Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits Of Maid Service

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Today s families are busier than ever. When both parents work outside the house and the kids need to get to after school activities and sports events, housework never seems to get done. More and more families are considering using a maid service to keep their homes clean and comfortable. However, is it really safe to use a maid service? How do you hire the right service for your family?

If you use a bit of caution, hiring a maid service is extremely safe. Before you give a…

maid service

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Today s families are busier than ever. When both parents work outside the house and the kids need to get to after school activities and sports events, housework never seems to get done. More and more families are considering using a maid service to keep their homes clean and comfortable. However, is it really safe to use a maid service? How do you hire the right service for your family?

If you use a bit of caution, hiring a maid service is extremely safe. Before you give anyone a key to your home, always insist on meeting him or her in person. However, even if you feel like this person is nice and very trustworthy, you should also be sure that the service is bonded. Many cleaning services also have insurance to cover accidents or re-keying services. This helps you make sure that if the maid accidentally leaves a faucet running or loses your key, you will be covered financially. After all, even the best cleaning service can have an off day and accidents do happen.

Once you are sure the cleaning service you are considering is adequately prepared for any liability issues and hires trustworthy employees, it is time to sign a contract, right? Well, actually, it is a bit too soon for that. Ask for a few references and give them a call. Be sure the cleaning service shows up on time and ask each reference how he or she feels about the skill of the cleaner. A good cleaning service will elicit responses such as I didn t know my house could get this clean or Even my trash cans smell good now from an enthusiastic reference.

Now that you know the cleaning service does a good job for other people, it is time to give the maid you will be using a try. Ask for a trial cleaning to be sure you are satisfied. Some cleaning services object to doing this because homeowners who don t have their homes cleaned regularly ask a company for a trial cleaning without planning to actually have their homes cleaned on a weekly basis. If this is the case, ask if they can suggest a way for you to be sure that the cleaning service meets your needs without signing a contract. Perhaps the company will write a clause in the contract offering a two week trial basis during which either party can end the contract without a penalty.

Finally, when you use a maid service, be sure that you respect your cleaning person. After all, this is the person who sees your home at its worst each week and helps it regain its sparkle and polish so that you can be proud of the way it looks.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits of Installing a Ceiling Medallion

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This article offers several reasons why adding a decorative ceiling medallion to your room. Ceiling medallions are a subtle addition which will bring a subtle but beautiful change to any ceiling or light fixture.

ceiling medallion, ceiling texture, do it yourself, plaster

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A ceiling medallion is probably not the first thing you think of when you think of classing up a room. Everyone is remodeling these days, and the reason this remodeling trend has taken America by storm is because people are seeking to make something old have a new stylish look. Refurbishing a house is also a good way to be economical. If you redo the house you already own, it is usually cheaper and a better idea than buying a new house. A stylish look is one of the benefits of installing a decorative ceiling medallion. Another benefit of installing a ceiling medallion is to mask flaws or imperfections that may exist in a ceiling, especially if the ceiling is older. One final benefit to adding a decorative ceiling medallion is that while it adds value and style to your ceiling they can be inexpensive.

One of the most beneficial effects of installing a ceiling medallion would be that it can totally change the appearance of a drab or older style ceiling. Even when you have installed a beautiful light fixture to change up a room, many times, a decorative ceiling medallion can really make a difference. It helps to add a finishing touch to that chandelier you just installed. To make sure the medallion gives the type of look you want it to, always take the room, surroundings, and fixture you ve chosen. You do not want your medallion to be too elaborate for your ceiling, but at the same, if your ceiling can handle an elaborate medallion, you want to pick something that will do your ceiling justice.

Another great aspect of installing a ceiling medallion is that it can really be a simple cover up that can help hide any imperfections that may exist in the ceiling. Small imperfections in the ceiling that seem insignificant, yet are still noticeable can be hidden by installing a decorative ceiling medallion. When choosing a ceiling medallion in order to cover up a flaw in the ceiling, you must take into account the size of the flaw you are attempting to hide. If it is small, you can basically choose any type of medallion. If you have a larger flaw, make sure you are choosing a medallion that will cover up the problem, yet still goes with your ceiling.

