Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Tips To Find Step Ladders That Are CheDDW

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If you’re looking for cheap step ladders you have two choices. You can consider all the ladders that are cheap simply because they offer fewer features than others or have lower quality materials, or you can choose step ladders that are higher quality but come at a cheaper price

cheap step ladders

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If you’re looking for cheap step ladders you have two choices. You can consider all the ladders that are cheap simply because they offer fewer features than others or have lower quality materials, or you can choose step ladders that are higher quality but come at a cheaper price because you’ve ordered them online from a wholesale or discount dealer. Keep in mind, however, that if you go the latter ladder route, you’ll want to choose a site that offers free shipping. Otherwise, getting that heavy but cheap step ladder to you may eat up your savings.

You might also find it very helpful to search for cheap step ladders on some of the top search engine shopping portals, where you can view the list of cheap step ladders by scrolling, or request a side by side comparison of those that interest you most.

For example, we went to the shopping portal of one of the largest search engines and asked for a look at step ladders. The choices were in the hundreds. We asked to sort by price. Keep in mind that on a high volume, high trafficked Web search engine site you can get some pretty silly results. We found oil paintings of step ladders and little ladders for parakeet cages. So, it took a little scrolling to get started – still easier than traveling around town and making notes about who offers what for how much and then traveling back to the location of our first choice.

But we soon chose three cheap step ladders we liked, and realized that for the additional $5 off the highest priced step ladder we had one that folded away easily in our tiny apartment. Maybe not the cheapest but still one of the cheap step ladders.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Tips To Create Style And Elegance In Your Home

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Creating the perfect home requires a lot of time and energy. There are so many things you need to take into account, especially if you are new at it. There are some very basic things to get you started.

1) The first thing to look at is the personalities that are in the house. If you are single then you only need to look at your own personality. For couples, the personalities are very often opposites. One may be outgoing and the other conservative. Be prepared to compromise…

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Creating the perfect home requires a lot of time and energy. There are so many things you need to take into account, especially if you are new at it. There are some very basic things to get you started.

1) The first thing to look at is the personalities that are in the house. If you are single then you only need to look at your own personality. For couples, the personalities are very often opposites. One may be outgoing and the other conservative. Be prepared to compromise when making decisions on design and color.

2) Browse through magazines and design books to get an idea of what you really like and what makes you comfortable. This really gives you the visual you need to think with when it will come to designing your own rooms. If you ve never designed a room before, it can be intimidating staring at those blank white walls trying to figure out what you are going to do in there. Magazines can really help a great deal there by helping you choose an inspiration room as a guide.

3) The color of the walls will set the tone for the room so really take your time on that one. First start with the colors you like. If you already have furniture or have some in mind, look carefully at the colors in them. You can draw upon some of the colors in fabrics you will use in the room. If you are having trouble deciding, then go back to the magazines or books and see how the walls are painted and look for the color accents in the furniture and how they all relate. If you are using a picture of a room as your inspiration then it can be a lot easier to get the color right.

4) When you put your furniture pieces in the room, keep in mind the flow of the space you are in. You don t want to make a room too small or choppy looking. Usually you know if it is not quite right. Rearrange until it is right.

5) Accent pieces go a long way in finishing up the look of a room. Plants and fresh cut flowers are great to put into any room. They have life in them that gives a comfortable feeling to any space. A crystal vase or candles can also soften a room. Framed posters or print and paintings on the walls are an age old custom of design. It is a staple that will never go out of style.

Design doesn t have to be hard. You just have to find out what your style is and what makes you want to be there and then have fun putting it all together.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Tips For Spring Cleaning

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

With warmer months just around the corner, spring cleaning isn t far away. Whether you want to clear some of the winter clutter or just feel like a change in scenery, spring cleaning can make it happen. Now is the perfect time to clean out the garage, basement and/or attic. If there are any items that you don t plan to use, this article will tell you how to get rid of them while making money doing it. As we all know, this can take a lot of work but a few simple tips can make …

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To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
With warmer months just around the corner, spring cleaning isn t far away. Whether you want to clear some of the winter clutter or just feel like a change in scenery, spring cleaning can make it happen. Now is the perfect time to clean out the garage, basement and/or attic. If there are any items that you don t plan to use, this article will tell you how to get rid of them while making money doing it. As we all know, this can take a lot of work but a few simple tips can make your spring cleaning experience a breeze.

