Driveways Waterford

DDW Basics For Romantic Bedrooms

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Our idea of romantic bedrooms depend upon our beliefs about romance overall. What generates images of romance for some doesn t even light a spark for others, much less a fire. This can be very true for two people who have been together for many years.

Busy and demanding lives, jobs, schedules and endless deadlines have all but minimized the notions of romantic bedrooms. Escalating personal and professional demands leave us almost no time for dream-chasing. Clean sheets ar…

home decorating, interior decorating

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Our idea of romantic bedrooms depend upon our beliefs about romance overall. What generates images of romance for some doesn t even light a spark for others, much less a fire. This can be very true for two people who have been together for many years.

Busy and demanding lives, jobs, schedules and endless deadlines have all but minimized the notions of romantic bedrooms. Escalating personal and professional demands leave us almost no time for dream-chasing. Clean sheets are a given and a bed that s made earns high marks for sleeping, but that s about all it rates.

But who has the desire for romantic bedrooms you wonder? After all, making over a bedroom is a major project. It s time consuming, and potentially costly and risky. You don’t know if your spouse or partner even cares or will even notice. If you don t know the answer to the question, then it s probably time for a change.

Use these ideas for creating your romantic bedroom

1) Where to get decorating ideas – Sure, you may have to do a little online research. But the Internet can yield plenty of ideas for creating the perfect romantic bedroom. All major home d cor publications have their own web sites. You ll also find lots of pictures and helpful articles written by interior design professionals.

2) How to avoid breaking the bank – The Internet is filled with lots of shops that offer romantic bedrooms d cor items at discount prices. You can also save your $3 per gallon gasoline and visit more online retailers in less time. Check out auction web sites and online outlets for low-priced, high quality linens such as egyptian cotton sheets. Many of these sites will often throw in free-shipping as well.

3) Keep your spouse or partner in mind – There are certain predictableed risks with any aspect of an intimate relationship. But everything will be fine if the romantic bedroom theme you choose express appreciation and celebration of the unique bond that is shared. A caring and warm environment will allow the bond to be strengthened on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels.

Now, to really make your romantic bedroom be the inviting oasis that you intended for your spouse or partner, use these can’t miss ideas to turn up the heat. In combination, they ll send a sensually effective signal that your spouse or partner can t possibly miss. Prepare yourself for an immediate response.

Boudoir Basics – romantic bedrooms that work

1) Shedding some light – romantic bedrooms lighting

While the electric lighting has its purpose, it can be a diminishing element. Avoid fluorescents, which create a stark, business-like environment. Use soft lighting in various colors. Decorative oil lamps or antique lanterns also create a dreamy feel. Candles always offer wonderfully subtle lighting in any style of romantic bedrooms d cor.

While tea candles will always work, use decorative candles that match your d cor or personal tastes.

2) Hints of romance – romantic bedrooms fragrances

Just as the oven s aroma sparks the appetite for food, the fragrance of the bedroom stimulates our senses as well.
While bland foods are sufficient, the aromas of certain dishes create an immediate craving. Not convinced? Stop by a local bakery first thing tomorrow morning just for a cup of coffee. What happens? You leave with coffee and the undeniably convicting evidence … a plain white paper bag filled with pleasure.

3) Perfect topping – romantic bedrooms finishing touches

Security is a residual component of developing and sharing an intimate relationship. This natural progress of the
relationship can be advanced by creating a definite confine or boundary signifying its importance. A canopy transforms a bed from a piece of furniture into a sanctuary perpetuating closeness and intimacy.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Basement Waterproofing – Get Ready For Rain

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The noises – a trickle, a drip-drop, or heavy rush or splash. Ahh, the sun is gone, rainy days are here! Roofs, gutters, and downspouts function in harmony to keep us safe and dry during a downpour. Rainwater rolls down our roofs; much like it does down the mountains. It is then collected in gutters before they are channelled into downspouts like waterfalls. All of these show what roofing and waterproofing is all about.

1. More Protection

Waterproofing is more than just…

waterproofing,waterproofing contractor,foundation waterproofing,basement waterproofing system,concrete waterproofing

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The noises – a trickle, a drip-drop, or heavy rush or splash. Ahh, the sun is gone, rainy days are here! Roofs, gutters, and downspouts function in harmony to keep us safe and dry during a downpour. Rainwater rolls down our roofs; much like it does down the mountains. It is then collected in gutters before they are channelled into downspouts like waterfalls. All of these show what roofing and waterproofing is all about.