One final advantageous aspect of installing a decorative ceiling medallion is that it can be very inexpensive for the value and positive changes it can bring to a room. Ceiling medallions can be purchased for as low as $35. Prices range from $35 to $500, or more. Of course, you can find outrageously expensive medallions, but for a trivial amount of money, you can purchase an elegant ceiling medallion and change the way your room and light fixtures look.

A ceiling medallion is definitely not the most noticeable feature of a room, but everything is in the details. A decorative ceiling medallion is a feature that will stand out when someone is noticing the details of a room. It is pieces like this that pull the style of a room together and make an overall great impression. There are several aspects of choosing a medallion that are very positive. They can class up a ceiling, hide noticeable flaws, and are relatively inexpensive. Keeping these things in mind, installing a ceiling medallion can be a terrific option to renovate and rejuvenate any room in your house where you wish to make a change.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits Of Having A Proper Home Ventilation System

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A home ventilation system brings in fresh air from outside and drives away the polluted, stale air from inside, thereby ensuring a healthy living condition for the inmates of the house. It also helps to keep the humidity levels under check, that is, within the moderate 30-50%.

The air inside your house is often over-used, because fresh air gets in only when you open doors or windows. Since today s homes are made more energy efficient, indoor air quality deteriorates and ho…

air carrier central conditioner, air buying central conditioning

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A home ventilation system brings in fresh air from outside and drives away the polluted, stale air from inside, thereby ensuring a healthy living condition for the inmates of the house. It also helps to keep the humidity levels under check, that is, within the moderate 30-50%.

The air inside your house is often over-used, because fresh air gets in only when you open doors or windows. Since today s homes are made more energy efficient, indoor air quality deteriorates and homes get suffocated soon. And because natural air-flow is restricted, these homes have to struggle hard to breathe.

Today s common tendency to conserve energy directly affects the indoor pollution levels in a home. Without enough home ventilation, the pollutants keep growing and start gaining denser concentration. There are many origins to these pollutants and some of these like molds give more trouble if the humidity levels are high in the house. So this is another problem which might arise from insufficient ventilation in the home.

In a home where the humidity levels are pretty high, the mold, mildew and rot can spell total disaster. If mold spreads all over the house, the consequent damage control can burn a hole in your pocket and in extreme cases, might make the entire house unlivable as well.

Dust mites are yet another problem with having high humidity levels in a house. These are quite regular in households, but they flourish more in a humid environment. So you might take this under serious consideration if you or anyone in your home suffers from dust mite allergies.

Low humidity levels are no consolation either. They often result in nasal irritation, throat problems and dry skins. Moreover, woods shrink and crack in low humidity. So this can even take its toll on your hardwood flooring they can make creaky noises when you walk on. The most obvious symptom of low humidity is static electricity.

To give your dear ones a healthy living condition, you can start with a proper home ventilation system precisely because it s highly essential and is not hard to achieve.

The most significant parts of a home ventilation system are air exchangers, ventilators for heat recovery, exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen, dryer vents, ventilation fans for the attic, and vents for the crawl space and attic.

In the absence of proper home ventilation, these are some of the pollutants that can creep in and grow in your house mold spores, dust mites, pollen, lead, pesticides, pet dander, tobacco smoke, household chemicals, paints, solvents, cleaning supplies etc.

Without sufficient home ventilation, you may also face problems with the carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and soot given out from gadgets and heating systems that run on fuel.

There are some very important health benefits to home ventilation too. Allergy and asthma symptoms are greatly checked along with other respiratory problems and diseases that are widespread among people nowadays.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits Of Cedar In Outdoor Furniture

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Adirondack chairs can be made out of just about any wood or even plastic. So why choose cedar? Firstly, cedar is a naturally beautiful wood for many reasons (which we describe below), as well as being incredibly durable and versatile, which is why it is used to construct everything from siding to decks to furniture and even roofing shingles. The natural preservative oils and characteristic smell of cedar also make it very insect and rot resistant.

