Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Vacuums With Bag Or Without?

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With a sometimes overwhelming range of vacuum cleaners available in today s market, one of the easiest ways to distinguish between the many brands and styles there are to choose from is to make note of whether a particular model employs the use of a bag or not

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With a sometimes overwhelming range of vacuum cleaners available in today s market, one of the easiest ways to distinguish between the many brands and styles there are to choose from is to make note of whether a particular model employs the use of a bag or not. While there are those who defend either style, the ultimate choice is one of personal preference. There are, however, a few things to bear in mind before you choose your side.

The main argument in favor of the bagless vacuum cleaner is its ability to eliminate one of every household s most gruesome chores replacing the cleaner s bag once it is full. This alone is enough to bring many consumers down on the bagless side of the debate, but wait you re not off the hook entirely. Obviously enough, the dirt your trusty vacuum removes from your floors and upholstery still has to go somewhere, and while bagged cleaners deposit this dirt into, yes, you ve guessed it, the vacuum cleaner s bag, the bagless variety gather up your dirt into another kind of container, sometimes referred to as a cup. And, unfortunately, this still needs to be emptied on a regular basis.

Bagless vacuum cleaners, it s true, don t require the replenishing of your supply cupboard with umpteen vacuum bags, and most of them collect the dirt in a clear container, allowing you to see without having to check inside that dusty old bag when the machine needs emptying. But emptying is still something it requires, and while bags contain most of the dust and dirt you ve vacuumed, limiting your contact with whatever it was you cleaned up, bagless vacuums involve a greater exposure to this debris.

Besides the basic maintenance task of emptying your vacuum cleaner, which has to be done regardless of your choice of bagged or bag-free, most vacuum will require the regular performance of other chores, such as cleaning filters or any clogs. This, unfortunately, is a job that must be done regardless of your style of vacuum, though bag-free vacuums may require a little more investment of effort. While bagged cleaners store the dust and dirt in its bag, where it is free to gather up in bunches if it so desires, in the bagless variety of cleaner, these masses of hair and other substances become your problem, and you may have to clean them out. This is a job that probably won t be anyone s favorite chore.

So there are advantages to both bagged and bagless varieties of vacuum cleaner, and the choice ultimately resides with you. Either way, a certain amount of work is required, but with a sparkling house your result, it s worth the effort.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Vacuums The Value of the Wet Vac

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Vacuum cleaners were a wonderful invention, one that continually make house cleaning slightly less of the awful chore it is

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Vacuum cleaners were a wonderful invention, one that continually make house cleaning slightly less of the awful chore it is. With dust and debris, crumbs and spills dealt with quickly and easily, we can spend less time completing those tiresome jobs and more time having fun. We re even free to make a mess as we go about our lives, because we know that clean up won t take long. But what s that a liquid spill? Now that s a whole other thing!

When someone spills milk or soda on the floor, it s time to rummage for a cloth somewhere. And what happens when you make a spill on the carpet? Well, that s even more complicated, as you race to clean up before the liquid settles in. So much for that fun we were supposed to be having. But if you have a wet vacuum cleaner to hand, then cleaning up that spill won t take long at all. Simply plug it in, and clean, and then you re on your way again.

There was a time when the wet vac was strictly for use in the workroom only the characteristic shrill noise it made when cleaning didn t really make you want to use it anywhere else! While it remains a useful garage tool, perfect for cleaning up those work-related messes, technological developments have helped make the wet vac perfect for your home use too.

There are now a great variety of vacuum cleaners available that allow you to clean either wet or dry messes in an instant. House cleaning can be a wearisome chore, so this combination of cleaning abilities helps you get the job done just that little bit faster. And the incorporation of a number of useful features makes using your wet vacuum easier than ever before.

Won t the vacuum container fall over when it gets too full of liquid? Most wet vacuums are designed with this in mind, and are set upon wider wheels than its dry-clean only counterparts. Don t worry about having to check the container to ensure it doesn t overflow either many wet vacuums have built in safety devices that will switch the motor off automatically once the container is full.

