Driveways Waterford

DDW Antique Furniture Basics

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Antiques may be of many different kinds and of all the antique collectibles and furniture happens to be the most popular and practical choice. Antique furniture is distinct from other categories of antiques in the sense that no one collects the same type of object repeatedly. It means that you would not want to buy and collect only tables or chests and fill up your home with everything the same. However, you may have a specific liking to certain wood or style.

Regardless o…

Antique Furniture, antiques, online antiques

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Antiques may be of many different kinds and of all the antique collectibles and furniture happens to be the most popular and practical choice. Antique furniture is distinct from other categories of antiques in the sense that no one collects the same type of object repeatedly. It means that you would not want to buy and collect only tables or chests and fill up your home with everything the same. However, you may have a specific liking to certain wood or style.

Regardless of your preference, if you are planning to purchase antique furniture, you need to know the basics. In other words, you should have some idea about various styles, techniques of construction, finishes and variety of woods used. You will need this knowledge to determine if a particular piece is original (in its original state without any major changes) or altered (if some major alterations or additions have been made to it.)

Once you are acquainted with the basics, go to as many antique furniture dealers and auctions as you possibly can. When inspecting the merchandise, don t hesitate in pulling out drawers, getting down on your knees to look at the underside of tabletops or lifting chairs to have a look at their legs. If you don t get down and dirty, you will never learn.

In the beginning, furniture was crafted from solid wood but with improvement in cabinet making techniques, furniture decoration by applying veneers (thin sheets of wood) was developed. This provided an inexpensive method of creating decorative effects from different grains and patterns. It was also an economical technique that made inexpensive woods look like expensive hard woods. Such furniture had a solid body called a carcass that is made of a different, generally less expensive wood, like pine. Some of the woods used in antique furniture are beech, cherry, chestnut, ebony, elm, mahogany, pine, oak, satinwood, walnut etc.

The following features are significant when determining the age, authenticity, quality and worth or price of antique furniture:

I> Color and Patina: Patina is the glow of the wood after years of accumulation of wax polish and dirt. A rich subtle color is also an important characteristic of antique furniture.

II> Proportion: A disproportionate piece of furniture may well be a marriage of different parts from different furniture.

III> Construction: Before the late 17th century, furniture was made using mortise and tendon joints and pegs were handmade.

IV> Condition: Do not ignore pieces with marks or blemishes as the wood has not been damaged. A good restorer can undo surface spots. Antique Furniture in it original pristine condition is worth the highest price.

V> Alterations: Altered furniture is always less desirable than the original piece. Telltale alterations include large pieces reduced in size, freshly cut surfaces, plugged holes, repositioned handles etc.

Now that you know what to look for, the question is where to look for antique furniture?

Well, apart from auctions and dealers, you can always check the classifieds section in the paper to see if anybody s selling furniture and go check it out. You might even find a good bargain this way. Also, you will find many sites that sell antique furniture on the internet or you could use the internet to find out where you could go to get good deals on antique furniture.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Antique Fireplace Mantels

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Are you looking to change your plain old boring fireplace mantel? Well if you re thinking about setting up an antique fireplace mantel that will go with the classy theme the rest of your house has, don t fret it can be easily achieved.

These are timeless and sophisticated mantels that have long ago been associated with mansions and palaces. But now you can get that same look in your home.

If you have an older home that is colonial then an antique fireplace would look …

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Are you looking to change your plain old boring fireplace mantel? Well if you re thinking about setting up an antique fireplace mantel that will go with the classy theme the rest of your house has, don t fret it can be easily achieved.

These are timeless and sophisticated mantels that have long ago been associated with mansions and palaces. But now you can get that same look in your home.

If you have an older home that is colonial then an antique fireplace would look great, because it will create an historic presence.

The vintage mantels weren t built for today s fireplaces, so even if you buy one from an antique or salvage store you would still have to make some adjustments to it. For the most part, the mantels tend to be a lot bigger, so you ll have to get them trimmed. It would be wise to have the dimensions of you re fireplace with you when you go to the store. So you get one that would fit your fire place.

