Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tools and Supplies You Need for Home Improvement

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No matter what home improvement or repair project you are working on, you will need a variety of tools. The tools are among the most important aspects of any home improvement project. Here we will discuss some of the most common and important tools needed for home improvement.

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No matter what home improvement or repair project you are working on, you will need a variety of tools. The tools are among the most important aspects of any home improvement project. Here we will discuss some of the most common and important tools needed for home improvement.

With any home improvement or repair project, safety should be considered first. Some safety supplies to invest in include goggles, ear protections, masks, and gloves.

If you are planning on repairing or improving your walls and floors, there are a few specific tools that you will need. If you are redoing basement walls, you will need stiff-bristled brushes, a wire brush, and heavy-duty paintbrushes in order to protect the walls. You will also need materials waterproof masonry sealers, household cleaners, buckets and a sponge. For painting, you will need a stiff-bristled paintbrush, and possible masonry primer. If you are working on paneled walls you will need a hammer, chisels, wallboard knife, caulk gun, putty knife, framing square, carpentry knife, pry bar, rubber mallet, and nails.

In order to prevent leaking you will need a trowel or putty knife, a wire brush, vacuum, chisel, and a caulk gun.

For outside jobs, such as installing new gutters or drains, you will need a hacksaw, a good quality drill and bits, caulk gun, and scrapers.

For general indoor repairs you will need some basic tools including, drills, screwdrivers, hammer, scrapers, paintbrushes, pliers, awl, utility knives, a stud finder, a level.

For plaster repair you will need a paintbrush and a wallboard knife. This job necessitates more one-time supplies than tools.

Flooring jobs, such as replacing ceramic tiles require an awl, tile cutter, nippers, utility knife, compass, grout float, and mallet. For making sub-floor repairs you might need a caulk gun, drill, chisel, straightedge, trowel, square, and saw. When replacing flooring always make sure the sub-flooring is in good condition and free of damage.

For wallpaper repairs or replacement, you will need a utility knife, edge roller, sponge, and a syringe in order to apply adhesive. Wallpapering is a tricky task, so go slowly and be very methodical about the job.

For minor ceiling repairs, you might need a drill, wallboard knife and hammer. For ceiling patches, you will need additional tools including chisels, framing square and utility knife.

Roof repairs such as leaks require shingles, masonry nails, hammer, brackets, drill, bits, soft shoes, an extension ladder, and slide guards. This is a two-man job, so enlist the help of a friend for roofing projects.

Now that you have an idea of what kinds of tools you will need for some basic home improvement projects, you can see that many tools can be used for multiple jobs. It is smart to by the basic tools, especially if you like to complete repairs and improvements yourself.

A lot of the big equipment needed for home improvement projects can be rented for one day, which is a cost saver for you.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Toilet Seat Covers And How They Can Protect You.

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On average a well run company will clean its restrooms 3 days a week. Of those 3 cleaning days the toilet seats will be cleaned maybe once. If you work for a company that has 50 employees with 5 toilets in the building, the average toilet seat will be sat on 50 times before it is wiped down and cleaned off. What this means is that when you sit down on a toilet in that company, 50 more people have sat there before you with nothing separating there bare behind from the toilet seat you’re now sitting on.

toilet seat cover, toilet seat covers, toilet seat cover dispenser, toilet seat cover dispesners, re

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On average a well run company will clean its restrooms 3 days a week. Of those 3 cleaning days the toilet seats will be cleaned maybe once. If you work for a company that has 50 employees with 5 toilets in the building, the average toilet seat will be sat on 50 times before it is wiped down and cleaned off. What this means is that when you sit down on a toilet in that company, 50 more people have sat there before you with nothing separating there bare behind from the toilet seat you’re now sitting on.