It seems those wet vacuum manufacturers have thought of everything! So if cleaning house is not your favorite way to spend your free time, a wet vac might just be the choice for you. Getting two things done at once what s not to like?

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Vacuums The Importance of Attachments

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There are a multitude of factors to be considered when choosing a vacuum cleaner, all of which can be as mind boggling as the last

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There are a multitude of factors to be considered when choosing a vacuum cleaner, all of which can be as mind boggling as the last. Not the least of these is those little plastic extras that seem to come with every type of canister vacuum you can think of, most of which look like they should be on the set of a science fiction movie. So what are all those attachments, and do you really need them?

Most vacuums seem to come with certain attachments as standard. There s often a long slender nozzle that looks like it might be the most useful of the bunch you could probably use that for cleaning under the furniture without having to half cripple yourself by moving it. There s often a little round one, with a kind of brushy end: this one tends to scare your cat if you rush at her too quickly while brandishing it. There s one more too, usually, but it s always rather non-descript, so that when push comes to shove, you don t really remember what exactly it looks like. This line up surely can t be any help is getting the housework done can it?

The truth is that certain vacuum cleaner attachments, despite their strange appearance, can be rather useful. The little narrow looking one actually is quite handy for squeezing into almost unreachable parts. And you really shouldn t try to intimidate your pets with your vacuum attachments though there are attachments designed especially to help eliminate the hair and fur that many pets leave behind. You can even use certain of these to groom your pet before the hairs escape, though remember that gentleness is the key when using one of these.

And that s not all. There are specially designed vacuum attachments that allow you clean your blinds without having to invest the time and energy in taking them down. Fitted with special fingers , these fit between your blind slats, removing dust and dirt in one fell swoop. Another attachment is designed to spruce up your ceiling fan, while there are several shapes and makes of attachment that clean up your upholstery.

So who d have thought it? Those vacuum cleaner attachments really are useful after all. Just be sure to read the instructions before proceeding with the micro cleaning that these accessories allow you don t want to ceiling fan clean your cat!

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Vacuums Style Aplenty!

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There are probably only a handful of homes in America without a vacuum cleaner to call their own

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There are probably only a handful of homes in America without a vacuum cleaner to call their own. These household tools have become ubiquitous for a very good reason they help make the almost never-ending chore that is housework just that little bit easier. But this valuable tool has come a long way since it was first invented well over a century ago, and recent technological advances in all types of engineering have rendered the humble vacuum cleaner almost unrecognizable from its predecessor of only a few years ago. So with all these different shapes and makes of vacuum, how do you know which one is best for you?

Since we humans have lived in caves, we have delighted in personalizing the environment in which we live, and this is a trend that continues unabated to this day. Our many differences are part of what makes us so very interesting, and this is reflected as well in our choice of household furnishings as it is anywhere else. While some of us love the snug feeling that thick carpets provide, others prefer the clean lines afforded by tile or wooden floors. So with so many household accessories available with which to decorate our homes, it is no wonder that so many diverse vacuum cleaners are available on today s market.

The first question to ask when selecting a vacuum cleaner is what are your own household s needs. A domestic vacuum is suitable for most home environments, but a sturdier model might be more suitable if you are particularly heavy on the dust and dirt! This type of vacuum might be the best choice if you run a particular type of business from home, such as a car or woodwork shop.

A special type of vacuum cleaner might also be required if there are any allergy sufferers in your home if this is the case, choose a vacuum with HEPA technology to minimise the allergens that cause the problems. Otherwise, a standard domestic model should be suitable for you.

Many vacuums differ simply in size and shape, and choosing between an upright, a canister, a backpack or a hand held vacuum is simply a question of personal preference. Upright vacuums are very easy to store, slipping neatly into an alcove or cupboard, while backpack vacuums are more easily carried about the house, helping you to get to those out-of-the-way areas more easily. Hand held vacuums are best for small spills and messes, making them the ideal compliment to another type of machine.