1. More Protection

Waterproofing is more than just channelling the water away from our roofs. It extensively prevents water from entering the house through a substance application specifically designed for waterproofing.

2. The Concept

Basically, to ensure basement waterproofing, one has to take two steps. The first step is to mount a very reliable drainage system. This is because if your drainage system becomes clogged with leaves or simply can not handle the amount of water capacity, water will accumulate instead of being neatly cyphoned away.

Of course, even with the best gutter and roof, water still penetrates the ground naturally when it rains, because not all rain will fall on your house, some will fall around it, perhaps on your front or back yard, or your neighbors yard.

Either way, if too much water is retained in the ground, the possibility of water entering your basement exists, and the only solution is to have your basement waterproofed.

3. Never Again – Find The Source!

Before you do basement waterproofing, it is a must that you find the cause of leakage first

– Is there a crack in the wall?
– Was the house built with weak structures?
– Are waters outside flooding and causing too much pressure?

In order to detect any of these problems, inspect your house thoroughly. Usually, water will penetrate on areas where there are cracks, usually on the floor or walls of the basement area. Do all of these things before you apply basement waterproofing.

The unfortunate part is that in order to actually apply a coat of waterproofing, you have to dig at least six feet right next to the wall. The waterproofing mixture must be applied directly to the outside of the basement wall – it can’t just be poured on the ground next to your basement! This is an extremely physical task and so in all honesty you should hire a handyman or better still, contact a service to do this for you. The service will come with the added benefit of providing you with a warranty for services offered that guarantees you won’t experience the problem again for a set amount of time.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Basement Mold The Most Common Place In The Home

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Basement mold is pernicious stuff.

basement mold, mold in basement, basement mold removal

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Basement mold is the most common mold that you will encounter in your home. This is because the basement is underground and is usually not developed as the rest of the house, and so is the perfect breeding ground for basement mold. It is often a storage area where there is little heat and it is also where moisture can build up from condensation on the pipes or even a leak. The mold can actually build up quite a bit in the basement if you do not keep a close watch on the conditions, such as excess moisture and damp conditions which are the prime breeding areas for basement mold.

Once mold spores settle in your basement, they will keep growing. Mold in basements can be found on wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, cement, sheet rock and insulation. There is no realistic way to get rid of all the basement mold that you have because mold spores are everywhere. Once you do find mold in the basement, though, you have to look at methods of basement mold removal.

You have to be careful when you are removing basement mold because once you disturb the mold spores you spread them around. Cleaning up one area could spread the mold to another part of the basement. You also have to be careful when you handle moldy materials to make sure you don t breathe in the mold that is in your basement when you are going through the process of basement mold removal. When you set about this task, you should wear a paper facemask and gloves so that you don t breathe in or come in direct contact with the mold.

Basement mold is one of the leading causes of allergies in homes as well as toxic mold syndrome. Not all molds are toxic, but you won t know if the mold in basement is toxic or not until you get it tested. This is why basement mold removal is so important. Mold allergies often disguise themselves as sunus problems or flu-like symptoms and they can aggravate asthma.

When you realize that you have basement mold, the first thing you need to do is search for the cause of the mold. If you find leaks or excess moisture, you have to make the repairs to prevent the moisture from re-occurring and the mold from coming back. Then you have to take measures of basement mold removal. There are many excellent sprays and cleaners on the market that do an effective job of mold removal. You do have to make sure that you completely dry the area after you clean to prevent the basement mold from growing back.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Basement Moisture Sealing: Top Four Steps to Sealing Basements

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Basements can let in water, especially during heavy rains. Sealing basements from excess moisture is a great way to add an extra layer of protection against the elements. Problems resulting from water leaks and moisture damage can result in thousands of dollars worth of damage. Here are some tips that will help you seal your basement properly.

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Basements can let in water, especially during heavy rains. Sealing basements from excess moisture is a great way to add an extra layer of protection against the elements. Problems resulting from water leaks and moisture damage can result in thousands of dollars worth of damage. Here are some tips that will help you seal your basement properly.

1- Moisture can enter your basement in a variety of different ways. When you are sealing your basement you need to keep this in mind. Water can enter your basement through cracks in the concrete, especially during heavy rains. Also, since concrete is porous, it allows a certain amount of water vapor into your basement. To combat the water vapor, people often use a humidifier. However, this method only masks the problem. Sealing the basement offers a much more lasting solution.