Toilets breed bacteria and germs, it is a moist warm environment where certain bacteria that are extremely bad for us thrive. A great way to protect yourself from germs living in a toilet and germs spread from person to person is to utilize a toilet seat cover when you sit on a toilet. Many private and public restrooms make available toilet seat covers which are usually mounted on a toilet stall wall in a toilet seat cover dispenser. For every restroom that offers toilet seat covers there are at least 10 that do not. A toilet seat cover can be folded up into a relatively small piece of paper smaller in size than the average envelope. They can be easily carried in a pocket or a purse for when you need it.

Toilet seat covers come in one basic style and are used as a barrier between you and a well used toilet seat. Some toilet seat covers are treated with a wax so they can be dispensed more easily from a toilet seat cover dispenser. Toilet seat covers can be purchased on cleaning supply websites and are usually sold in packs of 250 to 1000 toilet seat covers per pack. Toilet seat cover dispensers come in many styles and colors and can accent any taste in decorating. These dispensers can easily be mounted on a toilet stall wall or on a permanent wall behind the toilet. Toilet seat cover dispensers come in many colors including white, black, stainless steel, chrome and transparent black. These dispensers start at about 5 dollars and can be a welcome sight in any public restroom. Toilet seat covers are not as expensive as you would think, the average toilet seat cover costs just over a penny each.

By providing basic sanitary needs for your employees you can cut down on costly absences and maintain a more productive work environment. It is a proven fact that an employer who shows they care will have employees that care more about their jobs and therefore are more productive. If you are an employee that works for a company that does not have toilet seat covers available in their restrooms you can still protect yourself by obtaining your own and using a toilet seat cover whenever you are in public restroom.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Toilet Bowl Mop And Toilet Bowl Brush Information.

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There are many things you can do to avoid the nasty black ring on your toilet. The first is to use a low acid toilet bowl cleaner to kill the bacteria. The second is to get your self a really good toilet bowl brush or toilet bowl mop to scrub that acid around in the toilet and remove those ugly stains.

toilet mop, toilet brush, toilet bowl mop, toilet bowl brush, cleaning toilet, toilet ring

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When you think about it, toilets are pretty gross. Public toilets can be used up to 100 times a day, that means 100 people are using them. It is said that whenever a toilet is flushed it releases over 5000 bacteria into the air. So, when you walk into a public restroom that is well frequented, there can be up to half a million bacteria or virus particles in the air. Those bacteria can land on handles, sinks, faucets and even the paper towels that you use to wipe your hands after you have washed them. You can use all the antimicrobial soap in the world but it won’t do you any good if your smearing those dirty germs, bacteria and viruses onto your hands after you have used the soap. If you walk into a public restroom and it doesn’t look clean my advice is to walk straight out. If it looks dirty to your eyes imagine how it would look under a microscope. One of the dirtiest places in a bathroom is the toilet but a toilet can be kept clean very easily with regular maintenance. If you want to try an experiment don’t clean your toilet for 4 weeks and see what happens. Slowly right above the waterline a black or brownish ring will form. If you let your toilet go a little longer before cleaning, that black ring will slowly start to climb in vertical lines toward the toilet rim (by the way, that ring is about 6 inches from your behind whenever you sit down on your toilet). What is that black ring? The nasty black ring is bacteria and micro fecal buildup. A pretty nasty combination when you consider every time you flush your toilet your breathing them in.

There are many things you can do to avoid the nasty black ring on your toilet. The first is to use a low acid toilet bowl cleaner to kill the bacteria. The second is to get your self a really good toilet bowl brush or toilet bowl mop to scrub that acid around in the toilet and remove those ugly stains.

Toilet bowl brushes come in many styles but most are made from a material called polypropylene. Polypropylene won’t mold and can stand up to heat and chemicals. Polypropylene strands are abrasive and can do a great job at removing the nasty toilet ring. The two main styles of toilet bowl cleaning utensils are the toilet bowl mops and toilet bowl brushes. A toilet bowl brush resembles a brush and has a wide stiff polypropylene bristle. Brushes tend to last a lot longer that toilet bowl mops because the bristle is larger and does not break away from the toilet bowl brush handle. Toilet bowl mops are meant to be discarded after repeated use and are considered by most to be a disposable toilet cleaning product. Toilet bowl mops have a ball of polypropylene strands massed at one end to form a light duty scouring surface. Over time the strands tend to break off and the mop should be discarded. Toilet bowl mops are usually a quarter of the price of toilet bowl brushes and most are have a plastic handle.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tips When Buying An Air Purifier

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With the rise in allergy sufferers, it is no wonder that air purifiers are growing in popularity. However, there are so many models available. How do you make sure that you are buying the right air purifier for your home? These air purifier buying tips should help you successfully choose the right model for you.

