Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Basics Of Integrated Circuitry

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Ever wonder what goes into the making of your new gadget? Electronic circuits are composed of individual transistors formed with resistors and diodes on a piece of silicon. The individual components are commonly connected using aluminum “wires” on the chip’s surface. This process results in the formation of IC, or integrated circuits. These ICs contain millions or just several transistors. ICs are responsible for the creation of video games, computers, digital watches, and mo…

Integrated Circuits

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Ever wonder what goes into the making of your new gadget? Electronic circuits are composed of individual transistors formed with resistors and diodes on a piece of silicon. The individual components are commonly connected using aluminum “wires” on the chip’s surface. This process results in the formation of IC, or integrated circuits. These ICs contain millions or just several transistors. ICs are responsible for the creation of video games, computers, digital watches, and most of today’s high tech gadgets.

ICs are usually grouped in two: analog/linear and digital/logic. But most sophisticated ICs combine digital and analog functions in forming a chip. As examples, digital chips sometimes include an analog/linear voltage regulator, while some analog chips include built-in digital counter. Combining integrated circuits is usually done to improve performance or add new features to a product such as giving counters time delays which are usually possible only with timers. These chips come in numerous different packages. In the present, the most popular and usual kinds are varieties of the DIP (Dual In-line Package). Ceramics or plastics are the usual components of standard DIPs with pins ranging from four to 100. Metals are also used for making DIPs but most manufacturers opt to replace these with more cost-effective plastic DIPs.

Despite the popularity of combination ICs and DIPs, there are still demands for separate integrated circuits. Analog ICs’ output and input voltage levels vary greatly in a broad spectrum. But despite these variations, output voltages are still directly proportional to input voltages which form a line graph. This is why analog ICs are termed linear. There are different types of analog ICs but the most popular and common types include voltage regulators and operational amplifiers. Voltage regulators alter voltages applied to inputs into variable voltages. Standard voltage regulators have excess transistors for the chips to manage driving loads that need added power than a standard op-amp is capable of. Most of these voltage regulators have metal tabs or include metal packaging to aid in radiating excessive heat out of the chips. Special linear ICs that include op-amps, like phase-locked loops and audio amplifiers, are made for TV, radio, computers, and telephone communications. Operational amplifiers are often considered as the most useful and versatile. Although their designs are basically intended for doing mathematical operations, they also amplify differences in voltages and signals of the inputs.

Digital integrated circuits are composed of “gates” regardless of the complexity of designs. These gates function like switches that turn on and off. A digital IC contains several gates and an IC with two input gates is usually referred as a logic gate. Increase in inputs and gates increase the ability of an IC to perform logical operations. As a result, digital ICs are often used in information transfers and exchanges. ICs are just small components of average devices like computers. But these devices rely on the efficiency of these ICs to function.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Art of Waxing Your Floors

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Tips to wax your floor

Floor waxing polishing and cleaning, how to apply floor wax, removing built up floor wax

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Floor waxing polishing and cleaning hard surfaced floors doesn t have to be a difficult job if you follow certain steps. One thing that s definite is that you should keep it as clean as possible. In other words, if you let dirt, food, liquids, and anything else you drop or spill build up; it will take a lot longer to remove them. Some people are tidy and can get by with cleaning a kitchen floor every week, or even less frequently. For those who aren t quite as careful, it may need washing more often. If you want to do some spot cleaning, just mop with clear water in between scrubbings. In the meantime you ll also want to know how to apply floor wax.

Once a year or so, depending on the age and condition of the flooring, you may want to consider removing built up floor wax. If you live in an older home and haven t replaced the vinyl or linoleum, built up wax will discolor it. Eventually, you ll want to put down a new floor in some areas, but until you, do apply some shine every so often.

It s also a very good idea to get in the habit of vacuuming or sweeping floors everyday. It makes particular good sense in high traffic areas where you have vinyl or tile, or a similar treatment. We don t always see it until there are large amounts, but dust and other small particles can accumulate. Before we notice, we have a much harder job ahead of us in the floor waxing polishing and cleaning realm, than we d expected. The small things get ground in as we walk on the flooring and they re tougher to get out. There s no point in knowing how to apply floor wax until you take the old off if there s significant build-up.

We ll discuss how to apply floor wax in a bit, but first let me go over some steps to take in actually washing your floors.