Tip 1:
If you are storing away your winter clothes, consider using large plastic storage containers that feature snap-on lids. These can be found in the house wares department at most stores and are very inexpensive. Storage containers are very important to keeping your clothes dust and discoloration free, which may otherwise be a problem if they are left hanging in the closet from one season to the next.

Tip 2:
When packing your clothes, roll them instead of folding. This not only eliminates creases and wrinkles, but also saves a lot of space. You will be able to pack a lot more clothes with this technique.

Tip 3:
Label your clothing containers as spring, fall and winter. This will help you to easily locate your wardrobe inside the closet.

Tip 3:
If you have any clothing that you don t plan to wear or simply have outgrown, consider donating them to a local goodwill or other nonprofit organization. Rather than tossing them out, your clothes can provide revenue for a worthy cause and help the less-fortunate to be able to afford clothing that would otherwise be unattainable.

Tip 4:
If you are looking to clear out some knick knacks or perhaps even some Holiday decorations in order to make room for new ones, consider a trip to the local flea market. Everyone is looking for a bargain and they just may be looking for something that you no longer wish to own. A setup fee is usually required which, depending on the location, can be $10.00 to 20.00 per day. Otherwise, you can always sell items at internet auction sites, including Yahoo and eBay.

Tip 5:
With all of the changes that you re making, it may be time to switch to a lightweight vacuum. This will save from lugging around a heavier model and will glide across the floor with ease. There s no use in completely wearing yourself out during spring cleaning, so try to make it as easy as possible.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Swimming Pool Cover Tips

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

5 Things to look for when choosing a swimming pool cover

Swimming pool covers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and general types. There are solar swimming pool covers that work to keep the water warm as well as warm the water using the suns heat. Safety pool covers do just what it says it does, it keeps the swimming pool safe from unwanted entry of the humans or animals. In ground and above ground winter swimming pool covers, keep dirt, debris, and animals out of your p…

swimming pool cleaners, pool cleaners, pool covers, swimming pool cover

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5 Things to look for when choosing a swimming pool cover

Swimming pool covers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and general types. There are solar swimming pool covers that work to keep the water warm as well as warm the water using the suns heat. Safety pool covers do just what it says it does, it keeps the swimming pool safe from unwanted entry of the humans or animals. In ground and above ground winter swimming pool covers, keep dirt, debris, and animals out of your pool during the winter season. It also prevents growth on the inside of your swimming pool that can be caused by the winter elements.

Here are a few things you should look for when shopping for a pool cover for your above ground or in ground swimming pool.

1. Find a swimming pool cover that is strong and sturdy. The cover should not only keep your swimming pool clean, it should add safety as well for humans and animals alike. It should prevent accidental drowning and dirt and debris from entering the pool.

2. Make sure the swimming pool cover conforms to state and local law requirements. Some areas require that a certain size and depth of pool be covered when not in use. There are specific requirements that these covers must meet. Check with your local authorities to ensure that your swimming pool cover meets the requirements needed.

3. Make sure your chosen swimming pool cover comes with a good manufacturer s warranty. In general, the swimming pool cover should come with a warranty of longer than 2 years. It should definitely have a full 2-year warranty for all defects and longer for limited warranties. You only want a pool cover that can be trusted and is safe with a full warranty for a lengthy amount of time. you also need to be sure the company stands behind their products.

4. Make sure the pool cover has a good overlap length. You should buy a size that is a little larger than your pool. This will enable you to securely anchor the swimming pool cover without having to worry about not being able to cover your pool completely.

5. Make sure the swimming pool cover comes with enough parts to securely anchor the cover without worry of slippage. Most larger swimming pool covers come with a strap or anchor for every four feet of cover. You definitely want a good amount of anchoring so the cover will continue to be secure each time you use it.