As for accessorizing your mantel, you should keep with the vintage theme and put antique bottles or miniature sculptures. Once the mantel is in your room, if you feel it looks clustered, don t worry. By putting a mirror on the mantel it can create an illusion that the room is big.

It is really important that before you do any sort of construction that you verify the building and fire codes. These mantels are quite expensive, so consider hiring someone to do it. Experts say that this type of job is for professionals only. But look at it this way, if you decide to sell your house, having a fireplace of this magnitude can increase the value of your home.

So now you can go out and get that antique mantel you ve always wanted.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Antiques & Collectibles – where to find

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An Antique is something which is an old collectible item. It becomes valuable because of its age, its specialty and its rarity and utility or may be because of its separate unique feature. Ideally it is measured by its craftsmanship or some other importance. It is not available in an open market like other commodity; however it can be purchased from an auction dealer or online from any website.

Antiques, Collectibles, Antique Furniture,Antique Stores,Antique Map,Antique Coin,Vintage Car,CF Antique,Antique Resource,Antique Art,Atlanta Antique stores

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An Antique is something which is an old collectible item. It becomes valuable because of its age, its specialty and its rarity and utility or may be because of its separate unique feature. Ideally it is measured by its craftsmanship or some other importance. It is not available in an open market like other commodity; however it can be purchased from an auction dealer or online from any website.

You can find antiques in museum too. Few antique items include books, furniture, jewellery, etc. It can be used as another term for collectibles. It is very important to know where you can find an antique item. Many people misunderstand as to where you can find an antique item. Most of the people search antique items in place where it cannot be found. It can be found easily from persons who really handle antique item like antique dealers.

It can be found in abundance in places where there is history. You should really know that antiques do not originate from the sky or directly at antique stores. It originates from home. This notion needs to be changed and understood that it can be easily found from home where old items are preserved. That is the fundamental truth about antique.

You can find these antiques from people who are very old. Be it a coin, an art piece or even a table or chair. Check with the old people, they will guide you as to where these are. Old people have antiques in abundance than young people. The reasons why antiques can be found with older people are they have passed generation and they will be carrying these things. You can find most of them preserve these items right from toys and coins and they carry with them.

So you should know where you can find antiques. To put in simple terms:-

Antiques can be found with older people.
To find more antiques you need to check the old house hold accumulations on regular basis.
To get this you need to go to people home where there is rich history involved where antiques originate.

Knowing where you can find antiques can place you much ahead of your competitors.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Anti-Mold Venetian Plaster

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Although mold is in nature, nobody wants mold all over their walls. Insurance companies are paying hundreds of millions on mold related claims. It is indeed a serious issue.
So again why Venetian plasters from Firenze Enterprises are Anti-Mold?

The short answer is that mold can only grow in an acidic environment. So now you may ask, What does this have to do with our Venetian Plaster ? As you know from your high school chemistry class all natural lime plasters are alkali…

Venetian Plaster, Marmorino, Faux Finishes, Walls

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Although mold is in nature, nobody wants mold all over their walls. Insurance companies are paying hundreds of millions on mold related claims. It is indeed a serious issue.
So again why Venetian plasters from Firenze Enterprises are Anti-Mold?

The short answer is that mold can only grow in an acidic environment. So now you may ask, What does this have to do with our Venetian Plaster ? As you know from your high school chemistry class all natural lime plasters are alkaline, that means that the Venetian plasters walls are not acidic, therefore, no mold can form on them.

This of course has to do with the Ph scale. The Ph scale is a measurement of the activity of Hydrogen ions. I m sorry, but we said we would keep it simple.

The pH measure of the degree of the acidity or the alkalinity of a solution as measured on a scale (pH scale) of 0 to 14. Numbers below 7.0 indicate acidity; numbers greater than 7.0 indicate alkalinity. If something has a pH of 7.0 that means it is neutral, neither acid nor alkaline.

