Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Consequences of Improperly Pitched Gutters

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Improperly pitched gutters that are pitched away from the wall with even a slight gap is the equivalent of having no gutter whatsoever and you will face similar problems. However if you have improperly pitched gutters that cause all the rain water to collect in one area, this rainwater is then likely to run down one area of the wall.

Improperly Pitched Gutters, pitch gutters, gutters, downspouts

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The power of the rain.

When it starts raining outside an incredible amount of water beats down on the roof of your house. Your house principally does the job of protecting your house and everything in it from this rain. Most roofs are sloped in order that the water can run off and prevent heavy collections of rainwater gathering in pockets all over the roof. If this were to happen the roof can become severely damaged and eventually holes will form where the rainwater once was (it would now be underneath the hole that has formed).

The damage that rainwater can cause.

If left to it s own devices the rain water would run down the sloped roof and subsequently continue to pour down the wall of the house passing over window frames, windows, door frames, doors and possibly onto the damp proofing at the bottom of the house. Here it would collect in puddles that would take a long time to evaporate. All in all this would cause damage to the structure of your house, it can rot away wooden window and door frames and cause cracks in paving amongst other problems. During winter this damage does not take long to manifest itself and can cause further damage itself.

What drainpipes do.

The gutter and down pipes are there to prevent this from occurring. They collect the rainwater once it has reached the end of its descent. From there the slight slope in the guttering will encourage the rain water into the down pipe, subsequently carrying it down into the drain and safely away.

The effects of improperly pitched gutters.

The effect of having improperly pitched gutters can have a similar effect, and in some cases it can be even worse. Improperly pitched gutters that are pitched away from the wall with even a slight gap is the equivalent of having no gutter whatsoever and you will face similar problems. However if you have improperly pitched gutters that cause all the rain water to collect in one area, this rainwater is then likely to run down one area of the wall.

Instead of all the rainwater from one day or one week being spread over the whole wall it is now being concentrated in just one area. The power of the water can erode the brickwork and the cement work causing serious structural damage and internal damp and rot. Both of these occurrences will cost you a lot more to right than having your drainpipe fixed or even having your improperly pitched gutters completely ripped down and replaced.

The dire consequences of improperly pitched gutters.

Improperly pitched gutters can end up costing you a very large amount of money and it is important that you regularly check that everything is running smoothly. You can easily tell whether a gutter is pitched properly by watching when it rains. However, you should have it checked regularly when you have your roof checked to make sure that the water isn t running back into the roof because this will also cause serious damage and it is difficult to tell unless you know what you are looking for.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Changing Face Of DIY Stores

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Do it yourself has changed the way we look at our home to the extent that the small hardware stores have become huge DIY concerns.

diy, stores, b and q, home, depot, hardware, hobby, hobbies, garden, do, it, yourself, house, repair, retail, shop, bathroom, leisure,

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DIY stores have changed massively over the last 20yrs. In fact the very Term DIY did not have the same impact to our lives then, as it does now. Back then when you visited your local hardware store, you spoke to the hardware man over a counter, I say man deliberately, who would then walk into their stores area, try to find your requirements from a very limited choice. Now modern DIY stores are all self selection, contain up to 20,000 lines in stock, covering just about every subject and tools, and you’re just as likely to be served by teenagers, pensioners, male or female than the perceived hardware man.
This change has not just occurred by accident, but to adjust to peoples needs over the years. Now more people than ever own his or her own home, there is a greater need to be different and to have a home to be proud of and of course DIY has become a national hobby.

Labour costs can now outweigh the cost of the products; in fact many prices of some products are actually cheaper than 10yrs ago, yet labour charges have increased several times over. When you consider the differences its not surprising that many more of us are attracted to saving our hard earned money by doing it ourselves. There is a more subtle change though. That is, DIY is now ruled by the female gender. Large organisations now understand that it is the ladies who make most of the decisions relating to the home and this is shown constantly in its customer base. In fact DIY is now a fashion business, with even top fashion designers, designing wallpapers and specific paint colours. The stores are set up to complete a project; say a bathroom or living room. Not just the paint but also the matching wallpaper, rug, furniture, pictures and accessories.

Of course we see our gardens as an extension of our home now also. Plastic furniture is being replaced with wood and aluminum and the barbeque has grown in size to feed the whole street.
Plants are also colour coordinated, and designed to a specific plan that compliments the outside of the home.

They say our home is our castle, but it is now more than that. We now aim for our homes to be our palaces, a place to live our lives to the full, and it seems the DIY store is a favorite place to achieve that.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The big surprise with a Sectional sofa.

