Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Ways to Survive Builing or Remodeling Your Home

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Remodeling or building your home can be a very stressful experience. Here are 10 ways to take a humorous and lighthearted look at this expensive and often frustrating time.

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1. Think of the project as a new diet.
Who doesn t want to lose at least five pounds? This is one way to do it. Between running to stores all day and evening long, meeting with contractors, inspecting the work, searching the Western world for the perfect light fixture, who has time to eat? Provided you don t sabotage this new, unorthodox diet plan, with McDonalds drive through, you re good for losing five pounds. If you are a masochistic type who does some of the work yourself whether it be painting, laying tile, landscaping the yard you can count on another five to ten pounds of weight loss. Just think, you may be miserable, frustrated, exhausted, nd down right cynical about the good of the humankind, but your
jeans will fit nicely!

2. Write checks as aerobic exercise.
These workouts are great for toning the wrist and fingers. Usually done in hectic spurts as you race out the door in the morning while the contractors are breathing down your neck and your kids are beating each other with the lunch boxes you just prepared, the stress and frantic activity are sure to raise your heartbeat for a good hour. Grumbling under your breath that the plumber, electrician, or you name it, isn t really worth this much money adds greater intensity and calorie burn to this little publicized exercise regime.

3. Save money through shopping burnout
Yes, even the most die-hard shopper will come to dread setting foot in any store. This affliction starts innocently enough as you go to look for light fixtures. How hard can it be? Hard! Either the light you want is being shipped from Yugoslavia and won t arrive until your youngest child buys his own home, or you just can t find the one you want. You ll shop every lighting and electrical store you know. You ll search Home Depot. You ll haunt hardware stores. And then there s plumbing fixtures. Sink centers, faucet handles, finishes, special orders. What s all that about? And the cost. You d think you were outfitting the palace for a former third world dictator. Of course, there s carpet, tile, hardwood, stairs, siding, windows. Enough already. And you thought it was a pain picking mints and sweet
table treats for your wedding.

After your 1000th trip to Home Depot (or Lowes or Menards or whatever), in addition to all the other trips you ve made for items that shouldn t count as shopping (toilet seats, for example), you ve had it. Your friends won t be able to bribe you to check out the latest sale at Bloomingdales. You ll think it will be better when you can pick out fun things like paint, wall paper, drapes, fabric, furniture but don t bet on it. At this point, the pressure to make your home look like something other than an empty rat maze will counteract any joy in shopping. Spending this much money has never been such a miserable experience. As a result, when your home becomes half-way presentable, you ll refuse to shop again even for groceries for at least six months. The money you save during this shopping hiatus will be sufficient for you to resume this previously pleasurable past time
once more without guilt.

4. Impress your friends with obscure facts.
Only someone that has built or remodeled their home can explain the fluid dynamics of a proper toilet water swirl. Or cite the International Building Code that calls for no more than 6 between electrical outlets. Or brag that triple glazed windows are really the wave of the future for light emitting device technology. See what I mean? 🙂

5. Pride yourself on your new creative skills.
You ll discover a creative side that you never knew existed. Like how to wash dishes in the bath tub. And how to make a full course meal for a family of four using nothing more than a toaster and hot plate. Or how to fit an entire family in a house smaller than your first apartment. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. That s probably true, but I also think that the only thing that separates modern and pioneer life is just one kitchen or bath remodeling project.

6. Yell at someone other than your kids and not feel guilty.
Honestly, as a modern woman trying to juggle the running of our homes, possibly a job, and the future Olympic soccer aspirations of our children, you have the primal need to yell. At someone. Anyone. Often our spouse and children suffer from this need of ours to release pent up negative energy generated from nothing more than some miniature human leaving smelly gym shoes on the kitchen table. (Ok, that probably deserves a bit of yelling we eat at this table!) But when you remodel your house, you have a whole cast of characters and believe me, they re characters that often deserve a good scream from time to time. Like when they tell you that they tore out the fireplace because they didn t think it looked right. Or when they show you a mistake made three weeks ago that now requires half the house to be torn down in order to fix. Yelling isn t immature or a result of too much estrogen, it s therapy.

7. Throw out (finally) your significant other s treasured [fill in the blank] from his bachelor days.
You know what I mean. It could be the semi-nude poster he won t get rid of. Or his collection of exotic beer cans. Or all of his Sports Illustrated magazines since the Chicago Bears last won the Superbowl. Now is the perfect time to get rid of it. If you need to move out of your house while the remodeling is done, or you are moving to a new home, such an opportune time may never occur again. Say it won t fit in the rental house. It s either this or his golf clubs. Gently remind him that the sentimental item really serves as a reminder of his advancing years. Anything. Get rid of it. It will be one positive you can remind yourself of when the stress of remodeling makes you feel that this project was the biggest mistake of your life.