1. Move anything that isn t too heavy for you out of your way
2. Thoroughly sweep to get rid of any loose material
3. Pour your favorite cleaner onto the floor or have it in bucket ready to apply
4. Have a bucket of cooler rinse water ready if it s needed
5. Mop the floor with cleaner, squeeze the mop as dry as possible, then use the clear rinse water

How to Apply Floor Wax

Before you get out the wax, there are a couple of things you should know about how to apply floor wax. Before you apply it, your floor should be clean and dry. To ensure that it s as clean as possible, wash it and let it dry just before waxing. If you haven t done it for a while, you ll have to go through the steps for removing built up floor wax.

You can look online to read up on various methods for preserving your floors. You can also look through helpful household cleaning tips. In addition to the Internet, you ll be able to find books and pamphlets at the library and book stores.

One way of removing built up floor wax manually, is to mix detergent and ammonia with water and apply to the floor with a mop or sponge. This is one formula for a homemade wax remover. Wait a few minutes until the old wax starts to soften and then it s time for some elbow grease. Use a stiff brush or steel wool to get down to the very base of the old wax. Another way is to use a non-abrasive wax stripper.

After removing built up floor wax you need to study up on how to apply floor wax. The main thing is to make sure the floor is clean. There isn t any point to put a nice shine on top of a dirty floor.

If you don t already know, find out what the floor is made of. Different materials call for various types of floor waxing polishing and cleaning. There are basics that have been around for years like vinyl and linoleum. Newer homes often have flooring made from marble, tile, hardwood, or wood composites, among other things.

When you ve reached the stage where you re ready to learn how to apply floor wax, you ll need to know if there is a specific wax you should be using. Instead of crawling around on your knees, buy something to apply the wax with.

Floor waxing polishing and cleaning isn t necessarily fun unless you re a cleaning fanatic. It certainly doesn t have to be a terrible experience. If you learn some helpful hints, you ll not only take pride in your beautiful, shiny floors, you won t be totally exhausted.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Art of Hiring a Contractor

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How to choose the right Home Improvement Contractor for your project.

home repair, home improvement, flooring, siding, roofing, contractor, construction, Massachusetts, homes

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I will be submitting articles on hiring contractors to problem solving typical to not so typical home repairs and improvements homeowners typically come across. If you have questions please feel free to submit to this article and I will try to answer your questions. However, for today I would like to discuss Home improvement contractors. In a prior life, I was a home improvement contractor for a number of years and have experienced situations from the other side as a contractor. There are things that a homeowner can look for when hiring a contractor. These things are obvious. First, notice punctuality, Secondly, look at the vehicle that the contractor arrives in. Is it in disrepair? Think about it a contractor that cares about his business would invest in a vehicle that shows he is serious about business. Now I am not saying he has to show up in a 50,000.00-dollar vehicle. It should be presentable. Next, does he shake your hand when introducing himself? Ask questions, look for tell tale signs. References, a good contractor has a following. Is he licensed? Is he insured? Taking time to notice these things should help in your decision in hiring a home improvement contractor. Only you the homeowner can avoid hiring a wannabe contractor. NEXT: Tales from the Home improvement contractors point of view.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Air Purifier’s Industry Favorite Four Letter Word

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Indoor air pollution can be downright nasty. Find out about the only four letter word you ever need to know when it comes to the air purifier industry.

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For those that have been travelling to their local department stores lately, you may have noticed (especially in the home and garden and hardware sections) a carrier of air purifying as well as air cleansing products on the shelves.

You may find yourself a bit bewildered at all the different brand names and functionalities of these various air purifiers. Well this article will hopefully clarify at least one major issue for you. Just what exactly is a HEPA air purifier?

The reason I am talking about HEPA purifiers as opposed to other cleaners is simple, it’s the upper echelon of purification benchmarks on the market. For starters, HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor. Not too shabby right?

First let’s be clear, HEPA is not a company name, is is a standard of air filter that is used in various kinda of cleaning appliances including vacuums. They are widely accepted within the industry to be able to filter particles as small as .3 microns, as well as having an efficiency rating of ninety-nine point nine percent%.

These babies will be able to filter as well as remove the tiniest of elements ranging from dust, pollen, smoke, animal dander, and other allergy inducing nasties. HEPA tools are required for use by companies that remove asbestos in buildings, cleaning up toxic related spills, as well as for industry related pollution.

