Driveways Waterford

DDW Are Your Home Theater Speakers in the Right Place?

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Speakers play a major role in your home theater system. Good sound quality depends on them. You need at least 4 to 5 speakers to create surround sound. It is important to focus on features such as loudness, crispness, and space when choosing speakers. Depending on what your want and your budget, you can choose speakers that deliver a certain level of sound and you can get them as small or as big as you want.

home theater speakers, home theater system

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Sound is one of the most important aspects of a great home theater experience. Quality sound really brings film to life and that fact spurs many home theater aficionados to select their speakers and sound equipment with great care.

Too often, though, the speakers that sounded great in the listening room don t pack the same punch when installed at home. The issue is usually related to speaker positioning.

There are a few factors anyone should consider when installing home theater speakers. One should be aware of proper distancing, height and angling (also referred to as toe-in). Sometimes the perfect set-up is outlined in the owner s manuals and documentation that come with the speakers. In other cases, it s necessary to evaluate proper positioning with a trial and error technique.

If your speakers aren t bringing the movies to life for your home theater system, don t give up and go purchase a new sound system until you first double-check the positioning of your speakers. Even small adjustments can have a huge impact.

By finding the optimal positioning for your speakers, you can breathe new life in what you may have believed to be an inferior speaker. You can also begin to enjoy the movies the way you had hoped to when you first decided to invest in a home theater system.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are vent free gas fireplaces safe?

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Fireplaces emit a variety of potentially toxic substances including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The vent free gas fireplace offers no venting capacity so byproducts released from the fireplace remain in the house.

vent free gas fireplace, vent free fireplace

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Fireplaces emit a variety of potentially toxic substances including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The vent free gas fireplace offers no venting capacity so byproducts released from the fireplace remain in the house. It should be noted that vent free or ventless fireplaces are also available in electric and propane models. Because of its popularity we will focus on the vent free gas fireplace.

With advancements in insulation efficiency and the improved methods in which it is installed and the new technologies applied to the exterior of new homes, today s homes are airtight. If you add to this a vent free gas fireplace where do the toxic byproducts go? They are released directly into your home.

Vent free fireplaces are banned in some U.S. states and are not approved in Canada. They maybe promoted as easier to install or just as safe as other fireplaces, but I would recommend that you consider a direct vent fireplace. Equipped with a sealed firebox the direct vent fireplace is generally safer. It works by drawing in combustion air from the outdoors directly into the firebox through a pipe, while another pipe exhausts its combustion products to the outdoors. The sealed glass panel on the front is critical in maintaining the quality of the air in the home and providing high energy efficiency.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are Sun Rooms Safe?

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Most Americans prefer having a roof deck in their homes just so they can have their private tanning sessions. Others opt for sun rooms or solariums to get that sought-after tan.

The concept of a solarium or sun room has changed over the years, from the rooftop solarium of a house as it is known in Rome to the castle roof solarium as it was known during the medieval period. During the olden times, solariums were typically located at the upper floor of the house, usually wit…

sunrooms, sun rooms

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Most Americans prefer having a roof deck in their homes just so they can have their private tanning sessions. Others opt for sun rooms or solariums to get that sought-after tan.

The concept of a solarium or sun room has changed over the years, from the rooftop solarium of a house as it is known in Rome to the castle roof solarium as it was known during the medieval period. During the olden times, solariums were typically located at the upper floor of the house, usually with large windows surrounding the room to welcome sunlight.

Solariums were not really made for tanning then, because medieval women used the solariums as their nook where they spend hours gossiping and exchanging pleasantries.

During the modern times, the sun rooms became more extravagant and elegant. Today, sun rooms are built surrounded by window glasses. Some sun rooms are even built with walls made of glass. Sun rooms today are also used by the family members as a relaxation area where they can entertain visitors or host parties. Today, sun rooms are also built to serve as greenhouses where exotic plants are kept and grown.