Cedar is not a very dense…

adirondack chairs, adirondack furniture, chaise lounge, cedar furniture, loveseat, plus size

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Adirondack chairs can be made out of just about any wood or even plastic. So why choose cedar? Firstly, cedar is a naturally beautiful wood for many reasons (which we describe below), as well as being incredibly durable and versatile, which is why it is used to construct everything from siding to decks to furniture and even roofing shingles. The natural preservative oils and characteristic smell of cedar also make it very insect and rot resistant.

Cedar is not a very dense wood, making it one of the lightest softwoods available. Cedar also boasts an incredible thermal co-efficient. That means that the little tiny “air pockets” between the cells of the wood end up acting as an insulator when the wood is dry. If it is hot outside, for example, cedar will remain at a lower temperature than most other materials that conduct heat with more efficiency (e.g. other hardwoods, metals and some plastics). The result is a cooler chair to sit on. And don’t forget, because it is a lightweight wood it will be easier for you to move it around (and store it away) than a heavy hardwood chair.

Even though cedar is a lightweight wood you will not be sacrificing strength. It is a full 80% the strength of mighty OAK! That’s tough!

Cedar also has amazing dimensional stability. More simply put, cedar naturally tries to equalize its moisture content to match that of the air around it, like all woods. However, unlike many other woods, cedar does not expand or contract very much when it is absorbing or evaporating moisture. This is very important because while other harder, denser woods will tend to crack or warp from season to season, cedar tends not to crack or warp. If you live in an area where humidity levels can vary wildly between seasons, cedar is a must for you.

Cedar has a very low flame-spreading ratio and is low on the “smoke developed” scale when burning as well. This means that it doesn’t spread fire as fast nor produce as much smoke as some other types of wood.

Finally, cedar is very decay and weather resistant. If you leave the furniture outside you have the option of either staining it every year or two if you want to maintain its fresh new look, or allowing it to age gracefully into a beautiful silvery gray color. If you choose to leave cedar permanently outside through all of the seasons, every day, every month, every year, we highly recommend treating it to protect the furniture properly and greatly extend its natural life. After all, cedar is resistant to decay but is not impervious to it. No wood is impervious to natural aging. Staining cedar just gives it an extra durability edge against Mother Nature, especially if it is left in constant contact with the ground.

Good quality cedar outdoor furniture can be found many places on the internet. The best quality, however, is carried by the Iowa Adirondack Company. We invite you to stop by and take a look at the wide selection of some of the prettiest most well made Adirondack furniture online today.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits Of A Hepa Air Filter

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According to studies, a Hepa air filter can remove up to 99.97% of harmful airborne particles, including dust and dust mites, mold spores, pet dander and other allergens. In addition to regular cleaning and home maintenance, the use of a Hepa air filter can aid in reducing the quantities of allergens in the air. Because of it s ability, a Hepa air filter is commonly found in most air purification units.

An air purifier is typically portable and compact, which makes them id…

hepa air filter

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According to studies, a Hepa air filter can remove up to 99.97% of harmful airborne particles, including dust and dust mites, mold spores, pet dander and other allergens. In addition to regular cleaning and home maintenance, the use of a Hepa air filter can aid in reducing the quantities of allergens in the air. Because of it s ability, a Hepa air filter is commonly found in most air purification units.

An air purifier is typically portable and compact, which makes them ideal for moving from one room to another. Because they are also inexpensive, most individuals purchase more than one Hepa air filter purification unit.

Hepa air filter purifiers are believed to prevent snoring due to their ability to remove allergens in the air. When an individual has difficulty breathing, which is often a result of allergies, they may be more likely to snore during the night. If a Hepa air filter is used, it is possible that the dramatic reduction in airborne allergens will prevent congestion and thereby eliminate snoring.

Many individuals, who do not necessarily suffer from allergies, simply wake up feeling congested and stuffy. This may be a result of having little or no air circulating in the room, which can be corrected with the use of a Hepa air filter. If you have a smoker in the house, these portable air purifiers can work miracles and filtering the smoke.