Not a bad track record I’d say. The basic process by which HEPA filters work is all the pollen in the air is trapped in the filter, while allowing only clean air to go back into the open. The more times air is “exchanged” (moves back and forth through your air purifier with HEPA filter) the cleaner the environment will become.

Usually a standard HEPA unit can efficiently clean one room at a time. As such, it’s advisable to have one unit in each room of your house (or at least the major ones like your bedroom, living room, and kitchen).

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Air Mattress of the Future is Here!

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An air mattress is no longer just a cheap blow-up bed for camping, but a luxurious and comfortable bed that can compete with the old box spring or foam mattress beds for quality and comfort. Air mattresses can be adjusted to your ideal firmness or softness, unlike beds of old.

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According to the dictionary an air mattress is an inflatable mattress, usually made of some type of plastic material. After reading this definition it doesn’t make you want to rush out and purchase one. After all, who wants to sleep on a cold piece of plastic? But the air mattresses of today are so much more than a large rectangular plastic balloon. They even offers options not available to box spring or foam mattress owners.

A cheap air mattress can be deflated and rolled up and is ideal for camping trips. They can also be very handy to have around the house as a temporary place to sleep for extended family and guests. But when it comes to real luxury and real comfort the newer air mattresses of today have no peers.

Deluxe air bed mattresses are made for the home and are designed with one thing in mind, comfort. Sure, they may be made of plastic, but that cold plastic is covered with soft and luxurious fabrics that can help you realize the most relaxing night’s sleep in a very long time. Plus, they come in all regular sizes including twin, full, queen and king and will typically use the standard size sheets. No need to search high and low for bed sheets in hard-to-find sizes.

The more expensive ones have high quality pumps that come attached, allowing for easy and quick inflation or deflation. Pump them up by pushing a button and then deflate them by pushing another button. Adjust the firmness or softness with one finger. It couldn’t get any easier unless you had someone else push the button for you. And deflating them entirely can be done in a matter of seconds. It should be noted that not all brands and models have pumps. If you are strapped for cash you can certainly find a cheap one that must be inflated manually. These cheap brands can save you some money and give you more exercise than you want, both at the same time.

A top-of-the-line air mattress will contain additional features for comfort, luxury and ease-of-use. Some include separate hand-held firmness controls for each side of the bed. If one person likes it firm and the other prefers soft, both can be satisfied with separate firmness controls.

By simply pushing a button one sleeper can adjust their side of the air mattress to any level of desired firmness, from extra firm to soothingly soft, all without affecting the other sleeper’s comfort.

One of the more popular air bed mattress manufacturers is Select Comfort. They have Sleep Number Beds that use uniquely designed air chambers to provide a gentle cushion of support which can be easily adjusted to the sleeper’s preference for comfort and firmness. In addition, the Sleep Number bed allows couples to individually adjust their own side to the precise comfort level that they prefer.

If you enjoy having a pillow top on your mattress you will be happy to know that you can fit your deluxe air mattress with the same types of pillow tops, sheets, blankets, pillows and comforters that you have grown to love on your spring or foam bed.

The air mattress has all of the positive attributes that make sleeping relaxing and comfortable. But the air mattress has additional comfort features that cannot be found on other types of beds. If you are looking for luxury there is no need to look any further, the air mattress beds of today have everything necessary to ensure a good night’s sleep. Sleeping is something that you will start to enjoy again.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Advantages Of Steel Buildings

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Construction works of any kind will always be a complicated endeavor and thus require the services of construction professionals who can offer valuable and cost effective suggestions. The trend in construction works nowadays is the use of steel either for a residential or a commercial building project.

Metals are inherently strong materials and they have been used by contractors to build strong buildings and other construction projects. While the use of steel in constructi…

metal buildings, steel buildings, construction

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Construction works of any kind will always be a complicated endeavor and thus require the services of construction professionals who can offer valuable and cost effective suggestions. The trend in construction works nowadays is the use of steel either for a residential or a commercial building project.

Metals are inherently strong materials and they have been used by contractors to build strong buildings and other construction projects. While the use of steel in construction has been getting much publicity today, steel buildings have been built as far back as the 20th century especially for warehouses and airplane garage or hangars.

Today, steel buildings are not only used in specific types of construction projects but steel has become the top choice material for building malls, churches, offices and even residential homes. This may be because steel is not only a strong material but it is generally less expensive than other materials and it can easily be acquired or built.