The concept of using sun rooms as tanning rooms is relatively new but it has attracted homeowners who find the idea practical. Instead of going to tanning shops or spas, there are home owners who buy use the sun rooms for personal tanning sessions.

Solariums or sun rooms are more popular during summer when the whole household can avail of in-house tanning services. Some get their own portable beds and stay in their sun rooms the rest of the day.

Having your own sub room can be practical and cost effective. It can save you time and money in going to tanning salons. However, people who use sun rooms for tanning purposes should be aware of the dangers of too much exposure to the sun s ultraviolet rays.

Even if you are just in you sun room, you have to make sure you are protected by wide-brimmed hats. To be more practical about it, use sun protecting creams or sunscreens with higher protection level. The common belief is that a person does not need sunscreen if he is jus tin the confines of his home. Of course, a sun room is just within your home but you are getting more sun exposure there so you have to protect your skin and your eyes.

You can enjoy your sun rooms but do not endanger your health by enjoying your sun rooms without proper protection.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are Loft Beds (Bunk Beds) Safe?

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If you are trying to maximize the space in your room, consider purchasing a loft bed or bunk bed to elevate your sleeping area. With loft beds, the bed is elevated on a platform with space left underneath for living, working, or playing. Bunk beds work on the same principal, but with another bed underneath the top bunk. Both are popular with children and teens, who often have limited space in their rooms; however, many parents worry about their safety.

Each year, thousands…

loft beds,bunk beds, beds

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If you are trying to maximize the space in your room, consider purchasing a loft bed or bunk bed to elevate your sleeping area. With loft beds, the bed is elevated on a platform with space left underneath for living, working, or playing. Bunk beds work on the same principal, but with another bed underneath the top bunk. Both are popular with children and teens, who often have limited space in their rooms; however, many parents worry about their safety.

Each year, thousands of children are rushed to emergency rooms after falling from the top bunk of their bunk beds or loft beds, while many more receive less serious injuries that are not seen by a medical professional. Typically, the main reason of injury involving bunk beds or lofts beds is horseplay and not from improperly installed beds. Before you purchase bunk beds or loft beds for your child, consider the age of the child and plan to make rules regarding the use of the bed. Although younger children are thought to experience more injuries, the most problems occur with older children who are more apt to disregard rules and exhibit unsafe or risky behavior.

For the most part, bunk beds and loft beds are just as safe as conventional beds. For smaller children, consider designating the lower bunk as their bed instead of allowing them to regularly climb to the top bunk. Also, ensure the bed is properly maintained and meets all current safety regulations and standards. Additionally, approximately eight percent of bunk bed related falls and injuries that must seek medical attention are related directly to the ladder. In addition to ensuring the ladder is properly installed, instruct your child on the correct method of ascending and descending the ladder.

When you begin searching for an appropriate bunk bed or loft bed for your child, choose a bed that appeals to all the safety standards. A bunk bed should have guard rails that have no more than three and one-half inches of space between the rail and the mattress. This will prevent children from falling through the space and potentially injuring themselves. If necessary, you may need to install extra boards if the space between the guard rail and the mattress. Furthermore, the guard rail needs to extend no less than five inches above mattress so that your child will be unable to roll off the top bunk.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the bunk bed or loft bed your purchase has guard rails on both sides. Even though one side of the bed will be placed next to a wall, a guard rail is essential due to a child potentially falling next to the wall and becoming trapped between the wall and the bed frame. Again, the guard rail should be no greater than three and one-half inches above the bed frame. Also, you should ensure that the mattress purchased to fit the bunk bed or loft bed properly fits the frame. Many parents choose to use a preexisting mattress used on a child-sized bed that is smaller than a traditional twin bed frame. Children can potentially fall between the mattress and the frame in this situation, so you should ensure the mattress is of the proper size.

In addition to ensuring the mattress is of proper size, you should also check that the mattress foundation is properly suspended above the bottom bunk or the space below. If the bed sits on a wooden platform, consider reinforcing the mattress with wooden slats or metal straps. This will prevent the top bunk from collapsing, especially if the lower occupant is kicking or pushing the above mattress.