Vacuum cleaners are available in a size and shape to suit every home, so there is no excuse to get cleaning! Choose the type that fits your home and lifestyle best, and you won t ever look back.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Vacuums Industrial Strength Cleaning

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

While almost every home boasts a vacuum cleaner of some kind or another, this useful cleaning device has applications outside of its house cleaning duties

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While almost every home boasts a vacuum cleaner of some kind or another, this useful cleaning device has applications outside of its house cleaning duties. With the ubiquity of dirt and dust, particularly in certain industrial environments, there is a great need for vacuums with cleaning ability far more powerful than that offered by a domestic model. It was for this reason that the robust and effective industrial vacuum cleaner was born.

While the domestic vacuum cleaner dates back, in several forms, to the nineteenth century, the industrial version of this machine is a slightly more recent development, finding its origins in the early twentieth century. The specific needs of many the many industrial environments that were emerging at this time created a gap in the market. These developments lead to the birth of a machine powerful and durable enough to safely collect a wide range of debris particles from a varying array of spaces.

Today, industrial vacuums are available in many shapes and makes, offering a cleaning system for most any industrial need. From industrial plants that generate dangerous particles, to hospitals and clean rooms that the highest levels of sanitation, there a range of highly efficient and powerful machines available to provide a safe and comfortable working environment for all.

Because of the special needs of the various environments in which these machines are used, industrial vacuum cleaners offer a range of features not usually seen in its domestic counterparts. These features include options such as a centralized cleaning system, which allows debris-gathering devices to be hooked up to portals that convene at a central point by the installation of intricate pipe work. A device like this removes the need for cumbersome vacuums to be carried across long distances by cleaning staff. Other industrial vacuums are comprised of single mobile units, which technology has rendered as manoeuvrable as possible, allowing cleaners perform their duties as efficiently as possible.

Vacuum cleaners are an important part of any house-cleaning arsenal, but in certain industrial environments, this tool is even more important. Industrial vacuums help keep these environments safe, so that workers can perform their duties without endanger their health.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Vacuums Does More Power Mean a Better Clean?

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There are many factors to consider when purchasing a vacuum cleaner, and with each manufacturer stressing the importance of the characteristics of their brand of machine, knowing what to look for can become completely overwhelming.


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There are many factors to consider when purchasing a vacuum cleaner, and with each manufacturer stressing the importance of the characteristics of their brand of machine, knowing what to look for can become completely overwhelming. In this haze of confusion, some manufacturers will try to emphasize traits that are, in fact, a standard part of most machines, so how do you know which information is the really valuable stuff?

Some manufacturers will stress the importance of the power of their machine, and to the majority of us who are not technologically inclined this seems to make sense. Our vacuum cleaner is twelve amps strong, they boast, and we can t help but be impressed until we realize that this is the standard electrical input for most vacuum cleaners. While these twelve amps worth of power is fairly standard, what differentiates machines is how these twelve amps are utilized in the machine itself, and where vacuum effectiveness really lies is in several other factors.

One of these is the design of the filter included in the vacuum. While any cleaner is useless without power to operate it, it is the filtration system that is really responsible for the way that dirt is handled. A poor filtration system will vent some of the dust and dirt removed from your surfaces back into the air again, allowing them to settle on your floor once again, undoing much of the value of vacuuming in the first place.

Another factor to evaluate in any vacuum cleaner is the power of the suction equipment. Vacuuming is once again rendered fairly pointless if your twelve amps of power are not coupled with powerful suction. Closely linked to this is whether your cleaner allows you to adjust the height of the suction device to maximize its power when switching from one type of floor covering to the next. This is an important factor to look for if you have both carpets and wood or tile flooring in your home.

Finally, a vacuum cleaner is of little value if you do not look after it correctly. Twelve amps of electricity will be wasted upon a vacuum that is clogged or full, so be sure to empty your bag or dirt cup regularly and check that all parts of your cleaner are free from debris. It is the manufacturers responsibility to provide you with a high quality cleaner, but remember that some of the performance of your machine depends on you.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Vacuums Commercial or Domestic?