Mold can only grow in an acid environment

The primary ingredient of Firenze Enterprises Venetian Plaster is Slaked lime Ca(OH)2, produced from calcium carbonate that is mined and heated. Lime is Alkaline in nature. In fact, if any of you grew up on a farm you know that lime is used to raise the pH of your soil if it is overly acid.

So since Lime is alkaline in nature our Venetian Plasters being composed essentially of Lime are not only breathable, but Anti-Mold.

Impact of the Environment

How does this affect the quality of your life?

It think the implications are obvious, however, let me add that many health researchers claim that because of environmental issues our bodies produced too much acid that may even be causing chronic health problems.

The following is an excerpt from the article ACIDIDTY AND ALKALINITY IN OUR DIETS:

Many people just don’t feel good anymore. Some find themselves being much more susceptible to colds, or to whatever “bug” is currently going around. Much more serious are the increasing cases of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. “Health” and “wellness” have become relative terms. Low-level toxicity from many sources can be very difficult to detect. The combined action of all these toxins creates a “toxic cocktail” effect which can seriously weaken the body and the mind through a process we call “fermentation” or the over-acidification of the blood and tissue as a result of the proliferation of yeast, fungus, and bacteria. Yeast and fungus are single cell life forms which inhabit the air, soil, water, and many of the foods we eat. They are more highly developed than the intermediate states of bacteria or the early stages of viruses. Over the years, they have developed into over 500,000 different species. They are opportunists and survivalists .


At this point I want to stress that as humans what we eat and the environment we put ourselves in is directly related to our health.

My next article in the Master Series will explain this further.

Mold in your home has been described as the next major class action lawsuit

Driveways Waterford

DDW American Blind And Wallpaper In Business To Dress Your Windows

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If you re looking for blinds on the internet, you re sure to come across American blind and wallpaper. They re the biggest

american blind and wallpaper, american blinds and wallpaper, american wallpaper and blinds

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The American Blind and Wallpaper Company has the largest selection of blinds and wallpaper that you will find at any site on the Internet. If you are looking for blinds and wallpaper, this is the company to deal with. The wide selection of different types of blinds that you can order will have you browsing the online catalog for days before you make your final decision. Not only does American Blind and Wallpaper have the largest selection, but it has cheap prices and delayed payments so you can save money this way as well. You will find all the top manufacturers of blinds at American Blind and Wallpaper and every possible type of window blind you can imagine.

The American Blind and Wallpaper Factory has a decorator shop where you can get expert advice on decorating every room of your home. Commercial buildings, as well, rely on the advice of the decorators at American Blinds and Wallpaper. If you live in Michigan, you can schedule a free shop at home appointment. This means that a representative of American Wallpaper and Blinds will come to your home or office. When you make your purchase from American Blinds and Wallpaper, you get a lifetime warranty on any repairs needed along with the low prices.

It is easy to see why American homes and businesses like to purchase blinds and wallpaper from the American Blind and Wallpaper Company. This company is determined to put the customer first and see that your needs are met. The friendly staff will go out of their way to make sure that you are completely satisfied with the wallpaper and blinds that you buy. It doesn t matter where you live because American Blinds and Wallpaper will ship the blinds or wallpaper that you order online to any part of the country. In addition to the low prices, you won t have to pay shipping charges on your purchase.

If you have questions about blinds and wallpaper that you can t find the answer to on the site for American Blind and Wallpaper, there is a toll free number that you can use to contact customer service. You can also order sample swatches of blinds and wallpaper from the American Blinds and Wallpaper catalog. This is the perfect way for you to shop at home if you live outside of Michigan. American Wallpaper and Blinds will provide 10 free samples of blinds for only $5 and you can get samples of brand names such as Hunter Douglas and Levelor.