By purchasing a quality, well constructed bunk bed or loft bed that meets all safety guidelines, you can make certain that your child will be safe and free from injury from the bed.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are Kitchen Remodeling Books Worth Buying?

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Each year, thousands, if not millions, of Americans make the decision to remodel their kitchens. Kitchen remodeling can include something as simple as replacing your kitchen sink, but it can also include something extravagant, such as changing around your whole kitchen, from the lights all the way down to your flooring.

kitchen refitting, kitchen refurbishing, kitchens

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Each year, thousands, if not millions, of Americans make the decision to remodel their kitchens. Kitchen remodeling can include something as simple as replacing your kitchen sink, but it can also include something extravagant, such as changing around your whole kitchen, from the lights all the way down to your flooring. As nice as it is to have your kitchen remodeled, it can get fairly expensive. That is why a large number of homeowners make the decision to do their own remodeling. When doing so, many turn to kitchen remodeling books for assistance, but are they really worth the money?

Before you can begin to determine whether or not kitchen remodeling books are really worth the money, it is important to examine exactly what they are. Kitchen remodeling books, also commonly referred to as kitchen remodeling how-to guides, are books that are designed to help readers know as much as they can about remodeling their kitchens. It is not uncommon for a kitchen remodeling book to be filled with directions, including step-by-step pictures, lists of materials needed, as well as safety tips. Kitchen remodeling books also come in a number of different formats. It is not uncommon to find a kitchen remodeling book that focuses on a number of kitchen remodeling projects or a book that just focuses on one project.

Now that you know what kitchen remodeling books or kitchen remodeling how-to guides are, you can begin to examine whether or not they are really worth the money. Perhaps, the easiest way to do this is to determine what you need to learn how to do. For instance, if you would only like to remodel your kitchen by replacing your kitchen countertops, it may be worthless to purchase a big kitchen remodeling book, one that focuses on a number of different remodeling projects. Your money may be better spent purchasing a kitchen remodeling book that has a specific focus on kitchen countertop installations. When installing your new counters, or just about anything else for that matter, you will often find that there is more than one way to do something. A detailed kitchen remodeling book, one that focuses on one project in particular, may help to give you more options.

When determining whether or not kitchen remodeling books are worth the money, it is also important to focus on what can be found inside them. Many times, you will find that most kitchen remodeling books come with written directions, as well as step-by-step pictures. Although step-by-step pictures are nice, not all books have them. If you need to see pictures of what you are doing, you will not want to waste your money on a kitchen remodeling how-to guide that does not include pictures. Also if you are looking for directions on how to do a certain project, such as replacing your sink, you will want to make sure that the book you are about to purchase has exactly what you need. Unfortunately, too many homeowners mistakenly believe that a kitchen remodeling book has exactly what they need inside of it. That is why it is important that you know what you are buying.

The cost of a kitchen remodeling book will also have an impact on whether or not it is worth it. Depending on where you shop, you should be able to find a collection of low-cost and affordable kitchen how-to guides. Kitchen remodeling how-to guides can be purchased online, from most book stores and home improvement stores. You can easily find kitchen remodeling books that sell for as low as ten dollars and some that sell for as high as fifty. What is nice about purchasing kitchen remodeling books is that you can decide what you want to buy, as well as how much you are willing to pay for it.

Since there are a number of advantages and disadvantages to using kitchen remodeling books, you will need to make your own decision. If you have little or no kitchen remodeling experience, you may find that a kitchen remodeling how-to guide is more than worth the money.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are Bunk Beds Easy To Put Together?

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Have you ever wondered how easy a set of bunk beds would be to put together once they arrived at your doorstep? For many this can be overwelming, but there are many options available.

bunk beds,kids bunk beds,loft bunk,bedroom space

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The term easy is relative. What is easy for one person might be hard for somebody else and vice versa. Most bunk bed assembly requires only very simple household tools to be able to put your new bed together, such as a screwdriver or a wrench. If there are any tools required that are not considered household, they will be provided with your bunk bed purchase.