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Most of us would be lost without our trusty vacuum cleaner to help around the house, and usually, a domestic strength vacuum model is more than sufficient to meet our cleaning needs


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Most of us would be lost without our trusty vacuum cleaner to help around the house, and usually, a domestic strength vacuum model is more than sufficient to meet our cleaning needs. While the typical type of cleaner that is used at home is of a power designed specifically with a home environment in mind, there are some times when a domestic vacuum can fall short. Should you invest in a commercial-strength vacuum cleaner?

Commercial vacuums were designed with an environment other than the domestic in mind. While normal home life usually involves a certain amount of dust and debris, this is very little in comparison to that created in more commercial environments. Whether this is a busy office or a factory floor, commercial vacuums are manufactured with this in mind, and are therefore more powerful, more durable, and more difficult to manoeuvre.

A commercial vacuum cleaner might be more appropriate if you have a large home to clean, or place particularly heavy demands upon your cleaner. This type of vacuum usually boasts a more powerful suction device than domestic brands, allowing you to ensure your environment is kept as spotless as possible. While these types of cleaner might seem ideal for those with more rigorous hygiene requirements, such as those households that include someone who is ill, a breed of domestic cleaners has been developed that removes many allergens from your surfaces. These include a technology known as HEPA, and help keep your home as particle free as possible.

A commercial vacuum cleaner might be suitable for you if you run a business from your home that generates excessive debris, or if you have heavy traffic on your floors. A commercial cleaner is a good choice for those who are considering making a job of cleaning, as domestic vacuums may fall short of the heavy use required in that situation. A commercial model can easily tackle office debris, such as staples and paper clips, while these might cause clogging in a domestic type, making an already physically intensive job even more demanding.

With its durability and power, a commercial vacuum cleaner is the ideal choice if your cleaning needs are greater than might be found in the average home. Investing in a commercial strength cleaner might seem steep, but it is a choice that can save you money in the long run.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Utility Pad And Utility Pad Holder Information

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Utility pads are a larger version of scouring pad and can be attached to a utility pad holder which can either comes with a hand held handle or long pole handle. Utility pads are mostly used for cleaning baseboards, scuff marks on floors, and built up floor wax in hard to reach places.

utility pad, utility hand pad, utility pads, doodlebug pad, doodlebug pads, utility pad holder, hand

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Utility pads are a larger version of scouring pad and can be attached to a utility pad holder which can either comes with a hand held handle or long pole handle. Utility pads are mostly used for cleaning baseboards, scuff marks on floors, and built up floor wax in hard to reach places. The average utility pad is about 10 inches long whereas a scouring pad is usually six inches or less.
A very popular utility pad is called a doodlebug pad and is manufactured by 3M Corporation. The doodlebug pad is popular because it comes with a pad holder system. The floor hand pad holder has small teeth that grip to the pad and a comfortable handle to reduce stress and fatigue for the user. Pole pad holders also have small teeth that hold the pad, but the actual holder itself can be attached to a pole to get at hard to reach places. Utility hand pads come in different grades of abrasion so it is possible to chose a suitable pad for the task at hand.

A common industry standard in hand pads is that the darker the color pad usually has the coarsest fibers and the lighter colors have denser fibers and are less abrasive. The most common colors for utility pads are white, blue, brown and black. White utility pads are equivalent to a cleansing pad and used for cleaning delicate surfaces. Blue utility pads are more for general use and are mildly abrasive yet still effective at scrubbing. Brown utility pads are most commonly used for scrubbing, scouring and removing light wax build up on floors. Black utility pads are the most abrasive and are great for tackling heavy amounts of built up wax in hard to reach places.

Utility pads are a necessity when refinishing floors and are usually found in every floor refinishing experts tool box. When refinishing a vinyl or tile floor it is important to remove all the old wax or floor finish before applying the new layer. Floor pads and low speed floor machines running at about 175rpm – 300rpm do a great job at removing floor finish and wax from open floors but corners and baseboards can sometimes become quite a chore. This is where utility pads come in handy. When using a utility pad on baseboards and flooring corners a handy tool to use is a utility pad holder with extension pole. When using an extension pole, extra pressure can be applied to the pad to create more friction between the pad and the surface thus removing more old floor finish and cutting down on worker fatigue. When utility pads become caked with old floor finish they can be easily rinsed in hot water or floor stripper to remove the finish from the pad extending the pads life by up to four times. When the fibers within the pad start breaking off it is then time to discard the pad and use a new one. When removing a extra heavy duty buildup of wax on a floor it is recommended that you soak the utility pad in a high performance stripper then and agitate the old wax using a black utility pad. If this method does not work and the buildup is too thick take an old towel soaked in floor stripper and let it soak on the built up area.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Using The Sun To Cut Pool Heating Costs

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One of the biggest energy expenses for homes is heating the pool. Using the power of the sun can keep you swimming in the middle of winter.