8. Grow closer to your family through forced bathroom sharing.
The saying goes that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Perhaps that wise pundit had to share a closet sized bathroom with three kids and a spouse. In reality, there s no greater way to create intimacy in a family than by all trying to get ready for the morning in the same 7 x 5 space. You ll learn new exciting things about your children like toilet paper is purely optional for little boys. You ll discover that there is no bond quite like the one created when the entire family brushes their teeth together over the same sink. You ll realize why the older generation of your relatives only washed their hair once a week instead of facing communal bathroom time. But most importantly, you ll no longer need to yell at your kids to hurry up for school they re standing right next to you.

9. Earn free flights from all of your purchases.
In what is admittedly (and somewhat sheepishly) the only practical survival tip on this list, get an airline mileage credit card. Charge everything on it lights, plumbing fixtures, windows, doors, lumber, carpet. The windows alone can get you close to one free trip. Whether you decide to share your miles with anyone else in the family or to escape on your own to a world of quiet solitude and, preferably, an open bar, is entirely up to you.

10. Hire some good looking contractors and feel like you re 15 years old again.
Hey, guys get a whole chain of restaurants and bars where the main attraction is busty waitresses in tight t-shirts (Hooters). Why can t us gals have some eye candy once in a while? Besides, it s a productivity tool. You ll be more likely to inspect the job or meet the architect if some young, fit, good-looking men are there especially in the summer months when shirts tend to become optional. For example, we once hired a roofing crew of male model wannabees for a house we built. My husband called them the Beefcake Roofers. They created quite a stir in the neighborhood that summer. Let me tell you, it made rushing to stop by the house to go over notes with the trades first thing in the morning a bit more interesting and much more fun!

Finally, remember, the end result of your new house will be worth the aggravation of the process. Plus, think of all the good stories you can tell!

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Ways to Jazz Up Your Outdoor Living Space

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1. The easiest way to jazz up your outdoor deck or patio is by using splashes of color. Sometimes it only means investing in a few accent pieces that make a bold statement and your outdoor living space perks right up. You don’t always have to buy new with a little elbow grease and some creativity you can make second hand items look brand new. Here are some ideas to help get you started.

Outdoors, Curb Appeal, Outdoor Living Space, Painting, Staining, Decks, Furniture

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1. The easiest way to jazz up your outdoor deck or patio is by using splashes of color. Sometimes it only means investing in a few accent pieces that make a bold statement and your outdoor living space perks right up. You don’t always have to buy new with a little elbow grease and some creativity you can make second hand items look brand new. Here are some ideas to help get you started.

2. Before you begin, clear everything off of your deck or patio and give it a good pressure wash. If it needs staining, all the new furniture in the world won’t help bite the bullet and give it a new coat of stain or paint. This is actually a great place to get started with colorful accents. Try painting your fence posts a bright, coordinating color such as teal. Or paint a pattern or border around the edge of your deck.

3. Decks are for socializing, so show that you are ready for company. The addition of metal furniture is inexpensive and comes in lots of great colors. Place a colorful bar cart in the corner and load it up with bright acrylic glassware.

4. Give your old wicker furniture a facelift by painting it in bright sunny colors, or if you’re feeling adventuress, use a stencil and add flowers or other patterns. Just use acrylic paint, but seal it with varnish to protect your paint job.

5. Get a hold of a galvanized bucket or oblong container, paint it bright blue or orange and add a vine pattern on the outside. Voila, now you have a fancy ice-bucket for all your coolers. Remember, unless you’re using a food-safe paint, the surface should not come in direct contact with food.

6. Use themes such as the seashore, by incorporating fishies, sea shells and beach balls in your accents or stencils. A citrus theme works well by using pale greens, oranges and yellow as colors for chairs or bistro tables. Try painting a slatted table top with two or three different corresponding shades.

7. Who says garden sheds have to be brown and boring. Add colorful window boxes, gingerbread trim and some wild stripes on the walls.

8. Funky lighting goes a long way to perking up a patio area. Colorful lanterns or strings of lights can be hung from overhanging trees or beams providing a fun, economical source of lighting.

9. What to do with the white vinyl furniture that’s still in great shape, but you hate to get rid of? Not to worry. With paint specially formulated for vinyl furniture, and some new cushions, you can make your old chairs look brand new.

10. Use color wisely by tying everything together with your accessories. Take four chairs each painted in a different primary color and add a cushion in a common color such as red or green, and place them around a neutral table top.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 ways to cut your electric bill

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One of the major concerns in the world today is depletion of energy. As concerned citizens all of us must make a concerted effort to be conscious citizens and save electricity. Electricity has become integral to life but imagine having to live without power.