There you have it! The top 5 things you should look for when you are buying a swimming pool cover for any size pool and for any material type. You can purchase quality swimming pool covers at your local swimming pool supply store or at any department store that sells swimming pool gear and supplies. Carefully read all instructions provided by the manufacturer and ensure that the cover meets all requirements in your local area. Always think safety first when you own a swimming pool.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 steps to complete a successful ceramic tile installation

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Laying ceramic tiles is simple if you have the right guidance. If laying ceramic tiles is totally new to you, ‘5 Steps to complete a successful ceramic tile installation’ is a set of basic but important tips that you will help you avoid making costly mistakes on your next bathroom or ceramic tile installation.

tiling,installing tile, laying ceramic tile, ceramic tile installation, bathroom ceramic tile installation

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If laying ceramic tiles is totally new to you, “5 Steps to complete a successful ceramic tile installation” is a set of basic but important tips that you will help you avoid making costly mistakes on your next bathroom or ceramic tile installation.

” Plan which Tile
” Shop around if you want to save
” Prepare the surface for a long lasting job
” Lay the tiles
” Finishing touches

Plan which Tile

This step is often underestimated and sometimes even forgotten (can you believe it?). Planning your ceramic tile installation from A to Z is probably one of the most important steps for a smooth, easy going and problem free bathroom tile installation.

Some things to take in account are;

” Suitability of the tile
” Pattern /colour of the tile
” Size of the tile
” Size of the area to be tiled. (This is important data that will be vital to know how much tile, grout, etc, you have to buy)
” Adhesive, mortar or grout to suit your needs

Not all ceramic tile installations are the same, different tiling installations may require different mortar or grout. DO NOT feel shy about asking the suppliers for advice or help in calculating how much you need. They will gladly help you, as they are likely to make a sale.

Shop around if you want to save

This isn’t as difficult as the first step, however when the budget is tight it can be tricky to find the right tile for the ceramic tile installation you want. You are going to have to make some compromises and so don’t get carried away by the beauty of some of the ceramic tiles. Prices can vary a lot between different tiles, so some end up rather expensive for only a few square metres.
Always shop around, it has never been easier. Just sit in front of the computer and use the Internet. Use local directories to find the suppliers close to you and pay them a visit.

Before making your final decision always check the chosen tile under different lights as the results can be surprisingly different.

Prepare the surface for a long lasting job before laying the ceramic tiles
The surface to be tiled (floor, wall or any other) will often need to be prepared, this can include work like filling, levelling, smoothing, priming and sometimes water proofing.

The right preparation will be directly affect the lifespan of the ceramic tile installation. Unless you want to be tiling again soon, you want to get this right from the start.

This is probably the most important point to ensure a long lasting tiling job. Don’t rush it.

Laying the ceramic tiles safely

The technique of laying ceramic tiles is not especially difficult. It only takes a little bit of practice before anyone can easily master it. Clearing the room to be tiled before starting will help you to do the job safer and easier. Don’t forget to wear your safety goggles when cutting or chipping tiles.
Laying ceramic tiles can also be a bit messy, if you don’t want dust all over the house we suggest sealing the room you want to tile whenever possible. A large piece of plastic tacked to the door frame will do the job quite well.
Try not to allow any adhesive to get on your skin and never forget to read the manufacturers directions before even opening the tin. If some ends up on you, just clean it with water as soon as possible. Even though tile adhesives aren’t usually abrasive, if you leave it for some time it may cause an allergic reaction.

Use a spirit level to help you with the depth & level of the tiles and spacers to maintain an even distance between them.

The finishing touches

Once the tile adhesive or mortar has cured (dried) and the tiles are firm and even, you can start with the finishing touches.

You’ll have to fill the spaces between tiles with grout making sure you don’t leave any gaps as these cause damp problems, in a shower for example.

The technique is very simple, use a rubber faced trowel to spread the grout and a cotton cloth to clean the excess grout from the tiles afterwards.

There are many different types of grouts; you’ll have to choose the right one depending on the surface and chosen tile.

Now that you have your ceramic tiles laid down, you only need to take care of them, usually manufacturers provide information on taking care of their tiles and only minimal effort is required. Most household cleaning products will do the job well, if some particular stain is stubborn, there are many commercial stain removers, just make sure you use the right product for the right tile.