For everything you need in blinds, wallpaper and area rugs, American Blind and Wallpaper is your one-stop shopping source. No other retailer of blinds has the selection of brand names, types of blinds and the range of colors that you will find at American Blinds and Wallpaper. Once you browse the catalog, you will be hooked on the selection and the prices. You will become a customer of American Blind and Wallpaper and will most definitely recommend this company to your friends.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Aluminum Strap Patio Furniture Sets

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The construction, maintenance, storage, and appearance of aluminum patio furniture makes it a great choice for hassle-free patio furniture.

aluminum strap patio furntiure, strap patio bar chairs, aluminum strap patio chairs, aluminum strap patio chaise lounges,

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When looking for a great patio furniture set that will last, a type to consider is aluminum strap patio furniture sets. Aluminum patio furniture sets have improved by leaps and bounds since the days of lightweight folding chairs, which usually fold when they re not supposed to. The construction, maintenance, storage, and appearance of aluminum patio furniture makes it a great choice for hassle-free patio furniture.

Aluminum strap patio furniture is now made from the finest components. The hardware used is all virtually stainless. The base and feet of aluminum strap patio furniture is also equipped with aluminum skids which protect any type of patio surface. Aluminum strap patio furniture is created from welded aluminum frames which ensure durability. They are then powder coated in a process that makes aluminum patio furniture more comfortable and resilient than ever.

Most aluminum strap patio furniture pieces stack very easily. This is convenient for storage, especially for hotels or commercial sites like pools and beaches. There are some types of aluminum strap furniture that do not stack. These pieces usually have more details and accessories that do not allow for stacking. These additional accessories, however, add a touch of elegance to otherwise simple furniture, and the reduced storage capacity may be worth sacrificing for a more up-scale patio look.

So what is out there for aluminum strap patio furniture sets? Some sets are simple double wrapped vinyl straps, while others feature a criss-cross basket weave design that is even more elegant. Aluminum strap patio chaise lounges offer superior comfort. Complete with armrests, back braces, optimal ground clearance, and wide range reclining adjustment, just about anyone can get comfortable. Also available are aluminum strap patio bar stools and tables. These are perfect for casual outdoor dining, or catching a drink pool side. And aluminum strap patio furniture sets are also available in a wide range of colors.

Aluminum strap patio furniture sets are one of the most versatile types of patio furniture on the market. They are ideal sets for either commercial or residential patios.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Removal

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Learn how to remove your old aluminum sliding glass door before installing a vinyl replacement door.

Sliding glass doors, sliding doors, vinyl doors, sliding door replacement, installing sliding glass doors, how to install sliding doors

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Last week I explained how to measure your existing sliding glass door so you can order the vinyl replacement door. This week I am going to go over the steps required to remove the old sliding door before installing the new door.

First, you have to remove the sliding panel and the stationary panel. The vast majority of doors out there have the sliding panel on the inside half of the track, and the stationary panel is on the outside. Whatever the case in your particular door, the outside panel has to come out first. To remove the fixed panel, you need to remove the sill cap that snaps into the bottom track and runs from the fixed panel to the side jamb where the sliding panel locks. Force a screwdriver into the crease and pry the cap up. Then, look for screws on the inside side jamb holding the fixed panel in place. These screws prevent someone from prying up the sill cap and pulling out the fixed panel in order to gain entry into the home. In addition to the side jamb, be sure to check across the top header and bottom track for screws there as well. Once all the screws have been removed, you need to pull the fixed panel away from the side jamb. You can start by simply grabbing the side rail of the fixed panel and pulling as hard as you can. If you’re lucky, the panel will pop free. Then you can lift the panel up as far as it will go into the top channel and swing the bottom away from the track, and remove the panel. Now, I said “if you’re lucky”, because in most cases the panel will be stuck in the side jamb, the bottom track, or both. Usually, you’re going to have to use a pry bar to loosen the fixed panel before it will slide out of the side jamb. Once the fixed panel is out, removal of the sliding panel is usually easier. Just lift up and swing the bottom away from the track, then remove the panel. Sometimes the bottom rollers will prevent the bottom from swinging out of the track. If that’s the case, you will need to find the roller adjustment hole in the bottom corners of the sliding panel. Put a screwdriver into this hole and turn the screw counterclockwise to bring the roller as far up into the bottom of the sliding panel as possible. This should allow the slider to come out.

