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Your Granite Counter Tops Part. II

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When you are looking for a counter top that is very versatile and beautiful you are going to want to look at the granite counter tops. That is one way that you would be proud to have it in your home for some added d cor to the kitchen so that you are able to match up the colors in the room. In addition, you will be able to have all the room in the kitchen for any and all of the appliances that need to be placed on the counter top. Unless you end up buying all new appliances t…

counter tops,granite,kitchen,refreshing,remodeling,

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When you are looking for a counter top that is very versatile and beautiful you are going to want to look at the granite counter tops. That is one way that you would be proud to have it in your home for some added d cor to the kitchen so that you are able to match up the colors in the room. In addition, you will be able to have all the room in the kitchen for any and all of the appliances that need to be placed on the counter top. Unless you end up buying all new appliances that, you can have under the counter so that everyone will be able to see the granite counter top that you have in your kitchen.

When you are looking for a granite counter top you are going to want take your time when choosing a color and contrast of the counter top for your home. That way you will know that they granite counter top that you have chosen will be perfect for the look that you want in the kitchen. In addition, when you are taking your time to choose granite counter top you will be able to talk about how all the different counter tops are not like the granite counter top that you have chosen for yourself. That may be one big advantage to designing your kitchen your self instead of hiring someone else to do it. So it is all done with your personality and color scheme that you would like to see together.

With all the different granite, counter tops that are out there you are going to be sure to find the one that is going to be perfect for your d cor in the kitchen. The only problem with buying a granite counter top you may end up purchasing all new appliances, puts and pans, plus dish towels for the kitchen so that you are not placing the old pots and pans and the old dish towels on the new granite counter top that you have in place now in your kitchen. Then you are going to want to make sure that everything in your kitchen is going to match all the different items that are in your kitchen.

That way there, you are going to be able to be the talk of the town at your get together to show off your new granite counter top in the kitchen. That may even be away that you are going to be on top of the rest of your friend because you chose a beautiful granite counter top for your remodeled kitchen. You will know that it is all because of the granite counter top that you chose for your kitchens d cor that you have chosen.

paving contractors dublin

Your Grandfather Clocks- Relive The Magic

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Every child in high school learns that a pendulum’s rate of swing (period) is proportional to its length. This is the only factor that affects the period. Galileo discovered this in 1582.

Today’s grandfather clocks are the descendents of William Clement’s clock from 1670. He had discovered that a longer pendulum meant more accurate timekeeping. The long pendulum had to be enclosed to prevent children (and adults) playing with it. Hence the long-case clock was invented. The…

grandfather clocks,clock kits, clock plans,long case clocks

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Every child in high school learns that a pendulum’s rate of swing (period) is proportional to its length. This is the only factor that affects the period. Galileo discovered this in 1582.

Today’s grandfather clocks are the descendents of William Clement’s clock from 1670. He had discovered that a longer pendulum meant more accurate timekeeping. The long pendulum had to be enclosed to prevent children (and adults) playing with it. Hence the long-case clock was invented. The name Grandfather Clock comes from Henry Work’s 1875 song, “My Grandfather’s Clock.”

If your parents or grandparents had a grandfather clock you are certain to remember it well. Its sounding of every hour with a tremendously resonant goooooonnnngg, the way it kept you awake all night until you were used to it, the daily winding ritual, its sheer presence. Memories of these fantastic historical clocks are held precious by more than one generation.

Modern homes are often too small to accommodate a grandfather clock easily, but it is worth the effort necessary to fit one in. It makes a much more attractive feature than a 45 inch television, and homes were never designed to accommodate one of those either.

Some people buy one to remind them of their youth, or perhaps, to give their children similar fantastic memories of the sight, sound and presence of this amazing timepiece.

You can build your own grandfather, or long case, clock from plans or kits. The kits come in a variety of finishes, from blond pine to darkest rosewood. The plans will include cutting lists for timber that is required.

The one thing you absolutely must do before you buy a clock, or kit is to listen to its chimes. If you cannot find a clock made from the kit you have chosen, then choose another kit. Clocks made from kits and plans will vary in tone, because of differences in resonance qualities caused by differing woods and construction skill levels.

You are going to live with this for a many years; you have to like the sound of your clock.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Lighting – High Tech With Solar Power

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If you have trouble with your electricity supplier, you may be interested in the story of my journey toward building a solar power lighting system.


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From the first time I saw, first hand, a solar cell making electricity, I was hooked. It was magnetic. I was going to have one, making electricity for me, one day. I didn’t get around to trying it, until about 1979. I ordered $400.00 worth of solar cells from a company in California. I made a makeshift solar panel with them, which worked for a while.