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One of the major concerns in the world today is depletion of energy. As concerned citizens all of us must make a concerted effort to be conscious citizens and save electricity. Electricity has become integral to life but imagine having to live without power.

Conservation of electricity benefits you personally as you will pay lower bills. Consider:

1. Doing an energy audit. This will tell you how and when you use energy and where the wastage lies. You will be able to make an energy savings plan by pinpointing exactly how you can cut back on energy consumption. Some ideas may be as simple as don t leave the coffee machine on at all times.

2. Think about resetting the thermostat ten degrees lower during the night. If you can do this for say approximately eight hours a day you will save 10% on electricity without sacrificing comfort. Insulate the home in winter by drawing shut the drapes.

3. Check all insulation in the house. If you increase attic insulation to around 12 inches the electricity consumption will reduce by 20 percent.

4. Plant more trees around the house these will cool the house in summer and insulate the house in winter. Studies show that a green cover benefits in many ways.

5. Have all electricity wires and outlets checked for leakage. Check all fuses and appliances.

6. Fluorescent light bulbs are energy efficient. They use 75% less energy than ordinary light bulbs. These have a longer life and contribute to great savings.

7. Use energy efficient appliances. These use less energy and believe it or not a high efficiency refrigerator uses less electricity than a light bulb.

8. When you are away even for a few hours or days you should turn off and unplug all electrical appliances and turn settings on the thermostat, water heater, and refrigerator to the lowest setting.

9. Ensure that you use a water-saving shower head. Water heating costs for a family can be lowered by at least US$ 250 a year.

10. Weatherize your home. This helps reduce heating bills by 20% and cooling by at least 10 percent. Even when building a home or decorating it use weather friendly materials those that are not good conductors of heat and cold. Install windows and glass panes in the roof in such away that you use sunlight to light up the rooms during day light hours. Make an effort to switch off lights and fans when leaving a room. Ensure that the filters in air conditioners and heaters are always cleaned and free of clog and dust.

If you live an energy efficient lifestyle you will see the numbers on the energy bill actually reducing. The power to cut energy costs is well within your control. It is as simple as only washing full loads and that to in cold water. Use the hot wash option only for very dirty clothes. Cook food only just before you are ready to eat that way you can save reheating costs as well as refrigerating costs of storing the food. Turn the thermostat of the refrigerator to minimum in cold or cool weather. Switch off freezers if they are not in use. Small contributions can all add up to significant amounts of power saved. And, power saved means money in the bank.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Tips To Home Organization

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If you are looking for the perfect home organization plan, consider starting small and working your way up to the larger projects. A few simple tips will get you on the way to home organization at its finest.

Tip 1:
Use a flatware tray for utensils and place it neatly in a kitchen drawer. This will keep every utensil separate and will make it easy to find the one you want in a matter of seconds.

Tip 2:
Organize your favorite recipes in alphabetical order for quick ref…

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To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
If you are looking for the perfect home organization plan, consider starting small and working your way up to the larger projects. A few simple tips will get you on the way to home organization at its finest.

Tip 1:
Use a flatware tray for utensils and place it neatly in a kitchen drawer. This will keep every utensil separate and will make it easy to find the one you want in a matter of seconds.

Tip 2:
Organize your favorite recipes in alphabetical order for quick reference. This can be done using note cards and a note card box or a binder with alphabetical separators.

Tip 3:
If you have a large number of VHS or DVD movies, consider a media unit to neatly store your collection. If feasible, select a wooden unit for strength and a pleasant appearance as opposed to inexpensive, plastic units.

Tip 4:
When storing away your seasonal clothes, don t just hang them in the closet until next year. Instead, purchase a large plastic lidded storage tub and place your seasonal clothes neatly inside. Rather than folding, try rolling your clothes as this will reduce wrinkles and fold lines. In addition, it will save a lot of space. Place the storage tub in the floor of your closet and label the tub according to the clothing inside.

Tip 5:
Are you always losing pens and/or pencils? If so, consider using a coffee mug for neat and easy storage of your pens and/or pencils. Everyone has a coffee mug and this is a much more whimsy way of storing your writing utensils rather than a typical pen/pencil holder.

Tip 6:
Be sure to throw out any old magazines and/or newspapers. The best way to store them is a handled basket next to the sofa. However, this unit needs to be cleaned regularly in order to avoid any unsightly clutter.

Tip 7:
It is a good idea to keep all important papers, including deeds, titles and tax papers in a fireproof protective box. This box should also feature a lock & key and can be placed anywhere in the house. Most individuals place this underneath their bed.