You are now closer to discovering how satisfying it can be handling a tile installation yourself; just follow these 5 steps to get the best result.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Reasons Why You Should Get A Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Since the day robotic vacuums were introduced, household cleaning has never been the same. Due to its sleek design and advanced technological concept, people are hitting the market to purchase their own robotic vacuum cleaner. But is the device it worth it? Check out the most common reasons why you yourself should consider getting your own robot vacuum cleaner.

Efficiency. Let s face it. Cleaning is hard. And nobody wants to do it. Getting a maid doesn t come cheap nowaday…

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To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Since the day robotic vacuums were introduced, household cleaning has never been the same. Due to its sleek design and advanced technological concept, people are hitting the market to purchase their own robotic vacuum cleaner. But is the device it worth it? Check out the most common reasons why you yourself should consider getting your own robot vacuum cleaner.

Efficiency. Let s face it. Cleaning is hard. And nobody wants to do it. Getting a maid doesn t come cheap nowadays. With the robotic vacuum cleaner, you ll get your living room, and any room for that matter, spic and span in no time. Its features are that of the regular upright vacuum, only better. It has brushes, filters, cleaning mechanisms, and all within a sturdy casing, ensuring the best operation possible.

Ease of Use. The robotic vacuum is of course, automatic. It will work unattended. Turn it on, leave it cleaning, come back and you ll find the room sparkling clean. No special switches or configurations needed. Just press the button, and the robotic vacuum will start cleaning without supervision. It paces the room randomly, using its random algorithm programming technology. It may cover the same spot many times. It would also recharge on it own if it goes low on battery power. No need to worry about looking for it after it s done cleaning. It would just be on its docking station waiting for you for its next scheduled assignment.

Compact Design. The robotic vacuum is a flat, disk-shaped device. It s flat so it can go under furniture. It would reach all those places the normal vacuum can t. So there s no need to move sofas, stools, and low-set tables. It s made disk-shaped so it can go around furniture s legs and wall corners effectively, cleaning as it goes. It has bumpers too to absorb possible collision with a solid device along its way.

Intelligent Technology. The concept behind this robotic vacuum is similar to what the army uses in clearing land mines on war fields. This robotic vacuum contains multiple sensors that will detect dirt to suck it in. The sensors also makes possible to go toward the dirtier part of the room, clean it repeatedly till there s none detected. Plus, it is what makes it intelligent enough not to fall down steps and stairs. And with the virtual wall device that comes with it, it won t go outside an open doorway.

Affordability. Robots, just by its connotation, must be real expensive. Owning one for personal use seems like a luxury. Well, not this one. Believe it or not, iRobot s Roomba only ranges from CA $250 to CA $450. It has indeed become affordable.

These are just some of the reasons that may urge you to get your own robotic vacuum cleaner. Just imagine the time you ll save vacuuming your house s entire floor area. You can do something else with all that time you should have spent cleaning. And in this ever-changing fast world, time saved is definitely worth the price you paid.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Bamboo Hardwood Flooring

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Not all hardwood flooring types are the same and choosing hardwood options is no small decision. Typically, most people think of oak, maple or cherry hardwood first. But consider bamboo flooring and why bamboo is one of the best hardwood flooring choices available today.

bamboo hardwood floor, wood flooring

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Choosing hardwood flooring over other options such as laminate, linoleum or carpet is no small decision.

Now that you have chosen to go with hardwood, you need to decide what type of hardwood you would like to have in your home.

Typically, most people think of oak, maple or cherry hardwood first. But wait, consider bamboo flooring. You will be taking advantage of one of the best hardwood flooring choices available today. Bamboo has a lot to offer.

Let s look at these five main reasons why bamboo flooring mat be your best choice.

Warm Environment – Bamboo flooring provides a warm finish because of the natural grains and growth patterns that occur in the boards. While many traditional hardwood choices do give you a beautiful floor, but it is one that also looks like it should be in a gymnasium or an auditorium. Bamboo flooring allows you to create a stunning flooring finish that exudes warmth and comfort.