If you do not know what a screwdriver or a wrench is, or what they even look like, you might want to consider getting some help. Although these beds can be put together with one person it is advised that you have a second person. That additional set of hands will make assembly a lot easier.

The first thing you want to do when your new bed arrives is to lay everything out onto the floor and read the assembly instructions carefully and thoroughly, at least once through even before you start. Make sure that everything in the documentation is included such as rails, headboard, etc…. and all of the hardware. What I mean by all of the hardware is bolts, washers, and screws. The last thing that you want, and I’ve had this happen to me before, is to get almost done and find out that you’re missing two bolts. And at 7pm on a Sunday evening, there are no hardware stores open where I live. So the best advice before you begin putting together your new bunk bed is to make sure that all the parts have arrived and that nothing is damaged. Once you have verified that the contents are complete, start with step one.

Since bunk beds are actually two beds one stacked upon each other, I cannot stress the importance of putting the beds together correctly. Please take the time to read the instructions before you begin. I know the temptation to look at the pictures and start putting together the frame is high (and I’m guilty of this myself with certain projects), but bedroom furniture, especially heavy bedroom furniture, needs patience. So for the safety of everyone, please read the instructions.

So, how easy are bunk beds to put together? For the average person with average household skills the installation is relatively easy. The first thing you will likely assemble is the actual bed frame to the footboard and the headboard of both beds. Sometimes you will actually assemble two beds and then lift one on top of the other. For this type of assembly it is imperative that you have a second person, as lifting one bed on top of another is something most people cannot do by themselves. There are many bunk beds that are assembled as a whole unit rather than two separate beds. Some of the loft designs and certain theme bunk bed styles are put together as one unit.

If you have any reservations about having bunk beds delivered to your door and being overwhelmed at the thought of how they will be assembled don’t! Help is always a phone call away, every reputable seller has phone operators that can help with instructions and assembly. Don’t want to even attempt this yourself, or just don’t have the time? Local handy men in the phone book can perform this task with ease.

So, get out there, choose your style, get the beds delivered, put them together, you can even make a nice family event out of this, and have fun.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are Black Molds Toxic?

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The term “toxic mold” is not accurate. While certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce toxins (specifically mycotoxins), the molds themselves are not toxic, or poisonous. Hazards presented by molds that may produce mycotoxins should be considered the same as other common molds which can grow in your house. There is always a little mold everywhere – in the air and on many surfaces. There are very few reports that toxigenic molds found inside homes can cause unique …

toxic black mold,mold,black mold,molds,fungus,fungi,house mold,toxic mold,molds,spora,sporas,

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The term “toxic mold” is not accurate. While certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce toxins (specifically mycotoxins), the molds themselves are not toxic, or poisonous. Hazards presented by molds that may produce mycotoxins should be considered the same as other common molds which can grow in your house. There is always a little mold everywhere – in the air and on many surfaces. There are very few reports that toxigenic molds found inside homes can cause unique or rare health conditions such as pulmonary hemorrhage or memory loss.

These case reports are rare, and a causal link between the presence of the toxigenic mold and these conditions has not been proven. A common-sense approach should be used for any mold contamination existing inside buildings and homes. The common health concerns from molds include hay fever-like allergic symptoms. Certain individuals with chronic respiratory disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma) may experience difficulty breathing. Individuals with immune suppression may be at increased risk for infection from molds.

If you or your family members have these conditions, a qualified medical clinician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment. For the most part, one should take routine measures to prevent mold growth in the home.

Mold spores occur in the indoor and outdoor environments. Mold spores may enter your house from the outside through open doorways, windows, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems with outdoor air intakes. Spores in the air outside also attach themselves to people and animals, making clothing, shoes, bags, and pets convenient vehicles for carrying mold indoors.