A Hepa air filter purifier can be purchased at most retail stores and is typically found in the housewares department. In addition, Hepa air filter units and replacement cartridges are widely available online. It is important to remember that filters must be changed regularly in order to maintain the air quality. Each manufacturer will recommend a time that the filter should be changed, which should be followed precisely. Otherwise, the air quality may diminish due to a dirty filter cartridge. If the replacement cartridges are difficult to find, they can usually be ordered directly from the manufacturer. If they are no longer produced, it may be necessary to upgrade to a new and improved Hepa air filter system.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice. Individuals with mild to severe allergies should not use a Hepa air filter as their sole method of treatment, but rather should consult their physician for proper diagnosis and the need for any additional treatment.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Beauty Of Remodeling

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

You enter a narrow corridor. Flanking the walls are two glass-paneled cabinets. The air is still. The path is stark. You perceive a wider space at the end of the hall. The effect is almost ethereal. But something must be changed, according to the request of the owner of the house.

The architect found it amusing that he was essentially remodeling his own work. Just as well, he contended, because this was a project he had done years before, and he candidly admits that as the…


To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
You enter a narrow corridor. Flanking the walls are two glass-paneled cabinets. The air is still. The path is stark. You perceive a wider space at the end of the hall. The effect is almost ethereal. But something must be changed, according to the request of the owner of the house.

The architect found it amusing that he was essentially remodeling his own work. Just as well, he contended, because this was a project he had done years before, and he candidly admits that as the years go by, aside from the fading of colors, tastes change, and trends evolve, too. He said that it is natural to find what we once thought as cutting edge to be outdated years later.

That is what remodeling is all about. People do not just merely want to remodel their house just because they have to. There are instances wherein remodeling is deemed necessary because some people thought that they wanted something new, something that would create a new aura around the house.

Surveys show that the average American households are inclined to remodel their houses after 10 to 20 years has elapsed. There are times that the house still looks good as new but because the house owners wanted remodeling, everything was changed.

So when people want to modify. Rectify, enhance, or simply replace, or correct anything that is wrong with the house, they could always seek the help of a person who knows what remodeling is all about.

The Impression it Creates

In remodeling, there are times that people wanted to make use of neglected space on the ground floor. With this process, you can even extend the living area up to the outside garden.

Remodeling can also add cleaner lines and illusion of space. And if you want to structurally place the house in a complete change, the walls has to be knocked down, alter the layout, and modify the roof and fa ade. Even the location of the stairs can be changed.

Here is a list of the things that you can change while on the process of remodeling:

1. Windows

Opting for bigger windows is a good idea. If you think that your house needs remodeling, try to consider changing your windows into bigger outlines that would enable the entry of more light and establish picturesque sights.

2. Roof

Create an illusion of a bigger space by lifting the roof.

3. Add-ons

Remodel the whole house by adding some embellishments at the front. You can even add an obscured entrance for a more dramatic effect.

4. Landscaping

Through this process, you can inevitably create a more panoramic view by adding some trees on the pathway. Landscaping is usually taken into account if you want to create an illusion of nature s touch or simply to alter the focal point of the house.

5. Fa ade

You can change the look of your house s fa ade by changing the height of your deck, porch, or veranda. If your house lacks some of it at the front, try to build one. The look will be very enticing to look at.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that the designer or the architect s attention to the details should not be lost all throughout the house. With remodeling, the theme of the house should go with the furnitures to be used and the colors to be embedded at every wall, adding richness and opulence to an otherwise subdued modern home.

The point here is that remodeling should bring back the pieces of the house in such a way that it creates new dimensions and disciplined illusions of artistic and creative construction. That is simply the beauty of remodeling.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Beauty Of Hardwood Floors

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There are homes that adopt a modern look and, therefore, use modern materials and designs.

hardwood floor, hardwood floors

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There are homes that adopt a modern look and, therefore, use modern materials and designs. They may look a little futuristic and metallic, using only the finest concrete, steel, or fiber glass available. However, there are also those homes that stick to the conventional way of building; that is, by using wood. And for purists like these, hardwood floors are almost always a staple.

What is it about hardwood floors that never go out of style no matter how the times and interior design principles change? Hardwood floors offer a kind of natural sturdiness and reliability that cannot be found in most home building materials. Sure, concrete is great, but nothing beats a well finished hardwood floor to get that truly natural touch.

Hardwood floors are pretty expensive compared to most types of wood. However, they last a whole lot longer with proper care. The types of wood for such are oak and maple, but if you’re under a budget, you might want to work with the latter, as oak woods are relatively expensive.

Having a hardwood floor in your home is an investment, but it is a one-time expenditure. This means you shell out a large amount only once because all you have to do is make sure the floor is clean and its finish its intact to for the next generations to benefit from it. Diligent waxing will do; so will constant cleaning.

But, perhaps, the best benefit you can obtain from hardwood floors is the natural look. You see, concrete gives off this cramped and stuffy atmosphere. But if you see wood in your home, you won’t feel as trapped. Another is that no two hardwood floors are exactly alike. Because they come from a living thing, you are assured that each plank is unique.

You can’t help but admire the history of each hardwood floor plank, and that’s, perhaps, why it is comparatively pricey. If you want your home to have this rich old-house feel, use hard wood for your flooring. Surely, as human beings, we want some semblance of nature in our surroundings to keep us sane. Too much artificial building materials might seem ho-hum in the long run.

Finally, in order to enjoy the full benefits of hardwood floors, proper care must be employed. They should be cleaned out constantly and maintained with waxing and refinishings to protect their quality. Hardwood floors, because they are organic, can decay if left unattended. But if treated well, hard wood can last a lifetime, or five.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Bathroom Makeover: Boost Your Home’s Resale on a Tight Budget

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One truism in real estate holds: the resale value of one of the most important rooms in a home, is that of the bathroom. A bathroom can be a deal breaker for many sales. These days, with the housing market on rocky grounds, and with home sellers reluctant to dish out thousands into up-scale, expensive renovations, there’s a fresh eye looking to the cheaper and less time consuming option of refurbishment.

Bathroom, Home Repair, Home Improvement, Bathroom Repair, Interior Decorating

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One truism in real estate holds: the resale value of one of the most important rooms in a home, is that of the bathroom. A bathroom can be a deal breaker for many sales. These days, with the housing market on rocky grounds, and with home sellers reluctant to dish out thousands into up-scale, expensive renovations, there’s a fresh eye looking to the cheaper and less time consuming option of refurbishment.

Refurbishing involves making use of what you already have in a bathroom. Beginning first with the walls. A great way to spruce up and liven up any space, including the bathroom, is with a fresh coast of paint. You’ll want to choose a color that ties in the new look and feel of your bathroom- something that’ll keep the space light and bright and welcoming.

If you have older bathroom cupboards that are looking somewhat down trodden you might consider re-surfacing them. If they are wood, you might also re-stain them. Another consideration is to paint over the existing surface. In this case, you’ll want to make sure you use the appropriate base of paint, and that you’ve properly treated, or sanded the cupboards before hand. You can then add new hardware to your re-surfaced cupboards. This punctuation will help update the look and feel of your bathroom.

Replacing the existing counter-top can be a great way to modernize your bathroom, and usually as there’s little counter space in a bathroom this will not set you back that much. Granite, or granite looking countertops are universally popular, appealing and are easy to fit into many different decorating schemes.

If you can’t seem to fit your existing lavender sink, bathtub and toilet ( circa 1965) into your modern refurbishment, you might want to consider replacing these fixtures. Otherwise, you can try to work around these retro elements and tie everything else back into them. The later, will of course be the cheaper way to go, although it may present more of a design challenge. But, set a budget and see how creative you can be with your financial limitations.

Some other important details to attend to are the vanity, the lighting fixtures and the floor. You might consider re-placing all of these, or if you’re on a tighter budget think about re-vitalizing them.

Accessorizing once you’ve re-established the bones of your bathroom, can be great fun. Here, you can really tie everything into your “new” bathroom. Think about adding some color coordinated plush towels and designer soaps. You might also find some nice photographs to have framed and then carefully hang them. Also new window treatments and a shower curtain can work wonders to pull everything together.

