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The Great Emotional Gender Divide



There are several things that men and women don’t agree on, with emotions and how important they are being among them. However, a recently concluded study shows that the divide between male and female, while being present, may not reflect the stereotypical bias that society believes in.

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Men and women have and maintain two separate, distinct schools of thought. This comes down to more than biology and physiology, naturally. For example, men and women feel, register, and acknowledge pain differently. The two are further separated by factors such as mental health and emotional health, along with the cultural roles typically attributed to them. Gender, along with culture and environment, can also determine how a person deals with stress, depression, and a variety of other emotionally-connected problems and disorders. However, according to some recent studies, even the importance of emotional bonds over financial gain are processed differently by the two sides.

In a recent study, it was found that most people believe that women are more likely to choose family and sentimentality over professional ties and high-power positions. The study, conducted among a variety of college students, with an equal mix of male and female test subjects, showed otherwise. According to the study, most of the male students said that they preferred the emotional security of settling down with a family than the financial independence of having a high-powered job. This basically throws the old stereotype out the window, if the results are an accurate indication of how both genders really feel about the choice.

However, the researchers themselves point out a potential caveat to the results: the definition of a romantic relationship. That aspect of the study was not made clear, such that it is possible that the personal definitions swayed the results one way or another. There was a distinct possibility that, when asked the question, the male respondents simply considered sex without any commitments or emotional ties as being a “romantic relationship.” Other subjective definitions may have also affected the results, so the researchers are not entirely sure how to proceed. On one hand, the data is rather intriguing and puts a whole new light on gender views on emotional health versus financial security. On the other hand, the chance that this sort of study can never really be verified unless a definition for a “romantic relationship” is clearly and objectively defined is a problem.

The test was designed to measure certain reactions in the student body. It included goals such as physical fitness, financial stability, emotional fulfillment, and leisure time. These were ranked in importance before the subjects were asked whether or not they’d be willing to sacrifice any of them in favor of romance. Sixty-one percent of the male subjects and 51% of the female subjects answered in the affirmative, which contradicted the expectations of most of the people observing the study. According to the results, a number of men would be willing to take a “charming partner” over commonly held goals like having travel opportunities and job stability.

One thing that the researchers noted is that “romance” may not necessarily be defined in the same way by men and women. Just as some men may equate a sexual connection with “romance,” some of them might also see the word to mean the same thing that the average woman does. However, that does not automatically mean that everything a woman associates with “romance” is associated to it by men. Long-term commitment, family, and marriage were found to be outside the scope of the male definition of “romance,” according to the study.