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The big surprise with a Sectional sofa.

sectional sofa,sofa,furniture,design,interior,living room,

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Have you ever had a sectional sofa in your home? If not you are in for a big surprise. The sectional sofa that you can decorate your family living area with is one that is going to complete your style. You can find a sectional sofa that uses plants, animals, that is a solid color that will be made of stripes and even a sectional sofa that will be customized to match your drapes.

The sectional sofa is one that will be connected, connecting many seating areas in the home into one long area. The sectional sofa is one that can complete the home, giving all the family a place to sit, and that will be comfortable at the same time. Sectional sofas are now available for purchase online, and you can have them shipped directly to your home without delay. No need to go shopping and waste your gas, you can look at, review the photos, and find the materials that are going to meet your every expectation online.

The sectional sofa of your dreams can be found online. What you need to do is measure the wall where you are going to be putting the sectional sofa. The measurements will be how long of a space you have. The space should match the size of the sectional you are purchasing. What you need to be careful of is that you have wall that is just eight foot long, and the sofa is ten foot long. Measure and re-measure so you are sure that the couch is going to fit along the wall where you want it to fit. The sectional sofa is one that can be connected to a centerpiece that will then connect to another portion of the couch.

You can purchase a sectional couch that will be six foot, eight foot, ten foot and even up to sixteen foot long if you would like. Sectional sofas are designed to save space, and to create a huge feeling in that living space that you are decorating. Avoid using additional couches, loveseats or additional recliners with the sectional sofa that you purchase so you are maximizing your space in that living area. The living area that you want to decorate is going to be complete with the use of an end table or a corner table of the same type of material. You can often times purchase the corner table or the coffee table at the same time if you would like.
You can find more info about sectional sofa on

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Best Way to Clean a Granite Countertop – Inexpensively!

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Figuring out the best way to clean a granite countertop that you ve sunk a great deal of money into can keep one up nights!

kitchen remodeling, countertops, home improvement,housekeeping

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Figuring out the best way to clean a granite countertop that you ve sunk a great deal of money into can keep one up nights! Well, put your mind at rest. We know exactly what you need to do to keep that investment in peak condition without costing you an arm and a leg! So read on to learn the best way to clean a granite countertop.

Despite the seemingly hundreds of products claiming to be the best way to clean a granite countertop, the truly best (and cheapest!) way is right in your home! Just grab that bottle of isopropyl rubbing alcohol and you re halfway to the cleanest, shiniest, and, yes, best way to clean a granite countertop.

Many cleaning supply retailers may claim the best way to clean a granite countertop employs the use of harsh chemicals. Not so! To clean any kind of stone product, it s smart to use a product with a neutral pH. Cleaners that contain acidic ingredients, including vinegar, can cause scratching and even deep etches.

Alcohol, on the other hand, with a pH of around 7.0, is one of two ingredients needed for the best way to clean a granite countertop. The other? Good, old-fashioned liquid dishwashing detergent. When you add a few drops of say, Dawn dishwashing detergent to a quarter-cup of alcohol, then fill the rest of a quart-size spray bottle with water, you ve got yourself the best way to clean a granite countertop for only a few, measly cents. Compare that to the $5 or $6 you ll pay for those expensive (and potentially damaging) products that you ve mistakenly thought to be the best way to clean a granite countertop.

Other things to keep in mind for the best way to clean a granite countertop include maintenance and prevention. Maintain your beautiful stone by blotting spills immediately and then deep cleaning weekly with your homemade alcohol/dish soap solution. Prevent damaging your stone by avoiding placing anything acidic directly on it, which includes tomatoes, oranges, lemons, limes, or grapefruit. The juices of these food products are particularly damaging.

Now that you know the best way to clean a granite countertop, relax! So don t let it keep you up nights any longer. You re empowered! You ve got the best way to clean a granite countertop under control now. So for heaven s sake get some sleep!

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Best Things About Log Cabin Kits

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

For people who wish to experience the goodness of living in a country-style home, they could easily resort to log cabins. These types of homes provide the kind of comfort and style that is totally different from the city.

One of the best things about building and using log cabins is that these types of homes provide inexpensive means of having a reliable and durable dwelling.

Since its inception in the 18th century, log cabins have continuously been utilized as alternat…

log cabin kits, log cabin homes

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For people who wish to experience the goodness of living in a country-style home, they could easily resort to log cabins. These types of homes provide the kind of comfort and style that is totally different from the city.