Tip 8:
If you have any items that you no longer want, consider donating them to a local non-profit agency. This will save space and you will be doing a good deed.

Tip 9:
In order to avoid clutter, it may be necessary to throw away certain types of mail. This may include credit card offers, but don t just throw them out without first shredding the letters. Identity theft is a huge problem and using a paper shredder on any bills or credit card offers will prevent anyone from ever gaining access to your private financial information.

Tip 10:
Make sure that your kitchen is neatly organized with all appliances close to an electrical outlet. You don t want to have power cords running across the countertop and you will find that the microwave, toaster and coffee maker all in one location will be very convenient.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Tips on Buying New Homes in Florida

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Located in the southeastern US, Florida is a winsome place with the Gulf of Mexico on its west & the Atlantic Ocean on its east. Florida is considered a matchless state that offers tranquility of the countryside as well as the razzle-dazzle of the upscale urban life all while living in paradise where you can avoid chilling winters all together. One of the largest states east of the Mississippi, Florida includes all the trappings of the various lifestyles to enable you to live your life your way!

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Located in the southeastern United States, Florida is a winsome place with the Gulf of Mexico on its west and the Atlantic Ocean on its east. Florida is considered a matchless state that offers tranquility of the countryside as well as the razzle-dazzle of the upscale urban life all while living in paradise where you can avoid chilling winters all together. One of the largest states east of the Mississippi, Florida includes all the trappings of the various lifestyles to enable you to live your life your way!

No wonder people yearn for a home in Florida. In fact, living in the exciting ambiance of a beautiful home in Florida is a dream that keeps sailing through the minds of many Americans. Well, if you too are dreaming of owning a brand new home in Florida, there is no reason why your dream cannot become a reality.

Florida is packed full of home builders. However, before zeroing in on just any home builder, it is imperative for you to set your priorities and analyze your requirements, choices, preferences, and budget.

Buying a home in Florida can be a complex task. However, if you do your homework and choose a certified and reputable Florida home builder, you can easily and quickly achieve your dream home. The responsibility to take advantage of a great market and to wisely choose a Florida home that fits well with your requirements and budget is yours. There is a nice selection of homes available, why wait?

Here are the 10 most important tips on buying a new home in Florida

1. Study the real estate market

It is really important for you to get the hang of the various properties available in Florida before you decide to buy a home. You should talk to your friends who live in that region. Allow time for communication with different real estate agents and Florida home builders. Do your research online. 75% of all prospective home buyers, conduct research via the Internet. This will give you a good idea of market trends and enable you to put things into perspective.

2. Explore all your options

Talk to various Florida home builders to know what options are available. You can then run through the different properties that match your requirements and budget. This will help you evaluate and compare the different offers on Florida homes. Finally, you can decide on the Florida home builder you want to deal with and also the kind of home you want to own.

3. Check the surroundings

Once you are sure about the exact location for your new home, check the surroundings as well. Keep an eye on the development in the area. The local city/town zoning board can give you information on the future development plans in that area. This information will help you gauge the future investment value of the property you are planning to purchase.

4. Buy your home at the right time
You’ve heard that it’s a BUYER’S MARKET. Right now mortgage money is plentiful and affordable. Interest rates are at near record lows and new home inventory is high, but dwindling. Take advantage of that market before it’s too late. When new home inventory is gone, it’s gone! You don’t want to wait a year and look back to learn you missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

5. Verify the Credentials of your Florida home builder
Before giving a nod to a home builder, you should verify their credentials through various sources. It is advisable to choose a tried and trusted home builder. Always skim through the policy of the home builder you are planning to use. Ask for their previous deals and customer list. You should contact some of their customers to get feedback with regard to the authenticity of the home builder and the homes they build.

6. Check all the aspects of the home
Once you have chosen the home you want to buy, you have to ensure that it is chock-full of all the comforts and features promised to you. Here is a checklist of things you should keep close tabs on when you select a home to buy.

  • Type of windows and doors
  • Safety and resistance of the home with regard to hurricanes and fire
  • Well designed floor plans
  • Adequate drainage, sewage and sprinkler systems
  • Energy-efficiency of the home

7. Know the terms and conditions

The home purchase offer outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction. You should carefully examine all the points in detail. If you have any doubts or apprehensions with regard to any part of the terms and conditions, you should immediately seek clarification. You must ensure that all the verbal commitments of your seller are documented before you buy a home.

8. Get the right loan

You’ve got to be on the ball while picking a home loan. Compare the different home loans with regard to interest rates, processing fees, and monthly installments. Financial experts recommend converting the monthly repayment into four weekly or two bi-weekly payments. This helps you reduce the term of your loan. There are great financing packages available when choosing the right mortgage lender and home builder.