Most contractors prefer to use steel in their construction projects because prefabricated steel make their projects easier to complete. Prefabricated steel is mass produced by factories that get the building specifications from contractors and deliver the steel components to the site.

The advantages of using prefabricated steel materials can actually be summarized into three aspects; the cost of the materials, the speed with which the project can be easily completed and the durability of the materials to be used in the project.

Guidelines in using prefabricated steel for construction projects:

The owner or the head contractor must make sure that the proper design and building specifications have been given to the prefabricators. The specifications must include the building measurements and the architectural design. The blueprint of the construction project is important because it will specify the actual materials to be used.

Once the blueprint has been approved, the contractor can then order the pre fabricated steel materials from the factory and these will be delivered to the site with the exact measurements specified in the blueprint. The prefabricated steel materials are all ready to bolted or attached.

Prefabricated steel materials can fast track construction works because while the materials are being prefabricated in the factories, the contractor can already lay the ground for actual construction like pouring the foundation, insulation, wiring, plumbing and other important aspects of the construction process.

While steel buildings are easily completed once the specifications have been set, focus must also be placed on existing building codes and zoning plans to make sure that everything about the construction is legal.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Advantages Of Metal Roofing

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Roofing is an important part of your house construction or your home improvement tasks, you know that you should invest not only money but time and planning into your new roof and that some research and extra information would not hurt.

The roofing market has a lot to offer the consumer today, there are many different kinds of roofing solutions, from different materials and with varying costs attached to the materials and the work.

A roofing solution that has incredible…

roofing, metal roofing, shingles

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Roofing is an important part of your house construction or your home improvement tasks, you know that you should invest not only money but time and planning into your new roof and that some research and extra information would not hurt.

The roofing market has a lot to offer the consumer today, there are many different kinds of roofing solutions, from different materials and with varying costs attached to the materials and the work.

A roofing solution that has incredible increase in popularity in the last few years is metal roofing, the main reason for this shift from the more traditional materials used for roofing in the past, such as asphalt, is that metal is stronger and more durable then the products used to provide roofing for houses some years ago. The name of the game here is safety and cost effectiveness, and metal roofing has both benefits for its users.

Because of its durability the metal roof can withstand the dangers of extreme weather conditions, rain and hail, snow and strong winds are the main concern of a home owner as he considers the cost of his new roof, there is also the protection from fire which is as important as the protection form the elements. The level of protection that the metal roofing provides is similar to those of the traditional roofing solutions.

The other cause for the raising popularity of the metal roofing is the huge choice home owners have in color, the metal roof looks good, and since it is going to be used for years it is important that you like what you see, the variety of colors to choose from is huge compared to the very limited traditional roofing shingles market. This choice in color will provide your house the special look that you are looking for and will allow you to combine more daring design concepts into your new home.

The cost of metal roofing is usually considerably higher than the cost of the more traditional roofing solutions, the experts say that this is compensated by high durability and a very low probably of any need to replace the roof in a normal life time, while most traditional roofs could be replaced every fifteen to twenty years, the metal roofing can last more than 60 years and serve the house and your family with pride.

Once you make up your mind and you know what kind of roof you are interested in you should look for a contractor and research the warranties issues for the roof you are about to install. Since metal roofing has become popular you should not have a big problem finding a roofing contractor that knows his way around metal roofs, in fact a lot of the contractors today know how to deal with all the roofing solutions in the market.

It is highly recommended that you research these issues before you make you final decision and that you ask experts for help and advice before buying material or closing a deal, this is a very competitive market and you will be surprised at the differences in price and quality.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Advantages of a Gas Stove

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Any kitchen fanatic or budding chef will be confronted at one time or another in his culinary life with the question: which would he prefer an electric stove or a gas stove? It will help if he knows the advantages of one over the other.

Home, Living, Kitchen, Stoves, Wood Stoves, Pellet Stoves, Wood Burning Stoves, Corn Pellet Stove, Heat, Energy Conservation, Green Energy

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Any kitchen fanatic or budding chef will be confronted at one time or another in his culinary life with the question: which would he prefer an electric stove or a gas stove? It will help if he knows the advantages of one over the other.