One of the best things about building and using log cabins is that these types of homes provide inexpensive means of having a reliable and durable dwelling.

Since its inception in the 18th century, log cabins have continuously been utilized as alternatives to contemporary homes. These are especially utilized by people who wish to experience a more comfortable and more naturalistic way of living.

For this reason, many people are opting to build log cabins. However, most of the instruments and materials that are needed to build log cabins are often made available at quite a few diverse locations.

Therefore, as a substitute for finding and collecting the necessary materials from different places, log cabin kits are created to give you all the necessary materials and directions or manuals in just one package.

Buying log cabin kits will not only make your purchases easier and faster but it can also give you the chance to save more money because most of the materials that are bought individually would normally cost more.

With the proliferation of online shopping, you can easily find a workable log cabin kits in the Internet. The best thing about it is that log cabin kits that can be found online could provide better choice since you can easily compare and evaluate each kit first before deciding to buy the package.

Most of the log cabin kits are complete with materials and instruction manuals. Hence, you can easily start building your own log cabin. The only problem is that you still have to purchase your own additional materials for your electricity, water supply, and other features of your homes that are not normally included in log cabin kits.

Basically, a log cabin kit contains decks, exterior windows, interior roof framing, floor joints, roof framing, porch, logs, exterior doors, groove plywood floors, and floor joints. These materials are applicable whether you want to build a large or a small log cabin.

Advantages of Log Cabin Kits

Log cabin kits are not just built for the sake of having them. Log cabin kits are especially made to provide ready-made materials to log cabin aficionados who wish to build their own masterpiece. These log cabins provide many benefits that people will normally have a hard time acquiring when building their own home.

Here is a list of some of its advantages:

1. Complete package

As far as log cabin building is concerned, log cabin kits are complete with all the necessary materials. Each log cabin kit has its own instruction manual that consist of comprehensive directions in order to build the cabin correctly. It also contains the tools supply list that entails the additional materials necessary in building the log cabin.

Most of the log cabin kits also have the typical construction supplies such as beam hangers, nails, etc.

2. More savings

With log cabin kits, you can easily save more money because the materials are presented into one whole package. Buying these things separately will absolutely compel you to spend more because you do not only spend more money on the material but you also spend additional cost for the delivery and transportation.

Hence, you end up spending more than what you have planned. With log cabin kits, you can only spend in as little as $5,000. Additional expenses would only pertain to installation of electricity, plumbing, heating, and other lavishness.

3. Better quality materials

One of the best things about log cabin kits is that these kits usually contain the best kinds of logs. Most of the logs included in the log cabin kits are completely and naturally dried and patterned to the correct criteria. In contrast, most of the commercial establishments that offer logs would usually expedite the drying process, which, in turn, degrade the total quality of the logs.

4. User friendly

Log cabin kits are easier to use. In fact, because of its user-friendly features, almost anybody can build a log cabin.

Given all that, log cabin kits are definite advantage to most log cabin fanatics. All of these things will definitely make country-style living a great possibility.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Best Kept Secrets In Kitchen Designs

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It has often been said that the heart of the home is the kitchen. If that is really true, then why is it that some kitchen designs just don t seem to support more than one cook or guest at a time? You can turn your kitchen into a functional and beautiful workspace and gathering place for the entire family. Even if you have limited square footage, there just may be more room for expansion, storage, and oh yeah, cooking in your kitchen than you think.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Best Hot Water Portable Generator Revealed

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Camping is great, unless you have no portable hot water generator and you’re at a primitive campsite with no shower facilities. One of the most serviceable and easily portable hot water generators to resolve this problem and keep you, your family and all your dishes and camping equipment squeaky clean is

portable hot water generator

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Camping is great, unless you have no portable hot water generator and you’re at a primitive campsite with no shower facilities. One of the most serviceable and easily portable hot water generators to resolve this problem and keep you, your family and all your dishes and camping equipment squeaky clean is Hot Wash’s 4-Gallon Model# HW2104.

This unit is terrific at generating hot water for camping showers, dishwashing, or cleaning your motorcycle, boat or car outside your home.

You can plug this hot water portable generator into any standard 110-volt electric outlet, into a portable generator, or the inverter of a motor vehicle.

This handy generator has thermostatic controls with insulation that assure a high degree of efficiency and lots of great hot water. This lightweight portable (only 23 pounds) is easy as pie for one person to setup by her or himself. It can be used every day and still offers a limited six-year warranty on the tank and one-year warranty on the complete unit.