Now, you want to remove all the screws from the side jambs, top header, and bottom track. Then, take a pry bar and get it under the bottom track about in the center. Pry up until the track is separated from the floor. The next step will depend on whether your old frame is nailed to the house frame, or simply screwed in. If it’s screwed in, then the frame should now be loose in the opening, since you removed all of the screws. You just need to remove whatever inside trim there might be around the door frame. This type of frame should come out. If your door is nailed to the house frame, you will have to do a bit more work. Use a hacksaw to cut the track in half, approximately in the center. Start with either half and raise the cut piece up towards the side jamb until the the track piece separates from the side jamb. Do the same thing to the other half.

So, now you have to remove the side jambs. You want to do this without damaging the exterior material that surrounds the door frame. Take a heavy chisel and pound it into the crack between the frame and exterior material, whether it’s stucco, siding, etc. Start at the bottom 6 inches first. What you are trying to do is pull the nail fin away from the nails holding it in place. So, once the chisel is pounded through the metal frame, pry away from the side wall. The heavier and longer the chisel, the more leverage you will have. You will hear the frame “pop” free of the nail. There will be several nails holding each jamb in place, so you want to start at the bottom and work your way to the top corner. Once you get the bottom third loose, many times you can grab the jamb with both hands and pull the rest of the nails free as you go up. When you get to the top corner, work the jamb free. Do both jambs, then do the top. Sometimes the top has no nails, or just one in the center, so it will come down pretty easily. Be sure to wear safety glasses and a dust mask when doing this job, especially when removing the top header.

At this point you are ready to install the new door. The installation procedure is slightly different, depending on whether you’re installing a retrofit style frame or a replacement frame. We will discuss both procedures next week.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Aluminum single hung window glass repair

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Learn how to repair the broken glass in an aluminum frame single hung window

Window glass repair, repairing a broken window,

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Let’s talk about repairing broken glass in an aluminum frame single hung window. If it’s the lower sash pane that is broken, it must be removed from the inside. You are going to have one of three different mechanisms that hold the lower sash up when you slide it open. If you can’t see any mechanisms on the sides, then you have a block and tackle system consisting of a string and spring assembly. Find the thin metal clips in the side jambs just above the sash. Pull the bottom of the clip out using a screwdriver or your fingernail. Do that on both sides. Then remove any rubber stops at the very top of the window. Raise the window as high as it will go. The block and tackle assemblies will get snagged in the metal clips, allowing you to remove the window sash. You would replace the glass using the same method described in our article about sliding window repairs. Once you have the new glass installed, install the window panel in the reverse order that you removed it. Close the window and push the metal clips back. Install the rubber stops at the top.

If you have a mechanism across the top of the window with a string coming down each side and screwed into the top corners of the window sash, you need to remove the screws holding the strings in place. But before you remove the screws, you need to remove one of the black plastic pieces that cover the side jamb. Raise the window all the way up, then put a flat screwdriver at the very bottom of the plastic piece and pull outward until you can grab it with your fingers. Slide the plastic out. Now remove the screws holding the strings. Be sure to hold the string in one hand while removing the screw, because the string is under tension. After removing the screw, let the string slowly go back up. Pull the panel to the side that you removed the black plastic piece, and remove the panel. Remember, two of your corner screws will be removed at this point, and the proper way to remove the frame from the glass is to remove opposite corner screws. So, you should put one of the string screws back in and remove the corner screw opposite the removed string screw. Then, when you install the new glass, remove the string screw and install the strings. Raise the window up and install the black plastic piece by sliding it up between the frame and side jamb.

