Instead the elephants drag the teak logs through the thick undergrowth in the rain forests. These forests are usually a great distance from the coast. They have even been trained to stack the logs in even piles. And when a bell sounds to end the day, the elephants know to stop their work, without any human direction.

Today teak is used principally in shipbuilding and in the construction of expensive boats and yachts. Teak outdoor furniture is virtually impervious to all weather conditions, partly due to its high oil content and is able to resist insect attacks. Currently, teak can be found on modern cruise ship decks, in parks, used as flooring, and as home outdoor furniture. In the United States, teak benches can be found in the tropical gardens of hotels in Hawaii, tables and chairs made of teak provide maintenance-free outdoor dining for skiers in Colorado resorts, and teak steamer chairs can be found from the coast of Maine to the Arizona desert. This should give you some idea about how versatile teak is. Today, teak continues to be the most oft-used wood for shipbuilding. It is also used for indoor wood flooring and other general construction. And, of course, teak is used to create durable and beautiful outdoor patio furniture. Its high oil content makes it ideal for outdoor furniture. Teak outdoor furniture has been used in ski resorts in Colorado and Utah , and it continues to be the favored wood for all construction projects requiring unbeatable durability and rustic elegance.