One of the most important things you should do when you are buying an air purifier is to figure out the square footage of the room or rooms where you will be using…

air purifiers, air cleaners, hepa filters

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With the rise in allergy sufferers, it is no wonder that air purifiers are growing in popularity. However, there are so many models available. How do you make sure that you are buying the right air purifier for your home? These air purifier buying tips should help you successfully choose the right model for you.

One of the most important things you should do when you are buying an air purifier is to figure out the square footage of the room or rooms where you will be using it. Don t take a wild guess. This is really an important measurement. A purifier that is designed for a smaller room won t adequately clean a room that is too big for it. To figure out the square footage of a room, measure the length of one side of the room and the width of another side. Multiply the two numbers together. This is the square footage. Once you know this number, you can look at the purifier s information to be sure it is supposed to clean a room that is at least as big as your room, if not larger.

Next, check to see whether the air purifier you are considering is designed to clean the pollutants that are in your home. Not all purifiers clean tobacco, pollen, dust, or pet dander. If your home has all of these pollutants, you will need to look for an air ionizer or a combination HEPA filter/air ionizer in your purifier.

Another important consideration for most people shopping for an air purifier is the loudness of different models. Usually, ionizer models are much quieter than HEPA filter models.

However, ionizers must be used in conjunction with a vacuum cleaner to be effective, since they do not actually remove dust and other pollutants from the room. Ionizers simply make all of the pollutants so heavy that they fall from the air and drop to the ground.

Before you make a final decision, you should also consider the life of the filter in the air purifier. Replacement filters can be quite expensive. Ionizers do not need any filters, but they do need to be cleaned quite often.

Finally, you should take a look at how often air is circulated through the air purifier and back into the room. The best purifiers circulate the room s air at least 5 times an hour. To find out how many times the model you are considering circulates air, look for the ACH rating, which stands for air changes per hour.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tips to Remove Allergy Triggers in Your Home

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When most people think of allergies, they automatically think their home is a safe haven from sniffling, sneezing and watery eyes. Although you might have the cleanest home on the block, allergy triggers could still be lurking inside.

Tips to Remove Allergy Triggers in Your Home

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When most people think of allergies, they automatically think their home is a safe haven from sniffling, sneezing and watery eyes. Although you might have the cleanest home on the block, allergy triggers could still be lurking inside.

“In the cooler months, as people make their homes warm and

well-sealed against cold air, the atmosphere becomes a haven for dust mites, pet dander and molds,” said Dr. Anna Marie, The Weather Channel’s health specialist and host of the syndicated better-living show, “Your Life With Dr. Anna Marie.” “These can all cause sneezing, itching and watery eyes, congestion, and a runny nose.”

Recent reports state that it may be irritants, not germs, that cause chronic colds.

When the furnace kicks on, dust that has settled into the carpet, atop bookshelves and beneath furniture gets stirred up and cycled through the air. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor levels of many air pollutants may be two to five times, and in some cases more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels.

According to Dr. Anna Marie, here are some tips to help reduce indoor allergens and help you stay sniffle-free.

* To get rid of mold, clean the areas with bleach. Try a solution of 5 percent bleach and a small amount of detergent to 95

percent water.

* Keep a humidity level of 30 percent or 40 percent in the house to make conditions for mold growth less optimal. This can be achieved through the use of an automatic whole-home humidifier.