The capacity for this strong little tyke is four gallons of water. It can be mounted on your wall or your floor and it recovers 12 1/5 gallons of water each hour, at 130 degrees Fahrenheit. A relief valve is installed in this portable hot water generator, as well as NPT water connections of 1/2 inch. It has a 1500-watt capacity for heating water at a temperature range between 65 and 145 degrees.

This generator is UL listed and approved and retails at just under $300.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits of Water Coolers at Home or in the Office

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Water plays a major role in keeping your body healthy, and water coolers can give you safe and clean drinking water. A water cooler is a device that cools and dispenses water whenever you need it. Water coolers have become very popular these days, and you can find them in homes, offices, airports, malls, and many other places.

water, drinking water, water cooler, bottled water cooler, water dispenser, water purifier, water filter

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Water plays a major role in keeping your body healthy, and water coolers can give you safe and clean drinking water. A water cooler is a device that cools and dispenses water whenever you need it. Water coolers have become very popular these days, and you can find them in homes, offices, airports, malls, and many other places. They are also commonly called dispensers.

Wall mounted water cooler:

The wall mounted water cooler is the most common water cooler. Here, the cooler is connected to the water supply and electricity is used to run the refrigeration to cool the incoming water. The unused water can be disposed of in the building waste system. This kind of cooler usually has a container in the machine which holds the chilled water so that when you want some water, you just have to press the button which is on a spring loaded valve, and when it is released the water gets turned off. You do not have to wait for the water to come as it is already stored.

Bottled water coolers:

In the older version the water is used directly from the municipal water supply, but these days more emphasis is given on filtered water. The newer version has a free-standing design where bottled water is used. Here the bottle is placed spout down into the dispensing machine. These machines are of different sizes and vary from table units. The larger version can hold a bottle of up to 5 gallons. Depending on where it is needed, you can choose the most suitable size. For office use the larger one would be more suitable. The refrigeration function chills the water, but these units do not have a place to dump excess water, and only a small basin is there to catch minor spills.

There are coolers which have a second dispenser to deliver heated water that can be used for tea, hot chocolate, instant coffee, etc. They can be quite handy at a lot of places, be it at home or office. Water coolers are quite popular especially with the kids, as they simply love to have an icy cold drink. You also do not need to keep water in the refrigerator as you can always have chilled water whenever you want it. It works great in an outside-enclosed area, like a shop or shed as anybody can just help themselves to a refreshing drink. Large water bottles are readily available and are more economical than buying other drinks, as you just have to refill them when needed. Some bottled water companies even offer filtered drinking water coolers to their clients.

Advantages of filtered drinking water coolers over bottled water coolers:

The good thing about having filtered water coolers in offices is that companies can cut their overhead costs without giving up the quality of the amenities provided to their employees. They can cut the hassles of having individual bottles, and eliminate their administrative and drinking water costs by just investing on water coolers which can dramatically improve the taste and quality of their office drinking water. This is also more convenient as you can avoid the hassles of having bottled water deliveries once or twice per month and the possibility of running out of water. With filtered water coolers you can always rely on having a supply of water available.

So free yourself from the risk of any water infection with clean drinking water that is free of bacteria and algae, and get yourself a home water cooler! Enjoy a chilled glass of water on a hot day and a refreshing cup of tea in the morning to wake you up and prepare you for the day ahead.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits of Remodeling Your Kitchen

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

When we are interested in doing something, such as a home improvement project, there are many of us who are unsure what we should do, if we should even do anything at all. When it comes to deciding on a plan or a course of action, many individuals make the decision to focus on the good and the bad of the situation, this is most commonly referred to as the pros and the cons.

kitchen, remodeling, kitchen remodeling, pros, remodel, project, home, remodeling project, remodeling kitchen, whole, new, cons, value, having kitchen, portion, control, own, increase, interested, homeowner complete control,

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When we are interested in doing something, such as a home improvement project, there are many of us who are unsure what we should do, if we should even do anything at all. When it comes to deciding on a plan or a course of action, many individuals make the decision to focus on the good and the bad of the situation, this is most commonly referred to as the pros and the cons.

If you are thinking about remodeling your kitchen, you may be wondering what the plus side of doing so is, otherwise know as the pros. Well, if you are interested in remodeling your kitchen, you are in luck. There are an unlimited number of ways that you can benefit from having your kitchen remodeled.

Perhaps, the greatest pro or positive benefit to having your kitchen remodeled is the increase in your home s value. When it comes to kitchen remodeling and home values, you will find that, in most cases, a home s value increases with a remodeling project, including a kitchen remodeling project. Although a large number of homes see an increase in their value, thanks to a kitchen remodeling project, not all of them do.

