Health 2

Amazing Water

Before the floods of Noah, before epidemics, before disease and before a shortened life span, there was pure, energized water. Different from the water we drink now, free of chlorine, additives, chemicals for purification and toxins, from factories. This water was full of life giving energy, vitalized water.
Some 30 years ago, a French researcher determined a means of measuring the energy of earth and water, and called it Bovis scale. Starting at zero and growing to infinity, the level for neutrality is based at 6,500 Bovis units. Anything below that number is considered depleting or negative. The life force index for most current water resources, including rivers, lakes, oceans and fresh water supplies is below 4,900 Bovis Units. Tap water comes out at 2,500 Units. This may account for illness, disease and a diminished life span, as cancer has been read at 4,700 Bovis Units, while most other states of depletion or illness range from 5,700 to a low of 3,600 Bovis Units.
The earth’s strata (horizontal section) has given us a clue about what may have happened thousands of years ago. Reportedly, Scientific research has concluded that around the time of Noah’s flood, a radiation cloud from a Super Nova engulfed the earth for over 2 years. Before this cloud, water registered in excess of 6,500 units and afterwards, much lower. The result being a non-vitalizing water supply which contributed to the current state of disease. Bible stories mention many long living individuals before Noah, but few, if any, after the flood, which coincidentally occurred around the same time frame as the radiation cloud.
Several years ago Manfred Bauer, a German Engineer, searched for both a cause and a cure for his own cancer. The cause was unexplainable, until he met a German Naturopath (one who uses natural means for healing without drugs), who explained that negative water lines below his home might have contributed to his diseased state. He was skeptical, but was determined to do everything possible to beat his cancer.
Manfred’s research led him to previous German discoveries surrounding the energy of water and various vitalization processes. He then developed his own water vitalization procedure, over a 2 year period of time. Six years later, he remains cancer free. Despite maintaining the secret of his discovery, Manfred willingly shares the results with those interested in listening. And, the results have been rather astounding. His company makes only two claims: water from his devices (mugs, cups, food containers, refrigerator products, whole house systems and pool or spa revitalizers), taste better and people who drink the water feel more energy and vitality. Regardless of the limited claims being made, potential is limitless.
Imagine taking in water that actually provides the body with an innate ability to begin its own healing. In a time where skepticism abounds and scientific research or triple blind studies are the normal water vitalization process such as this will be questioned, and with good reason. On the other hand, an old adage, the proof is in the pudding, may also be appropriate, as we are each unique and our reaction to products is also unique. The only way to determine if this energized water is effective is to try it. That’s the easy part as it is inexpensive and maintenance free. Even the FDA has taken a look at the product line and concluded that there are no chemicals or additives being used and they had any concerns about safety or side effects.
Through personal observation, a polycarbonate, energy water mug, eliminated the yellow and the chlorine taste of chlorinated water. Just from drinking vitalized water for a few weeks, headaches dissipated within minutes, energy improved, sleep was deeper, mental clarity increased, bowel function improved and a sense of emotional well being increased.
Natalie felt a distinct change in energy for the better and felt clear headed for the first time in months.
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Bill said his tooth pain was virtually eliminated in minutes.
Few, if any, have tried the water and not seen some results. We live on a water planet and most everything connected with the earth has a high concentration of water. Our physical body consists of over 70 percent water. And if that water happens to deplete our systems of energy, we become susceptible to disease, ailments, germs and viruses. On the other hand, if we increase the energy of water to 10,000 – 12,000 Bovis Units, we increase our ability to eliminate, reduce and prevent illness.
Manfred saw this potential when he developed his energized water products, which allow water to energize other water. One of the wonderful aspects of these products is their unlimited shelf life. They don’t need to be constantly replaced. We have been blessed to live in an age where supplements and new techniques have provided a means for improved health while maintaining our lives for longer and longer periods.
Antioxidants such as CO Q 10, Grape Seed Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N Acetyl Cysteines, IP6, SAMe, MGN3, MSM and Green tea have proven to be breakthrough products for improving and strengthening the immune system. But there isn’t one of these or any other supplement that doesn’t require continuous replenishment. This isn’t to say that we don’t need supplements, minerals and vitamins, because we do. But, we probably wouldn’t need as much as we would with an energetically improved system.
Essential Energy Water may be at the forefront of changing the way we view health and healing. And, it may actually be the true Fountain of Youth. But let’s leave that for you to decide.
Essential Energy Water can by found at