* Add a whole-house air filter to your furnace. A typical throwaway furnace filter traps only about 15 percent of indoor air pollutants. Laboratory tests show that whole-house electronic air cleaners, from companies like Aprilaire, can eliminate up to 99.5 percent of pollen, spores and ragweed. According to Aprilaire, the technological advancement of its filter combined with electronic components allows it to be one of the most efficient air cleaners on the market. It also requires the filter to be changed only once a year.

* To control animal dander, keep animals out of your bedroom and have them groomed weekly.

* To control dust mites, clean and dust more frequently. Use an airtight, allergy-proof plastic cover on all mattresses, pillows and box springs.

* Shampoo or replace your carpet or remove the carpet altogether.

By taking these simple steps to improve indoor air quality, your home will once again be a safe haven for you and your family.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tips to increase aesthetic sense of homes

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Home decor can be a good experience as long as you enjoy. Apart from professionals, there are thousands of men and women, who enjoy home decoration. It has become a hobby for many of them.

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Home decor can be a good experience as long as you enjoy. Apart from professionals, there are thousands of men and women, who enjoy home decoration. It has become a hobby for many of them.

There are various ways and means to develop home decor ideas. For starters, the best way is to buy publications like magazines and catalogues to access information on home decorations. There are a number of magazines and catalogues available at leading book sellers to understand and practice home decor. One can also access the information on the internet by visiting various sites developed and maintained by several professional home decorators or retail stores selling home decoration products and accessories.

Also, professionals pursuing home decoration conduct classes to impart education and skills on home decoration. It is easy to find their contact details in yellow pages, register for training classes and improve knowledge. Practical sessions are also part of the training and gives prospective decorators a first-hand experience.
While decorating homes, two important factors should always be considered. The home decoration should add value to the beauty of the interiors and should generate good opinion about you among all visitors. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary that an amateur home decorator learns the basics.

The basics are simple and easy to carry out. Ensure that there is a lot of space in all the rooms, especially the guest rooms and living rooms. For, visitors and the family members should feel claustrophobic with furniture stacked all around the room.

Ensure that there is adequate penetration of light. All rooms, particularly the living room, should appear bright. The color of the walls should reflect bright colors. Ventilation should be accorded top priority. Avoid window furnishings that affect the penetration of light to a great extent. Stick to light colors that can also enhance the beauty of the room.

It is suggested that wallpaper is avoided in living rooms. Not all categories of people appreciate wallpaper. So, it is better to have plain walls colored in the best possible manner. While choosing colors for the walls, make sure they are universally appealing.

The same applies to bathroom decoration. Avoid cluttering of bath ware inside the bathroom. Create ample space for movement. Showering should not become a turmoil. It should always be a pleasurable experience. Showers are meant to provide relaxation. It is better to have natural scented flowers in the bathroom since it is liked by most categories of people.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tips On Using A Warm Mist Humidifier

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Dry indoor air causes a wide variety of physical symptoms including a stuffy nose, dry cough, nosebleeds, dry skin and brittle hair. A warm mist humidifier will relieve these symptoms and help you sleep better. Dry air is common when the heat is turned on in the winter. If you live in a dry climate, you may need to humidify your home all year long. Excessive dryness causes wood furniture and flooring to crack and warp. Houseplants can dry out and the seams of your wallpaper c…

warm mist humidifier, humidify, room humidifiers, air purifier,cleaner,

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Dry indoor air causes a wide variety of physical symptoms including a stuffy nose, dry cough, nosebleeds, dry skin and brittle hair. A warm mist humidifier will relieve these symptoms and help you sleep better. Dry air is common when the heat is turned on in the winter. If you live in a dry climate, you may need to humidify your home all year long. Excessive dryness causes wood furniture and flooring to crack and warp. Houseplants can dry out and the seams of your wallpaper could peel.

If your home is very dry and you need to add moisture to the air all year long, you may want to consider a whole house humidification system. These are installed on a forced air heating system and should be installed by a professional.