9. Know the warranties

Check whether or not your home builder is providing you with the requisite home warranties. There are two types of warranties – Implied Warranties that usually cover flaws in materials and workmanship; and Extended Warranties that cover the flaws covered under implied warranties, but for an extended period of time.

10. Inspect the home

Before finalizing the deal, you should carefully inspect your home. You can hire a professional home inspector through the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) or the National Institute of Building Inspectors (NIBI). A home inspector ensures that you get what you are promised, and carefully checks the various features and facets of your home.

Copyright 2005-07, ICI Homes – award winning home builders. All rights reserved.

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Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Tips For A Window Coverings Makeover

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

You cannot stand it. The same old dreary windows that do little to add life to your home. It is time for a change. But, where do you start? How do you keep from making an expensive or embarrassing mistake? In fact, how can you know what you really want?

1.Start with one room at a time.
There may be the temptation, especially when moving into a new home, to decorate all of the rooms at once. This takes far too much energy and can sap your creative juices, leaving the decor…

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You cannot stand it. The same old dreary windows that do little to add life to your home. It is time for a change. But, where do you start? How do you keep from making an expensive or embarrassing mistake? In fact, how can you know what you really want?

1.Start with one room at a time.
There may be the temptation, especially when moving into a new home, to decorate all of the rooms at once. This takes far too much energy and can sap your creative juices, leaving the decorating flat and less interesting. It can also make decorating your home an overwhelming task. Go slow. Do one room at a time and then move on to the next one.

2.Assess, review your needs.
With pen and paper in hand, jot down some notes about all of the windows in the room. Measure them and note their size and shape. Rough sketches will help. Are the windows too large? Too small? Odd sizes? Mismatched sizes? Is there too much light in the room? Not enough light? Do you want to block an unattractive view? Do you want to enjoy the beautiful view? Do you need privacy? Daytime privacy? Nighttime privacy? Or both? Do you want to liven up a dreary room? How do other family members feel about these needs? What is your budget for the windows?

3.Look for help, tips and ideas.
Seek inspiration. One thing is for certain, no matter what the challenge or situation that you are facing with your windows, someone else has already dealt with the same situation. There is a way, or many ways, to attractively treat the windows in your room. You can find examples of how others have decorated their windows in magazines, window decorating books, window decorating websites and by talking with friends and relatives.

4.Make a plan.
Using your list of needs, rank the needs in order of importance and then make a plan that addresses your needs in that order. There is a way to treat issue.

5.Address your window coverings in stages.
This is especially if you are uncertain about your preferences or if you are working on a budget. Begin with the shades, blinds or shutters. Once these are selected and installed, move to draperies or curtains, including the traverse or curtain rod. Finally, add the finishing touches such as cornices, decorative tie backs and finishing hardware.

6.Combine and contrast colors.
Using color in your window treatment is an excellent way to put life and energy as well as set the tone and mood of a room. Experiment with mixing colors from opposite ends of the color spectrum.

7.Mix fabrics for texture.
Fabric is composed of either natural or synthetic fibers and how they are woven, knitted or felted together. The type fiber and the weave or knitting will determine the texture of the material or fabric. Mixing fabrics and textures can be an excellent way to create interest and set the tone of your window treatments. For example, you may consider using velvet over organdy or silk over linen. Common fabrics for window treatments include brocade, cambric, canvas, chintz, cotton duck, crewel, damask, gingham, lace, linen, muslin, organdy, satin, silk, taffeta and velvet.

8.Mix patterns.
Mixing patterns can also liven up and set the mood for a room. Here are some tips for mixing patterns.

a. Match the scale, of the pattern to the area where it is going to be used. For example, use larger patterns on the drapes or curtains, medium patterns on valances or cornices and small patterns on accent pieces.

b. Use geometric patterns with one another. For example, you can use stripes with checks, plaids or dots.

c. Common colors in mixed patterns tie the two together. For example, blue stripes mixed with matching blue dots will tie the two patterns together.

9.Make small windows big.
Make big windows smaller. One of your goals should be to make the room harmonious. Mismatched windows or windows of dissimilar size and shape can disrupt this harmony. You can make small windows appear larger by placing a heading such as a valance or cornice on the wall above the window and using curtains or drapes of similar length. Large windows can be treated with a series of blinds or drapes breaking up the expanse. Large cathedral windows can be treated by installing a curtain or traverse rod on the lower part of the window and leaving the upper portion untreated.

10.Let your window coverings evolve.
Like a garden, the interior decoration of your home, including window treatments will be subject to change. Let your windows evolve as the interior of your home changes to reflect changes in your lifestyle or tastes. The first order for your windows is to provide privacy and light control. This will be accomplished with shades, blinds, miniblinds or shutters. Then you can begin creating mood with decorative treatments of color, design and texture. As you gain confidence and experience with decorating, you can change and expand your window treatments.