There’s truly so much possible with any space, and within any budget. So don’t hesitate to put your creative energies into a bathroom refurbishment that’ll surely boost the resale value of your home.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Basic Kitchen Plans

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The efficient u-shape plan is versatile and usually puts one’s workstation on each of three walls. The pros of this are great storage and counter space on three sides that maximize efficiency but this is not the best plans for entertaining or for accommodating multiple cooks. Major traffic jams in the kitchen!

kitchen refurbishing, kitchens, kitchen refitting

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The efficient u-shape plan is versatile and usually puts one’s workstation on each of three walls. The pros of this are great storage and counter space on three sides that maximize efficiency but this is not the best plans for entertaining or for accommodating multiple cooks. Major traffic jams in the kitchen!

Another thing to consider is you have to have the basic 8×8 foot space and anything less won’t provide the minimum 4 feet work space that is recommended for the center of the room. In a large kitchen for maximum efficiency, locate one workstation in a freestanding island.

The L-shape plan allows two workstations on one wall and the third on an adjacent wall. This layout is much more efficient concerning space than the U-shape plan especially if the main workstations are located close to the bend of the L. The L-shaped plan is not well suited for small kitchen spaces and you need to allow enough open counter space between the two workstations that share the same wall. This is at least four feet.

Other things to consider is the arrangement of the workstations which are critical. The work needs to flow from the refrigerator to the sink and then to the stove cooktop and serving area. An ideal eating nook is the area opposite the bend of the L.

The island plan is a popular design because it features a freestanding workstation usually including the sink or stovetop. This is a wonderful plan for large kitchens where the work triangle exceeds the twenty-six foot rule that dictates that for maximum efficiency. Island plans are not well suited in kitchens where two work stations must be on opposite walls. The island is a convenient location for specialty countertops such as butcher block for chopping veggies or marble for rolling out those delectable desserts. Another idea is a rolling island which can roll outside to your patio or deck when entertaining guest. When one end of the island is anchored to a wall or line of cabinets, this is called a peninsula plan. The peninsula kitchen packs all the versatility of island but does not require as much space. Like islands, the peninsula plan gives the cook a workstation and a view into another room rather than just toward a wall. After meal preparation, a peninsula can double as a serving buffet or bar.

The one wall plan is normally seen in smaller homes, vacation homes and apartments. This floor plan is definitely the most space saving but is least efficient for the cook. Normally there is a door at each end which translates into lots of through traffic. This can create quite a few problems as well as frustration for the cook. One wall kitchens work better when the sink is in the center beside the refrigerator and the stovetop. If you have the space, allow four feet of counter space on each side of the sink.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Basics of Solar Power For Your Home

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Solar power is an alternative energy source with tremendous economic and environmental benefits. If you re considering it for your home, here are the basics.

solar, home, basics, power, net metering

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Solar power is an alternative energy source with tremendous economic and environmental benefits. If you re considering it for your home, here are the basics.

Sunning Your Home

Put simply, solar power works by converting free sunlight into usable energy. This process involves using photovoltaic tiles or platforms to capture the energy inherent in sunlight. The photovoltaic materials consist of positive and negative slices of material, often silicone, that react to the sun. As the sunlight hits these cells, the energy slices off negatively charged ions. This creates a magnetic field, a form of energy. The energy is then captured in small wires, which forms an electric current. The wires are connected to an inverter. The inverter converts the energy into a usable power source.

The beauty of solar power is it is a free source of energy. Historically, the cost of capturing and maintaining solar power wasn t cheap, but this has changed dramatically in the last ten years. Systems are now much more efficient, with the total cost usually involved in the purchase and installation. Depending on the system, there is almost no maintenance cost and most systems have a 40 or 50 year life span. Not bad, eh?

Going solar is also more attractive now because of laws passed by numerous states. Initially, homeowners can get a tax rebate for installing solar. On top of this, more than half of the states now mandate a concept known as net metering.

Net metering is all about saving tons of money on your utilities. Essentially, you are now allowed to sell power back to the utility companies at the same price they charge you. With solar power, this means you can simply feed your system into the utility grid during the day and then use regular energy at night. Since your utility meter runs backwards, this effectively means you will dramatically reduce, if not eliminate, your electricity bills. This process alone can save you thousands of dollars a year and $40,000 to $100,000 over the life of the system, depending on your typical monthly bills. With such savings, you can see why solar power is becoming more attractive.

When it comes to solar power, the question isn t whether you should use it. The real question is why you aren t using it already!