The final mechanism will be a spiral metal rod. If you have this type, i suggest you have it done by a professional. If you aren’t careful with these, you can wind up having to replace the spiral rods. Now, if the broken pane is the upper sash, more than likely it will be a fixed panel. You can take these out without messing with the sliding panel. Unlock the window and raise the lower sash a few inches. Remove the screen, then remove the two screws holding the horizontal bar on place. Tap the bar down in one corner using a hammer and screwdriver. The bar will come off. Then you can grab the bottom of the upper sash and wiggle as you pull the sash downward. Once you have pulled it down several inches, you should be able to grab the top and bottom of the sash and pull to the left or right until the opposite side comes out. Then you can swing the panel out.

Once the new glass is installed, you can put the upper sash back by reversing the removal procedure. Tap the bottom upward with a hammer or rubber mallet, ensuring that the sash is fully seated in the top of the frame. Then, put the horizontal mulling bar back in place and tap it on the sash frame. Install the screws and screen. You’re done.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Aluminum Frame Replacement Windows- Smart Move for Energy Efficiency

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What with soaring energy and fuel costs, energy efficiency in your home is more important today than ever before.

home improvement, energy savings

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What with soaring energy and fuel costs, energy efficiency in your home is more important today than ever before. That is why, when homeowners reach the point where it is necessary to replace windows for any reason, I highly recommend they choose energy efficient replacement aluminum windows. Aluminum replacement windows can appreciably influence the cost of heating and cooling a home.

Of course, I realize everyone wants his or her home to be beautiful. Yes, often the more energy efficient windows are not your most visually pleasing option, and these windows are also more expensive upfront than other choices. However, overall savings over the lifetime of these windows in energy costs will more than return your investment. Remember that you will only pay the price of the windows once, but it is possible for energy prices to keep rising and costing you.

Lower heating and cooling bills are not the only benefits from installing aluminum replacement windows. In 1989, Jan Fenhaus of Eugene, Oregon added an extension to her ranch-style home that used all wood-framed windows.

Since then, she writes, I developed multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). I became very sick and was unable to work; my life was miserable. After many months of suffering, while doing some research into MCS, I discovered that the wood frames of the new windows had been treated with water repellants and fungicidal chemicals which some people react to. I took out a home equity loan and had all the wood windows in the house removed. They were replaced with new aluminum windows, which I was told are the best for sensitive people. Within days of moving back in, Jan told us, the headaches and nausea cleared up and now I am 100% recovered

Now think about the reason you want replacement windows. Is it because your old windows are drafty, old and let so much outside air in your house? If the decision to replace has anything to do with energy consumption, then you would be making a mistake not to look for the more energy efficient windows available.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Aluminum Cushion Patio Furniture

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Choosing patio furniture can be a difficult decision with so many options. There is one option that is comfortable as well as beautiful to accent any patio, and that is aluminum cushion patio furniture.

aluminum cushion patio furniture sets, aluminum cushion patio chairs, aluminum cushion chaise lounge, cushion fabrics

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Choosing patio furniture can be a difficult decision with so many options. There is one option that is comfortable as well as beautiful to accent any patio, and that is aluminum cushion patio furniture.

Aluminum cushion patio furniture is the most comfortable patio furniture . Plush cushions and soft upholstered fabrics make sitting in a chaise lounge a very relaxing experience. The fabric chosen for upholstery can be suited to match any type of d cor.

Aluminum cushion patio furniture is also a great choice for durability. The aluminum hardware is treated to be weather resistant, and is also designed with comfort in mind. Cushions also are treated to be mold and mildew resistant so they can survive the elements when left outside.

Aluminum cushion patio furniture has some unique design elements to offer as well. Instead of a set of simple chairs, aluminum cushion patio chairs can be swivel chairs or rocking chairs that allow for maximum mobility as well as comfort. An aluminum serving cart can also be ordered to compliment any aluminum cushion patio furniture set.

Aluminum cushion patio furniture is a great choice for commercial or residential use. It is a great idea when you want you gets to have the maximum comfort patio furniture can provide when sitting outdoors or poolside. It is more decorative than traditional aluminum patio furniture, so you know your guests will appreciate that.