If you only need to use a humidifier in the winter weather, a single room model will be sufficient. These are plugged into any electrical outlet and can be used in the kitchen, bedroom or any other room in your home. The size of the water tank determines how long you can run the humidifier without adding water. Be sure the model you choose is large enough for the room and the amount of time it will be running.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tips On Purchasing A Commercial Vacuum Cleaner.

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Commercial vacuum cleaners range in cost from 200 to 2000 dollars . When you purchase a commercial vacuum cleaner you should look at the purchase as an investment. If you are purchasing the vacuum for a residential or commercial cleaning company you need a vacuum cleaner that won’t breakdown, is inexpensive to repair and is user friendly.

commercial vacuum cleaners, commercial vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, vaccum cleaner purchase, buy a vacuum cleaner

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Commercial vacuum cleaners range in cost from 200 to 2000 dollars . When you purchase a commercial vacuum cleaner you should look at the purchase as an investment. If you are purchasing the vacuum for a residential or commercial cleaning company you need a vacuum cleaner that won’t breakdown, is inexpensive to repair and is user friendly. Some commercial vacuum cleaners can have a life span of up to 15 years whereas single motor vacuum cleaners can loose power after just one year. There are three factors to look at when buying a vacuum cleaner.

The first factor to look at when buying a commercial vacuum is the manufacturer. Make sure to purchase a vacuum from an established manufacturer that has had ample time to perfect their product. You can usually purchase a commercial vacuum at a lower price from a newer, less known company but you won’t have a track record to compare it too. Some of the largest manufacturers of commercial vacuum cleaners are Hoover, Eureka, National Super Service, Proteam and Crusader. These companies have established track records and you can easily find reviews on their vacuum cleaner products on the internet.

The second factor in purchasing a vacuum cleaner is its features. When looking at vacuum cleaners consider what you are going to use it for. Do you clean main traffic areas, small work station cubicles, large open areas or places that are hard to reach. If you vacuum a lot of hallways or walking traffic areas a commercial upright vacuum cleaner is usually the most efficient at this task. Commercial back pack vacuum cleaners are perfect for vacuuming cubicles and hard to reach places. For large carpeted areas such as banquet halls and conference areas a wide area vacuum is recommended. These vacuum cleaners can clean paths up to 3ft wide in one pass and are equipped with large debris tanks for extended use. Features also include optional tools for the vacuum cleaner. Some manufacturers of commercial vacuum cleaners like NSS give you a large selection of additional tools that can be added to your vacuum to perform specific duties. Attachments such as crevice tools, extension tools, bare floor tools and extension tubes can be useful for a variety of tasks.

The third and final factor in purchasing a vacuum cleaner is the warranty. If you intend to keep your vacuum cleaner for as long as you can, you can reduce repair costs by getting the longest and most comprehensive warranty plan possible. Repair service by a knowledgeable technician can be costly so make sure to pick a vacuum with a long service warranty. Vacuum parts are relatively inexpensive for vacuum cleaners and usually amount to about a third of the cost on an average repair. Also make sure to read the fine print on a vacuum warranty, it has been my experience that some vacuum cleaner manufacturers have a warranty clause for just about everything.

After you have considered all the factors that come into play when buying a commercial vacuum cleaner and have picked out a few models in your price range compare the specifications side by side. Usually the vacuum cleaner with the most power and wider cleaning path is the smart pick. Make sure you price out vacuum cleaner filter bags and vacuum belts because this cost alone over time can add up.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tips On How To Care For Your Deck

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Think your deck is impervious to damage because it’s new? Think Again. Even pressure-treated wood begins to deteriorate in less than a week if left untreated.

Tips On How To Care For Your Deck

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Think your deck is impervious to damage because it’s new? Think again. Even pressure-treated wood begins to deteriorate in less than a week if left untreated.

Pressure-treated wood is highly resilient to pests and rotting, but it’s still vulnerable to the harsh extremes of weather. Decks need year-round protection from rain, ultraviolet rays, molds and mildew. To protect your deck, try these expert tips:

Preparation: If your deck needs a makeover, it will have to be prepared and treated first. To decide where to begin, perform the water bead test. Splash a few drops of water on several areas of your deck. If the droplets are absorbed into the wood, it’s ready for cleaning. If the water beads, you will have to remove the existing sealant. Apply a product such as Olympic Stain Stripper to remove previous layers of oil and latex finishes. After sealant is stripped, replace any damaged deck boards and reattach loose decking before cleaning.

Cleaning: To make sure the stain or sealant you apply is most effective, you will need to remove any dirt, algae, mildew or other materials first. Staining or sealing a dirty wood surface can cause premature failure of the stain’s protective quality, and the materials trapped under the stain or sealant may continue to damage the wood.

A cleaner such as Olympic Deck Cleaner lets you rinse away dirt and mildew, leaving the wood ready for protection. If flowers surround your deck, consider using a gentler formula, like Olympic Oxy Deck.

Sealing: To identify the right type of stain, consider how you want the finished product to appear and how often you want to maintain the deck. For example, if you prefer the natural beauty of wood, select a clear stain or a toner. These allow the natural wood grain and color to show through, while protecting the wood for three to five years. If you prefer a finish with deeper color, semitransparent stains add additional pigment to the wood and offer added UV ray protection.

For rich, vibrant colors and even longer protection of the wood, consider a solid-color stain. Olympic offers a full line of stains and sealants, ranging from clear sealants to solid stains.

Once you buy the stain or sealant, apply it according to manufacturer instructions. All the products mentioned above are available at local home improvement, paint and hardware stores, as well as Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouses.

Your deck will look better and last longer if you protect it against the elements.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Tips On How To Buy Discount Furniture

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If you have ever went shopping for new furniture you know how difficult it can be to find quality furniture at good prices. Furniture is expensive. Do you know that with a little creative shopping you can find great deals on furniture for much less than you think? And not only will you spend less you will likely find some wonderful pieces.

Outlet Stores

A great way to find discount furniture is by shopping furniture outlet stores. Sometimes this furniture is either slig…


To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
If you have ever went shopping for new furniture you know how difficult it can be to find quality furniture at good prices. Furniture is expensive. Do you know that with a little creative shopping you can find great deals on furniture for much less than you think? And not only will you spend less you will likely find some wonderful pieces.

Outlet Stores

A great way to find discount furniture is by shopping furniture outlet stores. Sometimes this furniture is either slightly damaged or was returned by customer but don’t let that stop you because usually any damage is hardly even noticeable. And be realistic for a moment. All furniture is going to get nicks and scratches or time. This only adds to the character of the piece. Keep in mind when shopping furniture outlet stores that they often do not have a return policy and most items are sold on an as is the basis. Furniture from these stores will often not have a warranty.


Another place you can find super deals on wonderful furniture is a local estate auctions. This can take some time especially if you’re looking for something in particular. You’ll likely have to attend several auctions to find just the right item. With a little patience you will eventually come across that perfect piece for your living room. You can often find really good deals on the entire bedroom suits and dining room suits at auctions. This may be because most people already have these items and are not usually in the market for them.

You can also likely find good deals on furniture through online auctions. This can be difficult because you are often only seeing a photograph of the item. Be sure to insist upon detailed descriptions and a variety of photographs until you’re confident that this is an item that you want.

Scratch and Dent

When shopping at the local furniture store ask if they have a scratch and dents available for sale. Almost every furniture store at least has a few items that have either been damaged or returned available at big discounts. Keep in mind that these items are usually negotiable and there’s no reason to pay more than you’re comfortable with. So negotiate your best price.

Naked Furniture

There are some furniture stores that sell what is sometimes called naked furniture. This is simply furniture that is unfinished. All it needs is a coat of paint or varnish. This can actually become a fun project. You can choose your particular furniture piece based on the design alone and then choose the finish separately.

New furniture, or at least new to you, can be found to at discount prices if you do little research and spend some time shopping. He doesn’t have the cost a fortune to put new furniture in your home.