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One of the biggest energy expenses for homes is heating the pool. Using the power of the sun can keep you swimming in the middle of winter.

If you have a pool, you know heating it can run your utility bill through the roof. Fortunately, there are a number of practical steps that can be taken to cut costs.

Many people who complain about the cost of heating their pools fail to take common sense steps to cut the bill. One of the unrealized costs is the power required to run the filter circulation system. Spend the money on a high powered pump and you will save money. The more you pump, the less time it will need to be on.

Next, make absolutely sure you use a cover for the pool. Heat escapes through uncovered surfaces. If you re not using the pool, put a cover on it just like you would a hot tub. Try to add a solar bubble cover, which will create a bit of water heat by letting the sun in. Regardless, using a pool cover will make a major difference in your utility bill. Don t be lazy! Make sure you keep the cover on the pool.

Even pool covers can only do so much to keep a pool warm. For some people, cutting the costs associated with warming a pool means going to a solar system. Solar heating systems for pools can be a very cost effective way to keep water warm throughout much of the year without driving your utility bill through the roof.

Solar platforms typically will heat a pool up to around 80 degrees, but not much more. The systems tend to be less expensive than home heating systems because they are smaller and need fewer components. You solar vendor can help you figure out what you need for your particular situation, but the rule of thumb is you need panels totaling half the size of the pool. This can vary based on whether the pool has a dark bottom and is isolated from the wind.

With utility bills soaring, many people are forgoing heating their pools to save money. By taking practical steps and possibly using a solar heating system, you ll have the glory of swimming in January and not worrying about the utility bill.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Using The Ground to Cut Your Utility Bill

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

As fossil fuels get more expensive, society in general is starting to get serious about finding new power sources. Geothermal heating is a simple answer for homes.

fossil fuels, heating, costs, geothermal, solar, winter, summer, cut, utility bill,

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As fossil fuels get more expensive, society in general is starting to get serious about finding new power sources. Geothermal heating is a simple answer for homes.

Geothermal heating is a fairly old concept that has gained a new life through advances in modern technology and materials. The concept is best explained using a basic example.

In many parts of the world, homes come with basements. If you ve lived in such a home, you ve probably failed to notice an interesting fact. Everyone knows that a basement will remain relatively cool during a summer, no matter how hot it gets outside. Fewer people, however, realize a basement will maintain fairly warm temperatures in the winter regardless of how cold it is outside the home. This odd result has to do with how Mother Earth regulates herself.

Ostensibly, geothermal power takes advantage of the inherently stable temperature of the ground. Regardless of temperature fluctuations on the surface of the ground, soil below five feet remains at a fairly constant temperature range of 50 to 55 degrees. During the winter, this temperature can be used to create geothermal heating for a home or building.

The mechanics of using the ground for power are exceedingly simple. To produce heat, plastic piping loops are dug into the ground to create a circuit for heat transfer. Depending on the season, liquid is run through the system to exchange heat or cold with the ground and suck up the opposite. The reconstituted liquid is then run through a refrigerant process to produce cold air that it circulated in the home during the hot summer. In winter, the process runs backwards and the cold air in the home is forced into the ground where it circulates and is subsequently compressed. The compression warms the fluids to well over 100 degrees, which is transformed into heat for the home through air ducts.

An easier way to think of the above concept is to consider the season. In the winter, the system will transfer cold air to the ground in exchange for warm air used in your home. The opposite occurs in summer. Regardless of the season, a geothermal pump system can lower your energy costs by as much as 70 percent.