If you are tired of the same old boring drapery and curtains, now is the time to make a change. Follow these steps. Look for tips and ideas in books, magazines and websites. You are on your way to a complete window make over.

Here are some tips to help you begin your window coverings ( ) makeover.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Things You Must Know When Building or Renovating

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Discover ten of the most important things to consider before beginning any kind of renovation. Save yourself a lot of time and money by putting in some careful planning and decision making before you start renovating your home.

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There are many sad cases of home renovations not going as planned – often going way over budget or schedule, or unforseen complications popping up unexpectedly and ruining even up to years of work.

Most of these situations would never have gone so awry with some careful planning and early decision making sooner in the renovation process. Below are a few issues that it is vital to think about before you begin your home renovation.

10 Things to Think About BEFORE Beginning Work

  • Prepare a budget
  • Be aware of council regulations
  • Find a tradesperson
  • Know your start and completion dates
  • Selecting Products
  • Prepare plans
  • Purchasing products
  • What should I purchase myself?
  • What services are available to my property?
  • What sort of hot water unit do I need?

Prepare a budget
Before you start shopping for your new bathroom or kitchen you must know your spending limits. Whether you are getting a loan or paying cash, you need to work out how much your project is going to cost. Some businesses also offer finance solutions for approved customers.

Be aware of council regulations
Find out all the information you can before you arrange tradesperson. If your home is heritage listed you will need to meet strict council regulations. Many renovations must be approved by the council before work can commence. Contact your local council for more details.

Finding a tradesperson
Speak with family and friends who have done renovations or built a home. It is important to find a tradesperson that you can communicate with. Make sure you understand everything they are telling you. Book a tradesperson well ahead of time, as they can be booked for months in advance. Ensure that your tradesperson is licensed. Your product warranties are only valid if installed by a licensed tradesperson. In Australia, Trades@call provide professional, reliable tradespeople for most jobs, and all workmanship is guaranteed.

Know your start and completion dates
Communicate with your tradesperson and come to an agreement of realistic start and completion dates for your project. If you have a specific date that the job must be finished by, for example you have relatives coming to stay, let your tradesperson know. Keep in mind that unexpected problems can hold up your project, no matter how well you have planned it.

Selecting Products
It may take a few shopping trips for you to decide on the products that give you the look you desire and are also practical for your needs. Browse through a print or online catalogue. Once you have decided on a style (modern, heritage or easy living) this will narrow down your product choices. Be aware of any size restrictions of the room. Print out or write down product specifications and measure up your bathroom. You may use the online bathroom planner at the Bourne Bathroom and Kitchen Centre website to layout the products you have chosen.

Talk to your tradesperson about your choices. If the tradesperson tells you that a product you have chosen is unsuitable, find out why. It may just be that extra work is required that they don’t want to do. Remember, it is your home and you need to be satisfied once the job is complete.

Prepare plans
It is important that you draw up plans of your bathroom or kitchen. Discuss the plans with your tradesperson. Let him know what sort of products you would like, so he will know what work needs to be done. For example if you have chosen an inwall cistern, the tradesperson will need to know so he can set up the plumbing correctly before the tiling is done. It is best to have specifications of all of the products you have chosen so the tradesperson knows exactly what work is required.

Purchasing products
When selecting products, find out how long it will take for delivery. Some goods such as tapware and toilets will be in stock, while others such as spas and vanity units are custom made and can take up to 1 month to order in. Often these custom made products are non-refundable so confirm your product choices with your tradesperson before ordering. Find out from your tradesperson which products they will required first. Generally, the first products needed are the shower base, bath or spa and mixers if they are being installed on the wall.

As an owner builder, what should I purchase myself?
If you are owner building, make sure you purchase all of the main products for your bathroom, kitchen and laundry. This will ensure that you make all of the decisions and achieve the result you want. There will be things you will not think about when placing an order, such as different handle types on a vanity unit, the pump position of your spa, that you will need to decide on. It is important to make these decisions yourself as they will affect the overall result of your project. Smaller fittings for plumbing can be purchased by your tradesperson.

What services are available to my property?
It is important to know whether you need gas or electric appliances (hot water unit, cooking appliances). If you live further out from the city, you may need LPG appliances. If you currently have electric appliances and you want to change to gas, speak with your tradesperson to determine if this is going to be cost effective and worthwhile in the long run. If you are building a new home, decide on the appliances you want before building begins, as the plumbing will need to be roughed in based on your product selection.