Strength and Durability – Bamboo is the perfect choice for a highly durable, strong floor that can stand up to the use and abuse that animals and children can deliver. It can even resist the drop of a pan in the kitchen as well as high traffic areas such as living rooms and hallways.

Environmentally Responsible – Bamboo flooring is the most environmentally responsible choice for hardwood, because it is not a wood at all. It is actually a grass that can reach its full maturity in only five years. When the bamboo plant is harvested, it sends out runners spawning new plants all around them. Because bamboo is a renewable resource, you are making an environmentally responsible choice.

Color & Style – The natural color of bamboo is a natural blond color that shows the grains of the wood and the natural growth pattern that provides a warm color that matches every d cor. The other color option is achieved in a smoking process that carbonizes the grains in the wood, resulting in a rich amber color, which is a stunning, darker variation.

Cutting Edge – Bamboo flooring is the newest most exciting floor choice to hit the market in recent years. Your bamboo floor will most likely be the only one of its kind on your block, making it a cutting edge style that will provide your home with a beautiful, unique flavor all its own.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Reasons To Choose Blow In Insulation

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Insulating your home is pure and simple the number one way to save money on energy costs. In the old days floors and walls were lined with just about anything to keep the moisture and cold air out of home. Renovations have revealed that even old newspapers were found packed into wall and floor boards.

Today insulating is a science all its own. There are R-factors assigned to different material and methods of insulating that give homes and buildings an appropriate amount of…

blow in insulation, soundproofing, home improvement, soundproofing material, acoustical foam,

To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Insulating your home is pure and simple the number one way to save money on energy costs. In the old days floors and walls were lined with just about anything to keep the moisture and cold air out of home. Renovations have revealed that even old newspapers were found packed into wall and floor boards.

Today insulating is a science all its own. There are R-factors assigned to different material and methods of insulating that give homes and buildings an appropriate amount of protection for their geographic region. The higher the R rating, the better insulated the home.

One of the top rated insulations is relatively new to the industry probably no more than a couple of decades old and that is blow in insulation.

The Benefits of Blow In Insulation

There are several benefits to blow in insulation over rolls of fibreglass insulation. The benefits include the method of installing it, its energy efficiency and where it can be used. Here are the top 5 reasons to consider using blow in insulation:

1. Blow in insulation is adjustable. Depending on how much material is used, it can create a protection with an R value of 15-38.

2. Only virgin materials are used to create most blow-in varieties of insulation. This means there a reduced chance of allergies.

3. Blowing the material into the crevices allows for a tighter fit and seal. It can be directed around corners, beams, or wiring that may already be in the walls.

4. Installing blow in insulation is fast. A barrier, referred to as a blanket is stapled to all of the 2x4s to keep the material from floating away and adhering where it isn t wanted. Then a small slit is cut into the blanket. A hose is inserted and measured amounts of the insulation are blown into place.

5. This type of insulation is extremely energy efficient. As it is blown in it expands and adheres to the surrounding surfaces. It fills even the tiniest of cracks as it does this.

The Complete Installation Process

After attaching the blanket to the surrounding boards, the small opening cut into it allows the hose to be pointed in all directions around the wall or ceiling. After the material is in place the blanket s slit is closed and taped. This blanket does not act as a moisture barrier, it just control the spray. The material itself resists moisture.

Drywall or other wall materials are then installed right over the insulation blanket. In a renovation project this means that an entire wall would not have to be removed in order to insulation. Take an extremely old home for example. There may be no insulation at all. Instead of removing layers of plaster wall, you could simply make a hole, position the hose and fill the walls will energy efficient insulation. Then patch the wall and the job is complete.

The blow in insulation is more expensive than traditional insulation. However, experts estimate that energy savings is so great that within 2 to 4 years those costs are recovered.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Popular Kitchen Designs

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

The kitchen is one of the most used areas in your house.

To avoid frustration you need to spend some quality time in the design of your new kitchen to ensure it fully meets your needs.

Our article will give you a good start to your new design plans.

kitchen,kitchen design,kitchen ideas,kitchen styles,home improvement,diy

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If you are looking to install a new kitchen into your home then you will find that there is a bewildering choice of free kitchen design ideas you could choose from to feed your own design plans.