Much later, in 1993, I tracked down a company in Calgary, who sold solar panels. I bought 1 for about $500.00. It was about the size of a large beach towel. It was blue in color and was mounted inside an aluminium frame. My first attempt at making a solar power lighting system worked but wasn’t very efficient. I used a little incandescent bulb from a reading lamp hooked up to a car battery, that was charged by the solar panel. I mounted the solar panel in the most sunny window I had to put it in. At that time there weren’t compact florescent light bulbs. I liked that solar panel so much that I bought 3 more like it from the same company. Each panel made about 50 watts in direct sunlight.

A solar cell reacts with sunlight making a positive and negative charge. When you link the two charges by attaching a wire to both ends of the solar cell, charged electrons move along the wire, and an electric current flows. When the cells are joined together, to increase the voltage and amperage, you have made a solar panel. So all this makes the electricity your light uses.

Once you have the electricity, you have to store it somewhere, or use it right away. Since the whole point of a light is to use it in the dark, and solar panels only work in sunlight, you need a battery, to store the electricity until you are ready to turn the light on.

To keep the electricity in the battery while the solar panel is connected, a diode is used. A diode is an electronic device which only allows direct current to travel in one direction. If the current tries to go in the other direction, then the diode stops it. This happens when a big dark cloud moves in front of the sun. Your panel makes so little power the battery has more voltage push, than what is coming from the panel. So the voltage from the battery tries to send current out from the battery. We want the battery to charge, and not waste the electricity until we turn on the light.

To use the direct current electricity in a battery, to run an alternating current or household current compact florescent light, you need to convert the electricity from the battery, to the kind of electricity the light will use. This device is called an inverter. It makes AC electricity out of DC electricity. The inverter is connected to the battery and the power cord from the light is plugged into the inverter.

When you switch your light on, you are using the power from the sunlight captured during the day time. The advantage of using compact florescent light bulbs is that they are very energy efficient, using little electricity, and giving out the same amount of light used by a 60 watt regular light bulb. You make your own power and don’t care if the power from the electric company goes off. Your lighting system will still work.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Let The Professionals Clean Your House

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Our busy lifestyles don’t always allow us to get all of the daily chores done. A 40 hour work week can take its toll on us, and by the time the weekend arrives, the last thing we want to deal with is mopping the floor. Residential cleaning services can put your home on their list of chores. These companies offer maids that literally come in and clean things up to get you back in that spotless environment. Let’s face it, no one wants to come home to a mess. Residential cl…

residential cleaning service, maids,cleaning service

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Our busy lifestyles don’t always allow us to get all of the daily chores done. A 40 hour work week can take its toll on us, and by the time the weekend arrives, the last thing we want to deal with is mopping the floor. Residential cleaning services can put your home on their list of chores. These companies offer maids that literally come in and clean things up to get you back in that spotless environment. Let’s face it, no one wants to come home to a mess. Residential cleaning services can help you with this dilemma.

My first notion was to flip through the phone book, in search of residential cleaning services. I thought if I could get someone to come out to the house and do a professional job, then maybe the ridiculous smell would be banished forever. Soon enough we located a residential cleaning service, and they were prompt about taking care of our problem. When they were finished, the carpet looked as good as new.

What is the definition of clean? I know what I consider clean. However, my spouse doesn’t always agree. Cleaning our homes can be a tiring and tedious process. It never seems like it’s actually done. You clean the bathroom, but the next day there is already hair in the sink and scum in the toilet bowl. We all know the routine. An alternative option available to those who cannot get around to those daily regimes of scrubbing and vacuuming, is residential cleaning services. These services actually come to your home and clean it for you.

In the past I took advantage of residential cleaning services. I needed their professional services due to my lack of cleaning abilities. My wife had a cat that unfortunately wasn’t fixed. This caused a horrible stench that I wish upon no one. With the unbearable affliction of urine stains all over our carpets, we had to find help fast.