2- To seal the basement properly you need to first make sure that all sources of moisture inside the basement are eradicated. One common way moisture forms in the basement is through the dryer vent. Make sure the vent releases the moisture outside. The second way is through the air conditioning ducts. Make sure you insulate them properly to prevent any condensation from forming.

3- The next step to sealing basements is to make sure any rainwater that falls doesn t go near the foundation. You may need to install a series of gutters and drains to accomplish this, depending on your situation.

4- After you divert the rainwater away from the foundation, the next step to sealing foundations is to make sure openings for any pipes, ducts, etc are properly sealed. Do a thorough inspection of all pipes and ducts to make sure nothing is leaking. Although you may not see any leaks, keep in mind that even the smallest bit of moisture can be damaging, so seal everything with the proper caulking material. Also make sure you caulk and seal any holes in the corners and in the ceiling.

It may take a while to find every area that needs to be sealed, but the more meticulous you are the better your chances of finding everything. After you seal everything, it is a good idea to install a humidifier for extra insurance. If you have a recurrent problem with flooding, it is also a good idea to purchase and install a sump pump.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Basement Ideas

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Being banished to the basement doesn t always have to be punishment! Nowadays, owners of homes with a basement consider the space to be prime square footage. Everything from hobby rooms, play rooms, media centers, music rooms, poker parlors, exercise areas, office space and of course, it s original purpose, storage space, is finding new life in the space down below.

The definition of a basement is an area that is either fully or partially below ground level. This is not …

Basement Finishing, Basement Remodeling,Basement Waterproofing,Basement Window

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Being banished to the basement doesn t always have to be punishment! Nowadays, owners of homes with a basement consider the space to be prime square footage. Everything from hobby rooms, play rooms, media centers, music rooms, poker parlors, exercise areas, office space and of course, it s original purpose, storage space, is finding new life in the space down below.

The definition of a basement is an area that is either fully or partially below ground level. This is not to be confused with the crawl space of a house, since another part of the definition is that a person should be able to stand upright in the area.

The amount of square footage in the basement is generally equivalent to that on the ground floor. In most homes, it s like having another entire level of living space, which can add up to quite a bit! The options for utilizing that amount of space really are limited only by the imagination since the space usually will have electricity and plumbing.

The basement can be partitioned off into different rooms or it can be one huge open space. If this part of your home is finished then consider yourself lucky. If not, or if the space is on the remodeling To Do list, there are issues to consider before proceeding with the project. First, it s important to identify trouble spots such as lowered ceilings, enclosed boiler rooms, and ductwork. Second, the space must not leak. Uncontrolled moisture will cause a number of dangerous and damaging problems including the growth of mold.

Once the identification and remediation of basement problem areas is finished, the next step is determining a layout for the space. The task can be overwhelming, and a good way to begin is by determining the activities that ll likely take place in the space. Looking at pictures or at what others have done always helps jump-start the imagination.

Keep in mind that the basement will have little or no natural light so consider this when planning the layout. Slowly but surely this space will spring to life and you ll wonder how you ever lived without it!
Next time you think it s no big deal, remember that over time, excessive exposure to UV rays can lead to the onset of eye conditions including retina damage and even cataracts. So do your eyes a favor eat your carrots and be sure to carry your sunglasses with you at all times!

Driveways Waterford

DDW Basement Dehumidifier Basics

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When constructed properly and with the appropriate air conditioning and ventilation, a basement should be dry.

basement dehumidifier, home improvement

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When constructed properly and with the appropriate air conditioning and ventilation, a basement should be dry. But many basements are particularly prone to dampness because of their poor design and ventilation. Dampness like this is a perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, especially in basements where old books, magazines, clothing and suitcases are stored.

When the humidity level goes over 50%, the water vapor in the air can cause furniture to warp, moisture to condense on walls and floors and promote growth of fungus. It will also accelerate wood rot. For those family members with allergies, a basement dehumidifier is crucial to lessen the health risks linked to toxic mold and fungus.

But before you go off to purchase a basement dehumidifier, consider taking some time to investigate the reason behind the high humidity, and then repairing the underlying problems. For example, your basement should ideally be the same temperature as the rest of your house, and not an isolated cool temperature zone. Try adding weather-stripping to any basement doors and windows. If the basement is uninsulated, you ll have to weigh the costs of adding insulation against that of running a basement dehumidifier.