What sort of Hot Water Unit do I need?
There is a wide range of hot water units available and it can be quite daunting to try and choose one. If you are replacing an existing unit your choices can be limited, so speak with your tradesperson. The instantaneous hot water units are popular at the moment, but they use a larger gas line than the standard storage units. This can mean major plumbing changes which can be quite costly, though in the long run the instantaneous systems are cost efficient. See the Bourne Hot Water Selection Guide for more detail.

Many of these points seem somewhat obvious, but the problem arises when you start taking things for granted. When you don’t make sure that all your bases are covered, you may find that you have invested a lot of time, effort and money in a home renovation that you may end up unhappy with.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Surefire Ways to Avoid Common DIY Home Improvement Mistakes

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Here are 10 surefire ways to avoid the top DIY home improvement mistakes in the future and ensure success.

home improvement, diy, home repair

To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Ask people who have completed do-it-yourself projects and they ll tell you that the projects took at least twice and much time and three times the money they thought they would. The basic reason is that DIYers usually make a lot of mistakes that end up making home improvement projects more expensive and time-consuming.

Here are 10 surefire ways to avoid the top DIY home improvement mistakes in the future and ensure success.

1. Take out the required permits it s amazing how many DIYers skip this step. Sure, it takes time, and it means you have to deal with the government, but it s actually in your best interest to make sure get the required home improvement permits. The folks in the permitting office will make sure the project is done correctly and that you stay safe in the process. Also, for some projects, you ll need proof that you have a permit or your insurance company won t cover the improvement. You ll probably need a permit for any project larger than wallpapering and painting. If you re unsure, call your local building department and ask.

2. Have all the tools and materials you need available before you start your project starting a job without the necessary tools and supplies will slow down the job and delay your progress. And make sure you buy quality tools. They re a wise investment.

3. Prepare the job site for material deliveries when your suppliers deliver materials, you ll want to make sure the job site is ready to accept them. You don t want your materials exposed to the weather while you are working and you want to have a storage area to prevent theft.

4. Don t skimp on materials for example, don t use 1/4-inch drywall for building walls. Use at at least 5/8-inch; and 3/4-inch works well for a good sound barrier. Use 3/4-inch plywood for sub-floors. It creates a much stronger floor.

5. Prepare the walls for painting clean the walls, sand them and patch any holes before you paint. Use a coat of primer or stain blocker if you’re trying to cover over oil-based paint, stains or peeling paint, or if you’re painting a lighter color over a darker color.

6. Use the correct paint use flat paint ceilings. Interior paints should have at least an eggshell or satin finish so you can scrub it. For outdoor decks, use a linseed-oil-based stain to drive the pigment into the wood and preserve it.

7. Keep safe while working you don t want to end up in the emergency room. Wear safety goggles when using power tools or working with drywall or wood. Wear a hard hat when you’re working under other people on scaffolding, and open some windows when you’re painting or staining, or stripping old finishes off of floors or walls. Don t wear loose, hanging clothing, especially when using power tools. Wear gloves when carrying wood, metal and rock, or when hammering, and wear a nail or tool pouch to prevent damage to your floors, feet, and pets.

8. Measure twice and cut once probably the most important rule of any project. If you re going to make a mistake, make it too long. You can always make something shorter. You can t make it longer.

9. Know the limits of your abilities you re not going to be good at everything. If you don t have a lot of experience at plumbing or electrical work, for instance, don t attempt those projects.

10. Don’t start to learn how to do a project on your own house If you want to learn how to do a project, offer your assistance to a friend who is an experienced DIYer or a contractor. And if you have any question about what you re doing, make sure you stop and ask.

You probably won t eliminate all of your DIY home improvement mistakes, but you can surely reduce them with these 10 tips.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Recommended Value – Adding Home Improvements

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Results from a survey carried out by 100 estate agents across the UK reveal the 10 most common value adding home improvements.

Value Adding Home Improvements

To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Results from a survey carried out by 100 estate agents across the UK reveal the 10 most common value adding home improvements.

1) Loft Conversion – 22,000
2) New Extension – 19,000
3) New Kitchen – 10,000
4) New Conservatory – 9,000
5) New Windows – 6,000
6) Central Heating – 5,000
7) New Bathroom – 5,000
8) Re-decoration – 4,000
9) Resurfaced Driveway – 3,000
10) Garden Decking – 3,000

Home Improvements can be a very successful future investment. Figures above are based on typical value and are dependant on the capital invested in your home.

Not only can home improvements add a substantial increase to the value of your property, they also act as a very practical enhancement to your property, especially if you have a growing family or are not wishing to actually move away from where you currently live, as it maybe close to family and friends.