If you are searching for decent residential cleaning services, it is prudent to start online. There are a number of company websites, which offer a variety of cleaning services to your convenience. Not everyone has time to take care of their home cleaning on a regular basis, but no one wants a filthy home. Fortunately there are residential cleaning services ready to tackle your home cleaning chores.

paving contractors dublin

Your Grandfather Clocks – A Brief History

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Grandfather clocks were originally known as floor clocks or long case clocks. A song written in 1875 called “The Grandfather’s Clock” told the story of an aging floor clock that stood in the George Hotel in North Yorkshire, England.

clocks,grandfather clocks, grandfather clocks history , grand father clocks

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Grandfather clocks were originally known as floor clocks or long case clocks. A song written in 1875 called “The Grandfather’s Clock” told the story of an aging floor clock that stood in the George Hotel in North Yorkshire, England. Two brothers managed the hotel. The clock began slowly losing time immediately upon the death of one of the brothers, and upon the death of the second brother, the floor clock stopped working altogether despite numerous attempts to have the clock repaired. Eventually new management gained control of the George Hotel, but the clock remained in place as a tribute to the two brothers who had faithfully managed the hotel for so many years. The term “grandfather clock” caught on quickly after the song became widely known and since then, what were originally known as floor clocks are commonly called Grandfather Clocks and are a cherished part of our culture.

Over the years there have been numerous improvements to time-keeping devices and grandfather clocks are no exception. In modern times, a grandfather clock is a statement of excellent taste and firmly rooted tradition. Grandfather clocks are commonly a family heirloom that is passed down through the generations. Grandfather clocks vary somewhat in size, but are generally 6 to eight feet tall and lend a stately appearance to any room. You can also find smaller versions of grandfather clocks, which are known as grandmother and granddaughter clocks. Families for centuries have passed a cherished grandfather clock from one generation to the next, and today there are grandfather clocks with great historical and sentimental value. Some of the oldest known grandfather clocks are still used as the models for the grandfather clocks we purchase today. You will also be able to find more modern version of the grandfather clock in varying styles and colors.

Each time you see a grandfather clock, remind yourself of where this term originated and give a bit of thought to the long history of these treasured timepieces and heirlooms. If you do not own a grandfather clock you will be happy to know that it is easy to start your own family heirloom and you will be able to find the perfect grandfather clock in all price ranges.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Led Lights: Modern, Bright, And Tough

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Among the most versatile and cool lights, the light-emitting diode or LED lights are new, tough, and seem to last forever. You can find them in mini-flashlights, in jewelry, penlights, and dozens of small applications. Larger bulbs are quite expensive because they are such a new technology, but the small bulbs give a significant amount of light, and in larger displays can light an area quite brightly.

LED lights seem to last forever. Regular incandescent bulbs only last ab…

led lights, light, light bulbs

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Among the most versatile and cool lights, the light-emitting diode or LED lights are new, tough, and seem to last forever. You can find them in mini-flashlights, in jewelry, penlights, and dozens of small applications. Larger bulbs are quite expensive because they are such a new technology, but the small bulbs give a significant amount of light, and in larger displays can light an area quite brightly.

LED lights seem to last forever. Regular incandescent bulbs only last about a thousand hours, and fluorescent about 10,000 hours. LEDs last for up to 100,000 hours. That s more than eleven years, with continual use! LEDs also use about a tenth the electricity of an incandescent bulb because they produce almost no heat. The red LED bulbs are as much as 90% efficient. Compare that with a standard incandescent light bulb, in which only about three percent of the energy used is transformed into light, while the remaining 97% becomes heat.

LED lights have been used more and more over the last few years, in decorations, in small flashlights and night lights, even in novelty ice cubes and license-plate holders. The most popular use for LED lights is illumination for specific things how neat would it be to have LED lights in your fish tank? LED earrings and body jewelry are common at raves.

But it s also becoming more common for LED lights, with their clear, long-lasting illumination, to be used in special fixtures for lighting rather than decoration. For instance, LEDs make great travel and book lights, with their low power requirements and tiny size. LED lights used in outdoor spotlight-type illumination last so long, it makes sense to put them up in the hardest to reach spots. LEDs in light bars are being used in ATM machines and other places where bright, stable light is necessary in public areas. If you use a prismatic diffuser or other method for scattering light, an array of LED lights provides excellent indirect lighting for medium or large areas.

Still, the most common use for LED lights is in decoration. And why not? These pinpoints of light can be used in your hair, in tongue studs, on clothing. Magnetized LED lights will stick literally anywhere on your clothing. And many LED lights aren t limited to only one color but instead change strobe or change colors, depending on how they re designed.

When looking for decorative lighting or for stable, long-lasting light, LED lights should be on your list of options to investigate. The cool factor is unbeatable, the energy efficiency incredible, and the light that results from these little lights is anywhere from usable to excellent. As time passes, look for LED lights to be used more and more frequently in applications from kitchen lighting, to dance and rave light shows. Still, the best use found so far for tiny LED lights is the pinpoint light you need to find keyholes in the dark. The keychain LED flashlight is unbeatable.

paving contractors dublin

Your Governor Schwarzenegger Turns California to Solar Roof Systems

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While California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for his action films, few knew of his affinity for the sun. Turns out he is hell bent on converting California to solar.