Buying a basement dehumidifier will require a little planning. Know the cubic footage of the basement space that it will be going into. Also you will need to decide on getting a permanently installed unit versus a portable dehumidifier. An other shopping point is to consider are the size of the unit- will it fit in the space you are planning for it? Also be aware that some models are noisier than others, so ask for a demonstration before you buy.

A dehumidifier works on the same principle that refrigerators and air conditioners do. They pass the humid air over a bank of cold coils and in the process extract a good portion of the moisture via condensation. This condensation drips off the coils into collection pockets inside the dehumidifier. Meanwhile the dry air flow, heated somewhat by the extraction of humidity, is directed out of the unit back into the room.

Since the dehumidifier is in the basement and out of the way, many people forget that it requires some maintenance. It is important to empty and clean the collection container inside the unit periodically, otherwise it will be prone to bacterial growth. Some companies manufacture basement dehumidifiers which have no inner collection container, but simply a hose that can be run to a floor drain, and these are a perfect solution to the problem.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Basement Bedroom Ideas to Fit Any Budget

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The basement can be an excellent space for expansion and is generally less expensive to remodel than adding on to a home.

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Those with expanding families or who are looking to increase the overall value of their home often begin looking into a variety of basement bedroom ideas. The basement can be an excellent space for expansion and is generally less expensive to remodel than adding on to a home. Fortunately, great basement bedroom ideas are easy to come by and to create with just a little creativity and careful planning.


After sifting through a variety of great basement bedroom ideas, you will need to give your new space walls. Some homeowners choose to simply place paneling on the walls of the existing basement. While this is an option, it will result in walls that have a thin and flimsy feel to them. The best choice for putting walls up in the basement bedroom is to install drywall. These walls can then be wallpapered or painted any color to match the style and taste of the person who will be using the basement bedroom. Or, paneling can later be installed over the drywall if desired. Installing drywall as a base will result in sturdier walls that are also more capable of holding wall decorations or shelving to add that personal touch to the bedroom.


If the basement has not yet been finished, it most likely has a concrete floor. Concrete flooring has a tendency to be cold on the feet in the morning. To avoid this uncomfortable possibility, carpeting should be your final step in creating your fantastic basement bedroom ideas.

Carpet squares are a great choice for completing your basement bedroom ideas because they are easy to install and come complete with padding and a moisture barrier. To properly install carpet squares, you need to first measure the area carefully. You want to determine the layout of the carpet panels ahead of time so you avoid having small slivers of carpeting at the ends of the room. To cut carpet panels to size, use a utility knife and cut through all layers of the square. Be sure to butt the panels close to each other and prevent fibers from getting trapped between squares. When finished, vacuum the floor to help remove the lines between carpet panels and, voila!, your basement bedroom is finished.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Bar Stool In Decorating The Home

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A bar stool is one that will have four legs, that will have a cushion on the top and that you can sit on. A bar stool is not always one that has a back, but it can. Some are created from leather, others are made of vinyl and some are made just of wood. A bar stool can be used in many areas of the home, from the breakfast table, to the corners of the house, to the bar in the basement, to the outdoor grilling area. Bar stools are going to add that special touch to your room, wh…

Bar stool, living room,

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A bar stool is one that will have four legs, that will have a cushion on the top and that you can sit on. A bar stool is not always one that has a back, but it can. Some are created from leather, others are made of vinyl and some are made just of wood. A bar stool can be used in many areas of the home, from the breakfast table, to the corners of the house, to the bar in the basement, to the outdoor grilling area. Bar stools are going to add that special touch to your room, where you want to add a new fashion flair, or that you want to add more seating where there is not a lot of space to start with.

A bar stool can have legs that are cut to fit under certain shelving when pushed in. if you have a breakfast counter or a bar area that you want to be able to push the bar stool in under the counter, you can do this by measuring the legs on the bar stool. If you want to be able to sit at the bar for a few hours, you want to have backs on the bar stools, that will cushion and hold you up while you are enjoying the conversations. A good bar stool is one that will have bars or pieces of wood across the bottom so you can put your feet up while you are sitting at the bar or at the counter.

Bar stools can be found in just about every color of the rainbow. Even leathers that are used to cover the bar stool can be of just about any color to match the d cor of your home. If you want to keep the bar area looking clean and clear of clutter all the time opt for a basic coloring of black. The black is going to hide the dirt, and it will look crisp all the time no matter how many hours you spend sitting up at that counter.