When mold spores drop on places where there is excessive moisture, such as where leakage may have occurred in roofs, pipes, walls, plant pots, or where there has been flooding, they will grow. Many building materials provide suitable nutrients that encourage mold to grow. Wet cellulose materials, including paper and paper products, cardboard, ceiling tiles, wood, and wood products, are particularly conducive for the growth of some molds. Other materials such as dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation materials, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery, commonly support mold growth.

Stachybotrys chartarum (also known by its synonym Stachybotrys atra) is a greenish-black mold. It can grow on material with a high cellulose and low nitrogen content, such as fiberboard, gypsum board, paper, dust, and lint. Growth occurs when there is moisture from water damage, excessive humidity, water leaks, condensation, water infiltration, or flooding. Constant moisture is required for its growth. It is not necessary, however, to determine what type of mold you may have. All molds should be treated the same with respect to potential health risks and removal.

People with allergies may be more sensitive to molds. People with immune suppression or underlying lung disease are more susceptible to fungal infections.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Area Rugs For Home Decorating

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Read how area rugs can break completely the look of any room into your house. However, how to choose the perfect rug that more fits with your home decoration? Keep in mind that area rugs can start as well as finish off the fashion of your living room, bedroom, entrance, kitchen and even your patio deck style. You must reach a decision on the most suitable rug that complements the overall environment scheme and color for a room. Area rugs come in many different color schemes, …

home decorating, decorating, design, interior design, discount area rugs, decorating ideas, area rug

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Read how area rugs can break completely the look of any room into your house. However, how to choose the perfect rug that more fits with your home decoration? Keep in mind that area rugs can start as well as finish off the fashion of your living room, bedroom, entrance, kitchen and even your patio deck style. You must reach a decision on the most suitable rug that complements the overall environment scheme and color for a room. Area rugs come in many different color schemes, basically there are 2 or 3 to work with. Choose the one that more fits with your desired decoration.

The Importance Of The Furniture

The kind of furniture in the room is also very important when choosing an area rug. Most people that want to compliment any room of their houses with a rug, know what are looking for before start. For example, if your room features dark wood furniture, probably your best choice might be darker colors in the mood of the area rug. No matter what pattern you have chosen, you will be totally surprised on how the feeling of the room has changed. Anyhow, there exist a wide range of colors, patterns and sizes that reflect all possible styles for enhancing your home. Just choose the correct one and your house will seem totally different.

The most winning rugs

There are as many rugs styles as colors or designs. However, Oriental styles are the most demanded for current houses. Oriental area rugs, including Persians are those compliments in which colors are nearly dark, featuring no spots that keep the attention of the visitor. Small rugs are also becoming very popular. Even hang rugs, sometimes called tapestries, which are showed on the wall to be put on view for everyone who pass around. The most important thing for buying an area rug is to find the most suitable as well as the one that more fits into your own decoration.

Find Discount Area Rugs Online

Area rugs have been popular during years. They are relatively easy to take care of, there are many styles, textures, materials and sizes to choose from, so why don t buy one? It s time to replace some old furniture, all that you need is some creativity and money. First of all you need to establish a budget before start searching. You can check many internet websites in order to get an idea of the prices. There are some net online that sell discount rugs at affordable prices.

What to look for online discount area rugs? The first and most important thing when search online is the quality; Make sure that you purchase good quality items as well as durable that last at least some years, especially whether you have small children around. If so, think about the durability of the offered discounted area rugs. You should do a deep research around internet before decide on your purchase.

You should study all possible affordable types of materials. Probably, you already have a rough idea of the material that you would like your new rug to be. No matter what style, color or material is, area rugs are a necessity for households. Everyone should have a great rug for her or his home. Surprise everyone by adding a new compliment to your entrance, your friends will be amazed with your new style, do not hesitate about that.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Architect Spa Design Floor Plan – Relax and Chill out

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An architect design floor plan can be found on the internet and in architectural magazines. One set of plans located on the web, Sage Springs Club and Spa, show a luxuriously appointed club and spa.

