Driveways Waterford

DDW Asbestos Ceiling Tiles Potential Hazards And Precautions

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Asbestos was widely used as a component of popcorn ceiling in homes or in the form of asbestos ceiling tiles. It was also used as decorative sprays on the walls or for soundproofing purposes. However, off late there has been a lot of concern regarding the use of asbestos ceiling tiles because of harmful affects of asbestos particles on human health.

Hazards of Asbestos ceiling tiles

Asbestos contains deadly silicate fibers that can be airborne on applying physical for…

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Asbestos was widely used as a component of popcorn ceiling in homes or in the form of asbestos ceiling tiles. It was also used as decorative sprays on the walls or for soundproofing purposes. However, off late there has been a lot of concern regarding the use of asbestos ceiling tiles because of harmful affects of asbestos particles on human health.

Hazards of Asbestos ceiling tiles

Asbestos contains deadly silicate fibers that can be airborne on applying physical force on asbestos ceiling tiles. The fibers when inhaled are retained by the lungs and cause potent lung disorders, such as mesothelioma or asbestosis. Even if ceilings are asbestos-free, certain insulation materials like Zonolite used in attic floors, can release toxic levels of asbestos while fixing a ceiling fan or a light. Asbestos ceiling tiles may contain formaldehyde and such volatile organic compounds as components. Asbestos found in ceiling tiles, if in good condition, causes no risk but loose, damp or crumbly asbestos is dangerous. Drilling and scraping of such material is a health hazard. In those cases, the building owners should remove the asbestos ceiling tiles or take necessary steps to prevent asbestos exposure due to asbestos contaminated ceiling tiles.

Safe Handling of Asbestos ceiling tiles

The best way is to avoid the use of asbestos ceiling tiles. However, if you are using asbestos ceiling tiles, you must take necessary precautions to avoid asbestos exposure. Some of the steps are:

 Select low-emitting ceiling tiles certified by a reputed organization like Greenguard Environmental Institute.

 Use porous ceiling tiles that trap odors and chemicals emitted from building activities.

 Install ceiling tiles in a building only after painting, flooring or other such work is over. This prevents the ceiling tiles from absorbing and retaining the chemicals and organic solvents.

 Recycle old ceiling tiles under new programs.

 Hire professionals to reconstruct asbestos ceiling tiles as they adhere to safety norms and rules. Avoid sanding and dry-buffing asbestos floors.

 Follow wet stripping or use low abrasion pads below 300 rpm to avoid exposure.

 Report any broken ceiling tiles to Environmental Health & Safety Department.

File an Employee Exposure Report within 24 hours or as soon as possible with the Environmental Health & Safety Department in case of accidental exposure to asbestos.

Remember! A minor exposure to asbestos fibers can cause lung disorders, asbestosis or mesothelioma. Therefore, it is better to safe than sorry.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Art Prints For Home Decorating

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With the new craze for interior decorating inspired by “home makeover” television programs, more and more people are tempted to hire a professional decorator, even if they can’t afford one.

Simplicity: the Art of Home Decorating

If you’re thinking about breaking the bank for the sake of a beautiful room, think again. You don’t have to spend as much as an oil tycoon to have a home every bit as beautiful. Here’s why:

A pair of human eyes can only take in so much, no ma…

art,decorating,art prints,home,lifestyle,painting,paintings,pictures,interior

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With the new craze for interior decorating inspired by “home makeover” television programs, more and more people are tempted to hire a professional decorator, even if they can’t afford one.

Simplicity: the Art of Home Decorating

If you’re thinking about breaking the bank for the sake of a beautiful room, think again. You don’t have to spend as much as an oil tycoon to have a home every bit as beautiful. Here’s why:

A pair of human eyes can only take in so much, no matter how much is put before them.

The secret is not to aim for beauty that comes from opulence, but for a simple beauty. And simple beauty is usually less expensive.

The best way to go for simple beauty in interior design is to make the focus of a room a single well-chosen decorative element.

Art Prints: Simple Home D cor Focus

But what single beautiful element could you actually afford?

Unless you happen to get really, really lucky at a crafts fair or estate sale, there’s only one sure way to buy high taste on a low budget. Not original paintings or expensive wallpaper. Just a well-chosen print of a painting or photograph that reflects your style and taste and matches your room.

Surprised at such a simple answer to the decorating conundrum? Perhaps, like most people, you do not understand what art prints really are.

What Art Prints Are Not

Art prints are not posters.

Posters are made using paper stock similar to what magazines use. Art prints are made using special heavier print stock especially for prints.

Posters often play rather loose with the original image, cropping it, resizing it, adding text, or even changing shading. Prints will typically come much closer to the original, and will rarely crop the original image or alter its appearance significantly.

Posters are vastly less durable than art prints. You can expect a high-quality print to last decades without showing signs of age.

Art prints are not reproductions (though they are close).

Reproductions of a work of art, usually a painting, involve using exactly or nearly exactly the same brush strokes and materials, which is why they are so expensive. Prints, meanwhile, reproduce the look of the artwork without reproducing every detail of it. For instance, even though many prints of paintings use textured surfaces or even artificial brush strokes, the exact brush strokes of the original are not copied.

Reproductions also have to be conserved as carefully as original paintings in most cases, or they will fade. High-quality prints are given protection against fading, either in the form of a coating to the surface, or a Plexiglas case.

Reproductions, being paintings, are not very durable, and must be treated with special care. Prints, though not indestructible, are more likely to survive accidents. Some prints can even be washed with glass cleaner.

Of course, no art print will be a good anchor for a room’s d cor if it’s not well chosen. Unfortunately, many people either don’t have any particular tastes when it comes to art or d cor, or else do not trust their own taste. Luckily, the internet puts the accumulated knowledge of thousands of decorators, artists, and art experts at your disposal. Thanks to the internet, your home can look as good as the ones on TV.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Artificial Flowers: A Great Alternative

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Because flowers are so beautiful, most people do not think about the fact that they are really expensive or that they last so temporarily when cut. The good news is that there is an incredible alternative to using so much money on something that will only last a few days: artificial flowers. There are so many uses of flowers that you might be surprised to find out how much all of your flowers are actually costing.

Flowers. You see them growing in gardens or adorning elegan…

artificial flowers

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Because flowers are so beautiful, most people do not think about the fact that they are really expensive or that they last so temporarily when cut. The good news is that there is an incredible alternative to using so much money on something that will only last a few days: artificial flowers. There are so many uses of flowers that you might be surprised to find out how much all of your flowers are actually costing.

Flowers. You see them growing in gardens or adorning elegant tables as the centerpiece or the dresses of young girls at the prom. They are given as tokens of love and affection to celebrate birthdays, Valentine’s day, engagements, anniversaries, and other special days between lovers. They provide decoration at a variety of popular events like bridal showers, weddings, banquets and graduation ceremonies. For each of these important occasions, consider replacing real flowers with artificial flowers. You will not be sorry you did.

Artificial flowers are great. They look just like real flowers, so you will not have to worry about sacrificing one of the main reasons people love flowers: their beauty. Your friends and guests may not even know that you have used artificial flowers because their quality is constantly increasing. Whether you are planning a special party or looking for the perfect flowers to include in your bridal bouquet, you can be sure that the artificial flowers you choose will have all of the beauty you desire.

Often when planning for a large event, expense is something that must be taken into consideration. If you are looking for ways to save money, one of the first things to consider is the use of artificial flowers. The longer you have to look for the perfect flowers, the better deals you may be able to find. Artificial flowers can be found on sale at a variety of craft stores many times throughout the year. Almost any variety of flowers that you are looking to use are now made artifically, so don’t worry that you will have to settle for kinds of flowers that you do not really like.

Perhaps the best benefit of using artificial flowers rather than real flowers is their longevity. There is nothing worse than picking the perfect bouquet for your centerpiece only to have it be dried out and wilted by the next day. And who really likes to give a gift that will last only a few hours or at most a couple of days? (Or, better yet, who likes receiving this kind of temporary gift?) With artifical flowers you can give a give that almost everyone enjoys, or you can decorate for your event or holiday and be sure that your hard work will last long after your guests go home. After the party is done you can give away the bouquets of beautiful artificial flowers as favors or parting gifts for to your family and friends.

Everyone agrees that flowers are beautiful, and most everyone agrees that they make a great gift or a perfect decoration. Spread the word and soon everyone can also agree that artificial flowers are a perfect alternative no matter the occasion.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Artificial Flowers and Artificial Plants Have Their Advantages

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When many people think about artificial flowers and artificial plants,
they think of those awful plastic arrangements found gathering dust on
discount department store shelves. But things are quite different today
and realistic silk orchids or flowers have replaced the tacky plastic
flowers and plants of the past.

artificial plants or artificial flowers, silk orchids or flowers, silk flower, flowers

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While few things are as lovely and fragrant as real flowers and plants, artificial flowers and artificial plants do have their advantages in some situations. If you are planning an event, or need to send a remembrance, sometimes artificial flowers and artificial plants make the best sense.

When many people think about artificial flowers and artificial plants, they think of those awful plastic arrangements found gathering dust on discount department store shelves. But things are quite different today and realistic silk orchids or flowers have replaced the tacky plastic flowers and plants of the past.


Artificial flowers and artificial plants can be great for extending a wedding budget. Silk flowers can be used in place of real flowers, and with a drop of scented oil applied in the very center, most people can’t tell the difference between the two.

Silk flower wedding arrangements are also perfect for high traffic areas where real flowers would take a bruising. Artificial flowers and artificial plants make perfect pew decorations. Guests may accidentally brush up against them as they are seated, but the petals will look as lovely as ever. You never need to worry about silk orchids or flowers wilting.

Scrapbooking, Crafting, and Cake Decorating

Artificial flowers and artificial plants are the perfect way to add floral accents to scrapbook pages and crafts. For example, a copy of the wedding invitation is usually saved by the bride for a keepsake. Silk flowers, whole or with petals and leaves separated for convenience, can be used to decorate the pages of a scrapbook or keepsake frame.

You can also decorate a cake with realistic silk flowers that are far more beautiful and dramatic than piped frosting creations, and you can save them afterward in a keepsake box.


Sending flowers in times of sorrow is a time honored tradition, and real flowers are both lovely and fragrant, but they fade away all too soon. Many families have a custom of offering bereavement floral arrangements to friends and family as a poignant remembrance of a loved one’s passing. Silk flower arrangements make a lasting gift that will bring back fond memories of absent friends and family for years to come.

Artificial flowers and artificial plants made today are just as beautiful and nearly identical to the real thing. If you want the beauty of flowers in your life, why not add some permanence with lovely silk flowers and plants.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Arm Chairs

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One staple of comfortable living is having comfortable things in the home. The living or family room is where most people like to relax and to enjoy the company of guests, and this means that things in those rooms have to be comfortable.

comfortable, chair, chairs, sit, need, family, don t, chairs school, need personal, comfortable chairs, personal, comfort chair, need personal space,

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Arm chairs and sofas are often what people have, and there is very good reason for that. They have worked well and there is no need to change, though they do change in style and comfort as time goes on. A good chair is worth its weight in gold for many reasons.

Some guests strongly prefer the arm chair to the sofa because it allows them to sit alone. Some like this, and others do not, but those who are not close friends or family often don t like to be too close to someone they don t know right away. Many gravitate towards the arm chair for that very reason, even if they don t really realize what they are doing. It is an unconscious and completely understandable need to have personal space. There are many times when family members need this personal space as well. That is why most family rooms have a sofa and a few chairs rather than just two sofas.

The best thing about arm chairs is that they are often more comfortable than they look. If you look at them in the store, you can never tell how they are going to feel until you have sat down to try it out for yourself. Some of the ones that look rather stiff and unforgiving actually end up being the best. They may have great support for the back while still leaving the sitter feeling as if they are sitting on a cloud of softness. You should never judge an arm chair on looks alone. Some that look comfy or stylish are not as well.

The price of arm chairs will vary, and the price usually has a lot to do with how they look, but more importantly it might reflect how comfortable they are to sit in. The sole purpose of the chair is to have somewhere to sit, and no one wants to sit on something that is hard on the body and is not relaxing. This is why children don t sit in arm chairs are school. If they were too comfortable they would not be paying attention in class. We d have a nation of sleeping children if they got extremely comfortable chairs for school. However, when they get home, the comfort of a good chair might be just what they need to unwind.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Arming Your Kitchen With Basic Cooking Utensils

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There s no doubt that having the right tools for the job makes any task easier, and there s no better place to illustrate this than in the kitchen, where having the right cooking utensils can be the difference between creating good meals and great meals.

Many cooks think about major appliances such as the stove and refrigerator when planning to equip their kitchens, but to be a success in the kitchen, you need to have a good selection of cooking utensils in addition to the…

cooking utensils,cookware,pots and pans,pots,pans,saucepans,cooking,homeware

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There s no doubt that having the right tools for the job makes any task easier, and there s no better place to illustrate this than in the kitchen, where having the right cooking utensils can be the difference between creating good meals and great meals.

Many cooks think about major appliances such as the stove and refrigerator when planning to equip their kitchens, but to be a success in the kitchen, you need to have a good selection of cooking utensils in addition to the bigger items. And don t forget, cooking utensils means more than just spoons; there s a host of small cooking utensils ranging from cutting devices, juicers, graters and more.

Think about what you do in a kitchen and about how different cooking utensils come into play for each task:

Washing and drying fresh produce always easy to accomplish with a strainer and salad spinner. A vegetable peeler is also an important addition to your cooking utensils closet.

Slicing, chopping and dicing all kinds of food and garnishes a food processor makes short work of vegetables, but mandolins, knives and graters are also helpful cooking utensils to have on hand.

Measuring cooking and baking can be a form of art and recipes should be followed as precisely as possible so measuring dishes, cups (both wet and dry measures) and measuring spoons are invaluable cooking utensils.

Weighing depending on what you like to cook, you may want to add a food scale to your shopping list of cooking utensils. Such a tool can be excellent for portioning meat and other products that have cooking times affected by weight.

Temperature as important as measures are temperatures, which can affect the success of your kitchen endeavors. An oven or meat thermometer is key to having properly cooked meat that is safe to eat, and should be included in your pantry of cooking utensils.

Mixing no kitchen would be complete without a cadre of mixing bowls in its cooking utensils cupboard. Having a selection of bowls in assorted sizes is essential to fast, efficient cooking.

Manipulating, poking, prodding, lifting and stirring perhaps what most often comes to mind when you think of cooking utensils are implements used to move food: spoons, forks, knives, spatulas, wire whisks, pastry blenders, tongs, salad lifters, slotted spoons, wooden spoons, serving spoons and more.

By imagining the tasks you do every day in the kitchen, you will get a better idea of the cooking utensils you should consider purchasing. Think about every stage of the food preparation process, from storage and cleaning, to cooking and presenting.

Other useful cooking utensils: pastry brush, kitchen shears, rolling pin, salt shaker, pepper mill, cutting board, ramekins, flour sifter, rotary beater, ladles, juicer and a can opener. Cooking utensils come in a range of prices, quality and materials such as wood, metal, rubber and silicone. Regardless of how much you pay, always make sure any cooking utensils that have multiple pieces, fit together securely.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are You Thinking About Buying Ornate Tin Ceiling Tiles?

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You need to think about the metal used in the panelling and whether or not the pattern you like will suit your room. Are you going to paint and install the ceiling yourself? Author discusses these issues.

tin ceilings,tin ceiling,ceiling tin,tin ceiling tiles,pressed tin,pressed tin ceilings,pressed metal,decorative ceilings,ornate ceilings,renovate ceilings,ceiling restoration

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Use Aluminium Instead Of Tin

An aluminum alloy has now been created to especially suit these beautiful art metal ceilings. Aluminum is a corrosion resistant, durable product which doesn’t rust, unlike steel which is used by some manufactures of pressed tin. The panels are still widely known as pressed tin even though they are not made from tin.

Think About The Design In Your Ceiling Panels And whether They Will Suit The Measurements Of your Room

With a little forethought you can create a “tin” ceiling that exudes the “Wow Factor”. The “Wow Factor” is the reaction you will receive when your visitors look at your new ceiling for the first time. To get that factor you need to spend a little time thinking about how the ceiling panels will fit your particular room. If the repeat pattern you have chosen measures two feet by two feet, will you need to trim all the outside panels in order for them to fit the dimensions of your room? If this would be the case then you need to re-think your plans. You have two choices: choose a small all-over style which will look perfectly fine if trimmed to fit the room or you can use a border panel around the outside of your room and have the larger designs in the centre of the ceiling. Most of the larger designs require a border or filler strip around the edge, otherwise they don’t look so elegant when installed. Border or filler panels most usually have a small pattern on them which complements the larger main panels in the centre of the ceiling. If you require a border around your main panels then it will be worth consulting an expert to find out how wide the border should be. It is easy to upset the balance of your ceiling by having a border that is too wide or conversely too narrow. Ask your supplier for help on this topic.

Is Crown Cornice Needed?

There is now a delightful range of crown cornice moldings made from aluminum. These come in a variety of sizes to suit various ceiling heights. Crown cornices need to be mitred in the corners of the room and there are now various accessories to suit the individual cornices. These accessories are very handy as they hide the mitred cut edges which can sometimes be a little rough for those home handymen who have little experience in mitring. An alternative to metal crown cornices are timber moldings. Plaster cornices should not be used with metal ceilings.

Can You Install Your Tin Ceilings Yourself?

The easiest way to install pressed tin is to firstly fix building ply to the old ceiling or walls and then nail the tin to the ply. Timber battens can be used but building ply makes the job much easier. It is best to remove existing cornice before the ply is fixed to the ceiling.
Most reputable ceiling suppliers will offer detailed fitting instructions. If you lack experience in this area, you may prefer to employ someone with building experience. However, most metal ceilings are fitted by their owners. Tacking nails should be used initially until you are satisfied you have everything in its final position. Tacking nails are quite long and must only be partly nailed in so that they can be removed easily with pliers. When you are satisfied that everything is in the right spot then you can remove the tacking nails and finish the job off with small nails. Details of which nails to use should be in the manufacturers fitting instructions.

Painting your Metal Panels

Painting an ornate, aluminum ceiling in fine detail is easy because it is painted before it gets fixed to the ceiling. Most aluminum paneling is sold with etch primer already on it so it is immediately ready to paint. You can use one colour over the whole ceiling, you can add just a touch of colour on the moldings or you can can paint every detail in various shades of paint. The patterns in aluminum ceilings are more deeply pressed than other types of ceilings so they create lovely shadows themselves just from electric light or from natural daylight. Accordingly most people use one colour of paint over the whole ceiling. It is strongly recommended that pale shades of paint be used. Darker colours can be appealing in theory but in practice they can often give a heavy oppressive feel to a room. Oil based paints are recommended. If the nails are still visible you can dob each one with a little paint.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are You Safe Without A Ladder Lock

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Did you know that more than fifty construction workers or home improvement persons fall down from ladders annually. 50 percent of

ladder lock safety

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Did you know that more than fifty construction workers of home improvement persons fall down from ladders annually. 50 percent of these fatalities are people that were doing a project from the ladder. The main reason the deaths happened was because they were stepping down from the ladder. They did not follow ladder lock safety. The ladder either slide from its base or tilted sideways.

The most important factor in ladder lock safety is making sure the lock is utilized and in its proper placement. Some basic guidelines are as follows:

Ladders that are 48 feet or more in length must have five feet of overlap.

Ladders that are 32 to 48 feet tall should have an overlap of at least four feet.

Ladders that are less than 32 feet long should have an overlap of three feet or more.

Extension ladders need to have the top portion locked and overlap the two sections.

Locks must be greased and oiled on a consistent basis.

A ladder lock you should consider using is the Hook Um Ladder Lock. It is one of the newest and most advanced. The Hook Um Dano ensures safety, plus it also stops theft. You can use it to fit your van, truck, or ladder racks. There are no loose chains, wires, ropes, or straps. If you are traveling, your ladder is locked in, and protected from thieves and accidents. You receive a full warranty from the manufacturer for one year.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are You Considering New Kitchen Cabinets?

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The style you select for your new kitchen cabinets depends totally on you. What feel do you want to create? What look are you going for? What flows and goes with the style design in the rest of your home?

kitchen refurbishing, kitchens, kitchen refitting

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The style you select for your new kitchen cabinets depends totally on you. What feel do you want to create? What look are you going for? What flows and goes with the style design in the rest of your home?

Antique, bone and linen white or off white cabinets can create everything from contemporary, traditional to modern. Basically, just matching the decor of the rest of your house should be your main concern. This makes things easier when you select the complimentary finish, stain, door style and cabinet hardware for your kitchen cabinets.

Kitchen cabinet styles are normally just a matter of taste. Please note that the kitchen cabinet door design does not necessarily have to dictate the overall theme for your kitchen cabinets. The theme is normally decided by the wallpaper, paint color, accessories or decoration, pictures, etc.. For long lasting appreciation of your new kitchen let your taste decide for you unless you are imitating or copying a specific cabinet style or theme of a favorite decorator. Try to focus on the quality of the construction of the cabinets you intend to use.

One of the following cabinet styles can be used basically in any kitchen theme. Ones’ home should be their get away, our sanctuary so to speak, from the busy, hectic outside world. Listed below are five design trends that you may identify with. This will help you to identify and choose cabinetry styles, finishes and personalization to create a home just for you.

Eclectic Charm is fun with a mixture of all the things you love that just seem to go together. This is an individualized laid back approach that allows you to blend textures, tones, different eras and use of color and shape to bring it all together.

Restful Retreats creates peace from the chaos and presents a style that’s focused around comfort and relaxation. This style is the perfect retreat from a hurried world.

The world at your doorstep best describes worldly grace design. This design draws inspiration from nations or places you carry in your heart and are seemingly drawn to the decor of the country. Italian, old world African, Asian and latin influences are just a few inspirations you might like. Always in good and classy taste, these designs are more defined and tailored style that is timeless.

Simple Element styles are clean and crisp with clean lines and less ornamentation. In other words simple, sophisticated space with smart presentation, yet with a calm soothing effect.

When deciding what is best for your taste and style, browsing through pictures of cabinets can help you with ideas to incorporate into your own style. Always pay special attention to traffic flow because if the flow is not conducive and does not flow smoothly from one to the next, try changing fixtures, appliances or even entrance ways. Angling countertops is a simple solution for the narrow doorways and the same can be said for certain corners on a kitchen cabinet island. Making sure you have enough room between stations will keep the human bumper cars pass easily without the shoulder to shoulder grind. Hanging kitchen pictures allows you to gain a different perspective. Does the kitchen seem to busy or crowded? Does it seem too cramped or small? Is there enough lighting that creates interest? Obviously, you will want lighting for both day and night to accent the things you love best about your kitchen Your kitchen features should make your kitchen bright and cheery and not like a dungeon. A lot depends on the color of the stain on your kitchen cabinets. These cabinets cover a significant amount of wallspace.

This means less light reflecting surface. If you have very little window light during the day, you may want to consider white or very light wood grain cabinets. Consider these ideas before you make final decisions on your kitchen and kitchen cabinet decor saving you time, money and affording you peace of mind.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Are You Buying A Central Air Conditioning?

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So you have decided to buy central air conditioning. The best way and most important thing when buying central air conditioning equipment is to have it installed by a qualified contractor.

If you get the central air conditioner properly installed then the unit would be tightly sealed and no energy can be wasted, which saves you money. When one talks about saving money through efficient air conditioning systems the topic of SEER usually comes up. SEER or seasonal energy ef…

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So you have decided to buy central air conditioning. The best way and most important thing when buying central air conditioning equipment is to have it installed by a qualified contractor.

If you get the central air conditioner properly installed then the unit would be tightly sealed and no energy can be wasted, which saves you money. When one talks about saving money through efficient air conditioning systems the topic of SEER usually comes up. SEER or seasonal energy efficiency ratio, rates the central air conditioning unit. To keep it simple the higher the SEER the more efficient your central conditioning system is, meaning the more money you save and the more you re saving the environment.

Central air cooling systems have been running on Freon for many years, but this is apparently going to change. Freon will be replaced with Puron, which is friendlier to the environment. This change is expected to occur no later than the year 2010. Even thought the systems would initially cost more, keeping the systems with Freon will cost you even more, as it would be hard to find the parts if they were to ever break down. Because the parts for the older systems would no longer be manufactured, it would be hard to get them as they will become quite rare. So in the end it will in probably save you more money to get the new cooling system with Freon.

The cost is the one reason many people do not go for central cooling systems. Since it must be installed first, the cost for the system is more. But it cools your house faster and is not a big eye sore as the unit air conditioning systems. So you make the decision, if you pay a little more it can give you more benefits.