If you have an area of the home where there just seems never to be enough seating you can add seats to the area by using bar stools. Bar stools can be put in the corner, and they can be put behind other chairs that are in the living or visiting area. Bar stools are both comfortable and decorative at the same time.

If you have a living room that you decorate with music artists or racing or with a logo of a product that you collect chances are there is going to a bar stool that you can use in decorating that room as well. If you are into racing, bar stools can have the logo of the racer you love the most, or it could just state the race that you love to watch every time it is on. Bar stools are going to complete the collection you are starting while decorating any space in your home.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Bamboo Wood Flooring Guide

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As an alternative to traditional hardwoods, bamboo wood flooring is a fast growing and trendy idea. It is quickly becoming the flooring choice for many contemporary homeowners. Bamboo flooring is naturally dent resistant and so wears extremely well.

What is interesting about bamboo is that it is not actually a wood, it is a fast-growing grass that has been used for centuries in building. Bamboo reaches maturity in 3 to 5 years and cutting the stalks after 3 does not harm t…

bamboo wood flooring

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As an alternative to traditional hardwoods, bamboo wood flooring is a fast growing and trendy idea. It is quickly becoming the flooring choice for many contemporary homeowners. Bamboo flooring is naturally dent resistant and so wears extremely well.

What is interesting about bamboo is that it is not actually a wood, it is a fast-growing grass that has been used for centuries in building. Bamboo reaches maturity in 3 to 5 years and cutting the stalks after 3 does not harm the rest of the plant which makes bamboo a great renewable resource. Most other hardwoods take 50 to 100 years, bamboo never more than 5. Bamboo flooring is similar to oak in dent resistance with much more dimensional stability than other wood flooring types.

Bamboo flooring comes with both horizontal and vertical grain, it has a slightly different appearance than typical hardwood. Usually it is either a light golden color or a darker amber shade depending on the finish. The first is the bamboos natural color, the second is natural looking but achieved using a process called carbonization. Both are very attractive.

The installation of bamboo wood flooring is similar to traditional wood flooring. It can be nailed using a nail gun, glued to sub flooring, or floated, installed over plywood, OSB, particleboard, or over a properly installed radiant floor heating system. Bamboo flooring is manufactured at 6 to 9 percent moisture content so moisture equilibration is typically not required. Some installers report problems using regular floor nailers and instead use pneumatic nail guns.

If you’re looking for something different from your hardwood flooring, give bamboo a shot. The wood is rich and smooth and looks great in every type of home. Let your home start a new tradition with bamboo instead of oak or pine, go for something less common and stand out.

Driveways Waterford

DDW Bamboo Flooring: Is It The Right Choice?

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Bamboo flooring is amazing to look at. It has a very beautiful texture and adds quite a bit of style, beauty and quality to a home or business. It is quite a versatile element as well. Bamboo fibers can be made into virtually any type of material allowing for a wide range of styles, colors and methods of use for it. It can be used in businesses, homes and in virtually any environment.

Bamboo is a relatively soft wood that you would not think to use in most hardwood floori…

Bamboo flooring

To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Bamboo flooring is amazing to look at. It has a very beautiful texture and adds quite a bit of style, beauty and quality to a home or business. It is quite a versatile element as well. Bamboo fibers can be made into virtually any type of material allowing for a wide range of styles, colors and methods of use for it. It can be used in businesses, homes and in virtually any environment.

Bamboo is a relatively soft wood that you would not think to use in most hardwood flooring situations. But, like most other hardwoods, their hardness rating can be much higher once protective coatings are applied to them. When the flooring is chosen, it will be crafted with the most care in order to further strengthen the density of it. These additional coatings will often protect it from damages such as scratches, denting and markings. This also helps to prolong its life by making it last longer and more beautifully.

Bamboo flooring is a very unique type of flooring. What you would think that it would look like is not necessarily what it will. And, there is little doubt that having the best quality is quite important. This type of flooring will be one that allows for a variety of different styles. For example, it can be colored, or stained, in virtually any color necessary. This allows for it to fit well within many homes and environments well. Often the purchaser will have the ability to choose which color is right for their needs.

Although bamboo flooring is quite an expensive purchase, it is one that will likely last many years and will deliver beauty and design as well. If you are considering the purchase of this type of flooring, insure that you get the highest level of quality so that it will last you a lifetime.