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Your Getting rid of Pigeons is necessary for healthy living

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Diseases associated with pigeon droppings are Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis. People with weakened immune systems are more at risk of developing these diseases. It is advisable to get rid of pigeon problem.

Pigeon Control, Get Rid of Pigeons, Pigeon deterrent, Pigeon Removal.

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Pigeons have lived together with human beings for thousands of years. Some pigeons carried posts to help our ancestors and most of them dropped diseases for us to suffer.

Human diseases and health risks associated with pigeon droppings are Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis.

Histoplasmosis, an infection caused by a fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, may cause high fever, blood abnormality, pneumonia and even death in some cases. The disease primarily affects the lungs. People with weakened immune systems are generally more at risk of developing this disease. The fungus grows in pigeon droppings and soils throughout the world. It enters human bodies through air while breathing and a high in-take may cause infection. The symptoms of histoplasmosis may be fatigue, fever, minor influenza, blood abnormalities, dry coughs and chest pains though in many cases it does not show any. Central Illinois have experienced outbreaks of histoplasmosis.

Accumulated pigeon droppings are the most important source of Cryptococcosis, another fungal disease caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. Immune compromised persons, especially those with HIV infection run at high risk from this disease. Initial pulmonary infection is usually asymptomatic and most patients surrender to disseminated infection. It begins with a lung infection and spreads to other areas of the body, particularly in the CNS or the central nervous system. Skin eruptions and ulcers with lumps just under the skin are also characteristics of this disease. A high in-take of that airborne yeast cells in human bodies through air while breathing causes this infection. A cost-effective Cryptococcosis prevention strategy is yet to be developed.

Psittacosis is an infection caused by intracellular bacterium Chlamydia psittaci that affects parrots, pigeons and other birds. Dry and airborne droppings of affected birds infect human beings. Manifestations of this disease may range from asymptomatic infection to systemic illness with severe pneumonia. Fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and a dry cough are some symptoms of this disease in human beings. Most Psittacosis in human beings results from exposure to pet infected birds. It spreads when a person inhales the organism, vaporized from respiratory secretions or dried feces of infected birds or bird bites, mouth-to-beak contact, and through handling of infected birds. Even brief exposures can lead to symptomatic infection. Man to man, transmission of this bacterium is rare, but not impossible.

In any case, the infected person should immediately consult a doctor.

As the age-old proverb goes prevention is better than cure , it is always advisable to get rid of pigeons. Killing is a common method, employed for pigeon control. However, scientific research has shown that in most cases the number increase beyond the pre-cull figure within weeks. If the food supply remains constant, pigeons will breed four-six times a year on an average. On the other hand, reduction in food supply may drop the number accordingly. It may work to some effect if the city council and general people work hand in hand as a pigeon deterrent by keeping the food sources far away from them. It is now high time to act for Pigeon Removal.

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Your Getting a handle on cabinet knobs

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Did you know that there are special stores all over the world that make a fortune out of selling cabinet knobs? One may even find the same thing on the Internet with web sites selling just this one product. As you can imagine their popularity became something like: I m only buying cabinet knobs from X . A large variety of models to choose from is created. There are some models that have hundreds of colors or minor design changes (ie: 0.5 cm. longer or one extra line on a side) that make a difference. Some cabinet knobs were never even sold.

cabinet knobs, knob, door knob

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Did you know that there are special stores all over the world that make a fortune out of selling cabinet knobs? One may even find the same thing on the Internet with web sites selling just this one product. As you can imagine their popularity became something like: I m only buying cabinet knobs from X . A large variety of models to choose from is created. There are some models that have hundreds of colors or minor design changes (ie: 0.5 cm. longer or one extra line on a side) that make a difference. Some cabinet knobs were never even sold.

Most doors come with a door knob. Just like that all cabinets come with included knobs. Why change them you might ask! There are several possible answers. First of all, the most common one stands in design. You might just not like it. In this case you can go to a specialized store and ask for cabinet knobs that can suit your needs. The only real problem that appears is that you can not take the cabinet with you so you do not know whether it will be good or not. One thing also needs to be taken into consideration once in the situation. If you fail to take measurements you might just have to guess. It is hard to guess and this can quickly lead to a waste of time (going to the department store and back) and money (once opened most appliances or smaller parts can not be taken back and changed.

There are different types of cabinet knobs. First we have the popular glass cabinet knob. Many people are starting buying glass cabinets. It becomes hard to attach a cabinet knob in this situation, not to mention that one type can not work for all models. Research and proper measuring is the key. If possible write down the brand of the cabinet and take proper measurements. You can even un-mount one and take it with you to the store. It does not matter if we are talking about kitchen cabinet knobs, cabinet porcelain knobs or regular knobs.

Mounting the newly purchased knob can usually be done by anybody without the fear of any problems appearing. First you take down the old knob and mount the new one. This simple process can only be difficult when the new cabinet knob does not fit well in place of the old one. It is better to measure twice before buying. If the new cabinet knob can not be put in place you should not force it. Some can even break the cabinet and this can even lead to a need of full replacement.

Basically, if you break the cabinet door you will have to pay more or even replace the cabinet completely (if the door also breaks away from the side parts). As with anything you should analyze the situation before taking any physical decision.
Cabinet knobs can be very stylish and can add a special design flavor to any room. If you do not like one there are big chances others will also dislike it. Cabinet knobs are not expensive, easy to install and long lasting. Changing them once in a while might be necessary or esthetically beneficial to the overall look of one s house.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Lamps Are Decorative And Functional Too

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Many people don’t think twice about the lamps and lights in their home. When you’re trying to spruce up your decor though, or creating a brand new decorating theme, one of the best places to start is with lamps… because they can be both beautiful and functional at the same time.

Here are several popular types of lamps to consider when decorating a room in your home:

Table Lamps – Table lamps are wonderful for both decorating and functionality. They come in a variety o…

lamps, lights, lighting, decorating, decor, home decor, lamp decor

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Many people don’t think twice about the lamps and lights in their home. When you’re trying to spruce up your decor though, or creating a brand new decorating theme, one of the best places to start is with lamps… because they can be both beautiful and functional at the same time.

Here are several popular types of lamps to consider when decorating a room in your home:

Table Lamps – Table lamps are wonderful for both decorating and functionality. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, and can really accent specialty decor pieces you might already have. Small table lamps are quite decorative when sat upon a stack of hardback books, and large table lamps make great centerpieces for greenery, knick knack arrangements, or keepsakes.

You’ll want to be careful not to overwhelm small, dainty tables with large, bulky, overbearing lamps though. A solid rustic wood table would easily carry a large wood table lamp, but a small victorian-style side table would do better with a delicate-looking tiffany or hurricane table lamp.

Floor Lamps – Floor lamps are excellent for adding both additional light and style to various areas of your home. I particularly like them in reading areas. Place a nice comfortable chair or divan in the corner for instance, away from the walls a bit, then place a decorative floor lamp in the corner space behind it. This will create a cozy, inviting feel to the space while also providing extra light for reading, writing, or knitting.

Wall Lamps & Lights – Lighting used on the wall varies in style. There’s recessed lights which are helpful and decorative in kitchen areas or bathrooms for instance, and there are wall sconces which are wonderful for adding warmth and ambiance.

For a unique and different look, try creating a wall arrangement using wall sconces instead of candelabras or candle sconces.

Picture Lights – Picture lights are used primarily to highlight pictures and artwork in your home. These work similar to spotlights by focusing the majority of their light on the artwork. Most are very decorative, and they come in a variety of styles to match whatever your decorating theme might be.

Oil Lamps – Oil lamps can still be bought in many places today. Some are replicas, meaning they don’t actual burn oil to create light, they simply look like the oil lamps of old. Others actually do have a wick and can burn oil. Most people use the actual oil burning lamps for decoration only, and you can even buy colored oil to fill the lamps for an additional decorative touch.

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Your Get Your Dream Dining Room with the Right Furniture Pieces

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While designing your dining room there are a lot of things to consider, but if you know smart shopping tips, you will be done with furniture shopping without making wrong decisions and stressing out yourself. Spacify will try to guide you through the process of decision making and purchasing with a step-by-step manual that is easy to follow and it is filled with tips.

Modern Dining Room Furniture, Contemporary Dining Room Sets, Designer Dining Chairs, In stock Dining Designs, Dinnerware/Accessories.

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Unplanned dining room is a typical sight where everything hangs in tedium. There is little continuity and the space ends up looking like a big mess with unlikely outcomes such as an awkward sitting arrangement with no space to move around, or the discomfort the host faces while serving. Once you pay attention to basic areas of your dining area, you can start thinking about modern dining room furniture that compliments your home, and not just stands there not to knowing where it fits. To avoid an odd situation, look up to the basic.

Watch out for clear yes situations; recheck the list below to assure that you,
Measure the complete dining area with the furniture articles it already occupies like buffets and console tables
Estimate the number of people (how many will dine?)
Round up on an ideal size (the shape will fit in)
Guesstimate your need. Do you need it for small get-together/family gatherings?

Once you have the sorted out the details, you can think of a table shape that compliments the area. Traditional rectangular shapes are ideal for big families, but there are more shapes available. And contemporary dining room sets fill in the norms of modern day lifestyle, fitting in snugly; and leaf tables can also sit as a daytime console table in a corner. If you like regular features in your dining room, you can get a set that bespeaks the theme and fits the space conveniently, allowing room to move about.

Extendible tables are a smart idea for hosting parties and seating more people, and then there are outdoor dining tables that can be used indoors with ease. So, depending on your lifestyle, get a table that is practical and approachable. You can also match up a table with designer dining chairs that come in sleekest of material and designs to suit your taste for novelty.

Here go a few general rules you should pay attention to while purchasing dining furniture,

An average diner requires about 18 to 24 of space away from the table to comfortably pull the chair and sit in.

As to the space between two diners, the ideal one would be 24 -30 to prevent brushing of elbows and any awkward bump ins.

There must be sufficient space for the host to be able to serve. So you need at least a distance of 4-5 feet for the

person to move about.

Dinner buffets should be placed well within reach for convenience.

Ready dining sets free your mind from the hassle of finding the right matching furniture that compliments. The enthusiast and connoisseur can still enjoy the innovation when it comes to mixing and matching furniture. Then there are regular tables in fancy shapes round, oval, square and more unusual shapes designed for smaller families. Pay attention to the chairs closely.

You don t want a snobbish furniture piece sitting wobbly around the table. Also work on practical aspects; it would be a better idea to avoid fabric chairs when you have growing kids at home. Stain-resistant chair upholstered in micro fabric and leather chairs are easy to clean.

Apart from the in stock dining designs, you must pay attention to dining room storage that includes,

Curios: Independent display unit with a central glass front and wooden/glass sides

Dinner Buffet: Used as storage furniture for your precious china and glitters, you can display and use the buffet by placing it near the dining table. The top of the buffet is normally used as service area and in modular homes; it s a blessing to have a buffet around.

Sideboard: Equipped with a wide drawer, the table comes with cabinets on both sides. The furniture is mainly used for storing serving dishes and platters as well as for serving food.

Server: Quite like the sideboard but minus the cabinets, it is used to place food on the table before serving it on the table. A server is a shallow table with drawers.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Laminating Machines For Home Use

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Take a look around your office or school and you ll see evidence that a laminating machine has been at work. Why is it that laminating machines have become so popular anyway? The answer to that question is as easy as comparing a piece of paper that has been laminated with one that has not. There are no wrinkles, folded corners or smudges on the laminated piece. Just the fact that paperwork can become more durable and better looking is reason enough for most homes, schools and…

Laminating Machines,office supplies,protection,laminating,laminated,binding,paper,

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Take a look around your office or school and you ll see evidence that a laminating machine has been at work. Why is it that laminating machines have become so popular anyway? The answer to that question is as easy as comparing a piece of paper that has been laminated with one that has not. There are no wrinkles, folded corners or smudges on the laminated piece. Just the fact that paperwork can become more durable and better looking is reason enough for most homes, schools and businesses to put a laminating machine on their must have list.

What s The Difference?

It s obvious what the difference is in the final product of a laminating machine, but comparing the machines themselves is a little trickier.

There are different types of laminators each with the right qualities for different sized jobs. For example, the photo laminator is a small, compact unit that sits on a desk top. The thermal heating process is contained within the machine so the exterior remains cool. This is idea for photos, IDs, badges, business cards, or anything smaller than about 4 x 6 .

The next size up is still a sheet fed type of laminator. This can protect cardboard and thin paper alike. The sheets and the feeder are larger, up to the size of legal sheet of paper. It is quite versatile even if you have smaller papers to laminate. To save time and money, you can place all of your items between the sheets of plastic and feed them through all at once.

Objects grouped together on a sheet laminator of this size can be trimmed to size immediately following the laminating process. Be sure to leave at least an 1/8 of plastic around the item so the seal isn t broken.

The largest type of laminator is often found in schools or busy businesses that handle lots of paperwork needing protection. This oversized office equipment is quiet, but can heat up. It is usually contained in a room away from the desks, just like the large copy machines.

Unlike sheet fed laminators, these large scale machines use big rolls of laminating film. They are inserted like a cartridge on one end of the machine and replaced after several of continuous feet of film has gone through the machine. These are great machines for oversized projects. The width of up to 3 or 4 across is the only limitation. Therefore, it is the perfect machine for extra long banners or for placing papers continuously end on end for efficient production.

Laminators For Sale

When you are ready to buy your first laminator, consider carefully what you will use it for. If you are purchasing one for your business, think a little bigger than your immediate needs. You may save more time and money in efficiency that will quickly repay your investment.

For home use, consider if children will be handling the laminating machines. In this case you will want one that stays cool to the touch.

The best Home Improvements from All Dublin

ADFP Door hardware – Have you got a handle on it?


First impressions count. The first thing that a visitor or potential purchaser will actually come into contact with when they reach your home and make contact with it is your door or gate hardware. By this I mean the latch on your gate, the pull of your door chimes, the button of the doorbell or the handle of the door. What could put a buyer off more than a door that is difficult to open or a handle that is not sturdy to the touch.

door hardware, handle, door knob, door furniture

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First impressions count. The first thing that a visitor or potential purchaser will actually come into contact with when they reach your home and make contact with it is your door or gate hardware. By this I mean the latch on your gate, the pull of your door chimes, the button of the doorbell or the handle of the door. What could put a buyer off more than a door that is difficult to open or a handle that is not sturdy to the touch. What chance would you have of clinching that all important sale if your property viewer finds the door knob comes off in their hand or finds that they have to enter your property through the window because the door hardware prevents the front door being opened.

Not very likely I know but imagine that you’ve invited your Boss for dinner to discuss that all important raise and the first thing he gives you when you open the door is the latch from the garden gate that you’ve been meaning to repair for ages.

Don’t put it off any longer. Replacing your door hardware will update your property or, with some retro door furniture, may even move it back to an age when it had its original features. New handles and door locks will improve the security of your property and may even gain you a discount on your home insurance, thus offsetting the cost of the replacement.

Many people are concerned with the look of their door furniture and want everything through their home to match. A contemporary update to your living space is greatly enhanced if you take the time to change your door handles and some perfectionists will even change the doors themselves.

At the other end of the scale changing only the plastic door handles on that tired old bedroom furniture can give it a new lease of life. The positive feel of a solid metal handle pushing your drawers closed can save money in the long run. Your partner may feel that they’ve got new bedroom furniture without you having to go to the expense of actually buying any. A few dollars wisely invested in new handles and latches could save thousands in the short term. An ageing but serviceable kitchen can be given a new lease of life with new cabinet hardware and doors. Any Realtor will tell you that a kitchen is one of the major selling points when trying to market your house or rent out your property. A lick of paint on the doors and new handles can add a great deal to the price you can command for the property.

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Your Get Your Act Together With Kitchen Drawer Organizers

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Kitchen drawer organizers save more than time they can also save your sanity!

kitchenware, organizing, organizers,home improvement

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Kitchen drawer organizers save more than time they can also save your sanity! Have you ever had one of those moments when you know you just bought a great kitchen gadget the other day, but can t find it now to save your life? Well, that s the great thing about kitchen drawer organizers. If you d had one or two (or more for those of us chronically compelled to misplace things!) and had put whatever it was you just bought into it, you d have said item right at your fingertips! So, we ve done the legwork or rather, surf work for you and found some cool places to order kitchen drawer organizers online without even venturing away from your home.

Kitchen drawer organizers can be found in the multitudes at Stacks and Stacks ( This site sells everything from silver- and flatware organizers to cutlery inserts, knife trays, expandable in-drawer spice racks, and more. For just about anything you can put in a drawer to be organized, Stacks and Stacks makes an organizer in wood, bamboo, plastic, or chrome! Not only does this online retailer sell kitchen drawer organizers, but all other different types of space-saving, organizing goodies for those with an agenda for order.

Another place to snag a deal on kitchen drawer organizers can be found at Always Organized ( One favorite is their Perfect Fit drawer organizers that come in three sizes and can be trimmed to fit any drawer perfect for those odd-sized drawers!

And kitchen drawer organizers from the queen of the kitchen herself, Betty Crocker (, include something not often seen. This site features an all-wood adjustable tray for utensils with a special section for large knives that keeps them separated and in their own protective slots. Other kitchen drawer organizers include one made from heavy-gauge, rust-resistant steel sure to last a lifetime!

Kitchen drawer organizers can be found at many sites throughout the World Wide Web, but if you can t find what you want at one of these online retailers well, we d be surprised. So quit procrastinating and get organized! Find yourself some kitchen drawer organizers and save time, hassle, and yes, maybe even a little bit of your sanity!

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Laminate Wood Flooring and the Benefits over Traditional Wood & Ceramic Tile

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Laminate wood flooring is a great option to typical hardwood floors and ceramic tile. One great characteristic about laminate flooring is that it is scratch resistant and more durable than real wood while providing a similar look to real wood.

laminate flooring, discount laminate flooring, laminate wood flooring

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Laminate wood flooring is a great option to typical hardwood floors and ceramic tile. One great characteristic about laminate flooring is that it is scratch resistant and more durable than real wood while providing a similar look to real wood.

Due to the ease of installation, laminate wood flooring can be installed without the use of a contractor. This means that you save a pretty penny on installation fees since you can easily do it yourself.

Laminate wood flooring comes in a variety of different colors and textures, mainly in the range of yellows, reds, and browns.

Laminate wood flooring also comes in a variety of prices. This of course, depends on many factors such as color and texture. However, if you are looking to buy in bulk you can save money., for instance, offers a number of high-end laminate wood floor brands at different prices. Prices can vary in laminate wood flooring. A large portion of laminate flooring can range anywhere from about $0.80 to around $1.60.

Lead time is one factor you do need to consider aside from price when purchasing wood laminate flooring. You could see backorder times ranging anywhere from 1-8 weeks depending on quantity and the style you choose. If you desperately need to refloor parts of your house for an upcoming event, you may be able to arrange something with the seller.

If time is not a factor for you, you may consider having the shipper ship the laminate flooring with the cheapest (slowest) shipping method. Due to the size and weight of laminate flooring, your shipping prices will not exactly be cheap. In order to save some money on shipping costs, you may find yourself waiting several weeks for delivery. However, you can save up to 50% by scheduling a slower delivery time. Be sure to check with the seller before making any purchase in order to find out what option is right for you.

Patios Dublin

PDD1 Laminate Hardwood Flooring What Is It And Why Is It So Popular?

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Laminate hardwood flooring is very good quality flooring, and not so hard to lay

laminate hardwood flooring, how to lay laminate flooring, quick step laminate flooring

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Laminate hardwood flooring is very versatile flooring that gives the appearance of having hardwood flooring without the expensive price tag. Although laminate flooring does look like hardwood, it is not made of solid wood. It is called engineered hardwood because it is made from several materials bonded together under extremely high pressure. It is easy to lay and care for and when you step on it, it is almost like you are floating. This is why laminate hardwood flooring is also called a floating floor.

You can learn how to lay laminate flooring very quickly. Once you see the first few planks of the flooring going together, you can complete the rest of the job on your own. You can install Quick Step laminate flooring on just about any room of your home. However, it is not recommended for use in bathrooms, mudrooms or any other room where there could be an excess of moisture. The extra water could damage the flooring meaning you would have to remove and replace one or two planks of the laminate flooring.

If you are looking at how easy it is to learn how to lay laminate flooring, you will also learn about the advantages of Quick Step laminate flooring. In contrast to solid hardwood, laminate hardwood flooring is about half the cost. It is easy to install and there is no finish or refinish to worry about. Installing laminate flooring doesn t need any nails, but you can choose to glue it to the subfloor. Another advantage of laminate flooring is that you can lay it down on virtually any type of surface, except, of course, carpet. It is suitable for installing on top of concrete, wood or vinyl. All you have to do is to make sure the floor underneath is level before you start to lay the planks.

When you ask the flooring retailer about how to lay laminate flooring, you will get several different instructions about how to prepare the floor beforehand. You do have to make sure the surfaces is free of any dust or small pieces of dirt that might work their way up through the laminate hardwood flooring. You also have to check to make sure the subfloor is soundproof and that it is level. Often people who have installed the Quick Step laminate flooring report that there are squeaks when they step on it. This is not the fault of the laminate flooring, but because the floor under it was not properly levelled before they started to lay the planks.

You do have to take extra care when you install laminate hardwood flooring over radiant heating. You have to read both the instructions for how to lay laminate flooring and the instructions regarding the radiant heat before you start. When you plan to lay laminate hardwood flooring in your home, you don t have to open the packages until you are ready to start.

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Your Get the Most Value from Your Roof Insulation

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From fibreglass to foam, there are a variety of popular roof insulation materials. However, not all are created equal and some are more effective than others.

foam roof insulation, spray foam insulation,

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The basic gauge of the effectiveness of any insulation is its R-value. Insulation is designed to stop the flow of heat. The more heat the insulation stops, the higher the R-value of that insulation.

When compared to fibreglass batt insulation, spray foam insulation has a higher R-value at a given thickness. In other words, 2 inches of spray foam will insulate your roof better than 2 inches of fibreglass batts.

Cellulose fill, either blown-in or applied by hand, also has a higher R-value than fibreglass batts at the same thickness. But, again, the R-value of spray foam insulation is almost twice as high as cellulose fill insulation of the same thickness.

As important as R-value is in how well insulation works, it is not the only thing to consider when choosing the best roof insulation. Moisture will cause both fibreglass batts and cellulose fill to lose R-value. Even slight moisture, that you can t see or feel, can reduce the R-value of fibreglass batts.

Neither fibreglass batts or cellulose fill insulation can seal every gap in your roof. Heat can pass through the open gaps and this reduces the R-value of the insulation, although the R-values listed for fibreglass or cellulose do not take this into consideration. In other words, the actual R-value of installed fibreglass batt or cellulose fill roof insulation is lower than the listed R-value.

Spray foam insulation is not affected by moisture. In fact, it can stop minor leaks because, when it is applied, spray foam insulation spreads to fill every gap and seal your roof. Pollutants and other airborne irritants that might get through the gaps left by batts and fill are kept out by spray foam insulation.

Perhaps best of all, insulating your roof with spray foam insulation costs about the same as other insulations.

The spray foam roof insulation specialists at Foam Comfort have the experience you need to get the most from your insulation.