A lot of cooks swear on their preference for gas stoves over electric ones due to the many proven advantages of the former. On the surface, there is the accuracy of the temperature setting which sits at the heart of stoves and any other cooking appliances. In the case of electric stoves, the change in temperature is very gradual whereas in gas stoves, you can go from a simmer level to high-temp boiling level in an instant with the heat change that is instantaneous, too. You can set the temperature from low to high at the touch of the dial. Such ability to change temperature is crucial in cooking as the slightest nuance may result in over- or under-cooking and affects subtle changes in the taste of the food. You can only do that with a gas stove, and safely at that, too, as the gas levels flowing into the burners are controlled with safety valves.

The accuracy radiates to the kind of burner tops in a gas stove. Where the heating top of an electric stove need to be very flat as this is the only way that heat will be evenly distributed, a gas stove provides more room for observation and flexibility. This is so because a space is provided for by the burner grills or grates in a gas stove which are absent in an electric stove. This little room allows the cook to have a bird’s eye-view of the flame as he cooks with pans or pots. And that little room space allows for complete gas ignition at completely safe and flexibly manageable levels. The gas that fans the flame can only get to the burners through the gas stove’s safety valve that accurately measures and feeds only gas that will definitely be ignited, that is, used up by the burner. Heat is more evenly controlled and distributed this way. And the cook sees for himself the instantaneous effect of adjusting that heat. As he flips the control to high, he sees a bigger flame; conversely, as he flips to low, he sees the flame lower to a flicker. He cannot see any such bigger or smaller flame in an electric stove; he can only imagine how hot the electric stove burners are.

Surprisingly, even if a gas stove emits flames from its burners, it does not make your kitchen any hotter than an electric stove. A gas stove tends to generate less heat in the kitchen in the overall because of the combustion of the flame which goes directly from the burner portholes to the pot or pan used for cooking. The flame does not touch the grate nor the stove top or sides so heat is not dispersed to these parts and does not radiate to the external environment that is the kitchen. An electric stove with the burner plates on the flat top of the stove and the pots or pans directly sitting atop those plates tend to spread the heat to the stove’s flat top, sides, and front, even the dials or controls. This heat in practically the whole stove structure heats up the kitchen temperature more than a gas stove does.

With less conducted heat in your gas stove, aside from the lesser ambient heat in the kitchen, there is less a chance of getting burned accidentally from a gas stove than an electric stove. In a gas stove, at least you know that only the flame, the grate, and naturally the porthole that emits the flame are hot. But in an electric stove, especially one that is set to high temperatures, you are not sure if the heat has been conducted or transferred to the stove top or even the dials or controls already.

Another clear advantage of a gas stove is the control the cook has over the source of heat or the fuel. In a gas stove, the gas that flows from the main gas tank through the safety valve is measured and shows you how much gas fuel remains in your tank. Thus you are in a position to determine if the remaining amount of gas in the tank will still suffice for you to finish that dish you are cooking. In an electric stove, unless advanced notice had been served by your electricity provider, you cannot be sure about power outages. What if the electricity was cut off at the time when your dish is already simmering? You will be left with a half-cooked dish, no doubt.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The 5 Worst Remodeling Mistakes You Can Make

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It’s easy to get excited at the idea of remodeling projects, but there are some pitfalls that can snare you too. Read this article for advice on how to stay out of trouble and get the most bang for your remodeling buck.

remodeling, home improvement

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Just about everybody dreams of turning an okay-but-not-perfect home into a dream home. That’s why home improvement stores and do-it-yourself television programs have become so popular in recent years. And there’s no reason you shouldn’t remodel… as long as you know what you’re getting yourself into, so you can avoid the pitfalls that often snag unsuspecting homeowners.

So, how do you fix up your home correctly? Keep the following “worst” remodeling mistakes in mind when you’re planning and carrying out your project.

1. Be careful about over-expanding with additions.

Adding an addition can be a mistake. If you love your neighborhood and your location, and you’re planning on staying in your home for the rest of your life, an addition can make sense. If, however, you see yourself moving someday, think about the ramifications adding a lot of square footage onto your house could have.

You’d think that any increase in size would automatically add value, but if the other houses in the neighborhood are one-level, one-garage ranchers, your decision to add a second story and a bunch of fancy bump outs might just look out of place. This can make it difficult to sell. People want a big upscale home in a neighborhood with other big upscale homes, not a big home that dwarfs everything else in a modest neighborhood.

2. Watch out for under-budgeting problems.

Home improvements are always more expensive than you originally estimate. They usually take a lot longer to finish than estimated too. This means homeowners regularly go 20-30% over their budgets, which can leave them in a world of financial hurt.