California solar initiative, rebate, solar, Schwarzenegger

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While California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for his action films, few knew of his affinity for the sun. Turns out he is hell bent on converting California to solar.

3.2 Billion Dollar Plan

This past week, the State of California became the undisputed biggest proponent of solar power in the United States. Faced with a growing population, limited energy sources and the occasional rolling blackout each summer season, the state really had no choice. With backing from Governor Schwarzenegger, the state has just implemented the biggest solar industry subsidiary every undertaken by a state in an effort to quell the energy crunch.

On January 12, 2006, the California Public Utilities Commission voted 3 to 1 to adopt a plan to encourage the use of solar roof systems by residents through a 3.2 billion dollar rebate plan. Known as the California Solar Initiative, the goal is to convert as much as six percent of the peak energy demands in the state to solar platforms. Put in practical terms, the goal is place solar systems on roughly one million homes in the state, particularly new homes. Approximately 15,000 homes in the state now have solar systems for energy generation.

When in use, the residents will receive an astonishing rebate of $2.80 cents per watt on their utilities bill. On top of this subsidy, state residents will be able to claim tax credits from the federal government as well as direct subsidies.

In turn, California is hoping to both reduce the stress on the current electrical grid system while also avoiding the costs associated with building and running massive new power generating stations necessary to feed the energy crunch associated with a growing population. It is estimated the power generated through California Solar Initiative will be sufficient to replace the need for five massive, expensive new power generation complexes.

In addition to the economic benefits of the new plan, Californians going solar can reap significant benefits through net metering laws. Under such laws, residents will be able to tie solar platforms into utility electric grids and effectively sell power back to the California utilities. Depending on the size of the solar platform, net metering can result in reduction of electrical bills from 50 percent to complete elimination.

For a state suffering growth problems, the California Solar Initiative is a major move. After a crushing defeat at the polls in late 2005, the Governor has something to cheer.

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Your Good Water Drainage For Your Home

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Prior to the 1960s, the majority of homes were built with a water management system that drained directly into municipal storm sewers. Unfortunately, this type of drainage system is now considered illegal in many parts of North America. In many instances, storm water collected by each home was too much for the municipality to handle, overflowing into the sanitary sewer system. Sewage treatment plants could not accommodate the amount of runoff water that flowed into the system, discharging tons of untreated sewage into lakes and streams in the area. As these lakes and streams are also sources of drinking water for the area, the situation posed a serious health threat for inhabitants.

soil erosion control,downspout extenders,downspout extensions

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Prior to the 1960s, the majority of homes were built with a water management system that drained directly into municipal storm sewers. Unfortunately, this type of drainage system is now considered illegal in many parts of North America. In many instances, storm water collected by each home was too much for the municipality to handle, overflowing into the sanitary sewer system. Sewage treatment plants could not accommodate the amount of runoff water that flowed into the system, discharging tons of untreated sewage into lakes and streams in the area. As these lakes and streams are also sources of drinking water for the area, the situation posed a serious health threat for inhabitants.

Most downspouts attached to homes are now designed to eliminate runoff water by simply discharging it on the ground, near the base of the house, or slightly further away. Downspouts may also be attached to an underground drainage system, also known as a French Drain. However, this design is costly, requiring professional routine clearance of debris and other clogging substances in the underground piping. Both types do not discharge water directly into the municipal storm sewer; runoff water needs to travel before reaching the sewer. Therefore, some water can be absorbed by the ground before it reaches the sewer, which is beneficial for the natural groundwater aquifer.

For downspouts that simply discharge water on the ground, it is vital that this not affect the ground surrounding the home. Serious problems may result from runoff water pooling around the structure of the house. It could erode the soil in your yard, creating an eyesore and leaving a slick muddy mess impossible to plant a lawn and garden in or walk through. Collecting water may leak into the basement, making it dank and a perfect environment for health-threatening mold. And the worst problem: it may seep into the foundation of the home, causing wood to rot and concrete to crack. If this occurs, your house will require immediate repairs to prevent a catastrophe.

That’s why runoff water must be eliminated far from the base of your home. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on an expensive drainage system that will require costly routine maintenance, there is an economical solution. Attaching downspout extenders to each downspout will get rid of runoff water. Downspout extenders extend the length of downspouts so that water will not pool around the house. Rather, it will disperse the power of flowing water and spray out at a safe distance, ideally at six feet.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Ledazzle

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If you want a brighter, cheerier holiday home display, try LED Christmas lights. It’s a fact that LED lights are brighter.