Honestly, it all depends on the quality of the remodeling done. If a remodeling project is poor in quality or it may later lead to additional problems with the home, you will find that the value with not increase, but it might even decrease.

Another pro to remodeling your kitchen is the fact that you will, essentially, be getting a new kitchen. Although some homeowners choose to only remodel a small portion of their kitchen, others go right out and remodel the whole thing. Whether you make the decision to simply change your kitchen countertops and cabinets, or change your kitchen counters, cabinets, sink, oven, floor tiles, and wall paint, there is a good chance that your kitchen may appear as if it is a whole, brand new kitchen. As a homeowner, you may enjoy the change.

One of the many other pros to kitchen remodeling is one that you might not necessarily have thought of before. That pro is who can do the remodeling. As a homeowner, you have complete control over what you would like done, as well as who can do it. This means that if you would like to do your own kitchen remodeling, you can easy do so.

If you do not have the time or the skill needed to remodel your own kitchen, you could also hire a professional to do it for you. You also have complete control over who you hire to remodel your kitchen, as well as how much you want to pay. That is one of the many pros to having your kitchen remodeling, even if you can t do it yourself; there is someone else out there who can.

As previously mentioned, as a homeowner, you have complete control over what will and will not happen in your home. In addition to deciding whether or not you will do your own kitchen remodeling, you can also decide which type of remodeling is done. If you need to fix a few repairs, you could easily remodel only a portion of your kitchen, but if you would like a whole new look, you could remodel your whole kitchen; the decision is yours to make.

You can also decide how you would like each portion of your kitchen remodeled. For instance, if you are interested in replacing your kitchen counter, you can easily find and choose the new materials, supplies, and designs that you want to use. The choice that you have is just one of the many pros to kitchen remodeling.

Although there are a number of pros to kitchen remodeling, there are also a number of cons. Cons are another way to describe disadvantages. The biggest con or disadvantage to remodeling your kitchen is the fact that it cannot only be costly, but time consuming. You may be able to recuperate the cost of your repairs, if and when you go to sell your home, but nothing is guaranteed.

Since there are a number of pros and cons to kitchen remodeling, you will need to decide which is best for you. Perhaps, the best way to do this is to decide whether or not the pros outweigh the cons.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL The Benefits Of Owning A Roomba

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Let s face it the Roomba is one of the most unusual appliances around. You might feel a little like the futuristic cartoon character George Jetson when you first bring the vacuuming robot into the house. Still, while you might be initially leery of a self-propelled vacuum cleaner, there are numerous reasons to purchase one for your home.

To begin with, this is a highly efficient device. It can clean your living room, family room, and carpeted kitchen in no time. It has not…

roomba,vacuum cleaner,brooms,cleaning

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Let s face it the Roomba is one of the most unusual appliances around. You might feel a little like the futuristic cartoon character George Jetson when you first bring the vacuuming robot into the house. Still, while you might be initially leery of a self-propelled vacuum cleaner, there are numerous reasons to purchase one for your home.

To begin with, this is a highly efficient device. It can clean your living room, family room, and carpeted kitchen in no time. It has not only brushes, but filters and cleaning mechanisms as well. Because of its sturdy casing, it offers the best possible operation.

In addition, the Roomba is quite easy to use, since you can leave it unattended. You simply turn it on, let it go to work, and you ll return to find your carpet perfectly clean. Also, if it loses battery power, it can recharge on its own.

The Roomba is also quite compact, so it can fit underneath furniture. As a result, it can reach some areas that a normal vacuum cleaner cannot. Its bumpers allow it to absorb collision, so it is a durable piece of machinery. The Roomba is also characterized by intelligent technology. It operates like the devices the military uses when clearing land mines on war fields. Also, because of its impressive design, it will not fall down stairs. In addition, because of the virtual wall device that accompanies it, it will not venture outside an open doorway.

Another benefit to owning a Roomba is that it won t destroy your bank account. If you think a robotic vacuum cleaner would be expensive, think again. An iRobot can cost less than $200, making it a real bargain. Essentially, a Roomba won t cost you any more than a conventional vacuum cleaner.

The Roomba is also a tremendous time-saver. It cleans rooms quite quickly, so your vacuuming routine will no longer be an all-morning affair. For the most part, the only time you ll have to devote to vacuuming is the time it takes to turn the device on. As a result, your household cleaning chores should become easier than ever. And isn t that what appliances were meant to accomplish?