In the table above, the fitting / installation costs have been remove to show the real or true equity increase. i.e. a new Loft Conversion could cost 18,000 and could increase your property value by 40,000, so a true equity value increase, after costs, of 22,000

and similarly,

A new Extension could cost 30,000 and could increase your property value by 49,000, so a true equity value increase, after costs, of 19,000

A new Kitchen could cost 8,000 and could increase your property value by 18,000, so a true equity value increase, after costs, of 10,000

A new Conservatory could cost 8,000 and could increase your property value by 17,000, so a true equity value increase, after costs, of 9,000

New Windows could cost 8,000 and could increase your property value by 16,000, so a true equity value increase, after costs, of 8,000

New Central Heating could cost 7,000 and could increase your property value by 12,000, so a true equity value increase, after costs, of 5,000

A new Bathroom could cost 4,000 and could increase your property value by 9,000, so a true equity value increase, after costs, of 5,000

Driveways Waterford

DDW 10 Quick And Inexpensive Ways To Brighten Your Home For Spring!

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Spring is a sign of renewal in many areas of our lives, and our homes are no different! There is something energizing and refreshing about bringing that bright, airy feeling of Spring into your home. Here are the 10 best ways to spruce up and revitalize your rooms, on a dime!

1.Add white! White with your present color scheme will both cool and brighten, adding the freshness that only white can! If your room colors tend toward the warm side, such as yellows, browns, or reds…

spring decorating, home decorating, decorating on a budget

To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Spring is a sign of renewal in many areas of our lives, and our homes are no different! There is something energizing and refreshing about bringing that bright, airy feeling of Spring into your home. Here are the 10 best ways to spruce up and revitalize your rooms, on a dime!

1.Add white! White with your present color scheme will both cool and brighten, adding the freshness that only white can! If your room colors tend toward the warm side, such as yellows, browns, or reds then choose creamier white such as ecru or ivory. If you have cooler colors in your room, such as greens and blues, go with the brighter, cleaner whites.

2.Try painting your focal wall, (that is, the one most seen) in a sunnier, brighter, or lighter shade of your current wall color. It will add lightness to the room without drastically changing the whole scheme. Don t worry, you can always go back to that rich red in the fall, but how about a little petal pink, or sky blue? Remember, its only paint, its cheap!

3.Add a floral print fabric to your room. Using the primary colors already in your room, visit your fabric store and pick out a floral fabric you love with at least one of those primary colors in it. (The more, the better, but don t feel you must have every color in the room also in the fabric!) Use that floral fabric to make table scarves, placemats, pillow covers, and simple seat cushion covers. Pair it with a solid fabric color already in the room, and you have a custom coordinated look, for just a few dollars and some simple straight sewing!

4.Pick up some pretty colored glassware from the dollar shop, and display it where the sun will light it up! You could even use clear glassware, and fill it with colored water to coordinate with the room. Use your glassware as vases, pencil holders, or candy dishes, but make sure it is seen! Glass sparkles and adds a bit of sunshine to a room.

5.Take down your curtains, and just leave your mini blinds underneath. Don t leave it bare, though, we don t want boring! Swag some dried or silk flowers over the top of the blinds, or use some muslin to twist around a curtain rod for an informal but airy valance. (No sew!)

6.Keep your windows sparkling clean. Dirty windows cut down on a surprising amount of light, and make a room look dull. As a bonus, clean windows mean more sparkling glass, and that makes room feel larger and brighter!

7.Pot up some pansies from the garden center and use them indoors as houseplants. They are cheap, easy, and add flowers to a room without the cost of replacing floral arrangements every week! You can even coordinate the flower color to the color scheme of the room. Don t match the colors, just pick something complementary.

8.Clear most of the artwork and accessories out of your room, and just keep a few larger, simpler pieces. It declutters the room, and helps to put the focus on the freshness of a room. Consider picking up a white lattice from the garden center, and hang it on the wall as a focal point. Place a potted plant in front of it, or hang small framed garden catalog prints from it. Let it be a reminder of the outdoors all season long!

9.Use a stencil or a stamp to add floral and nature motifs to your room for very little money. Stencil vines around windows and doors, hand paint seasonal sayings over doorways with a paint pen, or stamp a floral bouquet on the front of cupboard doors. You can always paint over those small areas with touch up paint in the fall. (Or you might love them so much, they stay year round!)

10.Finally, don t forget your entry area when you are creating that spring glow all around your home. Remember, your entries are a visitors first impression of your home! Add a pot of pansies on the porch, paint your entry a fresh spring color, and hang a handmade wreath or a basket of flowers on the front door.

All these ideas take very little time, little or no money, and do wonders for your spirit and the spirit of those who you love. Take a little time to brighten your lives!