Together with the bathroom the kitchen is the most important room in the house to get right in design terms.

Aside from the hall the kitchen receives the highest amount of foot traffic in the home.

Most people spend a lot of time in the kitchen, especially families and if something is not right it will bug you every time you look at it.

I recommend you spend considerable time looking for free kitchen design ideas before you approach a kitchen design store. That way you will have a much more focused idea of what you are looking for and are more likely to encourage the salesperson to offer you a special deal. They will see you as a serious prospect who has spent time creating a strong vision and knows what they require.

Design ideas can be found in many places such as house and home magazines, kitchen showrooms, diy stores, kitchen web sites and friends’ houses.

You should be able to formulate at least two or three design ideas using these methods.

In the meantime here is a list of 5 popular kitchen styles that you can investigate to get you started:

Country Style

This style is also called early american or colonial and creates a lovely quaint farm kitchen look.

Typically the kitchen will feature open shelves, pot racks and a general feeling of being well lived in, accented by the various color schemes of the cabinetry.


This style has clean and simple lines. Cabinets are usually futuristic in look with no carvings or particularly ornate features.

The emphasis is on style and practical sophistication.


This is a simple and utilitarian style that features flat panel doors, wooden countertops and brass hardware.

French Country

These are warm inviting kitchens full of wood and soft colors.

Natural materials feature strongly as do large furniture pieces with ornate carvings.

Arts and Crafts

This is becoming a popular style and features glass doors and natural wood tones that are finished in a matte sheen.

This style can be very artistic.

Finally, take into account the themes you have used in other rooms to ensure that the kitchen design you finally choose fits well into your overall scheme.

I hope that our free kitchen design ideas help you to get a good start in your project.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 5 Outdoor Decorating Tips

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Spring is here and decorating is in the air. We all love putting out fresh new looks in our homes this time of year, but have you thought recently about the outside? Often we’re so busy decorating or redecorating inside, we forget to do the same outside as well. So here are a few quick and easy outdoor decorating tips that will help spruce up the curb appeal of your home:

1. Paint: You can paint the entire house and trim, or simply touch up the trim alone… either way wil…

decorating, decor, home decor, outdoor decorating, garden decor

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Spring is here and decorating is in the air. We all love putting out fresh new looks in our homes this time of year, but have you thought recently about the outside? Often we’re so busy decorating or redecorating inside, we forget to do the same outside as well. So here are a few quick and easy outdoor decorating tips that will help spruce up the curb appeal of your home:

1. Paint: You can paint the entire house and trim, or simply touch up the trim alone… either way will make a huge impact on how your home looks to the passing public.

2. Porch or Patio: If you already have a porch or patio, simply putting new furniture out can make a wonderful difference in the presentation of your home. Alternatively, you can simply buy new cushions or covers for your existing patio furniture. Other quick patio spruce ups can be as simple as putting out a few flowering potted plants, adding gnomes or statues, or putting a small water fountain into the space.

3. Walkways: Having walkways outside your home add a cozy, homey and inviting feel to the overall outdoor presentation. Just a straight concrete walkway can be spruced up by putting a bit of garden bed edging along each side… putting small solar walkway lights on each side… or planting colorful annual flowers such as petunias on each side. If you don’t already have a walkway and want to create one, I think the prettiest are those made of stone. Add an extra decorative touch by making the walkway curve or wind a bit to your front door instead of leading straight there.

4. Yard ornaments: These can be as simple as a small bird house, a pole mounted outdoor lantern light, or even a wheelbarrow with flowers. Putting a little something extra in your yard defines you and your tastes, plus it gives your home a more unique personality that stands out from your neighbors.

5. Flowers, Plants, Vines & Bushes: Probably the most popular way to spruce up a yard quickly is to simply put out some pretty plants, bushes, vines and flowers. Annuals are great for adding dashes of color quickly, because you can usually buy them this time of year in bloom. To get continuous color and greenery, plant some perrenials too. Then once the annuals are starting to die out, you’ll have something to replace them. You’ll also have the added joy of seeing the perrenials sprout again for several years to come.

Would you like additional outdoor decorating tips? See the rest of this article and related resources at: