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DDW A Brief History of Vacuum Cleaners

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The first person to patent a machine for cleaning was David Hess in the year 1860. Housewives all over America had turned to using rugs and carpets, a trait brought over by the waves of immigrants coming from Europe, to cover their bare wood floors and keep the dust and dirt to a minimum. When they were dirty, they had to be carried outside, suspended somehow in the air and then beaten with a metal rod or heavy wooden stick.

Vacuum Cleaners, Industrial Vacuum Cleaners, Upright Vacuum Cleaners, Vacuum Cleaner Bags

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The first person to patent a machine for cleaning was David Hess in the year 1860. Housewives all over America had turned to using rugs and carpets, a trait brought over by the waves of immigrants coming from Europe, to cover their bare wood floors and keep the dust and dirt to a minimum. When they were dirty, they had to be carried outside, suspended somehow in the air and then beaten with a metal rod or heavy wooden stick.

A bit later someone invented a small, tennis racket-looking device called a rug beater for precisely this purpose. Mr. Hess soon realized that there was probably an easier way to clean rugs without all the fuss and mess and he invented the Carpet Sweeper which had a rotating brush combined with a bellows system that created suction. His amazing invention also used two water chambers to trap the dust and fine dirt. The only problem with Mr. Hess machine is that there is no proof it was ever produced.

After Mr. Hess invention, there came a period of wilder and weirder inventions that sought to accomplish the same thing. In the late 1870 s, Melville Bissell (sound familiar?) marketed a carpet sweeper that picked up the dirt and dropped it into a pan behind the rotating brush. In 1899, John Thurman invented a gasoline-powered vacuum cleaner that is credited as being the first motorized version. In 1901 Hubert Booth of London invented the electric vacuum, a device so large that it was parked outside the house and a 100-foot long hose snaked its way inside and did the dirty work.

The device was so popular that housewives all over London held vacuum parties to enjoy the event. It wasn t until 1908 when James Spangler, a janitor in Ohio, invented the first portable, suction cleaner — the precursor to today s high tech machines. He sold his patent to his cousin s husband, William Hoover (also familiar?) and the rest, as they say is history.

Driveways Waterford

DDW A Brief History Of The Linens You Use Everyday

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Derived from Linum, the Latin word for the Flax plant, and the Greek Linon, Linen is a fabric associated with woven textiles known for domestic materials used for bed, bathing, and d cor, such as towels, sheets, pillow cases, and tablecloths. Past references to linen, though, included lightweight undergarments like chemises, waist shirts, and lingerie.

Modern linen is composed of natural fibers (Cotton, silk, modals, and sometimes flax) and synthetic fibers (polyester and …


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Derived from Linum, the Latin word for the Flax plant, and the Greek Linon, Linen is a fabric associated with woven textiles known for domestic materials used for bed, bathing, and d cor, such as towels, sheets, pillow cases, and tablecloths. Past references to linen, though, included lightweight undergarments like chemises, waist shirts, and lingerie.

Modern linen is composed of natural fibers (Cotton, silk, modals, and sometimes flax) and synthetic fibers (polyester and rayon), although at one time the fabric was made solely of fibers from the flax plant (linum usitatisimum), cotton, or hemp. In some cases, linen was made of a combination of flax fiber, cotton, and hemp. Now three thousand years old, Flax is one of the oldest fibers around and used in small amounts, so combinations continue to be the tradition.

Bulk linen yarn is measured in the lea (symbol: NeL), which equals out to three hundred yards per pound. This specific length (or indirect grist system, as which it is already known) is the count of length units per unit mass. The measurement of lea is calculated as thus: the length in the number of leas X 300. For example, forty lea handkerchiefs X 300 = 40X300= 12,000 yards per pound.

Linen was also used to make what were typically non-fabric items. During the Middle Ages, books (Liber Linteus is the only book surviving made of this fabric), shields, and gambeson were all made (either in whole in part) from linen, the last two due to their strength. Nowadays, billiard cues are wrapped in Irish linen because of the absorbent quality of the fabric. This works well with sweaty hands. Quality paper, too, is made of this fiber, which explains why paper currency is 25% linen and 75% Cotton. Because of its flax consistency, top-grade linen is firm and smooth.

For items composed of better-made material, it s a good bet that the flax fiber is a part of that intricate combination. Because of flax s extensive age, Linen is undoubtedly one of the oldest fabrics in the world. It s understandable why such a fabric is still in use today.

Driveways Waterford

DDW A Brief History of Swimming Pools

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An informative article that explore the history and origins of the swimming pool.

swimming pool, pools, swimming

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Swimming is, by far, one of the most popular pastimes in the world. It is also one of the oldest. As an organized activity, swimming dates back to around 2500 BC. Swimming was immensely popular in ancient Egypt, and there are a number of relics from the period which depict the act of swimming in vivid and awe-inspiring detail. In ancient Greece and Rome, swimming was taught to boys as part of their elementary school curriculum. Furthermore, the first known public swimming pools were built in Rome.

Under the direction of a wealthy Roman lord named Gaius Maecenas, the first heated swimming pool was also built for public use. Plato, himself, once declared that anyone who could not swim lacked a proper education. Who dares to argue with him? Aside from the Greeks and Romans, many other ancient cultures have left evidence of their love for swimming; among them the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians. There is also evidence of competitive swimming in Japan over 2000 years ago.

In the 1830’s, swimming became extremely popular in England with the establishment of various swim clubs. At the time, the breaststroke was the most oft used technique. In 1885, Captain Matthew Webb became the first man to swim across the English Channel and the breaststroke was his technique of choice. Two of the most popular swim clubs from the time were The Otter Swimming Club and The Leander Swimming Club.

In 1896, the first of the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece. Naturally, competitive swimming played a significant role. The swimming event was held in the Aegean Sea, in the bay of Zea. The gold medalist for the swimming event was a fellow named Alfred Hoyos Guttman. Of the event, he said that his greatest struggle “was against the towering twelve-foot waves and the terribly cold water.” Swimming continues to play a prominent role in the Olympic Games.

Swimming continues to be the sport of choice for many of today’s athletes. Most cities have public swimming facilities, where you can swim for competitively or merely for fun. In fact, a number of public swimming areas also offer lessons for a very reasonable price. If you are a keen swimmer, you might even consider installing a pool in your backyard. With summer just around the corner, it would be a good time to start planning.

Driveways Waterford

DDW A Brief History of Sewing Machines

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Initially, sewing machines were manufactured for garment factory production lines, allowing for clothing to become uniformly mass-produced. It was French tailor Barthelemy Thimonnier who invented the first functioning sewing machine in 1830 for use in his garment factory.

Sewing Machines, Industrial Sewing Machines, Embroidery Sewing Machines, Antique Sewing Machines

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Initially, sewing machines were manufactured for garment factory production lines, allowing for clothing to become uniformly mass-produced. It was French tailor Barthelemy Thimonnier who invented the first functioning sewing machine in 1830 for use in his garment factory.

This original machine used only one thread and a hooked needle for a chain stitch. His factory was burnt down and he was nearly killed by an angry mob of French tailors who were afraid his machines would leave them unemployed. A few years later in America, Walter Hunt shared the same fears, and abandoned the work to patent his own version of a straight-seam sewing machine. The fears were unfounded, as industrial sewing machines created multiple job opportunities worldwide.

Modern garment factories incorporate the same mass production techniques as other industries, with each workstation completing one part of the overall job. Industrial sewing machines are generally designed to perform one specific sewing function such as embroidery. Machines with different functions are operated to complete clothing items in a production line. Marketing to individuals didn’t begin until 1889, allowing for women to have the means to create clothing for their family without the labor-intensive hand stitching. The domestic sewing machine used in the home is manufactured to perform many tasks from sewing straight or zigzag stitches and the creation of buttonholes, as well as stitching buttons on to the piece of clothing.

Industrial sewing machines, like their domestic counterparts for the home, were created to simplify and speed up the otherwise labor-intensive hand stitching. The domestic sewing machine is manufactured to perform many tasks from sewing straight or zigzag stitches and the creation of buttonholes, as well as stitching buttons on to the piece of clothing. Sewing machines were adapted for use in industrial settings, allowing for clothing to become uniformly mass-produced. The industrial sewing machines are generally designed to perform a specific sewing function such as embroidery or applying buttonholes. Companies from all over the world manufacture industrial sewing machines with very basic features as well as higher-end computer operated models.

A variety of machines with different functions are operated to complete clothing items in a production line. A few examples would be a Bag Closer sewing machine which is used for sewing a single thread chain-stitch, a high-speed plain sewer is used for stitching seems and double needle machines are used for adding top stitching details to items like jeans.

Walking foot machines are invaluable for quilting and sewing coats, as it keeps the fabric moving along without bunching and making for a smoother and faster production. Overlock serger sewing machines, which are also available in smaller versions for the home, create the whipped V stitch along the edge of a seam of T-shirts and other stretchable fabrics.

Driveways Waterford

DDW A Brief History of Rugs and Carpets

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Rugs and carpets have a rich history, only part of which is known. Ancient rugs are very rare because the earliest rugs were made of organic fibers. Organic fibers disintegrate speedily over time, thus preservation over thousands of years is extremely rare. What we do know is that the art of weaving is very old and dates back thousands of years.

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Rugs and carpets have a rich history, only part of which is known. Ancient rugs are very rare because the earliest rugs were made of organic fibers. Organic fibers disintegrate speedily over time, thus preservation over thousands of years is extremely rare. What we do know is that the art of weaving is very old and dates back thousands of years.

Weaving began with rough, simple mats and baskets made of grasses, reeds, leaves, and other natural materials. The first true rugs were probably rough cured skins used as floor coverings in the homes of early hunters. With tough, flexible backing and generally soft material (called pile ), these rugs served to keep the home more warm and insulated.

There is evidence for weaving and the existence of rugs in ancient Mesopotamia and Turkey as far back as 7000 and 8000 B.C.E., and in Egypt (wool and cotton) as early as the third millennium B.C.E. Mongolia and China were also main players in the textile industry, and nomadic herders and Chinese weavers were among the first to develop and weave wool rugs.

Weaving developed in many other parts of the world in addition to Europe, including parts of the Americas as far back as 5500 B.C.E. Weavers began to use natural colors and gradually transitioned to using vegetable, flower, and insect materials.

Silk development in China, the ornate, intricate embroidery and designs of Turkey and Mongolia, and the development of more sophisticated looms and weaving techniques throughout the world lifted rug-making from necessity to art form.

Italian merchants first brought oriental rugs to Europe, where they were used as wall hangings and coverings. By 1600, France had developed a dominant weaver s guild, and England wasn t far behind. The 1700 s marked England s emergence into the weaving industry, and by about 1830, a good portion of the wool produced in England was used for carpets.

Various machines were created to aid the process of weaving, and looms have become so sophisticated today that they run off of computer algorithms. Rugs were not widely available in the US and Europe until the onset of mass production and the invention of industrial grade machines.

The first steam-powered loom appeared in 1787, and by 1876, the invention of the Axminster loom, a machine that permitted unlimited use of color and design, boosted the production of carpets. The advent of synthetic fibers and tufted carpet (carpet manufactured by the insertion of tufts of yarn through a carpet-backing fabric) made mass production and purchase of carpets easier, faster, and less expensive.

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DDW A Brief History Of Leather Couches

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Leather couches are a trend of the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries, and serves both comfort and style.

The leather couch in general is an article of furniture providing the space for two or three people and has armrests and sometimes accompanying pillows. Commonly flanked by two end tables and fronted by a coffee table, the couch is the central part of the room in which it is placed, usually the living room or den. Leather couches are typically made from cu…

leather couch

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Leather couches are a trend of the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries, and serves both comfort and style.

The leather couch in general is an article of furniture providing the space for two or three people and has armrests and sometimes accompanying pillows. Commonly flanked by two end tables and fronted by a coffee table, the couch is the central part of the room in which it is placed, usually the living room or den. Leather couches are typically made from cushions sewn over with sheets of leather or suede, a tougher, courser form of leather.

Many different types of couches exist: divan, chaise lounge, canape , sofa-bed, and the two-person loveseat. These are distinguished by style as well as purpose, but all are for comfort and style, just like the leather couch.

History of the Leather Couch

Originally the throne of an Arabian ruler during the Age of Antiquity, the couch was essentially found in only the homes of elitists. Leather couches, per se, didn t exist at that time, but the style and comfort that leather couches would serve as a status symbol was considered at that time as well. The wealthier men in Ancient Roman society used to lounge back on the couches while the women rested in regular chairs.

It wasn t until the Age of Industrialization in the late nineteenth century that couches were introduced into lower- and middle-class homes. The comfort with which the couch had so long been associated was no longer exclusive to the upper-class. As a matter of fact, a leather couch would be expected in every household; without it, the home would seem empty, incomplete, bland, and even lacking in comfort.

In modern times, the couch is central in family life, such as at TV time and social gatherings or parties. The leather couch itself actually turned into a trend during the 1960s through a preference to leather and leather products, such as clothes, and became the in thing. It was as if one wasn t with it unless a leather couch was in that person s house. With the funky furniture styles of the 1970s, such as beanbags and lava lamps, leather couches were almost a necessity. Nowadays, leather couches are common and even popular, both because of style and comfort, not to mention the image one gains by having one.

Leather couches have become an ongoing trend that every home or office naturally acquires. Most doctors offices have leather couches now. Society and the fashion world have become obsessed with the look and feel of leather, and almost to the point of neuroticism. They look cool, they feel great, they make one seem sharp and chic, and they re easy to clean. Leather couches, like all things leather, are here to stay!

Driveways Waterford

DDW A Brief History Of Futons

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Originally from Japan, Futons are like bed mattresses but used and made differently than in their home country.

Japanese Futons

Measuring two inches (5 cm) thick and filled with cotton and/or synthetic batting, Japanese futons are typically flat and are designed to be spread out on tatami flooring, which is a special kind of flooring indigenous to Japanese architecture. Japanese futons are usually sold in sets consisting of the futon mattress (shikibuton), a comforter (…


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Originally from Japan, Futons are like bed mattresses but used and made differently than in their home country.

Japanese Futons

Measuring two inches (5 cm) thick and filled with cotton and/or synthetic batting, Japanese futons are typically flat and are designed to be spread out on tatami flooring, which is a special kind of flooring indigenous to Japanese architecture. Japanese futons are usually sold in sets consisting of the futon mattress (shikibuton), a comforter (kakebuton) or blanket (moku), a summer towel-like blanket (towelket), and a bean- or plastic bead-filled pillow (makura). This is equivalent to a western bed set.

Japanese futons are usually stored in a closet, but must be left to air in the sunlight when not put away. These futons are typically beaten with bamboo to keep them in shape.

Western Futons

Western futons are closer to mattresses; they are also stuffed with multiple layers of foam and/or batting, but they do not have springs. Western futons are placed on an adjustable frame resembling that of a couch, and are designed in the fashion of a sofa-bed to be used as a couch and a bed. Western futons are constructed larger and thicker than Japanese futons, and are cheap compared to regular mattresses or beds.

Western futons are common now in Japan. These futons, hand-made, have no synthetic filling; they are stuffed primarily with cotton. Western futons in Japan are sold as earth-friendly, and are not composed of any chemicals whatsoever, distinguishing them from the traditional bed set.

Futons are very comfortable and, like sleeping bags, can also serve as portable or transportable beds, depending on their size and weight. Although futons can be damaged, they can more easily be repaired than a traditional mattress, since its interior matting is packed in a structured, layered way. Futons are otherwise most convenient and economical and therefore preferable to people on-the-go or living in small spaces. They re not only for the Japanese anymore!

Driveways Waterford

DDW A Brief History Of Fireplaces

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A fireplace is a structure within conventional homes that provides heat and serves as an element of architectural style, as they are usually built into walls. In many homes, older and newer, the fireplace is a showcase for social gatherings.

Although most fireplaces are similarly constructed and share common features, the basic fireplace is comprised of a central foundation of cement, along with a hearth, a firebox and unique facing, ash dump and cleanout doors, a lintel a…


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A fireplace is a structure within conventional homes that provides heat and serves as an element of architectural style, as they are usually built into walls. In many homes, older and newer, the fireplace is a showcase for social gatherings.

Although most fireplaces are similarly constructed and share common features, the basic fireplace is comprised of a central foundation of cement, along with a hearth, a firebox and unique facing, ash dump and cleanout doors, a lintel and lintel bar, a breast, a damper, a smoke chamber, a throat, a flue, a chimney chase, a crown, a cap or shroud, and a spark arrestor. The structure of the fireplace was incorporated in the designs of homes for decades, even centuries. Today, however, since the fireplace has been replaced by central heating, the presence of fireplaces, where they still exist, seems to be to carry on tradition.

Fireplace: Fuel
Traditionally, fireplaces were fueled by coal, wood, or peat. Today, these burning materials have been replaced by natural gas and electrical fires due to the fact that these are cleaner, safer, and frequently less expensive than the older forms of fuel. Gas fireplaces usually require small doses of fuel to allow flames to burn for long periods of time. Modern fireplaces are better and more economical that way.

Types of Fireplaces
Manufactured/Prefab Fireplaces built with a sheet metal fire box, a double or triple walled metal pipe running up inside a wood framed chase, and a chase cover and cap/spark arrestor at the top. Salt water in close proximity causes this kind of chimney to rust, but it s economical to the more expensive masonry chimney.

Masonry fireplaces features tiles that implement the flue to prevent corrosion in the chimney flue lining. These are not earthquake-resistant!

Reinforced Concrete Chimneys: They had their heyday during the 1970s and 80s, but are now obsolete. Inherent defect: confliction of thermal expansion rates between the steel rebar and concrete will cause cracking in the flue when heated. The chimney is loaded with vertical cracks which become more severe as the internal rebar rusts.

Fireplaces are appealing, as they add style to one s home. The fire is mesmerizing and relaxing, and mantels are very popular in boasting family memories. Fireplaces hold a value that goes beyond their originally intended function and the apparent flaws in their structure. It goes deeper than that–fireplaces represent all the securities and comforts of home!

Driveways Waterford

DDW A Better Refrigerant For Air Conditioners And The Environment

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Most air-conditioners and heat pumps sold around the world use a refrigerant called R-22. Emissions of R-22 are considered by some experts to be a significant factor in depleting the ozone layer that protects animals and people from harmful rays from the sun.

Families now have the choice to ask for an air-conditioner or heat pump that uses a more efficient and environmentally friendlier refrigerant called 410A or R-410 when buying a new system for their home.

It s Envir…

air conditioners, air conditioning, central air unit

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Most air-conditioners and heat pumps sold around the world use a refrigerant called R-22. Emissions of R-22 are considered by some experts to be a significant factor in depleting the ozone layer that protects animals and people from harmful rays from the sun.

Families now have the choice to ask for an air-conditioner or heat pump that uses a more efficient and environmentally friendlier refrigerant called 410A or R-410 when buying a new system for their home.

It s Environmentally Friendlier. If your system ever leaks, the escaping refrigerant won t contribute to ozone depletion! Why can t R-410A affect the ozone layer? R-410A is not a CFC or an HCFC. It is called an HFC, or hydrofluorocarbon, and is made of hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon atoms. Because it has no chlorine, it won t interact with the ozone layer once it breaks down.

You avoid the risk that R-22 could become expensive or difficult to get when your system needs to be repaired in a few years. The old refrigerant R-22 will be phased out along with other ozone depleting chemicals, and both supply and demand of this chemical will be significantly affected by current and upcoming regulations. By selecting an air conditioner or heat pump that uses R-410A, you will avoid the risk associated with purchasing a product that is destined to become obsolete.

R-410A systems can be more reliable than R-22 systems. R-410A air conditioning and heat pump are today s state of the art systems, and utilize the most current technology available for efficient and reliable operation. The heart of every air conditioner or heat pump is the compressor, and newer systems are specifically designed to use R-410A refrigerant. R-410A can absorb and release heat more efficiently than R-22 ever could, compressors with R-410A run cooler than R-22 systems, reducing the risk of burnout due to overheating.

We all know that the first thing to go on an air conditioning unit is the compressor. All air-conditioning systems use an oil that circulates through the inside of the system to keep all of the parts well lubricated, just like the engine of your car. R-22 air conditioners use an oil known as mineral oil that has been used for decades. R-410A air conditioners use newer synthetic lubricants that are usually more soluble with the R-410A than the old mineral oils are with the older R-22 refrigerants. This means the synthetic lubricants and R-410A can mix and circulate more efficiently to keep the compressor and other moving parts lubricated, reducing wear and extending their life. Also, just as many new cars use synthetic oils because they are less likely to break down under high stress and heat, the new synthetic oils used in R-410A air conditioners are less likely to break down under extreme conditions.

R-410A offers some wonderful advantages, but it required the manufacturers of air conditioners to redesign their products to take advantage of the properties of the refrigerant. The reason why a refrigerant works is because it captures the heat from one place, and then releases the heat somewhere else. R-410A captures heat and then releases it better than R-22 did, so manufacturers have found that they need less refrigerant in an R-410A air conditioner than they needed in an R-22 air conditioner. Because there s less refrigerant, they need less copper tubing, and often can use a smaller compressor. The bad news was that R-410A couldn t be used in air conditioners that were made to use R-22, but the advantages for new air conditioners were too great to pass up.

It’s obvious that air conditioners manufactured for using R-410A are more efficient, more reliable, and may even be less costly then the older units that still use R-22. Compare the SEER or EER ratings and the ENERGY STAR rating to be sure.

Need more information? Check these sites.

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DDW Awnings Are Awesome

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Awnings are coverings attached to the external walls of a building for providing covering over an area and is occasionally used as a signboard or billboard.

They are used for protection against sunlight, rain, snow and wind and are
generally attached over windows, doors and sidewalks. By using poles for support awnings can be stretched over a large area.

The material used for awnings is acrylic cloth or canvas. Beautiful and attractive patterns can be printed on awning…

awning,retractable awning,patio awning,window awning,commercial awning,canvas awning,deck awning

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Awnings are coverings attached to the external walls of a building for providing covering over an area and is occasionally used as a signboard or billboard.

They are used for protection against sunlight, rain, snow and wind and are
generally attached over windows, doors and sidewalks. By using poles for support awnings can be stretched over a large area.

The material used for awnings is acrylic cloth or canvas. Beautiful and attractive patterns can be printed on awnings to get an aesthetic appeal. Today an awning can be made to almost any design, shape and color.

The framework for awnings is generally made of wood, iron, steel or aluminum. Aluminum is preferred as it is lighter than iron or steel. The framework consists of trusses, border frames or space frames.

Awnings attached over the windows protect windows from sunlight and help in keeping rooms cooler. For air conditioned rooms awnings can bring down the electricity consumption by almost 25%. A very good saving.

There are many companies providing awnings. Most of them do free costing and provide free estimates. Awnings are a very popular way for advertising business and come in attractive colors, graphics, fonts and patterns.

Awnings add color and brightness to a place. Awnings can be backlit or front lit. Backlit material for awnings is different than front lit material. Vinyl laminated or coated polyester is used for backlit awnings. The other material used for awnings is PVC coated mesh, Acrylic, Vinyl or resin coated polyester, Acrylic painted cotton/polyester, etc.

It is prudent to insist on fire retardant material/paint on awnings. Generally awnings are not covered by insurance. Some awnings are temporary and can be retracted. Most awnings are retracted during winter to prevent awning damage by collection of snow. The retraction method can be manual or motorized.

The cleaning of awning for removing mildew and stains is fairly easy. It can be done with mild soap and a soft brush. Vinyl awnings mildew easily.

The design of the frame for awnings should be such that no water pools on the top of the awning. Pooling of water on awnings can damage the awning cloth and the graphics printed on it. Wind gusts of more than 25 miles per hour speed can also damage awnings. During strong winds it is vise to retract them.

The graphics on awnings can be printed on by special machines interfaced with computers. The print quality depends on the number of columns per inch (cpi). A 10 cpi print gives a good finish on most awnings. A 25 cpi print gives a very fine finish to the awnings.

In some states you need a permit for putting up awnings. Though for most residential awnings permit is not required and is restricted only for commercial awnings.