Rust is another factor in your choosing non-replaceable LED Christmas lights rather than the standard string of Christmas bulb lights. Copper wiring in standard cords can rust. If any moisture gets into the bulb environment whether actual water or just condensation it will begin to rust. This rusting takes place very quickly. In a few months, you’ll ha…

lead christmas lights, lighting, christmas, decorations, fairylights

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If you want a brighter, cheerier holiday home display, try LED Christmas lights. It’s a fact that LED lights are brighter.

Rust is another factor in your choosing non-replaceable LED Christmas lights rather than the standard string of Christmas bulb lights. Copper wiring in standard cords can rust. If any moisture gets into the bulb environment whether actual water or just condensation it will begin to rust. This rusting takes place very quickly. In a few months, you’ll have a Christmas light bulb that falls right out of its light socket. A non-replaceable led Christmas light, however, is totally watertight. You just can’t get any moisture into it. The result is that it never rusts.

LED Christmas lights use only a fraction of the lighting energy as standard bulbs. Rather than 350 watts for a standard set of 70 Christmas lights at five watts each, LED Christmas lights use less than four watts total for all 70. This represents at least a 90 percent savings in electricity. If, for example, you were to use five strings of LED Christmas lights each with 70 lights and you left the lights on 8 hours a day for 7 days a week, and the rate you pay for your electricity is the national average of 8 cents, you’ll save $33 a month by using LED Christmas lights.

While you may pay more for LED Christmas lights than the standard holiday bulbs, they’ll more than pay for themselves the first holiday season.

They come in such pretty holiday colors and styles, too. One vendor offers three choices of each. The styles are strawberry, razzberry and mini-ice, while the color choices are multi-colored, winter white, blue sapphire, ruby, green, orange and gold.

LED Christmas lights are made of epoxy plastic which is solid, flameproof and unbreakable. They don’t get hot like traditional Christmas bulbs, so they’re safe indoors or outdoors, and you won’t have to worry about your dry tree branches. The patent on these LED Christmas lights has prepared them for your standard electric outlet. You can even exchange them or interchange them with your traditional Christmas lights.

LED Christmas lights are made from miniscule sized chips that are solid state and like those in computers. The chips convert electricity into light but don’t need any filament or bulb to accomplish this. The lack of filament is what keeps them burning and keeps them cool.

The unusual shape of LED Christmas lights makes them beautiful, giving off a shimmer when lighted. If you view your LED Christmas lights from two different angles you’ll get two different decorative views.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Leather Sofa Care

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Keeping a leather sofa in excelent condition is not that hard if you know what to do. If repairs are needed it’s important to know where to look for expert advice.

leather sofa, leather

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You would think that all leather sofas would be created soft. You know the type of leather sofa you sink right into when you sit down. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Some of these solutions come from regular household items and some are products you can buy.

Home Remedies

* Saddle SoPDD1 is an excellent way to soften tough leather. This leather conditioner has been around for hundreds of years when it was used by cowboys to keep saddles and other horse tack in good shape. It may not be the best thing for a leather sofa though.

* Vaseline is something everyone has laying around the house and it’s cheap. Dab a soft clean cloth into the gel and then work it into the leather sofa in small amounts until it feels dry. You will want to wipe the sofa with a dry cloth to remove any excess grease but the leather will absorb most of it. Try this on a small area first before doing the whole couch.

* Shaving cream has been a good standby for many people. You want to use shaving cream on a clean damp cloth, working it into the leather. You will be amazed at how quickly this softens your sofa.

* Mink Oil is a favorite for many people. You can find Mink Oil at just about any leather shop and is not very expensive.

* Lanolin is another natural ingredient that will work.

* A mixture of 500 g bag balm, also called milk salve and 100 ml of glycerin also makes a great home remedy if you have a lot of area to cover and a small budget to work with.

* In all cases mentioned above, try it in an inconspicuous area first before doing the entire surface. Wait to see how well it soaks into the leather.

Commercial Products

* Leather CPR Cleaner and Conditioner is made with 100% natural ingredients and in addition to softening, Leather CPR also helps remove dirt, grime, and sweat. In fact, this conditioner will also help cover small scratches on your leather sofa!


* Liquid NIKWAX is also a great option for removing dirt and softening your leather sofa. All you need to do is gently apply it with a clean, dry cloth.


* Leather Vital is a product made in Canada that has an amazing ability to soften even the stiffest leather sofas. It deeply penetrates, filling in dry cracks and actually nourishing the leather.