To protect yourself, be very conservative when figuring out how much of a remodeling job you can afford. Assume costs will go over estimates and make sure you can handle that additional financial burden.

3. Don’t turn your home into something it isn’t.

Make sure to take the style and design of your house into consideration when you plan remodeling projects. An ultra-modern bathroom with concrete countertops and stainless steel cabinets is going to look a little odd in a Victorian house.

Changes that don’t match the style of the home will be a big turnoff to potential buyers down the road. This is particularly true with historical homes; people want the original details. They’re a big part of what gives those older homes their appeal and value.

4. Don’t do it yourself if you’re not qualified.

There are plenty of projects that do-it-yourselfers can handle, but when it comes to big remodeling jobs, you’re better off letting a pro take care of it unless you’re experienced at both design and construction. Due to inexperience, amateurs end up doing sloppy jobs, and that’s something that devalues the house when it’s time to sell. Even worse, you may find out half way through the job that you’ve screwed something up big time and you need to hire a pro to fix it. Then you’ll not only have to pay the cost of the job, but you’ll have to pay extra for your own mistakes.

5. Don’t take on unnecessary renovations.

If you’re remodeling at least in part to increase the value of your home for when you sell it, don’t bother with projects that won’t recoup their cost (and there aren’t many major remodels that do). If you’re selling your home, fix anything that’s broken and do simple (and economical) cosmetic jobs. Let the future homeowner spend the big money.

Of course, if you’re remodeling to turn your home into your dream home and you want to live there for a long time to come, then you can make any changes that make sense to you. Just don’t think of remodeling as a financial investment; think of it as an investment in improving your lifestyle.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The 34 Principles Of An ExtraOrdinary Home

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Planning to remodel or build soon? Want to have an ExtraOrdinary Home? One that goes way beyond the norm in your neighborhood but doesn t blow your budget? Use these 34 home design principles as you plan your next remodeling or building project, and you ll be on your way toward creating a home that s truly beyond the ordinary!

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Planning to remodel or build soon? Want to have an ExtraOrdinary Home? One that goes way beyond the norm in your neighborhood but doesn t blow your budget? We started collecting over 1,000 uncommon, affordable convenience built-ins in 1998, when we first began writing books and consulting to help people have truly extraordinary but affordable homes. And by the time we d found the first 200 features, these 34 home design principles became obvious. Use them as you plan your next remodeling or building project, and you ll be on your way toward creating a home that s truly beyond the ordinary!

An ExtraOrdinary Home

can be affordable.

provides a healthy environment.

is a safe environment.

accommodates the needs of people of all ages and physical limitations.

incorporates efficiencies that save steps and/or time.

protects the belongings of its owners.

minimizes harm from external threats such as pests, fire, flooding, terrorism, chemical attacks, etc.

minimizes the risk of intruders or vandals entering and/or doing damage.

is quiet.

facilitates communication.

provides physical comfort.

is chock-full of everyday conveniences.

has an abundance of natural light.

has adequate and appropriately varied lighting systems and fixtures.

has adequate and accessible electrical outlets, and switches of the appropriate types.

is safe when the power goes out.

is easy to maintain.

minimizes unnecessary wear and tear of its components.

helps its inhabitants stay organized.

minimizes clutter by providing adequate storage for all its inhabitants’ belongings.

has storage space that’s appropriate for all its stored items.

offers storage near where the stored items will be used.

enables storage of frequently-used items in easy-to-reach locations.

minimizes wasted space and utilizes spaces that are otherwise unused.

allows maximum access to everything in it.

facilitates traffic flow.

enables unnecessary items to be out of sight or out of the way.

has features that make moving people and things within it easy.

is energy and water efficient.

can accommodate new technology as it becomes available.

has living areas and features that can serve simultaneous multiple purposes.

has living areas and features that can be modified as its residents’ needs change.

is enjoyable for visitors and overnight guests.

is a safe and comfortable place for living with cats and dogs.

Like this article? Then you ll love our book with the same title that includes over 175 uncommon, affordable convenience built-ins that increase your quality of life and your home s resale value! We also offer a free version of this book at The 34 ExtraOrdinary Home Principles: Over 70 Fabulous, Affordable, Innovative Ideas That ll Improve Your Life and WOW You!

Copyright 2005 by Carol Abrahamson/ExtraOrdinary Homes. All rights reserved.