Architect Spa Design Floor Plan

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An architect design floor plan can be found on the internet and in architectural magazines. One set of plans located on the web, Sage Springs Club and Spa, show a luxuriously appointed club and spa. The first floor of this spa/gym has a large luxurious lobby and reception area., a spa and fitness store that sells exercise clothing and various other spa products. Also on level one of this spa are a relaxation lounge, massage therapy rooms, wet room with vicy shower and a pedicure/manicure room.

The second floor of this architectural design spa floor plan has a conditioning room with a glass wall overlooking the tennis court below. This room also has Precor cardio equipment, cybex strength circuit, four screen television theater music channels with wireless headphones. There is also a movement studio for aerobics, yoga and stretch and toning exercises. At every station in this spa, you are treated like royalty. Membership in spas like this are costly, but well wroth the expense.

On the ground level the floor plans show five full size regulation Tennis courts and 3 lane indoor lap pools and spa.

There are lots of floor plans for different spas and gyms available on the internet. Almost all have some of the amenities of Sage Spring Spa and Club but this one had the most interesting floor plan of them all. Before joining an expensive spa or gym, check the ones you are interested in. Compare services, amenities, and prices before you sign anything.

Floor plans for detached condos are laid out similar to a home not part of a condo complex. One floor plan for a detached condo in Michigan has a large family room,/dining room area, master bedroom with private bath, small kitchen area with an island, a powder room, and second-floor bedroom. There is also a garage on the first floor. A basement which can be finished has the potential for at least two more bedrooms. Detached condos are ideal for people who don t have the time or inclination for yard work. It would also be good for elderly people no longer capable of cutting grass or shoveling snow.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Appliance Choices: Gas Or Electric Dryer?

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If you are purchasing a new dryer for your home, one of the questions you may be considering is whether you should buy an electric dryer or a gas one.

Cost to run is one factor. A survey in 2004 found that electric dryers were about twice as expensive to run as gas dryers. Another source s August 2005 calculation reached a similar conclusion. However, gas dryers are also more expensive than electric dryers, usually by about $50-$80 for comparable quality. Plus, if your pre…

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If you are purchasing a new dryer for your home, one of the questions you may be considering is whether you should buy an electric dryer or a gas one.

Cost to run is one factor. A survey in 2004 found that electric dryers were about twice as expensive to run as gas dryers. Another source s August 2005 calculation reached a similar conclusion. However, gas dryers are also more expensive than electric dryers, usually by about $50-$80 for comparable quality. Plus, if your previous dryer was electric and you don t have gas lines hooked up for a gas dryer, you will have to pay for their installation. For a typical family of four with gas lines already installed, they will save the $50 extra they spent on the gas dryer in their utility bills in just under a year. Since most home inspection experts agree that a dryer should last about 10-15 years, the gas dryer is the wiser economic choice, maybe even if you have to have the lines put in.

There are other features available on both gas and electric dryers that can affect their energy efficiency, and therefore, your energy costs, as well. One is a moisture sensor. This sensor can tell when your clothes are dry and when they are, it shuts itself off. This can be a huge energy saver. Another feature to look at closely is capacity. A dryer with more cubic foot area in the drum allows more air to move between clothes and thus, dry them faster. When combined with a moisture sensor, this will lead to shorter cycles without having to keep an eye on your laundry.

Prices for gas and electricity supply may fluctuate, but these generalities should hold true in most places. When you re shopping, look for the black and yellow EnergyGuide label on dryers and other appliances. They will tell you how much it will cost to run with average usage. Check out this site for a spreadsheet that has space for you to enter your local rates for gas and electricity so you can individualize your calculations: The consensus seems to be that while gas prices are going up, gas dryers are still cheaper to run than electric dryers (especially since electricity rates generally rise when gas prices do), but the gap is shrinking and in some localities, may have flipped. That s why it s a good idea to enter your own numbers.